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Seatwork # 10 Grade 7 – Haniel A.

Y 18-19

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

______1. _____ tissues are sheet like with one free surface.
a. Epithelial c. Nervous
b. Muscle d. Connective
______2. _____ keep fluid from leaking between cells.
a. Tight junctions c. Adhering junctions
b. Gap junctions d. all of the above
______3. Exocrine glands are specialized _____ tissue.
a. epithelial c. nervous
b. muscle d. connective
______4. A rubbery secreted matrix of glycoproteins and collagen surrounds living cells in _____.
a. bone c. adipose tissue
b. cartilage d. blood
______5. Blood cells develop from stem cells in _____.
a. epidermis c. cartilage
b. dermis d. bone
______6. Your body’s main energy reservoir is _____.
a. glycogen stored in cardiac muscle c. starch stored in skeletal muscle
b. lipids stored in adipose tissue d. phosphorus stored in bone
______7. Cytoplasmic extensions of _____ send and receive chemical messages.
a. neuroglial cells c. fibroblasts
b. neurons d. melanocytes
______8. _____ muscle pulls on bones and _____ muscle regulates the diameter of blood vessels.
a. Skeletal/cardiac c. Skeletal/smooth
b. Smooth/cardiac d. Smooth/skeletal
______9. Straps of dense, regular connective tissue _____.
a. connect muscles to bones c. underlie the skin
b. produce blood cells d. lack of fibroblasts
______10. _____ increase the surface area of some epithelial cells.
a. Microfilaments c. Gap junctions
b. Microvilli d. Adhering junctions
______11. Neurotransmitters are released by _____.
a. axon terminals c. dendrites
b. a neuron cell body d. the myelin sheath
______12. What chemical is released by axon terminals of a motor neuron to a neuromuscular junction?
a. Ach c. dopamine
b. serotonin d. epinephrine
______13. Which neurotransmitter is important in reward-based learning and drug addiction?
a. Ach c. dopamine
b. serotonin d. epinephrine
______14. Skeletal muscles are controlled by _____.
a. sympathetic neuron c. somatic nerves
b. parasympathetic neurons d. both a and b
______15. The most abundant protein in your body is _____.
a. melanin c. collagen
b. actin d. keratin
______16. The bones of a bird’s wing are similar to the bones in a bat’s wing. This observation is an example of _____.
a. uniformity c. comparative morphology
b. evolution d. a lineage
______17. Evolution _____.
a. is a natural selection c. can occur by natural selection
b. is change in a line of descent d. b and c are correct
______18. A trait is adaptive if it _____.
a. arises by mutation c. is passed to offspring
b. increases fitness d. occurs in fossils
______19. If the half-life of a radioisotope is 20,000 years, then a sample in which three-quarters of that radioisotope has decayed is
_____ years old.
a. 15,000 c. 30,000
b. 26,667 d. 40,000
______20. On the geologic time scale, life originated in the _____.
a. Archean c. Phanerozoic
b. Proterozoic d. Cambria
______21. _____ is the original source of new alleles
a. Mutation c. Genetic drift new alleles
b. Natural selection d. Gene flow e. All are original sources of new alleles
______22. Which is required for evolution to occur in a population?
a. random mating c. gene flow
b. selection pressure d. none of the above
______23. Sexual selection frequently influences aspects of body form and can lead to _____.
a. sexual dimorphism c. exaggerated traits
b. male aggression d. all of the above
______24. The persistence of sickle cell anemia in a population with high incidence of malaria is a case of _____.
a. bottlenecking c. balanced polymorphism selection
b. inbreeding d. the founder effect e. frequency-dependent selection
______25. _____ tends to keep populations of species similar to one another.
a. Genetic drift c. Mutation
b. Gene flow d. Natural selection
______26. The theory of natural selection does not explain _____.
a. genetic drift d. how mutations arise
b. the founder effect e. inheritance
c. gene flow f. any of the above
______27. Which of the following is not part of how we define a species?
a. Its individuals appear different from other species.
b. It is reproductively isolated from other species.
c. Its populations can interbreed.
d. Fertile offspring are produced.
______28. Sex in many birds is typically preceded by an elaborate courtship dance. If a male’s movements are unrecognized by the
female, she will not mate with him. This is an example of _____.
a. reproductive isolation c. sexual selection
b. behavioral isolation d. all of the above
______29. The number of species on an island depends on the size of the island and its distance from a mainland. This statement
Would most likely be made by _____.
a. an explorer c. a geologist
b. a biogeographer d. a philosopher
______30. Match the modes of natural selection with their best descriptions.
_____ fitness a. eliminates extreme forms of trait
_____ disruptive b. eliminates midrange form of a trait

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