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Management of acute Despite this, these injuries are often wrongly perceived as
benign. It is reported that residual symptoms of pain and/or

ankle ligament injuries instability may occur in 10e40% of patients despite appropriate
conservative treatment.6

Paul MC Dearden Anatomy and biomechanics

William JE Reeve
Three articulations: the talocrural, distal tibiofibular and the
Ian T Sharpe subtalar joints work together in allowing coordinated movements
of the ankle and hindfoot. Motion occurs in three planes: sagittal
(flexion/extension), coronal (inversion/eversion) and transverse
Abstract plane (internal/external rotation).
Ankle sprains are amongst the most common injuries presenting to
emergency departments in the UK. They are not one single entity
Talocrural joint
but a heterogeneous group of injuries with a wide spectrum of severity.
The talocrural joint is formed by the tibial plafond, talar dome
Most injuries will involve the lateral ankle ligament complex but it is
and the medal and lateral malleoli forming a ‘mortise’. The
important to ensure injuries to the syndesmotic ligaments or the del-
lateral malleolus is longer and positioned more posteriorly than
toid ligaments are not missed. Missed injuries or poor management
the medial malleolus placing the axis of rotation of the joint
can cause disabling consequences and may occur in as many as
through the tips of the malleoli. This means that the ankle joint,
40% of inadequately treated patients. This article focuses on the
when functioning in isolation, acts as a modified hinge with the
basic anatomy and biomechanics of the ankle joint, common mecha-
plane of range of movement oblique to the plane of the ground
nisms of injury, appropriate diagnostic techniques and the indications
and oblique in the transverse plane. Additionally the talus
for non-operative and operative management.
externally rotates in relation to the tibia during dorsiflexion and
Keywords ankle sprain; conservative; deltoid; injury; instability; internal rotates during plantarflexion.
lateral ligament ankle; surgery; syndesmosis During weight-bearing activity, the bony anatomy of the ankle
affords stability to the talocrural joint with the talus compressed
into the mortise. The talar dome articular surface is wider at its
Introduction anterior aspect than posteriorly like the frustum of a cone. This
Ankle sprains are common and make up 3e5% of all Emergency means as the ankle passes from plantar to dorsiflexion the talus
department attendances or 5600 incidents per day in the UK.1 fits more tightly in the mortise and bony stability increases. In
They most often occur following a combination of inversion the unloaded ankle joint the ligamentous and dynamic muscular
and adduction of the foot in a plantarflexed position (supination) stability becomes more important with each ankle ligament
as the body’s centre of gravity rolls over the ankle. Injury to the contributing a different function dependent upon the position of
lateral ankle ligament structures may account for 16e21% of all the ankle joint and subsequent tension of the ligament.
musculoskeletal injuries sustained during sports. Certain high-
risk sports such as basketball, soccer, running and dance have Lateral ligaments: three ligaments support the talocrural joint
a higher incidence, with 53% of all basketball and 29% of all on the lateral side: the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), the
soccer injuries being sprains of the ankle lateral ligaments.2,3 calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) and the posterior talofibular lig-
Injury to the syndesmotic ligament complex or ‘high ankle ament (PTFL) (Figure 1).
sprain’ is a less common presentation especially in isolation and The ATFL is the weakest of the lateral ligaments with a load to
without associated fractures. Involvement of the syndesmotic failure 2e3.5 times lower than that of the CFL and PTFL. The
ligaments, however, is a strong predictive factor for chronic ATFL is taut in plantarflexion and foot inversion and as such is the
ankle dysfunction at 6 months post-injury.4 If undiagnosed or most frequently injured. The ATFL runs as an intracapsular
chronically unstable, syndesmotic injuries may lead to symp- structure originating 1 cm proximal to the tip of the fibular,
tomatic ankle joint arthritis. anterior to the fibular facet, and inserting into the neck of the talus.
The socioeconomic cost of ankle sprains is significant. A The CFL takes its origin from the tip of the fibular adjacent to
quarter of patients suffering an acute ankle sprain are unable to the ATFL and inserts into the calcaneus just posterior to the
attend school or work for more than 7 days following injury.5 peroneal tubercle. The CFL forms the floor of the peroneal
sheath. The CFL is taut when the ankle is dorsiflexed.
The PTFL is the strongest of the three lateral ligaments and is
a short thick structure originating from the medial aspect of the
Paul MC Dearden FRCS (Trauma & Orth) BMBS BMedSci (Hons), Foot and posterior tip of the fibula and inserts into the posterior talus. It is
Ankle Clinical Fellow, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, UK. Conflicts only taut in extreme dorsiflexion. Due to this combination it is
of interest: none declared.
rarely injured.
William JE Reeve FRCS (Trauma & Orth) MBBS BSc, ST7 Registrar, Royal
Devon and Exeter Hospital, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. Medial ligaments: the medial, or deltoid, ligament is composed
Ian T Sharpe FRCS (Trauma & Orth), Consultant Orthopaedic and of superficial and deep components. It is much stronger than the
Trauma Surgeon, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, UK. Conflicts of lateral ligaments and is rarely injured in isolation. It is more
interest: none declared. commonly injured in association with a fibular fracture. The

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA --:- 1 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Dearden PM, et al., Management of acute ankle ligament injuries, Orthopaedics and Trauma (2018), https://

Figure 1 Lateral ligamentous structures of the ankle. Source: Reference 19. Reproduced with
permission from Elsevier.

superficial deltoid ligament is a fan-shaped structure originating divided into anterior and posterior portions divided by the sinus
from the anterior colliculus of the medial malleolus and consists tarsi and the tarsal canal. The anterior portion of the subtalar
of tibiospring, tibionavicular, tibiocalcaneal and superficial pos- joint is formed from the anterior and middle articular facets of
terior tibiotalar components. The deep deltoid arises from the the calcaneus and the talonavicular joint. The posterior aspect of
posterior colliculus and traverses horizontally to attach onto the the subtalar joint consists of the posterior facet and the inferior
talus. Therefore the superficial deltoid ligaments cross two joints talar surface. The anterior portion of the joint is positioned
and the deep deltoid only one (Figure 2). anterior and medial in relation to the posterior aspect. Movement
A functional deltoid ligament limits talar abduction, pronation of the subtalar joint is through this axis, which is inclined
and external rotation. When the deep deltoid and the ATFL are approximately 42 in relation to the plane of the ground and 23
sectioned, internal and external rotation movement of the talus is medial to the midline of the foot.
increased. If the syndesmotic ligaments are also sectioned, the The ligamentous support of the subtalar joint is divided into
talus will freely dislocate during external rotation. three groups; peripheral, deep and retinacular. There are three
peripheral ligaments, calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), the lateral
Distal tibiofibular joint or syndesmosis: the distal fibula and talocalcaneal ligament (LTCL) and the fibulotalocalcaneal liga-
the incisura of the tibia form the syndesmosis. The interosseous ment (FTCL). There are two deep ligaments, the cervical liga-
membrane runs between the fibula and tibia along their entire ment (CL) and the Interosseous ligament (IOL).
lengths and stabilizes the syndesmosis. Distally, there are three The CFL is commonly injured in association with the ATFL
ligamentous structures: the anterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament during lateral ankle ligament sprains. If injured the CFL can lead
(AITFL), the posterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL) and to combined instability of the talocrural and subtalar joint.
the interosseous ligament (IOL). The AITFL is the weakest and is
the most commonly injured component. The IOL is stronger than Ligament healing
the AITFL and is generally injured in combination with the
AITFL. The PITFL is composed of superficial and deep portions During the post-injury healing response, ligaments undergo
and acts to deepen the talocrural joint and helps to resist poste- three stages of healing with differing demands, which can be
rior talar subluxation. The PITFL is the strongest of the syn- optimized by tailoring the patients’ rehabilitation.
desmotic ligaments and contributes the most to syndesmotic
Stage I e inflammatory phase
stability. The PITFL also projects inferior to the ankle joint line
The inflammatory phase of ligament healing starts at time of
and acts to deepen the ankle mortise and protect against poste-
injury and continues for the first 7 days. During this initial phase
rior translation of the talus.
there is swelling and increase in skin temperature as local
Subtalar joint growth factors such as transforming growth factor-b1, insulin-
The articulation of the subtalar joint is formed between the like growth factor and bone morphogenetic proteins are
inferior aspect of the talus and the os calcis. The articulation is released. These growth factors activate immune cascades that

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA --:- 2 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Dearden PM, et al., Management of acute ankle ligament injuries, Orthopaedics and Trauma (2018), https://

Figure 2 Medial ligamentous structures of the ankle. Source: Reference 19. Reproduced with
permission from Elsevier.

lead to an influx of neutrophils and macrophages and stimulate walking when compared to patients treated with no immobili-
these cells to begin ingesting and removing damaged cells and zation or soft support/compression bandages only.9
debris from the injury. Angiogenesis occurs with new vessel
formation increasing vascularity of the damaged tissue. Also, at Stage III e maturation phase
this stage, production of type III collagen and extracellular ma- Gradually, as the proliferation phase continues and merges into
trix begins. the maturation phase, collagen deposition becomes more
Treatment during the inflammatory phase should be aimed at organised and orientated in line of the fibres of the normal lig-
avoiding or reducing excessive swelling. Rest, ice, compression ament. Collagen type III fibres are replaced with more type I fi-
and elevation (RICE) therapy is advocated during the first 4e5 bres and the ligament gains strength. Maturation and
days to reduce swelling and improve pain levels. It is postulated remodelling can continue for months or years after injury. It is
that this approach helps avoid on-going injury and thus opti- during remodelling that collagen and matrix components are
mizes the healing potential.7 During the inflammatory phase, the turned over and opportunity for adaptation to functional de-
use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has been shown to mands can occur. If remodelling is inadequate, the potential for
be beneficial in reducing swelling and improving pain levels.8 the ligament to heal at incorrect tension or to fail under sub-
normal loads arises.10
Stage II e proliferative phase
This phase begins at around day 7 post-injury and continues for Predisposing anatomical factors
several weeks. During this phase, further growth factors are
released and fibroblast proliferation is initiated. The tissue Several anatomic factors have been suggested as causing a pre-
formed during the proliferative phase appears like disorganized disposition to ankle sprains. Individuals with a varus hindfoot
scar tissue with more vessels, fat cells and inflammatory cells are higher risk for ankle sprains. With the hindfoot in varus, the
than a normal ligament and with a predominance of disorganized ground reaction force is more medial, generating supination
type III collagen. It is at this stage of the healing response (days 5 torque. This supinating force places the ATFL under stress. Also,
e21) that healing ligaments are at their weakest. inversion at the subtalar joint locks the transverse tarsal joint and
Early mobilization has been proposed as a beneficial approach reduces the ability of the foot to dissipate stress and places
during the proliferative phase of ligamentous healing. Controlled further forces across the ankle ligaments.
stress on the healing ligament during functional active range of The ATFL and CFL act to stabilize the ankle joint at different
movement promotes proper collagen fibre orientation. The early points in the ankle range of movement due to the orientation of
movement protocols should avoid inversion movements, which their individual courses. In certain individuals it is suggested that
can cause excessive strain and the formation of excess weaker an increase angle between the ATFL and CFL (normal range
type III collagen. This said, studies indicate that a short period of between 70 and 140 ) causes for a window of instability to be
immobilization (maximum 10 days) in a semi-rigid brace or created where neither of the ligaments are taut and the ankle is
below knee plaster cast is actually beneficial and speeds return to therefore unstable.

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA --:- 3 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Dearden PM, et al., Management of acute ankle ligament injuries, Orthopaedics and Trauma (2018), https://

Where dorsiflexion is limited by a tight Achilles tendon the features of the history or the injury mechanism that enable the
ATFL is placed under increased stress during greater periods of clinician to make a precise diagnosis or grade the injury. Features
the gait cycle and is therefore at greater risk of injury. of the history such as hearing a snap or crack do not correlate
with the anatomical location of the injury or its severity. In
Mechanism of injury general terms, those patients who sustain low-grade sprains
(grade I and II) are often able to continue weight-bearing and
Injuries to the ankle lateral ligaments ankle sprains are the most
have swelling that develops slowly, often several hours after
frequent and occur as a result of inversion of the foot and ankle.
their injury. Those patients with complete ruptures (grade III)
Supination and adduction of the plantarflexed foot is the most
report more immediate swelling and early appearance of
common mechanism. There may also be excessive external
bruising. Higher-grade injuries are likely to prevent patients from
rotation of the lower leg during heel strike. The lateral ligaments
being able to continue their activities or weight-bear.
often fail sequentially with ATFL most commonly injured fol-
At time of injury it may be impossible to make an accurate
lowed by ATFL and CFL in combination. It is possible for isolated
assessment of the grade of the injury due to patient discomfort.
failure of the CFL to occur and may play a role in subtalar
Delayed physical assessment, 4e5 days post-injury, once the
severity of pain has reduced remains the gold standard.7 Location
Syndesmotic ligament injuries are often referred to as ‘high
of swelling, haematoma and pain on palpation over the affected
ankle sprains’. These injuries are most commonly accepted to
ligament are key features.
occur following an injury mechanism where external rotation
occurs through the foot and ankle with the ankle dorsiflexed and Lateral ligament injury
foot pronated. This causes external rotation of the talus within Tenderness over the ATFL combined with haematoma has a
the ankle mortise. The fibular also externally rotates and is positive predictive value for ATFL injury. There may be tender-
forced posteriorly and laterally. The sequentially ligamentous ness over the syndesmosis in up to 40% of patients despite there
failure occurs with the AITFL first, followed by the deep deltoid being no injury to the AITFL. This is likely due to an anterior
complex or a medial malleolar fracture. If the energy is high, capsular tear. Medial tenderness may also be present in 60% of
failure of the interosseous ligament, fibular fracture and finally patients with lateral ligament injury. Instability of the ATFL
the PITFL may occur. should be looked for by performing an anterior drawer test. This
Medial ankle ligament injuries occur following pronation, is performed with the patient sitting, knee flexed and the ankle
eversion, supination and external rotation or abduction mecha- plantarflexed 10e20 . The examiner stabilizes the tibia with one
nisms. Significant isolated medial ankle ligamentous injuries are hand whilst attempting to translate the ankle forward with the
rare. Superficial deltoid is most often injured and has a good other hand (Figure 3). A positive anterior drawer, combined with
prognosis, as the ankle remains rotationally stable. If both su- tenderness and haematoma over ATFL has 98% sensitivity for
perficial and deep ligaments are injured there is almost always identifying ATFL injury and an 84% specificity.
associated injury to the ankle or fibula.
Local tenderness over the syndesmosis and distance of tender-
Terminology is important when describing ankle ligament injury. ness from the ankle joint are positive predictive features of a
The term ankle sprain is often used interchangeably to describe syndesmotic injury with pain more proximal to the ankle joint
any injury from minor stretch of the ligament to complete rupture correlating to more severe injury. Special tests include the fibular
with instability. Many grading systems exist to describe injury to translation test and the Cotton test, both of which have been
the lateral ankle ligaments based on anatomic location, mecha- recommended by the European Society of Sports Traumatology.
nism, and stability or severity of injury. Most useful lateral lig- Fibular translation is performed by grasping the fibula between
ament injury classifications grade ankle ligament injuries based two fingers and translating it anterior or posteriorly (Figure 4).
on severity of injury and aid management planning. Pain accompanying an increased degree of translation in com-
Grade I injury e Mild stretching of the ligament causing parison to the uninjured side is suggestive of injury. The Cotton
tearing of fibres. No laxity test is described as applying medial and lateral translational
Grade II injury e Moderate injury with moderate pain and forces to the talus with the ankle in a neutral position (Figure 5).
swelling. Functional limitation with weight-bearing and mild A positive test is increased mediolateral translation accompanied
to moderate laxity by pain.
Grade III injury e Severe injury with complete rupture of
ligament accompanied by marked pain, swelling and hae- Deltoid
matoma. Markedly impaired function in weight-bearing and As isolated deltoid injuries are rare it is important to formally
marked laxity. examine the entire length of the fibula, the lateral ankle liga-
ments and the syndesmosis to rule out lateral injury or high
Clinical presentation fibular fracture (Figure 6). Once excluded, formal examination of
the medial ligaments for pain on palpation and presence of
Arriving at the correct diagnosis is essential if appropriate man-
bruising may suggest isolated deltoid injury. Delayed examina-
agement of the patient’s ankle sprain is to be instigated. If left
tion with lateral talar tilt test or anterior drawer in external
undiagnosed and untreated, lateral ankle sprains may lead to late
rotation may be helpful but the specificities are not known. Stress
symptoms in up to 40% of patients. There are no pathognomonic

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA --:- 4 Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Dearden PM, et al., Management of acute ankle ligament injuries, Orthopaedics and Trauma (2018), https://

Figure 3 Anterior drawer test.

Figure 6 A weight-bearing anteroposterior radiograph of a patient with

combined medial deltoid and syndesmotic instability. Note the
undisplaced high fibula fracture (circled in red).

radiographs and manipulation under anaesthetic may be useful if

for other reasons the patient needs to be taken to theatre.

Standard anteroposterior (AP), mortise and lateral ankle X-rays
should be requested if the patient meets Ottawa ankle fracture
criteria. These images help to rule out fracture and may
Figure 4 Fibula translation test for syndesmotic instability.
demonstrate diastasis of the ankle syndesmosis, avulsion frac-
ture or widening of the medial clear space. Comparative weight-
bearing and non-weight-bearing AP views are requested in the
investigation of suspected syndesmotic injury as increase in
tibiofibular clear space greater than 6 mm on weight-bearing
with associated pain is suggestive of syndesmotic instability.
However, it is not possible to grade severity of injury with any
accuracy using plain radiographs alone and subtler, low-grade
injuries may not be picked up at all.
Stress radiographs may prove useful if viewed in combination
with comparative views of the uninjured side. Little to no
consensus exists of cut off values for degrees of translation for
‘abnormal’ or positive tests
Ultrasound examination is highly sensitive and specific in
identifying ligamentous injury around the ankle and identifica-
tion of injury to the peroneal tendons. However, with the now
widespread availability of MRI, it has almost become redundant
in the investigation of acute ankle ligament injury.
MRI is a highly useful diagnostic tool due to its excellent
sensitivity (93e96%) and specificity (100%) in visualizing ankle
ligament injuries. The high numbers of patients presenting with
Figure 5 Cotton test for syndesmotic instability. all grades of ligament injury prohibits the routine use of MRI in

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Please cite this article in press as: Dearden PM, et al., Management of acute ankle ligament injuries, Orthopaedics and Trauma (2018), https://

diagnosis of acute ankle sprain. However, MRI also has the insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of surgical
ability to identify not only injury to the ankle ligaments, but to management over non-operative treatment due to low quality of
the chondral surfaces of the ankle and hindfoot joints, tendinous the trials analysed and a lack of long-term outcome data.14
structures and subtle bony injuries. Therefore, its use should be More recent prospective randomized controlled trials with
reserved for use in those patients with persisting symptoms or if long-term follow-up comparing operative to non-operative
there is suspicion of chondral injury in the acute setting. management demonstrated no difference in clinical scores be-
tween the two groups. Lower re-injury rates in the surgical group
Management were demonstrated long term by Pihlajamaki et al.15
Surgery should not be entirely ruled out as it has advantages
Lateral ligament injuries
in certain instances. Namely, the management of the elite athlete
Non-operative: several randomized control trials have demon-
with lateral ankle ligament grade II or grade III injury. The
strated superior outcomes following appropriate non-operative
advantage of surgical repair in these patients is that following
management when compared to no treatment.11 The non-
surgical repair there is an improved objective instability
operative management of grade IeIII lateral ankle sprains
demonstrated by talar tilt on stress radiographs or positive
should be considered as the current standard of practice.
anterior drawer. As increased subjective instability is a strong
RICE therapy is generally the treatment of choice during the
predictor of future ankle sprains, proposed benefits of surgical
acute inflammatory phase of ligament injury (days 1e5). How-
management of an acute high-grade sprain in an athlete is the
ever, there is insufficient evidence to support its efficacy.12 The
reduced risk of further injury and reduced time out of competi-
use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications has been
tion. If surgery is to be considered, an anatomic repair such as a
demonstrated to be effective in the acute management of ankle
Brostro€m-Gould procedure with or without synthetic augmenta-
sprains with benefits outweighing the adverse effects of these
tion, followed by a programme of supervised range of movement
and proprioceptive exercise is suggested.7 The role of non-
Whilst early functional treatment appears to provide favour-
anatomic repair or reconstruction in the acute ankle lateral lig-
able outcomes in comparison to long-term immobilization (4e6
ament injury setting is now only historical.
weeks), a short period of initial immobilization in a below knee
cast or removable boot (<10 days) has been shown to be of Syndesmotic injuries
benefit.13 Following initial RICE treatment and immobilization, Non-operative: low-grade syndesmotic injuries, that is, those
protection of the healing ankle lateral ligaments against inversion without instability should be treated non-operatively. Non-
is recommended. This aims to avoid excess type III collagen operative management should comprise of initial RICE therapy
formation during the proliferation phase. The type of immobili- together with non-weight-bearing immobilization in cast or
zation: tape, elastic bandages, tubular support, lace-up or semi- removable boot for 1e2 weeks. This should be followed by re-
rigid ankle brace is a matter for much debate and investigation turn to weight-bearing in a functional brace, physiotherapy
with little evidence to support their ability to reduce reinjury directed ankle mobilization and strength training. When pain
rates. Petersen et al in the systematic review of 2013 concluded free weight-bearing and range of movement has been achieved,
that for all grades of injury, a semi-rigid ankle brace should be neuromuscular and proprioceptive training should begin and
recommended to protect against inversion. continue until fully recovery is achieved. If there is no evidence
Functional neuromuscular exercise comprising ankle range of of instability, non-operative management of syndesmotic injury
movement, proprioceptive balance board training, muscle can be expected to achieve good results.4
strengthening and activity-specific training can be used following
initial immobilisation in acute ankle sprains. This can be a Operative: where instability of the syndesmosis is demonstrated
formal physio supervised programme or self-directed home the management should be operative. Management goals include
therapy with improved function and return to activity. There is anatomical restoration of the fibula within the incisura of the
also evidence that, following balance training, lower re-injury tibia and maintenance of this reduction whilst healing of the
rates are seen.9 ligaments occurs. Surgical fixation can be performed by a num-
ber of techniques including syndesmotic screw fixation, suture
Operative: the role of surgical management of acute ankle liga- button dynamic fixation or AITFL repair. No technique has been
ment injury is only minor. Most authors agree that non-operative proven to be superior. Indirect reduction using a tibiofibular
treatment should be recommended. clamp with the ankle in neutral position to avoid over reduction
Recently, a Cochrane review of acute surgical ligament has been recommended although there is controversy as to
reconstruction in lateral ligament injuries has been conducted. whether over reduction of the syndesmosis is possible in the
This review suggested that acute surgical ligament reconstruction absence of fractures.
has advantages including reduced recurrence rate of ankle injury Screw fixation is probably the most common technique.
in those treated. The review also identified improved functional Screw diameters of smaller than 4.5 mm are recommended to
(subjective) and mechanical (objective) instability compared to avoid fibular fracture. Two screws placed 2e3 cm proximal to
non-surgical treatment and a reduced rate of chronic ankle the ankle joint line provide more stability than a single screw.
problems. On the other hand there was limited evidence for Three cortices fixation reduces risk of screw breakage but four
longer recovery times, higher incidence of stiffness and impaired cortices fixation is more rigid, provides greater resistance to loss
ankle mobility and more complications in the surgically treated of reduction during treatment and allows greater ease of implant
group. Overall the Cochrane review concludes that there is retrieval if a screw breaks.

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Please cite this article in press as: Dearden PM, et al., Management of acute ankle ligament injuries, Orthopaedics and Trauma (2018), https://

Suture button fixation has been shown to have slightly infe- 4 McCollum GA, Calder JD, van Dijk CN, et al. Syndesmosis and
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Please cite this article in press as: Dearden PM, et al., Management of acute ankle ligament injuries, Orthopaedics and Trauma (2018), https://

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