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Chapter 3

Materials and Methods

This chapter presents the material and cultural methods used throughout the conduct

of the study.

Time and Place of the Study

This study was conducted at La Granja National High School Experimental Field,

Brgy. La Granja La Carlota City, Negros Occidental. The time of the study was from June

to November 2018.

Test Plant

Eggplant (Solanum melongena) variety Morena F1 was used in this study. Seed

use obtained from East West Company.

Experimental Design

The field was laid out using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), three

treatments and replicated three times. Treatments were randomly distributed in each plot.

Seed box preparation

Seed tray was prepared for the seed germination. The soil was pulverized before

sowing the eggplant seeds. The soil was left overnight prior to seed sowing.

Seed Sowing

Eggplant seeds were sown on seed trays. Seedlings were placed partially shaded

area to protect from sunlight or from the raindrops and to hasten spouting.


R1 R2 R3 R4





Treatment 1- Madre Cacao Leachate

Treatment 2- Ipil- Ipil Leachate

Treatment 3- Water

Experimental Unit (Eggplant)

Replication 1,2,3,4 - Repetitions of each treatment.



T1= Madre de cacao leachate

T2= Ipil- Ipil leachate


Preparation of Bagged Soil

The type of soil used in this study was garden soil. The soil was placed in the

polyethylene bag with the use of trowel or spade. The size of the polyethylene bag was

9x9x16 inches with 8 holes in each bag.


Seedlings were transplanted after 14 days being placed in the egg tray.

Treatment Application
The Ipil- Ipil and Madre de cacao leaf Leachates were watered on the eggplant on

the day that the seedling was transplanted in the polybag. Twice a day every morning

and afternoon.

Treatment 1- 100ml

Treatment 2- 100ml

Treatment 3- 100ml


The researcher used manual pulling of weeds.

Crop protection

The researcher used a net or a barrier against large predators and manual killing

of pest. Fencing is also an option

Data to be gathered

The data gathered were as follows:

1. Plant Height (cm) The height of the eggplant was measured 15,30,45 DAT.

Measurement will be done from base up to the tip of eggplant.

2. Number of leaves. The number of leaves was counted manually.


Data gathered was analyzed statistically by using the analysis of variance(ANOVA)

or for RCBD was used in determining significance among treatments means.

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