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ENGLISH NAME: ____________________ KOREAN NAME: _____________________ SCORE: _________________

DATE: ___________________

I. Match Column A to Column B. Give an example on each of the item below except #5. (2 points each)

____________1. It is a short sentence that people often quote to give advice or tell a. Simile
you something about life.


____________2. It is a group of words which has a different meaning when used b. Phrasal Verb
together from the one they would have if they took the meaning of
each word separately.


____________3. It is s a combination of a verb, a preposition or an adverb which c. Creative Writing

creates a meaning different from the original verb. They are
phrases used as a single verb to come up with a new meaning.


____________4. It is an expression which describes a person as being similar to d. Proverb

someone or something else.


____________5. Any writing, fiction, poetry or non-fiction that goes outside the limits e. Idiom
of professional, journalistic, academic, and technical forms of
II. Write a conversation on the pictures below. (5 points each)



III. Use your imagination to continue the story using 250 words. (30 points)

On a cold day, Clark and his friends decided _______________________________________________________________


IV. Read the article and then paraphrase, summarize and quote each.
The Purpose of Sleep
Sleep serves multiple purposes that are essential to your brain and body. Let's break down some of the
most important ones.
The first purpose of sleep is restoration. Every day, your brain accumulates metabolic waste as it goes
about its normal neural activities. While this is completely normal, too much accumulation of these
waste products has been linked to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.
The way this process occurs is fairly remarkable:
During sleep, brain cells actually shrink by 60 percent, allowing the brain's waste-removal system—
called the lymphatic system—to essentially “take out the trash” more easily. The result? Your brain is
restored during sleep, and you wake up refreshed and with a clear mind.
The second purpose of sleep is memory consolidation. Sleep is crucial for memory consolidation,
which is the process that maintains and strengthens your long-term memories. Insufficient or
fragmented sleep can hamper your ability to form both concrete memories (facts and figures) and
emotional memories.
Finally, sleep is paramount for metabolic health. Studies have shown that when you sleep 5.5 hours per
night instead of 8.5 hours per night, a lower proportion of the energy you burn comes from fat, while
more comes from carbohydrate and protein. This can predispose you to fat gain and muscle loss.
Additionally, insufficient sleep or abnormal sleep cycles can lead to insulin insensitivity and metabolic
syndrome, increasing your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Paraphrasing: (10 points)















Summarize: (5 points)









Quote: (5 points)


V. Try to make some corrections on this article. There are fifteen mistakes all in all. Write the
corrections above the word or sentences. (2 points each)

The One Phrase That Will Help You Eat Healthy

Your wordshelp to frame your sense of empowerment and control. Furthermore, the words that

you use create a feedback loop in your brain that impacts your future behaviors. For example, every

time you tell yourself “I can’t”, you’re creating a feebdack loop that is a reminder of your limitations.

This terminoloGy indicate that you’re forcing yourself to do something you don’t want to do. In

comparison, when you tell yourself “I don’t”, you’re crating a feedback loop that reminds you of your

control and power over the situation. It’s a phrase that can propel you toward Breaking your bad habits

and following your good ones.

heidiGrantHalvorson is the director of the Motivation Science Center at columbia University.

Here’s how she explains the difference between saying “I don’t” compared to “I can’t” …

“I don’t” is experienced as a choice, so it feels empowering. It’s an affirmation of your

determination and wilpower. “I can’t” isn’t a choice. It’s a resdriction, it’s being imposed upon You. So

thinking “I can’t” undermines your sense of power and personal agency.

“I don’t” is experiEnced as a choice, so it feels empowering. “I can’t” isn’t a choice.

It’s a restriction, it’s being imposed upon you.

In other words, the pHrase “I don’t” is a psychologically empowering way to say no, while the

phrase “I can’t” is a psycholo-gically draining way to say no.

Perhaps most importantly, a change in langage leads to a change in mindset. You can now

utilize your new, empowered mindset in all future situations, which is why a subtle shift can lead to very

diferent outcomes over the long-run.

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