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Definition of Ethics (Etymology), derived from the Greek is figures are presented.

'Window dressing' is not an ethical

"Ethos", which means the character of decency or custom way of preparing financial statements. In preparing
(custom). Ethics is usually closely related to the moral financial statements, the preparer must ensure that the
word which is a Latin term, "Mos" and in the plural information is prepared honestly and fairly and that it can
"Mores", which means also the customs or way of life of a be relied upon by the users of those financial statements.
person by doing good deeds (decency), and avoiding If the financial statements are altered so that they do not
things of action the bad one. Ethics and morals are more present fairly the performance and position of the entity,
or less the same as understanding, but in everyday then they may be misleading to users.
activities there are differences, namely morality or
morality for the judgment of actions done, while ethics is Prior research has looked at the theory of planned
for assessment of the prevailing system of values. Ethics is behavior to understand factors related to earnings
the Science that discusses the good deeds and bad deeds management. Research has shown that the theory of
of human beings as far as the human mind can planned behavior can help explain unethical and
comprehend. fraudulent financial reporting. It states that behavior can
be explained by intentions, which are shaped by three
Business ethics is a way to conduct business activities, factors: attitude toward the behavior, the subjective
covering all aspects related to individuals, companies and norm, and perceived control over the behavior. In regard
society. Business Ethics in a company can establish the to earnings management behavior, the first factor,
values, norms and behaviors of employees and leaders in attitude toward the behavior, may be influenced by
building a fair and healthy relationship with customers / knowledge of SOX. The second factor, the subjective norm
partners, shareholders, community. The company for earnings management behavior (as perceived by
believes in good business principles is an ethical business, accountants and managers) may be influenced by the
a business with superior performance and sustainable run general attitude of society concerning the ethics of
by obeying the rules of ethics in line with applicable laws earnings management as well as by the general attitude
and regulations. Business Ethics can be a standard and toward earnings management within individuals’
guideline for all employees including management and organizations. Organizational cultural or social norms
make it a guideline for carrying out daily work with a moral regarding the ethics of earnings management may vary
based on a noble, honest, transparent and professional significantly, with the views of top management playing a
attitude. significant role in shaping the organizational social norm.
The passage of SOX may change individual perceptions of
Utilitarianism: Derived from Latin is utilis which has a the societal norm regarding the ethics of earnings
useful meaning. According to this theory, an act has a management. If the organization has not reduced its
good meaning if it brings benefits to the whole society tolerance for earnings management in response to SOX,
(The greatest happiness of the greatest number). accountants or managers (particularly those familiar with
Example: Andi in his village who built the cooperative to SOX) may see a greater difference between the perceived
help some people in his village societal norm and the organizational cultural norm for
Deontology comes from the Greek deon which means earnings management behavior. In that case, an individual
obligation. Example: Andi Moslem must pass the may judge the organization and earnings management
appropriate worship taught. behavior within the organization more harshly. Finally, in
accounting it is likely that the third factor, perceived
In today's moral thinking, rights theory is the most widely control over the behavior, is relevant only for those
used approach for evaluating either an act or a behavior. directly involved in earnings management. For example,
This right theory is an aspect of deontology because it internal auditors are not usually in a position to manage
deals with obligations. Rights are based on human dignity earnings and would have little incentive to do so unless
and the dignity of all human beings is the same. Example: they are cooperating in a fraud.
An employee who receives a monthly salary as his right
Summarizing the responses, William Bruns and Merchant
In the theory of virtue look at one's attitude or morals. found no consensus that any of the scenarios were either
Virtue can be defined as the disposition of character that completely ethical or completely unethical.12 They also
a person has acquired and enables one to behave morally. suggested that five factors appear to influence judgments
Example: Wisdom: A company leader must be wise to about the acceptability of earnings management
make decisions within the company. practices: 1. Method—accounting manipulations were
less acceptable than operating manipulations. 2.
'Window dressing' is the act of manipulating the financial Direction—increasing earnings was less acceptable than
statements of an entity so as to show a better financial reducing earnings. 3. Materiality—actions involving large
position and performance than their actual existence. It is amounts were less acceptable than those involving small
a form of creative accounting and while the financial amounts. 4. Time period—affecting annual reports was
statements may have been prepared in accordance with less acceptable than affecting quarterly reports. 5.
proper accounting standards, there is bias in the way the Operating method—offering extended credit terms (to
boost revenue) was less acceptable than selling excess
assets or using overtime to increase shipments.

Type of intelligence:
Small to big:
Spirit, feeling (mental exercise), mind (intellectual
intelligence), desire (physical intelligence)
Desire can affect mind. Unity of desire and mind is human
ego, if we do something based on positive feeling, positive
mind&desire then we will do ethical action called human
ethical action. The real ethical action if we do something
based on what god’s order.
Physical exercise: fasting, sport, dzikir
Intellectual exercise: enriching knowledge, critics, take
positive actions, dzikir
Mental exercise: empower positive feeling, taking positive
action based on positive feeling, dzikir
Positive/ love feeling: to my own body, people, animal,
plant, things, prophet, god

Code of conduct in audit

Responsibilities - In carrying out their professional duties,
CPAs should exercise sensitive professional and moral
judgments in all their activities.
The Public Interest . CPAs should act in a way that will
serve the public interest, honor the public trust, and
demonstrate commitment to professionalism.
Integrity . To maintain and broaden public confidence,
CPAs should perform their professional duties with the
highest sense of integrity.
Objectivity and Independence . CPAs should maintain
objectivity and be free of conflicts of interest in the
performance of their professional duties. CPAs in public
practice should be independent in fact and appearance
when providing auditing and other attestation services.
Due Care . CPAs should observe the profession's technical
and ethical standards, strive continually to improve
competence and the quality of services, and discharge
professional responsibility to the best of their ability.

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