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KENPAVE Software


KENPAVE: is a computer package for pavement analysis and design it applies to calculate
stresses, strains and deformations in flexible and rigid pavements. The software KENPAVE which is
developed in 1993 by YANG H. HUANG, the professor emeritus of civil engineering in the University
of Kentucky, is used to model typical flexible and rigid pavement structures. The packages that form
either English or SI unit.

The KENLAYER computer program applies only to flexible pavements with no joints or rigid
layers. For pavements with rigid layers, such as PCC and composite pavements, the KENSLABS
program should be used. The backbone of KENLAYER is the solution for an elastic multilayer system
under a circular loaded area. The solutions are superimposed for multiple wheels, applied iteratively for
non - linear layers, and collocated at various times for viscoelastic layers. As a result, KENLAYER can
be applied to layered systems under single, dual, dual-tandem, or dual-tridem wheels with each layer
behaving differently, either linear elastic, nonlinear elastic, or viscoelastic. Damage analysis can be made
by dividing each year into a maximum of 12 periods, each with a different set of material properties.
Each period can have a maximum of 12 load groups, either single or multiple. The damage caused by
fatigue cracking and permanent deformation in each period over all load groups is summed up to evaluate
the design life.
Use of KENPAVE Software for the Flexible Pavement

Figure (1) shows the Main Screen of KENPAVE, consisting of two input boxes at the top and
11 command buttons at the bottom. The left three buttons are used for flexible or asphalt pavements, the
right five for rigid or concrete pavements, and the remaining three for general purposes. Details on the
use of these boxes and buttons can be viewed by clicking the Help button.

Figure 1 Main Screen of KENPAVE

How to Analysis of Rigid Pavement using KENPAVE Software

Step 1:- Launch KENPAVE

This is the first set which concludes start operating the KENPAVE program. Main screen will
appear and from this screen all buttons can be use easily and Data path & Filename appear clearly at
the top of screen as show in Figure 1.

Step 2:- Select SLABSINP

Main menu of SLABSINP is shown in Figure 2. Main menu for SLABSINP are used for
creating and editing data file. This menu appears when the SLABSINP button on the Main Screen of
KENPAVE is clicked. The data is divided into groups and can be found by clicking the appropriate
Figure 2 Main menu of SLABSINP

Below each menu is a label showing 'input' in red or 'default' in blue. The red label indicates that
you must click the menu to supply some of the data, while the blue label implies that the default values
have been provided so, if you want to use the defaults, there is no need to click the menu. Of course, you
can always click the menu to see what the defaults are and make the necessary changes, if desired.

For a longer description of each menu, you can point the arrow to the corresponding label below
the menu. Except for the 'file' label, you can also click the label, instead of the menu, to obtain the data
entry form. Below the menus and labels are the following buttons:

• Data Set = Data Set 1 is active automatically. Click Data Set 2 to 5 if there are 2 to 5 sets
of data. If a data set is No in blue, you should not click it unless you want to create a new
data set.
• Save = Click 'Save' for an old file with no change of filename.
• Save As = Click 'Save As' to rename the new 'Untitled' file or change the name of an old
• Exit = Click 'Exit' after the file has been saved by clicking 'Save' or 'Save As'.

Below the five data set buttons are labels with 'Yes' in red and 'No' in blue. The red yes label
indicates that the data set exists or must be provided by the user, while the blue no label indicates that
no data set exits. For a new file, the labels under Data Sets 2 to 5 are always No in blue. If these Data
Set buttons are clicked, it will be changed to Yes in red and all the data in Data Set 1 will be copied into
these new sets. The active data set is indicated by a black dot in the option button.
Step 3:- Click on File on the toolbar

To set up a new data file click 'File' and 'New' and the filename 'Untitled' will appear on the label
beneath 'File', Figure 3 . You can now proceed to input the necessary data.

To edit an existing file, you can click the filename in the drop-down list box to highlight it in the
Filename box on the Main Screen. After clicking the SLABSINP button and then 'File' and 'Old', a dialog
box showing a list of data files will appear.

Figure 3 New Data File

Step 4:- Click on General on the Toolbar

When the 'General' on the Main Menu of SLABSINP is clicked the screen as shown in Figure 4
will appears. You can override any of the default values by typing in a new value.
Details of ‘General’ screen are below:
• TITLE (title of run): Any title or comment can be typed on one line. The title should not
be longer than 68 characters including spaces. No comma should be used in TITLE. Use
colon or semicolon instead.
• NFOUND (type of foundation): 0 for liquid or Winkler foundation, 1 for solid
foundation, and 2 for Burmister's layered foundation.
• NDAMA (damage analysis): 0 without damage analysis, 1 damage analysis with
summary printout, and 2 damage analysis with more detailed printout.
• NPY (number of periods per year): Each year can be divided into a maximum of 12
periods for damage analysis. Even without damage analysis, NPY can be used to find
the effect of layer moduli on pavement responses by assigning different moduli for each
• NLG (number of load groups): Axle loads can be divided into a maximum of 12 groups
for damage analysis, each with different wheel loads and configuration.
• NLAYER (number of slab layers): Slabs may be composed of 1 or 2 layers of concrete,
either bonded or unbounded.
• NBOND (type of bond): 1 when two layers of slab are bonded and 0 when there is only
one layer of slab or two layers are unbounded.
• NSLAB (number of slabs): A maximum of 6 slabs can be specified.
• NJOINT (number of joints): A maximum of 7 joints may be used.
• NNCK (nodal number for checking purpose): This node is used for checking
convergence when the stiffness matrix is too large and the iterative method is used to
solve simultaneous equations. Use the node under or near the heaviest load, if possible.
This node is also used to check whether the deflection is reasonable so a number must
be specified even if no iterations are needed.
• NPRINT (number of nodes for stress printout): If NPRINT = 0, the stresses at every node
in the loaded slab will be computed and printed. If the loads are applied to several slabs,
only the slab with the lowest slab no. will be computed and printed. To reduce the
amount of printout, it is recommended that, except for a raft foundation or a pavement
slab where the plotting of contours is desired, only those nodes near to the loads be
computed and printed. If damage analysis is to be made, three edge points, one under
each axle, must be specified, as shown by nodes 1, 19 and 37 in Example SLA4.
• NSX (number of nodes on x axis of symmetry): A maximum of 50 nodes can be located
on the x axis of symmetry. Assign 0 if the x axis is not an axis of symmetry. Assign 1
if the x axis of symmetry is along a joint.
• NSY (number of nodes on y axis of symmetry): A maximum of 50 nodes can be located
on the y axis of symmetry. Assign 0 if the y axis is not an axis of symmetry. Assign 1
if the y axis of symmetry is along a joint.
• MDPO (more detailed printout): 1 for yes and 0 for no. The use of the default 0 is
recommended. More detailed printout is needed for debugging purpose.
• NAT1 (number of additional thicknesses for slab layer 1, maximum 120): The
thicknesses of slab at these nodes are different from normal and need be specified
individually. Assign 0 if the thickness of slab layer 1 is uniform throughout.
• NAT2 (number of additional thicknesses for slab layer 2, maximum 120): The
thicknesses of slab at these nodes are different from normal and need be specified
individually. Assign 0 if the thickness of slab layer 2 is uniform throughout.
• NUNIT (system of units): 1 for SI units and 0 for English units
• Upon completion, click OK to return to the Main Menu of SLABSINP.
Figure 4 General Information of SLABSINP

Step 5: - Curling and Contact Condition

This form appears when the 'Curling' menu on the Main Menu of SLABSINP is clicked. You
can override the default by typing in a new value. You can use the Tab key to move the cursor from one
textbox to the next or just click on the box before typing. The use of click has the advantage that you
don't have to delete the default before typing in the data you want. If you want to use the PgDn key to
read the remaining text, instead of the scrollbar, please click this textbox to make it active.

• NOTCON (total number of nodes assumed initially not in contact):A maximum of 120
nodes can be specified. If NCYCLE = 1, these nodes will never be in contact. If
NCYCLE > 1 and NFOUND = 0, these nodes may or may not be in contact depending
on the calculated results. However, for solid or layer foundation with NCYCLE > 1,
NOTCON should always be assigned 0.
• NGAP (total number of nodes at which a gap exists between slab and foundation): A
maximum of 120 nodes can be specified. Assign 0 if no gap exists or when NCYCLE
= 1.
• INPUT (code indicating whether the input of gaps or precompressions is needed):
Assign 1 for yes and 0 for no. Always use 0 for data set 1. Use 1 only for data set 2 if
it is a continuation of data set 1 for checking contact.
• NTEMP (code indicating condition of temperature curling): Assign 0 if there is no
temperature curling and 1 if there is curling.
• NWT (code indicating whether slab weight is considered): Assign 0 if weight is not
considered, as in the case of full contact. Assign 1 if weight is considered, as in the case
of partial contact.
• NCYCLE (maximum number of iteration cycles for checking subgrade contact): Use 1
for full contact or when no iterations are required, and 15 for partial contact or when
iterations are required.
• TEMP (temperature at bottom of slab minus temperature at top of slab): If positve, the
slab curls upward and negative if downward. Note that temperatures for English unit is
in F and for SI unit is in C.
• CT (coefficient of thermal expansion for concrete): Use of the default is suggested.
• DEL (tolerance for solving simultaneous equations by iterations): Although DEL is not
needed when the direct method of Gauss elimination is used, it should still be specified
in case the iterative method is activated due to storage limitations.
• FMAX (maximum allowable vertical displacement at a specified node): If the vertical
displacement at a specified note NNCK, as specified in the 'General' menu, is greater
than FMAX, something is apparently wrong and the program will stop automatically.
One possible cause is that the stiffness matrix is too large to be solved by the iteration
method s KENSLABS LARGE RAM must be used. Use larger default value, say 10
in. (25.4 cm) for raft foundation.
• If you want to print this text, you can click the print button below at the left corner.
• Upon completion, click 'OK' to return to the Main Menu of SLABSINP.


The four input parameters (INPUT, NCYCLE, NOTCON and NWT) can be used in combination to
analyse the following cases:

Case 1: Slab and foundation are in full contact as originally assumed by Westergaard. Set
INPUT to 0, NCYCLE to 1, NOTCON to 0, and NWT to 0. This case does not require iterations for
checking contact conditions.

Case 2: Slab and foundation are in full contact in some nodes but completely out of contact at
other nodes because of very large gaps. Set INPUT to 0, NCYCLE to 1, NOTCON to the number of
nodes not in contact, and NWT to 0. This case does not require iterations to check contact conditions.
Case 3: Partial contact under wheel loads should be analyzed in two steps. First, determine
the gaps and precompressions between slab and foundation under weight, temperature curling, and gaps,
if any, by setting INPUT = 0, NCYCLE = 10, NOTCON = 0, and NWT = 1. Then, using the gaps and
precompressions thus computed, determine the stresses and deflections under wheel loads by setting
INPUT = 1, NCYCLE = 10, and NWT = 0.

Case 4: If there is no gap between slab and foundation and no tempera-ture curling, an
approximate method with a single step can be used to analyze partial contact under wheel loads by
specifying INPUT = 0, NCYCLE = 10, and NWT = 1. The stresses and deflections thus determined are
due to the combined effect of the weight of slab and the wheel loads. Because the stress induced by the
weight of slab is 0 for liquid foundation and very small for solid and layer foundations, when compared
with the stress due to wheel loads, the maximum stress obtained by this simplified method can be used
directly for design purposes. However, this method cannot be used to determine the deflection under
wheel loads because the deflection induced by the weight of slab is quite significant.

Figure 5 Curling and Contact Condition

Step 6:- Slab Information

Under slab information there is fore categories such as Arrangement, X-coordinate, Y-coordinate
and Properties.

Figure 6 Arrangement of Slabs and Joints

After filling Arrangement move on the X-coordinate system of slab, when we click on the X-
coordinate, there is window how many numbers of slab which we are going to analysis. It shows in
according to detail which we are including in previse section. And also given only X-coordinate
because of that slab symmetrical on Y-coordinate.

Figure 7 X-Coordinates of Grid for Slab

Final stage of the Slab Information part is Properties. Under this section include the slab thickness,
poisson ratio, Young’s and weight of concrete.

Figure 8 Thickness, Poisson ratio, Young's and Weight of Concrete

Step 7:- Add the Number of uniform distributed load

Under this section include the number of uniform distributed load for each load group. As show
window below.

Figure 9 Load Areas and Contact Pressures

After include contact pressures, double click on the grey colour area. Then there is window that we can
include Load Area for load group. As X, Y coordinate. As window shows in the below,

Figure 10 loaded area for load group 1

Figure 11 loaded area for load group 2

Figure 12 Loaded area for load group 3

Step 8:- Other Optional

In this section filling according to what we include data in General Section. First include Node not
Contact but it show as NOTCON = 0 because of that what we’re including data in previse section.

Figure 13 Node not Contact

After including Node Printout section. In this section add data about nodal number at which stresses
are points. That detail include as show in window below,

Figure 14 Nodes for Printout

After add Node on Y Axis of Symmetry. In the slab has 9 grid line y axis symmetry.

Figure 15 Nodes on Y axis of Symmetry

Step 9:- Soild Foundation
In this section including young’s modulus of Subgrade and Poisson’s ratio of subgrade, as show
widow below,

Figure 16 Solid Foundation

Step 10:- Add Foundation Seasonal Adjustment Factor.

In this section fill according to given lab sheet data.

Figure 17 Foundation seasonal Adjustment Factor

Step 11:- Including Damage Analysis
According to given data fill this section.

Figure 18 Damage Analysis

Under damage analysis there are two categories such as Fatigue Properties and Volume of Traffic.

Figure 19 Strength and Fatigue Coefficient of Each Slab Layer

After filling Strength and Fatigue Coefficient of Each Slab Layer detail move on the load repetition of
each period. In this section has to fill load repetition period for each and every periods, data given in
lab sheet. According to our analysis there are two period.
Period 1

Figure 20 Load Repetition for Period No 1

Period 2

Figure 21 Load Repetition for Period No 2

Step 12: Click on Save As to save the data to a new file
Name it like “Problem2” or something like that. Since this program is DOS-based, you probably can’t
use file names with embedded spaces or filenames with more than 8 characters (not counting the file
extension, which will always be “.dat”).
Step 13: Click on Exit
Step 14: Click on KENSLABS to perform the calculations
Step 15: Click on EDITOR to view the output file.

Figure 22 results
Figure 23 results
Figure 24 results
Figure 25 results
Use of KENPAVE Software for the asphalt pavements

Step 1:- Launch KENPAVE

This is the first set which concludes start operating the KENPAVE program. Main screen will
appear and from this screen all buttons can be use easily and Data path & Filename appear clearly at
the top of screen as show in Figure 24.

Figure 26 Main screen of KENPAVE

Step 2:- Select LAYERINP

Main menu of LAYERINP is shown in Figure 25. Main menu for LAYERINP are used for
creating and editing data file. This menu appears when the LAYERINP button on the Main Screen of
KENPAVE is clicked. The data is divided into groups and can be found by clicking the appropriate

Figure 27 main menu of LAYERINP

Step 3: - Click on File on the toolbar

To set up a new data file click 'File' and 'New' and the filename 'Untitled' will appear on the label
beneath 'File’, You can now proceed to input the necessary data.

Step 4: - Click on General on the Toolbar

Figure 28 General

Step 5: - Click on Zcoord on the Toolbar

Figure 29 Zcoord
Step 6: - Click on Layer on the Toolbar

Figure 30 Layer

Step 7: - Click on Moduli on the Toolbar

Figure 31 Moduli
Figure 32 Moduli

Step 8: - Click on Load on the Toolbar

Figure 33 Load
Figure 34 Load

Step 9: Click on Save As to save the data to a new file

Name it like “Problem2” or something like that. Since this program is DOS-based, you probably can’t
use file names with embedded spaces or filenames with more than 8 characters (not counting the file
extension, which will always be “.dat”).
Step 13: Click on Exit
Step 14: Click on KENLAYER to perform the calculations
Step 15: Click on EDITOR to view the output file
Figure 35 Results
Figure 36 results
Figure 37 results

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