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My Role in the Mason Community Facilitation Guide

Audience: Students
Format: Small Group Discussion
Facilitated by: Joe, Kelly, and Patriot Leaders
Length of Session: 60 Minutes
Supplies: Notecards, sticky pads, and pens
Note: The purpose of the session is for the students to understand and appreciate
that we are all different and that diversity and inclusion makes George Mason
unique. Always use appropriate language and encourage those in your small group
to do the same.

Section 1 – Introduction (15 minutes)

 Kelly: Welcome everyone to the My Role in the Mason Community
presentation. Before we get started we wanted to lay out some ground rules
and expectations.
o Please be respectful of each other and refrain from making comments,
non-verbal’s, or side conversation while others are sharing.
o Everything shared during this activity must remain confidential. If you
want to talk to someone about things they said in this activity, ask
their permission first.
o We ask that you create a brave space. A Brave space is when you may
not always feel comfortable but you are open to being brave and
vulnerable in order to learn about yourself, trust others, and share your
story/let others share theirs.
o If you agree to adhere to the ground rules and expectations please
raise your right hand.
 Joe: Now, we’re going to get serious for a bit. Being a Patriot means living
and learning in a diverse community. At this point I will hand it over to your
Patriot leader to discuss the different backgrounds you all come from.
 Patriot Leader: Begin by asking students either “how many students were
in their graduating class” or “If you could change anything about high
school, what would it be” *Please only ask one question for the sake of
time* *If time allows ask second question*
o Have every student answer with Patriot Leader starting off
o Thank the students for sharing, and let them know that it's good to
learn about the diverse high school experiences in the room. Let them
know that the next conversation will work best if they are all willing
to continue sharing and to listen to each other.
Section 2 – Your George Mason Story (20 minutes)
 Kelly: You’ll have quite a few opportunities to share your story, your
perspective, and hears others so be open. Now your PLs are going to lead
you in a discussion about their journey to George Mason.
 Patriot Leader: Let’s learn more about your George Mason stories. Think
for a minute: Why are you here at George Mason? Can you write your
George Mason story in 10 words? If not, why? Before we go, here's mine.
*PL shares their 10 word story on Notecard*.
o Give students a chance to think and write, and then ask them to turn to
their neighbors and share their story.
o After that, ask for volunteers to share their story to the larger group
o Conclude with how it can be tough for students to find their “home”
in a community as large as George Masons. If time allows say, “while
you all have been good at hiding/sharing (depending on the group)
what you’re anxious about, we’ve had *Choose a few to share*:
 people who grew up in the city tell us they feel like their
moving to the middle of nowhere;
 people who grew up in rural communities tell us they feel like
their moving to the city;
 conservative students concerned they’re headed off to this
“liberal” college environment;
 Jewish/Muslim students worried they might not find a
community that celebrates their traditions;
 a gay or lesbian student concerned about coming out to their
new roommate they’ve just met (or that they’ll make
assumptions based on what that new roommates finds on their
FB page);
 an international student worried about making friends WHILE
adjusting to a new culture; or
 a student from a working family already worried about the cost
of school/living.”
Section 3 – We Are (20 minutes)
 Joe: When you decided to come here, you decided to enter into this vast
community that is George Mason. At George Mason we value the
individual, and the traits, characteristics, and attributes that each person
brings to our university. Several of our PLs that you have interacted with
have their own stories and would like to share their own stories now.
*Give PLs a few minutes to get on stage”
 Kelly: If you feel comfortable, if you identify with something the PL says,
stand up, look around and see the similarities among students. You are all
Patriot’s now. You are all a part of something bigger. Find your community
among these students.
*Begin playing video for the background music -”
 Patriot Leaders will begin their I Am a Patriot and… statements
*Patriot Leaders will return to small groups*
 Kelly: Now we would like you to share something you identify as or
something you are proud of.
 Patriot Leaders to their small groups: When you committed to George
Mason, you also committed to being a member of the George Mason
community. That’s why we have these “I Am” sheets. On your sheet, please
write one word or phrase that describes what you bring to our community.
We always hear “We Are”, not “I Am,” but if you really think about it, “We
Are” is made up of each of our “I Ams”.

As the sheets are being passed around, I’d like you to start thinking about
what you’ll write on your “I Am” sheet. Here’s what I would write on mine
_______________________________. (Show your full size "I Am" sheet).
Please don’t write “I Am Tired.” You might be tired right now, but if you
write that, you have missed the whole point!

Now it’s your turn,

 Give students a few minutes to think and complete their “I Am”
 Then, pair them up to discuss with a partner & share back to group.

Over the summer each group of students will add their own “I Am” sheets
and the mural will continue to grow. When you come back to campus, look
for the completed Class of 2022 mural on display during Welcome Week. It
will eventually become our Class of 2022 “We Are”.

Conclusion (5 minutes):
 Kelly: I want to thank you all for sharing your story and your "I Ams".
Please remember that each of you has earned your place here in our
community, and that we are glad to have you… regardless of your story.
 Joe: From this conversation remember that Diversity is being invited to the
party. Inclusion is being asked to dance. As a new member of the George
Mason community, you play a role in maintaining our value of diversity
being our strength.

If time allows:
 Patriot Leader: What were you involved in in high school? (Draw
connections to opportunities here that might be similar.)
 What are some of the things you’re interested in getting involved in at
George Mason?

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