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Name Reg. no
Mary Njoki E37/3495/2018
Lucy Mwangi E37/4609/2018
Dorcas Nafula E37/3495/2018
Victor Bet E37/3473/2018
Valentino Braan E37/3522/2018
Velma Ayako E37/3425/2018
Vincent sindani E37/4644/2018
Godwin Kibet E37/3436/2018
Alex Sang E46/4448/2018
Hosea Kiplagat E37/3435/2018
Too Kibet Malcom E37/3425/2018
Brian Nyakundi E37/3551/2018
Sabinah Moraa Omweri E37/3531/2018
Joseph Mbuvi E37/3402/2018
Veronicah Osano E37/3532/2018
Identify the weaknesses of punishment as a way of
modifying behavior
Punishment is the imposition of an unpleasant outcome
or penalty to a person for a wrong done. This is done
through various means such as corporal punishment and
denial of some rights to offenders. However, it has
proved futile in its aim of modifying behavior.
First, punishment may lead to evoking of very strong
emotional responses. This may be common especially
among teenagers since they are in a very vulnerable
stage of life, adolescence. At this point they tend to
overreact towards almost everything. Punishment,
therefore, may awaken strong emotions such as anxiety
or even push them to try and punish themselves by
atempting suicide in extreme cases.
The individual punished tends to learn and use
punishment on others as well. The experience they get
may display punishment as the suitable way of
controlling behavior therefore undermining other ways
such as counselling. As a result, they may apply it on
others. This can modify the behavior or fail as well.
Punishment destroy relationships. When
punishment is used, the bond between the parties
involved is at a risk of becoming weak. For instance,
children may lose trust in their parents as well as
students in their teachers.
Violence often increase in adults who get punished.
This is more likely when the adult view this as underrate
and despise of age. Violence may arise when they seek
revenge or the respect they are supposed to be
Punishment may violate the rights of the offenders.
Most individuals who punish offenders may not intend to
hurt them, although they may lose their control and go
beyond controllable reactions to violate the rights of the
In addition, punishment at times may fail to stop
wrong behavior as the punished individual may be used
to the punishment. The punished individual therefore
fails to unlearn the wrong behavior due to ignorance of
punishment and thus failure to modify behavior.
For punishment to be effective in modifying
behavior, it should be done consistently. Hence if
punishment is done only once it may not modify
Punishment may lead to physical, emotional or even
mental harm. For instance, starvation and corporal
punishment may lead to physical harm while mental
torture may lead to both emotional and mental harm.
In conclusion punishment doesn’t serve as a perfect
way of conditioning people not to repeat misdeeds and
leads to threats of negative repercussions and can’t act
as a powerful disincentive against bad habits. Other
methods of modifying behavior such as counselling can
serve beter since it focuses on changing a person’s
attitude against negative traits.

Question 2.
Define intelligence and describe the role of genetic and
environmental factors in determining intelligence.
According to Vernon, intelligence can be described as the
effective all round cognitive activities to comprehend,
grasp relations and reason.
Many studies have been carried out with the aim of
finding how genetic environmental factors influence
intelligence. These studies mainly focus on how the level
of IQ differs or is similar within families, with more
emphasis on twins and adopted children. This simply
sows that genes play a vital role in intelligence.
On the other hand, environmental factors also influence
intelligence. Factors such as child’s surrounding and how
a child is raised by parents ,education of the child and
availability of learning materials and what the child eats
or drinks among others contribute to intelligence. A
persons surrounding and genetic composition relate to
each other and and thus is difficult to separate
environmental and genetic factors.
2.Differentiate between the following constructs giving
an example in each.
I)General intelligence//Specific intelligence
General intelligence is being good at an unlimited number of
fields e.g. a student good at both sciences and humanities
Specific intelligence is being a good at selected fields and not all
e.g. a student good at only sciences and not humanities and
ii)Fluid intelligence//crystallized intelligence
Fluid intelligence is being good at reasoning, tracing information
and thinking flexibly e.g. solving unfamiliar problems.
Crystallized intelligence is the ability to learn and apply the
learnt skills and experience in the right context e.g. playing a
piano and skating.
iii)Intelligence quotient(IQ)//Emotional
intelligence(EI)//Artificial intelligence(AI)
IQ is a measure of intelligence from several gauged tests e.g. A
person with high IQ is quick to answer tricky and twisted
EI is being good at identifying, understanding, expressing and
controlling inter-personal relationships e.g. empathy and
solving disagreements.
3.Discuss the role of personality in a student’s behavior.
Personality is the combination of characteristics that
form an individual’s distinctive character.
-Enhances sharing of knowledge among students e.g.
between brighter students and weak ones in group
-It enhances decision making e.g. what course to pursue
and what to leave.
-It enables students have good communication skills. This
therefore determines how they relate with the people
around them.
-Personality gives students a healthy psyche. They
therefore struggle with passion being driven by self-
-Furthermore, personality helps students cope with the
school rules and regulations. This is because they are
able to consider their interests and bear with the
demands of the school.

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