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Annex A Final Year Design Project

Swedish College of Engineering and Technology (SCET), Wah Cantt

Department of Civil Engineering
(Formulation of Project Group)

Project Title: ___________________________________________________________________

Project Advisor:
Name: __________________________________________

Project Members
1. Name (Group Leader): _____________________________________________________
UET Regd. No.: ______________________________________________________
CGPA: ___________
Signature: ___________

2. Name: _____________________________________________________
UET Regd. No.: ______________________________________________________
CGPA: ___________
Signature: ___________

3. Name: _____________________________________________________
UET Regd. No.: ______________________________________________________
CGPA: ___________
Signature: ___________

4. Name: _____________________________________________________
UET Regd. No.: ______________________________________________________
CGPA: ___________
Signature: ___________
Note: The Project Group cannot be more than 4 students
_________________________ ______________________________

Signature of Advisor Signature of Head of Department

Department of Civil Engineering, Swedish College of Engineering & Technology, Wah

Undergraduate Final Year Design Project


Synopsis Approval/Defense (7th Semester) (Total Marks=20)

Project Title:

Group Number: ______________

Problem II Work IV Total
Student UET Identification Methodology Plan Presentation
Name Regd. No. & Objectives (PLO-5) (PLO-
(PLO-2) (0-5) 11) (0-5) (20)
(0-5) (0-5)
Note: Consult “Rubrics A”


Signature of Advisor
Signature of HOD
Department of Civil Engineering, Swedish College of Engineering & Technology, Wah

Rubrics for Synopsis Defense (7th Semester) (Total Marks = 20) (Rubrics A)
Levels of Achievement
Unacceptable Just Acceptable Basic Good
(0) (1) (2) (3-4)
The problem
The problem The probl
I statement is not The problem statement
statement & statement
Problem given and/or & objectives are suitably
objectives are not objectives
Identification/Objectives objectives are not described
suitably described. clearly described
stated at all.
Proposed Proposed
Proposed methodology
methodology is methodology
II is reasonably practical
Not Stated at all. marginally practical technically pract
Methodology and relevant to the
and relevant to the and relevant to
project objectives.
project objectives. project objectives

Has developed
Has developed a Has developed a
timeline describ
timeline but cannot timeline & can clearly
Doesn’t have a when most parts
clearly describe the describe the different
III timeline for work will be do
different activities of activities of the work
Work Plan different parts of Student c
the work and and corresponding
the work describe w
corresponding timelines with minimal
activities a
timelines. prompting from peers.

Below Standard Marginal organization Reasonable organization Good organizat

IV Presentation
content & delivery. & delivery and delivery and delivery
Department of Civil Engineering, Swedish College of Engineering & Technology, Wah

Undergraduate Final Project


Semester Progress (7th/8th Semester) (Total Marks=10)

Project Title:

Group Number: ___________

Grading of fields as per Rubric B

(marks range from 0-2)
S. Student UET I II III IV V Total
No. Name Regd. Content Adherence Coherence Meetings Viva (10)
No. to Work with group with
Plan (PLO-9) Supervisor
(0-2) (PLO-11) (0-2) (0-2) (0-2)

Note: Use Rubrics “B”


Signature of Advisor
Department of Civil Engineering, Swedish College of Engineering & Technology, Wah
Rubrics for Semester Progress (7th/8th Semester) (Total Marks = 10) (Rubrics B)
Unacceptable Basic Good Excellent
(0) (1) (1.5)) (2)
Partially Relevant and
Completely relevant
I Inappropriate and appropriate/relevant communicated
and communicated
Content irrelevant and contains minor clearly with no
clearly and strongly
inaccuracies. major omissions
Good and
Partially appropriate appropriate Exceptional
II Failure to manage
management of time management of management of time
Adherence to Work Plan project as per plan
and project work time and project and project work
Usually provides Routinely provides
Sometimes contributes
useful ideas in useful ideas in group
useful ideas in group
III group discussions discussions and a
Non-cooperative discussions and a
Coherence with group and a good group definite leader who
satisfactory group
member who tries contributes a lot of
hard. effort.
Always present in
Often present with
Meets supervisor with meetings with
IV Didn’t show up at the group and
the group few times supervisor. Good
Meetings with Supervisor all. comes prepared
during the semester. preparation with
active participation.
Seemed to understand In-depth
Neither understand understanding of
V the main points of the understanding of the
the question, nor the questions asked
Viva question and replied to asked questions with
could reply and replied with
those with ease. confident replies.
Department of Civil Engineering, Swedish College of Engineering & Technology, Wah

Undergraduate Final Project


Open House Evaluation (8th Semester) (Total Marks=20)

Project Title:

Group Number: ___________

Sr. UET Regd. Total

Student Name Grading of Fields as per Rubric “C”
No. No. (20)
Appearance Presentation Content
(0-5) (0-5) (0-10)
Note: Use Rubric “C”


Signature of Evaluator
Signature of supervisor
Department of Civil Engineering, Swedish College of Engineering & Technology, Wah

Rubrics for Open House Evaluation (8th Semester) (Total Marks = 20) (Rubrics C)
Levels of Achievement
Unacceptable Just Basic Good Excellent
(0) Acceptable (2) (3-4) (5)
I Inappropriate Poor Most Illustrations Very well
Appearance illustrations Illustrations illustrations are presented
and non- and Non- are appropriate illustrations.
pleasing aesthetic appropriate and good Layout is
layout. layout. but layout is space pleasing to
cluttered. management. the eye.
II Below Marginal Reasonable Good Exceptional
Presentation standard organization organization organization organization
content and and delivery. and delivery. and delivery. and delivery.

Unacceptabl Just Acceptable Basic Good Excellent

e (1-2)) (3-4) (5-8) (9-10)
III Inappropriat Barely Partially Relevant and Completely
Conten e and appropriate/releva appropriate/releva communicate relevant and
t irrelevant nt and contains nt and contains d clearly with communicate
major minor no major d clearly and
inaccuracies. inaccuracies. omissions. strongly
Department of Civil Engineering, Swedish College of Engineering & Technology, Wah

Undergraduate Final Project


Final Write-up (8th Semester) (Total Marks=20)

Project Title:

Group Number: ___________

Grading of fields as per Rubric “D”

Marks range from (0-4)
(PLO- (PLO- Total
S.No. Student Name UET Regd. No. (PLO-2)
12) 5) (0- (0- (20)
(0-4) (0-4) 4) 4)
Note: Use Rubric D


Signature of Supervisor
Signature of HoD

I (PLO-12) II (PLO-5) III (PLO-2) IV V
Literature Methodology Analysis & Originality/ Formatting/Organization
Review Conclusions Innovation
Department of Civil Engineering, Swedish College of Engineering & Technology, Wah

Rubrics for Final Write-up Evaluation (8th Semester) (Total Marks = 20) (Rubrics D)
Levels of Achievement
Unacceptable Just Acceptable Basic Good Excellent
(0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
I Very limited Limited literature Moderate Literature Good Literature Excellent literature
Literature Review literature review and review and Review and Review but review and proper
no references. incomplete incomplete incomplete references.
references. references. references.
II Methodology is not Methodology is Methodology is Methodology is Methodology is well-
Methodology suitable at all. marginally practical reasonably practical technically practical structured and highly
and relevant to the and relevant to and relevant to relevant to the project
project objectives. project objectives. project objectives. objectives.
III Inappropriate Insufficient analysis Sufficient analysis Appropriate analysis Exceptional analysis
Analysis & Conclusions analysis & and weak and reasonable and conclusions. and well thought
conclusions conclusions. conclusions. conclusions.
IV Project is plagiarized Project is not unique Project is not unique, Project is distinctive Project is unique,
Originality/Innovation but modified and but modified and and based on original creative and
improved from improved from ideas. innovative.
existing sources with existing sources with
minimal changes. adequate changes.
V Non-adherence to Formatting Formatting Appropriately Written work is very
Formatting/Organization formatting guidelines guidelines barely guidelines formatted and well formatted and
and disorganized followed and poorly adequately followed organized. organized.
organized. and organized to
some extent

Department of Civil Engineering, Swedish College of Engineering & Technology, Wah


Undergraduate Final Project


Final Defense/Presentation (8th Semester) (Total Marks=20)

Project Title:

Group Number: ___________

Grading of fields as per Rubric “E”
Marks range from (0-4)
(PLO- Total
S.No. Student Name UET Regd. No.
10) (0- (0- (20)
(0-4) (0-4)
(0-4) 4) 4)
Note: Use Rubric E


Signature of Supervisor
Signature of HoD

Relevance Organization, Appearance Time Question/Answers
preparation & management
effectiveness of
Department of Civil Engineering, Swedish College of Engineering & Technology, Wah
Rubrics for Final Presentation/Defense (8th Semester) (Total Marks = 20)
(Rubrics E)
Levels of Achievement
Unacceptable Just Acceptable Basic Good Excellent
(0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
Very limited
Limited relevance Partial relevance Relevant to the
relevance to Completely relevant to
I to program and to program and program with
program and low program and high
Relevance limited degree of moderate level of adequate degree
degree of degree of difficulty
difficulty difficulty of difficulty
Partially Comfortable
II Lacks confidence Confident &
confident with presentation with
Organization, with weak comfortable
moderate adequate
preparation & No participation preparation, presentation with
preparation, preparation,
effectiveness of organization and exceptional preparation
organization & organization &
delivery delivery organization & delivery.
delivery delivery
Most illustrations Illustrations are
Inappropriate Poor illustrations Very well presented
III are appropriate appropriate and
illustrations and and unaesthetic illustrations. Layout is
Appearance but layout is good space
unpleasant layout layout aesthetically good.
cluttered. management
Speakers either
Speakers shoed Speakers showed Comfortably use the
Noticeably exceed rush or ramble
IV some difficulty in no difficulty in allotted time, without
or fall short of excessively to
Time Management meeting time meeting time the evidence o
allotted time. meet the allotted
limits. limit. compensation.
Seemed to
Neither Adequate understand the
understanding of In-depth understanding
V understand the understanding of main points of
the questions of the asked questions
Questions/Answers question, nor the question and the question and
asked and replied with confident replies.
could reply reply replied to those
with ease.
with ease.

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