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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Ingkang kinurmtan bapak soho ibu tamu undangan

Hadirin sekalian ingkang berbahagia ugi ingkang kawulo hormat

Langkung rumiyin, monggolah kito sesarengan ngunjukaken raos syukur dumateng Tuhan SWT, ingkang
sampun maringi sedoyo kenikmatan dumateng kito, sehinggo kito saged sesarengan kumpul wonten
program meniko.

Sholawat serta salam, mugiyo kaunjuk dumateng Rosulullah SAW ingkang sampun mbeto jaman jahiliyah
dumugi jaman ingkang penuh rohmah meniko.

Hadirin ingkang kawulo tresnani

Wonten kesempatan meniko, kulo bade nyampeaken sesorah kant judul kesehatan,

Kesehatan wak niku pentng sanget ugi perlu kito jagi, sebabipun kesehatan niku reginipun awis.
Contonipun kito gadah penyakit panas, niku rasane mpun ora kepenak ten awak. Nopo maneh penyakit
sing werno-werno, koyo penyakit jantung, penyakit at, penyakit lambung, lan penyakit sak piturute.

Njagi kesehatan niku sebenere simpel sanget, kuncine mung urip sehat inggih puniko maem ingkang
teratur lan bergizi, olahraga ingkang cukup, lan istrahat ingkang cukup ugi. Niku kuncinipun urip sehat,
kant njalanke tgo kunci niku insyaallah awak sehat.

Ingkang pertama niku maem birgizi, contone maem ingkang bergizi niku mboten usah ingkang reginipun
larang, sing pentng niku wonten katah gizi lan vitamine. Koyoto endok, iwak, tahu, tempe, sayur, lan sak

Salajengipun olahraga ingkang teratur, wong urip niku kedah anggone acara olahraga, minimal seminggu
niku sepisan, misale kito jalan-jalan pagi utowo sore. Niku mpun cekap.

Ingkang terakhir inggih puniko istrahat ingkang teratur, jumlah jam ingkang kanggo istrahat niku
dianjurke 8 jam setap setunggal dinten, dados menawi kito kurang istrahat awak dados roso kurang

Hadirin ingkang kinurmatan

Menikolah sekedik sesorah saking kawulo, wiwit awal dumugi selesai mbok bilih wonten klenta
klentunipun tembung kawulo aturaken ngapunten.
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Pada kesempatan yang baik ini marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang mana telah
memberikan nikmat dan hidayahnya kepada kita sehingga bisa berkumpul dalam keadaan sehat pada
hari ini.

Isi Pidato :

Hadirin yang saya hormat,

Pidato yang akan saya sampaikan kali ini menerangkan menjaga kebersihan. Allah SWT sangat mencintai
orang yang bersih dan suka membersihkan segala sesuatu yang ada padanya. Jadi marilah kita mulai
menjaga kebersihan demi terciptanya keselamatan dan kebaikan untuk diri kita maupun orang lain.

Hadirin sekalian,

Jika kita menjaga kebersihan lalu ditru oleh anak-anak kita dan orang-orang dekat kita maka kita pun
akan mendapat manfaatnya, oleh karenanya mari ajarkan sedini mungkin terhadap anak-anak tentang
pentngnya menjaga kebersihan agar kelak mereka menjadi anak yang sehat, cerdas dan suka berbuat

Dengan mengajarkan menjaga kebersihan kepada anak-anak, diharapkan mereka bisa mandiri dan
terbiasa mengatasi hal-hal yang sulit untuk diselesaikan, sepert kita ketahui di masa sekarang masih
banyak orang-orang yang tdak peduli dengan kebersihan lingkungan dan membiarkannya menjadi kotor.

Penutup Pidato :

Hadirin yang berbahagia,

Demikianlah pidato singkat yang bisa saya sampaikan, mudah-mudahan apa yang sudah saya sampaikan
bermanfaat dan dapat dilaksanakan, akhir kata saya ucapkan terimakasih atas perhatannya.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
With all due the respect to the honorable teachers who are always sincere to carry out this holy duty and
to all the dearest students of SMAN 2 Cikarang Pusat. I wish in this beautful morning we stll have our
spirits up to keep striving for the best for ourselves.

Praise and grattude always be to Allah Swt. Sholawat and Salam may always be upon our adoraton,
namely Rasullulah Saw, his companions, families, and all of us as his followers untl the end of the tme.

To all of my students I proud of,

Pidato Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris – Jadilah Pemuda SuksesWe all can see what happens to people at
your age. It is very lamentable. All they do in daily lives is only wastng their tmes doing useless things
that even endanger their own selves.

Getting drunk, engaging in student fights, busy with their lovers then end up getting pregnant, addictng
to drugs, making mischief with their motorcycle gangs, and many others. They do all those things with
pride in their heart and then they even say “this is what you call modern youths!”

In fact, they are deplorable on our eyes. They don’t realize what they have been doing that truly will
affect their own future days. They are ruining their own futures.

All of you are the witnesses of what I am saying today that “your future days are the results of what you
do today”. Today is the chain-link for your life in the future days. If you start today by building everything
up steadily with good behaviors and attitudes, strong will, by associatng with friends who have high
spirits in good surroundings, and always be high-spirited to do anything positve, and then this would be
the right path for you. However, if it is the opposite, then you should watch out that everything you do
will soon harm yourself so that you will find your future days dismal in gloom.

We all have known that your age is the golden age, the proper age to be filled in with positve things.

Then start your day by studying in earnest. You don’t need to be seen by other people so that you would
be deemed as a clever student, but see this as your opportunity. Say to your own self “Right now I am
stepping up on my stairway to success, therefore I have to study seriously”. Join the academic or
extracurricular actvites because this will break through and pump up your characters and habits. It’s not
enough for you by only studying school lessons, to achieve success you need to possess skill of
associatng with people, skill of communicatng, skill of leadership to be a leader or leaded, train your
courage, and many others. You don’t always find them in school lessons. Therefore, you can utlize
extracurricular actvites to upgrade yourselves as provisions to welcome your rising life in the future.
That will be a credit to us as your teachers who have educated you all this tme. We will be proud and
saying “These are our students, they were graduated from our high school”.

Keep your spirits on to keep moving forward. Nobody can change you except you yourselves. Living in
prosperity or living in dismal is your choice. The choice is on your hands. The key is what you can do,
start from today.

That is the end of my speech. That’s all I would like to say. I wish everything I said can be useful for all of
you. Please forgive me for the mistakes on my words. Thank you for the attenton.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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