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Practice Problems


Joe wants to be a n1illionaire. To achieve thiH goal,
Problem 1 at the end of the year he inve8t8 $5000 each year int o
l(elly just won the state lottery. The $2,000,000 jackpot an acrount that pay8 10% intere8t, con1pounded yearly.
\Vill be paid in 20 annual inHtalln1ents of $100,000 . The The amount of ti1ne it v,rill take Joe to reach hiH goal of
first installment iHgiven to l(elly im1nediately . The in- becon1ing a m illionaire is moHt nearly
terest rate iH 6% con1pounded yearly. The prcHent worth
(A) 20 yr
of Kelly'H lottery >vinnings (at the t ime of receiving t he (B) 30 yr
first inHtalln1ent) is moHt nearly
(C) 40yr
(A) $1,120,000 (D) 180 yr
(B) $1,150,000
(C) $1,220,000 Sol11.tion
(D) $1,900,000
UHe the uniform Heries con1pound amount factor to re-
late the future worth of the account to t he yearly de-
Sol7J,tion poHitH.
100k 100k 100k 100k 100k ' 100k
A = uniform serieH of end of
eon1pounding period ca8h flo>vH
t = 0 1 2 ' 17 18 t = 19 years = $5000
i = annual intereHt rate
UHe the uniform serieH preHent worth fact or to find the
= 10%
present worth of the last 19 installn1ents at the t ime
the fir:-.t instalhnent is n1ade. Add this value to the n = number of con1pounding periods
firHt inHtalln1ent to determine the total present worth of = number of years
l(elly's lottery winningH.
F = future equivalent value of a ca8h flcnv
A = unifor1n series of end of or serieH of ca8h flows
con1pounding period cash flow8 ~ = $1,000,000
= $100,000
$1,000,000 = ($5000)(F/ A , 10%, n)
i = annual intereHt rate = 6%
= ($5000) ((1 + O.l)n - 1)
11. = number of con1pounding periods = 19 year8 0.1
P = present equivalent value of a cash flow
or serieH of ca8h flow8 log21 = nlogl .l
= $100,000 + ($100,000)(P/ A, 6%, 19) n = = 31 .94 yr (30 yr)
logl .l
(1 + 0 .06) 19 - 1 )
= $100,000 + ($100,000) ( (0.06)(1+0.06)19
Tt1e answer is B.
= $100,000 + ($100,000)(11.1581)
= $1,215,810 ($1,220,000)
= $100,000 + ($100,000)(11.1581)
= $1 ,215,810 ($1,220,000)

The a nswer is C.

6 Industrial Disci~ine·Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •

Problem3 D =production quantity (units/ yr )

A credit card cornpany offers students a credit line of $
$2000 and charges an annual percentage rate of 12%, 1,250,000 -
con1pounded da.ily. The effective annua l interest rate is $ $
rnost nearly 30 . -10 -
unit unit
(A) 3.3% = 62,500 units/ yr
(B) 12.0%
(C) 12.8% The~nswe r is C .
(D) 13.2%
The cost data related to the prod uction of a ne>v prod-
The follo,ving equation relates a nominal interest rate uct is the following: direct labor is 0.25 hr/ un it at
to the effective annual interest rate. $17 / h r , direct material costs $300 per 50 units, and

i= ( l + m,
r )'n-1 over head is 150% of total direct costs .

If t he company d esires to nlake a profit equal to 12%

r = nominal int.c rest rate= 12% of the total manufacturing cost, the selling price should
most nearly be set to
m, = n umber of compounding periods per year
()\) $17/ unit
= 365 con1pou nding periods per year
(B) $25/ unit
0 12)365 (C) $27/ unit
i = ( 1 + 3.65 - 1 = 0.1 275 ( 12.8%) (D) $29/ unit

The a nswer is C.

Problem4 total
A production company incurs fixed costs of $1,250,000 selling price cost
per year . The variable cost of production is $10 per ~~~-.~~- + profit
unit 1m1t unit
u nit . All units pr oduced a rc sold for $30. A maximun1
of 130,000 units can be manufactured each year. The total direct d irect
manufacturing labor material overhead I

(A) 47,500 units/yr cost cost cost cost (2

unit unit
+ unit
+ unit
(B) 50,000 units/ y r
( C) 62,500 units/ yr
(D) 125,000 units/ yr direct

( 0.25 unit
. 17 -
$) = $4 .25/ unit
The break-even p roduction quantity yields a. zero total
profit. d irect
profit= 0 = (JJ - C.,)D - CF cost $300 .
. = $6 / unit
unit 50 units
JJ - C,,
JJ =selling price= $30/ unit
C,, =variable p roduction cost= $10 / unit
CF= fixed production costs= $1 ,250,000/ y r

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Pradice Problems 7

dir ect
I m, =number of con1pounding periods per year= 4

(1 + 0 .~8)4-1
cost cost cost
= (150%) + i=
unit unit unit
~ 0.0824

= (1 .5) (4.25 $. + 6 $ ) The present worth equivalent of a uniform series is

unit unit
= $15.375/ un it . (( l + i)n -1)
(Pf A ,z,ri) =A ·c
z 1 + z·)n
total 10
n1anufacturing ' 25 ( (1 + 0.0824) - 1 )
cost $ $ $ A= ($ ,000) (0.0824)(1 +0.0824) 10
- - - - - = 4 .25 . + 6 . + 15.375
unit unit urut unit = $165,951 ($166,000)
= $25.625/ un it
Tl1e a n swer is A.
n1anufa.cturing Problem 7
cost_ _ A company purchases a machine for $100,000 that has
unit an expected uscf11l lifc of 10 and a salvage value of
) $10,000 . If t he operation and maintenance costs arc es-
t imated to be $5000 per year over the machine's life, and
assun1ing an interest rate of 10% per yca.r, t he a nnual
= (0 .12) (25 .625 u!it) equivalent cost of owning the machine is most near ly
= $3 .075/ unit (A) $16,000
(B ) $17,000
selling price = 25 .625 $ + 3.075 $. (C) $21,000
unit unit unit (D) $40,000
= $28.70/ unit ($29/ unit)
Sol11,ti on
The answer is D . Bothr thc initial cost and salvage value must be annual-
ized over t he machine's 10 year useful life.
Problem 6 11
A company estimates t hat t he annual cost for a. project . ( i( l + 'i) • )
Ap = P(A j P,i ,11,) = P ( .)
v.rill be $25 ,000 per year for the next 10 years . T he l + i n -1
present worth equivalent of the project cost, assun1ing = ($ 100 000) ((0.10)(1+0 .10)10)
the annual interest rate of 8% is compounded quarterly, ) (1 + O. l o)i 0 - 1
is most nearly = $16,274.54
(A) $166,000
(B ) $168,000 Ap = F(A / F i n) = F ( i )
' ' (1 + i)n - 1
(C) $225,000
(D ) $250,000 = ($10,000) ( (1 + 0~~~~10 - 1)

-solution = $627.45
T he effective annua l interest r ate v.rith non-annual con1- total ann1ictl = A _ A + operation and
pounding is 1ent
• .1 P F ·
= $16,274.54 - $627.45 + $5000
i = ( 1+ ~, ) m. - 1
= $20,647.09 ($21 ,000)
r = nominal a nnual inter est r ate = 0.08
Tl1e a n swer is C.

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8 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Problem8 Approxirr1atc the interest rat e a.'i

A company is considering purchasing a machine that
costs $40,000, has an annual operation and rnaintcnancc ;- (]/ ( (]/ (]/) ( 5.65 - 5.0)
l - 12.010 + 18.010 - 12.010 5.65 - 4.49
cost of $4000, has a useful life of 10 years, and has no
expected salvage value. If the revenues generated fro1n =12.0% + (6.0%)(0.56)
this rnachinc arc expected to be $12,000 per year, the ~ = 15.36% (15 %)
rate of return for this project is inost nearly
(A) 10% The a n swe r is B .
(B) 15%
(C) 20% Problem9
(D) 27%
The Missouri Dcpartn1cnt of Transportation built a nc\v
bridge over the Mississippi R iver for a cost of $150 rnil-
Sol7J,tion lion. It is estimated that the cost to maintain the bridge
The cash flows arc will be $1.5 rnillion per year indefinitely. At a 5% inter-
est rate, how much docs the department need to invest
year 0 = -$40,000 in order to cover the bridge's perpetual maintenance
ycars 1-10 =revenue - cost = $12,000 - $4000 cost?
= $8000 (A) $1,500,000
(B) $15,000 ,000
( C) $20 ,000 ,000
The present value is zero when the rate of return interest (D) $30 ,000 ,000
rate is used.

P = -$40,000 + $8000(Pf A, 'i , 10) = 0 Sol11,tion

. $40,000 This is a capitalized cost p roblem.
(Pf A, ,,, 10) = $8000
= 5.0 P= ~
Interest tables can be used to determine the interest
rate that sets (Pf A, i , 10) equ a l to 5.0. Scanning the
(Pf A ,i, 10) column of the tables, a 15% table sets = $30,000,000
(Pf A ,i, 10) equal to 5.0. Therefore, the rate of return
is 15%, and (Pf A , 15%, 10) . ~ Tl1e answer is D.

If a 15% interest table is not available, bound the

factor and intc1J>olatc. For example , if only 12% and
18% tables arc available, their rch1)cctjvc values of PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS
(Pf A ,i, 10) arc 5.65 and 4.49. Set up the inter polation
formula, v.rhcrc t he intcrpolatjon formula is dcfincrl as Problem10
A comparative study is made for heat t reatment
interpolated value = init ial value procx)sscs. The r esults of hardness testing (in RorJ<-
+ (final value - initial value) \Vcll B hardness) of ten sample pairs as .
x (ratio of interpolation increment
d ivided by interpolation range) specimen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
process 1 63 62 69 65 64 67 63 63 64 68
pror,css 2 62 64 69 64 65 66 63 65 63 68

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Pradice Problems 9

The d ifferences in the individ ual pairs , d i, normally Problem 11

distrib ut ed. Calculat e t he t est st atistics and conclude A one-wa.y factoria l design is used to det er mine whether
v.rhcthcr these t v,ro p rocesses produce d iffer ent results the sample effect is significant at a. 5% level. T he anal-
based on a 5% significance level. ys is of the variance table from experimental results is
(A) to = - 0.26 , so t here is no evidence to indi- sho>vn as follows .
cat e that these t >vo processes produce different source of degrees of sum of
har dness readings.
variation freedom squares
(B) to = - 0.10, so t here is no evidence to indi-
cat e that these t >vo processes produce different bet v.rocn samples 1 4623
har dness readings. within samples 20 8120
(C) to = 1.62, so t here is significant evidence t o
indicat e t hat these t wo processes produce dif-
ferent hardness readings.
~ T he conch1'>ions arc
(D) to = 2.26, so t here is significant evidence t o (A) F = 4061/ 4623 = 0.88, so t he sample effect is
indicat e that these t wo processes produce dif- not significant at a. 5% level.
ferent hardness readings. (B) F = 4623/ 8120 = 0.57, so t he sample effect is
not significant at a. 5% level.
(C) F = 8120/ 4623 = 1.76, so t he sample effect is
significant at a 5% level.
T he pair differences (di = x l ,i - :i; 2,i ) arc 1, -2, 0, 1, -1,
(D) F = 4623/ 406 = 11.39, so t he sample effect is
1, 0, -2, 1, o.
significant at a 5% level.
L: di= -1
L: dl = 13 Sol11,ti on
Tl, = 10 From t he F -distribution ta.hie, F{. 20 .0 .05 = 4.35.

The mean d ifference is
F = mca.n of squa res between san1plcs 1
mca.n of squares within samples 8120
= 11.39

The estin1atc of stand ard d eviation is

T he san1plc effect is significant at a 5% level; t hat is,
t he differences between t he samples nlorc significant
13 - (~) (- 1) 2 than t he fluct uation wit hin t he samples.
71 - 1 10- 1 Tt1e answer is D .
= 1 .20
- Problem 12
d -0.10
to= -s- 1.20 = -0.26 A two-wa.y factorial design is used to detern1inc whether
the t reatment is significant a.t a 5% level. The analysis
JlO of t he variance table fron1 experimental result s is shown
a.s .
Since the question asks if the two p rocesses arc different,
a t >vo->vay (two-ta.ii) t est is required , and t he percentage SOllrCCof degrees of sum of
of cxcccd ancc allocat ed to t ail is 5%/2 = 25%. variation freedom squares

From the t-dist ribut ion t able v.rit h (11 - 1) degrees of replicat ions 4 18.56
freedom, t 9,i - o.025 = -2.262. There is no evid ence t reatments 4 36.92
t o indicate tha.t t hese t \vo processes produce different residuals 16 116.08
hardness readings.

The answer is A.
10 Industrial Discipline-Specific Review far the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The conclusions arc board

P ( d e1CC
e t.
) = P (1; > 1) = 1 - P(x < 1)
,JVe -
(A) F = 116.08/ 36.92 = 3.14, so t he t reatment is
significant at a 5% level. = 1 - P(x = O) - P(1; = 1)
(B) F = 116.08/ 18.56 = 6.29, so t he t reatment is (0 .15)oc- 0.15 (O.l 5)1 c- 0.15
significant at a 5% level. =
1- O! l!
(C) F = 7.255/ 9.23 = 0.786, so t he t reatment is = 1 - 0.8607 - 0.1291
not significant at a 5% level.
= 0.0102
(D) F = 9.23/ 7.255 = 1.27 , so t he trcatn1cnt is
not significant at a 5% level. P (d enott. ) = 1 - 0.0102 = 0.9898
Cl(!{; ,1VC!

Let y = number of defects in a box. 1J follows a binomial

Sol?J,tion distribution.
From the F -distribution table, F4,16,0.05 = 3.01.
36.92 P (y) = ( ) (0.0102)Y(0.9898) 50 - y
F = mean of squares bct>vcen s11Il1plcs = 4
mean of squares within samples 116.08 y= 0, 1, 2, . . . , 50
16 P(y < 2) = P(y < 1) = P(y = O) + P(y = 1)
= 1.27 5 0 50
= ( 0°) (0.0102) (0 .9898)
The sample effect from trcatn1cnt is not significant at a
5% level; t hat is, t he fluct uation within the samples is 5
n1orc signific11Ilt t han t he differences between samples.
+ ( 1° ) (0.0102) 1(0.9898)4 9

The answer is D . = 0.5989 + 0.3086

= 0.9075 (0.91)
Problem 13 Tl1e a n swer is D .
Defects in the finished sur face of fur nit ure arc approx-
in1atcly Poisson distr ibuted with a n1c11Il of 0.015 dc- Problem 14
fccts/ n12 . A finished bookshelf board containing 10 1n 2
A product consists of two parts that a rc placed end to
of finished sur face is considered defective if it contains
end . Assun1c that t he din1cnsion-; of the length of the
n1cn·c t han one dcfcx:t . If s helves a rc packagcrl 50 per
part s arc approximately norn1ally distributed v.rith the
box, t he probability that a box contains fewer than 2 de-
mean and standard deviation shown as follows .
fect ive iten1s is most nearly
mean length (in) standa rd deviation (in)
(A) 0.50
(B) 0.61 par t A 2.65 0.12
(C) 0.82 par t B 1.45 0.38
(D) 0.9 1
T he probability that t he con1bincd lengt h is gra1ter
than 4 .35 in is approximately
Let 1; =the nu1nbcr of defects per board (10 m 2). x lS (A) 0.20
Poisson distributed. (B) 0.26
(C) 0.55
>.~'c - .x (D) 0.90
P(1;)= - x = 0,1, 2, . . .
1; !

>. = average number of defect s Sol11.ti on

board Let /l·A = 1ncan length of part A, and let /l·B = n1can
2 length of part B.
= ( 10 n1 ) ( o.Ol 5 defect )
1 board n12 al = variance of length of part A
= 0 .15 defects/ board a~ = variance of length of part B
:1; A = length of part A
1; s = length of part B
t = total length = 1; A + xs

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Prodice Problems 11

f (t) is norn1ally distrib uted. Problem 16

The following information \Va.s gathered from t\vo sets
/Lt = Jl·A + Jl•B = 2.65 + 1.45 = 4.1 of experiments comparing entity ti1no-in-systen1 (T) for
systems A and B . di is the individual replication differ-
The variance of t is cnce.
al =a A+ aB
2 2
= (0.12) 2 + (0.38) 2 = 0.1588 replica.tion TA TB di = TB -TA
1 9.19 8.87 -0.32
For P (t > 4 .35), tho standard normal variant is
2 19.18 31.52 12.34
3 12.30 14.14 1.84
z= x - Jl•l = 4.35 - 4.1 = 0 .63 4 13.04 14.11 1.07
..fill J0.1588 5 17.79 16.72 -1.07
6 11.49 27.78 16.29
P(z > 0.63) = 0.26 7 21.61 34.05 12.44
The a nswe r is B . 8 10.50 22.96 12.46
9 13.27 10.98 -2 .29
10 8.50 11.66 3.16
Problem 15
Two different machines (A and B) arc used to fill 20 oz The aver age difference between the two systcn1s is d =
containers of soda. The following <la.ta was collcx:ted. 5.59. The sta.nda.rd deviation of the d ifference is s(d) =
(All values arc in oz.) 6.96. The endpoints of the paired-t 95% confidence in-
terval comparing t ime-in-systcn1 for syst.en1 B with that
bottles sample sample for system A arc most nearly
s1unplod nlc~1n Va l1 lll1 CX!
(A) [-10.13, 21 .31]
machine A 16 20.25 0.18 (B) [-5.28, 5.28]
machine B 10 20.15 0.34 (C) [0.80, 10.38)
(D) [l.56, 9.62]
\iVith 90% confidence, the endpoints of the ratio of the
population variance A to population var iance B arc Sol11.tion
(A) 0.73, 5.7 (.\'. = 1 - 0.95 = 0.05 . The confidence inter val endpoints
(B) 0.18, 1.4 arc
(C) 0.13., 3.8 [d - h, d + h]
(D) 0.18, 4.8 h = [(tn-l,l-a/2)Jls(d)]
t9,0.975 = 2.26 [frorn the student-t table)
ai = variance for n1achine A s(d) = s(d)
a~ = variance for n1achine B 6.96
si = sample variance for machine A jlci
s~ = sample variance for machine B = 2.12
h = (2 .26)(2.12)
Use the F -distribution to estimate a~ .
2 2
=4 .79
1 aA 8B p,
~0.05, 9, 15
< a BS
2 2 <
0.05,9 ,15 The confidence interval endpoints arc

< _,i < ·f>2A (F:0.05,9 ,15 ) [5.59 - 4.79, 5.59 + 4.79) = [0.80, 10.38]
( F:0.05,9, 15 )s2
· B
- a 2B - 2
Tl1e a n swer is C.
0.18 al (0.18) 2 09
(0.34)(3.01) < a~ < 0.34 C · ) Problem 17
(12 A data set has been gathered with 725 values measur-
0.176 < ~ < 1.371 ing the number of arrivals per minute at a v,rorkstation.
Calculations sho\v that the arrivals follow a Poisson dis-
The a nswe r is B . tribution with a mca.n of 17 min.

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12 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

\i\That d istribut ion and parameters should be used in a For operation 2,

s in1ulation nlodel for the interarrival t imes (i.e., ti1ncs
between arrivals) at the workstation? 5!
C(5, 2) = 2!(5 - 2)!
(A) norn1al, with a n1e1111 of 17 m in and variance
= 10
of 17/ J725
(B) \i\Teibull, with an a lpha of 17 1r1in and a beta
of 725 For operation 3,
( C) Poisson , witl1 a 1r1ean of 17 inin
(D) exponential, with a rncan of 1/ 17 m in 4!
C(4, 1) = 1!(4 - l)!
Solution =4
If the number o f events that occur in a fixed t ime in-
terval has a P oisson distrib ution with mean A, t hen t he Ser ially multiply t ogether the operations' n u mbers of
time between events is cxponentiaJly distrib uted with a combinations to find the total n umber of combinations.
nlean of 1/ A.

The a nswer is D.
total nun1bcr of combinations= IT Ci = (35)(10)(4)
= 1400
Problem 18 The a n swer is C .
A car part nlust be processed by t hree d ifferent oper-
ations before it can be installed. Each operation uses
nlultiplc machines to proce~ the pa rt . Operation 1 has MODELING AND COMPUTATION
~ Problem 19
seven machines, of which the part must use t hree. Op-
eration 2 has five machines, of which the part must use
two . Operation 3 has four machines, of '"hich t he part An ind ustria l engineer has been asked to >vr ite con1-
n11L<>t use one. In each operation, the order t hat the putcr code that '"ill d etermine t he nlean a nd standard
nlachincs process the part docs not matter . How many deviation fo r the p ro<X)fS time o f a given pai·t. T he
d ifferent operation and machine combinations arc there data input fi le to be read contains informatio n on all
to completely process a part? pa rts p roduced in the plant. D at~1 t hat is corrupted
is not retained for calculation . Which of the foll<nving
(A) 50 flow charts represents the correct logic for the computer
(B) 200 cod e?
(C) 1400
(D) 17,000
(A) no
read data
This is a cornbination problcrn, not a permutation prob-
lcrn, because it docs not matter \vhat order the rna- no
chines process the car part. To find the total nurnbcr of
cornbinations for each operation and rnachinc, use t he
follo,ving equation, \Vhcrc ri is t he nun1bcr of objects
ta.ken r at a tin1e.
update mean and
n! standard deviation
C(ri , r) = r .'(ri - r.

For operat ion 1, yes

C(7, 3) = 3!(7 - 3)! no
= 35 print result

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rraaice rro111ems 1.s

(B) (D)
no no

yes yes

read data

no yes

keep data?

i.......i update mean and update mean and 1-----'

standard deviation standard deviation

I print result print result

F irst, the program must check to sec if there is more
(C) data to be read . If there is, then the data is read, oth-
no erv.risc the current result is printed. If data is read, then
the program n1ust dctern1ine if the data is the correct
type. If it is the correct type, then the mean and stan-
yes dard deviation updated, and the program looks for
more data. Othcr>vise, the program looks for more <la.ta
read data
and skips updat ing.

Tl1e answer is C.

Problem 20
In a.n entity-relationship d iagran1 for a relatjona.l data-
yes ba8c, the relationship!n a product rca>rd and
the part fan1ily record it belongs to will be most likely
update mean and represented as
standard deviation!--_..,
(A) many to one (11.:l )
(B) one to ma~y (1 :11.)
print result
I (C) one to one (1:1)
(D) many to many (11.:m.)

In group technology, a product can belong to only one
part family ( :1) , but the part fan1ily can have many
products as members of the family (11.:). Thus, the rela-
t ionship betv.rcen the product record and the part family
record it belongs to is many t o one ( n :1).

Tl1e answer is A.

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14 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Problem21 Problem22
For the follovving problc1n, vvhat is the optjmal solu- What is the optimal solution for the follen¥ing problem?
tion for both the original problem and its dual? Let 11
represent the dual values. max1111izc 5x1 + x2
subject to x 1 + 2x2 < 10
lninin1ize 3:r; 1 + 12x2 -3:r;1 + 4:r;2 < 10
subject to 2:r;1 + 4x2 - 2x:1 > 6 3x1 +2x2 < 18
-6:r;1 - 3:r; 2 + 12:r:1 > 6 X 1 , :r;2 > 0
:r; > 0
(A) :r; 1 = 4 and x2 = 3
(A) 1;1 = 7, x2 = 0, :r;3 = 4, and '.1/1 = 3, '.1/2 = ~
(B) :r; 1 = 10 and 1;2 = 0
(B) 1;1 = 0, x2 = 2, :r;3 = 0, and '.1/1 = ~ , '.1/2 = 3 (C) :r;1 = 6 and x2 = 0
(C) 1;1 = 7, x2 = 0, :r;3 = 4, and '.1/1 = 2, '.1/2 = ~ (D) :r; 1 = 5 and x2 = 3
(D) 1;1 = 1, x2 = 2, :r;3 = 2, and '.1/1 = 4, '.1/2 = ~
Solution This is a. simple t\¥0-dimcnsional problem and ca.n be
To be a solution, t he points must satisfy the constra.ints solved graphically. The optimal basic feasible solution
( i . c~ , they mu..'lt be feas ible) of their rel-!J>ectjvc prob- corre:sponds to a vertex of the feasible region. The op-
lem, and the objective flmctions of the original and dual tima.I vertex is the last feasible point that the objective
problems must be equal. The dual objective function function contours will touch as the value of the objective
for this problem is given by the right-hand side of the function is increased.
original problem and is 6'.1}1 + 6112 . The constraints for
the dual given by the colun1ns and the objective
function coefficients of the original problcn1. The dua.l
has the forn1
maxllllJZC 6'.1/1 + 6112
subj e:ct to 2'.1}1 - 6112 < 3
4'.1}1 - 3112 < 12
constraint 2
-2111 + 12112 < 0
'.1/1 ) 112 > 0

The solution given in choice (A) satisfies the constraints, feasib le region
and the two objective functions arc equal. For the orig-
inal problem constra.ints,
optimal point (6,0)
(2)(7) + (4)(0) - (2)(4) = 6
(-6)(7) - (3)(0) + (12)(4) = 6

For the dual problem constra.ints,

constraint 3 constraint 1
objective function
(2)(3) - (6) (~) = 3 contour (moving)
(4)(3) - (3) (~) = 10.5 < 12
(-2)(3) + (12) (~) = 0 The answer is C.

The objective funct ions

(3)(7) + (12)(0) = 21 = (6)(3) + (6) (~) Consider the following linear programming formulation .
Note that the solution given by choice (B) is not fea- mclXllll!ZC 3:r;l + 1;2 + 21;3
s ible for the original problem. The solution given by subject to :r; 1 - 1;2 + 21;3 < 20
choice (C) doc~'> not yield objective function value'> that 2x1 + x2 - 1;3 < 60
arc equal. The solution given by choim (D) is not fea- x > 0
s ible for the dual problcn1.
The a nswe r is A.

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Pradice Problems 1S

Let x 4 and 1;5 be the corresponding s lack variables for Sol11.tion

constraints l and 2, respectively. The optin1al tableau is This is an example of a contin uous Markov chain . Since
the rates arc per hour and the service r u ns 24 hours a
objective day, three >vccks fr on1 novv represents a long-term hori-
function 1 2 0 0 zon. Therefore, to find t he probability that t he service
coefficient '"ill be on t he phone, one only needs to find the steady-
b statc p robabilicy for being on the phone. This is done
through solving the systcn1 7rA = 0 and ~7ri = 1, >vhcrc
2 0 1 1 1 30 A is the transition rate inatrix and 7r is t he steady-state
1 1 0 1 2 40 probability vcct.or. The clcn1cnts Aij, i -=/= j , of the ma-
t rix A arc the transit ion rates fron1 state ·i. to state .i.
red uced
The diagonal clements arc given by Aii = -(~j r'i Aij) ·
cost r J· -8 -3 -4 Herc 7r1 represents t he probability of being in state 1
and 7r2 represents the p robability of being in state 2.
For this problcn1, if state 1 is "off t he phone" and state
The most one >vould be >villing to pay for additional two is "on the phone," the t r ansition rate inatrix is
units of constraint 2 is most near ly
- (-10 10)
(A) 1 A - 15 -15
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4 The steady-state equations v.rould be

Solution 10) = (00)

The most one >vould be >villing to pay for a d ditional
units of a constraint is ba.-;cd upon the shadow p r ice of
that constraint. T he shadow p r ice con1cs fron1 the dual This yields the following set of equations.
value associated v.rith the constr aint. In the optimal
tableau, the dual values can be obtained directly from - l 07r1 + l 57r2 = 0
the reduced costs associated with the slack variables. In l 07r1 - l57r2 = 0
this problcn1, x5 is the slack variable associated with the
second constraint. Therefore, the "value" of the second
con'ltra int is 4. Thi<> nlcans that for each incrca~! of This systcn1 reduces to - l07r1 + l 57r2 = 0, v.rhich has
1 unit of the second constraint, the objective function the solution
~ - 3~
v.rill incr ca.-;c by 4. Therefore, as long as each addit ional " l - 2"2

unit of the second constraint costs less than 4, it 'vould

be advantageous to purchase those units. By the norn1alizing equation (~7ri = 1),

The answer is D.

This in1plics 7r2 = ~ = 0.4.
A national sports tcan1 uses an 11uto1natcd ans>vcring
scrvia! for taking ticket orders. The scrvic~ is 11hv1~ys 7T1 = ~ =0 .6
in one of n1odes: ans'\\rcring the phone, or off the
phone. Calls come in at t he rate of 10 per hour . The
service can handle 15 calls per hour. Due to a high Therefore, the probability of being on the phone (state
de1nand for tickets, the service run'> 24 hours a d1~y. 2) is 1 - 0.6 = 0.4.
The probabilit~y that the servia ! will be answering a
call three weeks fron1 no\v is most nearly Tt1e answer is B .

(A) 0.30
(B) 0.40 Problem25
(C) 0.50 For the following trarl<;ition diagram of a disc.1·et e
(D) 0.60 tvia.rkov, identify •vhcther the states iu·e trans ient,
absorbing, or rccnrrcnt.

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16 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

0.45 Solution
0.55 ~This is an M/lVI/ 1/ 10 model. The service and arrival
t imes arc exponentially distributed. There is one server,
1 2
and the capacity of the systen1 is 10 (9 people waiting
and 1 b eing served). The average waiting t ime before
a patient secs a doctor is given by Wq. By Little's Ja,v,
0.3 1.0 Wq = Lq / >..
For t his system, the arrival rate, >. , is 10 per hour, and
the service rate, JJ. , is 15 per hour .
3 4 \ 10--
p = -/\ = _ _ hr
= -

JJ. people 3
15 - - -
(A) All states a rc recurrent.
(B) State 1 is recurrent, states 2 and 3 arc tran- To find W,1' find L q = L - (1 - Po) .
sient, and state 4 is absorbing.
l-p :~ .
(C) State 4 is arnorbing, a.nd stat.cs 1, 2, and 3 a rc Po= --....;.
10-+-1 = 11 = 0 .3372
transient . 1 -p 1-(~)
(D) Statc8 1 and 2 a rc recurrent , state 3 is tran-
sient, and state 4 is absorbing. p - (10 + l )p10+1 = 2 - (11) (s) 11
1- p 1 _ plO+l l _ (~) 11

Solution = 1.87135
R ec11,1rent means that a state communicates with itself.
That i8, once it leaves t he state it \¥ill eventually return Lq = 1.87135 - (1 - 0.3372) = 1.20855
to t he state. Tra:n.sient means that cvcntuaJly it \¥ill
never be able to return to t he state. An absorbing state 1.20855
is recurrent a.nd has a one-step transition probability of Wq = (60 m in)
1.0 of going from it8clf to itself. From t he8c definitions, 10
state 4 is absorbing since its one-step t ransition p roba-
=7 .25n1in (7.3min)
bility is 1.0. State 3 is transient since a transition fron1
state 3 eit her ta.kes it to t he absorbing state 4, or to a The a n swer is C .
closed sy8tcm of states 1 and 2 from which it is impos-
s ible to retu rn t o state 3. States 1 and 2 arc recurrent Problem27
s ince t here is a pos8ibility of returning t o each of these
Sin1ulation experiments nlodeling a nonterminat ing sys-
tem arc oft.en bia">cd by the en1pty-a.nd-idlc start-up
The a nswe r is D. conditions of the experiment which do not reflect the
systen1's steady-state operating conditions.

Problem26 Which of t he follovving is NOT a via.hie nlcthod for deal-

The crncrgcncy roorn at a s111all local hospital has only ing \¥ith initial condition bias when cxperirnenting \¥ith
one doctor on duty. The facility has t hree examinat ion a nlodel of a nontcrrnina.ting systcrn'?
roon1s and a. waiting roo1n that can hold seven people. (A) Discard statist ics gathered during the start-up
Patients arrive according to a Poisson distribution with phase.
an arrival rate of ten people per hour. The doctor can (B ) Perform a statistically significant number of
exarninc and treat a patient according to an exponentia l replications of the experiment to ovcrcornc the
distribufaon \Vith a rncan of 4 rninutcs. The average start-up bias.
t ime a patient vvaits before seeing the doctor is most ( C) Run the expc1irncnt for a sufficient ly long pe-
nearly riod such t hat the steady-state stati">tics ef-
(A) 4.0 rnin fect ively ovcr\vh<~1n those fron1 the start-up
(B) 4.5 min phase.
(C) 7.3 min (D) Initialize the expcrin1cnt states and condifaons
(D) 20 rnin such that the stiut-up condit ions 1U'e represen-
tative of those of st eady state.

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Pradice Problems 17

(C) bias due to the initial sta1t-up condition" rnust
Replica.ting an cxpcrirncnt simply producCH rnultiplc be recognized, and replication is an effective
data sets, each of which contain biasc.'i d uc to the initial rncthod to clirninatc such bias
conditions. (D) rnost sirnulation packages have difficulty stor-
The a nswer is B . ing the vast arnounts of data that 'vould need
to be collected during a s ingle long run if no
replications 'vcrc used
Problem 28
When running a sirnulation cxpcrirncnt, data arc gath- Replications arc used in sirnulation experiments because
ered on output Y . For replication of the cxpcri- rnany standard statistical tests used to analyze sirnula-
n1cnt, a single statistic, Y (the average of the Y values), t ion out.puts assume the data to be independent and
is saved. When analyzing the data ac1uss all repli- identically distributed, and statistics gathered >vithin a
cations, statistical tests arc applied to an aggregated single replication rarely incct those rcquircrncnts. The
- - central limit thcorcrn is applicable as it states that when
statistic, Y (the average of the Y values) .
a series of independent. means (or surns) arc combined
\i\Thcn it is desired to perfor1n statistical tests, the rea- ~ intt) a s ingle mean (or surn), the resulting rncan (or
son for analyzing cxperi1nental statistics in this way is sun1) has a distribution that a pproaches norrnalcy as the
to take advantage of >vhat statistical phcnon1cnon? number of samples being combined increases. Thcro-
(A) Chebyshev's theorem fore, the rcsultl1nt statistic can be as>i11mcd to come
(B) central li1nit theorem from an independent, identically, norrnally distributed
( C) Markov's theorem data set.
(D) l(ohnogorov's thcorcn1
The a n swer is B.

Problem 30
The central lin1it thcorc1n states that 'vhcn a series of
Which of the following systems v.rould best. be n1odclcd
independent n1cans (or sums) arc combined into a sin-
as a nonterminating system?
gle mean (or sum), the resulting mean (or sum) has a
distribution that a pproaches norn1al as the number of (A) a bank t hat opcn'i in the morning and closc:s
samples being combined increases. Therefore, the resul- after 8 hours
tant statistic can be assumcrl to come from an indepen- (B) an automotive a.'*lcmbly line that opcrat.c~s for
dent, identical, normally distributed data set. These 8 hours a day, 5 days a 'vcck
assumptions arc r equired to apply n1ost standard sta- ( C) a n1ilitary bat.tic between t\vo opposing a rmic:s
tistical tests such as confidence intervals, tests of equa l (D ) a rcu1ilcr 's invcntt)ry planning sy>itcm for a
n1cans, and so on. holiday season
The a nswer is B.
Tcrn1inat ing systems arc those that start fron1 an empty
Problem 29
and idle condition and end with similar conditions.
Si1nulation cxpcrin1cnts arc often repeated in >vhat arc They have an innate bcgi1ming and ending . Nonter-
called runs or, more con1monly, replications. minating systcn1s arc those that. do not have a clear
Replications arc used in sin1ulation experimentation be- ending condition to their operation during the experi-
cause ment.a l tin1c horizon. In this qucstjon, choicc:s (A), (C),
and (D) have reasonably clear starting and ending con-
(A) random nu1nbcn; generated by con1putcr sin1- d ition'i and, therefore, arc tcrminatjng systems . The
ulat ion packagc:s arc not truly randcnn, and
systc1n described in choice (B), while operating 8 hours
so the sequences of nun1bcrs they produce re-
a day, 5 days a week, has no such obvious starting and
peat after only a small quantity of numbers ending condit ions . It is unlikely that an auton1otive as-
arc drawn
~ sc1nbly line is restarted each day or each >vcek cn1pt.y
(B) n1any standard statistical tc>its uscrl to ana- and idle. Therefore, the system described in choice (B)
lyze simulation outputs assun1c the data to be is best n1odclcd as a nonterminating systcn1.
independent and identically distributed, and
statistics gathered within a single replication
rarely meet. those requirements

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18 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Problem 31 The problem stated is of the canonical form given by

\iVhat is the dual of the follo\ving problcn1? the first pr imal and dua.l problem. Therefore, t he dual
~ is given by choice (B) .

m<JXIIlllZC 51;i + :31;2 The a n swer is B .

s ubject to -21;i + 21;2 < 8
:31;i - 61;2 < 10
X1, 1;2 > 10 Problem 32
Interpret t he information contained in the following dc-
. . . ci8ion table.
(A) minimize 511i + :3y2
s ubject to -211i - 2y2 > 8
-:311i + 6y2 > 10 HOLE x
Yi , 112 > 0
. . . TOLERANCE> 0.01
(B ) mm IIll IZ c 811i + 1Oy2
0.0 I µ , T OLERANCE > 0.002
s ubject to -211i + :3y2 > 5
211i + 6y2 > :3 TOLERANCE f 0.002 x
Yi , 112 > 0 d1ill x
(C) maxrmizc 811i + 1Oy2 semi-fin ish bore x
s ubject to -211i + 2y2 > 5 finish bore x
-:311i + 6y2 > :3 ~
Yi , 112 > 0
(D) maxrm1zc 811i + 1Oy2
(Note: TOLER ANCE [ 0.002 implies tha.t the hole can
s ubject t o -211i + :3y2 <5
be greater than specified by a.t mo8t 0.002, b ut not less
211i - 6y2 < :3
than specification. 0.01 JJ, iHthe surface finish .)
Yi , 112 > 0
(A) If the pa.rt ha8 a hole and tolerance [ 0.002,
then drill a nd semi-fini8h bore.
(B) If the pa.rt has a hole a.nd tolerance [ 0.002,
The original problem is called t he prim,al problem,. In
then drill, scmi-fini8h bore, a.nd finish bore.
formulating the dual, there is one dual variable for each
( C) If t he pait ha8 a hole and 0.002 < tolerance,
prin1al constraint. The r ightrhand-sidc values of the
0.01 /J, , then drill, Hcmi-finiHh bore , a.nd fin iHh
prin1al form the opt imization function coefficients for
the dual, and t he optimization function coefficients for
the primal form the r ight-hand-side values for the dua.l. (D) If the pa.rt ha8 a hole and tolerance > 0.01,
then drill and finish bore.
Likewise, t he colu n1ns of the con8traint matrix of the
prima l arc the rows of t he con8traint nlatrix for the
dual. vVhen the primal problem is in what iH called Sol11,ti on
canonical form, the d ual is easy to for mulate. The A d ecision ta.hie 811mn1a.rizc8 different IF-THEN condi-
canonical form is dependent on the Hense of opt imiza- t ional informatjon. The firHt cohrmn li8ts t he IF con-
t ion ( nlax or min). The canonical for ms of the pri- d itions in t he shaded top rows a nd the THEN
n1a.l problem and their coiTe8ponding dual problems con8cx1ucncx!s in t he unshaded bottom ro,vs. The col-
given 11.'> follow8. For these problems, P stancl'l for the umn8 to the r ight list the different production r ulc8 .
prima l problem , D for t he dua.l problem, and s .t . for The table in P rob. :32 shcnvs one production rule. The
s ubject to . pertinent IF-THEN statements a rc d enoted by a.n X
. ma.rk. The production rule Hta.tcs t hat I F t here iH a.
(P ) ma.x c..1; (D) nlln bT11
s.t . Ai; < b s.t . AT11>0 hole feature with a tolerance [ 0.002, T HEN use drill,
scmi-fini8h bore,• a.nd finish bore operations.
x>O y>O •

(P) rnin ex (D) rnax lJTy The answer is B.

s .t . Ax> b s .t. A Ty < O ~
1; >0 11 > 0

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Problem 33 The researcher \Vhose name is no\v synony1nous \vith
A G/NI/2/4 queue always has the hicrarchy-of-nccd8 theory is

(A) exponentia lly dist1ibuted interarrival ti1nes (A) Frederick W. Taylor

(B) normally distribut ed service t irnc8 (B) Frank B. Gilbreth
( C) two busy servers ( C) Peter F . Drucker
(D) les8 t han five Cll<;tomer8 (D) Abral:u.in1 H . Maslcl\v

Sol7J,tion Sol11.ti on
According to the l(cndall notation, a G/ M/2/4 queue Abraham H . Maslcl\v first publi8hed his hierarc~y-of­
has generally distributed interarrival times (G) (which needs theory in the jo urnal Psychologicn.l R evie111 in
could be any distribution) , exponentially distributed 1943.
8crviccs times (M) , t>vo servers \Vho arc either bu8y or
The a nswer is D .
idle, and up to four cu8tomers.
The a nswe r is D . Problem 35
A recent industrial engineering graduate was hired by
a large a ircraft manufacturirig ccnnpany. The engineer
\Vorks in the 8Y8tcms engineering departrr1ent \Vhere the
Problem 34 dcpartn1cnt manager ensurc8 that the engineer has the
ncccS8ary 8ystcn18 tools and contact8 >vith other 8ys-
Nlotivating workers to perforn1 efficiently and effectively
tcm-; cxpcrt8 to perform her job . Short ly being
has long been a problem facing indu8trial maru1ger8.
hired, the engineer i8 as8igncd to a large project involv-
A significant 1940s research project introduced what is
ing the design and manufacture of a new comn1crcial
called the "hierarchy-of-needs theory." As 8hown in the
cargo plane. The cargo plane project n1anager cn1ploys
following illu8tration, this theory recognized that people
~ the engineer's skill8 in combination with the skill8 from
arc motivated by five d istinct t ypes of necd8: physiolog-
other disciplines t o tackle the project . The engineer
ical, 8afety, love, e8tecm, and self-actualization.
has, in e88cnce, two bosses: the department manager
and the project manager.

The organizational structure the engineer i8 experienc-

ing at the aircraft company could bc8t be described as a
(A) functional organization
(B) line-staff organization
(C) matrix organization
esteem (D ) nct>vork organization

Sol11.ti on
love A n1atrix or ganizational 8truct ure applic8 dual chain8
~ of command. Functional dcpartn1cntalization is used
to gain cconon1ics fron1 specialization. Overlaying the
safety functional dcpart mcnt8 i8 a set of managcr8 re8pon8iblc
for 8pccific projcct8 or product8.

Tt1e a n swer is C.

Problem 36
Business procc88 reengineering (BPR) ha8 been defined
as the fundan1cntal analysis and radical redesign of stra-
tegic, valuc'-added business procc8ses, and the sy8ten1s,
policie8, and organizatjonal 8t111ctura; that s u pport
then1, which rc8ults in a dr111natic in1provemcnt in crit-
~ ical mcasure8 of busincs8 performance. In fact , sonic

Professional Publications, Inc.

20 Industrial Disci~ine-Spec:ific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

have labeled BPR as "the modern definit ion of Indus- understandable to employees, and increase their earning
trial Engineering." Yet, recent studies have shown that potential.
as fcv.r as one-third of BPR efforts successful.
Tl1e a n swer is B.
Experts in the field of BPR have identified ten pr in1aiy
reasons why BPR efforts fail. v\Thich of t he follo>ving is
Problem 38
NOT a. primary reason for failures in BPR efforts?
A company uses a piecework incentive system. The base
(A) BPR work can conflict with team members' rate is $12.00 per hour for a 10 hr work d;~y. For a
"re;1l jobs" or with other improvement pro- particular assembly operation, the standard t ime per
grams. picx:e is 0.6 m in. What >vou ld a >vorkcr be for
(B) BPR team members lack the cngincx!r ing skills assembling 1150 pieces in one day?
to design and implement large-scale syhtem
changes. (A) $115
(B) $123
( C) BPR efforts arc attempted without defined
(C) $138
(D) $157
(D) BPR teams consiht of only selected rcprc!>en-
tatives r ather than people from all levels of all
affected departments. Sol11.tion
The piccc,vork r ate is
standard t ime)
Unlike continuo1L"l improvement programs , BPR in- (b. asc r ate) ( - - -.- - - -
volves radical and fundamental change. \i\Thilc it is es-
sential to consider the human dimension of such radical
and fundamental change, it is genen1Jly thought that
= (12.00 _!) (
0.6 min.
involv ing r epresentatives from a ll levels of all affected
= $0 .12/piccc
dcpa1tments is a nlistake. To use a nlcdical analogy,
continuous in1provcmcnt is like vitamins and exercise
The pay is
h ilc BPR is like r<.bdicaJ surgery. Such s u rgery is bes [,

pcrfor n1cd by a. small, skilled team rather than an a.ll-

(piecc>vork r ate)(no. of pieces completed)
encon1pa.."lsing comn1ittee.
= ($0.12)(1 150)
The a nswer is D. = $138

Problem 37 Tt1e a n swer is C .

\i\Thich of the following lists only contains ch;u-actcristirA
of successful incentive systems? Problem 39
(A) ceilings on emplo,ycc earnings, increascrl unit Traditional pcrforn1ance measures arc not a lways suffi-
cost, and gain sharing >vith employer cient to guide a company int o susta.incrl success. Issue!>
(B) increased rate of production, fair standard">, that motivate corporations to develop ncv.r pcrforn1ance
rcduccrl unit coht, and increased employee measures include fe>vcr overall organizational levels, a
. nccrl for long-tcrn1 strategic perhpectivc, an over re-
car rungs
liance on accounting data, and a. desire for more sim-
(C) complicatcrl pay forn1ulas, good standards,
and selective application to employees ple systcn1s. Whirli set of performance measures >vould
best address these issues?
(D) increased employee earnings, absence of union
support, and unchanged rate of production (A) machine utilizat ion, labor variance, scrap cost,
labor efficiency
(B) cycle t ime, sales, on-t ime delivery, customer
satisfaction, inventory turns
A succcEsful incentive system provide!> benefit.., to both
(C) daily production, ewer head v;u-ia.ncc, return on
nlanagcmcnt and the employee. Therefore, the system
investment, inventory level
v.rould be expected to increase p roduction and associ-
(D ) labor variance, machine efficiency, payba.rk,
ated productivity (which would reduce cost), be fair, be
daily production

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Pradice Problems 21

Solution Problem 41
P erformance measures relevant to current manufactur- Using the production flow analysis method (or any other
ers need to be directly related to strategy, a-8 well as equivalent clustering procedure), detern1ine the appro-
be prirr1arily non-financial, si1nple and easy to use, and priate machine cell and part family grouping for the
be able to do n1ore than just n1onitor performance by following machine/part n1atrix.
providing useful feedback to managers . .tvleasures such
as cycle time, sales, on-t in1e delivery, customer satis-
Cl C2 C3 C4 C5
faction, and inventory turns provide n1anagers with the
ability to n1ake meaningful decisions. The other op- Ml 1 1
tions, such a-8 ut ilization, efficiency, budget variana\
and so forth, do not . M2 1 1 1 1 1
The answe r is B. M3 1 1

M4 1 1 1
M5 1 1
Problem 40
A single-point tool is used on a lathe to make a single
pass cut on a 2 in diameter (before the cut), 24 in long (A) fan1ily /cell A (C2, C4/ fvI2, fvI4, M5) ,
part. The depth of cut is set to 0.125 in at a sp indle fan1ily/cell B (Cl, C3, C5/ .tvl l , 113)
speed of 400 r pm 'vi th a feed of 0.012 in per revolution. (B) family/cell A (C2, C4/ 111, 113),
fan1ily/cell B (Cl, C3, C5/ .tvI2, 114, .tvI5)
The n1etal removal rate is most nearly ( C) family /cell A (Cl, C5 / 112, 114, M5) ,
(A) 0.04 in3/min fan1ily /cell B (C2, C3, C4/ .tvil , 112, .tvI3, 114)
(B) 3.5 in:1/min (D) fan1ily/cell A (C l , C3, C5/ M2, M4, M5),
( C) 15 in3/n1in fan1ily/cell B (C2, C3, C4/ .tvi l , 112, .tvI3)
(D) 58 in3/n1in
Solution Using Burbridge's production fiov.r analysis method that
F i11d the metal removal rate (MRR) . assigns binary weights to the and columns iter-
atively until ordering is achieved (or using any other
A = cross-sectional area equivalent clustering method such as similarity coeffi-
cient weighting) will ultimately lead to a. grouping of
V =volume
ma.chines and parts as given in choice (B) .
t = tin1e
f = feed
s = spindle speed Cl C2 C3 C4 C5
r 0 =outer radius Ml 1 1 20
ri =inner radius
M2 1 1 1 1 1 21
v 2
MRR = -t = Afs = 7r(r0 - r I· )Js
M3 1 1 22

= 7r((l.OOO in) 2 - (0.875 in) 2 ) M4 1 1 1 23

X (o.012 ~)
(400 rl~V)
m in
M5 1 1 24

= 3.534 in 3/min (3.5 in 3/mi11) 26 7 10 7 26

The a nswe r is B.
C2 C4 C3 Cl C5 Johnson's rule results in the minimum makespan sched-
u le for a two-machine flow shop . The fo llo>ving steµ;
Ml 1 1 3 detail the application of Johnson's ru le to the previous
M2 1 1 1 1 1 31
The shortest t ime is the drilling operation of job 4 .
M3 1 1 3 Since this tin1e is at t he first v.rorkstat ion, job 4 is placed
first in the sequence.
M4 1 1 1 28

M5 1 1 24 I
current sequence ...._4_..___ __.__ __.__ __.

20 21 22 23 24
The shortest time of r emain ing jobs is the inspection
time of job 2. Since this tin1e is at the second station,
job 2 is placed last in the sequence.
C2 C4 C3 Cl C5
current sequence 4 2
fvl l 1 1 20

fvl3 1 1 21 The shortest time of r emaining jobs is nov.r t he drilling

oper at ion of job 3. Since this tin1e is at the first st ation,
fvl5 1 1 22
job 3 is placed behind job 4 at the beginning of the
fvl4 1 1 1 2:1 sequence.

fvl2 1 1 1 1 1 24 current sequence 4 3 2

19 19 24 28 28
Only j ob 1 r emains. Job 1 is placed in the remaining
The a n swe r is B . slot in the sequen ce .

final sequence 4 3 1 2
Problem 42
J obs go thr ough a drilling stat ion and then an a.uto-
n1atic inspection station . Each st ation can only service T t1e answer is C.
one job at a t ime. Four jobs arc currently a'va.iting p ro-
cessing. The t ime each job nlust spend at each st ation Problem43
is shown as follows . The follo>ving t able contains sales data for p roduct X
inspcctjon over the past twelve months.
job time t ime
nlonth units sold month units sold
1 12 9
1 100 7 120
2 8 5
2 93 8 108
3 6 8
3 102 9 83
4 3 4
4 78 10 96
5 85 11 115
The job sequence that minimizes t he makespan sched- 6 98 12 110
ule is
(A) {4, 3,2, 1} Using a t hree-mont h moving average, the forecast for
(B) {4, 2, 1, 3} sales of product X during the next month is most nearly
(C) {4, 3,1, 2}
(A) 99 units
(D) {4, 2,3, 1}
(B) 107 units
(C) 110 units
(D) 112 units

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Pradice Problems 23

Sol7J,tion The sequence that minimizes the n1can waiting time is

The general equation for a moving average forecast is {5, 2, 1, 4, 3}.
T lie a nswer is B.

~ Problem 45
Fl = forecast for period t
A newly h ired industrial engincx!r has been asked to
Dl = actual demand in period t
conduct a lean n1anufacturing assessment of a key pro-
ri = n umber of most recent observations to include
duction line. In order to better understand the line, the
in the forecast for the next period
engineer constructs the follo>ving current value stream
For this problem, t = 13 and n = 3.
Fi:1 = ~ LDi:1-i = (~) (Di 2 + Dii + Dio)
500 parts
process 1
cycle t ime
= 2 m in/part
300 parts
process 2
cycle time
= 2 m in/part
200 parts
p rocess 3
cycl e time
= 3 min/part

= (~) (1 10 units + 115 units + 96 units) 5 hr y ield = 1000/o 4 hr yi eld = 80% 2 hr yiel d = 100%

= 107 units • lot size = 100

• l ot size = 100
• lot size = 100

The a nswe r is B.
~ The value-added to non-value-added (VA:NVA) ratio
for the current state value stream map is n1ost nearly
Problem 44
Five jobs arc wait ing to be processed at a machining (A) 0.2
center. The processing t imes and due dates (number of (B) 0.5
days remaining until job is due) for these jobs arc as ( C) 1.0
follows. (D) 1.1
job processing tin1e days remaining
number (days) until job is due Sol11.ti on
Value-added activ ities arc defined as operations that
1 2.00 4 transform products that customers are willing to buy.
2 1.50 8 Non-value-added activities are essentially any opera-
3 4.00 5 t ions or activities that the customer is not 'villing to buy
4 3.75 6 and arc often referred to as >vastc. Lean manufactur-
5 0.75 2 ing is a process managcn1cnt philosophy based on the
Toyota Production System, >vhich defines seven k inds
\i\That is the job sequence that minimizes the average of v.r11.'itc including overproduction, >vaiting, transporta-
time a job will spend wait ing to be processed? ~ tion.wastc, processing waste, inventory waste, >vastcd

(A) {3, 5, 1, 4, 2} motion, and product defects.

(B) {5, 2,1, 4, 3} Based on these definitions, the value-added (VA) time
(C) {5, 1, 3, 4, 2} is dctcrn1ined for each process.
(D) {3, 4, 1, 2, 5}
For process 1,
Sequence the jobs in nondecreasing order of processing ( n1in
2 .
) (100 .
parts)= 200 min
t ime (shortest processing t iinc rule) to minin1i7.e the
n1can waiting t ime at the machining center.
For process 2,
t ime
( n1in
2 .
) (100 parts)= 200 min
5 0.75
2 1.50 For process 3,
1 2.00
4.00 ( n1in
3 .
) (100 parts)= 300 min

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24 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

total VA t im e = 200 m in + 200 min + 300 n1in Sol11.ti on

= 700 n1in T he formula for det ermining t he econon1ic production
quantity i8
The non-value-added (NVA) t ime iHdetermined for each
proce88. 2AD
For inventory before proce88 1,

5 hr= 300 m in A = Hetup co8t per lot = $40

D = annual demand = 10,000 L/ yr
For inventory before proce88 2,
R =ann ual repleniHhment rate= 15,000 L/ yr
4 hr= 240 m in h = annual holding co8t per unit

For defect/ Hcrap t ime at proce8s 2,

= (0.20) ($0.75 .!:.)
= $0.15 L/ yr
(0.2) (2 min) (100 par tH) = 40 m in
part (2)($40) ( 10,000 ~)
For inventory before proce88 3,
10,000 .!:.r
1 - ---~
2 hr= 120 m in
15,000 .!:.
total NV A t ime = 300 min + 240 n1in
= 4000 L
+ 40 min + 120 n1in
The a n swer is C .
= 700 min

Therefore, t he r atio of VA to NVA iH700 min / 700 min , Problem 47

v.rhich i8 equa l to 1.0. T he following table contain8 t he power demand for
Columbia Electric over the past Hix month8.
The a nswer is C .
mo (MW-hr)
Problem 46
ACME Chemical produce8 av.ride r ange of cleaning 801- 1 3.7
ventH, including t he Super Cleaner which remove8 t ough 2 4.1
Ht ainH from carp et. Super Cleaner can be produccrl at 3 3.9
4 4.2
a n annual r at e of 15,000 L; ho\vever, currently ACME
only ha8 a n a nnual demand for 10,000 L. T he unit co8t 5 4.1
to prod ua! one liter of cleaner iH $0.75 . Before each 6 4.3
production run of Super Cleaner , the production equip- ~ UHe exponential Hmoothing with a Hmoothing con8tant
n1ent mu.<-; t be cleancrl and 8et up , v.rhich co8ts $40. of 0.3 to mo8t nearly forecast the pov.rer den1and for
AC1\IIE'8 annual inventory holding co8t is 20%. W hat month 7.
product ion q uantity v.rould mo8t nearly be economical
(A) 4 .0 l\IIvV-hr
for ACl\IIE?
(B ) 4 .1 1\/IvV-hr
(A) 1800 L (C) 4 .2 1\/IvV-hr
(B) 3500 L (D) 4 .3 l\IIvV-hr
(C) 4000 L
(D) 5000 L
Sol11.ti on
T he equat ion for an exponentially >veight ed n1oving av-
erage1s A

dl = forecasted den1and for t ime t


= a.dl- 1 + (1 - a.)dl- 1
dl = actual demand for t ime t
a.= Hmoothing conHt.ant = 0.3

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PradiceProblems 25


To get Htartcd, arbitrarily Hct d 1 to the average actual

power dernand for the firHt five month8. c D B A

3.7 :tvlv'' -hr+ 4 .1MW-hr + 3.9 :tvIVl-hr

A + 4 .2 MW-hr+ 4.1 M'i\1-hr
d1 ~ -------------- A D
= 4 .0 :tvl,i\1-hr/mo

d2 = (0.3)(3.7 MW-hr)+ (1- 0.3)(4.0 t>,tl\iV-hr)

c B

= 3.91 MW-hr

The remainder of the table iH cornpleted Hirnilarly . Sol11.ti<ni

The follo>ving is the upper triangular flow rnatrix (e.g .,
forcca..-;t.c d actual foru:ast.c d flow C - D of 50 = flow from C to D [product 2 = 20]

t dt dt d1.+1 and flow frorn D to C [product 1 = 30]) .

1 4.0 3 .7 3.91 ~
2 3.91 4.1 3.967 from/to A B c D
3 3.967 3.9 3.9469
A 30 + 40 = 70 40 20
4 3.9469 4.2 4.023
B 20 30 + 40 = 70
5 4.023 4.1 4 .046
6 4.046 4.3 4 .122
c 30 + 20 = 50

7 4. 122
Calculate the flow t imes distance ( F x D) score for each

d1 = 4.12'2 MW- hr ( 4.1 MW-hr ) solution.

The answer is B . F X Dsolulion A= (70 X 10) + (40 X 10)

+ (20 x 20) + (20 x 20)
FACILITIES AND LOGISTICS + (70 x 10) + (50 x 10)
= 3100
Problem 48
Three product8 arc produced on four n1achinc8 (A, B, F X DsoluLion B = (70 X 10) + (40 X 20)
C , D ) where each machine require8 a 3 .5 n1 x 3 .5 m + (20 x 30) + (20 x 10)
ar ea. The routing for each product iH given in the fol- + (70 x 20) + (50 x 10)
lov.ring table. ~ich block layout n1inin1izcs the overall
flcnv times d istance'? (Assume centroid-to-centroid d is-
tances.) F X DsoluLion C = (70 X 10) + (40 X 30)
+ (20 x 20) + (20 x 20)
route + (70 x 10) + (50 x 10)
= 3900
product 1 A B D C 30
F X Dso luLion D = (70 X 20) + (40 X 10)
product 2 B C D A 20
product 3 C A B D 40 + (20 x 10) + (20 x 10)
+ (70 x 10) + (50 x 20)

(A) = 3900
~ T l1e a nswe r is A .


A B c D

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26 Industrial Discipline-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Problem 49 Problem SO
A test station is to he incorporated into a fabr ication ~Given t he following product demands, ho\v rnany stor-
departrnent. The station \Viii receive five loads per day age spaces would he required for all four products if
fro1n manufacturing center MCl at a location given a dedicated storage policy was used versus a random
by (1;, 11) coordinates (10, 8) ' four from rvrc2 at (2, 4) , storage policy?
three from MC3 at (4, 6), and t\vo from MC4 at (6 , 10) . period product 1 product 2 product 3 product 4
\iVhcrc should the station he located to m inimize total
d istance traveled? 1 30 25 5 50
2 40 10 20 30
(A) (6, 6)
3 50 15 15 40
(B) ( 4, 6)
( C) (6, 4) 4 30 20 30 20
5 20 30 25 25
(D) (4,8)
(A) dedicated = 100, rando1n = 50
Sol7J,tion (B) dedicated = 120, rando1n = 160
The optin1al value of the test station can he found by (C) dedicated = 160, random = 100
solving for each of the t\\ro coordinates (1; and 11) sepa- (D) dedicated = 160., random = 120
rately using tvvo mathematical propert ies of the optimal G
solution. Sol11.tion
product p roduct product product
( 1) The x - and y-coord inates of t he new facility will he
period 1 2 3 4 total
one of the x - and 11-coordinates of the existing facilities.
1 30 25 5 50 110
(2) The optimal 1; and '.If will he located so that no nlorc
2 40 10 20 30 100
than half of the total weight is to the left of x and no
nlorc than half is to the right of x . 3 50 15 15 40 120
4 30 20 30 20 100
The application of these t"ro properties gives the follow- 5 20 30 25 25 100
. .
ing. ma.x1mum 50 30 30 50 120

5 + 4+3 + 2 Dedicated storage space requirements equal to the

~ sum (or total \Vcight) = = 7
2 sun1 of the ma.xin1um demands for each p roduct.
x-coordinatc vveight sum wcight.s 50 + 30 + 30 + 50 = 160

MC2 2 4 4 Randon1 storage space requirements equa.l to the

MC3 4 3 7=7 ma.xin1um aggregate dcma.nd over a ll t ime periods.
MC4 6 2 9 maximum of (1 10, 100, 120, 100, 100) = 120
MCl 10 5 14
The a n swer is D.
The 1;-coord inate is 4.
Problem Sl
y-coordinatc weight s1m1 \veigh ts It is most appropriate and econon1ical to use a conveyor-
hased materia l handling system when
MC2 4 3 3
MC3 6 4 7=7 (A) the inatcrial flo\v rate is nledium to high, the
MCl 8 5 12 d istance is short to nledium, and the product
fVIC4 10 2 14 routing is fixed
(B) the material flo\v rate is low to medium, t he
The y-coordinatc is 6. distance vcu·ies fron1 short to medium, a.nd the
product routing is variable hut \Veil d efined
The a nswe r is B. ( C) the material flow rate is low, the d i:,,tancc is
highly variable , and t he product rout ing is
highly variable
(D) the n1atcrial flo\v rate is high, the d istance is
long, and the product routing is moderately

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Pradice Problems 27

Solu,tion depend on the type of material handling equipment sc-

Conveyors arc most economical when used for high-flow lcctc..'d . The following n1atcrial flow routing, dist ance,
rate inoves over sho1t distance!>. Since the cost to rc- and material handling equipment data arc given. What
config11rc a conveyor system is high, conveyors arc most is the total cost associated with each t ype of equipment,
appropriate for fixed product routings. and >vhich should he selected?
The answer is A. handling
type units/ load $ /m
Problem 52
conveyor 100 0.2
A recently hired industrial engineer a mate-
forklift 200 1
rial handling systcn1 design that. contains the follo\ving
pallet jack 20 0.05
processes: (1) transfer, where a gravity conveyor moves
a pallet holding a 100 kg, 0.5 m x 0.5 n1 x 0.5 m box
containing four 25 kg gear casings delivered from a long- no. of
term contract vendor from the loading dock to incoming rout ing units
inspection 20 m away, (2) incoming inspection, >vhcrc
the cardboard containers for the boxes arc discarded product 1 Dl D2 D3 D4 1000
and the casings arc manually loaded onto an overhead product 2 Dl D3 D2 D4 2000
power and free convcycr, and (3) transfer, where the
casings arc transported in a loop from workstations 1
to 2 to 3 t.o 4 t.o 5 t.o packaging. The system automati- distance
cally moves parts t.o t.hc appropriate workst ation based (m) Dl D2 D3 D4
on bar code readings. At t.hc packaging stat.ion, ten fin-
Dl 50 100 150
ished 25 kg casings arc rcboxcd and placed on a pallet
to be moved by forklift into a waiting t ruck. Which of D2 50 100 G
the following lists a ll of the material handling design D3 50
principles that. \Vere violated? D4

(A) n1cchanization, unit load, and simplification (A) conveyor = $2000, forklift = $2200,
(B) flexibility, systems, and gravity pallet jack = $2500; select. t.hc conveyor
( C) flexibility, ergonomics, and ecology (B) conveyor = $1300, forklift = $3250,
(D) ergonomics, gravity, unit load, and systems pallet. jack = $1625 ; select t.hc forklift.
(C) conveyor = $900, forklift. = $1550,
Solution pallet. jack = $550; select. t.hc pallet j ack
(D) conveyor = $1300, forklift = $:3250,
F lexibilit y was violated because a conveyor system is in-
pallet jack = $1625 ; select. t.hc conveyor
herently inflexible and hard t.o reconfigure if future cas-
ing designs require n1orc complex routings. Ergono1nics
was violated because t.hc loading of a 25 kg casing is Soluti on
beyond the lift ing lin1its for repetitive work. Ecology
The total cc for prod net 1 is
was violated because the vendor has an established re-
lationship wit h t.hc con1pany, and t.hc industrial engi- 50 in + 50 m + 50 n1 = 150 m
neer should have worked \vith t.hc vendor to design a
reusable container that would minin1izc both t.hc cost. The total cc for prod net 2 is
and >vast.e from t.ran:-.porting the casin~'> .
100 m + 50 in + 100 n1 = 250 m
The answer is C.
For t.hc conveyor, t.hc total cost. is
Problem 53
A factory with four dcpart.rr1cnt.s has t.o d ct.crn1inc t.hc 1000 units
type of material handling cquipn1cnt to use. The dc- (150 m)
lOO units
pa1tmcnt.s have dcterrriincd t hat cit.her a forklift., a load
pallet. jack, or a conveyor systc1n would he technically = $1300
feasible. However, t.hc combined capital and operat ing 2000 units
cost. ($ per rr1ctcr t raveled) and t.hc size of the unit. load + (250 in)
lOO unit s

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28 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For the forklift , t he total cost is Alfj = number of ma.chines of type j requir ed per
production period
1000 units j = type of machines = lathes; nlills
(150 m) i = types of products
200 n = n un1bcr of products = 3
= $3250 P ij = 'vcekly production rat e for product i on

+ ( 2000 u~its l (250 m) ma.chinc .i

~ T ij = production time for product i on nlachinc j
\ 200 units } c ij = number of hours in production per iod for
\ load product i on machine j

For the pallet j ack, t he total cost is M _ (100)(0.5 hr) + (200)( 1.0 hr)
lat he -
40 hr
1000 unit s = 6.25 lathes (7 lathes)
(150 m)
20 M . _ (200)(0.5 hr) + (250) (1.0 hr)
load 40 hr
= $1625 in d l -

+ ( 2000 u~its l (250 in) = 8.75 m ills (9 m ills)

\ 20 units } T he combined t otal space required is
\ load
(7 la.thes)( l Oin 2) + (9 mills)(20 m 2) = 250 m 2
The a nswer is D .
The a nswer is D.
A co1npany is desig ning a new room for one of its de-
pa1tmcnt.s. T he room will house lathes (j = 1) a nd
nlills (.j = 2) , two d ifferent types of m ach ines . Each
lathe will require 10 m 2 of space, a nd each mill 'Nill re- ProblemSS
quire 20 m 2 of space. Both the lathes and t he nlills will
An industrial engineer is in charge of determ ining a nc'v
be used to process three d ifferent types of products ( i =
product's standard la bor co>it. From exper ience, the
1, 2, and 3) . Assuming t he dcp a1tment works a 40 hr
engi neer knows this type of product has a 90% learning
'veek, and using t he following relevant production data,
curve. The standar d t ime used t o compute t he standard
the a rea needed t o house t he machines is most nearly
cost is taken t o be t he t ime to produce the l OOth unit .
weekly T he t ime to produce t he fir>it un it is 10 hr . T he t ime
production productjon required to produce t he l OOth unit is most near ly
rat e t ime (hr) (A) 1.5 hr
lat hes m ill"i lathes m ill"i (B) 5.0 hr
(C) 8.1 hr
product 1 100 0.5 (D) 9.0 hr
product 2 200 200 1.0 0.5
product 3 250 1.0
Sol11.ti on G
The follo,ving equation is used to determine t he t ime
(A) 2 13 1112
required to produce the lOOth unit .
(B) 220 in 2
( C) 240 in 2 z,, = I<7},(log .q/ log 2)
(D) 250 in 2 11. = output unit nurnber = 100
Z,, = t irr1c to produce output unit number 11.
Solution K = t in1e to produce t he first out put unit = 10 hr
T o calculat e the an1ount of total space needed to house s = learning curve slope paran1ctcr expressed
the lathes a nd nlills, first determine how i1u1ny of each as a decirna.l = 0.90
rnachine t y pe arc required using the follovving equation. Z 100 = (10 hr)(lOO) (logo.9o/ tog2)
= 4 .966 hr (5.0 hr)
~ The a n swer is B .

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Pradice Problems 29

Problem 56 Problem 58
An alarrn produces a 3000 Hz sound >vi th a sound level A con1p1my has selected a standard chajr height of 48 crn
of 70 dB , rneasured on the A scale and based upon a ~and a standard table height of 7 4 cm. Any tablc:s under
formula for a person with normal hearing. The area in considerat ion inust have a 3 crn thick top. "'' hat \vould
the plant \Vhcre this alarm is to be installed has both he the maximum thickness of the support for the table
rnale and female ernployecs ages 25 through 65. To en- top if 95% of all employees must be able to p u t their
sure that all en1ployecs can hear this alarrn, the sound legs under the table? Assume shoe thickness is 3 crri.
level should at lea..'it he increased to approximately hcnv
(A) 3 .5 cm
n1<my decibels measured on the A scale?
(B) 5 .3 cm
(A) 75 dBA (C) 6 .8 cm
(B) 90 dBA (D) 10 cn1
(C) 100 dBA
(D) 120 dBA S'ol11.ti on
Look at the thigh thickness 95th percentile.
The ans\ver must address the average shifts in age of 3 cm + h + T + 48 cm = 74 cm
thethreshold of hearing for pure tones of persons with
normal hearing. Using the graphs in the NCEES Hand- 48 cm = height of chair
book 1md designing for the worst condition at age 65 , 74 cm = height of table
the shift for men at age 65 is 30 dBA, and the shift for
3 cm = thickness of table
v.ro1nen at age 65 is 22 dBA.
h = thickness of support in cm
Add 30 dBA to the current sound level of the a larn1. T = thigh clearance height in cn1

70 dBA + 30 dBA = 100 dBA

F r om the ergonomics table in the NCEES Handbook,
the thigh thickness (T) 95th p ercentile is 17.7 cm for
The a nswer is C.
men, and 17.5 cm for women.

Problem 57 T = 17 .7 cm (the larger of the val ucs )

An adjustable scat is being designed to accommodate for men and won1cn
both males and females. Assume shoe height is 3 cm
and the design needs to adjust to accommodate 5% to 3 cm+ h + 17.7 cm + 48 cm= 74 cn1
95% of both males and fen1a.les . The adj ustment range h = 5.3 cn1
in centimeters should be about
(A) 39-52 cm Tl1e a n swer is B.
(B) 35-55 cm
(C) 39-42 cm Problem 59
(D) 37-51 cm Consider the following work sampling study for a p iece
of pr oduction equipn1cnt based upon a r andom san1ple
Sol7J,tion of 100 observations.
Use the ergonomic table in the NCEES Handbook. no. of tirnes
activity observed
Seating height plus 3 cm for shoes is as follows .
rnachine idlc--no product 5
percentiles rnachine operating 85
rnachine idlc-dcJ\vntime and repair 10
5th 95th
Find the 95% confidence interval for the proportion of
female 38.5 47.3 the tin1e the machine is idle.
rnalc 42.2 51 .8
(A) [0.05, 0 .25]
(B) [0.08, 0 .22]
Use 38 .5-51 .8 cm (39-52 cn1) . (C) [0.10, 0 .20]
(D) [0.14, 0 .16]
The a nswe r is A.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Professional Publications, Inc.

30 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Solution For an 8 hr shift with two 15 min breaks, the production

The genera.I formula. for finding the 95% confidence in- time is
terval for a proportion that an activity occurs is
( 8 ~)
(60 min) - (2) (15 min)
hr day
p±z)p(l n p)
= 450 min/day

n = total nun1bcr of observations The number of parts per day a. worker should produce is
x = times the activity is observed
x min) ( 1 part )
p= - ( 450 day 2.645 nlin
z = 1.96 =standardized nonnal variant for a 95% = 170.13 parts/day (170 parts/ day)
confidence interval allocating 2 1f2% to each tail
(i.e., a 2-tail analysis since the confidence limits The a n swer is C .
arc for both upper and lower bounds)
For this problem,
Problem 61
A coil-slitting operation consi~ts of three clements. A
1; = 5 + 10 = 15 sun1mary of a tin1e study and a work sampling study is
shown with a ll tin1cs in minutes per unit .
n = 100
15 cycles c1Vl!111gc~ occurrences
p= - =0 .15
100 clement tin1ed t ime per cycle rating

The confidence interval is 1 35 0.64 1 100

2 35 0.55 1 110
0.15 ± 1.96) (O.l 5)i~~ 0 ·15) = 0.15 ± 0.07 3 35 1.28 1 95

= [0.08, 0.22]
work sampling study
no. of t imes
The a nswer is B.
activity observed

Problem 60 machine idlc~no material available 20

machine idlc- n1aintenancc 10
The allowed production tin1c from a t ime study is 2.3
machine working 150
nlin per unit . Assume workers allowed two 15 min
~ operator away from machine---avoidablc 5
breaks for personal allowances. Combined a.llowancc.s
operator away from machine---pcrsonal 15
for fat ig11c a.nd unavoidable dcla.y arc 15%. How many
parts should a. worker most nearly produce during an 200
8 hr shift?
(A) 50 parts/ d<w Assume there arc no official breaks for the employee.
(B) 100 part-;/day The standard time in minutes per unit. ba.scd upon the
(C) 170 part-;/day results of this study would most nearly be
(D) 200 part-;/day
(A) 2.5
(B) 2.8
Solution (C) 2.9
The standard time is (D) 3.0

(allowed tin1e)( l + allowances as a dccin1al)

= (2.3 ill!~) (1+0 .15)
Use the following equation to solve for the standard
tirne (ST) .
= 2 .645 min/unit ST=AT(l+A)
A = allowances

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Pradice Problems 31

OTi = observed average t ime for clement i The standard deviation is 6.4 cm.
n =number of clements
ft; = rating factor 159.6 cm - 151.9 cm)

AT = allowed time = t
i= l
OTi ( ~~)
P(;r; > 159.6 cn1) = P ( z >

= P( z > 1.20)
_ cm

( 0.64 mi~) (1 .00) + (o.55 uni

mi~) (1.10) = 0.1 151 (12%)

Tt1e a n swer is C .
+ ( 1. 28 ID!~) (0.95)
= 2.46 1 m in
Problem 63
An assembly department has been complaining that it
Estimate allowances from the v.rork sampling study. cannot meet its production standard due to the amount
of time it has to spend finding n1issing parts. To deter-
. 20 + 10
allowance for idle machine= = 0.15 mine the percentage of time that a.n assembly depart-
ment sp ends looking for missing p arts, an industrial
15 ~ engi neer decides to conduct a work sampling study. If
personal a.llcnva.ncc = = 0.075
200 the department ha.'i been rcpor tjng that 20% of its t ime
is used looking for n1issing parts, approximately hov.r
A= 0.15 + 0.075 = 0.225 ma.ny observations n1ust the industrial engineer make
ST= (2.461 ID!~)
(1 .225)
in order to prove the department 's claim that it is 90%
certain that the maximum error of its estimate is ±5%?
= 3.0147 min/unit (3.0 min/unit) (A) 40
(B) 120
The a n swer is D.
(C) 1700
(D) 4300
Problem 62
A ca.rt designed for pushing is 159.6 cm in overall height. Sol11.ticni
Assurr1ing that height is normally distributed, approxi- Use the following equation to find the nurnbcr of obser-
n1atcly what percent of\vomcn pushing the ca.rt will be vations.
able to sec over the top? Assume that shoe height is
3 cm. p(l - p)
(A) 5 %
(B) 8 % (~)2
(C) 12%
n. = nun1ber of observations
(D) 21%
p = percent of t ime a.n activity occurs = 20%
S = degree of accuracy required = ±5%
Since the cstirnatc may be either 5% too
To find the percent of >vo1nen who will be able to sec high or too low, this is a 2-tail analysis.
over the top of the ca.rt, first add the n1ean women's eye Allocate 100% - 90%/2 = 5% to each tail.
height to the given shoe height to find the eye height z = standard normal d istribution variant
fron1 the floor . for 90% confidence= 1.64
:.i; = eye height fron1 floor (0.2)(1 - 0.2)
n- 2
- ((0.05)(0.2))
From the NCEES Handbook's ergonomics table, the
= 4303 observations (4300 observations)
barefoot mean eye height is 148.9 cm.
Tt1e a n swe r is D.
:r, = 148.9 crr1 + 3 cm = 151.9 cm
32 Industrial Disci~ine-Spec:ific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Problem 64 Sol11.tion
The follo>ving syn1bols used to dra.w a flow process ~ Use the following problem pa.ramcters and the P oisson
chart. d istribution >vith 1; = c to approximate t he binom ia.l

operation N = lot size = 50.000


n = ra.ndom sample size = 3

c = a.cccptancc nun1hcr = 0
transportation or move - nP( P)"' c - (:l)(O.lO) ( (3) (0.10))
P(x = 0) = c n. .
1; ! O!
= 0 .7408 (75%)
Tl1e answer is D .

Problem 66
The specification limits for an axle t urned on a lat he
had the following blueprint spccifir.ation'i for the dian1-
etcr. (Note t hat it is possible to adjust the lathes , thus
In preparation of a flow process chart, which of the fol- moving the population n1ean.)
lowing tasks would NOT he considered an operation?
285 ± 6.0
(A) driving 11 nail into a piece of wood
(B) drilling a hole in a casting using 11 drill press
( C) loading a part into a drill fixture A trial control chart on the process yielded the following
(D) cxarr1ining a paint finish for scratches limits for X and R based on 23 san1ples of s ize 5.

Solution UCLx = 294.16

Examining a finish for scra.tchcs would he consid- LCLx = 283.76
ered an inspection, not an operation. UCLn = 28.910
LCLn= 0
The a nswer is D.

All sample points fell within the tria l control limit s

QUALITY (J( = 23) .

Problem 65 X = L,I:i = 288.96

A company uses a single-attribut e sampling plan on in-
coming critical ma.tcrials. - L,Ri
R= J( =8 .960
Three pa.rts arc drawn at random fron1 a ca.rload of ~
50,000 parts and arc subjected to a stress yield t est. If Assun1ing that the population from which the dat a were
a ll three pieces meet the minimum yield strength, the dra>vn is approximat ely normally d istributed, what is
entire lot is a.c ccptcd. If one or more parts fail the test , the population n1can?
the ent ire lot is returned to the supplier.
(A) 285.00
If the lot is su hmi ttcd from a process v,r hose popula.tion (B) 288.90
n1can proportion defect ive rate is 10%, the probability (C) 288.96
of a ccepting this lot is n1ost nearly (D) 289.06

(A) 0%
(B) 10% S'ol11.ti on
(C) 40% JL~: ~ X = 288.96
(D) 75%
The a nswer is C.

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Pradice Problems 33

Problem 67 Problem 69
Using the inforn111t ion given in P rob. 66, and assuming "Empo>vcrment" in total quality n1anagement (TQM)
permanent X and R control charts arc needed for this teams essentially n1e1ms the team
process, the UCLx and LCLx limits should be n1ost
(A) is given all necessary resourcus to solve the as-
nearly set at
signed problem
(A) 290.2; 279.8 (B) is limited by sclf-in1posed COil'itraints
(B) 291.0 ; 279.0 ( C) is limited by n1<magement imposed constraints
(C) 292.2; 281.1 (D) must report only to the immediate supervisor
(D) 294.2; 283.8 of the problem area

Solution fiol11,ti on
The information given in Prob. 66 st ates that the lat he In TQM teams, empowerment means the team is lim-
cutting diameter can be adjusted, so adjust t he pop- ited by n1anagcment in1posed constraints. Goetoch imd
ulation n1can to the desired setting (11,0 = 285 .0, the Davis, in their book Introduction to Total Qna.lity, stat e
specified diameter). one v,ray this can be done is by st ructuring work that
allows employees t o n1akc decisions concc1ning the
ax~ R = 8.960 = 3.852 improvement of >vork processes wit hin well-defined pa-
d2,n=5 2.326 ramet ers. These par<1Il1eters represent constraints of so-
lutions within en1ployccs' spheres of knowledge.
The permanent control chart limits for X would be /l·o±
~ Tl1e a n swer is C.
3(ax/ Jri) where ax = 3.852 and n = 5.

( ~)
3 2 Problem 70
UCIJx = 285.0 + (3)
W. Ed>vard Dcn1ing is most noted for his
= 290.17 (290 .2) (A) dcvclopn1ent of t he 14 point'i an organization
3 852 should follow to achieve total qual ity
LCL- = 285.0 - (3) ( · )
x v'5 (B) cont1i bution to the dc'Velopmcnt of t he
:tvlalcomb-Baldrige A ward
= 279.83 (279 .8)
(C) controversial "point" of eliminating quotas
The a nswer is A . (D) great success in implementing TQM in t he U.S.
steel indust ry

Problem 68 fiol11,ti on
The ISO 9000 is best described as
W. Ed>vard Deming is most noted for his 14 points that
(A) a top-t o-bott,(>n1 quality managcn1cnt system describe what is necessary for a business t o survive, be
(B) a system limited to foreign exporters and competitive, and achieve total qualit y.
( C) an easily implemented quality management Tt1e a n swer is A.
(D) a qualit y management system applicable only Problem 71
to firn1s of 500 or more employees When sett ing up a quality sy~tcm, it is necessary to
det ermine t he aspect s of product quality t hat need to be
Solution considered. \i\Thich of t he following NOT considered
ISO 9000 is a group of top-to-bott om quality managc- din1ensions of quality?
n1cnt systems that give an organization a good start on (A) performance, fcatura-;
implementing total quality. (B) reliability, conformance
The a nswer is A . (C) durabilit y, serviceabilit y
(D) flexibility, cost

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Professional Publications, Inc.

34 Industrial Disci~ine-Speofic Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

David A. Garvin, in his 1984 article "vVhat Docs ' Prod-
uct Quality' TicaUy Mean?" identified eight dimensions
of quality that capt11Tc the basic clements of a quality
product. These dimensions include performance, fca-
tuT<..'S, reliability, conformance, dtrrability. serviceability,
a.c."lthctics. and perceived qualicy. Flexibility and cost
arc not considered dimensions of quality.

The answer is D.
Practice Exam 1
PROBLEMS \Vhcrcas the plastic n1olding costs $7.40 per pound . Nia.-
chining costs per casting arc $6.00 for the brass-cop per
1. Jane is planning for her retirement. Each n1onth she a lloy. W hich material should the engineer select, and
places $200 in an account that pays 12% nominal inter- \Vhat is the d ifference in unit cost?
est, compounded n1onthly. She inadc the first deposit
~ (A) brass-copper alloy, savings= $1.35/ radiator
of $200 on January 31 , 1997. The last $200 deposit \Vill
he made on December 31, 2016 . If the interest rate rc-
(B) brass-copper alloy, savings= $6.00/ radiator
(C) plastic, savings= $7.35/ radiator
n1ains constant and a ll deposits arc made as planned,
(D ) plastic, savinf,'l = $8 .50/ radiator
the amount in Jane's rctircn1cnt account on January . 1'
2017 is most nearly
5. A pr ocess engineer is trying to decid e on the type of
(A) $60,000 tool 1natcrial to use for a n1achining operation. Relevant
(B) $155,000 data for the a lternatives arc as folloV1rs .
(C) $173 ,000
(D) $198 ,000 tool materia l A tool 1nat.crial B

2. Dawn purchased a. $10,000 car. She put $2000 down tool cost $100 $30
and financed the $8000 balance. The interest rate is p roduction rate 100 p iccx!s/ hr 75 p icms/ hr
9% nominal, compounded monthly, and the loan is to tool life 50 hr 25 hr
he repaid in equal monthly installments over the next
four years. Dawn's monthly car payment is most nearly It takes 1 hour to replace a worn tool. Labor co~ts
$18 per hour , and a total o f 15,000 pieces needed.
(A) $167 What tool materia l should he selected , and what arc
(B) $172 the expected savings?
(C) $188
(D) $200 (A) material A , save $900
(B) material B , save $1000
3. Jame,'> is a. major p rizcVlrinner in a. s\1\recpstakcs. He (C) material A, save $1000
has the option of either r eceiving a single check for (D ) material B , $3100
$125,000 now or receiving a check for $50,000 each yca.r
for three (Jan1es Vl'ould he given the first $50,000 6. A project cngincx!r is decid ing on the most co~t­
check now.) At what interest rate would James most cffcctivc d uration for a. nCVI' project. The d irect costs of
nearly have to invest his winnings for him to be indif- the project arc expected to vary indirectly with project
ferent a.s to how he receives his >vinnings? d uration , while indirect co~ts vary d irectly with the
~ square of the project duration. The total p roject cost
(A) 16% is represented by the following equation.
(B) 20%
(C) 22% • •r.: $4000 mo $250T2
(D) 23% p ro.1cct cost = $0000 + + -mo2

4. In the design of an automobile r adiator, an engineer T = project duration in months

has a. choice of using either a brass-copper alloy ca.sting
or a plastjc molding. Either materia l provides the same For what duration should the p roject he planned , and
scrvia). Ho\vcvcr, the brass-copper a lloy ca.sting ha.s a what is most nearly the expected project cost?
n1ass of 25 lhm, compar ed with 16 lbm for the plastic (A) 3 n1o, $600
n1olding. Every pou nd of extra mass in the automo- (B) 2 mo, $3000
bile has been assigned a penalty of $4 to account for in- ( C) 2 mo, $8000
creased fuel consumption during the lifccyclc of the car. (D) 3 mo, $8600
The brass-copper a lloy casting costs $3.35 per pou nd,

36 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7. The state of Colorado is considering opening a new Which of the follo>ving statcn1cnts is true?
state park in the Rocky l\/Iountains. Park development
(A) One can conclude that t he treatment is signif-
co:-.ts arc cstirr1atcrl to be $20 million, and operating
icant at a 0.05 level.
cxpcnsc:s a rc estimated to be $2 million per year. It
(B) One can conclude that the treatment is not
is anticipated that 500,000 people per year will visit
significant at a 0.05 level.
the park, and the park entry fee will be $3 per person.
State cconcnnists have calculated a positive cconon1ic ( C) The rcplic:;1tion error is significant , t hus one
in1pact on the area to be $15 per person per visit d ue to cannot inakc a conclusion.
lodging, food , souvenirs, and other factors . Assu1ning a (D ) The rcplic:;1tion error is significant , t hus one
6% annual intcrc..'it rate and a 20 year planning horizon, can conclude that t he t reatn1cnt is s ignificant
the bcncfit-co:-.t (B/ C) ratio fo r this p roj ect is most at a 0.05 level.
11. A 2 2 factoria l design with three replications is used
(A) 0.4 to determine significant factors at a n 0.05 level. The
(B) 0.9 analysis of the variance table from experimental results
( C) 2.4 is as follcnvs .
(D) 3.0
source of degrees of sum of
8. A machine is purchased for $80,000 and has annual variation freed om squares
operating expenses of $10,000 . What is the pay-back
factor A 1 108.50
period on t he machine if it generates revenues of $25,000
factor B 1 61.22
per year?
cross term AB 1 9.60
(A) 5 y r errors 8 32.00
(B) 6 yr
( C) 7 yr One can conclude that
(D) 8 y r (A) factor A is significant at a n 0.05 level
(B) fa.c tor A a nd B arc both significant at an 0.05
9. The following cash flow p rofiles for two mutually level
exclusive a lternative:;, Ai and A2, of 1 year d uration (C) factor A and B and cross term AB arc all sig-
each. nificant at an 0.05 level
(D ) none of t he factors a rc significant
0 -$500 -$1000
1 + $560 +$11 10 12. A 3k factorial design is used to determine signifi-
cant factors. HoV1rever, t here arc no replications for any
Alternative Ai has alread y been dctcr n1incd feasible . combination dur ing experiments. vVithou t conducting
What is the incremental internal rate of return of alter- an y mor e experimen ts, the best one can do is
native A2 compared to Ai'? Use a nlinin1um attractive (A) nothing, since there a rc no error terms
rate of return of 9%. (B) interpolate crn>r tcrn1s and reduce one degree
(A) 10% of fr eedom, then conduct t he a na lysis of vari-
(B) 11% ance as usual
(C) 12% ( C) pool the high-order crct>s tern1s as error terms,
(D) 13% then cond uct the analysis of var iance
(D ) use the most signific.ant fact,or as error terms,
10. A two-\vay factori a l design is uscrl to <let.ermine then conduct the analysis of var iance
whether a treatment is s ignifie;1nt at a 0.05 level. The
analysis of a variance table fr orr1 cxperirr1ental results is 13. T he service t ime (in hours) for a copy machine is
as follows . approxin1atcly exponentially distributed. By exarnining
the records for 50 breakdowns, it is determined that the
source of degrees of sum of
average service t ime is 1.25 hr. The probability that a
variation freedom squares
service tirr1e \Vill exceed 2 h r is approximately
replications 4 122.46 ~ (A) 0.05
t rcat1ncnts 4 126.92 (B) 0.10
residuals 16 116.08 (C) 0.15
(D) 0.20

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14. An engineer would like to test the null hypothe- 18. A rr1anufacturer notices t hat during the packaging
s is at a 5% level of s ignificance that the n1ean shear process, 10% of the product.8 become dan1aged. Out
strength of spot welds is at least 450 psi. The engineer of a sample of 10 products, the probability t hat two
randomly selects 15 welds, n1easures the shear strength, products will be damaged is most nearly
and determines t he s1m1ple n1e1m ( x) is 445 psi , and the
(A) 0.10
s1m1ple standard deviation (s) is 10 psi .
(B) 0.19
Based upon the data, (C) 0.22
(D) 0.36
(A) the null hypothesis is true
(B) the null hypothesis is fa!~! 19. A 8prcadsheet has been developed to calculate the
( C) there is not enough info1mation to s1~y t he hy- cycle time for an a88embly line required to n1eet a given
pothesis is true production demand. Cells A l through A5 contain the
(D) there is not enough information to say the hy- task timcH, cell Bl contains the number of 8tation8, <md
pothesis is false cell B2 contains the cycle t ime. If cell Cl iHto contain
the balance delay for t he solution, what formula should
15. The p-value is the smallest level of significance that be put into it?
v.rould lead to rejection of the null hypothesis . Using the
information given in Prob. 14, t he p-value is approxi- (A) (SUlVI(Al . .. A5) + Bl *B2)/(Bl + B2)
n1ately (B) (Bl - (SUl\II(Al .. . A5)/Bl *B2))/
(SUM(B l ... B2))
(A) 0.001 (C) (B l *B2 - SUM(Al .. . A5))/SU1\II(Al . . . A5)
(B) 0.005 (D) (B l *B2 - SUM( Al .. . A5))/B l *B2
(C) 0.025
(D) 0.040 20. A data file contains the last 12 month8 of salc8 data
from the Ohio Valley r egion. The manager is trying
16. A simulation model was run for 30 replications 1md to determine the number of sales perHonnel to asHign
the mean utilization of a tr1msporter >vas recorded for to the region for the next month. She ha8 written a
each replication. Those 30 data points were then used p8eudocode segment to forecast the expected sales for
to form a confidence interval on mean transpor ter uti- next month and to asHign the nun1ber of personnel. The
lization for the system. At a 95% confidence level, that dataare
interval >V<l..'> found to be 37 .2% ± 3.4%.
Given this information, >vhich of the follcnving facts can
be definitively stated about the system? 1100,1150,1300,1320,1440

(A) At 95% confidence, the 30-replication sample The p8eudocode seg1nent iH as follo>vs .
rr1can of transporter utj]izat ion l i e~ in the
range 37.2% ± 3.4%. N=l
(B) At 95% confidence, the population mean of Read data point
tn1nsporter utilization lies in the range \tVhile N < 8
37.2% ± 3.4%. Increment N by 1
Read data point
(C) At 95% confidence, the transporter never
reached 100% ut ilization at any point during
Initialize F to 0 and Het N = 1
any of the 30 replications.
\tVhile N < 6
(D) \iVith only 30 replici.itions, no definitive state-
Increment N by 1
rr1ents can be rnade about the systern, includ-
Read data point and add value to F
ing the utilization of the transporter.
SetP = F/(N - 1)
17. If a lot is subrnitted frorn a process that has a. popu-
If P < 1000 set SF = 5
lation rnea.n proportion defective of 30%, the probability
If P > 999 and P < 1300 set SF = 8
of accepting this lot is rnost nearly
If P > 1299 and P < 1450 set SF= 10
(A) 0% EIHe set SF= 14
(B) 10%
(C) 40%
(D) 75%
38 Industrial Discipline-Spedfic Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The nun1ber of sales personnel, SF, at the end of this 23. Consider t\vo stocks. Stock 1 always sells for either
segment •vould be $20 or $40. If stock 1 is selling for $20 today, there is
a 70% chance that it 'viii sell for $20 tomorrow. If it is
(A) 5
selling for $40 today, there is an 85% chance it \Viii sell
(B) 8
for $40 to1norro\v. Stock 2 al•vays sells for either $20 or
(C) 10
$35. If stock 2 is selling for $20 today, there is a 90%
(D) 14
chance that it \Vill sell for $20 ton1orro\v. If it is selling
for $35 today there is an 80% chance it •viii sell for $35
21 . Consider the problen1 of assigning four operators to
t.on1orro\v. v\That is the expected value of stock 2?
four machines. The assign1nent. costs in dollars arc given
in the following matrix . Operator 1 cannot be assigned (A) $20
to macl1ine 2, and operator 4 cannot be assigned to (B) $25
machine 4. Wha.t is the ininimum cost assignn1ent. for (C) $28
this problem? (D) $46

machine 24. The final n1achining of a product requires three dif-

1 2 3 4 ferent stages. The st.ages of the n1a.chining arc consec-
utive. Each stage requires a single n1achine doing a
operator 1 20 20 8 specific task. The inachining ti1ne at each st.age is ex-
operator 2 14 16 8 12 ponentially distributed \Vith a mean of 20 inin. A prod-
operator 3 36 12 20 28 uct. n1ust to begin the inachining process at stage 1
operator 4 28 8 24 until the current product. has completed stage 3. Prod-
~ nets arrive at st.age 1 according to a Poisson process at
the rate of two per hour, and the facility has a buffer
(A) $36
that ca.n hold at n1ost ten of these products as they wait
(B) $48 for n1achining. Using l(endall's notation, what type of
(C) $50
queuing systen1 is this?
(D) $68
(A) M/M/3/10
22. Consider a transportation problen1 that has the fol- (B) M/fvl/10/3
lowing supplies, den1ands, and cost matrix C where the (C) M/G/1/3/10
roV1rs represent the sources and the columns represent (D) M/E:i/1/11
the destinations.
25. A university's food court has t.V1ro tellers. People
source 1 2 3 4 waiting to pay for their food forn1 a single line a.nd go
supply 20 40 10 60 to the fir~t available teller . There is room in the food
court for 200 people, and there is also room outside to
destination 1 2 3 4 5 wait. Customers have an interarrival time to the food
court that is exponentially distributed with a mean of
den1and 5 15 40 35 35
2 min. The two tellers \Vork at the same rate. The
c destination service time for each teller is exponentially d istributed
~ with a mean of 3 min . On average, the nun1ber of people
10 15 5 3 12 waiting in line for the tellers is most nearly
11 4 12 23 19 (A) 0
9 13 24 28 21 (B) 1
23 34 42 51 29 (C) 2
(D) 30
The minimal cost solut ion generated by the northwest
corner rule would be most nearly 26. A company's pe1fo1mance appraisal system is
based on each en1ployee establishing, in conj unction
(A) 85
with a supervisor, a set of specific objectives against
(B) 130
which the employee •viii be evaluatcxi at a predeter-
(C) 2600
mined interval. Which of the following best represents
(D) 3300
~ this type of appraisal syste1n"?

Professional Publications, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Prudice Exam 1 39

(A) value based management (A) A1 ..2 = 0, A1..:i = 0, A2-4 = 4, A2-5 = 4,

(B) performance n1anagcmcnt A;i..4 = 3, A:1-6 = 3, A4-6 = 10, A5-6 = 14
( C) change managcn1cnt (B) A 1.. 2 = 4, A 1.. 3 = 3, A 2..4 = 6, A 2..5 = 10,
(D) n1anagc1nent by objectives A;i..4 = 2, A:1-6 = 16, A4-6 = 8, A5-6 = 2
(C) A1 .. 2 = 0, A1..:i = 0, A2-4 = 4, A2-5 = 4,
27. A co1npany is con<>idcring implementing a 50-50 A:i-4 = 3, A:1-6 = 3, A4-6 = 5, As..6 = 14
gain sharing plan, where a base rate of $12.00 per hour (D) A1 ..2 = 4, 16, A2-4 = 7 ,
Ai..:i = A2-5 = 17,
is guaranteed, and an employee will receive 50% of the A:i-4 = 9, A:1-6 = 3, A4-6 = 11, A5-6 = 19
gain after exceeding 100% of the standard. If the stan-
dard ti1nc for a task is 2.5 m inutes, what would a worker 30. A company president is excited about implement-
get paid by averaging 30 units per hour for an eight-hour ing a ne\v approach to motivate cn1plqyccs. The ap-
day? proach's n1ain characteristics arc 1) employees will have
(A) $75 lifetime employment, 2) promotjon will be based on
(B) $96 length of service, 3) there will be no employee job spe-
(C) $100 cialization, and 4) the co1npany will use a collective dn-
(D) $108 cision making procc~ . \i\Thich n1otivation thccny docs
the president's new approach n1ost closely describe'?
Problems 28 and 29 refer to the fo llowing project nct- (A) Theory W
v.rork and associated activity durations. (B) Theory X
(C) ThcoryY
(D) Theory Z
2 5
31. A project has a critical p ath with mean JL = 20
and standard deviation a = 2, and a non-critical path
with mean p, = 18.5 and standard deviation a = 6.
1 Each path is independent. What is most nearly the
probability of the project being completed in 21 days?
(A) 0.42
(B) 0.50
(C) 0.66
(D) 0.69

activity duration (hr) 32. A part requires that two operations (Opl followed
1-2 4 ~ by Op2) be processed on a single machine. The con1-
1-3 3 pany will be operating 5 days per week and 10 hours
2-4 6 per day v.rith no set-up time between operations. The
2-5 10 following data is ava.ilable for the operations.
3-4 2
3-6 16 operation Opl Op2
4-6 8
5-6 2 st.andard time (in minutes) 2.0 4.0
actual perfor mance 0.90 0.90
machine availability 0.90 0 .95
28. What is the critical path, or longest d ur ation ac- scrap rate 0.03 0.05
tivity sequence, for the project network?
(A) {1-3, 3-6}
What is the number of inachincs required to produce
(B) {1-2, 2-5, 5-6}
5000 parts per \Veck?
(C) {1-2, 2-4, 4-6}
(D) {1-3, 3-4, 4-6} (A) 10
(B) 12
29. What is the early start schedule for the project (C) 13
nct\vork >vhcre A i - j denotes the earliest start for activity (D) 15
. '?
i-J .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Professional Publications, Inc.

40 Industrial Discipline-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

33. A s ingle-point tool is used on an engine la.the to painting inspection

n1ake a single pass on a part 2.000 in diameter (diameter job ti1nc (min) t ime ( n1in)
before the cut), and 24 in long. The depth of cut is set
1 12 9
to 0.125 in at a spindle speed of 400 rev /min \Vith a
2 8 5
feed of 0.012 in/rev.
3 15 8
The inachining t ime required for a single pass is most 4 7 4
(A) 0.21 min The ma.kcspan of the job sequence {3, 2, 1, 4} is
(B) 5.0 min
(A) 41 n1in
(C) 10 min
(B) 44 n1in
(D) 115 n1in
(C) 46 n1in
(D) 48 n1in
34. A short.stroke reciprocating saw can cut d uctile
steel at about 12 in 2 /min. The average t ime for the
37. Con1ponent Y is used in several products assem-
operator to unclamp, clamp, and advance stock in the
b led by company ABC. The average demand for com-
sav.r is 15 sec per cut. The saw is cur rently loaded with
ponent Y is 750 units per week. The fixed cost of p lacing
3 in dian1eter, lov.r-carbon, steel bar stock.
an order for comp onent Y is $15. The invcnt.o ry hold -
Approximately how long will it take to cut twelve 4 in ing cost for component Y is $0.10 per unit per week. To
p ieces? minimize the total cost of ordering and inventory hold-
ing, component Y would be most nearly econon1ically
(A) 0.21 min ordered in quantit ies of
(B) 5.0 min
(A) 100 units
(C) 10 min
(B) 320 units
(D) 120 n1in
( C) 4 70 units
(D) 750 units
35. The wheel assembly for a rolling cart requires
11 components (>vheels, nuts, bolts, washers , and the
38. The den1and for product Z is 10,000 units per week.
yoke), t>vo hand tools (a screwdriver and p liers), and unit of p roduct Z requires 0.25 labor hours to a.<.;scmbly directions (from the side and the bottom) .
produce. There arc two 8 .5 hr production shifts per day,
\i\Thich of the following guidelines for the manufactur-
five days p er v.rcek. During each shift, approximately
ing and design of the assembly >vould be appropriate for
1.5 hours arc nonproductive (due to breaks, setup, and
improving this product?
so forth) . The minimum >vorkforce needed to n1ect the
r11,le 1: Avoid flexible con1ponent.s that difficult den1a.nd for product Z without requiring overtime is
to handle. (A) 35 people/ day
r11,le 2: Use the sin1plcst possible operations. (B) 36 people/ day
(C) 35 people/sh ift
r11,le 3: Reduce the n im1ber of components. (D ) 36 people/sh ift

r11,le 4: Exaggerate asymmetry when not possib le to 39. A con1pany is considering adopt ing a j ust-in-tin1e
provide symmetry. a pproach to production and needs to dctcrn1inc the
r11,le 5: Use snap fasteners if possible. number of kanba.n cards required to control the system.
One of the company's products has a daily demand of
(A) r ules 1 and 5 500 units and a processing time of 1 m in u te per unit.
(B) rules 3 and 5 The lead time for producing the part is 2 days , \Vherc
( C) rules 1, 2, and 4 8 productjon hours per day includes the processing and
(D) rules 2 , 3, and 4 wait ing tin1c and where parts arc n1oved in containers
that hold 100 units. Dctc1mine the number of kanban
36. Jobs go through a painting station and then an au- cards for this product \Vith a safety factor of 10%.
ton1atjc inspection station . Each station can only ser- (A) 5
vice one job at a time. Four jobs arc currently awaiting (B) 7
processing. The time each job m ust spend at each sta- (C) 10
tion is sho>vn as fo . (D) 11

Professional Publications, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •

40 . Six asscn1bly cells (each 35 m x 35 n1) arc to b e 42. Consider an open-loop conveyor sy:-.tcm design
located in an area t hat \Vill configure into a 2 cell x problc1n where part s arrive at a 1.2 m >vidc conveyor
3 cell facility. The cost of n1aterial handling is direct ly input point at a rate of 100 parts per n1inute . F ive
proportional to the distance traveled fron1 centroid to parts arc first put on a 1 n1 x 1.3 m pallet , then the
centroid. The following material flow data is given. pallets arc tran:-.portcd on the conveyor. The distance
fron1 the loading to unloading point is 200 in. Calcu-
cell Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 lat e t he m inin1un1 speed of the conveyor t o support the
specified material flow.
Cl - 150 300 0 50 (A) 20 n1/ min
C2 - 50 0 10 80 (B) 22 n1/ min
(C) 26 n1/ min
C3 - 150 100 30 (D ) 30 n1/ min

C4 - 40 0 43 . A production system requires 40 material-handling

moves per hour, >vith each move having an average d is-
C5 - 100 tance of 240 m . Each move requires a 1 min load and
a 1 min unload. Four forklifts arc used to move the
C6 -
loads, and each t ravels at an average of 80 m / min. The
average ut ilizat ion for the four forklifts is most nearly
If the current cell layout is sho>vn in the figure below,
(A) 50%
v.rhat would be the impact on the tot al material han-
(B) 70%
d ling flo>v if C2 and C4 were to exchange positions?
(C) 85%
(D) 95%
Cl C3 C4
44. A con1pa.ny produces two products that use a con1-
bination of six production processes arranged into three
C6 C5 C2 cells . Due t o t he size of t he product s, a forklift has been
sclcct~!d as the n1atcrial handling equipment . What is
the interccllula.r mat erial handling flow associated with
the following cellular layout? (Assume material han-
(A) -1200 (dccrea.'>c) d ling cost is proportional to distance.)
(B) 0 (no change)
(C) 2000 (increase) routing loads
(D) 3600 (increase)
product 1 Pl P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 100
4 1 . Consider a warehouse that contains 40 storagt! product 2 P2 P5 P4 P3 Pl P6 200
locations. Four products arc stored in the warehouse.
Storage and throughput requirements arc given for each
product. In >vhat order (or priority) should products be d istance
assigned to storage locations to n1inimizc the total dis- between cells cell 1 cell 2 cell 3
tance traveled? in meters (Pl , P2) (P3, P4) (P5, P6)
(proce,~ cs in cell)
no. of location'> total load'>
Cl (Pl, P2) - 50 100
r cx:i ui red moved per d;~y
product s T
C2 (P3, P4) - 50
1 10 200
C3 (P5, P6) -
2 16 160
3 8 240
4 6 150 (A) 6500
(B) 28,000
(A) {2, 1,3, 4} (C) 51 ,000
(B) {2, 1,4, 3} (D) 70 ,000
(C) {3, 1,2, 4}
(D) {3, 4,1, 2}

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42 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review far the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •

45. Four depa.rtn1cnts arc located in a 30 m x 20 in fa- (A) class A= (4, 11),
cility, where each departn1ent is 10 n1 x 10 n1. There class B = (8, 2, 7) ,
re1nain t\vo potential locations to locate a single storage class C = (5, 1, 10, 9, 12, 3, 6)
facility (as noted in the follov.ring illustration as storage
(B) class A= (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
location A a.nd storage location B) . The flow (units per
class B = (7, 8, 9, 10) ,
yr) between the existing four departn1ents and the fu-
class C = (1 1, 12)
ture storage department is given in the follcnving table.
(C) class A= (1 1, 8) ,
d~tl d~t2 d~t. 3 d~t. 4 class B = (4, 2, 7) ,
class C = (9, 12, 5, 10, 3, 1, 6)
flo>v (unit per yr) 250 400 300 600
between storage (D) class A= (4, 11 , 8, 2, 7, 5),
class B = (1, 10, 9, 12) ,
and department
class C = (3, 6)
... 1om ..
1 1
·- 47. A chair with armrests is being designed. The cloth-
10 m location
ing allowance is 1.2 cm. \i\That should be the distance
dept. 1 dept. 2
B ~ between armrests to accommodate 95% of the popula-

- storage
t ion'?

location dept. 3 dept. 4

(A) 25 cn1
A (B) 33 cm
(C) 38cm
(D) 45 cn1
The tran.'lportation cost is $1/m. Units travel a long
a rectilinear path between department centroids. Dc-
tern1ine the best storage location (either storage A or 48. An operation that occurs throughout a.n 8 hr shift
storage B) , and determine its associated flcnv t imes d is- lifts a casting that is located on a pallet an average of
tance cost (F x D) . 12 in off the floor and 16 in in front of the operator.
The ca.sting is lifted vertically an average total distance
(A) F X Dst orage A = $15,500 of 48 in. This lift occurs once every 2.5 m in . The max-
(B) F X Dst orage B = $21,000 imun1 frequency of lift ing that can be sustained for t his
(C) F X Dst orage A = $25,500 job is 12 lifts/ min. Using the NIOSH forn1ula , what is
(D) F X Dst orage B = $46,500 the maximum permissible limit (in pounds per force)
for t he weight of the ca.sting'?
46. A con1pany is setting u p a warehouse and >vill use
a class-based stor age policy. T he follo>ving data have (A) 40 lbf
been collected on the 12 products t hat will be stored (B) 55 lbf
in t he facilicy. Dete1n1inc three pr oduct classes based (C) 62lbf
on an ABC inventory breakdown, where A, B, and C (D) 80 lbf
products make up approximately 50%, 30%, and 20%
of the total v.rarehouse activity. ~
49. Measuring industrial perfor mance ren1a.ins a diffi-
thr oughput space cult task. To address this issue, the An1erican Produc-
product T S T/S tivicy Cent~)!' has introduced the following integrated
measurement criterion for measuring total productivity.
1 3.6 3 1.2
2 10.0 4 2.5
3 5.0 12 0.4 total. .t = ( prod uct iv1ty
. . ) ( price
. recovery )
prod UCt,JVl .y
4 26.0 3 8.7
5 6.4 4 1.6 . . percent change in output qua.nticy
6 1. 2 4 0.3 pro d uct1v1ty = - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
percent change in resource quantity
7 8.4 5 1.7
8 27.0 6 4.5 . percent change in output price
9 7.2 8 0.9 price recovery =
· percent change in resource cost
10 5.5 5 1.1
11 56.0 9 6.2
12 7.0 10 0.7
totals 163.3 73 29.8
Prodice Exam 1 43

An auto1notivc parts supplier generat ed the data in the (A) 0

follovving table. (B) 50
(C) 96
period period (D) 150
n. n+ l
unit-; produa!d 1200 1400 52. Consider the follovving t ime study su mmary for a
p ria ! per unit ($) 54.08 57.23 particular job. Element 2 is a machinc-<X)ntrollcd cle-
time \Vorkcd (hr) 8200 7800 ment. E lcn1cnt 4 occurs every third cycle. All times arc
ccJHt per hour ( $) 12.05 13.15 in minutes.

The supplier 's overall productivity improvement fr om
cycle~ c1vc~1~ ctgc~ deviation occur rences rating
period n to period n. + 1 is most nearly
clement timed (min) (n1in) per cycle (%)
(A) 1.8%
(B) 12% 1 30 0.246 0.031 1 110
(C) 19% 2 30 1.214 0.001 1 100
(D) 120% 3 30 0.252 0.022 1 110
4 10 1.682 0.015 l 90
50 . A plant manager has been asked by the con1pany
board of direct ors to provide a summary of the plant's Most nearly, what is the allovvcd tin1c, in minutes, for
productivicy gains over the past five years. Though this job before allovvanccs'?
there arc many ways in vvhich productivity can be mea-
sured, this con1pa.ny uses the variable cost per un it pro- (A) 1.8
d1Hx)d . Data on the company's pcrfor rru1ncx! over t he (B) 2.3
past five years is given in the follcnving table . (C) 3.1
(D) 3.2
year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 yea.r 5
53. Consider the t ime study summary for Prob. 52.
variable $150,000 $170,000 $180,000 $210,000 $220,000
cost An accuracy of ±0.01 min is required for each clement .
How many additional cycles must be t imed for 95% ac-
total curacy?
un it s 120 ,000 150 ,000 15.."i ,OOO 195 ,000 210 ,000
produced (A) 0
(B) 7
The average change in variable cost per unit over the (C) 10
past five years is most nearly (D) 50
(A) 4%
(B) 8% 54. vVhich of the following contains only those tools
(C) 10% uscrl for conducting a graphical analysis of
(D) 16% worker productiv ity?
(A) operation p rocess charts, cash flow d iagran1s,
51 . Consider the following work sampling st udy for a and critical path diagrams
piece of production equipment based upon a r andon1 (B) value-added cha1ts, flovv diagran1s, and force/
sample of 100 obser vations. stress diagrams
(C) cash flow diagrams, PETIT d iagra1ns, and flow
nun1ber of
process charts
times observed
(D) operation p rocess charts, flow process charts,
machine idle-no product 5 and left-hand/ r ight-hand charts
machine operating 85
machine idlc~dovvntimc and repair 10 55. 25 samples of size 5 vVCH! drawn from a population,
and the average range for a measured d iameter was dc-
tcrn1ined t o be 8.960. Most nearly, what is t he estimate
Suppose that an accuracy of 0.05 is required for the of the population standard deviat ion?
st udy \Vith a confidence of 95%. Hovv many addit ional
observations must be made'?

------------------------1;,..------------ Professional Publications, Inc.

44 Industrial Disci~ine-Spec:ific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(A) 3.9 (A) UCL.9 = 35.28, LCL.9 = 0.00, not in control

(B) 5 .0 (B) UCL.9 = 21 .38, LCL.9 = 0.32, in control
( C) 6.0 (C) UCL.9 = 18.53, LCL.9 = 3.07, in control
(D) 9.0 (D) UCL.9 = 18.53, LCL.9 = 3.07, not in control

56. The pcr1nanent control chart lirnit:,; for an R -chart 60. A custorncr has :,;pccified that the weight of a prod-
u:,;cd to track the :,;an1ple range:,; described in Prob. 55 uct should be 10.5 g ± 2.5 g. Based on 10 sarnplcs of 5,
should be :,;ct rnost nearly at X and s arc approximately 10.00 and 1.00 . Calculate
the process capability index (Cvk) for t.hi:,; proccs:,; and
(A) 18.91, 0
(B) 18.94, 0
l:s detcrrninc if it is capable of producing a product t hat
conforrns to t he custon1er ':,; specification.
(C) 19.81, 0
(D) 19.90, 0 (A) 0.627, not capable
(B) 0.940, capable
5 7. T he Malcolm-Baldrige Avvar d Program ( C) 1.064, not capa ble
(D ) 1.064, capable
(A) i:,; a relatively easy program to in1plcmcnt in a
manufacturing/service company
(B) i:,; available only t o nlanufacturing companic:,;
( C) cvdluatcs competit ors according to a :,;even-
category criteria
(D) i:,; a worldwide competition

58. Many quality management. tools provide a system:,;

per:,;pcct.ivc about t he i:,;:,;ue:,; that affect product. quality.
\iVhich of the following tools a rc NOT typically u:,;cd in
a quality problem analysis?
(A) ca,.;h fiovv diagram<>, from-to chart
(B) fi:,;h-bonc d iagran1s, hi:,;togran1s
( C) QFD d iagram, control r11a rt:,;
(D) scatt~)r diagrams, fiovv charts

59. A company has produced 10 lots of parts fron1

'"hich it ha:,; sampled t he '"eight wit h a san1plc :,;izc of
6 from each lot . X i and S i for each san1plc i i:,; given
in the following table. Calculate the upper and lower
control limits for t he s-cha.rt , and decide vvhcther or not
the product.ion proccs:,; i:,; in control with respect to the
standard deviation.
sample, i X ?.· ·"i
1 104 9
2 106 4
3 105 10
4 104 5
5 106 9
6 105 14
7 101 11
8 109 20
9 109 15
10 102 11
Prudice Exam 1 45

t = 0 1 2 46 47 t = 48 months

1. Use the uniform series compound amount factor to '

find the future >vorth of the deposits. A A A A A
F = future equiva lent value of a cash flcnv
or series of cash flows • 2000
= A(F/ A,i,ri)
A = uniforn1 series of end of
compounding period cash flows A= ($8000)(A/ P, 0.75%, 48)
= ($8000) ((0.0075)(1 + 0 .0075) )
= $200
(1 + 0.0075) 48 - 1
i = interest rate per compounding period = $199.20 ($200)
12% Tt1e answer is D.
12 con1pounding periods per year
3. Equate the equivalent >vorth of the two options and
= 1% per compounding period (month )
solve for the interei,t rate.
n = nun1ber of compounding periods
Option 1, receive $125,000 now (Po= $125,000) .
= (20 years)(12 con1poundingperiods p er year)
= 240 compounding periods Option 2, receive $50,000 now and $50,000 each year

t= 0 1 2
238 239
t = 240 months
50k 50k 50k

'' y t= 0 1 t = 2 years

200 200 200 200 200

Use the uniform series present worth factor.

Po= $50,000 + A(P/ A,i ,n)

F = ($200)(F/ A , 1%, 240)
A= $50,000
= ($200) ( (1 + 0.01)240 - 1) n=2
0 .01
Po= $50,000 + ($50,000)(P/ A, i,2)
= $197,851 ($198,000)
= $50,000 + ($50,000) (
(1 + i) 1)
+ ·i(l

The answer is D.
2. Use the capital recovery factor to find the nionthly Equate the present worth of the options and solve for
car payment. the interest rate.
A = uniform series of end of period cash flows 2
(l+i) - l )
= P(A/ P,i,n) $125,000 = $50,000 + ($50,000) ( i( l + i)2

P = present equiva lent value of a cash flcnv (1i(l+i)

+ ·i) -1)
or series of cash flows (loan an1ount) 1.5= ( =(P/A,i, 2)

= $8000

i = interest rate per compounding period B y trial and error , a range for i can be determined.
9% Then, use linear interpolat ion to approximate i .
12 compounding periods per year
interestrate (P/A,i,2)
= 0 .75% per compounding period
20% 1.5278
n = number of compounding periods
i 1.5000
= (4 years)(12 compounding periods per year ) 25% 1.4400
= 48 compounding periods

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46 Industrial Discipline-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

25% - i 25% - 20% For ina.teria.l B ,

1.44 - 1.5 1.44 - 1.5278 15,000 pieces
tool8 needed= --,----....,....---,---~
i = 0.1966 (20%)
75 piece8 ) ( 25 -hr- )
The a n swer is B . ( hr tool
4. = 8 tool'>
cost factor
(piece) brass-copper all qy plastic rnolding 15,000 pieces ( hr )
hour8 needed = . + 1 - - (8 tool8)
casting (2.5 l brn )($.3.35/ lbrn) ( 16 I brn )( ~7 .4 0/ lbrn ) pieces too1
75 - -
= $83.75 = $118.40 hr
rnachining $6.00 0.00 = 208 hr
weight (25 lbrn - 16 lbrn) ($4/lbrn)
penal ty = $36.00 o.oo
total co8t = ( 30 $ ) (8 tool8)
total cost $125. 75 $118.4 0 tool
T he plastic nlolding should be selected to Have $125 .75-
+ ( 18 :r ) (208 hr)
$118.40 = $7.35 over the lifccycle of each radiator .
The a n s we r is C. = $3984

5 . Deter n1inc t he cost of producing 15,000 piece8 for Materi al A Hhould be Helcctcd . T he HavingH arc $3984 -
each tool materi al. ~ $3054 = $930.
total cost= (tool cost)(no. of tools needed)
The a n swer is A.
labor co8t) (l d d)
+ ( hr ir nee e 6. To m inimize project cost, set t he first derivative
of t he project cost equation (wit h respect to project
pieces required length) equa l to zero a.nd Holve for the project length,
tool8 needed = ----"-----""-------
pieces) ( tool life in hr) T.
( hr tool d(projcct co8t) = _ $4000 mo + $500T =
dT T2 mo2
hours needed = production t ime
$500T:1 = $4000 mo:1
+ t ool changing time
piecc8 required T = .zl'8 mo:1
. = 2 mo
To find t he expcx:tcd project cost, substit ute T
+ ( 1 hr ) (no. of tool8 needed) 2 month8 into t he project cost equation.
, $4000 mo $250T2
project cost = $5000 + + ---
For material A, T mo2
15,000 pieces = $SOOO + $4000 mo
tools needed = - - - - - - - - - -
lOO piccc8 )
hr )
(so 2 mo
($250)(2 mo) 2
+ -'----'-'-~---'-
= 3 tool8 mo2
= $8000
15,000 pieces ( hr ) The a n swer is C .
hours needed = . + 1 (3 tool8)
l OO pieces too1
hr 7. T o calculate the benefit -cost ratio for the nc'v Col-
= 153 hr orado State P a.rk, first cla8sify the benefits a nd co8ts.
benefits = ($3 per person entry fee + $15 p er person
total cost= ( 100 $ ) (3tools) poHitive econon1ic irnpact)(500,000
too1 people per year)
~ = $9,000,000 per year
+ ( 18 :r) (153 hr)
costs = $20,000,000 development cc:st at t 0 and
= $3054 $2,000,000 per year operating expcn8e

Professional Publications, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Prodice Exam 1 47

Calculate t he present value of the benefi ts ( P benefiLs) T he mean squares for t r eatments is
a nd the present value of t he cost ( P cosLs ) .
126.92 = ;31 73
Pbenefils = $9,000,000 (P/ A, 6%, 20) 4 .
= $9,000,000 (11 .4699) - 31.73 - 37
F 4
- 7.255 - ·
= $103,229,290.97
T he trcat1ncnts arc greater than F* and arc significant
Pcosls = $20,000,000 + 2,000,000 (P/ A , 6%, 20) at 0.05 . However, t he replications arc a lso signific.ant.
= $20,000,000 + 2,000,000 (11.4699) T he results have a lack-of-fit problem, and a conclusion
= $42,939,842.44 cannot he inadc.
Tt1e answer is C.
F inally, take the ratio of the PhenefiLs and P cosLs·
11. Fron1 the prohlc1n table,
B/ C ratio= $103,229,290.97 /$42,939,842.44
F{,s,0.05 = 5.32
=2 .4040 (2.4)
The mean squar es for errors is
The answer is C.
8. The pay-hack period (PEP) is based on calculating 8 = 4.00
the break-even point , t hat is, the time before a n initial
investment (J) is rcccwcrcd. T he pay-hack period 'vhcn The mean square for A is
revenues (R) and costs (C) arc constant is
108 5
I · = 108.50
F = 108.50 = 27.13
$80,000 4.00
25 000 ! - 10 000 _! The mean square for B is
' yr ' yr
= 6 yr
61. 22 = 61 .22
The answer is B . 61 22
F = · = 15.31
9. The incremental investment from A 1 to A2 is $500, 4.00
and the incremental r etur n is $550 . T he incremental The mean square for AB is
rate of return is

$550 9.60 = 9 60
1 .
$500 - 1 = 0.10 (10%)
9 60
F = · = 2 .40
The answer is A. 4.00

10. From the F -distribut ion table, F values for factors A a nd B arc greater than F* . Fac-
tors A and B arc both s ignificant at a 0.05 level.
F;,16,0.05 = 3.01 The answer is B.
The mean squa res for errors is 12. For nlost engineering properties, the high-order
cross tcrn1s arc usually nonexistent, and they can he
116.08 = 7 .255 used a..'i error terms if more experiments arc not feasi-
16 ble. One should pool the high-order cross terms as error
ter ms, then conduct t he analysis of var iance.
The nlcan squares for replications is
The answer is C.
122.46 = 30 62
4 .
F = 30.62 = 4 .22

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Professional Publications, Inc.

48 Industrial Discipline-Specific Review for the FE/ Elf Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1 3. Lett =service time in hours. f (t) is exponentially :i; = 0.05 - ( - 1.761 - (- 1.9:36)) (0.025)
d istributed. - 1.761 - (-2.145)
= 0.0386 (0.040)
f (t) = >.c->.i [t >OJ
1 The a nswe r is D .
/\ = -
/1, 16. A 95% confidence interval on mean tran sporter uti-
/.L = populat ion n1ean lization means there is a 95% chance the population (or
true) mean transporter ut ilization lies \Vithin the given
Let the san1ple n1ean be an estimate of t he population interval.
The a nswer is B .
The estin1ate for/.£ is t he sarr1ple average, 1.25.
~ 17.Use t he Poi~on dist1ibution to approximat.c the
1 binomial probability.
>. =
1.25 = 0 ·8
00 00 P ( accept lot IP,ri , c) = P (x = 0, n = 3, 11,P = 3P)
P (t > 2) =

= 0
1 +
0.8c-0 ·8ldt = -c-O.Rl

c- 1.6
2 P = population process proportion defective
-nP(11 P )x e-(:!)(o.:io) ( (3) (0.30)) 0
= 0.2018 (0.20) P (x = 0) = c ' .
:r;! O!
The a nswe r is D . = 0 .407 (40%)

14 . From t he problem statement, Ho is 11, > 450, and T h e a nswer is C .

H 1 is /.L < 450.
18. This problem usc:s the binominal d i:,,tribution to
Accept hypothesis Ho if calculate t he probabilicy of the number of damaged
products. Use the equat ion
::i; - 450
s > - to.05,14 = - 1.761 I
Pn(:r;) = ·I 11,. . ,pxqn-~:
Vl5 ::i,.(11, - :r,).
n =number samples= 10
445 - 450 936
t= 10 =- 1. x =number damaged= 2
Vl5 p = probability of damage = 0.1
- 1.936 < - 1.761 q = 1 - 7J = 1 - 0.1 = 0.9

Reject H o.
The probability t hat two damaged products \Vill be found
The a nswe r is B . from a sample of 10 is
15 . Use the inforn1at ion given in Sol. 14 to find the
p-value. Pn(x) -- ( 2!(lO
10!_ )!) (0.1) 2 (0.9) (10- 2)
t = x - 450
8 = 0 .1937 (0.194)
445 - 450 The a nswer is B .
19. The equation for balance delay is
= - 1.936 (no. of stations)(cycle tin1e) - sum of task t in1es
p(tn=l4 < - 1.936) = :r; (no. of stations) (cycle t i1ne)

From the t-distribution table vvit h 15 - 1 = 14 degrees The spreadsheet formula is

of freedon1 ,
0.05 - 7 - 1.761
(B l * B2 - SU'NI(Al .. . A5))/ Bl * B2
:1; - 7 - 1.936

0.025 -7 - 2.145 Tt1e a nswer is D .

Professional Publications, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Prudice Exam 1 49

20 . The firht "While" 8tatcmcnt in the p8eudcJCX)dc The new reduced cost matrix i8 found by subtracting
rcad8 the fir8t seven <lat.a point8 fron1 the data file . the 8mallc::st uncovered number fron1 cac.h unccwcred
The 8econd "While" statement reads the next five data number , and adding that number to cac.h twice cov-
point8 fron1 the data file and adds them together. It ered nunilier. In the prcviou8 nlatrix, 8 is the 8n1allc8t
al8o increments N by 1 each tin1c. Thi8 yicld8 the value uncovered number. The new reduced co8t matrix i8
F = 1100 + 1150 + 1300 + 1320 + 1440 = 6310 and
N = 6. The code then 8Ct8 P = F /(N - 1), v,rhich givc8 6 1000 12 0
P = 6310/5 = 1262. The value 1262 8ati8fics the 8ccond 0 16 0 4
"If" 8tatcmcnt . Therefore, the value of SF i8 8. 10 0 0 8
6 0 8 984
The a n swer is B .
21 . This problem can be solved by the Hungarian The minimum number of lines to cover the zeros for t he
nlcthod for as8ignmcnt problcm8 by giving the a..'l8ign- ncv,r reduced co8t matrix is four.
n1cnt8 that arc not po88iblc a large a 'i8ociatcd
.. cost, 8uch
a8 $1000. For this problem, the co8t matrix i8 100 1
20 1000 20 8 1
14 16 8 12 98
36 12 20 28
28 8 24 1000
~The new reduced co8t matrix gives the optimal 8olu-
tion, v,rhich i8 obtained from t he zero cells. Opcrat.o r 1
The reduced co8t matrix i8 found by 8ubtracting the mu8t be as8igncd to nlachinc 4, and operator 4 mu8t be
8mallc8t value in each ro>v from each of the other clc- a88igncd to machine 2. After t hc8c as8ignmcnt8, oper-
n1cnt8 in that row and then, for the rc8ultant matrix, ator 3 nlust be as8igncd to nlachinc 3, and operator 2
8ubtracting the 8n1allcst clcn1cnt in each column from to nlachinc 1. The optimal as8ignmcnt is then 1-4, 2-1,
each of t he other clcn1ent8 in the colun1n. For the above 3-3, and 4- 2. The associated co8t for thi8 a8signmcnt
nlatrix, 8ubtract 8 from each clement of row one, 8 fron1 from the original co8t matrix is
each clement of row t>vo, 12 from each clement of row
three, and 8 from each elcn1cnt of row four. The re8ult- 8 + 14 + 20 + 8 = 50
ing matrix i8
Tl1e a n swer is C.
12 992 12 0
0 4 22. To find the solution given by the northwest corner
6 8
rule, the tran8portation nlatrix mu8t be forn1cd. There
24 0 8 16
i8 one row for each 8ourcc and one colun1n for each dc8-
20 0 16 992
tination. There i8 al8o a row for demand and a cohunn
for 8upply. To u8c the north\VC8t corner rule, start in
From the previous matrix, 8ubtract 6 from each clement the upper left corner and as8ign to t hat cell as nluch a8
of colun1n one, and 0 from each clement of the other pos8iblc to nlcct either the supply or demand for that
three colurnns, rc8ulting in the following reduced cost row or column. If the supply i8 inct, go to the adja-
matrix. cent cell in the column and rcpc~1t the procc::88. If the

992 ~ dcn1and i8 nlct, go to the adjacent cell in the row and
,: 1 repeat the procc88. If both the d emand and 8upply arc
met, put a 0 in either the adjacent column cell or the
0 16 992 J adjacent row cell. If a 0 i8 put in the adjacent column
cell, move to the adjacent row cell. If the 0 i8 put in
The rninirnun1 number of lines to cover the zcro8 for the the adjacent row cell, move to the adjacent colun1n cell.
reduced rnatrix i8 three. Continue until each row and colun1n ha8 its 8Upply and
dcrnand rnct. Thi8 is sho,vn as follo>v8.

18 8 16
14 16 992
SO Industrial Disci~ine-Speafic Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •

dc:-;tination:-; Thi:-; yield:-; the follo\ving :-;y:-;tcm of equation:-;.

source 1 2 3 4 5 supply - O. l 7r1 + 0 .27r2 = 0

O. l 7r1 - 0.27r2 = 0
1 5 15 20

2 0 40 0 40 Thi:-; sy~tcn1 rcducc:-; to -0.l7r1 + 0 .27r2 = 0, which

has the :-;olut ion 7r 1 = 27r2 . The normalizing equation
3 10 10 (~7ri = 1) yield:-; 27r2 + 7r2 = 1, >vhich implic:-; 7r2 = ~
and 7r1 = ~ . The cxp cx:tcxI value of the stock i:-; t hen
4 25 35 60
~ given by
dcn1and 5 15 40 35 35 (~) ($20) + (1) ($35) = $25
The answer is B.
5 is put in cell ( 1, 1) , nlccting the dc1nand of column 1. 24. Since the arrivals occur according to a Pois:-;on pro-
Next, nlovc to the adj acent row cell ( 1 , 2) and assign the cc:-;s, the intcrarrival tin1c:-; arc exponential (l\II) . Even
value of 15 . Thi:-; meet:-; both the :-;upply and dcn1and of though the :-;crvicc (machining) time i:-; exponential for
rov.r 1 and cohnnn 2 , rc:-;pcct ivc~y. Since both arc inct, each nlachinc, service timc..'i arc not exponential because
put a 0 in the adj acent cohnnn cell (2 , 2), then inovc to the :-;crvicc occurs in t hree con:-;ccutjvc :-;tagc:s. Thcrc.,'-
the row cell (2, 3) , which i:-; adjacent to (2, 2) . For thi:-; forc, :-;crv icc is actually the total of the thr ee :-;tagc:-;.
cell, a value of 40 i:-; a-">signcd, which again meets both However, bccau:-;c the stage:-; arc con:-;ccutivc and each
the :-;upply and d emand of the corresponding rov.1 and :-;tagc has exponential service times, :-;crvicc t ime:-; arc
column (i.e ., rov.r 2 and colun1n 3) . Since both arc nlct, d i:-;trib utcd according to an Erlang-3 distribution (E:1) .
p ut a 0 in t he adjacent row cell (2 , 4), then move to the The cap acity of the b uffer i:-; the limiting factor on the
adjacent column cell (3,4) . A value of 10 i:-; as:-;igncd number of p roducts in the :-;y:-;tcm. Therefor e, the ca-
to this cell, meeting the :-;upply of r ow 3 . Then move p acity of the total n umber of products in the :-;ystcm i:-;
to the adj acent colun1n cell (4,4) and as:-;ign a value of 11:1 being machined and 10 >vaiting.
25, meeting the demand of column 4 . Since the column
demand i:-; met, move to the adjacent row cell ( 4 , 5) and Tt1e a n swer is D .
a:-;:-;ign a value 35, meeting the :-;upply and demand for
25. Interarrival t imes and service time:-; arc exponcn-
row 4 a.nd column 5, completing the init ia l :-;olution Hince
~ t ially d i:-;trib uted. T here is 111:-;o roon1 for a la rge n umber
a ll the dcn1and:-; and :-;upplic:-; ar c now met.
of people in the food court, and people can wait ou t -
U:-;ing the co:-;t:-; in the corrc:-;ponding :-;ourcc-dcstination :-;ide the court, implying t hat the capacity of the system
nlatrix, the corrc:-;ponding obj ective function value is is infinite (very large) . Therefore, this i:-; an fvI/M/2
model. For thi:-; model, the nun1ber of people waitjng in
(5)(10)+ (15)(15) + (0)(4) + (40)(12) + (0)(23) line is given by
+ (10)(28) + (25)(51) + (35)(29) L - ---
q- 1 -p2
= 3325 ( 3300)
The a n swer is D .
From the p roblem :-;tatcment, >. = 30/hr i:-; the arrival
23. This problem can be viewed as a discrete Markov rate and 11, = 20/hr i:-; t he :-;crvicc rate for each teller.
procc:ss. To find the cxpcctcxi value of :-;tock 2, the
The :-;crvcr utilization is
:-;tcady-:-;tatc probabilitic:-; of the value:-; of :-;tock 2 must
be known. Let :-;tatc 1 rcprc:-;cnt $20 and :-;tatc 2 rcprc- 1
:-;cnt $35 . The corrc:-;ponding onc-:-;tcp probability tran- 30-
p- -
>. -
-- = o.75
:-;it ion rru1trix for :-;tock 2 i:-;
- SjJ, - (2) ( 20 : r)
p = [ 0 .9 0.1 ]
0 .2 0.8
The number of people waiting in line is
To find the :-;tcady-statc probabilities, 'Tri , solve the :-;y:-;-
tcm of equations given by 7rP = 7r, \Vhich is equivalent (2)(0.75) 3
to 7r(P - I) = 0 . Thi:-; sy:-;tcm can be written a-"> Lq = ( ) 2 = 1.93 po:iplc ( 2 people)
1 - 0.75
0.1)=(00) The a n swer is C.

Professional Publications, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Prudice Exam 1 51

26. Management by objectives best represents the coin- 28. The critical path is defined as the longest path
pany's pcrforinancc appraisal systcn1. This system sets through the network. Calculate the path duration for
up specific objectives for each individual in the organi- each possible solution.
zation >vith respect to overall organizational objectives,
and it holds each individual accountable for achieving Activity sequence A is
these objectives.
1-2, 2-5, 5-6 = 4 + 10 + 2 = 16
Value based managcn1cnt focuses on alig11ing an organi-
zation around how to create val uc (typically shareholder Activity sequence B is
value) . Pciformancc management is used to dctcn11inc
if a con1pany is achieving its overall pcrforinancc ob- 1-2, 2-4, 4-6 = 4 + 6 + 8 = 18
jectives. Change n1anagcmcnt focuses on the need for
organizational change, not individual employee pcrfor- Activity sequence C is
1-3, 3-4, 4-6 = 3 + 2 + 8 = 13
The a nswe r is D .
27. Gain sha.rc is calculated by determining the n um- Activity sequence D is
ber of a.ddit ional units produced over the standard, and
then a.dding the ba.."ic pay and the additional 50-50 sha.rc 1-3,3-6=3 + 16 = 19
to obtain the total pa.y. To find how m uch the employee
v.rill make, first find the base number of units produced Tlie a n swer is A.
at the standard. 29. The early start schedule is defined as the schedule
60 m in that has each activity starting as soon as possible, or in
standard units produced = . other words, has the minim um tin1e to a.n activity.
r.: min
2 .;) .
im it The m inimum path time ca.lculations arc shown in the
= 24 units illustra.tion and result in the following early start sched-
The problem states that an cn1ploycc averages 30 units A i -2 = O; Ai- :i = O; A 2- 4 = 4; A2- 5 4; A:i-4 3;
per day, so subtr act the 24 standard units from the 30 ~ A:i-6 = 3; A4-6 = 10; As-6 = 14
actual units to find tha.t 6 units arc p roduced over the
standard. min (4) = 4 min (14) = 14

A 50-50 gain share in1plics tha.t the worker receives an 10

additional 50% for each unit produced over the stan- 2 5
dard. The standard base pay is $12 per hour, or $0.20
(16, 18, 19)
per minute, so the standard pa.y per unit is min (5, 10) = 14 = 19

1 8
2.5 nlin)
. ( 0.20 $. ) = $0.50/unit
. 4 6
( unit min

The total pa.y can now he calcula.tcd as follows.

total pay= (hourly rate + 50% gain share)
x (total hours >vorkcd) min (3) = 3

( 12.00 _!
+ (0.5) (6 unit) (o.50 $. ))
hr unit The a n swer is A.
hr ) 3 0 . Theory Z is the motiva.tion theory inost closely de-
x ( 8 day
scribed by the president's new approach. It as~11n1c~
= $108.00/da.y that >vorkcrs arc motivated , that nlanagcment's role is
to involve >vorkcrs in decision ma.king, and tha.t the com-
The a nswe r is D . pany will p rovide lifelong opportunities for service.
52 Industrial Discipline-Specific Review for the FE/ Elf Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·

T hu>ry V..T doc::;n 't cxi::;t. Thu>ry X as::;un1<!i vvorker::; (2)(5000)

Fi= _ _ _ _ _ ____,._........,. _ ___.._ _ _ _ _ ~

a rc at bc::;t pa.~ive regarding a co111pany'::; objec,tive::; (0.9)({5){10){60))(0.9)(1- 0.03)(1- 0.05)

and, therefore, rnanagerr1cnt need::; to reward and con- =4.47
trol their activities. Thco1y Y assun1c::; 'vorkcr::; arc in-
F? = (4){5000)
herently motivated so n1anagcn1ent only needs to set up
- (0.9)({5){10)(60))(0.95)(1 - 0.05)
desirable work conditions.
= 8.21
The a n swe r is D.
F = ceiling {4.47 + 8.21) = ceiling {12.68) = 13
31. Calculate the probability of each path being con1-
pleted in 21 days. ~ The ans wer is C.
33. The n1achining time required for a single pass is
P{T < X} = P{z < (X - µ)/o-}
t = t ime
Deter mine t he value for z using a standard nor1nal f = feed
table. s = spindle speed
L = length of cut
P{T < 21} = P{z < (21 - /L)/o-}
probability of crit ical path= P{ z < (21 - 20)/2} L 24 in
t- - - ----------
= P(z < 0.5) ,- fs - (o.012 ~) (400 rc~v)
rev min
= 0 .691
= 5 .0 min
probability of The a n s wer is B.
non-critical path = P{z < (2 1 - 18.5)/6}
34 . The t in1c to cut twelve 4 in pieces is
= P(z < 0.4167)
= 0 .664 t =time
The probability of completing the project is the max- n = num ber of pieces
in1um probability for the two paths (0.691, 0.664), or p =set-up time
0.691. A= cut area
The a n swer is D. r = cutting rate

32. Use t he following equations to determine t he num-

ber of machines r equired.

F = total nun1ber of machines ceiling = L Fk 1 m in )

. 7r (32
in )

= (12) 5
(l sec) ( 60 sec + in 2
= F 1 + F2
12 .
Si,kQi rrun
. EHRII (l -Pi,k) = 10 .07 min ( 10 n1in)
= number of machines for opcratjon k ~ Tl1e a n swer is C .

Si = standard time required per par t i 35. Reducing the nun1bcr of components, including t he
for operation k use of snap fasteners, is the most appropriate design for
assembly /manufacturing guidelines for impr cwing the
Qi = pr oduction q uantity per t ime period product as described .
for part i
Rule 1 docs not apply because t here arc no flexible com-
E = actual performance of machine ponents (spr ings, wires, etc.), r ule 2 docs not apply be-
H = available t ime units per tin1c period cause t he current. operations a rc already as simple as
possible, and rule 4 docs not apply becau.'-le t here is
R = machine k availability no problem wit h confusing insertion geometry in this
Pi,k = scrap rate for machine k par t i product..
The a n s wer is B .

Professional Publications, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Prodice Exam 1 53

36. The n1akcspan is dctern1incd by the t ime at which Tp =production tin1c per unit= 0.25 hr/ unit
the last job in the sequence fin ishes at the second sta- 8111 =number of shifts per week
tion. Starting >vith the first job in the sequence, dctcr-
n1inc the start and finish tin1c of the pa.inting operation = ( 2 shifts) ( 5 days)
day >vk
and the start and finish time of the inspection operation.
The next job in the sequence v.rill begin its painting = 10 shifts/wk
operation i1nmcdiatcly following the finish of the previ- H =number of productive hours per person
ous job in the sequence. A job >viii begin the inspection hr hr
=8 .5 - 1.5 - -
operation when its painting operation is con1plcte and person person
the inspection station has finished the preceding job in = 7 hr / person
the sequence. The follo>ving table shov.18 the scheduled
start and finish t imes of all jobs at each of the stations. 10,000 units) (o.25 h1: )
( \Vk Un it
vv = -'--------'--'-----.......
painting operation inhpcction open1tion lO shifts) ( 7
hr )
( wk person
start time fin ish time start time finish tjme
= 35.7 people/shift (36 people/shift)
job 3 0 15 15 23
A m inimum \Vorkforce of 36 people per shift is needed
job 2 15 23 23 28
to meet the demand v.rithout overtime. If only 35 people
job 1 23 35 35 44
per shift arc used, v.reekly production >viii be less than
job 4 35 42 44 48
\Veekly demand.
Job 4, the la.-;t job in the sequence, is scheduled to con1- The answer is D.
plete its inspection operation at t ime 48. Thus , the
n1akespan of the sequence {3, 2, 1, 4} is 48 . 39. The equation to calculate the nun1bcr of kanban
cards is
The a nswe r is D .
DL(l +a)
37. The general formula for determining the economic n=
order quantity is
D = den1and per unit= 500 units
L = average lead t ime for a kanban quantity
Q*=f!ff (fra.c tion of a day) = 2.0
J( = cost to place an order = $15 C =container capacity= 100 units
h =holding cost per unit per period a= safety factor= 10%, or 0.10
= $0.10/ unit -wk n = ______ ....................,_+_0_
(500 units)(2)(1 .10)
>. = average den1and per period 100 units
= 11
= 750 units/wk
Tt1e answer is D .
(2)($15) (750 u:~s)
Q*= 40. To calculate the total material handling cost im-
0.10 $ pact, 6.TC2,4 , it is necessary to calculate the change in
unit -wk cost r esult ing from exchanging the two cells (C2 and
= 474.3 units (470 units) C4). Let 111 be the v.reighting factor determined as the
amount of flov.r between cells, and let d be the d istance
The a nswe r is C. bet>veen cells.

38. The general equation for determining the m inimun1

v.rorkforce requirement is

VV = n1ini1num number of workers per shift

_ DwTp
Dw = average weekly demand = 10,000 units/\vk

n r • I ft I I• ,•
54 Industrial Disci~ine-Spedfic Review for the FE/ Err Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

.6.TC2,4 = (1111,2 -1111,4)(d1 ,2 - d1 ,4) 43. The average utilization for the four forklifts is
+ (1112 ,2 -1112,4)(d2,2 - d2,4)
+ (111a,2 - 111a,4)(da,2 - da,4) p= -
+ (1JJ4 ,2 -1JJ4,4)(d4,2 - d4,4) p = utilization
+ (11Js ,2 -11Js,4)(ds,2 - ds,4) L = rrie;111 arrival rate= 40 movc::;/hr
+ (11!6,2 - 11Jt>,4)(d6,2 - dt>,4) s = no. of ::;crvers = 4 forklift::;
- 211!2,4(d2 ,4) /L = mean service tirric
= (150 - 50)(30 - 10) + (0 - 80)(0 - 20)
+ (50 - 30)(20 - 20) + (0 - 0)(10 - :30) 60
+ (10 - 100)(10 - 10) + (80 - 0)(20 - O) . 1oa.d + 1 n1in
. un1oad + 240 m
1 in1n
- (2)(80)(20) 80 .
m in
= 12 hr
The a nswe r is C. 40
p= . = 0 .8333 (85%)
4 1 . Products arc assigned location::; ba::;cd on their (4 forklifts)(12 hr)
throughput (T) to nun1bcr of location ( S) ratio (T/ S) .
The order (or priority) is according to a non-increasing The a n swer is C.
T/S ratio. 44. The product 1 d i::;tancc i::;
no. of lor.ations total 1oad-;
50 n1 + 50 n1 = 100 n1
rcx:i ui rcd incwcd per day
product s T T/S ~The product 2 di::;ta.nce i::;

1 10 200 200 = 20
10 100 m + 50 n1+50m + 100 m = 300 m

2 16 160 160 = 10 (total flow) (distance)

= (100 load:,;)(100 m) + (200 load:,;)(300 m)
3 8 240 = 30 = 70,000 load-m
~ Tl1e a n swer is D .
4 6 150 150 = 25
6 45. To calculate the ftov.r times di::;tance co::;t ( F x D)
for location, the d istance between rectilinear
Non-increasing order of T / S i::; 3, 4, 1, 2. centroid i::; determined by in::;pcction. Storage A i::; di-
The a nswe r is D . rectly belo>v dcpaJ·tmcnt 1 so the d ist;mce between then1
is 10 n1. Storage A i::; 10 rri below and 10 m to the left
42 . Since parts arc palletized 5 per pallet, the arrival of dcpa.rtn1cnt 2 so the distance bct>vccn then1 i::; 20 m,
rate of pallets to the conveyor i::; 100/5, or 20 pallets per and so forth .
n1inutc. Since the conveyor is only 1.2 m wide, the pal-
let inust be placed on the conveyor with the 1.3 m side dept . 1 dept. 4
parallel with the conveyor. This in1plic::; that a. n1ini- storage A 10 m 20 in 10 in 20 m
n1um 1.3 m footprint i::; required for each pallet on the storage B 20 in 10 m 20 m 10 m
conveyor; therefore, the conveyor n1ust go fast enough
to clear a for each new pallet. The n1inirr111m
::;peed the conveyor mu::;t go is

20 load::;)
. ( 1.•3 l n1·-' ) = 26 nl/ inin
( min oa.u

The a nswe r is C.

Professional Publications, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •

Pradice Exam 1 SS

:Niultiply each distance by the flows between each dc- 46 . To dct.crrninc the product cla.<;scs, the prodnct.s
partrncnt to determine 'vhich storage location has the rnust first be ranked by the throughput/space (T/S)
lo>vcst F x D cost. ratio to detcrrninc which products contribute the rnost
'"a.rehouse activity. Then, classes arc forrncd by assign-
F X Dstorage A ing products that contribute the top 50% of activity to
class A, 30% of activity to class B, and 20% of activity
( 250
(lo urut
rr~ ) to class C. (Sec Table for Sol11tion46.)
Frorn the table, class A is corr1po.'ied of products (4, 11),
+ ( 400 units) ( 20 rr~ ) class B of products (8, 2, 7), and class C of products (5,
yr urut
1, 10, 9, 12, 3, 6) .
+ ( 300 units)
(lo urut
rr~ ) ~ The answer is A .

+ ( 600 units) ( 20 rr~ ) 47. The hip breadth •vhile s itting for the 95th per-
centile from the NCEES Handbook's ergonornics table
yr unit
is 43.7 cn1 for wo111en, and 40.6 cn1 for n1en.
= $25,500/yr
Design for •vo111cn.
F X D storage B
4:3.7 cn1 + 1.2 cm= 44.9 cm (45 cn1)
250 units) ( 20 rr~ )
( yr unit
The a n swer is D .
+ ( 400 units) n~ )
(lo unit 48. The NIOSH forn1ula for action limit is

+ ( 300 units) ( 20 n~ ) AL = (90) (~) (1 - (O.Ol)(IV- 301))

yr urut j
+ ( 600 units) n~ ) )
(lo urut x ( 0.7 + ~) ( 1-F:ax)
= $21,000/yr
H = horizontal distance of the hand from the
Storage B has the lo\vest F x D cost. body's center of gravity at the beginning
The answer is B . of the lift
= 16 in

Table for Sol11tion 46

throughput space cun1ulative product

product T s T/S % total activity rank % activity class

4 26.0 3 8.7 8 .7/29.8 = 0.29 1 0.29 A

11 56.0 9 6.2 6.2/29.8 = 0.21 2 0.50 A
8 27.0 6 4.5 4 .5/29.8 = 0.15 3 0.65 B
2 10.0 4 2.5 2.5/29.8 = 0.08 4 0.73 B
7 8.4 5 1.7 1.7/29.8 = 0.06 5 0.79 B
5 6.4 4 1.6 1.6/29.8 = 0.05 6 0.84 c
1 3.6 3 1.2 1.2/29.8 = 0.04 7 0.88 c
10 5.5 5 1.1 1.1/29.8 = 0.04 8 0.92 c
9 7.2 8 0.9 0.9/29.8 = 0.03 9 0.95 c
12 7.0 10 0.7 o.7/29.8 = o.02 10 0.97 c
3 5.0 12 0.4 0.4/29.8 = 0.01 11 0.98 c
6 1.2 4 0.3 0 . 3/~. 8 = 0.01 12 0.99 c
totals 163.3 73 29 .8

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Professional Publications, Inc.

56 Industrial Discipline-Spedfic Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •

V = vertical distance from the hands to the 50. Create a table to find the average change in variable
floor at the beginning of the lift cost per unit (VCU) over the pa...'>t 5
= 12 in year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5
D = distance the object is lifted vertically Lota!
= 48 in var~1ble $150,000 $170,000 $180,000 $210,000 $220,000
F = average nnrnber of lifts per rninute
= 0.4 lifts/rnin un iLs 120,000 150,000 155,000 195 ,000 210,000
pro<l uccd
F.nax = ma.xin1urn frequency of lift ing that can be
sustained over an 8 hr shift variable cost
1.25 1.133 1.161 1.076 1.047
= 12 lifts/rnin
~ perccn Lage
MPL = rna.ximum permissible limit (in !bf) change
= (3)(action lirnit) from - 9.36% 2.47% - 7.32% - 2.70%
IV - 301 = absolute value of V - 30 year

6 variable cost total variable cost

AL= (90) ( in) (1- (0.01)(112 in - 301))
16 unit total units produced
0.4 li~s percentage change for year ri
x (o.7 + 483in) 1_ i:n1n
lifts _ VCU(11,) - VCU(n - 1)
12 .
= 20.4 rrun VCU(1i - 1)

MPL = (3)(20.4) = 61.2 (62 !bf) The average change in VCU over the five years is
The answer is C.
-9.36% + 2.47%
49. The tota.l productivity is + (-7.32%) + (-2.70%) = -4.23% (-4%)
total productivity
Tt1e answer is A.
= (productivity) (price recovery)
percent change in output quantity ) 51. The general formula for finding the sample size re-
quired for an activity with a stated accuracy and a con-
- ( percent change in resource quantity
fidence of 95% is
percent change in output price )
x ( percent change in resource cost 11, = required sample size for the activity
1400 units $57.23 (1.96) 2 p( l - p)
1200 units $54.08
7800 hr $13.15 p = propor tion activity observed in the pilot study
8200 hr $12.05 1.96 =standardized normal variant for
= 1.189 95% confidence (two-ta.ii analysis since the
number may be too large or too small)
E = desired accuracy
There is an 18.9% (19%) total productivity improve-
For nlachine idle-no product,
The answe r is C.
p= - =0 05
100 .
11, = (1 .96) (0.05)(0.95) = 72 99 (7.3)
(0.05) 2 .

Professional Publications, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For machine operating, 53. The general forrnula for dctcrrnining the nurnbcr of
cycles to tirnc per clcrncnt for any clcrncnt that is not
85 machine-controlled is
p= = 0 85
100 .
(l.~6 )
8 2
ri = (1.96) (0.85)(0.15) =
195 9 (196) n=
(0.05) 2 .

1.96 = norn1al standardized variant for 95% accuracy

For machine idlc'-<lo>vntin1c and repair, (two-tail analysis since the number rnay be too
10 large or too small)
p= - = 010
100 . s = clement standard deviation
E = accuracy= ±0.01
ri = (1.96)2(0.10)(0.90) = 138 3 (139)
(0.05) 2 .

For clement 1,
The largest number of required samples is 196.
(1 .96) 2 (0.031) 2 = 36 9
196 observations required - 100 current observations 71 = (37)
(0.01 )2 .
= 96 additional observations

The a nswe r is C. Elc1ncnt 2 is machine controlled.

52. The general forn1ula for allowed tin1c (AT) before For clement 3,
allcnvanccs is
2 2
(1 .96) (0.022) = 8 6
AT= (OT) ( l~O) I< 71 =
(0.01 ) 2
( 19)

OT = observed tin1c
For clement 4,
R = objective rating as a percent
J( = occurrences per cycle 2 2
(1 .96) (0.015) = 8 64 (9)
(0.01 ) 2 .
For clcn1cnt 1,

110%) (1) = 0.2706 There sufficient samples for clements 2, 3 and 4, but
AT= (0.246 min) ( lOO clement 1 requires seven additional obsc1vations. The
job inust be tirned for an additional seven cycles.
For clcn1cnt 2, The a nswer is B .

AT= (1 .214 min) ( lOO%) (1) = 1.2140 54. Tools for the graphical analysis of worker produc-
100 tivity include operation process charts to analyze if op-
erations arc needed, flow process charts to conduct a
For clcn1cnt 3, more detailed analysis of either a product's operations
or a worker's processes, and left-hand/right-hand charts
. (110%)
AT= (0.252 in1n) lOO ( 1) = 0.2772 to analyze all of the activities that a worker pcrforn1s.

The answer is D.
For clcn1cnt 4,
1:?55. Use the follo>ving forrnu la to find the cstirnate of
the population standard deviation.
AT= (1 .682 m .in) (90%)
lOO (1) = 0.5046
ax~ -
The total for the job is
R average of sample ranges= "ER/ J(
0.2706 m in+ 1.2140 inin J( = nun1ber of sample ranges = 25
+ 0.2772 m in+ 0.5046 n1in = 2.2664 inin d2 = constant factor for sample size rt. = 5
The a nswe r is B.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Professional Publications, Inc.

58 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •

d2 relates the average ranges t o an estimate of the pop- Use (X, s) standard deviation charts for a sample size
ulation standard deviat ion frx . of 6 to obtain B3 = 0.030; B 4 = 1.970.

a = 8.960 = 3 .8r.:2 (3.850) UCL.9 = (1.97)(10.8) = 21 .38

x 2.326 v
LCL.9 = (0.03)(10.8) = 0.32
The answe r is A.
56. D 4 is a constant factor to approximate the u pper Since all values of S i arc v.rithin these limits, the process
is in control.
range control limit (UCL) three standard deviations
above the R -cha.rt central line. Tl1e answer is B .
D:1 is a coni-.tant fact.or to approximate the lo>vcr 60. The follov.ring equation is used to calculate process
range control limit (LCL) three standard deviations bc-
1 11,
capability index (C >k) , >vhcrc is the process n1can, a
lov.r the R -cha.rt central line. is the standard deviat ion , LSL is the lower specification
limit, and USL is the u pper specification limit.
UCLn = D 4 R = (2.114)(8.960) = 18.941
LCLn = D3R = (0)(8.960) = O . ('1,- LSL USL -11,)
C1>k -_ min 3a , 3a
The answer is B.
LSL = 10.5 g - 2.5 g = 8 .0 g
57. The Malcolm-Baldridge Av.rard Program evaluates USL = 10.5 g + 2.5 g = 13.0 g
con1pct.itors according to seven categories: leadership;
strategic planning~ customer and market focus; n1ca-
surcment, analysis, and knowledge management; hu- Dctcrn1inc a from c 4 from the statistical quality control
tables v.rhcn 11, = 5.
n1<m resource focus ; project management; and businc:ss
a= s/ c4
The award is given by t he P resident of the United = 1 .00/ 0.94
States, and it is the most prestigious award for qual- = 1 .064
ity in the U .S.
. ( 10.00 g - 8.00 g 13.00
= n11n (3)(1 .064) ,
g-10.00 g)
The answe r is C. (3)( 1.064)
= m in(0.627 g, 0.940 g)
58. Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa defines the seven tools of qual-
ity as check sheets, parcto charts, cause and effect dia- = 0 .627 g
grams (or fish-bone diagran1s) , flo>v charts, histograms,
scatter diagrams, and control charts . QFD (quality
Since, Cvk is less than 1.0, the product docs not conforn1
function deployment) d iagTams arc another quality tool
to the custon1cr's specifications.
used to translate customer requirements into product
characteristics. Cash flow diagrams arc used for eco- The answer is A .
nomic analysis, and fron1-to charts arc used in material
flow analysis, not quality problem analysis .

The a n swe r is A.

59. The equations for the upper control lin1it (UCL.9 )

and the lower control limit (LCL.9 ) arc

UCL.9 = B 4s
LCL.9 = B3s
10 10
E Si E Si
- i= l i= l
71 10
= 10.8
Practice Exam 2
PR·oaiEM·s·......... . . . ....................................................... . . ................
{A) administrative salaries
1 . A toll bridge across the l\Iissouri River is being con- (B) property taxes
sidcrcrl as a rcplacx:mcnt for an cxi.'>ting bridge. Ini- (C) r<.l\V materials
t ial construction costs for the structure arc estimated (D) •insurance
to be $22,500,000. Annual operating and maintenance
costs arc anticipatcrl to be $475,000. R cvcnuc..v.; gener- ~ 5. One n1ethod of overhead allocation is to assume that
ated frorr1 t he toll arc 1u1ticipatcd to be $3,500,000 in t he overhead is inc111Tcd in direct proportion to machine
bridge's first year of operat ion, with a, projected rate of hours used. SuppU>e that for a, future period (say,
increase of $50,000 per year due to the anticipated an- a quarter) the total overhead cost is expected to be
nual increase in traffic over the bridge. Assun1ing zero $200,000 and the total rnachine hours used is expected
value for the bridge at the end of its 30 year life and an to be 18,000 hours. For a given unit of production, the
interest rate of 12% per ye;u·, a benefit-cost ( B/C) anal- rnac~1 ine ho1u·s used is cxpc-oc;tcd to be 0.75 hour. The

ysis >vonld result in which of the follcnving decisions? ovcrhe1.l d cost for this unit of production is most nearly

(A) do not b11.ild t he bridgu, B /C >1 (A) $8.33/unit

(B ) build the bridge, B /C > 1 (B) $11.10/unit
( C) do not bnild the bridgu, B / C <1 (C) $14.80/unit
(D) build the bridge, B /C < 1 ~ (D) $15.00/unit

2 . An auton1atic insertion machine was purchased for 6. The U-P 01ver-It company manufactures a. variety
$250.000. It ha..'> a modified accclcratcrl cost-recovery of human-powered vehicles. Its most popular toddler
system (ACRS) rccovc1y period of 5 years. Using t he product is a traditional red tricycle. The following cost
modified ACRS rates, the depreciation (D) and book data a pply to the manufact1rrc of the t ricycle.
value {BV) at the end of year 2 arc most nca.rly
fixed cost = $8000/yr
(A) D2 = $50,000, BV = $120,000 variable cost= $20/ tricyclc
(B) D2 = $80,000, BV = $120,000
(C) D2 = $83,300, BV = $130,000
(D) D2 = $1 11,000, BV = $130,000 If t he t ricycle sells for $40, t he number of tricycles t hat
n1nst be sold to n1ake a profit of $10,000 per year is
3. Cost estirr11ites for a proposed public faci lity arc be- most nearly
ing evaluated. Initial construction cost is anticipat~~d (A) 100 tricyc~cs /yr
to be $120,000, and annual i11aintenancc expenses arc (B) 500 tricycles/yr
expected to be $6500 for t he first 20 years and $2000 (C) 700 tricycles/yr
for every year thereafter . The facility is to be used and (D) 900 tricycles/yr
n1aintained for an indefinite period of t ime. Using an
interest rate of 10% per ye;u·, the capitalized cost of this 7. Nlissonri Power and Lig ht is considering building a
facility is n1ost nearly new 1000 l'vIW power plant. Previously, the ut ility had
(A) $160,000 built a 400 l\1I\i\l plant for $350 million when the con-
(B) $100,000 struc,tion cost index \Vas 121. Givrn that the current
(C) $200,000 construction cost index is 139, and assuming a power
( D) $270,000 law sizing exponent of 0. 75 , a reasonable estimate for
the cost of the ne\v facility is most nearly
4. \Vhich of the follo,v ing cost items would ~OT be {A) $400 million
considered an overhead cost? {B) $700 million
{C) $800 rr1illion
{D) $1000 million
60 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam

8. A Texas baseball team purchased a. $140 ,000 pitch-
h;u·dcncd 1J
ing ma.chine that has a useful and depreciation life of 7
temperature hardn(}-)S
years. If the n1achine has a salvage value of $20 ,000 at
(oC) (BHN)
the end of its life, a.nd straight-line depreciation is used,
the hook va.lue at the end of yca.r 4 is most nearly 480 375
(A) $20,000 495 375
(B) $50,000 550 311
(C) $60,000 580 277
(D) $70,000 590 269
605 269
9. Last year , two partners doing business as T iger Ice total 3300 1876
Cream earned revenues of $800,000. Their total mate- mean 550 312.67
rials and labor expenses were $300,000. Their building sum of squ<U"(}-) 1 ,828,450 599,422
and equipment a llowed t hem to ta.kc a $100,000 depre-
ciation charge, hut they still had to pa.y their $80,000 sum of xy = 1,018, 790
loa.n payment, of which $40,000 was i nter(~t . If their
effective tax r ate is 40%, then the after-tax cash fhnv (A) 11 = 655.83 - 0.427:-r;
for year is most nearly (B) 1J = 844.52 - 0.967:-r;
(A) $240,000 (C) 11 = 892.55 - l .05:i;
(B) $280,000 (D) 1J = 937.12 - l .22:i;
(C) $340,000
(D ) $480,000 12. The follov.ring data arc collected from experiments
that were run in an open field on a summer da.y. An ad-
10. A manufacturer of concrete construction supports ditive '"as added incrementally to a process every hour
is interested in determining the effects of different sand starting fron1 8 A.M. Averages of certain responses were
n1ixturcs on the strength, :i;, of the supports. Four sup- measured shortly after additives '"ere added.
ports made for each of the four different percentages
of mix of sand and then tested for compression strength. ~ n1ass of
The results arc sh(nvn a.'l follows . additives mean
(g) resp onses
sample i
1 2 3 4 10 1.2
15 1.4
trial % con1prcssion strength 20 1.5
J sand (10,000 psi) ~:i;i Xi 25 1.8
1 15 7.34 8.41 8.28 7 .35 31 .38 7.845 30 2.2
2 20 6.8 7.63 7.24 7.46 29.13 7.2825 35 2.4
3 25 7.92 9.43 9.4 9.91 36.66 9.165 40 2.7
4 30 7.87 7.51 7.76 6.4 29.54 7.385 45 2.7
overall 126. 71 31 .6775 50 2.6

Conduct an analysis of variance (ANOV A) >vith a =

~\i\That is the best way to analyze these data?
0.05 to dctern1inc if there is an effect due to changing
the sand nlix. The four trials arc independent. The (A) Use ANOVA to conclude that the additive
result is n1ost nearly docs not have a significant effect on this pro-
(A) F ~ 0.95, no effect
(B) F ~ 1.96, no effect (B) Use AN OVA to conclude that the additjve has
(C) F ~ 2.97, significant effect a significant effect on this process.
(D) F ~ 7.21, significant effect ( C) Use linear regTcssion to show the trend of re-
sponses d ue to the additives.
11. The following data fron1 the AST:NI Standard (D) Do nothing, since th(}-)C data cannot be ana-
A747, CB7Cu- l present properties of commonly used lyzed d ue to errors in the experimental pro-
corrosion-resistant ca.-;t steels. Calculate the simple lin- C~C!.f.iS.

ear rcgTession line, 1J (hardness in EHN)= a,+bx, where

:i; is hardened ten1pcraturcs in degrees Cclsi11'l.
Pradice Exam 2 61

13. An engineer has built a simulation model of a small 17. To provide adequate fire protection service, a city
factory, run an experiment >vith the inodcl using 15 has three pu1npcr trucks. Tr uck 1 is an old truck and
replicates, and determined at 90% confidence that the is only r eliable 70% of the t ime. '.n·uck 2 is three years
n1can t in1c an entity spends in the system is in the range old and is reliable 90% of the time. 'Truck 3 is brand
of 24 m in to 28 m in. Based on this information, v.rhat ncv.r and is reliable 95% of the ti1nc. What is the overall
can the engineer say about entity ti1nc-in-systcm'? system r eliability if the goal is to always have at least
one pumper truck available'?
(A) The population mean tin1e-in-systc1n n1ust be
in the interval 24 min to 28 min. (A) 0.598
(B) The lar gc>it mean tin1e-in->.·ystem for any one (B) 0.700
of the 15 replicates was 28 n1in . (C) 0.950
(C) If the cn~nccr >verc to r un a 16th replicate, the ~ (D) 0.998
mean t ime-in-system for an additional repli-
cate would be in the interval 24 min to 28 m in . 18. Regression methods were used to analyze the data
(D) The probability that the population mean from a study invc~tigating the relationship bct.vcx!n
time-in-system is greater than 28 m in can be compressive strength, x, and intrinsic pcrn1cability, 1;,
estimated as 5%. of various concrete n1ixcs and cures. Sumn1ary quanti-
t ies arc ri = 14, "'£ 1Ji = 572, "'£ y'f = 23 , 530, "'£Xi = 43,
14. The life in hours of a 60 \V bulb is known to be "'£ 1;'f = 157.42, and "'£ Xi1Ji = 1697.80. Use the eq111~
approximately normally distributed with standard de- t ion of the fitted line to predict >vhat permeability v.rould
viation a= 25 hr. To be 95% confident that the error in be observed when the compressive strength is x = 3.7.
estimating the mean life is less than 5 hr, \Vhat sample If the observed value of permeability at 1; = 3.7 is 1J =
s ize should be used? 46 .1, calculate the value of the corresponding r esidual.
(A) 5 (A) prediction = 39.39, r esidual = -6.61
(B) 25 (B) prediction = 39.39, r esidual = 6.61
(C) 95 (C) prediction= 48.01 , r esidual= -1 .91
(D) 97 (D) prediction= 48.01 , r esidual= 1.91

15. An a irline that 5% of the people making 19. The following pseudocode is a simulation progr an1.
reservations on a certain fl ight will not show up . Con-
sequently, its policy is to scll 52 tickets for a flight that Number( "vVIN ') = 0
can only hold 50 paS'lengcrs . \i\That is the probability Procedure Game
that ther e will be a scat available for every passenger Generate a unifor n1 randon1 number, U,
v.rho shows up for the fully reser ved flight? >vithin the range of 0 and l ;
If U < 0.20, then mark = "W I N";
(A) 0.50 Number("Win") = Number( "WIN") + 1
(B) 0.74 Othe1wise n1ark = "LOSS";
(C) 0.88 End P rocedure Game
(D) 0.95 Repeat Procedure Game

16. ACME fvlanufacturing is testing the diameter con- The initial 10 r andom n umbers, U, generated arc
s istency of their new ba.'ieball bat design. Out of a pro-
d uction batch of 1000, it measures the diameter of 13 0.63 0.18 0 .95 0 .47 0 .20 0.79 0 .32 0.44 0 .82 0.26
Based on the initial ten random numbers generated, the
3.12, 3.17, 3.05, 3.19, 3.18, 3.11, 3.16, 3.20, 3.15, 3.16, Numbcr( "WIN") will be equal to (i) . If the Procedure
3.12, 3.19, 3.15 Ga1nc is repeated 10,000 t in1cs, the 99.9% probability
for Nun1ber( "W IN") \Vill be in the range of (ii) .
Calculate the n1cdian and sample standard deviation.
Which of the follo>ving represents the value (i) and the
(A) 3.15, 0.0398
range of (ii)?
(B) 3.15, 0.0414
(C) 3.16, 0.0398 (A) (i) 2; (ii) 0 < Numbcr("WIN") < 2000
(D) 3.16, 0.0414 (B) (i) 2; (ii) 1900 < Numbcr("\VIN") < 2000
(C) (i) l; (ii) 1880 < Numbcr("\VIN") < 2120
(D) (i) l; (ii) 1999 < Numbcr("\VIN") < 2001
62 Industrial Disci~ine-Spec:ific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 0 . The follo>ving chart is a 5 sec n1oving average plot of (A) a= -4, b = 2, c = 6

the sin1ulatcd utilization of a resource versus run t in1c. (B) a= -2, b = 0, c = -4
Resource utilization is a key decision variable in the ex- (C) a= 0, b = 0, c = 3
periment. The systcn1 under consideration is nontermi-
(D) a= -2, b = 0, c = 8
nating and, therefore, it is desirable to discard statistics
gathered during the startup transient. 23. Cust,omers arrive at a singlc,'-scrvicc facility at a
Poisson distributed average rate of 40 per hour. \iVhcn
one customer is present, a single attendant operates the
18 facility, and the service t i1nc for a custorncr is expo-
\ / \/ \ ~ ncntially distributed >vi th a mean value of 2 inin'.1~cs .
\ / v
16 I

" ) However, >vhcn there arc two custon1crs at the fac1hty,


?ft. 12 J the attendant is joined by an assistant and, >vorking to-
gether, they reduce the mean service time to 1 rninutc.

C l)
10 Assun1ing a system capacity of two customers, for >vhat

- fraction of t i1nc arc both servers idle?

/I\ J
:l v (A) 0
(B) 1/4
4 (C) i/:{
(D) 1/2

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 24 . A bank employs t\vo tellers to serve its customers.

Custon1ers arrive according to a Poisson process at a
time (sec)
mean rate of 2 p er n1inutc. If a customer finds all tellers
busy, he joins a queue that is scrvai by all tellers. In
From the cha.rt, which of the follo\ving is the most rea- other \Vords, there arc no lines in front of each teller,
sonable t ransient tin1c for the cxpcrin1cnt? but rather one line waiting for the first available teller.
The transaction time between the teller and custon1cr
(A) 10 sec
has an exponential distribution with a mean r ate of 1.5
(B) 20 sec
~per minute. What is the average number of cust,o mcrs
(C) 50 sec
in the bank?
(D) 100 sec
(A) 2.4
21 . Which option presents potential solutjons to the (B) 2.7
following problcn1? (C) 3.0
(D) 3.6
. .f( x, y ) = 2
min x - xy 2 + 4y-?
25. Each record in a r elational database table repre-
sents a unique con1hination of field values. Which type
(A) (:r;, y) = {(0,0) , (16,4)} of entity relationship best captures the data item rela-
(B) (:r;, y) = {(0,0) , (1, l )} t ionship between fields?
(C) (:r;, y)= {(0,0) , (4,-2)}
(A) n :m
(D) (:r;, 11) = { (0, 0) , (9, -3)}
(B) n :l
(C) l:n
22. The following is a tableau of the simplex method
(D) 1:1
for a maxin1ization problem in standard form . Row Z
represents the reduced cost for the problem. For this
~26. Joh ~csign is ~aid to h~! i:nanagcmcnt's .n1ost specific
tableau, the values of a , b, a nd c that result in a unique
and detailed task 1n organ1z1ng the operations of an en-
optimal solution arc
terprise. Although there is no s ingle "right" way to
ba."iic eq. design jobs, n1ost traditional managc1ncnt r esearchers
variable no. :i;1 x2 :r;3 X4 3; 5 '.J' :(:) X7 RHS agree that three key perspectives n1ust be considered
when designing a job. vVhich of the follo>ving is NOT a
z 0 0 0 0 -8 -3 -2 a key j ob design perspective?
x2 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 3 c
X3 2 0 b 1 -2 2 -5 -1 2
X1 3 1 0 0 0 -1 2 1 3

Professional Publicaticm-.li_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
29. A company use~ a piecework incx!ntive syhtem
(A) span of control based on standard hours with an 8 hr guarantee. The
(B) specialization hourly rate is $7.50, and the standard is 3.0 hr per
( C) job enrir11ment hundn)d finishcxI parts assembled. How n1uch would
(D) sociotc-chnical syfitems a >vorkcr >vho assembles 400 pieces in one day be paid'?

27. In the follo,ving program evaluation and review (A) $60

technique (PERT) chart, what is the earliest t ime that (B) $75
event 4 can be realized'? ( C) $90
(D) $120

event 3 30. Con1pany ABC is a large international manufac-

turing firm >vith five divisions t hat arc a ll organized a.'"i
separate profit centers. All of the divisions use comn1on
products that arc purchased fron1 outside vendors. Scv-
event1 ~cral years ago, t he company decided to standardize t he
purchasing of these items by using a central purchas-
ing group. Recx!ntly, it has been recon1mcndcd that
event 4 the purchasing funct ion he distributed to the di-
visions. Which set of issues should NOT he considered
\Vhcn making this purchasing organization decision'?
event 2 (A) cost, quality
(B) lead-time, cxpcrtjsc
( C) politic8, past cx>ntra.cts
(D) volume, location
(A) 6 wk
(B) 9 wk
31. A project has four key activit ies: A 1 , A2, A3, a.nd
(C) 10 wk
A 4 . The fo llcr.ving table contains the prca!dcncc be-
(D) 20 wk
tween a.ctivitic~ , a.nd t he estimates of t he optimistic,
most likely, and pessimistic durations for each activity.
28. Near t he end of each fiscal year, a production dc-
Calculate t he expected project duration and its vari-
partn1cnt manager sits down >vith his foreman and fills
in the chart shown. (Sec Chart .for Problern 28.)

The completed chart is used to determine the produc-

tion supcrvisor'8 raise for that year. This job evaluation
system could be8t be d escribed a.s
(A) pa.y for results
(B) pay for merit
(C) cost-<>f-living pay
(D) seniority-based pa.y

Chart for Problern 28

fa.r exceed<; docs not meet

job cxcced8 job meets job needs some m1n1mum
rcquiremcnt8 requiren1cnts requirement..-; improvement requiren1en ts
t imeliness
in itiative
64 Industrial Disci~ine-Speafic Review far the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

dur ation (hr) 34. \iVhich of the following is NOT 1111 clement of a just.-
in-t in1c production systc1n?
(A) quick setups
act ivity prccx!dcs o ptiinistic likely pessimistic
(B) kanban production systen1
1-2 2-4 5 5 12 ( C) sn1all lot sizes
1-3 3-4 5 6 9 (D) increased work-in-process inventory
2-4 4 4 4
3-4 1 4 4 35. Experimentation >vith a sintered carbide cuttmg
tool at a. 0.125 in depth of cut has shown the Taylor
(A) p, = 9.00, a 2 = 1.17 wear constant, C , to be 17 44 and then exponent to be
(B) p, = 9.83, a 2 = 0.69 0.25 . W hich of the foli<nving n1ost closely cstin1a.tcs the
(C) p, = 10.00, a 2 = 1.17 tool life at a cutting speed of 825 ft per ininutc?
(D) p, = 10.17, a 2 = 1.36
(A) 0.20 nlin
(B) 1.2 min
32. An1aprizc, Inc., special izes in rr11111ufacturing party
(C) 20 n1in
s upplies. The cardboard required for t he manufacture (D) 200 mm
of birthday hats is ordered from Old vVcst Paper Con1-
pany. T he cost to place one order is $50. The cardboard
kf36. A single-pass rough cut is performed on a face mill
costs $0.40 per yd 2 . T he holding cost of inventory is
to red uce t he thickness of a par t . The mill is 3.5 in wide
20% per year. T he a nnua l dcn1a.nd is 900,000 hats per
and has a depth-of-cut of 0.125 in. T he >vorkpiecc will
yca.r, and 1 ft 2 of ca.rd boa.rd is needed per hat. The eco- a speed of 15 in per minute . The matcria.l r emoval
nomic order quantity for t he cardboard is most nearly
rate for t his oper ation is n1ost nearly
(A) 1100 yd 2
(A) 0.44 in3 / min
(B) 7900 yd 2
(B) 4 .2 in 3 / min
(C) 11 ,000 yd 2
(C) 6.6 in 3 /min
(D ) 34 ,000 yd 2
(D) 13 in 3 / min
33. The Watch Your Weight F itness Company manu-
37. One of the Design for Asscn1bly (DF A) principles
fa.ctures a variety of home fitness equipment. Its line
is to a.void nesting, tangling , or >vcdging . B a.scd on
of treadmills exhibits a seasonal dcn1a.nd patter n , with
this DFA pr inciple, which statement best describes a
peaks in December and June.
redesign that >viii keep t hree par ts wit h a trapezoidal
sales forecast cross section as shown from getting jan1mcd u p while
~moving on a conveyor t rack?
quarter (units)

1 8000 /
2 12,000
3 6000
(A) Incr ease t he wedge a ngle of t he sloped sides.
4 15,000
(B ) Add a lip a.round the bottom.
( C) Incr ca_.,;e the height of the part v.rhilc keeping
hiring cost = $lOO/ cn1ploycc the top and bottom dimensions constant.
firing cost = $500 / employee (D ) Any one of t he above.
beginning v.rork force= 100 employees
production per employee= 100 units/qua.rtcr 38. Part A takes 0.2 hr to n1akc o n machine M. P art
B takes 0.1 hr to make on the san1c machine M. T here
G iven the previous costs and q uarterly sales forecasts , arc 8 hours per shift available to rr1akc parts A and B
the cost of a chase (zero inventory) production strategy on n1achinc M. Hcnv n1any M machines arc required to
is most nearly meet a production rate of 60 pieces of part A and 120
(A) $41,000 pieces of part B in one shift?
(B) $51,000 (A) 2
(C) $53,000 (B) 3
(D ) $58,000 (C) 4
(D) 5

Professional PublicatiCJ11..-i...- - - - - - - - - - - - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Prudice Exam 2 65

39. Jobs J 1 through J 4 arc processed on a single n1a-
chinc. Each job's due date is the nu1nbcr of days after
processing begins (starting at t = 0) . What job se-
quence nlinimizcs the n1<1Xi1nal tard iness (T.nax)?

job process t ime due date

~ 1000
J1 2 10
J2 3 3 •
J :i 4 6
J4 5 8

(A) {Ji, J2 , J:i , J4}) Trnax = 6 1000 2000 3000 x

(B) {J2, J i , J:i , J4 }, Trnax = 4
(C) {J2, J:i , J4, J1}, Trnax = 3
(D) {J4, 0 E-world.con1 \Vant.'i to inini1nizc the total dist1u1cc that
.]3 ' J2 , J1}, Trnax =
the suppliers arc fro1n the d istributjon center . Where
40. If products can be grouped into families of similar should the nc\v distribution center be located?
products that can be pr oduced by a group of >vorksta- (A) anY'vhcre on a line bct\vccn (2100, 900) Mem-
tions, which type of layout should be implemented'? phis and (2100, 1500) Chicago
(B) at <X)or d inatc (2100, 1500) Chicago
(A) pr oduct layout
( C) anY'vhcre on a line bcti.vccn ( 1500, 500) Dallas
(B) pr ocess layout
and (2100, 1500) Chicago
(C) cellular li~yout
(D) fixed position layout (D ) at coordinate (1950, 900) St. Louis

4 1 . The production department of a company has three 43. An industrial engineer is given an assignment of de-
critical resources: three n1achine operators, four asscn1- signing a material handling systcn1 under the n1andate
blcrs, and two inspectors. Each machine operator can that its highest priority be to support the "systems"
produce 35 parts per hour, each assc1nblcr can assc1n- principle. Which of the follcnving states the design is-
blc 25 parts per hou r, and each inspector can inspect sues that n1ust be 1.lddrcsscd?
60 parts per hour. The n1aximun1 production rate per (A) The syst.en1 should be designed to minimize
8 hour shift for the dcpartn1cnt is inost nearly variety and custon1ization in the n1cthods and
equipn1ent used.
(A) 800 pa1ts
(B) The n1atcriaJ flow nlultiplicx:l by distance
(B) 880 pa1ts
n1oved mui,t be inini1ni:r,ed.
( C) 960 pa1ts
(D) 1000 parts ( C) The n1aterial flow should be from
receiving to storage to production to shipping.
42 . E-world.con1 is considering building a new distri- (D) The environmental in1pact and energy con-
b ution center to suppo1t its rapid ly cxp1mding s u n1ption of mat.crial handling alt.crnativc~
c-con11ncrce b usiness. E-world's customer base is evenly n1ust be analyzed.
distributed across the United Stat.cs; however, it cur-
rently has suppliers located in the following cities only. 44. A company n1ust determine the type of nlaterial
handling equipment best suited for moving product A,
X - 1} % total product which has a demand of 100,000 units per year and a flow
coordinates supplied d istance of 200 n1 per product. Based on general princi-
ples, the options have been narrcnvcd to either a pallet
Los Angeles (200, 900) 15% jack, forklift, or automated guided vehicle (AGV) . Us-
Dallas (1500, 500) 15% ing the following table, what is the total cost associated
Chicago (2100, 1500) 30% with each type of equipment, and which is the optimu1n
ivliami (2800,0) 20% selection'?
66 Industrial Discipline-Specific Review for the FE/ Elf Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

annua lized
op er a.ting capit<1l (A)
equip1nent cost equipment cost
type units/load ($/1n) ($)

pallet jack 120 0.025 250

forklift 220 0.004 5000
AGV 180 0.001 15,000

(A) pallet jack = $4416 , forklift = $5363,

AGV = $15,111; select pallet jack
(B) pallet jack = $500,250, forkl ift = $85 ,000 ,
AGV = $35,000; select AGV (B)
(C) pallet jack= $833, forklift= $454,
AGV = $555; select forklift
(D) pallet jack = $4416 , forklift = $5363,
AGV = $15,111; select AGV

45. It is n1oht appropr iate and economical to use a •

for klift-based materia l handling system when
(A) n1ate1ial flow rate is medium to high, d istance
is short to medium, and product r outing is
(B) n1ate1ial flow rate is low to n1edium, distance (C)
var ies from short to medium, and product
routing is variable but well defined
(C) n1aterial flow rate is low to medium, distance is
highly var iable, and pr oduct routing is highly
(D) n1ate1ial flow r ate is high, d istance is long, and
product routing is n1oderately variable

46. Three principles of flow planning arc

I. maximize d irected flow (i.e., m inimi2:e cross flow (D)

and backtracking)

II. n1inimiw flov.r (i.e., point of use delivery, combine

flows and operations)

III. minimize cost of flow (i.e., reduce travel d istances)

\i\Thich of the following n1aterial flovv layouts best con-

forn1s to the previous thrcx! principles? (Note: The sys-
tematic layout planning (SLP) approach represents the
strength of relationship or quantity of flo\v by the thick-
ness of the arrovv connecting two departJnents. Cell
lines denote department boundaries.)
47. Castings are to be lifted from a pallet and placed on
a grinding work1>tation that is 42 in high. The average
vertical location above the floor \Vhere the hands begin
the lifting operation is 20 in, and the average horizontal
~d istance of the hands frorr1 the body's center of gravity
at the beginning of the lift is 22 in. The maximun1
frequency that can be n1aintaincd for this task is 12
lifts per minute. The castings vvill then slide to the next

Professional PublicatiOl • -----------------------------------

Prodice Exam 2 67

\Vorkstation, and the job requires only one lift per cycle. 51. The follo>ving table s11n1n1arizes the results of 200
The standard time for this job is 1.6 min per unit. The observations to determine the delays in an operation.
rnaxirnnm pcrn1issiblc >Voight limit (in pounds per force)
for this lifting task according to the NIOSH formula is delay no. of tin1es
rnost nciu·ly activity observed

(A) 18 lbf lack of material 25

(B) 53 lbf maintenance 20
(C) 78 lbf quality check 5
(D) 8 1 lbf ma.chine operating 150

48. A cart is being designed to be pushed by an oper-

ator. The cart >vill be used to deliver inatcrial from the It is desired that the error for the delay activities be
warehouse to the hcH1se>V<1Ies section of a lc!Ige depart- no lc!Igcr than ±3% >vith a confidence of 95% . Approx-
ment store . It is very in1portant that the operator be imately ho>v many t,ota.l observations required of this
able to sec over t he top of the cart to avoid customers task?
v.rho may be shopping in the area. Assuming an average (A) 110
s hoe height of 2 cn1, the maxim u m height of the ca.r t (B) 390
should be approximately (C) 470
(D) 850
(A) 140 cm
(B) 151 cm
(C) 153 cm 52. A job shop has a.n order for 20 u nits of pa.rt XYZ.
If the fir st unit v.rill take 10 hours to prod uce, and it
(D) 161 cm
is estimated that ther e is a 90% learning cur ve for this
type of >vork, appr oximately how much time should be
49. A box weighing 40 !bf rests on a. table. At t he be-
b udgeted for the completion of the entire order?
ginning of t he lift , the horizontal d istance of the hands
grasping the box from the body's center of gr avity is 28 (A) 50 hr
in. The height of the table i8 40 in. The ovcrcximing (B) 130 hr
n1omcnt required by the body to lift t he package is most (C) 150 hr
nc11I!y (D) 200 hr
(A) 95ft-lbf
(B ) 100 ft -lbf 53. Which of the following <lIC cxample8 of typical in-
( C) 150 ft -Ibf put/ out put r atios used by companies to measur e their
(D ) 200 ft -lbf performance?
(A) profit/sales, salcs/cmploycc, capacity used/
50. A time study consists o f four clements, with clc- n1<1X capacity, profit/total investment
n1cnt number 2 being a machinc-cxintrol clement. Elc- (B ) profit/sales, inventory/advcrtiHing cost,
n1cnt 4 occurs every fifth cycle . The operator i8 rated at orders/delivery, average pay/employee
110% for a ll clements that arc not machine controlled. (C) materia l ccEt/salc8, cmployccs/dcpartmcnt,
Allowances for this task arc 20%, and the following table profit/total invcstn1cnt, defects/order
sho\vs the average observed time for each clement. (D ) cn1ployccs/ma.x capacity, sales/employee,
average observed sales/fixed assets, cost/unit
clement tune (min)
54. Process ca1)(],bilit11 is defined a.s the ability of the
1 0. 14 p rocx!ss to meet design specifications . Every process
2 2. 12 ha.s inher ent variability, whic.h can be n1ea.sured. O ne
3 0 .16 measure of p rocess capability is defined as
4 6 .28

\iVhat is n1ost nearly the standard t ime for this task?

(A) :3 .68 min
(B) 4 .22 min
(C) 4 .34 min
(D ) 4 .59 min
68 Industrial Discipline-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

C~: is the process capability nlcasurc, USL~: is the upper Select the proper forn1ulation for the term ac in the
specifications limit a.-; established by the part of process denominator.
design, LSL~: is the lower specification lin1it , and 6ax (A) aB + aA
is six standard deviations of the process producing t he
measured spccificatjon. It is assun1cd that the process (B) aB - aA
producing the variable incasure :i; is approxiinatcly nor-
(C) Ja~ +al
ma1ly distributed (i.e. , comes fro1n a Gaussian distribu-
tion) . (D) Jla~ - all
The process is considered capable of meeting t he de- 5 7 . The Paper Machinery and Product.H Company
signer's tolerances if sells office equipment and supplies to inany large- and
(A) Cx > 1 mcdiurn-sizcd con1panics. The con1pa~y has received
(B) Cx < 1 complaints concerning late delivery and setup of ordered
(C) Cx > 2 equipment, but the cornpany's records indicate that a
(D) Cx = 6 ~high percentage(> 95%) of machines arc delivered on
time to customers. The situation has dcte1ior11tcd to
55. Given t he definition of process capability described the point \Vhcrc sales arc being lost .
in Prob. 54, assume the process natural tolerance lirnits
\i\Thich of t he fo llo\ving seven tools of quality \Vcn1ld be
arc equal to the process specification lirnits, and that no
most appropriate to help the company solve its prob-
nlorc than 3 parts in 1000 arc expected to fall outside
a lin1it. \i\Thich stat.erncnt below is n1o~t
nea.rly correct?
I. going with the fio>v (cha.rt)
(A) The process mean is centered halfway hctv.rcen II. cause and effect diagni-ms
specification limits. III. control charts
(B) The procc:\'is mc~1n is ri,ot centered ha.lfv.ray be- IV. histograms
tween specification lin1its. V. check sheets
( C) The centering of t he process nlcan is not im- ~ VI. Pareto cha1ts
port.ant. in this calculation. VII. scatter diagrams
(D) The procc:\'is is considered to he "six-sigma." (A) II
(B) I and V
5 6 . A process control chart on two parts-B, a hearing, ( C) III and IV
and A , a.n a.xlc-are found to he stable a.nd normally (D) VI and VII
distributed with mean /J,B, standard deviation aB , nlean
Jl•A, and standard deviation a A , respectively. 58. The Pareto principle can he phrased as follo>vs :
80% of the prohlenI.'> in any organization come from 20%
If two parts arc la.tcr randomly assembled, the clear-
of the causes. Select t he a.ns>ver that is most nearly cor-
ance, X , between the axle and hearing is normally dis-
tributed . The probability that the clearance between
the two parts is neither greater than 0.012 units, nor (A) An organization should concentrate on the
less t han 0.005 units is 80% ofprohle1ns to reduce inefficiencies.
(B ) An organization should concentrate on the
1 - (P(Xc < 0.0051/l·B - Jl•z, a c) 20% of problems to reduce inefficiencies.
+ P(Xc > 0.0121/l·B - /J,A, a c) ) (C) The employee~ of an organization can control
only 20% of the problems; 80% is under the
= l _ (p ( Z< 0.005 - ~:B - /l•A)) control of nlanagemcnt .
(D) An organization should concentrate on 20% of
+ p ( Z > 0.012 - ~:B - Jl•A)) ) the causes to reduce inefficiencies.

x,! =clearance = XB - XA
a,! = standard deviation of clearance

z is the standard norn1ally distributed variable with

nlcan of 0 a.nd standard deviation of 1.

Professional Publicati<J11-...111111--------------------------------
Pradice Exam 2 69
sotl.lti.6Ns . . ......... ............................................................................
59. A con1pany has implemented a s inglc,'-sarnpling
plan on its new XYZ product. The lot size is 3000
and the plan is to inspcx:t 1%, or 30 units per lot. The 1. In a analysis, in order for a project to be
lot will be accepted if at most 1 defect is found. What recommended, the present worth of the project's ben-
is nlost nearly the probability of accepting a lot given efits should exceed the present worth of the project's
cc~t.s . I n other words, the rat io of benefit.-; to cost'>
that the lot has a 3% defect rate'?
needs to equal or exceed one.
(A) 0.40
(B) 0.77 benefit of clements $3,500,000 in year 1, increasing
(C) 0.83 kf $50,000 each year thereafter (toll
(D) 0.97 revenue)

60. A company has collected 10 samples, each >vith a c lements $22 ,500,000 in year 0 (initial
s<m1plc size of 4, and determined the average, Xi, and construction) and $475,000 each
range, Ri· year thereafter (annual operating
sample i X ?.· Ri and nlaintcnancc costs)

1 104 3 To find the present >vorth of the benefit clements, use

2 106 5 the uniform series present-worth factor in conjunction
3 105 2 with the uniforn1 gradient present-worth factor (to ac-
4 104 7 count for the uniform annual increase in revenue) .
5 106 3
6 105 4 B = A(P/ A ,i ,11,) + G(P/G ,'i ,11,)
7 101 5
109 2 A unifonn series of end-of-compounding-period cash
109 ficnvs = $3,500,000
9 9
10 102 i = interest rate per compounding period = 12%/yr
11, = number of compounding periods = 30 yr
G = uniform change from one period to the next in
Calculate most nearly the 6a spread for this process. cash fio>vs = $50,000
(A) 2.2
(B) 6.7 B =pr esent \Vorth of benefit clements
(C) 13
= ($3,500,000)(P/ A , 12%, 30)
(D) 28
+ ($50 ,000)(P/G , 12%, 30)
- ( (1 +0 .12) - 1 )
- ($3,500,000) (0.12)(1+0 .12)30
(1+0.12)30 - 1
+ ($50,000) (0. 12) (1 + 0.12)30
(0.12)( 1 + o.12r10
= ($3,500,000)(8.0552) + ($50,000)(58.7821)
= $31,132,305

To find the total present \Vorth of t he cost clements,

use the uniform series present-worth fa.c tor to find the
[::present \Vorth of the annua l operating and maintenance
costs, and add this value to the init ial construction cost.

C = present >vorth of cost clements

= $22,500,000 + A(P/ A ,i ,11,)
A= $475,000
i = 12%/yr
11, = 30 yr

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70 Industrial Disci~ine-Spec:ific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

C = $22,500,000 + ($475,000)(P/ A , 12%, 30) = number of con1pounding period8

10 = 20 yr
_ , r:: ( c1 + o.12y - 1 )
- $22,500,000 + ($470,000) (0.12)(1 + 0.12)'.10 A2 = uniform 8eric8 of ca8h flov.r8 of
indefinite length
= $22,500,000 + ($475,000)(8.0552) = $2000
= $26,326,220
C08t = $120,000 + ($4500)(P/ A, 10%, 20)
The benefit-co8t rat io i8 $2000
B $31,132,305 + 0.10
c 1 18
= $26,326,220 = " ~ ( (1 + 0.10) - 1 )
= $120,000 + ($4500) (0.10)(1+0.10)20
Since the B /C > 1, the toll bridge 8hould be built . + 0.10
= $178,311 ($170,000)
The answer is B.
The a nswer is A.
2. The follo>ving equation i8 u8cd to compute depreci-
ation u8ing the modified ACRS method . 4. Overhead co8t8 typically con8i8t of all co8t8 that arc
not direct labor or direct material co8t8. Since ra>v ma-
Dj (fact.o r )C tcria.18 direct nlatcrial co8t8, they not factored
factor rcccweiy rate for year j into overhead.
( exprc88<rl a8 a dccima.l)
0 .20 for year 1ofa5 yr reccwcry period The a nswer is C.
0.32 for year 2 of a 5 yr reccwery period 5. To determine overhead co8t, fir8t find the overhead
c init ial co8t of the depreciable 1188ct rate.
total overhead in dollar8 for period
The book value of an a.-;8et at the end of year .i i8 equal over h eacl rate= - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
total machine hour8 for period
to it8 initial co8t le88 accumulatcrl depreciation.
18,000 hr
= $11 .11/ hr
i= i

BV2 = book value at the end of year 2 overhead

- --- co8t
- = (over h eac1 rate) (n1achinc hour8)
= C- D i -D2
unit unit

= $250,000 - (0.20)($250,000) - (0.32)($250,000) = (11.11 hr$) (0.15 hi: )

= $120,000
= $8.33/ unit
The a nswer is B.
The a nswer is A.
3. Capitalized co8t8 arc pre8cnt worth valuc8 >vhen the
analy8i8 period i8 an indefinite length of tin1c. In gen- 6. Let X be the number of tricyclc8 8old to nlake a
eral, capitalized co8t = A /i, where A i8 a uniform 8crie8 profit of $10,000 per yea.r.
of end-of-period ca8h flow8 of indefinite length and i i8
the intere8t rate per con1pounding period. profit = revenuc8 - co8t8 = $10,000/yr

In thi8 problem , there i8 a one-time ca.~'-lh fio>v of revenues = ( 8clling.price) (nur_nber of)
unit un1t8 8old
$120,000, an infinite cnd-of-yea.r 8eiic8 of $2000 , and
a uniform 8eiic8 of end-of-year ca8h flow of $6500 -
$2000 = $4500 in yeaJ"8 1 through 20.
( 40
) (xtricyclc8)
co8t8 = fixed co8t + variable co8t
co8t = $120,000 + Ai(P/ A ,i,n) + A2/i fixed co8t = $8000/yr
A i = finite uniform 8cric8 of ca8h flow8
= $4500 variable co8t = ( 20 . $ ) ( X tricyclc8)
t r1cyc1c yr
i = intcre8t rate per con1pounding period
= 10%/yr

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PrudiceExam 2 71

10,000 !yr ( 40
$ ) (x tric;;lcs)
9 . The equation for after-tax cash flow (ATCF) is

ATCF,. = (1 - t)(R,.,, - C,, - IP,,)+ tD,, - PP11

- 8000 !yr R,, = revenue at time n = $800,000
C,, = cost (i.e. , all expenses) at time n
_ ( 20 .S
) (x tricycles)
= $300,000
D,. = deprccia.tion at time n = $100,000

18,000 !
yr ( 20
) (x tricycles)
IP,. = interest payment at time n = S40,000
PP,. = principle payment at time n
x 900 tricyclcs/~rr
= $80,000 - $40,000 = $40,000
~ t = tax rate = 0.40
The answer is D .
ATCF,. = (1-0.40)($800,000 - $300,000 - $40,000)
7. Estirnating the cost of the ne'v facility requires cal- + (0.40)($100,000) - $40,000
culating t'vo components-the impact of construction = $276,000 + $0
co::-it index and the irnpact of size incrc~1se. Both arc = $276,000
a ratio ba.sed on the change of their respective factors,
The answer is B.
'vith the size increase rnodified by the po,ver law sizing
exponent. The equa.tion for this estimate is as follows. 10. Use the NCEES Handbook's ono-way ANOVA
equations to detern1jne if there is an effect due to chang-
Cnew -_ Cold (!new)
ing the Hand mix. (One-\vay tests arc appropriate when
old - old there three or n1ore independent tests.)

Cold = cost of old asset = $350 million n = san1ple size = 4

J0 1d = construction cost index of old asset = 121 N = total nun1ber of observation<; = 16
T = total of all JV observed values= 126.71
I new = construction cost index of new as.<;et = 139 O'. = sigllificance lc..vel = 0.05
Q 0 1d = size of old asset = 400 ~IV\7 df1 = degrees of freed am 1 = 4 - 1 = 3
Quew =size of new asset = 1000 .tvIVV df2 = /\' - 71, = 12
e =power law exponent= 0.75 k n ;

139) (1000 fvlv\T)O.rS

SS = LL(Xij -x) 2

Cu~w = ($350 million) ( M\iV i= l j = l

121 400
= $799.37 million ($800 million)
k n;

The a n swer is C. = L L xij - C

i= l j = l
8. The Htraight line depreciation is calculated as

C - Sn
D = __ ...:..: SSireat1nenLR = Lk (
Ti.2) - C
i= l
C = init ial cost= $140,000 SSe,.rOl' = SStotal - SStreat1nents
Sn = salvage value = $20,000
The surr1 of square8 (SS) is
rt = depreciation life = 7 yr
SS = (7.34) 2 + (8.41) 2 + ... + (6.4)2 = 1017.44
D = $140,000 - $20,000
7 yr The total sum-of'..squarc errors is
= $17,143/ yr (126.71) 2
SSLoLal = 1017.44 - = 13.98
The book value at the end of year 4 is
The 81IID-of-sq11are errors between samples (treatments)
BVL = C - tD
(31.38) 2 (29 .13)2 (36.66) 2
BV4 = $140,000 - (4 yr) ( 17,143 :r) SSireatmenl8 = 4 + 4 + 4
(29 .54)2 ( 126. 71 )2
= $71,428 ($71,000)
+ 4 16
The answer is D . = 8.993

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72 Industrial Discipline-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The error sun1 of squares is Then,

a, = '.IJ - b:1;
SSerror = SStoLa.1 - SSLrea.t1nen ts = 312.67 - (-0.967)(550)
= 13.98 - 8.99 = 844.52
= 4.988
The regression line is '.I/ = 844.52 - 0.967:1;.
The n1ean square error bet\veen treatments (MST) is
The a n swer is B .
NIST = SStrea.L1nents = 8.993
4-1 4- 1 12. Experin1ental runs inust be randon1ized through-
~out the day, preferably \\Tit h repetition in different tin1e
= 2.998 slots. These cxperin1ents vverc conducted sequentially
\vith incren1cntal factor measurernents; thus, addit ives
The mean square error (lVISE) is may be confounded \\Tith t he rising tc1r1perature during
the day . In this case, results fron1 a statistical analysis
NISE = SSenor = 4.988 \Vill n1ost likely provide no meaningful conclusion
16 - 4 12
The a n swer is D .
= 0 .416
13 . A 903 confidence interval on mean entity t imc-in-
F = MST= 2.998
system says there is a 903 chance that t he population
NISE 0.416 (or true) mean time-in-system lies wit hin the given in-
= 7 .21 terval. Therefore, choice (A) is incorrect. Further, such
a confidence interval says nothing either about the in-
7.21 is greater than F(0.5, 3, 12) = 3.49 (from t he "Crit - d ividual data values t hat \Vere used to construct t he
interval or about future ind ividual experimental values.
ical Values of the F -Distribut ion" table in t he NCEES
Handbook) . Therefore, choices (B) and (C), respectively, arc incor-
rect. Beca1~e a replir.atc approach \¥as used in t he ex-
T he sand mix has a significant effect on t he compression periment, the cent ral lin1it theorem applies, a nd it can
resistance of structure supports. ~be ass1m1ed t hat t he collected data follovvs a norn1al dis-
tribution. Since t he data is normally distributed , it is
The a n s we r is D. reasonable to assume that the 103 error (1003 - 903 )
11. Use linear regression. is equally d istributed above and below t he confidence

S xy = t ;r;i1Ji - ( 1~) t xi t'.IJi The a n swe r is D.

i= l i= l i= l
14. Let :1; represent t he sample n1can of a random sam-
= 1,018,790 - (i) (3300) (1876) ple of size 11, frorn a population with knovvn variance a 2 .
= - 13.010
, A 100(1 - o:)3 confidence interval on t he true n1ean 11,
2 using zo:; 2, t he upper lOOo:/ 2 percentage point of the
S~:;: = t•
i= l
:r;; - (.!)

i= l
standard nor1rull distribut ion, is given by

= 1,828,450- (*) (3300) 2

= 13,450
l.J = S ;:y ~The error in estimating t he rnean life is equal to /J. - x.
S x ;:
= - 0.967
/J, - X = Zo:/2 ( fo)
'.IJ = (7~,)
2: :1/i n= ( z,~;2~)-
i= l 11, - :J,
= 312.67 = ( (1.96i(25))
1; = (;) I: :r;i = 96 .04 (97)
i= l
= 550 The a n swe r is D .
Prudice Exam 2 73

15. Since each person has a fixed prohabilicy of 0.95 of 18. The least :-;quarc estimates of the slope interpreted
shcl\ving up , the probability that N passengers sho\v up in the :-;imple linear rcgre:-;sion model arc
out of 52 follows a binorr1ial distribution with (52, 0.95).
In order to accommodate all passengers, N should he
less than or equal to 50. l
i= l
'.1/i1;i - (_!) (f, 1/i) (f,
ri •.= l •.= l

P (N < 50) = 1 - P(N = 51) - P(N = 52)

)= f
i= l
1;;, - (_! ) (f
71 i= l

= 1- ( ~~) (0.95) 51 (0.05) 1 1697 80 -

. .

(~~) (0.95) 43 2
52 0 1r.:7 42 - ( )
- (0.05) ;) . 14
= 0.74 = -2 .33

The a nswer is B . a= _!_ ~ 7, . _ b ~ x · = 572 + (2 .33)(43)

n ~.ii 11, ~ i 14 14
16. \i\Tith 13 iten1s, the median value v,rill he item 7 in i= l i= l

the ordered list. List the data in increasing order. = 48.01

3.05 , 3.11, 3.12, 3.12, 3.15, 3.15, 3.16 , 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, The fitted or e:-;timatcd r egre:-;sion value i:-;
3.19, 3.19, 3.20
y =a+ bx= 48.01 - (2.33)(3.7) = 39.39
Count ing to the 7th data item, the n1edian is 3.16. The
n1ean value is The re:-;idual value is
-X-- 'L1;i -- 3. 15
77, 1/acLual - '.If= 46 - 39.39 = 6.61
~Tt1e a n swer is B.
Calculate the sample standard deviation.
19. (i) Among the ten random number:-;, there is only
n one number that is :-;mailer than 0.20 (0 .18 < 0.20) .
°L(1;i -1;) 2
i= l
Thus, there will be only one "W IN" in the :-;imulatcd
s= game.
71 - 1

2 2
(ii) When the sample is a:-; large as 10,000, the binomial
(3.05 - 3.15) + (3.11 - 3.15) distribution (p = 0.2, q = 0.8) can be a pproximated by
+ . .. + (3.20 - 3.15) 2 a normal distribution with N(JJ, = 11,p, a= j11ji<J) .
13 -1 n = 10,000
= 0.0414 p, = np = (10,000)(0.2) = 2000

The answer is D . a= jnpq = J(l0,000)(0.2)(0.8) = 40

17. This is a parallel systcn1 reliability problem since The 99.9% probability limits arc ±3a range frcnn the
only one truck needs to he >vorking to provide fire pro- mean; that is, 2000 ± 3(40) , or 1880 and 2120.
tection service. For 11, independent component:-; con-
nected in parallel, the probability that the :-;ystcm will The a n swer is C.
function is 20. When d i:-;ca.rding tran:-;ient data, it i:-; de:-;irablc to
11. di:-;card enough data :-;o a.'l not to bias the statistics with
R(P1, P2, .. . Pn ) = 1 - IJ(1 - Pi ) data fron1 the :-;tart-up phase, while at the :-;ame time
i -1 not to di:-;card so n1uch data a:-; to become inefficient .
Con:-;ervative rule:-;-of-thumh :-;uggest erring on the :-;ide
Pi i:-; the probability that con1poncnt i i:-; functioning. of discarding too muC'h ver811.'l too little data. In thi:-;
~problem, at the points :-;ugge:-;ted b~ ~ O sec and 20 :-;~c,
Therefore, the overall :-;y:-;tcrr1 reliability i:-; the sy:-;tcm ha:-; clearly not yet stab1hzed. If the point
:-;uggested by 100 :-;ec >vere :-;elected, too n1uch >vould
R(0.70, 0.90, 0.95) = 1 - (1 - 0.70)(1 - 0.90)(1 - 0.95) be discarded. Therefore, 50 :-;ec appear:-; to be a good
= 0 .998 tran:-;ient cutoff point.
T he answer is D . T he answer is C.

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74 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

21. This is an uncx)nr-,traincxi optimization problcrn To find the proportion of time tha.t both servers
that can be solved using derivatives. Any solution to free , compute the steady-st ate probability of having no
this problcn1 must satisfy the first-order necessary con- custorncrs. This is done through solv ing the ha.lance
dition, which is that the gradient of the function is equal equations given by
to zero. That is , \1f(:1;,11) = 0.
407ro = 307r1
:i; - 7/ 2 = 0 707r1 = 407ro + 607r2
\1 f( 1;. ' '1.~) = { 811 - . 2:i;11 = 0
607r2 = 407r1
7ro + 7r1 + 7r2 = 1
To solve this set of two equ ations and two unknowns, This systc1n of equ ations reduces to
solve the first equation for :1; to yield x = 11 2 . Substit ut e
y 2 for :i; into the second equ ation to yield 811 - 2y3 = 0 . 7r1 = j7ro
The solut ions of this equation arc y = 0 , 1J = 2 , and 7r2 = ~7ro
1J = - 2. Substituting back into the first equat ion gives
From the normalizing equation,
the three solutions (:1;, 11) = {(O, 0), (4, 2) , (4, - 2)}.
Therefore, only choice ( C) can be the solution . Since 7ro + !!7ro
3 + 23 7ro = 1
the \1 f(1;, y) = 0 is a necessary condition, an alternate ~7ro = 1
approach \'lould be t o substitute of t he ans\¥crs
7ro = 1/ 3
into the equations and sec >vhich ones sat isfy the neces-
sary conditions. The proportion of t ime in \Vhich both servers arc free
is 1/i.
The a n swer is C.
The a n swer is C .
22. In order t hat a solut ion to a maximization problem
be unique and optimal when using the simplex method, 24. This problem fo llo,vs a n M/tvI/ 2 nlodcl. The intcr-
the reduced costs m ust be negative for each of t he non- ~arrival and service tin1cs exponent ially distributed.
basic feasible solutions . This in1plics t hat if a.ny non ba- The average number of customers in the bank is g iven
s ic feasible solution comes into the basis, the objective by L . The arri\rdl rate, >., is 2 per minute, the service
function will decrease in value a nd the cu rrent solution rate, 1;, , is 1.5 per m inute, and t he number of servers , s,
nlust be optima.I. Likewise, to be a. feasible solution to is 2.
a problem in standard form , the solut ion nlust be non- ,\
neg·ative. If the current right.hand side in a tableau L = Lq + -
contains a. negative n u mber, the solut ion is not feasi- L - Poss p·s+ l
ble and a n1ish1kc m ust h ave been made. Also , in the
<J - s!( l - p) 2
tableau, the columns corresponding to t he basic feasible
solutions must form a.n idcnticy matrix. Each colu mn The ut ilization is
of a. basic feasible variable h as a 1 in t he row of the ,\ 2
nlatcbing ha.sic va.ria.blc a.nd zeros elsewhere. For the p= - = 2/ 3
S/1, (2)( 1.5)
variables listed , the fo llcnving 1r1ust hold: a < 0 , b = 0,
and c > 0 .
sp = (2) (-3) = 4/ 3
Po= --------~
The a n swe r is D . .s -1 (sp)n (sp) ·s

23. This problem can be vic>vcd as an example of a

,t=o rd + s!( l - p)
continuous-time l\/Ia.rkov chain, since both intcra.rrival 1
and service times arc exponentially distJ·ibutcd. The
states of this chain arc 0 , 1, and 2, '''h ich represent the (~)fl
nu1nbcr of customers in the systcrn. Because the arrival O! +
rate is 40 per hou r and the service rates arc 30 or 60
per hour when there arc 1 or 2 custo1ncrs, respectively ,
the transition d iagram is

40 40
0 1 2
30 60
Prudice Exam 2 75

L = 1.07 + 1.33 Since inore than eight hours of \Vork were completed,
= 2.4 ~the incentive system is used.

The average nu1nber of custon1crs in the bank is 2.4. pay= (earned hours) (rate~)
The a n s we r is A.
25. For the records in a r elational database table to
= (12.0 hr) (7.50 l~r)
exhibit a unique combination of data items, the fields =$90
nlust exhibit a 1: 1 relationship. Other relationships arc
represented bet.>vecn tables with the help of unique key Tl1e ans wer is C.
30. Purchasing decisions should consider all
The a n swe r is D . \vidc fact.ors that v.rould affect overall con1pany per for-
1nance. Included an1ong these factor8 arc vendor lead
26. Specialization (split.ting a task into more special- time, employee expertise, overall p roduct cost, overall
ized subtasks to improve productivity), job enrichment product quality, product voh1n1e requiren1cnts, and ven-
(expanding a task, both horizontally and vertically, to ~dor location. Internal con1pany politics should never
achieve cnt.husiasn1 and nlotivat.ion) , and so- enter into the decision making process, and past con-
ciotechnical systc1ns (designing a task to ensure an ap- tractual relationships should not limit fu ture decisions.
prop1iat.c blend of technology and hun1an interaction
in the workplace) arc thr ee widely recognized job de- The answer is C.
s ign perspectives. Span of control can be defined as the
number, or sometimes the limit on the n u mber , of peo- 31. The network is
ple that a given manager can supervise. As such, span
of control is a perspective of organizational design, not
of job design. 2

The answe r is A.
27. The ear liest t ime that event 4 can be realized is
after the completion of the longest-duration sequence 1 4
of activities that results in event 4 . I n this problem,
activit ies 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4 create a total duration of 10
v.recks, v.rhich is the longest-dur ation sequence.

The answe r is C. 3

28. Paying for nlerit is a perforn1ance appraisal system

that consists of lists o f factors or traits divided into de- ~
grees upon whirh an individual can be asscs~!d . For Use the project evaluation and revie\v technique (PERT)
each fact.or or t ra it, the individual (oft.en through in- mean and variance equations.
ter active discussion through a nlanager) is assigned a
perfor n1ancc degree. T he resultant. assessment is then opt imistic, most likely, pessimistic
used by the manager to determine pay raises. dur ations for activity ( i, .i)
The answer is B . mean duration of activity (i, j)
°'ij + 4bij + Cij
29. To deter mine hov.r much the worker is paid , use the
following equation. (J . .
1.J variancx! of the d uration of activity (i, j)
( Cij ~ Oi j ) -
" . . , _ (no. of parts) (standard time)
e,11ncd t ime - '·1.ssembled
~ ~ / 100 pc11--t,s

= (400) ( 3~0o~r)
= 12.0 standard hr

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76 Industrial Disci~ine-Speafic Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Calculate each act ivity's mean and variance as given in Defining a u nit t o be 1 yd 2 of cardboard,
the follovving table.
. D = (900,000 hats) (1 ft2 ) ( 1 yd2)
activity °'ij b,i j Gi j n1ean variance yr hat 9 ft 2
1-2 5 5 12 6.17 1.36 = 100,000 yd 2/yr
1-3 5 6 9 6.33 0.44
2-4 4 4 4 4.00 0.00 (2)($50) (100,000 y;~)
3-4 1 4 4 3.50 0.25 EOQ =
0.20) (o.4o
( yr
There a rc tvvo pat hs through the nctvvork with the fol- = 11 ,180 yd 2 (11,000 yd 2 )
lo,¥ing expected t imes and variances.
The a n swer is C .
path 1-2-4 t ime= 6.17 + 4.00 = 10.17
variance = 1.36 + 0.00 = 1.36 33. A chase (zero invcnt.01y) production strategy
meets den1and vvith minimal inventory investment by
path 1-3-4 t ime= 6.33 + 3.50 = 9.83 hiring and fir ing emplo,yccs each period. The cost of
variance = 0.44 + 0.25 = 0.69 t his strategy consists of t he cost of hir ing and fir ing

The critical pat h is the longer of these two pat h t imes, The forecasts of demand and employee production rate
or pat h 1-2-4, so 11, = 10.17 and a 2 = 1.36. arc used t o compute t he nun1bcr of employees need ed
~in each period . (Sec Table .for Solution 33 .)
The a n swer is D.
number of sale8 forcca8t
32. The economic order q uantity (EOQ) is comput ed
employees needed production per employee
using the following equation.

EOQ = {2Ai5 The number of employee8 hired / fired is determined by

V-:;:c comparing the current '"orkforcc to t he nun1bcr of em-
ployce8 needed.
A = co8t to place one order = $50
number of employees needed in period t
D =number of u nit8 used per year (Ttflo =beginning '"orkforcc level = 100)
r = interest rate on inventory = 20% /yr number of cmploycX)8 hired at t he beginning
C = purchase p rice per unit = $0 .40/yd 2 of period t = n1ax{Wt - ltf/l-1, O}
number of cmploycX)8 fired at t he beginning
of period t = n1ax{Wt-i - Wl, O}

Table for Sol7J.tion 33

period, t sales forecast wl Hl Fr,

1 8000 8000 = 80 rnax{O, 80 - 1000} = 0 ma.x{lOO - 80, O} = 20

2 12,000 = 120 ma.x{O, 120 - 80} = 40 ma.x{80 - 120, O} = 0
3 6000 = 60 ma.x{O, 60 - 120} = 0 n1a.x{l20 - 60, O} = 60
4 15,000 = 150 ma.x{O, 150 - 60} = 90 n111X{60 - 150, O} = 0
The cost of this strategy is cstin1atcd by multiplying 38. Use t he fo llowing maehinc requirement cquatjon
the cost of hiring an employee by the total nun1bcr of to determine the number ofmaehincs, M j, required to
employees hired over the planning horizon and adding meet the desired production rate of part s A and B in
this to the cost of firing an employee multiplied by the one shift . In one shift , Pi is the desired produet ion rate
total number of en1ployccs fired . for part ·i, , T i is the prod uetion time for product i , and
Ci is the number of hours available to make part i .
cost of ( $ )
chase strategy= 100 (130 cn1ployccs)

+ (500 ; ) (80 employees)

cmp oycc

The a nswe r is C.
= $53,000
( 60p1~rtA) (0.2hr)
shift part A
34. The elimination of waste is the basic t enet of a j ust- 8
in-timc (JIT) production system. Choices (A), (B) , and
(C) all strive to elim inate wast e. Inventory is a primary
120 part
B) ( 0.1 hr)
part B
example of,vastc, thus choice (D) is not an clcn1cnt of
a J IT production systcn1.
+ 11r
The a nswe r is D . =3
35. Solve for T , the tool's lifci-.1H1n. (The equation is
not din1cnsionally eonsistcnt.)
Tl1e a n swer is B.
vT11 = C 39. When jobs arc scqucnecd in a non-dcer casing or-
der by their due date (i.e., the earliest due date) , the
( 825 ~
) T°· 25 = 1744 maxin11tl tar d iness is m inimized on a single n1aehinc.

T°.25= 1744 =2 .114 job due date eomplction t ime lat eness
~ J2 3 0 + 3=3 0
T = (2 .114)11°· 25 J:1 6 3 + 4=7 1
J4 8 7 + 5 = 12 4
= 19.96 n1in (20 min)
Ji 10 12 + 2 = 14 4
The a nswe r is C.
36. From the problem statement, the n1at crial removal (eomplction time = eomplction tin1c of previous job +
rate (MRR) is processing time of current job)
MRR = ('vidth)(dcpth of eut)(v.rorkpicec speed)
The sequence that m inimizes t he maximal tardiness is
= (3.5 in)(0.125 in) (15 i~
) {J2, J:i , J4, J 1} >vith T 1na.x. = 4.

= 6.56 in 3 / m in (6.6 in3 / min)

Tt1e a n swer is C.
The a nswe r is C. 40. Cellular layouts arc appropriate when a product
can be grouped into fami lies of s im ilar products that
37. Any one of t he parts shcnvn is likely to slide up
can be produa)d by a group of worki-.tations. Product
the sloped side of its neighboring part when pushed
layouts arc appropriate v.rhcn the product is fairly stan-
on a eonvcyor track, eausing jamming. This outcome
dard and has a large, stable dcn1and. Proeess layouts
is eauscd by the narrow '"edge or sloped s ide of the
~arc appropriate when t here is a high degree of variabil-
part. Inerca..'iing the 'vcdgc angle of the sloped side, as
ity in the type of produets produecd, with each produet
in ehoicc (A) , or adding a lip around the bottom , as
having a low dcn1and . A fixed-posit ion layout is appr<>·
in choice (B) , 'Nill prevent the part s from j arr1ming. In-
priate when the product is large and hard to move and
ercasing the height of the part while keeping the top and
has a relatively lo''' dcn1and .
bottom constant, as in choice (C) , 'vill also increase the
'vedgc angle. So, any of the above redesigns will keep The a nswer is C.
the parts frorr1get ting jammed >vhilc moving on a con-
veyor traek.
The answe r is D .

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78 Industrial Discipline-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - •

41. In order to detern1ine the bottleneck r esource, the Solving for the y coordinate,
hourly rate of each resource must be deter1nined .
% tot a l
parts ( f ) (production rate ) 1J product supplied
= no. o resources
hr hr
l\1Iia1ni 0 20%
D1illas 500 15%
. operations
mac h ine . = (3 ) ( 35 ~-
hr Le~ Angeles 900 15% c111n. = 50%; therefore,
= 105 parts/ hr y* = 900 or 1500
Chicago 1500 30%
asse1nbly = (4) ( 25 p·l.I'ts)
' · Bost on 1600 20%
= 100 parts / hr
The new distribution cent er can be located anywhere
on a line bet>veen (2100 , 900) [approximately Memphis]
inspection = (2) (60 pil.I'ts)
hr and (2100, 1500) [Chicago].
= 120 parts/ hr T l1e answer is A .

The bottleneck operation is assembly, limited t o 100 43. To support the systems principle, the material flow
parts per hour, re1'nilting in a maximum production for should be integrated fron1 receiving to storage to pro-
8 hours of duct.ion to shipping. Choice (A) represents the stan-
d11l'dizat ion principle, choice (B) represents the work
parts) principle , and choice (D) represents the environn1ent1il
(8 hr ) ( 100 hr = 800 parts principle.

The answer is A. Tt1e answer is C.

42. The optin11il value for the location of a single facil- 44. Calculate the total cost associat ed >vit h each type
of equipment.
ity in order t o n1inin1ize the sum of the total int eraction
can be found by solving for each of t he two coordinates
( x and 1J) sep1u·ately using two mathematical properties total dem1md
of the opt imal solut ion. First, the :i; and 1J coordinates tot1il cost = (operating cost)
of the new facility will be one of t he existing x and 1J
coordinates of the existing facilitic:s. Second, the opti-
x (fio>v distance)
n1al 1; and 1J >vill be locat ed so that no nlore than half
of the tot al v,reight is to the left of :i; and no more than + annu1ilized capital equipment cost
half to the right of :i; .

Solving for the 1; coordinate, For t he pallet jack,

% total
100,000 units
product supplied total cost = ( 0.025 (200 m)
Los Angeles 200 15% load
Dallas 1500 15% + $250
= $4416
Chicago 2100 30% cun1. > 50%; therefore,
1;* = 2100
l\1Iian1i 2800 20% For t he forklift ,
Bost on 3000 20%

total cost = ( 0.004 !) 100,000 units

(200 m)
+ $5000
= $5363
l'roetice Exam 'J. / 'I

For the AGV, The rna.xirnum perrnissible lirnit (MPL) in pounds per
force is

$ ) { 100,000 units \
total cost = ( 0.001 -m \
H = 22 in
uni.t.s ) (200 m) V = 20 in
D = 42 in - 20 in = 22 in
+ $15,000
1 lift r.: • .
= $15,111 F = . = 0.62<:> hfts/ n11n
1.6 min
F'ina.x = 12 lifts/ m in
The pallet jack is the optimum selection vvith the small- 6
est total cost of $4416 . AL= (90) ( in) (1 - (0.01)(120 in - 301))
The answe r is A. 0.625 lif~s
45. Forklifts arc n1ost economical \Vhcn used for highly 1_ _in 1n

variable production environments, and where flexibility 12 hf~s

is a desired characteristic of the inatcrial handling sys- = 17.51
tcin. For instance, fork lifts arc appropriate when there
MPL = (3)(AL) = (3)(17.51)
is a lo\v to medium flo\v rate over a wide range of prod-
uct routings with varying distances. Since there is no = 52.53 (53 lbf)
cost to reconfigure a forklift-based system (other than
con1munication to the operator), forklifts arc most ap- Ttie answer is B .
propriate for variable product routings. 48. To find the maxin1um height of the cart , use the
The answer is C. anthropometric chart from the NCEES Handbook. De-
s ign the cart at the 5th percentile, s ince most people
46. Layout (A) has several long, high intensity flows should be able to sec over the cart. Use the eye height
that could be im proved with a better faci lity layout . for won1cn, since they arc generally smaller than men.
Layout (B) has backtracking flow between departments.
Layout (C) has one long, high intensity flow . height of cart = average shoe height

Layout (D ) has the best overall flow n1aterial as it has + 5th percentile eye height women
a central directed flow, its longer flows arc all of a lower = 2 cn1 + 138.3 cm
intensity, and there is no backtracking flov.r. = 140.3 cm ( 140 cm)
The answer is D. Ttie answer is A .
47. Use the NIOSH formula to find the action limit. ~ 49.The moment required by the body to lift the pack-
age can be found using the follo,ving equation.
AL= (90) (~) (1- (O.Ol)( IV- 301))
mon1ent = (n1oment arm)(>vcight)
x (o.7+ ~) (1- F~ax) moment arm=
28 in
. = 2.333 ft
12 -
His the horizontal distance of the hand from the body's mon1ent = (2.333 ft)(40 lbf)
center of gravity at the beginning of the lift , V is the = 93.32 ft-lbf (95 ft-lbf)
vertical distance from the hands to the floor at the be-
ginning of the lift, D is the distance that the object is Ttie answer is A .
lifted vertically, and Fis the average number of lifts per
n1inutc. 50. STE is the standard time for each clement, R is the
~rating factor expressed as a percent, A is the allcnvances
expressed as a percent, .f is the frequency per cycle,
STT is the sum of standard times for each clement, and
'.If is the average observed tin1c for an elen1cnt.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - • Professional Publications, Inc.

80 Industrial Disci~ine-Specific Review for the FE/ EIT Exam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For clement 1, For maintenance,

ST E = ( 0.14 n1in )
(~~~~) (l + 21 00~) p = 200 = 0 .10
D = 0.03
= 0 .1848 inin
z,~;2 = 1.96
For elcn1cnt 2, n = (0.10) (0.90) ( ~:~:)
(~~~~) 1200~)
= 384.2 (385)
STE = ( 2.12 rnin ) (l +
1 For quality check,
= 2 .544 m in
p = 200 = 0.025

For elcn1ent 3, D = 0.03

Zcx/2 = 1.96
(~~~~) 21 00~)
ST E = ( 0.16 n1in ) (l + 2
1 11, = (0.025)(0.975) (
= 0 .2112 min
= 104.04 ( 105)

For elen1ent 4, Select t he largest r1,.

ST E = ( 5.28 min ) (
~~~~) (1+
11, = 467 ( 470)
The a n swer is C .
= 1 .3939 min
52. For a 90% learning curve,
STT = 0.1848 nlin + 2.544 min + 0.2112 m in
ln(lear ning rate) In 0.9
+ 1.3939 m in s=
ln 2 ln 2
= 4 .3339 min (4.34 nlin)
= -0.152
The a n s we r is C . J( is a constant (for t his problem, J( is the 10 hr it takes
~to produce t he first unit) .
51. 11, is the sample size, pis the proportion of observed
time in an activity, za.; 2 is t he normal d eviate required T t oLal = iVT a ve
for a 2-ta.iled a nalysis with confidence of 1 - <.l'. , a nd D
is the a.bsol ute error . = ( I< ) ((N + 0.5) 1 +s - (0.5) 1 +·9 )
l+ s
Using the following equation, examine each delay activ- T he total t ime for com pletion of t he 20 u nit order is
ity separ ately.
t~)ta.J = ( 10 ) (( 20 + 0.5 ) 1 - 0.152 _ (0.5)1-0.152)
( z,~;2 ) 2 time 1 - 0.152
11, = p( l - p) D
= 146 hr (150 h r)
For t he lack of material,
The a n swer is C .
p = 200 = 0.125 ~53. Bot h profit/sales and salcs/ en1ployce prcwid c an in-
dicat ion of marginal p rofit per unit . T he capacity used/
D = 0.03 max capacity provides t he ut ilizat ion of a resource, and
profit/total investn1ent indicates the ret urn on invest -
For a 2-tailed confidence of 95%, <.l'. = 5%, and z,~ 12 = ment d erived fron1 a con1pany's act ivitic};. Each of t he
1.96. ot her answers contains a t least one ratio t hat docs not
11, = (0.125)(0.875) make sense (i .e., inventory/ advert ising cost, emplc~­
ecs/department, and ord ers/ d elivery al l provide no real
= 466.9 (467) useful relationship) .
The a n s wer is A .

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Prudice Exam 2 81

54. The process is considered capable of nleeting the 59. The distribution of the nurnber of defectives in a
designer's tolerances if the process's natural tolerance randorn san1ple is binornial. The probability of accept-
lin1its, 6ax , equal to or less tha.n the spread between ing the lot is
the tolerance limits; that is, 6ax (natural tolerance lirn-
its) < (USLx - LSLx) (designer tolerance lirnits).
P{ defects< 1} = L c
r1, .
<l=Od .(ri - d) .
p<l(l - p)n-<1
The ans wer is B.
55. If 6ax = USL~: - LSLx and the process rr1ean is c = tot;1l n u mber of defect.s a lhnvcrl = 1
set at /L:c half,vay bet,veen the tolerance lin1its USLx ri = random sample s ize = 30
and LSL~: , only 3 parts in 1000 will fall outside of the p = fraction of defective iten1s in a lot = 3%,
specification lin1its as long as a~: and fl·x do not shift . or 0.03
d = number of defcx;ts (i.e ., in this C<L"ie 0 and 1)

30! 0 30 0
P {defects < l} = 0!( 0 _ O)! (0.03) (1 - 0.03) -
µx - 3cr x µx µx + 3 trx 30! . 1 )30-1
+ 0!(30 - l )! (0.03) (1 - 0.03
1~ 6crx
~1 = 0.773
Tl1e answer is B.

60. The 6a spread for this p rocc:ss is based on the

The answer is A.
range data, Ri, using the following equation to estin1ate
56. The stand ard deviation of the d ifference between for a .
tV1ro normal random variates is .j a1
+ a~.
a= -
The answer is C. d2
57. Using a going with the flow (chaTt) and check sheets R= 4.60
will enable effective data collection and creation of de- r12 = 2.059 found in the statistical J
[ quality control tables
tailed flowcharts .

The ans wer is B. 6a = (6) ~ = (6) ( 2~~9 )

58. Identify the problem category ca11'ies (e.g . , ma- = 13.4
chines, mate1ials, operators, err1ployea;) and note the
effect of each in terms of 'vork, downtin1e, dollars lost, The a n swer is C.
or scrap, and so on. Approxin1at.cly 80% of the losses
will be due to abo ut 20% of the ca11'ies. Therefore, an
organization should concentrate on 20% of t he problem
causes to reduce its inefficiencies.

The ans wer is D.

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