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about questions

∙ What is the causal relationship of interest?

∙ Which experiment could be used to ideally capture the causal
effect of interest?
∙ What is your identification strategy? – FUQs?
∙ What is your mode of statistical inference?

Identification Strategy The manner in which the research uses

observational data to approximate a real experiment
Statistical Inference * Describes the population to be studied *
Sample to be used * Assumptions made in
constructing standard errors.

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causal relation

I would rather discover one causal law than be King of

Democritus (460-370 B.C.)

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potential outcome framework

Table: Health Status NHIS 2005 (1:excellent - 5:poor)1

Group Sample Size Mean Health Status Std.Error

Hospital 7,774 2.79 0.014
No Hospital 90,049 2.07 0.003

The difference in the means is 0.71, large and significant in favor or

Y1i if Di = 1
Potential Outcome =
Y0i if Di = 0
= Y0i + (Y1i − Y0i )Di

Angrist & Pischke, MHE p.10
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potential outcome framework

Y1i if Di = 1
Potential Outcome =
Y0i if Di = 0
Y0i + (Y1i − Y0i )Di
" # " #
Y1i Y0i
∙ If is observed then is the unobserved
Y0i Y1i
counterfactual2 .

See Rubin, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, and Holland, 1986
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potential outcome framework

Y1i if Di = 1
Potential Outcome =
Y0i if Di = 0
Y0i + (Y1i − Y0i )Di
" # " #
Y1i Y0i
∙ If is observed then is the unobserved
Y0i Y1i
counterfactual2 .
∙ The impossibility of directly observing (Y1i − Y0i ) is referred to as
The Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference (Holland 1986).

See Rubin, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1980, and Holland, 1986
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potential outcome : observed means

E[Yi |Di = 1] − E[Yi |Di = 0] = E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 1] +

$ %& ' $ %& '
Observed Difference in Average Health Average Treatment Effect on the Treated
E[Y0i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 0]
$ %& '
Selection Bias

∙ The term E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 1] = E[Y1i − Y0i |Di = 1] is the
Average Causal Effect of Treatment on the Treated (ATT).
∙ In the Selection Bias term if people with worse-off outcomes are
selected for treatment, i.e. E[Y0i |Di = 1] < E[Y0i |Di = 0], then the
negative selection bias might completely mask or even reverse
the causal effect of interest.

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the randomized experiment
random assignment solves the selection problem

E[Yi |Di = 1] − E[Yi |Di = 0] = E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 0]

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random assignment solves the selection problem

E[Yi |Di = 1] − E[Yi |Di = 0] = E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 0]

= E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 1]

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random assignment solves the selection problem

E[Yi |Di = 1] − E[Yi |Di = 0] = E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 0]

= E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 1]
= E[Y1i − Y0i |Di = 1]

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random assignment solves the selection problem

E[Yi |Di = 1] − E[Yi |Di = 0] = E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 0]

= E[Y1i |Di = 1] − E[Y0i |Di = 1]
= E[Y1i − Y0i |Di = 1]
= E[Y1i − Y0i ]

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