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who observe Sunday!

TRIUMPH Since it isn't vital to our salvation to know

PROPHETIC all about the relationship between God and His angels,
He reveals only that which is essential to our
MINISTRIES understanding. God especially relates to us one
________________________________________________ great past event -- the REBELLION of Satan the
Devil and of the angels that followed him. He
WARNS US of that awesome event SO WE MAY
Spectacular View of Our Defaced Moon
The Origin of Satan and Sunday NOW AHEAD!
Read and ponder well the pages of this lesson,
and your Bible, so you will have the knowledge

to PROTECT yourself against the hideously perilous
times just ahead!
2 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course
Lesson 11
E-Mail: Visit the Triumph Website at:
Published at Altadena, California by Triumph Prophetic
Lesson 11 Ministries (Church of God).
An Open Letter from the Staff ... EDITORAND DIRECTOR
JUST HOW did Sunday -- the day of the William F. Dankenbring
SUN -- originate? Did God create this day to be
holy -- as so many CARELESSLY ASSUME?
Exactly WHY has a day in honor of the sun Rolf Burson
been set aside for rest and worship? WHO IS responsible PRODUCTION ASSISTANT
for its origin? And what is the DIABOLICAL Donald Deist
MOTIVE behind the institution of the most YOUR ENROLLMENT has been paid by others.
observed day of this modern world? The astounding Bulk copies for distribution not given or sold.
ANSWERS are found in your Bible! ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS to the Editor at
The origin and background of Sunday observance the nearest address below:
is one of the most CLEVERLY CONCEALED, United States and Canada: P.O. Box 292, Altadena,
diabolical and sinister plots ever devised. California 91003.
And most of the inhabitants of the civilized world United Kingdom: 10 Union Street, Low Moor,
have been DECEIVED by it! Cllitheroe, Lancs., United Kingdom BB7 2NH.
Soon most of this present age-end world Australia: Private Box 166, Doonside, NSW 2767,
will find itself under heavy political and military Australia.
PRESSURE to observe Sunday. Even now vast Philippines: 18 Purok 3, San Carlos, Mexico,
numbers of people are becoming more and more Pampanga, Philippines.
Sunday conscious. Republic of South Africa: P.O. Box 157, Prince
Recently Pope John Paul II came out with Albert, 6930, Republic of South Africa.
the Pastoral Letter Dies Domini in which he makes Switzerland: Am Balsberg 15, CH-8302 Kolten,
a passionate plea for a revival of Sunday observance Switzerland.
by appealing to the moral imperative of the Malaysia: No. 38, SS 20/18, Damansara Utama,
Sabbath Commandment and to the need of civil Petaling Jaya, Selangor 47400, Malaysia.
legislation to facilitate the observance of Sunday as _________________________________
a Holy Day.
About Our Cover...
Here John Paul departs from the traditional Why does the moon's pockmarked,
Catholic distinction between Sabbath and Sunday chaotic surface look
in order to make Sunday observance a moral imperative like an ancient BATTLEFIELD?
mandated by the Decalogue itself. What strange story do the craters and streaking scars tell
us about its ancient past? The astounding answer is
Yes, there is a sinister and diabolical, little STRANGER than science fiction! This lesson reveals the
suspected, but very REAL connection between TRUTH about our BATTLE-SCARRED universe, as it is recorded
SUNday and a great evil spirit being in an extremely in God's Word -- the Bible!
high position! The weekly cycle of six working days
You need to UNDERSTAND how the day and one for worship and rest has, through the
of the Sun originated, WHO the great sinister
legacy of Hebrew history, prevailed throughout
power is that promotes its observance in our time --
why he is so diligent in misleading people to observe a good part of the world. As a result of
it -- and WHAT God warns will befall those this, Jewish and "Christian" worship find their
concrete expression in one day -- recurring day of total rest for both man and machines
weekly -- wherein worship of God is made would help safeguard our power resources and
possible and more meaningful by the interruption the fragile environment. Social or ecological
of our secular activities. needs, however, while they may encourage
Because of its technological, industrial, "resting" on Sunday, can NEVER induce a
scientific and spatial achievements, modern worshipful attitude.
society has unfortunately undergone a Would not better results be obtained
radical transformation. Modern man, as Abraham from educating our "Christian" communities
Heschel puts it, "lives under the tyranny to understand both the BIBLICAL meaning
of things of space." Shorter work weeks have and experience of God's "holy day"? In order
produced a growing availability of leisure to accomplish this, however, it is absolutely
time that tends to alter not only the weekly cycle necessary to clearly articulate the BIBLICAL
of six days of work and one of rest, but GROUNDS for Sunday observance. What are
even traditional values our forefathers enjoyed the Biblical and historical reasons for Sundaykeeping?
-- such as the sanctification of the "Lord's Can this day (Sunday) be regarded
day." as the legitimate REPLACEMENT for the
Today the "Christian" is therefore "Jewish" Sabbath? Can the fourth commandment
tempted to consider his spare time as a thing of the Decalogue be CORRECTLY invoked
that belongs to him -- something that he may to bolster its observance? Should
utilize for his own enjoyment. Thoughts, or Sunday be viewed as the HOUR OF
worship of God (if not totally ignored), are 3 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course
more often than not reduced to easy dispensability Lesson 11
The Origin of Satan and Sunday
according to the whims of life. The Biblical
injunction to observe the "holy Sabbath,"
understood as a day in which to cease from
secular activities in order to worship God and
help those in need, is increasingly disappearing
WORSHIP rather than the HOLY DAY OF
from "Christian" view.
REST to the Lord?
A big factor in this is the pressure our
To provide an answer to all these vital
economic and industrial institutions are exerting
questions it is absolutely necessary to find out,
to maximize profits, by programing work
first of all, "when," "where," and "why" Sunday
shifts to ignore any festivity or day. It is therefore
became the day of "Christian" worship.
easy to comprehend how the pattern
Only after reconstructing this historical picture
transmitted to us of the seven-day week, with
and identifying the main factors that contributed
its recurring day of rest and worship, could
to the origin of Sunday, will it be possible
undergo radical changes and perhaps even
to proceed with the task of assessing the
validity and significance of Sunday worship.
The problem is compounded by a
Angels Once Ruled the Earth
widespread misconception of the meaning of
1. Are the Devil and his demons ANGELIC
God's "day of rest." Many so-called "Christians"
spirit beings? Mat. 25:41. However,
view Sunday observance as the HOUR
did they SIN at some time in the past? II Pet.
of worship rather than as the holy DAY of the
Lord. Consequently, having "fulfilled" their SYMBOLS OF ANGELS -- The Pleiades -- M45, taken on a Meade
worship obligations, many will, in good conscience, 10" LX200 SCT. In the Bible, God SYMBOLICALLY refers
to created angels as "stars."
spend the rest of the day engaged in
COMMENT: The Devil and his demons
either making money or seeking pleasure.
are FALLEN angels.
Some people (including the Pope),
2. Since they are angelic spirit beings,
concerned by this widespread profanation of
Satan and his demons originated in the same
what they perceive as the Lord's day, are urging
manner as all other angels. Therefore, how did
for CIVIL LEGISLATION that would outlaw
he and his angels ORIGINATE? Ps. 148:2, 5.
all activities not deemed compatible with
Were they created BEFORE the foundations
the spirit of Sunday. To make such legislation
of our earth were laid -- that is, before our
agreeable to non-Christians, appeal is sometimes
earth was created? Job 38:4, 7. Do the "stars"
made to the need of preserving the
mentioned in verse 7 represent angels? Rev.
world's natural resources. It is argued that one
1:20. COMMENT: God assigned Lucifer to
COMMENT: Angels are symbolically rule over other angels which He -- God -- had
referred to in the Bible as "stars." And so the put ON THIS EARTH. Lucifer's throne was in
angels had already been created BEFORE this the pre-Adamic, wonderfully beautiful Eden --
earth was created. a fabulous "garden" spot located somewhere
3. What kind of angelic being was Satan in the area now known as Iraq. From Eden,
originally? Ezek. 28:14, first five words. Lucifer RULED over millions of angelic
Was he PERFECT in his ways? Verse 15. subjects.
And in beauty and wisdom? Verse 12. What 7. Was Lucifer PERFECT at that time?
was his ORIGINAL name? Isa. 14:12. Ezek. 28:12, and the first 13 words of verse
COMMENT: God speaks of the 15.
earthly human King of Tyre (Ezek. 28:12), Lucifer Rebels Against God
through whom the Devil worked, as a TYPE The wise, bright and shining, powerful
of Satan. Then God proceeds to describe Satan Prince Lucifer was perfect in all his ways
when he was the great anointed cherub named while he was ruling the pre-Adamic earth
"Lucifer." from his throne in Eden. That is, until Lucifer
"Lucifer" means "light bringer," or DEVELOPED an overwhelming and obsessive
"shining star of the desire for EXPANDING HIS RULERSHIP
dawn." God made Lucifer where it was NOT GOD'S WILL that he
RESPLENDENT -- should exercise it! An obsessive desire that
SHINING -- full of caused his very DOWNFALL!!
WISDOM, and perfect Learn now of Lucifer's great and terrible
in BEAUTY. In other sin which resulted in his becoming "SATAN
words, one who had the Devil" -- the CONTINUING
great knowledge and "adversary" of both God and man!
truth and light, and who 1. What CHANGE came about in the
was to GIVE it to those heart -- in the mind -- of Lucifer because of
who were to be placed his great beauty? Ezek. 28:17. Did he become
under him. INORDINATELY PROUD of his beauty?
4. Did Lucifer COVER And did his brightness as Lucifer, the angel of
something? Ezek. 28: light, affect his WISDOM and general balance?
14. What does God sit Did Lucifer go so far as to commit "iniquity"
between? Ps. 99:1. Then did Satan's wings, -- SIN? Verses 15-16.
when he was Lucifer the Cherub, cover the COMMENT: Lucifer had become
THRONE OF GOD in heaven -- the "mercy "lifted up" -- PUFFED UP -- because of the
seat" upon which God sits? Ex. 25:20. Who unusual BEAUTY of his body, which had the
set Lucifer in this HIGH POSITION of covering brightness of a star.
God's throne? Ezek. 28:14. 2. What did Lucifer, the angelic
COMMENT: The heavenly throne of cherub, who was NOT of the GOD Family in
God is pictured by the "mercy seat" which any sense of the word, ambitiously make up
God told Moses to build for the earthly tabernacle his mind to do? Isa. 14:13
(Ex. 25:17-22). And it was GOD who COMMENT: Lucifer said he would
gave Lucifer the high position of covering His RISE from this earth -- depart from the position
4 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course of rulership God had placed him in -- and
Lesson 11 ASCEND to God's throne in the northern
The Origin of Satan and Sunday
heavens. He wanted to exalt himself to a position
throne which is apparently located in the
of rulership OVER ALL the "stars," or
northern heavens (Isa. 14:13).
angels of God!
5. Did God later give Lucifer ANOTHER
3. What did Lucifer say he would thus
position -- one of RULERSHIP? Isa.
become? Isa. 14:14.
14:13. Notice the word "throne." "Throne"
COMMENT: Lucifer said he would
MAKE HIMSELF the Most High God! He
6. Was Lucifer's assigned place of rulership
would pick the position of rulership HE would
AWAY from God's throne in heaven?
choose!! He no longer was willing to be
Ezek. 28:13, first nine words.
From the pre-Adamic Eden, Lucifer When Ranger VIII focused its six television
arose through the clouds into the heavens to cameras on the moon in 1965, an incredible
BATTLE the Supreme God and His angels for close-up view of the pockmarked,
RULERSHIP of the universe! ravaged surface of the moon was revealed.
4. How MANY angelic warriors Thousands of impact craters and streaking
("stars") did Lucifer take with him? Rev. sears gave the undeniable appearance of an
12:3-4. ancient battlefield.
COMMENT: Lucifer was prepared for In January 1986 Voyager 2 flew by the
great AGGRESSIVE battle! Lucifer's strength distant planet of Uranus, a planet about two
and influence was so great, that he persuaded billion miles away, invisible to the naked eye,
ONE THIRD of all the multiple millions of and only discovered in 1781 by Frederick Wilhelm
angels ("stars") of God to aid him in his Herschel. Scientists are still poring over
revolt! the photographs and data gathered from the
SPACE WARFARE! probe, analyzing the amazing information received.
1. Did a TREMENDOUS BATTLE One of the chief puzzles -- why does
take place in the heavens when Lucifer and his Uranus lie on its side, as though it had been
angels ascended to seize God's throne? Rev. struck by a large object and KNOCKED
12:7. OVER?
COMMENT: What Satan is soon to The planet Neptune also shows the results
attempt again, he did FORMERLY. There was of CELESTIAL VIOLENCE. Nereid,
"WAR IN HEAVEN"! God's angelic armies one of its moons, has an elongated elliptical
5 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course orbit that carries it six million miles from the
Lesson 11 planet, and as close as one million miles. Its
The Origin of Satan and Sunday
orbit is tilted at 28 degrees from the equatorial
met Lucifer and his angelic armies as they ascended
plane of the planet. Although planetary formation
to heaven. A spectacular battle occurred,
rules indicate it should be spherical, it
the like of which DEFIES THE
looks like a twisted donut and is bright on one
side and pitch-black on the other. What caused
The objectives at stake in that war
this phenomena?
were our own solar system and the UNIVERSE
Thus we see evidence from the Voyager
2 interplanetary mission that there is unmistakable
evidence for COSMIC
Planets may well have been thrown
VIOLENCE in the history of the Solar System.
from their orbits! Space debris and great
But why? When? and how did they
clouds of gas were formed by exploding stars.
SYMBOL OF THE DEVIL -- Satan, who is sly and VERY occur?
DEADLY, appeared as a serpent to Adam and Eve in the Garden The very substrata of our OWN
of Eden.
EARTH itself reveals the same twisted chaos
In our solar system scientists have observed
and ancient violence.
graphic evidence that a planet disintegrated
And now, the PLANET MARS bears
-- the debris of which undoubtedly
testimony as well.
formed the thousands of asteroids, or planetoids,
The spectacular radio telephotos of
which continually orbit the Sun.
Mars taken by Mariner IV in 1965, reveal that
Giant comets were created, tracing
the whole face of our solar system has been
gaseous trails in their space-wandering orbits.
Huge chunks and masses of smashed planets 6 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course
crashed into the twisted wreckage of other Lesson 11
planets. Great gaseous comets blazing mute The Origin of Satan and Sunday
testimony of their ancient origin, broken asteroids, In an article in the Chicago Sun Times,
and flaming meteors still falling nightly scientists stated that the BATTERED face of
-- after so long a time -- all tell the SAME Mars was a MAJOR SHOCK!
STORY! The Chicago Tribune also said that
Our own moon has long borne mute Mars is a world BRUTALLY pockmarked by
testimony of SPACE WARFARE. The void, huge craters that make it more like the moon
dismal surface defaced and pockmarked by than the Earth. "Mars," the article continued,
thousands of impacts telling a graphic story. "meaningfully named for the god of war -- has
a landscape resembling a BATTLEFIELD -- OPPOSING God, he made himself God's
the craters are believed caused by GREAT adversary.
METEORS, or heavenly fireballs -- DWARFING Lucifer, by the time God speaks of him
THE H-BOMB -- hitting the planet in a in the Book of Revelation, had become PERVERTED
bombardment." IN ALL HIS WAYS -- even in his
The official report on Mariner IV's APPEARANCE. Now Satan looks like a voracious
findings released by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory red DRAGON!
in Pasadena, California, reasoned by 2. Satan and his demons were forced
analogy with our Moon that these craters were back to the EARTH. But do you think for one
formed 2-5 billion years ago! moment that Satan who, for eons of time, has
Some of the Mars photos reveal craters been obsessed with the idea of gaining dominion
estimated to be 13 THOUSAND FEET of all things in the heavens and earth,
DEEP! would now cease his pursuit of this goal? Of
And so what the astronomers see COURSE NOT!
through their telescopes today is not an evolving Will Satan, the dragon, make ANOTHER
BATTLE waged by spirit beings from God in our time -- in the very short time
throughout space -- a battle fought long BEFORE now left before Christ's second coming? Rev.
man's creation! 12:7. But will he be cast down to our earth
2. Did God's angelic forces REPEL again? Verse 9. Does verse 10 show that this
Lucifer's (Satan's) invasion by casting him and obviously happens shortly BEFORE Christ's
his angels BACK TO THIS EARTH? Rev. coming?
12:8-9; Isa. 14:12 and Luke 10:18. COMMENT: Revelation 12:7 is
COMMENT: Notice the words, "Lucifer DUAL in meaning. There will be "war in
... thou are cut down to the ground," in 7 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course
Isa. 14:12. Lucifer tried to make himself God. Lesson 11
The Origin of Satan and Sunday
But he failed. He and his angels were east
heaven" ONCE AGAIN -- just before the second
back down to this earth. (We will cover this
coming of Christ. And ONCE AGAIN
more in a following lesson.)
Satan will FAIL!
Lucifer BECOMES SATAN -- God's "Adversary"
Satan's Great Mistake
1. What was Lucifer called after his rebellion
Let's understand what terrible mistake
against God? Rev. 12:3, 9.
Satan made which led him to sin against God.
COMMENT: God names one for
1. Did God charge certain angels with
what he IS or HAS BECOME! God
FOLLY? Job 4:18.
CHANGED Lucifer's name when his CHARACTER
2. Why did God charge these angels
changed. At the time of Lucifer's fall,
with folly -- did God begin to find "iniquity"
God changed his name to Satan, which means
(SIN) in perfect King Lucifer of the earth?
"adversary" -- one who OPPOSES or RESISTS.
Ezek. 28:15.
Lucifer became a REBEL against
3. Did King Lucifer begin to GREEDILY
God! We find Satan the Devil in direct and active
seek even MORE riches and authority
opposition to God and EVERYTHING
than he had already received from God? Ezek.
that has to do with His EXPANSION of the
28:16. Did he even begin to seek them with
God kingdom -- God's ruling family.
VIOLENCE, and thus begin to SIN -- become
God also renamed the angels that followed
disobedient to God? Same verse.
Satan, "demons." (The word "devils"
COMMENT: Lucifer was created
used in the Bible is a mistranslation -- it
PERFECT in all his ways. But God did not
should be translated "demons.")
create Lucifer incapable of sinning. Notice it:
Lucifer was "perfect in his ways TILL ..."
the Devil! God created a cherub named
(verse 15) -- until he EXERCISED his will
Lucifer -- PERFECT IN HIS WAYS, but with
Lucifer began to be vain about his
great beauty and authority. He began thinking
DEVIL by his rebellion against the government
about EXPANDING his rulership.
of God! By his rebellion, Lucifer BECAME
Instead of REJECTING those wrong
Satan. By his OWN CHOICE in
thoughts, he entertained them -- he began to God's Sons!
ENLARGE UPON those wrong ideas until he The Devil and his demons KNOW and
actually SINNED against God Almighty! HATE this fact!
Lucifer did NOT RESTRAIN himself Satan Opposes God's Plan
and submit to the will of God! Despite all of Satan HATES God! Of all things Satan
his perfection and knowledge, LUCIFER DID does not want, it is for MORE begotten
NOT EXERCISE PERFECT CHARACTER! sons of God to be BORN into God's very own
Character involves individual DECISION family, with the very POWER of God! Satan
-- and the exercise of the will in the will attempt to prevent THAT at all costs!
RIGHT DIRECTION! But Lucifer would not 1. But even as Satan desires to bring
control his desire to "get." He had the will and about the ETERNAL DESTRUCTION of all
power to DO what was right, but he did not mankind, what does God say HE intends to
and does NOT CHOOSE to be OBEDIENT to DO with man? Gen. 1:26, first 13 words.
God. COMMENT: "Let us make man in
4. Although God had already rewarded our IMAGE," says God. Make man completely
Lucifer with a throne of great power and influence in God's image -- NOT in outward
on this earth, what did his uncontrolled form and shape alone -- but SPIRITUALLY
desire to "take" finally cause him to plan? Isa. CREATE mankind into "character images"
14:13-14. Spectacular close-up photo of Mars shows the planet to be a vast,
BATTLE-SCARRED wasteland like our moon!
Satan fell as lightning from heaven when God cast him and his
angels back to this earth! OF GOD -- into spirit-born Sons with PERFECT
MORE power -- MORE authority! Lucifer HIGHER than the angels. VERY SONS OF
said, "I will ascend to Heaven and SEIZE GOD! TERRIBLE FOR SATAN'S PLAN!!
God's throne. I'm going to take God's PLACE 2. So what ARE Satan and the rest of
and be the God of the universe." the rebellious fallen angels NOW DOING on
Lucifer wasn't willing to be content this earth? How are they attempting to
with his own jurisdiction. He was, and is out THWART God's plan for mankind, and
to rule the whole universe! strengthen their own plan of universe rule for
The Devil's sin was INSUBORDINATION! themselves? II Cor. 4:4.
Attempted seizure of a throne is COMMENT: Satan is STILL the
Lucifer REBELLED! He would not be Adversary and is OPPOSED TO God's plan
ruled by God any longer. He refused to carry for mankind. It is he and his demons who are
out GOD'S GOVERNMENT on earth. Lucifer HIDING the true gospel from mankind -- the
wants to substitute his OWN government. true way to BECOME very Gods within God's
5. What is the BASIC reason why NO Family.
angels will ever be in the supreme GODRULING And especially does he HIDE the truth
FAMILY, however they may try, by about KEEPING THE KEY TEST COMMANDMENT
deceit and trickery, to seize supreme rule? OF GOD -- the SABBATH
GOD reveals the answer in Heb. 1:5. DAY -- and SUBSTITUTE another day -- a
COMMENT: The great Lucifer and day of DAMNATION -- a day of HIS OWN!!
all the other created angels were never destined A clever and effective counterfeit -- an extremely
to be more than just the angelic SERVANTS effective strategy to DO AWAY with
of mankind (verse 6). mankind for eternity!
8 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course We will learn more about this later.
Lesson 11 9 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course
The Origin of Satan and Sunday Lesson 11
Full moon reveals thousands of ancient impact craters gouged by
The Origin of Satan and Sunday
gigantic chunks of smashed planets that crashed into it.
NONE of the angels can be begotten Angels Created to Be Servants
and born of God into the very God Family as 1. Does God positively state that "the
mankind can be. ONLY MEN are DESTINED world to come" -- the Millennial onethousand-
TO become the SONS OF GOD (Gen. 1:26). year-age and thereafter -- will NOT
Only MEN have been promised by God that be ruled by angels? -- no matter how hard the
they may be begotten and receive the power of rebellious ones may now try to place themselves
the Holy Spirit by which they can become in such a position?
Heb. 2:5. them for their particular purpose? Isa. 45:9.
2. If we become COMMENT: Should a STONE that
the born Sons of God, are God made say to God, "I do not want to be a
we promised rulership stone, I want to be a God"? PREPOSTEROUS!
OVER all the angels? Yet this is the very ATTITUDE of all
Heb. 2:7-8 and I Cor. fallen angels. They do not want to SERVE
6:2-3. God or man!
COMMENT: Notice 6. What other verses show that no created
that God is speaking being should strive with God because
of angels here, and is pointing out that man God has created him for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE?
(Heb. 2:7) has been made a LITTLE LOWER Rom. 9:20, last 16 words; and verse
than the angels for NOW, but will be placed 21, first eight words.
OVER God's "works" -- His CREATED COMMENT: Satan and his fallen angels
works, including the angels and all the rest of are in A COMPLETELY WRONG ATTITUDE
God's creation. in their determination to see us -- we
No wonder ambitious Satan and his rebellious who may become very Sons of God -- COMPLETELY
fallen angels want to see all mankind DESTROYED. Nevertheless, they
destroyed forever. For man's destiny is that of 10 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course
becoming GODS -- very SONS of God's divine, Lesson 11
The Origin of Satan and Sunday
ruling Family!
persist in attempting to cause this very thing to
3. Does God declare He has a great
overall plan -- "declaring the end FROM THE
Satan Unintentionally Contributes to Character
BEGINNING" (the start)? Isa. 46:10. Did
God have a purpose exactly in mind for us to
Without intending to do so, Satan and
fulfill even BEFORE He created this earth? II
his demons have a PART in producing God's
Tim. 1:9. Notice the words, "Holy calling."
character in us. Let's learn how this comes
So we see God does have a PLAN for us.
4. Now just where do angelic beings
1. How does God propose to elevate
PROPERLY fit into God's great plan? Are
man ABOVE the angels as His Sons? --
there CHERUBIM at God's throne? Ps. 99:1.
through a certain amount of SUFFERING?
Heb. 2:9-10. Notice the words, "make the
serve God? Jude 9. Are others disciplined
CAPTAIN (Christ, and likewise us, his FOLLOWERS)
into ARMIES? Rev. 19:14. Do others
... perfect through sufferings." See
WATCH OVER -- minister to -- God's spiritbegotten
also I Pet. 2:21.
people here on earth? Heb. 1:13-14.
COMMENT: This is where the SEDUCTIONS
COMMENT: There are countless
of Satan and his demons come in
millions of other angels performing OTHER
to strengthen our character. It is by their subtle
duties. TWO THIRDS of the angels still serve
presentation of improper choices which WE
God in the duties He created for them.
must CHOOSE to reject!!
But Satan and the millions upon millions
2. Does God promise the supernatural
of the other THIRD of the angels (Rev.
POWER OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT to miraculously
12:4) seek to wrest dominion from God.
strengthen us in making the RIGHT
These are the inordinately ambitious, unscrupulous
CHOICES, and then following through in our
and ruthless angels who, NOT being
Halley's Comet perpetually bears mute testimony of Satan's rebellion OBEDIENCE TO GOD? Heb. 2:3-4 and Phil.
and resultant WARFARE in the heavens! 2:13.
Gods, seek by any and every way they can, to Having the miraculous power of the
MAKE OF THEMSELVES the universeruling Holy Spirit to enable us to obey God and develop
"Gods" OVER and ABOVE the Supreme His character, is there NO EXCUSE for
CREATOR God and His Family -- the our not achieving this wonderful goal of becoming
Kingdom of God!! very Sons of God -- regardless of any
5. What does God say regarding the attitude trap the Devil and his demons will set to destroy
of these rebellious angels who are in revolt us? Same verses.
against Him? Does He say that they COMMENT: After one is finally born
should not strive with Him because He created of God he CANNOT SIN because he WILLS
not to sin! For God's "seed" -- the FULL WE MAY BECOME MEMBERS OF
POWER of the Holy Spirit and God's divine THE VERY GOD FAMILY! This is what Satan
character -- will REMAIN in him (I John and his demons fear above all things.
3:9). God has a great plan for mankind, but
Hebrews 1 and 2 reveal that we are Satan IS NOT in agreement with it at all! For
destined to be over God's created angels -- through God's plan, Satan and his demons will
AND NOW! Satan Views Men as "Usurpers"
There is the CRUX! OBEDIENCE! Satan views human beings as "usurpers."
OBEDIENCE TO GOD!! A USURPER is one who seizes or exercises
Now for the proof. authority or possession
Recall that the very next two chapters WRONGFULLY.
(Hebrews 3 and 4) tell us explicitly that we Yet this is exactly what SATAN had
must KEEP God's Holy Sabbath -- the test become. He began to exercise his office as
commandment -- if we expect to be born of ruler of the earth WRONGFULLY. Then he
God and rule in the World Tomorrow. tried to wrest dominion from the Supreme
We must keep HOLY the seventh day Ruler of the universe!
of the week -- God's holy Sabbath Day -- and With his perverted and twisted mind,
not observe the Devil's FIRST DAY of the Satan now looks upon mankind as the
week -- SUNday! "USURPERS" because God has destined man
By avoiding Satan's snare -- SUNDAY to replace him and his demons as rulers of this
OBSERVANCE -- and by keeping all of world!
God's commandments, we will become Sons And so what could be better, Satan
of God -- very Gods in the Kingdom of God. reasons, than to cause these "usurpers" to
We shall then REPLACE Satan and his fallen disobey God and thereby DISQUALIFY
angels and be granted DOMINION over this themselves so God cannot use them!
earth with Christ! ADAM AND EVE IN EDEN -- Artist's conception of what the
Garden of Eden might have looked like. God's record of the
Expansion of God's Family Begins events that occurred here are a grave WARNING for us today!
This earth was terribly marred as a result We need to understand HOW the
of Satan's rebellion against God. It was Devil and his demons work!
desolate and covered with water. But finally 1. Was the serpent on hand to cause
the time came to move ahead in God's great God's new creation -- man -- to DISOBEY
plan. God, shortly after he was created? Gen. 3:1.
Notice what God did next. Notice the word "serpent." Who was this
1. Did God REFASHION the earth's SERPENT -- Satan, the Devil? Rev. 12:9. Are
surface to make it habitable for man? Gen. we told that Satan is extremely SUBTLE?
1:9, 16. Gen. 3:1 and II Cor. 11:3. Are we also
COMMENT: God made the SUN to warned against wicked spirits -- "spiritual
shine again on this earth which had been darkened wickedness" -- in high places? Eph. 6:12.
by thick clouds. COMMENT: Satan is "prince of the
2. And what did God then say regarding power of the air" (Eph. 2:2), and ruler over a
the creation of man? Gen. 1:26, 27. Also vast number of wicked demon spirits. We are
read Rom. 8:29. WARNED to be on guard against these
COMMENT: Remember by the references CLEVER and DEADLY FOES!
in Genesis that man is already created in Satan, aided by millions of fallen angelic
God's "likeness" -- in outward form and shape. demons, is the "god of this world" (II
But Romans 8:29, I Corinthians 15 and Cor. 4:4) -- the invisible ruler of this world
many other scriptures show that we may become who INCITES MANKIND TO DISOBEY
further created into the SPIRITUAL 12 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course
CHARACTER "IMAGE" of God and Lesson 11
11 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course The Origin of Satan and Sunday
Lesson 11 GOD! He has been its ruler from the very time
The Origin of Satan and Sunday Adam rebelled against God and obeyed the
ultimately become Spirit beings -- just as Devil!
Christ and the Father are today. The Devil is also the unseen, but extremely
REAL POWER behind an AGESOLD tells us man was seven years before his fall.
SUCCESSION OF WORLD-RULING And Satan used this opportunity to
EMPIRES (Rev. 13:1-2) -- empires which subtly INSPIRE DISOBEDIENCE to God's
have swayed this earth to Satan's will for thousands commands during this, the first "Sunday
of years! service"!
Satan and his fallen angels love "this TORNADO -- Huge tornadic funnel wreaks tremendous destruction.
Satan, who is the "prince of the power of the air," can produce
present evil world." It REFLECTS their perverted death-dealing winds! (Job 1: 7-12, 19).
character. It agrees with their evil natures 13 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course
because the very nature of mankind is Lesson 11
The Origin of Satan and Sunday
basically the same as the evil, perverted nature
Man "Falls" for Satan's Lie -- Disobeys
of the Devil.
The Devil and his demons are organized
Adam and Eve were actual people who
to run this present evil world and they
lived in the Garden of Eden. The events in
want to REMAIN here. It is their "home," a
Genesis and other books of the Bible actually
place they can rule over "AS GODS." And it
is their "first foothold" toward what they
God inspired the events of Genesis 2
would like to see as UNIVERSAL DOMINION
and 3 to be placed at the very beginning of the
for themselves!
Bible to show, in BROAD OUTLINE --
through the actions of Adam and Eve -- exactly
-- this dominion -- and EXPAND THEIR DOMINION
what the tendency of man would be
down through the ages.
Let God now reveal to you in Genesis
Therefore, they do NOT want OTHER
2 and 3, in thumbnail form for your urgent
sons born of God. They fight God and His
WARNING, the insidious principle and plan
plan to beget and have born other Sons of God
by which Satan is intensely working in "this
at every turn!
present evil world" to bring you -- and all
Adam and Eve Attend First "Sunday Service"
mankind -- to ETERNAL DEATH!
1. On what day did God create man?
1. Did God make eternal life available
Gen. 1:27, 31. And did God's holy SABBATH
to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
DAY immediately follow? Gen. 2:1-2.
Gen. 2:8-9, 16. Notice the words "tree of life"
COMMENT: God created man on the
and "freely eat."
sixth day of the week. And on the next day --
COMMENT: Adam and Eve were
the SEVENTH DAY, God's HOLY commanded
mortal, human beings. But God offered them
Sabbath (REST) DAY (Gen. 2:2) --
ETERNAL life if they partook of the fruit of
God instructed the man and woman. He revealed
the "tree of life."
the Sabbath and instructed them in His
God commanded them (note the word
other commandments and laws on that FIRST
"commanded" in verse 16) to partake, or
Sabbath Day (Gen. 2:16-17).
CHOOSE, ONLY of the many GOOD, right
2. But -- what happened exactly seven
and lawful things of life -- "of every TREE
years later -- one Sabbath year cycle -- on
(the MANY trees) of the garden thou mayest
the next day -- the day AFTER the Sabbath?
freely eat ..." (Gen. 2:16), and of "the tree of
Did Satan work to deceive Adam and Eve,
(ETERNAL) LIFE" (Gen. 2:9).
leading them astray? Did he deceive Eve
If they had partaken of the fruit of the
in the garden of Eden? Gen. 3:1-4.
"tree of life," they would have ultimately received
COMMENT: Satan, the adversary --
the one who REBELS against God -- LOST
They would have received the Holy
NO TIME! The book of Jubilees tells that
Spirit which would have revealed SPIRITUAL
Satan set about to deceive mankind -- after
knowledge and understanding, and
seven years, one Sabbath year cycle of godly
given them the supernatural POWER of God
instruction, Satan began conducting his own
to make possible their obedience to His commands
church service on the FIRST day of the week
-- the laws which point to all the good
-- on Sunday -- with Eve in attendancee!
and right things of life.
The book of Jubilees is a part of
And the Holy Spirit would have PERFECTED
the extra-Biblical Jewish literature dating
the very CHARACTER of God in
from about 100 to 200 years before Christ. It
them, and finally changed their mortal bodies to live God's way of obedience, to build God's
into spirit-born Sons of God! character, and finally be born into God's Family.
2. But, at the same time, what did God Man could have learned to live by God's
warn would happen if they chose to DISOBEDIENTLY will without experiencing sin, SUFFERING
partake of the tree of the "knowledge and DEATH!
of good AND evil" -- if they CHOSE to But once man did sin, God allotted
REJECT God's revelation and experiment mankind 6,000 years to learn, once and for all
with sin for themselves -- would they time, that following the natural tendencies of
"SURELY DIE"? Gen. 2:17. the carnal mind RESULTS ONLY IN SUFFERING
COMMENT: God solemnly warned AND DEATH. The record of human
Adam and Eve: "In the day that thou eatest ... history bears this fact out for those who have
("of the tree of the knowledge of good AND the wit to see it!
evil") thou shalt surely die"! (Gen. 2:17.) 5. Did Eve and Adam "fall" for the
Wasn't that just the thing Satan wanted to happen Devil's lie? Gen. 3:6. And were they thus DENIED
to RID himself of man, whom God had the privilege of access to the Holy Spirit
planned to be born into the ruling Family of and eternal life AT THAT TIME? Verses
God? 22-24.
3. What did Satan, the deadly serpent, 6. Does God call the Devil a liar, the
at once urge Eve and Adam to do -- partake of father of lies, and a murderer from the beginning?
this forbidden "tree" -- the tree of the knowledge John 8:44. And are all those who are
of "good AND evil"? Gen. 3:5. By influencing MISLED by Satan to teach his line of lies,
them to sin, wasn't Satan actually also liars and murderers? Same verse.
committing murder? Doesn't Christ call Satan COMMENT: Here we see the first
a murderer to this very day? John 8:44. and GREATEST LIE ever told to mankind --
COMMENT: Satan urged them to indulge that man would NOT DIE by partaking of a
in this disobedient action -- this SIN -- mixture of BOTH obedience AND disobedience.
which would result in DEATH. Satan, in fact, told the first human beings
The Devil suggested to the woman that that they had an "immortal soul" that
she partake of what he KNEW WAS EVIL -- could not die! This was, and IS, the GREATEST
to become disobedient -- so she could not LIE EVER TOLD!
qualify for rulership of the world. God calls Satan a MURDERER from
4. Did Satan, in order to make certain the beginning because he is the greatest of all
that Eve and Adam would fall into his deadly murderers. By far the greatest this world has
trap, LYINGLY PROMISE them they would ever known. You now know the reason WHY.
NOT DIE by partaking of this mixture of good He wants to be RID OF ALL MANKIND
AND evil -- that they already had eternal life? FOREVER!
Gen. 3:4. And did Satan SUBTLY IMPLY Why the VAST MAJORITY Disobeys God
that God was HIDING certain vital "knowledge" 1. Does God warn us TODAY that the
from them which they ought to have? Devil -- the sly and subtle serpent -- is on the
Verses 5-6. Notice the words "make one job as much as ever to lyingly deceive mankind,
wise," in verse 6. and thereby murder man -- cause mankind
COMMENT: Adam and Eve did to cease to exist forever? II Cor. 11:3.
NOT have to learn the meaning and resultant Has he deceived the WHOLE world? Rev.
14 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 12:9.
Lesson 11 COMMENT: We have just seen that
The Origin of Satan and Sunday
Adam and Eve were "thumbnail" types who
curses of sin by EXPERIENCING it -- by
represent what would be happening to man
disobeying God's commands. They could have
throughout the ages. And God tells us that Satan
learned this from the terrible example of Lucifer's
has deceived the entire world.
and the other fallen angels' sin. But with
the deceptive lie and subtle promptings of Satan,
Satan's plan is working very well, thus
the serpent, carnal man rather CHOSE to
far. You have God's Word for it!
learn the meaning of sin BY ACTUALLY
Here we see God's WARNING for
No, man did NOT have to sin to learn
mankind TODAY -- that you and I should
NOT be misled by Devil-inspired LIES from death-dealing tree to partake willingly of both
the simplicity of PURE OBEDIENCE as good AND evil!
taught by Christ. This is where Satan LIED, We tend to deceive ourselves -- "kid"
and STILL LIES TO MAN TODAY. ourselves -- FROM obedience to God, even
Through this world's established societies when the Bible plainly states, for instance, that
-- its ways of life, modes of communications; we are COMMANDED to keep the key test
its entertainments and philosophies -- commandment -- God's SABBATH DAY.
Satan is continually feeding mankind the We would by nature rather keep
SAME OLD LIE he told Adam and Eve in the SOME OTHER DAY than God's Sabbath. For
Garden of Eden! "the CARNAL mind is enmity against God ...
Satan and his demons continually not subject to the law (like the SABBATH
whisper to mankind, "You can do evil -- command) of God, neither indeed can be"
DISobey God -- and still have eternal life as (Rom. 8:7).
God." It can be seen that Satan has a "holiday,"
A DELIBERATE AND VERY DECEPTIVE so to speak, with the minds of the people
LIE!! of this world.
God commands us, "Be ye (STRIVE to God says to the vast majority of this
become) ... PERFECT (perfect in all things -- world who would rather keep a DAY or
PERFECT IN OBEDIENCE to God's laws commandment which is contrary to the commandments
and commands which express God's own of God: "Ye are of your father the
character) ..." (Mat. 5:48). devil, and the LUSTS OF YOUR FATHER ye
2. There were MANY trees in the Garden will do" (John 8:44).
of Eden (Gen. 2:16). But only ONE "tree" Satan is a SPIRIT being. We desperately
to eternal life (Gen. 2:9) -- only one single, need the SPIRIT OF GOD to COUNTERACT
solitary tree. There was, and is today, only the influence of the Devil and his
15 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course demons!
Lesson 11 And so the carnal mind with which we
The Origin of Satan and Sunday
are born, plus the evil influence of Satan and
ONE WAY TO eternal life! Did Jesus say this
his demons, cause the MANY -- not the few,
way is very NARROW and hard to find? Mat.
but the MANY -- to NOT NOW find the way
to eternal life (Mat. 7:14).
3. But what about the other "tree" --
It's a CLOSE RACE! "If the righteous
the "tree" of death of which so many are symbolically
SCARCELY be saved, where shall the ungodly
partaking today? What does God say
and the sinner appear?" (I Pet. 4:18.)
about it? Gen. 2:17 and Mat. 7:13.
But an UNBEATABLE combination?
that leadeth to destruction, and many (the
NOT if you have the POWER of God's
MAJORITY) there be which go in thereat"
(Mat. 7:13).
THIS tree -- this WRONG WAY -- IS
(Mat. 5:48; I Pet. 1:14 and II Cor.
POPULAR with this evil world.
10:5. Be sure to WRITE OUT these three very
4. WHY IS this evil tree sought after
important references!)
by the vast majority of "this present evil
You are in on this close race, or you
world"? WHY are people's minds drawn to it
would not be this far along in these studies!
as if by a magnet? Know and HEED the answer Men keep Sunday because of tradition. History and the Bible
in Jeremiah 7:9! plainly show which day is the Sabbath.
COMMENT: "THE HEART IS DECEITFUL 16 Triumph Prophetic Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course
Lesson 11
ABOVE ALL THINGS, AND The Origin of Satan and Sunday
We and the Devil agree by NATURE!
As if by a magnet, we are DRAWN by
our inherently evil natures and by Satan's supernatural
promptings, to this God-forbidden,

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