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Drug Study

Drug Name and Indication and Drug Action Adverse Reactions Contraindications ad
Classification Dosage Cautions
1. diazepam (Valium) Indication: Chemical CNS: anterograde  Contraindicated in
Therapeutic Class: anxiolytic, The patient is Effect: May amnesia, ataxia, patients
skeletal muscle relaxant, epileptic. This depress CNS at depression, hypersensitive to
anticonvulsant, sedative- drug was limbic and drowsiness, drug or any of its
hypnotic given to the subcortical fainting, hangover, components and in
patient to levels of brain; headache, those with angle-
control acute suppresses insomnia, lethargy, closure glaucoma,
repetitive spread of pain, psychosis, shock, coma, or
seizure seizure activity restlessness, slurred acute alcohol
activity. produced by speech, tremors. intoxication
Dosage: 8 mg epileptogenic CV: bradycardia, CV (parenteral form).
TIV foci in cortex, collapse, transient  Use cautiously in
thalamus, and hypotension, patients with
limbic system. EENT: blurred hepatic or renal
Therapeutic vision, diplopia, impairment,
Effect: nystagmus, depression, or
Relieves GI: abdominal chronic angle
anxiety, discomfort, glaucoma.
muscle constipation,
spasms, and nausea, vomiting
seizures GU: incontinence,
(parenteral urine, retention
form); Respiratory:
promotes respiratory
calmness and depression
sleep. Skin:
rash, urticarial
Other: acute

2. diphenhydramine Indication: Chemical CNS: confusion,  Contraindicated in

hydrochloride The patient Effect: dizziness, patients
(Benadryl) experienced Competes with drowsiness, fatigue, hypersensitive to
Therapeutic Class: difficulty in histamine for headache drug and in patients
antihistamine (H1-receptor sleeping. This H1-receptor incoordination, having acute
antagonist), antitussive, sleep drug was sites on insomnia, asthmatic attacks.
aid given to her as effector cells. nervousness,  Use cautiously in
sedation Prevents but restless, sedation, patients with CV
especially at doesn’t seizures, sleepiness, disease,
night. reverse tremor, vertigo hypertension,
Dosage: 50 histamine- CV: hypotension, angle-closure
mg TIV mediated palpitations, glaucoma,
response, tachycardia increased
particularly EENT: blurred intraocular
histamine’s vision, diplopia, pressure, stenosing
effects on nasal congestion, peptic ulcer,
smooth muscle tinnitus pyloroduodenal
of bronchial GI: anorexia, and bladder-neck
tubes, GI tract, constipation, dry obstruction,
uterus, and mouth, epigastric prostatic
blood vessels. distress, nausea, hyperplasia,
Provides local vomiting hyperthyroidism,
anaesthesia by GU: dysuria, urinary asthma or COPD
preventing frequency, urine
initiation and retention
transmission Hematologic:
of nerve agranulocytosis,
impulses, and haemolytic anemia,
suppresses thrombocytopenia
cough reflex by Respiratory:
direct effect thickening of
medulla of the bronchial secretions
brain. Skin:
Therapeutic photosensitivity,
Effect: rash, urticarial
Relieves Other: anaphylactic
allergy shock
sickness, and
and promotes
sleep and

3. dexamethasone Indication: Chemical CNS: euphoria,  Contraindicated in

(Decadron) This drug was Effect: May insomnia, patients
Therapeutic Class: anti- given to the stabilize pseudotumor hypersensitive to
inflammatory, patient as an leukocyte cerebri, psychotic drug or any of its
immunosuppressant anti- lysosomal behaviour, seizures. components and in
inflammatory membranes; CV: arrhythmias, those with systemic
to treat the stimulate bone edema, heart fungal infections
infection. marrow; and failure,  Use cautiously in
Dosage: 4.5 influence hypertension, patients with
mg TIV protein, fat, thromboembolism seizures emotional
and EENT: cataracts, instability,
carbohydrate glaucoma psychotic
metabolism. GI: GI irritation, tendencies, recent
Therapeutic increased appetite, MI,
Effect: pancreatitis, peptic thromboembolic
Relieves ulceration disorders, heart
cerebral GU: menstrual failure,
edema, irregularities hypertension, GI
reduces Metabolic: ulcer, diverticulitis,
inflammation carbohydrate nonspecific
and immune intolerance, ulcerative colitis,
response, and hyperglycemia, recent intestinal
reverses shock. hypokalemia anastomoses, renal
Muskuloskeletal: disease, ocular
growth suppression herpes simplex,
in children, muscle cirrhosis, diabetes
weakness, mellitus,
osteoporosis hypothyroidism,
Skin: acne, atrophy myasthenia gravis,
at I>M. injection osteoporosis, or
sites, delayed tuberculosis.
wound healing, Because some
hirsutism, skin forms certain
eruptions sulfite
Other: acute preservatives, use
adrenal cautiously in
insufficiency patients sensitive
to sulfites.

4. acyclovir sodium Indication: Chemical CNS:  Contraindicated in

(Aciclovir) This drug was effect: encephalophatic patients
Therapeutic Class: antiviral given to the Becomes changes (including hypersensitive to
patient as a incorporated lethargy, drug
treatment for into viral DNA obtundation,
the herpes and inhibits remor, confusion,  Use cautiously in
infection and viral hallucantions, patients with
to reduce the multiplication. agitation, seizures, underlying
complications Therapeutic coma, headcache neurologic
of chickenpox. effect: Kills [with I.V. dosage]), problems, renal
Dosage: 280 susceptible ataxia aggressive disease, or
mg P.O. viruses. behaviour, fatigue, dehydration and in
fever, pain those receiving
CV: peripheral other nephrotoxic
edema, drugs
GI: nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea,
abdominal pain
GU: hematuria
Hematologic: DIC,
Hepatic: hepatitis,
Skin: rash, itching,
vesicular eruptions
phlebitis at
injection site,
5. mannitol (Osmitrol) Indication: Chemical CNS: headache,  Contraindicated in
Therapeutic Class: diuretic This was given effect: confusion, seizures patients
to the patient Increases CV: circulatory hypersensitive to
decrease the osmotic overload, heart drug or any of its
intraocular pressure of failure tachycardia, components, and in
pressure. filtrate, chest pain those with anuria,
Dosage: 70 inhibiting EENT: blurred severe pulmonary
mg TIV tubular vision, rhinitis congestion, frank
reabsorption GI: thirst, nausea, pulmonary edema,
of water and vomiting, diarrhea severe heart
electrolytes. GU: urine retention failure, severe
This elevates Metabolic: water dehydration,
blood intoxication, cellular metabolic edema,
osmolality, dehydration, progressive renal
enhancing electrolyte disease or
water and imbalances dysfunction, or
sodium flow active intracranial
into bleeding except
extracellular during craniotomy.
intracranial or
prevents or
treats kidney
and promotes
excretion of

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