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Eliminating Preventable Death on the Battlefield
Russ S. Kotwal, MD, MPH; Harold R. Montgomery, NREMT; Bari M. Kotwal, MS; Howard R. Champion, FRCS;
Frank K. Butler Jr, MD; Robert L. Mabry, MD; Jeffrey S. Cain, MD; Lorne H. Blackbourne, MD;
Kathy K. Mechler, MS, RN; John B. Holcomb, MD

Objective: To evaluate battlefield survival in a novel com- 10.7% killed in action and 1.7% who died of wounds were
mand-directed casualty response system that compre- lower than the Department of Defense rates of 16.4% and
hensively integrates Tactical Combat Casualty Care guide- 5.8%, respectively, for the larger US military population
lines and a prehospital trauma registry. (P=.04 and P=.02, respectively). Of 32 fatalities incurred
by the regiment, none died of wounds from infection, none
Design: Analysis of battle injury data collected during were potentially survivable through additional prehos-
combat deployments. pital medical intervention, and 1 was potentially surviv-
able in the hospital setting. Substantial prehospital care was
Setting: Afghanistan and Iraq from October 1, 2001, provided by nonmedical personnel.
through March 31, 2010.
Conclusions: A command-directed casualty response sys-
Patients: Casualties from the 75th Ranger Regiment, US tem that trains all personnel in Tactical Combat Casualty
Army Special Operations Command. Care and receives continuous feedback from prehospital
trauma registry data facilitated Tactical Combat Casualty
Main Outcome Measures: Casualties were scruti- Care performance improvements centered on clinical out-
nized for preventable adverse outcomes and opportuni- comes that resulted in unprecedented reduction of killed-
ties to improve care. Comparisons were made with De- in-action deaths, casualties who died of wounds, and pre-
partment of Defense casualty data for the military as a ventable combat death. This data-driven approach is the
whole. model for improving prehospital trauma care and casu-
alty outcomes on the battlefield and has considerable im-
Results: A total of 419 battle injury casualties were in- plications for civilian trauma systems.
curred during 7 years of continuous combat in Iraq and
8.5 years in Afghanistan. Despite higher casualty severity Arch Surg. 2011;146(12):1350-1358. Published online
indicated by return-to-duty rates, the regiment’s rates of August 15, 2011. doi:10.1001/archsurg.2011.213

HE 75TH RANGER REGIMENT viders and equipment near the scene, and
is the US Army’s premier lethal implications of opposing forces.
raid force. Comprising more Thus, a tailored approach to prehospital
than 3500 personnel, the trauma care must be used when conduct-
regiment conducts joint spe- ing combat operations.
cial operations combat missions to include Combat casualty care in World War II,
airborne, air assault, and other direct-action the Korean War, and the Vietnam War re-
Author Affiliations: US Army raids to seize key targets, destroy strategic sulted in incremental and significant im-
Special Operations Command, facilities, and capture or kill enemy forces.1 provement of civilian trauma care and sys-
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Providingcaretocasualtiesduringsuchmis- tems.4 Conversely, assimilating civilian
(Dr R. S. Kotwal,
Mr Montgomery, and sions is a major challenge. paradigms such as Advanced Trauma Life
Ms B. M. Kotwal); Uniformed Support into the combat setting exposed
Services University of the See Invited Critique deficiencies in military prehospital trauma
Health Sciences, Bethesda, at end of article care during conflicts in Iraq and Somalia
Maryland (Dr Champion); and in the early 1990s. Subsequent congres-
US Army Institute of Surgical Historically, approximately 90% of sional inquiries and after-action reports led
Research, Fort Sam Houston combat-related deaths occur prior to a ca- to a better understanding of profound
(Drs Butler, Mabry, Cain, and sualty reaching a medical treatment facil- medical differences between civilian and
Blackbourne), Rural and ity (MTF).2,3 The combat environment has military environments.5-9
Community Health Institute,
many factors that affect prehospital care, Emerging from these reviews and from
Texas A&M Health Science
Center, Bryan (Ms Mechler), including temperature and weather ex- Vietnam War casualty data analysis was an
and Center for Translational tremes, severe visual limitations imposed article entitled “Tactical Combat Casualty
Injury Research, University of by night operations, logistical and combat- Care in Special Operations,” which pre-
Texas Health Science Center, related delays in treatment and evacua- sented prehospital trauma care guidelines
Houston (Dr Holcomb). tion, lack of specialized medical care pro- customized for the battlefield.6 These Tac-



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©2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
tical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) guidelines empha- We hypothesized that training the entire fighting force
sized 3 objectives: (1) treat the patient, (2) prevent addi- in TCCC, tactical leader ownership of the casualty re-
tional casualties, and (3) complete the mission. It then gave sponse system, and near-real-time feedback from PHTR
3 phases of care: (1) care under fire, (2) tactical field care, data would improve outcomes for combat casualties.
and (3) casualty evacuation care. These centered on pre-
venting the 3 major, potentially survivable causes of death:
(1) extremity hemorrhage exsanguination, (2) tension pneu-
mothorax, and (3) airway obstruction.2,3,6 Because TCCC
guidelines diverged from accepted mainstream civilian stan- A casualty is defined in this study as a member of the 75th Ranger
dards for Advanced Trauma Life Support–based prehos- Regiment who sustained a battle injury for which criteria were
pital care,6 initial acceptance in the US military was slow met for award of the Purple Heart medal.25 Nonbattle injuries
were excluded. Casualties are divided into wounded in action
despite a need for treatment protocols designed specifi- (WIA) and killed in action (KIA). The WIA casualties are fur-
cally for the tactical component of the combat environ- ther divided into died of wounds (DOW), returned to duty in
ment.10,11 In contrast, Army Rangers and Navy SEALs (Sea, less than 72 hours (RTD), and non-DOW and non-RTD evacu-
Air, and Land Teams) extensively implemented TCCC on ated to an MTF within 3 days.26 A KIA casualty is one who died
its inception.12 The TCCC guidelines have continued to prior to reaching an MTF or is dead on arrival. A DOW casu-
evolve through a Committee on TCCC,13-15 founded in 2001 alty is one who died after reaching an MTF.
and currently reporting through the Defense Health Board Main outcomes include potentially survivable deaths and
to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs. traditional combat casualty care statistics, RTD percentage, KIA
Tactical leaders are combat unit leaders at the battle- percentage, DOW percentage, and case fatality rate,26 which are
front. In 1998, a tactical leader and commander of the 75th compared with DoD figures.27 Secondary outcomes include use
of TCCC treatment protocols. Independent variables include
Ranger Regiment, then COL Stanley McChrystal, insti- establishment of a command-directed comprehensive TCCC
tuted a directive for all Rangers to focus on 4 major train- program with performance improvement through the PHTR.
ing priorities termed the “Big Four”: (1) marksmanship, Additional hypothesis testing was accomplished using the ␹2
(2) physical training, (3) small unit tactics, and (4) medi- test of significance set at P⬍.05.
cal training. Thus, medical readiness immediately became More than 8000 combat missions, primarily direct-action raids,
a highlighted area of command interest, affording the timely were conducted by the 75th Ranger Regiment in Afghanistan and
opportunity to establish a casualty response system inte- Iraq between October 1, 2001, and March 31, 2010. Prehospital
grating initial and recurrent TCCC training into pro- casualty and treatment data from these missions were collected
grams of instruction, training exercises, and contingency directly from medics, most within 72 hours of an event, on a Ranger
planning at all levels.12,16-18 This complete integration of Casualty Card, adopted later as DA Form 7656. Data were then
entered into the PHTR and cross-referenced with other opera-
TCCC, which included TCCC training of all assigned per- tional sources to include Purple Heart packets, casualty track-
sonnel together with tactical leader assumption of respon- ers, mission logs, medical records, JTTR data, and Armed Forces
sibility for the casualty response system, was and remains Institute of Pathology autopsies. Medical and tactical leaders scru-
an approach that is substantially different from casualty pre- tinized casualties for opportunities to improve care through for-
paredness experienced throughout the rest of the Depart- mal investigation of data from the PHTR, JTTR, and Armed Forces
ment of Defense (DoD). Although most of the US military Institute of Pathology. Process of care was analyzed for appro-
has now included TCCC in combat medic education, they priateness and effectiveness. Casualties and treatments were criti-
have largely continued medical training in their previous cally analyzed within the context of the tactical mission. Casu-
model—lacking comprehensive, all-inclusive, command- alties were followed to final disposition. Deaths were analyzed
directed casualty response systems—leaving medical care in detail for performance improvement opportunities. Compari-
sons with similar military prehospital data could not be made, as
to the medics, with nominal input from tactical leaders and they do not exist.
without continuous feedback from a registry to guide per- Institutional review boards at the Texas A&M Health Sci-
formance improvements at the combat unit level. ence Center and the US Army Medical Research and Materiel
Although the Joint Theater Trauma System and Joint Command provided approval to conduct this study.
Theater Trauma Registry (JTTR) were successfully imple-
mented to oversee process improvements in military hos-
pital-based care and outcomes,19-21 a similar global ap- RESULTS
proach to military prehospital care is lacking. In addition
to a comprehensive command-directed TCCC training Battle injury data were collected from October 1, 2001,
program institutionalized prior to the onset of conflict to March 31, 2010, for Operation Enduring Freedom in
in Afghanistan and Iraq,12,16-18 the regiment integrated con- Afghanistan and from March 15, 2003, to March 31, 2010,
tinuous performance improvement concepts. The nucleus for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Casualty cards were avail-
of this approach is a Web-based prehospital trauma reg- able for 74% of casualties, JTTR data for 78% of evacu-
istry (PHTR), the only one of its kind that collects data ated casualties, and Armed Forces Institute of Pathol-
that have historically been difficult to capture.7,22-24 The ogy autopsy data for 100% of fatalities. Demographic,
PHTR is a software tool specifically designed to capture injury, and outcome data were obtained through other
prehospital injury and treatment data with integrated fea- operations sources for the 26% of casualties without com-
tures for basic analysis and instant graphing.23 Concep- pleted cards. By combining data sources, 100% of casu-
tually, the PHTR was modeled after registries required alties had adequate data available for analysis. Casual-
at trauma centers throughout the world but was custom- ties who did not seek prehospital care and medics limited
ized for data germane to the combat casualty. by the mission accounted for missing casualty cards.



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Of the 419 casualties incurred, including 239 (57%)
from Operation Iraqi Freedom and 180 (43%) from Op- A Died Lived
eration Enduring Freedom, 387 (92%) survived 100
(Figure 1). All casualties were male, with age at time
of injury ranging from 18.9 to 52.9 years. Infantrymen

Casualties, No.
were most frequently injured (86%), followed by medi- 60
cal personnel (5%) and artillerymen (3%). Overall demo-
graphic characteristics were reflective of other military
combat regiments and brigades. 20
Mechanisms of injury included explosions—
improvised explosive device (IED) and non-IED—
resulting in blast, ballistic, and blunt trauma28 as well as
gunshot wound injuries and aircraft and ground vehicle B OIF OEF
blunt trauma injuries. Non-IEDs were the most fre- 100
quent cause of injury (43%). Gunshot wound injuries ac- 80
counted for half of all deaths (Figure 2). None of the

Casualties, No.
32 deaths resulted from the 3 major potentially surviv- 60
able causes of death (extremity hemorrhage exsangui- 40
nation, tension pneumothorax, and airway obstruc-
tion) defined in the literature.2,3,6,29-31 One casualty with 20

potentially survivable extremity wounds died of post- 0

surgical complications following evacuation. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
(October-December) (January-March)
Although the DoD does not have a process to system- Year
atically evaluate potentially survivable deaths, the regi-
ment’s 3% rate (1 in 32) is significantly lower than the
Figure 1. The 75th Ranger Regiment casualties by survival (A) and theater of
24% rate (232 in 982) previously reported for a subset operation (B) between October 1, 2001, and March 31, 2010. OIF indicates
of US fatalities from Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom; OEF, Operation Enduring Freedom. Of the 419
Operation Iraqi Freedom (␹21 = 6.2, P = .01).31 Bench- casualties incurred, 32 (8%) died and 387 (92%) lived; 239 (57%) occurred
in OIF and 180 (43%) occurred in OEF.
mark statistics for RTD, KIA, DOW, and case fatality rate
provided in Table 1 and Table 2 depict decreased com-
bined theater and Operation Iraqi Freedom KIA and DOW and 39% received vascular access only. Of casualties re-
rates for the 75th Ranger Regiment compared with US suscitated with intravenous fluid, almost all reached the
ground troop rates for the same period (P⬍.05). The RTD next level of care alive (96%) and ultimately survived (93%),
rates were lower in surviving Rangers, likely signifying with 64% receiving crystalloid, 27% colloid, and 9% both.
increased severity of wounding. Of casualties who received vascular access only, 91% reached
Most interventions were for hemorrhage control the next level of care alive and also ultimately survived. Ster-
(Table 3), 26% of which were applied by nonmedical per- nal intraosseous access was used in 1 casualty.
sonnel. A total of 89 tourniquets were applied to 66 casu- Consistent with evolving TCCC guidelines,6,13-15 trends
alties, with no resultant complications, which is consis- over time show a decrease in intravenous fluid use and
tent with cited safety.32,33 Nonmedical personnel accounted an increase in obtaining vascular access only for casual-
for 42% of tourniquet applications. Of casualties with tour- ties in shock or requiring intravenous medications.
niquets, almost all reached the next level of care alive (95%) Prehospital antibiotics and analgesics were provided to
and ultimately survived (94%). Only 16% of these survi- reduce risk of infection and pain syndromes.6,13-15,34-37 A total
vors had injuries resulting in limb amputations, 8 with of 113 casualties received antibiotics, including 81 who self-
1-limb amputation (7 below the knee and 1 below the el- administered oral combat wound pill packs consisting of
bow) and 2 with 2-limb amputations (3 above and 1 be- a fluoroquinolone and two analgesics (acetaminophen and
low the knee). A total of 37 hemostatic dressings were ap- either celecoxib or meloxicam),13-15,34 28 who received par-
plied to 30 casualties, with 71% reaching the next level of enterally administered antibiotics (75% ertapenem so-
care alive and ultimately surviving. dium and 25% a cephalosporin), and 4 who received both.
Fewer than 10% of casualties received advanced airway No adverse reactions to antibiotics were reported. Of all
or breathing interventions (Table 4). Advanced airway pro- casualties, 25 (6%) developed an infection during hospi-
cedures (intubation or cricothyroidotomy) were performed talization. Additionally, 6% of casualties who did not re-
in 14 casualties in extremis, of whom 4 reached a hospital ceive prehospital antibiotics developed an infection, com-
alive. Attempted intubations were converted to successful pared with 4% of those who did receive prehospital
surgical airways in 3 instances, but these casualties died of antibiotics. Most casualties with an infection (80%) did not
their wounds prior to reaching a hospital. Advanced breath- receive prehospital antibiotics. Almost all infections (96%)
ing interventions (thoracentesis or thoracostomy) were pro- occurred after evacuation from the combat theater, and
vided to 20 casualties, of whom 55% survived to reach the nearly half (48%) were cultured as Acinetobacter. One ca-
next level of care and 50% ultimately survived. No casu- sualty progressed to sepsis but survived. No casualties were
alties died of airway obstruction or tension pneumothorax. categorized as DOW from infection.
Prehospital vascular access was obtained for 90 casu- A total of 146 casualties received prehospital analge-
alties (Table 5), of whom 61% received intravenous fluid sics other than combat wound pill packs. These include



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A GSW and explosives B
(non-IED), 3%


GSW Explosives GSW

24% (non-IED) 50%a


Figure 2. The 75th Ranger Regiment casualties (n=419) (A) and fatalities (n = 32) (B) by mechanism of injury between October 1, 2001, and March 31, 2010. Due
to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. GSW indicates gunshot wound; IED, improvised explosive device. a Of casualties who died of GSW injuries, 44%
were from coronal trajectory transthoracic wounds, 31% were from sagittal trajectory transcranial wounds, 13% were from coronal trajectory transthoracic and
neck wounds, and 6% were from sagittal trajectory extremity wounds. b Of casualties who died of IED injuries, all had massive head and extremity wounds and
90% also had massive torso wounds. c Non-IED explosives include mortars, grenades, and rocket-propelled grenades. Of casualties who died of non-IED explosive
injuries, all had massive torso and extremity wounds and 33% also had massive head wounds. d Blunt trauma includes nonblast combat-related aircraft and
vehicle incidents. Of casualties who died of blunt trauma injuries, all had massive head, torso, and extremity wounds with a crush component.

Table 1. Comparison of Battle Injuries in the 75th Ranger Regiment vs Total US Military Ground Troops Between October 1, 2001,
and March 31, 2010

Casualties in 75th Ranger Regiment, No. Casualties in US Military Ground Troops, No. a
(n=419) (n = 43 311)


Theater of Non-DOW Non-DOW

Operation Total b RTD and Non-RTD DOW KIA Total b RTD and Non-RTD DOW KIA
OEF 167 76 89 2 13 5266 2294 2831 141 586
OIF 224 81 141 2 15 29 952 17 307 11 881 764 2478
Total 391 157 230 4 28 35 218 19 601 14 712 905 3064

Abbreviations: DOW, died of wounds; KIA, killed in action; OEF, Operation Enduring Freedom; OIF, Operation Iraqi Freedom; RTD, returned to duty in less than
72 hours; WIA, wounded in action.
a Obtained through the US Department of Defense, Defense Manpower Data Center.27
b Total WIA = RTD ⫹[non-DOW and non-RTD] ⫹DOW.

82 casualties who were administered oral transmucosal hospital casualty response system, and (3) use of PHTR
fentanyl citrate, 23 who received morphine sulfate, 27 data to rapidly update TCCC protocols, force health pro-
who received both, and 14 who received other analge- tection, and training. Focused on increasing battlefield
sics (hydromorphone hydrochloride, hydrocodone bi- casualty survival, this approach enables performance im-
tartrate, ketorolac tromethamine, or ibuprofen). Of the provements through data-driven multidisciplinary re-
50 casualties who were administered morphine, 30 (60%) view and consensus regarding best practices.
received it intravenously and 20 (40%) intramuscu- Because approximately 90% of all battlefield deaths
larly. Only 1 casualty, who received oral transmucosal occur prior to the casualty reaching an MTF,2,3 process
fentanyl and morphine, was noted to have other-than- improvements directed toward prehospital care have the
minimal adverse effects.36 best opportunity to improve survival from combat in-
jury. Data on potentially survivable deaths from the Viet-
COMMENT nam War suggest that 60% were from extremity hemor-
rhage exsanguination, 33% from tension pneumothorax,
The Rangers are the only DoD force that has institution- and 7% from airway obstruction.2,29-31 Despite wide-
alized a unitwide casualty response system using the fol- spread recognition of these causes and overall US mili-
lowing integrated 3-part approach: (1) TCCC training tary case fatality rate reduction from 19.1 in World War
for all personnel, (2) tactical leader ownership of the pre- II to 15.8 in the Vietnam War to 10.3 in current con-



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Table 2. Comparison of Proportional Statistics for Battle Injuries in the 75th Ranger Regiment vs Total US Military Ground Troops
Between October 1, 2001, and March 31, 2010

75th Ranger Regiment US Military Ground Troops

(n=419) (n = 43 311)

Statistic Overall OEF OIF Overall OEF OIF

RTD, % a 40 b 46 36 b 56 44 58
KIA, % c 10.7 b 12.5 9.5 b 16.4 16.5 16.4
DOW, % d 1.7 b 2.2 1.4 b 5.8 4.7 6.0
CFR e 7.6 8.4 7.1 10.3 12.4 10.0

Abbreviations: CFR, case fatality rate; DOW, died of wounds; KIA, killed in action; OEF, Operation Enduring Freedom; OIF, Operation Iraqi Freedom;
RTD, returned to duty in less than 72 hours.
a The RTD percentage (RTD/wounded in action ⫻100) defines minor wounds.26 The differences between overall and OIF values for the 2 groups were
statistically significant (␹12=11.6, P ⬍.001; and ␹12=12.8, P⬍.001), indicating fewer minor wounds in the Ranger populations given the same period. However, the
difference between OEF values was not statistically significant (␹12= 0.058, P = .81).
b Statistically significant (P ⬍.05).
c The KIA percentage ([KIA/(KIA ⫹wounded in action−RTD)] ⫻ 100) provides a potential measure of weapon lethality, effectiveness of prehospital medical care,
and availability of tactical evacuation.26 All Ranger values appear to be lower compared with the US military ground troops. The differences between overall and
OIF values for the 2 groups were statistically significant (␹12=4.3, P = .04; and ␹12= 4.2, P = .04). However, the difference between OEF values was not statistically
significant (␹12= 0.63; P=.43).
d The DOW percentage ([DOW/(wounded in action−RTD)] ⫻100) provides a potential measure of the precision of initial prehospital triage and care, optimization
of evacuation procedures, and application of a coordinated trauma system as well as the effectiveness of medical treatment facility care.26 Although all Ranger
values appear to be lower compared with US military ground troops, only the differences in overall and OIF values were statistically significant (␹12= 5.9, P=.02;
and ␹12= 4.2, P = .04). The OEF value was not statistically significant (␹12= 0.71, P = .40). Also of note, for US military ground troops, the DOW percentage has
remained less than 5% during the past half century; however, in this study it was found to be higher overall and in OIF.
e The CFR ([(KIA⫹DOW)/(KIA ⫹ wounded in action)] ⫻100) provides a potential measure of overall battlefield lethality in a battle injury population.26 Although
all Ranger values appear to be lower compared with US military ground troops, none were found to be statistically significant (␹12= 2.5, P = .11; ␹12= 1.9, P=.17; and
␹12= 1.6, P = .21).

Table 3. Hemorrhage Control Interventions Administered by 75th Ranger Regiment Personnel by Provider Level During Care Under
Fire and Tactical Field Care Phases of Tactical Combat Casualty Care Between October 1, 2001, and March 31, 2010 a

Care Provider Level, No.

Intervention RFR Nonmedic EMT Medic Medical Officer Total, No.

Pressure dressing b 33 16 136 21 206
Gauze dressing 28 16 121 23 188
Tourniquet c 27 10 49 3 89
Hemostatic dressing d 3 1 26 7 37
Total 91 43 332 54 520

Abbreviations: EMT, emergency medical technician; RFR, Ranger First Responder.

a Nonmedical personnel provided 26% (134/520) of all hemorrhage control interventions and 42% (37/89) of all tourniquets.
b Primarily Emergency Trauma Dressings (North American Rescue, LLC, Greer, South Carolina).
c Primarily Combat Application Tourniquets (Composite Resources, Rock Hill, South Carolina).
d Primarily HemCon bandages (HemCon Medical Technologies, Inc, Portland, Oregon) and Combat Gauze (Z-Medica Corp, Wallingford, Connecticut).

flicts described in this study, these 3 major causes of death incorporated into realistic scenario-based learning. Every-
continue to be present in Afghanistan and Iraq.26,30,31 Hol- one on the battlefield, not just medics, has the potential to
comb et al30 identified opportunities to improve care in be a casualty or to be the first person to encounter a casu-
12 of 82 deaths (15%) among Special Operations Forces. alty; thus, RFR is mandated for all personnel in the regiment
In a review of 982 deaths, Kelly et al31 reported 24% of regardless of their role.18 This concept is best illustrated by
deaths as potentially survivable, with opportunity to im- the fact that 26% of hemorrhage control interventions in
prove care equally distributed between prehospital and this study, including 42% of tourniquets, were applied by
hospital settings. Although it cannot be absolutely quan- nonmedical personnel at the point of wounding, probably
tified as resulting from their casualty response system, decreasing the necessity for additional prehospital resus-
an overall case fatality rate of 7.6 coupled with the elimi- citation and certainly contributing to no preventable deaths
nation of prehospital preventable deaths validates to a due to extremity hemorrhage exsanguination.
notable degree the Ranger training approach (Table 6). Because the tactical commander manages all re-
Training for TCCC was initiated by the Rangers in 1997 sources dedicated to preparing for and completing a mis-
and formed the basis for 2 programs of instruction, Ranger sion, it is this nonmedical leader who is ultimately re-
First Responder (RFR) and Casualty Response Training for sponsible for the prehospital casualty response system.
RangerLeaders.12,16-18 Becausecareunderfiremustbesimple, This concept differentiates RFR and Casualty Response
direct, and conditioned into the provider, RFR emphasizes Training for Ranger Leaders from other medical pro-
repetitive hands-on application of TCCC lifesaving skills grams. The goal is to educate all on the operational con-



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Table 4. Airway and Breathing Interventions Administered by 75th Ranger Regiment Personnel During Tactical Field Care Phases
of Tactical Combat Casualty Care and Associated Outcomes Between October 1, 2001, and March 31, 2010

Casualties, No.

Intervention WIA DOW KIA

NPA only 7 0 0
King-LT intubation only a 0 0 2
NPA ⫹King-LT/Combitube replaced by endotracheal intubation a 2 0 0
Surgical cricothyroidotomy only 1 1 5
Endotracheal intubation replaced by surgical cricothyroidotomy 0 0 3
Chest seal only 24 0 0
Needle thoracentesis only 2 1 0
Chest seal⫹needle thoracentesis 6 0 7
Chest seal⫹needle thoracentesis ⫹ tube thoracostomy 2 0 2

Abbreviations: DOW, died of wounds; KIA, killed in action; NPA, nasopharyngeal airway; WIA, wounded in action.
a The King-LT is from King Systems, Noblesville, Indiana; the Combitube is from Kendall-Sheridan Catheter Corp, Argyle, New York.

Table 5. Vascular Access and Intravenous Fluid Administered by 75th Ranger Regiment Personnel During Tactical Field Care Phases
of Tactical Combat Casualty Care Between October 1, 2001, and March 31, 2010

Intervention IVF Dose, mL Casualties, No.

Saline lock only NA 35
Saline lock and IVF NA 55
Normal saline 250 1
500 25 a
1000 6
1500 1
Hextend b 250 2
500 12 a,c
1000 1
Normal saline⫹ Hextend b 500⫹ 500 3
1000⫹ 250 1
500⫹ 100 1a
Lactated ringers 500 2a

Abbreviations: IVF, intravenous fluid; NA, not applicable.

a Four casualties received 2 saline locks and IVF.
b Hextend is from Hospira, Inc, Lake Forest, Illinois.
c One casualty received IVF through a FAST-1 sternal intraosseous device (Pyng Medical Corp, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada).

Table 6. Tactical Combat Casualty Care Training in the 75th Ranger Regiment

Title Who Training

Ranger First Responder All personnel Initial and annual TCCC point-of-wounding training emphasizing
hemorrhage control
Casualty battle drills All personnel Casualty care and evacuation rehearsals integrated into tactical
Casualty response training All small unit leaders and commanders Contingency planning and management of casualty response
for Ranger leaders and evacuation procedures
EMT-B program Nonmedics (1 in 10 personnel) 4-wk civilian EMT-B course with refresher training that includes
TCCC and Prehospital Trauma Life Support training
Ranger medic Medics (1 in 30 personnel) Assigned personnel who have completed a 16-wk US Army
combat medic training program and an EMT-P or 26-wk
Special Operations Combat Medic training program

Abbreviations: EMT-B, Emergency Medical Technician Basic; EMT-P, Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic; TCCC, Tactical Combat Casualty Care.

sequences of a casualty and how to mitigate adverse out- take action as with any other battle drill. When a casu-
comes for both the casualty and the mission. A key alty occurs on a mission, the event is a tactical problem
underpinning of this training is the use of the term ca- to be solved and not just an isolated medical issue.
sualty response rather than medical training, as it imparts Casualty battle drills are imbedded into small unit tac-
a collective requirement for the entire fighting force to tics and tactical training exercises. Realism is maximized



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by introducing the turbulence of casualty scenarios into the set captured through a Ranger Casualty Card collection
natural flow of tactical training. Mastery of this training in- program. The template for this card was adopted by the
stills confidence in the casualty response system, increas- US Army in 2009 as DA Form 7656 TCCC Casualty Card.
ing unit morale and cohesion as all come to realize that the With direct support from Congress, funds were allo-
best possible care will be provided promptly by fellow sol- cated for a combat trauma registry modeled after trauma
diers on the battlefield, thus putting medical capability on registry concepts developed during the past 40 years in
par with fighting capability. the civilian sector.40,41 The hospital effort centered on in-
Medical training in the DoD is not consistent among the patient medical treatment facilities through the JTTR,19-21
services and between units. In the US Army, a centralized and the prehospital effort centered on a tactical unit
16-week medical course is used to initially train combat through the PHTR.22,23
medics. Thereafter, sustainment medical training, tactical The primary purpose of the PHTR is to provide tac-
training, and employment of combat medics are decen- tical leaders and medical care providers with near-real-
tralized and the responsibility of the individual line com- time trends, reports, and analysis for lessons learned, qual-
mander. Tactical line commanders who understand the re- ity assurance, and performance improvements designed
quirements and importance of the casualty response system to immediately reduce morbidity and mortality on the
will provide the time, training, and equipment necessary battlefield. Commanders quickly make data-based deci-
to ensure that medical personnel, and ultimately all as- sions to optimize casualty response and force protec-
signed personnel, are sufficiently prepared to receive com- tion, resulting in rapid treatment protocol modification
bat casualties. This is not the norm, however, as many do and body armor evolution. Resultant directed procure-
not realize this responsibility or recognize the operational ment of medical devices and personal protective equip-
importance of casualty care. ment is data driven, peer reviewed, and cost-effective.
A standardized Ranger medic training pathway was
initially established in 1998.16 This pathway was refined
to include Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic or
26-week Special Operations Combat Medic38 training fol-
lowed by recurrent sustainment, assessment, and vali- Historically, war and conflict have prompted advances
dation training that maximizes use of human patient simu- in both individual techniques and effective systems to im-
lators, live tissue training, realistic trauma lanes, and major prove trauma care.42-44 The current war is no exception.
metropolitan trauma center rotations. To provide a foun- Prehospital advances implemented by TCCC have im-
dation for medic knowledge, the first official Ranger Medic proved the probability that casualties will arrive at the
Handbook was distributed throughout the regiment in hospital alive so they can benefit from the trauma care
2001.17 This TCCC-based handbook, updated periodi- system now in place.13-15,32,33,45-47 However, not all oppor-
cally,39 provides medics with guidelines, protocols, and tunities have been realized. The remaining challenge is
procedures for optimizing prehospital care. to refine performance improvements and best practices
A 4-week Emergency Medical Technician Basic pro- through systemwide prehospital data collection.
gram was mandated for 1 in 10 nonmedics as a means to The TCCC guidelines represented a paradigm shift
bridge the gap between RFRs and Ranger medics.18 Re- away from civilian prehospital care practices. The casu-
current sustainment training includes the Prehospital alty response system described in this study is also a shift
Trauma Life Support course, as this course has evolved away from traditional US military practices. Despite the
to include military and TCCC-based protocols and pro- lethality of modern-day warfare, the 75th Ranger Regi-
cedures.15 This Emergency Medical Technician Basic pro- ment’s implementation of a comprehensive casualty re-
gram not only expanded medical capabilities, it also cre- sponse system sustained by focused training directed by
ated more medically knowledgeable tactical leaders as they tactical leaders using data from a unit-based PHTR has
advanced through the leadership ranks. resulted in historically low casualty rates for a frontline
In the regiment, it is now common and expected for unit of its type, to include virtual elimination of prevent-
nonmedical personnel to rapidly and accurately man- able combat death. This approach has been recom-
age life-threatening extremity hemorrhage. This immea- mended by the Defense Health Board for implementa-
surably improves tactical leader awareness and respon- tion by combatant units throughout the DoD.48
sibility for their casualty response system. Tactical leaders Performance improvements in prehospital care are ac-
now hold themselves accountable for casualties and ca- tively migrating from the current battlefield to civilian
sualty response training through self-assessment and unit practice. Implementing these initiatives in concert with
status reports. Demonstrated medical proficiency is re- detailed documentation and analysis may have pro-
garded to be as important as weapon proficiency. Well- found implications for civilian prehospital trauma train-
informed nonmedical leaders may ultimately play the most ing, care, and preventable death, especially in light of the
important role in reducing preventable death on the battle- fact that equivalent epidemiological studies on poten-
field. In fact, intensive training, contingency planning, tially survivable death from trauma in the civilian pre-
and an appropriate tactical response to casualty sce- hospital environment are sparse, and none have docu-
narios may have saved more lives than the medical in- mented a pathway for successful elimination of
terventions themselves. preventable death. A civilian prehospital system that in-
Prehospital record keeping and the availability of such tegrates first responder skills throughout a community
data are notoriously challenging on the battlefield.7,24 In and enacts performance improvement through a regis-
2001, the regiment began work on a minimalistic data try may also eliminate preventable death.



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©2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
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10. Bellamy RF. How shall we train for combat casualty care? Mil Med. 1987;152(12):
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Kotwal. Administrative, technical, and material support: R. casualty care 2007: evolving concepts and battlefield experience. Mil Med. 2007;
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ery, Blackbourne, and Holcomb. 1):S10-S13.
15. National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians. Prehospital Trauma Life
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Support. 7th military ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 2011.
Disclaimer: The views, opinions, and findings con- 16. Pappas CG. The Ranger medic. Mil Med. 2001;166(5):394-400.
tained in this report are those of the authors and should 17. Kotwal RS, Miller RM, Montgomery HR. Ranger Medic Handbook 2001. Fort Ben-
not be construed as official or reflecting the views of the ning, GA: Fort Benning Publications; 2001.
DoD unless otherwise stated. Citations of commercial 18. Veliz CE, Montgomery HR, Kotwal RS. Ranger first responder and the evolution
of tactical combat casualty care. J Spec Oper Med. 2010;10(3):90-91.
products or organizations do not constitute an official
19. Eastridge BJ, Jenkins D, Flaherty S, Schiller H, Holcomb JB. Trauma system de-
DoD endorsement or approval of the products or ser- velopment in a theater of war: experiences from Operation Iraqi Freedom and
vices of these organizations. This report was approved Operation Enduring Freedom. J Trauma. 2006;61(6):1366-1373.
for public release by the US Army Special Operations Com- 20. Eastridge BJ, Costanzo G, Jenkins D, et al. Impact of joint theater trauma system
mand Operational Security Office and the Public Affairs initiatives on battlefield injury outcomes. Am J Surg. 2009;198(6):852-857.
21. Eastridge BJ, Wade CE, Spott MA, et al. Utilizing a trauma systems approach to
Office on October 8, 2010. benchmark and improve combat casualty care. J Trauma. 2010;69(suppl 1):
Previous Presentation: The abstract was presented at the S5-S9.
2011 Combat Trauma Innovation Conference; January 22. Kotwal RS, Meyer DE, O’Connor KC, et al. Army Ranger casualty, attrition, and
18, 2011; London, England. surgery rates for airborne operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Aviat Space En-
Additional Information: This article is dedicated to SFC viron Med. 2004;75(10):833-840.
23. Kotwal RS, Montgomery HR, Mechler KK. A prehospital trauma registry for tac-
Marcus V. Muralles, a former 75th Ranger Regiment Spe- tical combat casualty care. US Army Med Dep J. 2011:15-17.
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Innovative Leadership of Casualty Care

A lan Keith of Genetech stated, “Leadership is ul-
timately about creating a way for people to con-
tribute to making something extraordinary hap-
pen.”1 Kotwal et al2 report on a remarkable commitment
to casualty care by the 75th Ranger Regiment. The Rang-
the challenging low-resource civilian environments of Cam-
bodia, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, where the scourge
of land mines kill and injure civilian populations. Through
the leadership of the Trauma Care Foundation and the
Tromsø Mine Victim Resource Center, programs exist to
ers coupled a novel approach to combat casualty care with successfully train lay village workers through “village uni-
modern continuous process improvement. When this was versities” as first responders for injuries.3 These civilian in-
applied in battle, the process resulted in the lowest mor- juries share some similarities with the battlefield in that pre-
tality rate, especially the preventable mortality rate, in vention of other casualties must be ensured because the
the Armed Forces. victims are lying in a minefield and extremity hemor-
The authors highlight that the transference of Ad- rhage and airway issues are common. As opposed to US
vanced Trauma Life Support from civilian settings into combat operations, there are unique low-resource chal-
combat exposed significant deficits in battleground pre- lenges such as minimal local hospital resources leading to
hospital care going back as far as the 1993 fighting in So- prolonged prehospital transport times. Even with these chal-
malia. The deficiencies of civilian Advanced Trauma Life lenges, Husum et al4 were able to show a reduction in the
Support were quickly addressed. In 1996, the TCCC mortality rate from 40% to 14.9% with a mean evacuation
guidelines were published; they took into account is- time of 5.7 hours in a prospective study based in North Iraq
sues unique to battle such as prevention of additional ca- and Cambodia from 1997 to 2001. The measurable suc-
sualties, mission completion, and the tactical chal- cess of programs that teach nonmedical personnel in pre-
lenges of evacuations under fire and focused medically hospital care and its outstanding effects on outcomes are
on the 3 major causes of preventable death: hemorrhage a lesson that I think is applicable to both military and low-
from extremity wounds, tension pneumothorax, and air- resource civilian environments. My hope is that these data
way problems. Unfortunately, the military as a whole was will serve as an impetus for the remainder of the Armed
slow to adopt the TCCC guidelines, and only the Spe- Forces to adopt these lifesaving strategies.
cial Operations units implemented them quickly.
The next leadership step was the inclusion of medi- Sherry M. Wren, MD
cal training as one of the “Big Four” priorities for every
member of the 75th Ranger Regiment. Among the Rang-
ers, 100% were trained as first responders, 10% as emer- Author Affiliation: Department of Surgery, Stanford Uni-
gency medical technicians, and 3% as combat medics. This versity School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California.
meant that every member of the regiment was respon- Correspondence: Dr Wren, Department of Surgery, Stan-
sible for casualty care of his fellow soldiers, and battle ford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto Veterans
commanders also had medical knowledge and training Affairs Medical Center, 3801 Miranda Ave, Ste G112, Palo
that could be taken into consideration when making tac- Alto, CA 94304 (
tical decisions. This is different from the majority of the Financial Disclosure: None reported.
Armed Forces where medics are relied on heavily for ca- 1. Kouzes JM, Posner BZ. The Leadership Challenge. 4th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-
Bass; 2008.
sualty care. The Rangers developed a robust prehospital 2. Kotwal RS, Montgomery HR, Kotwal BM, et al. Eliminating preventable death on
registry to be able to track and improve processes. What the battlefield [published online August 15, 2011]. Arch Surg. 2011; 146(12)1350-
is remarkable is not only the outstanding survival of com- 3. Husum H, Gilbert M, Wisborg T. Save Lives, Save Limbs. Penang, Malaysia:
plex injuries but also that fellow soldiers gave a substan- Third World Network; 2000.
tial portion of the lifesaving prehospital care. 4. Husum
H, Gilbert M, Wisborg T, Van Heng Y, Murad M. Rural prehospital trauma sys-
This outstanding and commendable achievement is not tems improve trauma outcome in low-income countries: a prospective study
limited to the military—it has been previously shown in from North Iraq and Cambodia. J Trauma. 2003;54(6):1188-1196.



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