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Around the word in 180 Days

for educators
For the 2019-2020 school year, we will be reading the Book of John with our brothers and
sisters in the public schools. A new focus for this year is praying Scripture. God speaks to us
through His Word. When we pray His Word we know we are in His will. There is no doubt
that there is something in His Word for every human experience. Our goal is to mine His
Word for the common experiences, wants and woes and wisdom for the missionaries in
education. May You be blessed with a deeper walk with Him through the power of His Word.

There’s a Word for that!

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Why are we praying Scripture? The best answer always comes directly from the Word of God.

2 Timothy 3:16-17– All Scripture is breathed out by
God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for
correction, and for training in righteousness, that the
man of God may be equipped for every good work.
Don’t you just love how Paul describes Scripture as
breathed out by God? We need the Word for our
teaching. We need the Word for correction and
reproof and to train for righteousness. We want to
bless you, Christian educator, this school year with
the tools to equip you
for every good work.
The Word of God
and prayer are

Dear Heavenly Father,

Hear our cry, O Lord as we reach out to You, the only
True Educator. Lord we want to look to Your Word for
everything we need for there’s something in Word for all
our highs and lows in education. You have showed us
that Your Word is breathed out by You. How exciting!
You are also teaching us that being in the Word is
profitable for teaching! Help us Lord to be more
diligently in love with seeking Your Word. It is good for
correction, reproof and training for righteousness. How Colossians 2:2– ..that their
else can we be a blessing to the students? Your word is hearts may be encouraged,

there to equip us for every good work this school year. being knit together in love, to
You have also taught us that Your Word encourages our reach all the riches of full
hearts and helps us to be knit together. Grant us full assurance of understanding and
assurance in the understanding and knowledge of Your
the knowledge of God’s mystery,
mystery – Christ! – in Whom is hidden all the treasures
which is Christ, in Whom are
of wisdom and knowledge that we need for the
hidden all the treasures of
2019-2020 school year. We ask humbly for these
wisdom and knowledge.
requests in the beautiful name of Jesus. Amen.

Where we read the Bible with our brother and sisters in the public schools

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