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1) Divine Donut (One of these per deck)

Card Description: Some kind of super special donut. Show three maids giving POWER!
to this donut as their guest revels in joy. Make one of the maids School Idol chan.
Card Lore: A donut made from the finest imported ingredients. While good enough by
itself, try pairing it with the house coffee for a wonderful experience.

[Kept!: 0 points
Returned!: +5 points. When you play this card and you have the Coveted Coffee card
in your hand or in the scored pile, you win the game. Drawing cards isn't
considered as playing them.
Intercepted!: +2 points. When you play this card and you have the Coveted Coffee
card in your hand or in the scored pile, you win the game.
Markings: Gold]

2) Coveted Coffee (One of these per deck)

Card Description: Three butlers presenting the coveted coffee to a female guest.
One of them holds the cup, one pours the coffee from an elegant kettle, the other
stirs the coffee. The dude pouring the coffee is the Artist, and yes, his pinkie is
raised up.
Card Lore: Coffee made from the finest imported ingredients. While the taste is
deep and packs a punch, eating the cafe's trademark donut along with it improves
it's flavor tenfold.

[Kept!: 0 points
Returned!: +5 points. When you play this card and you have the Delightful Donut
card in your hand or in the scored pile, you win the game. Drawing cards isn't
considered as playing them.
Intercepted!: +2 points. When you play this card and you have the Delightful Donut
card in your hand or in the scored pile, you win the game.
Markings: Gold ]

3) Sensitive Souffle (One of these per deck)

Card Description: The Scientist (complete with swirly glasses) trying hard not to
spill the tray that carries the souffle. The Scientist is actually a klutz outside
of the lab so make sure you add "shakey shakey" effects as she tries her hardest to
deliver her food.
Card Lore: Unbelievably good, however souffles are notoriously hard to make and the
ingredients in this special souffle makes even moving it around a danger, for the
crust might collapse at any time. Let's hope the chef today prayed to the God of
Souffle when these were made.

[Kept: 0 points
Returned!: +15 points.
Intercepted!: The server is eliminated from the game.
Markings: Gold ]

4) Transposing Toffee (One of these per deck)

Card Description: It kind of exchanges the food around, turning into something
really different. Show two guests sharing a plate of toffee. They are arguing over
what the toffee actually tastes like. One of the guests has a speech bubble over
his head that has a picture of chocolate, and the other has a speech bubble that
has a strawberry in it. (Optional: A maid waits for them, and she has a thought
bubble that has bacon in it)
Card lore: A toffee tinkered by the Scientist to make it taste what you want it to
taste. It also has half the sugar of normal toffee, so it's healthier, somewhat.

[Kept!: You are eliminated from the game.

Returned!: Choose a player. Take a look at that player's hand. You may exchange
your card in hand with that player's card.
Intercepted!: Take a look at the server's hand. You may exchange your card in hand
with that server's card.
Markings: Gold ]

5) Neutralizing Naicha (One of these per deck)

Card description: The (female)Star Athlete is drinking her naicha in peace. In

front of her table is a fuckload of empty plates and dishes. Her sister, Intense
Karate Girl stares at the plates, dumbfounded. She hasn't even finished half of her
Card Lore: Made from medicinal and curative herbs, this milk tea cleans out the
palate and the digestive system, making you enjoy even the spiciest food without
ill effects.

[Kept!: During scoring, Exotic food you have scored is worth 1 additional point
Returned!: +3 points. Until the start of your next turn, you cannot be eliminated
by the effects of Exotic Food cards
Intercepted!: 1 point. Until the start of your next turn, you cannot be eliminated
by the effects of Exotic Food cards
Markings: Gold]

6) Clairvoyant Cupcake (One of these per deck)

Card Descrisption: Picture Panty Raid's Techie Guy trippin balls after a bite of
this cupcake. Make it psychidelic and stuff, somewhat like Transcendental Goat. His
buddies the Strategist and Slippery Guy (Aka the anarchist) look at him in
disbelief. Sleepwaking Girl (who is actually psychc) is with them too, and she's
licking her fingers with gusto.
Card Lore: A cupcake that's reported to grant temporary psychic powers to those who
eat them. While it hasn't been proven or debunked, this cupcake is pulled out of
the menu every test season, just to be on the safe side.

[Kept!: +4 points
Returned!: +2 points. Choose a player. Take a look at that player's card in hand.
Intercepted!: +3 points. Take a look at server's card in hand.
Markings: Silver]

7) Raw Seafood Ramen (Three of these per deck)

RRGARBDLGRABDLGRBBL. Don't make the victim to a girl, please. Or you can make this
to a "romantic date that turned horribly wrong for the guy" kind of thing.
Card Lore: Seafood ramen so fresh it's ingredients are still squirming! To be fair,
the ramen is hot that it is supposed to cook the seafood in 5 minutes. Open the
cover before 5 minutes are up and you run a very real risk of angry octopus
[Kept!: 1 point
Returned!: 3 points. If there are 3 or more Exotic Food cards in your scored pile,
you are eliminated
Intercepted!: 0 points. If there are 3 or more Exotic Food cards in your scored
pile, you are eliminated
Markings: Bronze]

8) Shake of Secrets (Two of these per deck)

Card Description: A girl is accusing her boyfriend, Ace Attorney style. A shake is
between them.
Card Lore: This soup, when shared with is said to reveal a secret of the person you
shared it with. What they do with the secret is up to them. A hit with lovers and
soon to be ex-lovers.

[Kept!: 2 points
Returned!: Choose a player. Guess whether the player's card in hand has Gold,
Silver or Bronze markings. If you guess right, that player is eliminated.
Intercepted!: Guess whether the server's card in hand has Gold, Silver or Bronze
markings. If you guess right, the server is eliminated.
Markings: Silver]

9) Outageous Omurice (Three of these per deck)

Card Description: Some dude breathing fire as his buddies laugh at him. Make the
drawing of the dude breathing fire simple, like how they simplify characters in
anime when they're angry or smth.
Card Lore: Omurice spiked with a secret mix of spices. Best eaten hot, as the
cooler the omurice gets, the spicier it becomes. Sometimes students use
refrigerated omurice to prank other students.

[Kept!: 1 point.
Returned!: 0 points. If there are 3 or more Exotic Food cards in your scored pile,
you are eliminated
Intercepted!: 3 points. If there are 3 or more Exotic Food cards in your scored
pile, you are eliminated
Markings: Bronze]

10) Sinister Sweet Potato (Two of these per deck)

Card Description: A girl in between two guys, her suitors. The girl is eating the
potato, and one of the guys are outright flattened by the girl's fart. The other
guy is just talking to her as if nothing happened.
Card Lore: A tasty bit of sweet potato locally grown. Beware however, as the sweet
potato can bring about not so sweet flatuence.

[Kept!: You are eliminated from the game

Intercepted: +3 points
Recieved: Eliminate a player to your left or right
Markings: Silver]

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