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Ecosystem Health: The Concept, the ISEH, and the Important Tasks Ahead

Article  in  Ecosystem Health · December 2001

DOI: 10.1046/j.1526-0992.1999.09913.x

110 772

11 authors, including:

David J. Rapport John Cairns,Jr.

Ecosystem Health Consulting Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


Robert Costanza James R Karr

Australian National University University of Washington Seattle


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Ecosystem Health: The Concept, the ISEH, and the

Important Tasks Ahead
D.J. Rapport,* G. Böhm,† D. Buckingham,‡ J. Cairns, Jr.,§ R. Costanza,¶ J.R. Karr,i
H.A.M. de Kruijf,** R. Levins,†† A.J. McMichael,‡‡ N.O. Nielsen,§§ W.G. Whitford¶¶
*University of Guelph, Canada and Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, The University of
Western Ontario, Canada; †Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of São
Paulo, Brazil; ‡College of Law, Centre for Studies in Agriculture, Law and the Environment,
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada; §Department of Biology, Center for
Environmental and Hazardous Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, Virginia; ¶Maryland International Institute for Ecological Economics and
University of Maryland System Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, Solomons,
USA; iFisheries and Zoology Department, University of Washington, Seattle, USA;
**National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection, Bilthoven, The
Netherlands; ††Harvard School of Public Health, Cambridge, Massachusetts; ‡‡London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, U.K.; §§Professor Emeritus, Department
of Pathobiology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada; ¶¶U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, National Exposure Research Laboratory, Characterization Research
Division, Las Vegas, Nevada

THE FOUNDING OF ISEH and health sciences. A primary goal was to pro-
vide the conceptual and methodological founda-
The International Society for Ecosystem Health
tions for assessing the condition of the earth’s
(ISEH)a came into existence at a time when it was
rapidly becoming apparent that the earth’s eco-
The idea for forming an international society
systems were failing, both locally and globally
around the concept of “ecosystem health” arose out
(Tolba et al. 1992). Despite worldwide attention
of an interdisciplinary workshop on diagnostic indi-
drawn to the consequences of ecosystem degrada-
cators of ecosystem condition (Ecosystem Medicine:
tion, and subsequent international agreements
Developing a Diagnostic Capability. Allerton Park,
and treaties respecting the importance of main-
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana 1991).
taining the health and integrity of the earth’s eco-
Participants and founding members of ISEH were
systems, environmental degradation has contin-
Val Beasley (University of Illinois), Robert Costanza
ued and even accelerated (Vitousek et al. 1997;
(University of Maryland), David Cox (University of
Ullsten 1998; Salim et al. 1999). ISEH was con-
Illinois), Tony Hayes (University of Guelph), David
ceived to engage scholars from a variety of fields
Rapport (Statistics Canada), David Schaeffer (Eco
to bridge or even transcend the natural, social,
Health Research, Inc.), Christian Thorpe (Kaiser
Permanente Medical Center), and David Waltner-
Toews (University of Guelph). Founders were an
Address correspondence to: Dr. David Rapport, College Fac- eclectic group of transdisciplinary thinkers from the
ulty of Environmental Design and Rural Development, Uni-
versity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada. E-mail: fields of medicine, veterinary medicine, ecology, and economics who had come together to explore
aWebsite: potential transfers from the fields of human and vet-

©1999 Blackwell Science, Inc.


erinary medicine into ecology. They agreed that tial to arrive at a deeper understanding of re-
there was a need to carry on these discussions in a gional environmental challenges and solutions.
wider forum, and that the International Society Understanding the forces of transformation of
for Ecosystem Health should be formed for this the earth’s ecosystems calls for a holistic ap-
purpose. proach in which humans are “part of ” and not
At that time, several other workshops/sympo- “apart from” the ecosystem (Cairns 1994; Bor-
sia had already been held on the topic, and others mann 1996).
were being planned. These included an Aspen In-
stitute-sponsored workshop on ecosystem health
at Wye, Maryland (October 1990), a symposium
on “Defining Ecosystem Health: Science, Eco- THE CONCEPT OF ECOSYSTEM
nomics, or Ethics?” sponsored by The American
Association for the Advancement of Science, HEALTH AND THE ROLE OF ISEH
Washington, D.C. (February 1991), a National A key mission of ISEH is to encourage under-
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) standing of the critical links between human ac-
workshop at the N.E. Science Center Narragan- tivity, ecological change, and human health
sett Laboratory, Narragansett, RI (1992) on “The (Cairns 1997a; Rapport et al. 1998a,b; McMichael
Health of Large Marine Ecosystems,” a NATO- et al. 1999; Rapport & Whitford 1999). Central to
sponsored Advanced Research Workshop on “Eval- this task is extending the concept of “health”
uating and Monitoring the Health of Large-Scale from its traditional domains of application at the
Ecosystems,” Chateau Montebello, Quebec (Octo- individual and population levels to that of the
ber 1993), and a Hastings Center workshop on whole ecosystem. This involves the development
the philosophical and ethical dimensions of eco- of methods of assessing the degree to which the
system health (1993). functions of complex ecosystems are maintained
The inaugural event for ISEH, however, was or impaired by human activity. It also involves
the 1st International Symposium on Ecosystem formulating new strategies that take account of
Health and Medicine (Ottawa, June 19–23, 1994), societal values and biophysical realities to manage
co-organized by ISEH and the University of human activities so that ecosystem health is en-
Guelph. With more than 800 participants from 33 hanced and not compromised further (Farns-
countries, this event brought the concept of eco- worth 1995; Vitousek et al. 1997; Gaudet et al.
system health to the attention of the international 1997; Cairns 1998).
scientific community (Shrader-Frechette 1994). Novel ideas take time to become established,
The opening keynote address was delivered by and a few decades is not unusual for the matura-
the late Henry Kendall on the topic of environ- tion process. Indeed, “ecosystem health” both as a
mental and population challenges: global pros- concept and an emerging practice can trace its
pects. Other keynote addresses explored the in- earliest history to seminal ideas in the writings of
terfaces between disciplines from ecology and the famous Scottish geologist, James Hutton
public health, to environmental management, eth- (1788) who developed the concept of the earth as
ics, and ecological economics. These included, an integrated system. It also finds its roots in the
among others, presentations by Robert Costanza writings of the 1940s naturalist, Aldo Leopold
(Mageau et al. 1995), David Ehrenfeld (Ehrenfeld (Callicott 1992). Publications in the late 1970s
1995), Richard Levins (Levins 1995), Tony Mc- and early 1980s (Rapport et al. 1979, 1981, 1985)
Michael (McMichael & Martens 1995), Eugene provided fresh perspectives along similar lines
Odum (Odum 1995), David Rapport (Rapport and mapped out the great similarities between di-
1995), Margaret Somerville (Somerville 1995), and agnostic challenges at the level of the individual
M. Gordon Wolman (Wolman 1995). and the whole ecosystem. The term “ecosystem
Collectively, participants represented a wide medicine” was coined to describe this new area of
range of disciplines including anthropology, eco- investigation (Rapport et al. 1979). Later this
nomics, ecology, environmental management, ep- evolved into principles and concepts of ecosystem
idemiology, ethics, law, philosophy, public health, health (Schaeffer et al. 1988; Rapport 1989).
sociology, and veterinary medicine. Although the During the same period and subsequently,
participants came from varied backgrounds, a advances have been made in the development of
shared belief emerged that collaborative efforts methods to measure the health, specifically the
that crossed disciplinary boundaries were essen- biological condition, of aquatic ecosystems, and

Rapport el al.: Ecosystem Health


to use that knowledge to diagnose causes of deg- A second obstacle has been the definition of
radation (Karr et al. 1986; Fausch et al. 1990; Karr “ecosystem health”—a somewhat difficult concept
1993; Karr & Chu 1995). Those methods have primarily because “health” is one of those elusive
now been applied to assess the condition of aquatic properties that is better recognized (observed) by
systems and their terrestrial landscapes through- its absence. A large number of definitions have
out the world (e.g., Roth et al. 1996; Simon 1999). been proposed and most share common elements
While the concept of ecosystem health has (Rapport 1995). A concise definition is given by
become widely used and forms the basis for a Costanza (1992): “An ecological system is healthy
number of national and international programs, and free from “distress syndrome” if it is stable
particularly with respect to management of forest, and sustainable—that is, if it is active and main-
rangeland, coastal, large-marine and freshwater tains its organization, and autonomy over time
ecosystems, a few scientists (e.g., Calow [1992]; and is resilient to stress” (Costanza 1992, p 9).
Suter [1993]; Wilkins [1999]) have continued to Mageau et al. (1995) have elaborated upon this
argue that the concept has serious limitations. definition, proposing operational measures of
Their objections stem from two views. First they ecosystem health in terms of vigor (productivity),
argue that ecosystems do not exist as definable organization, and resilience. Some would argue
bounded entities, and thus ecosystem functions that these concepts do not go far enough and that
have no grounding in reality. Widespread use of simple and direct biological measures of ecosys-
ecosystems as a basis for analysis by leading scien- tem condition are more convincing and suffice to
tists (e.g., Chadwick et al. 1999) suggests that this demonstrate the extent to which human actions
view is no longer tenable. Second they contend have degraded living systems (Karr 1999).
“health” has no validity at levels of organization These definitions and measures tend to em-
beyond the individual. If this were true it would phasize the ecological aspects of ecosystem health.
delegitimize public health as we know it in rela- A more comprehensive perspective would also
tion to human communities and populations. In take into account the human health dimension.
so doing it would discount many of the now-rec- As defined in this journal, the field of ecosystem
ognized supra-individual influences on human health comprises “a systemic approach to the pre-
health (McMichael et al. 1999). ventive, diagnostic, and prognostic aspects of eco-
Such critics fail to recognize the significance system management, and to the understanding of
of a “humans in” approach to ecosystem analysis relationships between ecosystem health and hu-
(Bormann 1996; Rapport et al. 1999a). Nor do man health. . . .”
they recognize that ecosystem services can be One may question the adequacy of these defi-
impaired under stress (e.g., altered nutrient cy- nitions. An essential component of “health” is the
cling, primary productivity, biodiversity, changes capacity to achieve reasonable human goals (meet-
in trophic organization and dynamics, increased ing needs). This along with the capacity for re-
incidence of disease) (Rapport et al. 1985; Karr newal, i.e., maintaining organization (including re-
1999). For a recent exchange of views between silience, vigor, etc.), are the essence of health.
proponents and critics of the ecosystem health Health thus embraces both science and the human-
concept, see Wilkins (1999) and Rapport et al. ities (i.e., values implicit in the selection of goals,
(1999b). etc.) Perhaps, too, there has been too much em-
There are also two other foundational hur- phasis on human health rather than human goals.
dles that have perhaps limited the development One thing that becomes clear about the defini-
of the ecosystem model. The first is the institu- tion of “health” is that it is constantly evolving, and
tional inertia that has come from super-specializa- the social context strongly conditions what is con-
tion within academic institutions and culture. sidered to be healthy. To give an historical exam-
Much of the promotion and recognition by tradi- ple, consider what constituted “health” in 19th
tional peer review prohibits or at least puts at century Cuba. At the height of the sugar cane plan-
some significant cost interdisciplinary research tation economy, 10 years of productive work from
and collaboration between disciplines with differ- slaves was regarded as acceptable by the masters.
ent discourses and methodologies (Somerville & From this perspective, good nutrition was viewed
Rapport 1999). As a result, researchers of ecosys- in terms of calories for hard work. The slaves had
tem health have had to go, at some risk, to places other ideas and a dual system developed: the plant-
where traditionalists would not care to venture. ers’ doctors keeping the slaves in “working condi-
Not everyone is prepared or able to take the risk. tion” and the slaves treating everything else with a

Ecosystem Health Vol. 5 No. 2 June 1999


mixture of methods brought from Africa, learned that the following are significant and encourag-
from native Americans, and improvised in situ. In ing trends:
today’s world, as the middle class demands the
right to feel good, “health” includes not being ex-
hausted at the end of a day’s work, the right to PROGRESSION IN ARGUMENTS FROM
bear children makes fertility a health issue, etc. As PHILOSOPHICAL TO QUANTITATIVE
our capacity to understand the world increases and A progression in the discourse from arguments
as we have more resources to put into caring for that initially were largely philosophical in con-
the future, new dimensions of health are agreed tent; e.g., ecosystem health as a societal goal, eco-
upon, often after considerable debate. system health as a metaphor (e.g., Costanza et al.
For ecosystem health there are properties 1992) to questions of quantitative methods of as-
that can be agreed to now such as the capacity to sessment at a variety of scales; e.g., indicators of
respond to perturbations, and other attributes ecosystem health using ecological, public health
that will be controversial such as the capacity to and socioeconomic data (e.g., Johnson & Patil
provide ecosystem services to a larger whole. We 1998). This is not to imply that philosophical and
need to acknowledge this and let the notion of ethical issues are less important than the scientific
ecosystem health evolve. investigations. The two go hand in hand.
It remains a matter of debate as to whether
ecosystem health should be considered by itself as
a scientific discipline (perhaps within a transdisci- A CHANGE IN THINKING
plinary framework) or whether it should be con- A progression from consideration of how human
sidered as a practice that draws upon existing dis- activity impacts the biophysical functions of eco-
ciplines. On the one hand, it may be argued that systems to complex representations wherein eco-
ecosystem health is an umbrella field drawing logical change is shown to be a prime determi-
upon the specialized knowledge of other disci- nant of human health and economic viability.
plines and putting this knowledge to use in practi- This requires taking into account societal inputs
cal ways. On the other hand, it may be argued and or impacts and public health components
that ecosystem health is transdisciplinary in na- (Levins et al. 1994). Paramount here is increasing
ture and is providing new methods and concepts recognition given to the role that human values
that shed light on the interrelations between hu- play in the system (Gaudet et al. 1997; Salim et al.
man activity, ecological change, ecosystem ser- 1999; Ullsten 1998; van Ierland et al. 1998).
vices, and economic and human health risks
(Rapport et al. 1998c).
In either case, assessing ecosystem health is A COMMUNITY OF SOCIETIES
highly contextual. While common behaviors un- A growing interest on the part of other interna-
der stress have been demonstrated among very tional societies is having ISEH cosponsor their
different types of ecosystems (Rapport et al. 1985; events. ISEH was invited to cosponsor events orga-
Rapport & Whitford 1999), it has also been shown nized by The Soil Science Society of America (St.
that there are unique features as well that are con- Louis, Missouri 1996), The American Phytopatho-
textually determined (Hildén & Rapport 1993; logical Society (Rochester, New York 1997), The
Huq & Colwell 1996; Kevan et al. 1997; Yazvenko International Society for Ecological Economics
& Rapport 1997; Buckingham 1998; Kevan & Be- (Santiago, Chile 1998), the European Union of
laoussoff 1998; Karr & Chu 1999). Underlying the Geological Sciences (Strasbourg, France 1999), and
analyses, properties of complex systems, i.e., non- The 31st Congress of The International Union of
linearity, positive and negative feedback loops, Geological Sciences (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2000).
the interplay of societal values with biophysical Recently, the International Society for Environ-
change, uncertainty, and mutual causality are per- mental Epidemiology had a special symposium,
vasive (Levins 1995). “Ecosystem Health: Bridging the Gap” (Edmon-
ton, Alberta, Canada, December 1997).


What are the general tendencies that are now ap- The development of curricula in ecosystem
parent in the brief history of ISEH? We submit health in veterinary schools. In Canada and in the

Rapport el al.: Ecosystem Health


U.S., programs in ecosystem health are being ini- Global Environment, and Wildlife Preservation
tiated in veterinary schools. Beginning in 1994, an Trust International) will be held at White Oak
elective field course in ecosystem health has been Conservation Center (near Jacksonville, Florida)
offered jointly by all four veterinary colleges in to explore the potential for integration between
Canada (Ribble et al. 1997; reprinted in this issue) conservation biology and medicine.
in response to the recognition that ecosystem
health was a logical context for veterinary medi-
cine to address health issues involving nondomes- INCREASING SUPPORT FROM
tic species (Nielsen 1992). The program engages FUNDING AGENCIES
student problem solving for real cases in an eco- For example, in Canada, collaboration between
system health context; for example, urban wildlife the Medical Research Council, the Social Science
problems, lead pollution of marshes, agricultural and Humanities Research Council, and the Na-
pollution of estuaries, sour gas leaks in oil fields, tional Science and Engineering Research Council
etc. At each site a problem was identified and stu- resulted in sponsorship of several Research Chairs
dents applied their veterinary skills to deal with and programs on aspects of ecosystem health. At
the problem but soon discovered that this solu- the University of Guelph, for example, under
tion was embedded in a wider circle of expertise this program, both a research chair in Ecosystem
and interests. The experience provided “fast Health and a Research Program in Agroecosys-
track” learning as to the relevance of ecosystem tem health received support from this collabora-
health to the health of domestic animals, wildlife, tive sponsorship among the Science councils of
and people. The University of Illinois (Cham- Canada.
paign-Urbana) has offered a program through its
school of veterinary medicine that integrates vet-
erinary medicine, environmental concerns, and INITIATION OF NATIONAL AND
The International Development Research Centre
ECOSYSTEM HEALTH IN MEDICAL (IDRC) in Canada has an ongoing program in eco-
SCHOOLS AND SCHOOLS OF system health with a focus on the human health
PUBLIC HEALTH impacts of ecological change. IDRC now sponsors
Development of ecosystem health curricula in research in this area in a number of developing
medical schools and schools of public health. In countries. The United States Department of Agri-
recent years, both schools of public health and culture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation
schools of medicine, have initiated teaching pro- Service has initiated a program in “Rangeland
grams on ecosystem health topics. Within the Fac- Health” that incorporates the biological, social,
ulty of Medicine at the University of Western On- economic, anthropological, and human health as-
tario, for example, ecosystem health topics have pects of ecosystem health. That program was initi-
been introduced into the first, second, and fourth ated by a workshop held in Las Cruces (in early
years of undergraduate medicine. Students in the 1999) on integrating what is known about ecosys-
fourth year course are exposed to a variety of case tem health into a comprehensible framework that
studies (e.g., asthma, ozone depletion, changing can be made available to resource managers and
distribution of vector-borne diseases, antibiotic users. The workshop also considered applications
resistance). Students actively participate in the de- of Geographic Information Systems to assessing,
velopment of the case materials. Within schools monitoring and recovering ecosystem health.
of public health (e.g., Harvard School of Public Other international collaborations include
Health, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health) the Sustainable Development Agreements be-
programs on climate change and infectious dis- tween Benin, Bhutan, Costa Rica, and The Neth-
eases, as well as other aspects of regional ecosys- erlands. This arrangement recognizes the need to
tem health have been introduced. In the spring change relationships between countries to achieve
of 1999, a workshop organized by the Center for more reciprocity, participation, and equity. In the
Conservation Medicine (a newly established envi- search for indicators that cover all aspects of life
ronmental health collaborative between Tufts and support management of the natural resources
University School of Veterinary Medicine, Har- and environment in these countries, the use of
vard Medical School’s Center for Health and the holistic approaches such as favored by the ecosys-

Ecosystem Health Vol. 5 No. 2 June 1999


tem health view play an important role. It is ex- ods for assessing ecosystem health and managing
pected that such approaches will receive major at- human activities in order to achieve it. By “holis-
tention in the relationship and dialogues between tic” we refer not to a single theoretical view but to
north and south and will stimulate relevant re- a comprehensive and integrative approach that
search in developing countries (de Kruijf & van includes all the messages and signals that we can
Vuuren 1998). muster about the condition of the earth’s living
systems and the human interdependence with
those systems.
ISEH has focused on these issues as it strives
ENVISAGING THE FUTURE to show the relevance of ecosystem health to
While the future is unknowable in the present, achieve important societal goals—such as sustain-
there is an increasing receptivity to an ecosystem ing economic opportunity, sustaining human
health approach to environmental management. health, achieving economic equity, and social jus-
It is to be hoped that this receptivity does not re- tice. ISEH, through its various activities, fosters
sult in fossilizing or institutionalizing the field of the need to sustain healthy living systems for what
ecosystem health, for that could lead to the loss in they provide to human well-being (de Kruijf &
“openness” that is essential for dealing with the van Vuuren 1998). In this we are not alone. Many
complexity of the “humans in” approach to eco- other societies are advancing these goals from
system assessment. Further, while ecosystem their own perspective, e.g., the International Soci-
health is becoming articulated as a major societal ety for Ecological Economics. While continuing
goal, it is not intended that ecosystem health be- to build the intellectual foundations for ecosys-
come a social movement. Rather, it should re- tem health remains of high importance, equally
main a science and value-based framework for important is the process of engagement. This in
ecosystem assessment and management of human turn brings into play bridging many cultures, not
activities in order to preserve, or restore, the only between academic disciplines but also be-
health of ecosystems. This framework places ma- tween sectors of society. For example, the corpo-
jor importance on the integration of societal val- rate culture is a very different thing than the aca-
ues (Gaudet et al. 1997), ecological understand- demic culture, yet the two must achieve some
ing (Rapport et al. 1995; Costanza et al. 1997; Karr mutual understanding and be able to work to-
& Chu 1999), and human health (McMichael gether if these larger societal goals are to be
1993; Epstein 1995; McMichael & Martens 1995; achieved. Ecosystem health is a sine qua non for
Patz et al. 1996; McMichael 1997; Böhm & Saldiva sustainable use of the planet (Cairns 1997b).
1998). Ecological disequilibrium can have ad-
verse effects upon human society (e.g., Cairns &
Bidwell 1996a,b)
As we enter the 21st century, the need for in- CONCLUDING REMARKS
novative methods for conducting ecosystem health Ecosystem health as a concept and as a practice is
assessments, integrating the human health, socio- still in the early and formative stages of develop-
economic, biophysical, and public policy dimen- ment. However, much of the intellectual frame-
sions will only increase. While the earth may not work for its evolution is in place and new and
be in imminent danger as a result of human activ- invigorating collaborations among the natural,
ities, living systems as they have evolved over mil- social, and health sciences are yielding holistic
lions of years are at risk, and that includes hu- perspectives that are finding practical applica-
mans. Thus, what is at stake is the living systems tions. By strengthening these collaborative and
we cherish and depend on, as well as much of the holistic approaches to environmental manage-
fabric of “quality of life” cherished by most, but ment, and particularly by emphasis on the consid-
not all, of the human community. In this respect, erable risks to sustainable human health posed by
the use of the term “ecosystem” needs to be un- degrading ecosystems, the activities of ISEH will
derstood not as a “disembodied” entity, which is gain in their relevance to human futures.
in many respects similar to the “market” of the To this end we will continue to encourage
economists, but rather in terms of the importance collaborations across disciplinary boundaries (Som-
of living systems at the core. erville & Rapport 1999); continue to encourage
As the challenge of obtaining a viable future the development of the concept of ecosystem
intensifies, so too will the need for holistic meth- health and its philosophical and ethical under-

Rapport el al.: Ecosystem Health


pinnings; continue to encourage the develop- technological and natural systems caused by exotic
ment of quantitative methods of assessment, both species. Biodiversity and Conservation 5, 1085–1094.
those relating to advanced technologies (use of Cairns, J., Jr. & Bidwell, J.R. (1996b) The modification
remote sensing, Geographic Information Sys- of human society by natural systems: Discontinui-
ties caused by the exploitation of endemic species
tems, etc.) and those that use “nontechnology”
and the introduction of exotics. Environmental
(which are more accessible to the public and
Health Perspectives 104, 1142–1145.
more likely to engage them as participants in pro- Callicott, J.B. (1992) Aldo Leopold’s Metaphor. In: Cos-
tecting their and our interests); and continue to tanza, R., Norton, B.G., Haskell, B.D. (eds) Ecosys-
assist the development of new curricula within tem Health: New Goals for Environmental Management.
professional schools (particularly within schools Island Press, Washington, D.C.
of veterinary medicine, human medicine, public Calow, P. (1992) Can ecosystems be healthy? Critical
health, environmental sciences) and promote ap- considerations of concepts. Journal of Aquatic Eco-
plications of ecosystem health to environmental system Health 1, 1–5.
management through co-organizing international Chadwick, O.A., Derry, L.A., Vitousek, P.M., Huebert,
conferences, such as the International Congress B.J., Hedin, L.O. (1999) Changing sources of nu-
trients during four million years of ecosystem de-
on Ecosystem Health, hosted by the University of
velopment. Nature 397, 491–497.
California–Davis (Sacramento Convention Cen-
Costanza, R. (1992) Toward an operational definition
ter, August 15–20, 1999; of ecosystem health. In: Costanza, R., Norton, B.G.,
centers/iseh/ecosystemhealth.html). It is encour- Haskell, B.D. (eds) Ecosystem Health: New Goals for
aging to find increasing receptivity to these ini- Environmental Management. pp. 239–256. Island
tiatives. At the same time, as we face the 21st Press, Washington, D.C.
century, there is clear evidence of continued dete- Costanza, R., Norton, B.G., Haskell, B.D. (eds) (1992)
riorating conditions in many (most) of the world’s Ecosystem Health: New Goals for Environmental Man-
ecosystems (Vitousek et al. 1997). Thus the chal- agement. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
lenge of achieving ecosystem health is ever more Costanza, R., d’Agre, R., de Groot, R., Farber, S., Grasso,
evident, and increased energy and efforts toward M., Hannon, B., Naeem, S., Limburg, K., Paruelo, J.,
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Ecosystem Health Vol. 5 No. 2 June 1999

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