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Skeletal System- the framework of the body, consisting of bones and other connective tissues, which

protects and supports the body tissues organs. It supports and protects the body while giving it shape and
form. This system is composed of connective tissues including bone,cartilage,tendons, and ligaments.

The Skeletal System

Skeleton – is the framework of the human body.

3 Functions:
1. to support and give shape to the body
2. to protect the internal organs
3. to allow for different kinds of movement

206 bones- adult bones

350 bones- babies bones
Skull- bones of head
Spine- support the middle part at the back. Made of ring-shaped bones called vertebrae
Ribs- support in front. Has 12 pairs
Collarbones (clavicle) and shoulder blades- flat bones that make up the shoulders
Pelvis- made of the hipbones and the lower bones that are joined together
Stirrup bones- smallest bones in the body found in the ear. Size of half a grain of rice
Jawbone- strongest bone in the skeleton
Femur (thighbone)- located in the leg, the biggest bone. Longest and heaviest bone
12 weeks- heal a broken bone
27 bones- each hand bones
Bone- is made of hard stiff material that is fused together to form the skeleton. It contains calcium salts.
Calcium- is important for strong and healthy bones

2 main parts of the bone

1. Compact Bone- the outer part of the bone it is hard and solid
2. Cancellous Bone- the inner part which is spongy
Bone marrow- kind of tissues that is located in the hollow portion of bones, particularly the arms and leg
bones. It is responsible for producing new blood cells of the body

Bones marrow- kind of tissues that is located in the hollow portion of bones, particularly the arms and leg
bones. It is responsible for producing new blood cells og the body

Cartillage- layer of tissues that protects the end parts of bones at the joints. Has a whitish, almost
transparent hue. It helps disc between spinal bones or vertebrate to support the body. It strenghthens the
knee joints and joins the ribs to the breastbone.

AIF- (anti- invasion factor) – can prevent the spread of cancer, blindness caoused by diabetes, and certain
gum diseases.

2 kinds of bone marrow

1. Red bone marrow- makes fresh blood
2. Yellow bone marrow- mostly made of fats
Joints- place where the bone meet
Ligaments- joints connect together by yellow elastic tissues

2 categories of joints
1. Fixed Joints- are areas where bones are stuck together and are immovable ex. skull
2. Synovial Joints- are lubricate to allow the body to move comfortably

 Synovial Fluid- acts like oil to prevent friction between bones, thereby permitting freedom of

Kinds of Synovial Joints

1. Hinge Joints- acts like a door hinge when it moves. It makes up and down movement

 Ex. Knees, elbow,knuckles on our finger.

2. Privot Joints- perform a side motion. Found between the head and neck
3. Ball and Socket Joint- can do sircular motions like our shoulder and hip joints
4. Saddle Joints- can make two movements, up and down and side to side. Found in our thumb
5. Gidling Joint- can move from side to side and back and forth. Found in our spine

Resorption- throught a process bones are constantly renewed throughtout our lives
2 years- Young children’s skeletons renew themselves

Skeletal System- The framework of the body, consisting of bones and other connective tissues,
which protects and support the body tissues and internal organs. It supports and protect the
body while giving it shape and form. This system is composed of connective tissues including
bones, cartilage,tendons, and ligaments.
The Muscular System

Exercise- is essential for a healthy life

Muscle- are strong tissues that can be stretched, to move the bones and to control functions of
major internal organs.
600 muscles in our body

3 Types of Muscles:
1. Skeletal Muscles- are voluntary muscle that can be controlled. They are striped and striated.
2. Smooth Muscles- Working automatically. They are nonstriated and unstriped. It control
important life.
system like the:

a. digestive system d. urinary system

b. circulatory system e. iris of the eye
c. reproductive system

3. Cardiac Muscles- found only in the heart

Tendons- are through cords that connect muscles to bones
Gleteus Maximus- biggest muscles in the body, located in the buttocks
Stapedius- smallest muscles located deep in the ear. It is thinner than a cotton thread
50 muscles- face contains that give our vast variety of facial expressions.

Movement caused:
1. By the contraction 2. By the relaxation of our skeletal muscles.
Injuries of the Skeletal and Muscular System

Fracture- when a bone cracks or breaks. One of the most common injuries
Sprain- overstreched ligaments through physical activity or accidents. There may be black and
blue patches on the skin a round the sprain. This can happen when a person trips over
something and lans the wrong way on his foot, or he way fall and try to use his hand to protect
his face.
Cramps or Spasm- sudden tightening of music during an activity
Osteoporosis- bones lose calcium that to height loss, humped back, and hipbone fractures.

Bones are made of living tissues and cells they are able to heal and repair themselves.
Rest is highly recommended for sprained ligaments and muscle spasms.
99% of the calcium in your body is found in your bones and teeth.

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