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Reflexive Memo


Date: February 6, 2017

Activity: Contacting mentors


Memo: Upon deciding which mentor and youth dyad to observe, I reflected on a variety of
aspects. Initially I thought about which individuals attended Y-Now religiously, how many years
the mentor had mentored with Y-NOW, and how likely the mentor would be open to being
observed. First, I thought of D.L. because he appears to be dedicated to helping youth and he has
been a mentor for three years. He has a wealth of knowledge regarding how to support youth
because of his experience. Afterwards I thought about Extreme Case for the mentors, as in years
of experience so the second mentor I thought was M.L. because she is in her first year of
mentoring. Although M.L. is new, she is dedicated to supporting her youth. Both would more
than likely be delighted for me to accompany them on their outing.

I addition to assessing qualities of the mentees I also thought about how the youth’s age and
personality may determine how much they allow their mentor to support them. D.L.’s youth is
one of the older children in the program and he has a relaxed demeanor. M.B.’s youth is one of
the youngest in the program and has a vivacious personality.

All in all, I think using the Extreme Case sampling could lead to a better understanding of how

Date: February 7, 2017

Activity: Contacting Mentors


Memo: Upon opening my email I noticed a response from each mentor. I was elated because I
could tell from the beginning of their email that both agreed. M.B. said I could join them on
Friday which I was excited to do but I also had other plans which I knew I had to change so that I
could stay up on the qualitative research project. Furthermore, I told M.B. I had to have the
consent forms completed by her and her youth before I could observe them. She didn’t respond,
so I’m hoping she’s not reluctant due to the logistics. D.L said next week could be a better time,
which I was ok with being that I am meeting with M.B. and her youth this week.

Date: February 8, 2017

Reflexive Memo

Activity: Contacting Y-Now Staff

Memo: I decided to email the Y-Now staff, because it is their program and I want to respect the
structures they have set. During the training in September they asked that everyone respect the
relationship between the mentor’s and their youth. Therefore, I informed them that I will observe
the dyad but I will only interview the mentor. Furthermore, information from the mentor along
with observations will help me to answer my research question.

Date: February 9, 2017

Activity: Observing Y-Now Follow-Through Meeting

Memo: Before eating dinner I walked around the room talking with various mentors and youth. I
wanted to catch up because I was unable to attend the previous meeting, which many youth and
mentors called me out on. It was nice to know the youth noticed and held me accountable for
being at the meetings. The adults also expressed concern when they noticed I wasn’t at the last
meeting. We have definitely before a close knit group. During dinner I spoke with D.L. and M.B.
about the observations. Each signed their consent form and asked that I hang on to their youth’s
form until the end of the meeting.

The meeting was much more productive than the previous. There was little interaction during the
meetings between each mentor and youth, possibly because of the type of activities during this
particular meeting as well as because it is a whole group meeting and does not require lots
interaction between the two. Once the dyads did break into pairs to discuss educational and
personal goals I was asked to work with a youth whose mentor was absent. I was somewhat
disgruntled because I wanted to watch each of my participants and note their verbal definitely
non-verbal interactions. However, because I am a participant as well with Y-Now, I am obligated
to supporting the program where possible.

Furthermore, I was hesitant with working with the youth because she is typically one of the
youth who is mildly disrespectful and refuses to fully participate in the activities. I had an
extended amount of interaction with her during camp, so I know she’s a sweet girl. However, she
has exhibited a variety of different personalities since October. Nevertheless, while we worked
together she was fully engaged. Initially I had to ask many questions to get her to be forthright
about her behaviors in class. Also, I was difficult to help her to verbalize how she could improve
grades. But because I am a teacher I am aware of student behaviors and actions that can lead
them to being more successful in school. We talked a lot about how to study, being responsible
for keeping up with and submitting homework, and altering actions in specific teacher’s classes.
She expressed dislike for a particular teacher and suggested that’s the reason she exhibits
inappropriate behavior in class. I referenced a subject we discussed earlier in the meeting, and
Reflexive Memo

told her she doesn’t want any teacher to get her way of being successful. It was enlightening to
see her follow through with the activity and think of ways to contribute to reaching her goals.

Brittany came to me towards the end of my conversation with the youth and said “in December
we gave gifts to mentors so we wanted to get you something as well”. I smiled and said thank
you. Thereafter, she asked requested me to take the youth that I was working with home, since
her mentor was not present. I agreed.

D.L. confirmed my observation during the week of February 13, 2017. He expressed that he
wasn’t sure where they were going, immediately I told him to not change anything or to select
anywhere special for me. He said ok thanks. M.B. walked towards me and asked for the form.
When I handed M.B. the papers another mentor what the papers were, M.B. briefly explained.

Date: February 10, 2017

Activity: Cancelled Observation

Memo: I texted M.B. to confirm the time for the observation. She ultimately told me that A.B
had not returned her call and if she didn’t call her (M.B.) back in 20 minutes that she wasn’t
going to pick up the youth, however she would still attend the event. I was disappointed that I
could not complete the observation. M.B. texted 14 minutes later to say her youth told her she
wouldn’t be able to make it. She also said that they were meeting up the following week to go to
the gym. I was excited to her that because I love working out and it is important that young
people work out and make positive steps towards addressing their health.

Date: February 15, 2017

Activity: Contacting Participants

Memo: I emailed each mentor to follow up with them. I hadn’t been told what day they were
meeting with their youth.

I’m concerned that observations may be later in the semester due to scheduling. It appears that
some youth are not consistent with contacting their mentors. As a result, the dyads do not have
the required weekly face-to-face meeting and phone call. Hopefully they respond soon.

D.L. responded later in the say but I missed it, as well as an opportunity to observe the dyad.
This shouldn’t be this difficult. I responded and apologized for missing the notice. Asked him to
let me know when they are planning to meet.
Reflexive Memo

Date: February 16, 2017

Activity: Contacting Participants

Memo: M.B. responded and said she’s been having difficulties contacting her youth. I’m
thinking about replacement dyads that fit the same sampling criteria used.

Date: February 23, 2017

Activity: Contacting participants

Memo: M.B. emailed me and told me that she and the youth met last week, but she didn’t
contact me because it was a hasty decision (to meet). She also said they will be volunteering at
“The Table” sometime next week. She said she’ll let me know.

I emailed D.L. and asked him to email me when they are meeting.

Date: February 24, 2017

Activity: Contacting participants

Memo: D.L. responded and said that his youth has had some behavior issues and that’s why he
hadn’t contacted me. However, he reassured me that we will get together soon.

I’m leery whether or not I will be able to observer either dyads; thinking about a back-up plan.

Date: February 28, 2017

Activity: Contacting participants

Memo: Texted M.B. to see if she decided on a date to volunteer with youth. No response yet.

I emailed Dr. Dinkins regarding other options .I asked if I could observe and interview one dyad
instead of two. She said “ideally I’d have two. If that won’t work one is fine”. I’m going to ask

Date: March 1, 2017

Reflexive Memo

Activity: Contacting Mentors

Memo: M.B responded that went to see her youth Monday and drove to the volunteering
location but it was closed. She stated that she is going to meet with her youth sometime next
week and workout.

I was bothered that she went to the place to volunteer and didn’t inform me. However, I know
it’s sometimes difficult for them to connect, and when they do M.B. probably forgets to contact
me (due to short notice). I hope I can observe both dyads because it will strengthen my study.

Date: March 2, 2017

Activity: Y-NOW Mentor-Only meeting

Memo: Prior to the meeting beginning I was speaking with a mentor that is in a master’s
program at the University of Louisville. She collaborates with a person to mentor elementary
students at Kenwood with incarcerated parents for a 10-week period. She expressed that the
program is not long enough, that multiple students have dropped out, and she questions the
overall effectiveness.

I forgot that mentor-only meetings always begin with sharing goals. Thereafter, we immediately
began discussing mentor’s experiences with their youth. A couple of mentors expressed
frustrations with their youth’s parents and the overall experience. At that time I began to question
the effectiveness of mentoring programs. The literature suggests mentoring programs have
minimum short-term effects and fewer long-term effects.

Although there were mentors with frustrations, they over shadowed mentors with better
relationships. Most of the mentors didn’t speak. The few that did tried to give suggestions to the
one mentor that expressed disappointments.

Date: March 5, 2017

Activity: Observing D.L and A.K. Face-to-face meeting

Memo: I was excited to observe the dyad. Their interactions were positive. I wondered if the
youth had visited a museum before, or other experiences that the youth has had outside of typical
mediocre experiences. During the observation I was wondering if I was getting information that
would keep me to understand the youth’s perspective of the benefits of having a mentor. I
wanted to shadow the dyad during additional outings and talk with the youth.
Reflexive Memo

When we went to the walking bridge I interacted more with the dyad, especially the mentor.
During this time the mentor made the comment that he was frustrated at the mentor-only meeting
because the mentor was not listening to any of the advice other mentors and the staff offered her.

Other than the youth sharing his thoughts about the program, I didn’t feel the second half of the
observation offered additional insight into the experiences between mentors and their youth.
Nevertheless, I did get to see the playful side of their relationship.

Date: March 12, 2017

Activity: Observing M.B and A.B. face-to-face meeting

Memo: I felt that this observation was more meaningful than the one with D.L. and A.K. I may
impartial to thinking mentoring is more effective with younger youth, and even possible girl
more than boys. This could be because D.L. and A.K. personalities were more reserved
compared to A.B. and M.B. The females interacted more compared to the guys. Also A.K. was
prompted more by his mentor to talk or to give his opinion. Compared to A.B. and M.B. M.B.
and A.B. just seemed more natural. I truly believe the two dyads personalities are different which
attributes to different interactions between the two. I wonder if youths’ personalities determine
the effectiveness of mentoring. I would think so because your personality allows you to engage
more or less, to trust more or less, to like others more or less, and so on.

The overall observation was great. I really enjoyed being around the group. A.B. was really loud
at times, which rubbed me the wrong way. I know if I was her mentor I would constantly told her
to quiet down. I always tell my students. However, I don’t know if it’s productive to do so
because it could be stifling their personality. However, there are places where being loud is not

The Friday before the observation, M.B. texted and told me that another dyad was coming. I was
concerned because I didn’t have consent forms for them. I emailed the mentor but she didn’t
respond. When she showed up Sunday she explained that she just moved and didn’t have internet
access. She told me she would be the forms to our Thursday meeting.

When M.B. told me that they were going to the YMCA and Starbucks I was surprised. The
reason being is because D.L. and A.K. outing was around two hours and there’s was too.
Mentors are spending well over an hour with youth. Although there is no required time, I would
that mentors would spend around an hour. Maybe the time depends on their relationship.

Date: March 14, 2017

Activity: Daniel Interview .

Reflexive Memo

Memo: Daniel mentioned things I hadn’t thought about such as ground rules being a structure. I
can include this a physical structure that Y-NOW offers. Daniel’s perspective is rich because he
provided insight into how the program was prior to James, the current director, how it was during
James’s first year and how he’s grown since. Daniel also made a good point that kids are often
jerk of they are not to be more than thought. When he said that I was like wow, my students are
jerks, they are so rude (for no reason) and they think how they act is ok, smh, these kids have to
get it together, but it takes adults helping them to see the error in their ways.

Daniel mentioned that the previous year his youth decided to quit the program after three
months. Nevertheless he continued attending meetings because he was dedicated to the other
youth in the program as well as the other mentors. I can tell Daniel feels a connection between
three mentors he mentioned in the interview, he says “they’re one reason he keeps coming back”.

It was nice to hear that his youth is growing in his ability to trust Daniel. Hopefully Daniel being
in his life will help him do better in school. Currently his youth hardly attends and has low

Date: March 15, 2017

Activity: Melissa Interview

Memo: Melissa was excited to share her suggestions. This made me think of how important it is
to ask people how they feel about things because they may feel (more) valued. Melissa
mentioned that she probably will not mentor again moreso because of the logistics. Transporting
the youth to and fro meetings was a lot for her. She told Sadie and Brittany that they should
create a better transportation schedule so mentors do not always have to picj up their youth. I was
thinking that staff and mentors had mentioned the great opportunities available to talk to youth
when they’re in the car. It seemed like she was more focused on how she like sto walk and not
drive and how picking up her youth was such a hassle. I like Melissa but hearing her opinions
made me think she was selfish. Although I could see where she’s coming from the increase in
driving is a lifestyle change for her.

She made me think thatI should change my questions because due to her background in human
resource, she thinks of effective in terms of money. She mentioned that Y-NOW continues to
receive funding so then it’s effective. I didn’t have to guide her to additional meaning too much
because she soon added that she sees the positive impact the program has on youth and the
positive interactions between youth and mentors during meetings.

It was interesting to talk to her as well because she brought up the different ways to get people
interested in mentoring. She would have liked Y-NOW to mention why the program is 10
months instead of 9, so on and so forth. Having statistics would get more people who are
Reflexive Memo

interested in knowing the facts interested in mentoring. She also would have liked explanations
of why Y-NOW requires mentors not to have phones during the camping retreat or follow the
same rules that the youth have to follow. I understand why they ask certain things of the mentors
but explaining it could help people who enjoy that kind of knowledge.

I was happy to hear about the growth in her and ther youth’s relationship. She and her youth
seem to have a lot of fun together. She mentioned that she plans to sty in touch with her youth,
which I was happy to hear. She also gave a lot of information that will fit into the physical and
psychological structures.

I’m not sure if it has any implications, but Melissa has more negative aspects about the program,
and relationship/interaction with youth’s family than did Daniel.

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