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Reflect on these questions and be ready to share your thoughts/stand on these during

the chatdiscussion:

1. In this time when there are issues about fake news proliferating , when
and how can you effectively use your critical thinking skills ?

It is quite difficult to distinguish real news with fake news sometimes. writers convince
you that the information in the article is true but you later discovered it is a fake news.
As an active user in social media, I filter the news by doing research through reading
and comprehending the information written by the authors of varied articles whether im
hesitant to believe or even convinced to believe. When I have the facts and gathered
enough information based on reliable sources, that is the time for me to share or reject
a certain article in my social media account.

2. Share one experience in the classroom where you made use of your
critical thinking skill. What indications were there which made you think that you were
doing critical thinking during that particular situation?

1.when I interview students about the reasons of their absences in the afternoon. Each
of them have reasons and sometimes I believe they fabricate reasons just to make me

By examining each side, listening to each of them and being open to the arguments

Gathering information to address a problem

3. On the other hand, what situations in your performance of your teaching

duties triggered your creative thinking skills? What made you believe that you were
creative when you handled such situations? What "box/boxes" were you able to go out

It is during the preparation of my lesson plan when I have to be creative in f

Evaluate the kind of strategies in my teaching methods to make it become engaging to

the students

During class discussions when I ask guide questions and their is an exchange of ideas
and reasoning between students

Guidance and counseling of the students

4. Is it possible to be creative without being critical? On the other hand. is it

possible to be critical without being creative? Justify your stand in each of the

I guess being creative is being critical. They are relative with each other. Being critical
means creating judgement based from information and facts and assessing these facts
if they can provide a good argument. While being creative is making connections with
facts and information and contents to generate alternatives to solve problem or
situation. Being creative is being skeptical of reasons whether to accept or reject a
certain idea. If things will work

5. The video "Above and Beyond" showed the partnership between critical
thinking and creative thinking. How was this partnership fostered? Cite the specific
scenes in the video where you noted this collaboration between critical thinking and
creative thinking

The kids were given the same set of materials or kits for the Going places contest. The
children were encouraged to build first, and race and go places by the day of the contest. As the
kids evaluated the materials for building a cart, one kid was having a wider imagination if his

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