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I Engineering Approaches 1

Hydrogenating Cottonseed Oil at

Relatively High Pressure


Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.

This identification of the correct reaction mechanism

will be of major importance to the fat and oil industry

H w m o c x N a n m of triglyceride oils is ( 5 ) . Except for the investigations of concentration when mass transfer resist-
obviously a complicated reaction in- Sims and Hilfman (20, 27), which em- ances were eliminated.
volving not only several simultaneous ployed low rates of agitation, all hydro-
a n d consecutive chemical steps but also genation studies of triglycerides reported Experimental Details
physical transfer steps of the reactants in the literature have been at relatively Hydrogenation runs were made in a
and products to and from the catalyst low hydrogen pressures, up to about 150 dead-end batch hydrogenator which was
surface. Factors of importance during p.s.i. Since the true effects of operating manufactured by Struthers-Wells Corp.
hydrogenation include the following : variables on the chemical reactions per for a working pressure of 7500 p.s.i.
se cannot be determined unless mass The agitator and baffles in the hydro-
Rate of hydrogenation expressed as transfer resistances are minimized, addi- genator were of standard dimensions for
the rate of decrease of the iodine value, tional kinetic information is still required optimum agitation (79). The equip-
which is essentially directly proportional over an extended range of operating ment and its operation were similar to
t o the unsaturation. variables, especially at higher pressures, those used previously (7). One liter of
Hydrogenation selectivity defined as
the preferential hydrogenation of poly- to clarify the reaction mechanism. cottonseed oil was used during most
unsaturated acid groups, such as linolenic The standard method, until recently, runs, and temperature control was
a n d linoleic, relative to the monoun- for determining the composition of poly- achieved during a run to within =!=2' C.
saturated groups, such as oleic acid. unsaturate groups in triglycerides was by manual control of the cold water or
Isomerization. Cis-trans geometrical ultraviolet spectroscopy; it is not only a steam lines. The oil was hydrogenated
isomerization has been demonstrated ( 5 ) tedious method but may have poor to an iodine value below 40, and six
t o have a significant effect on the soften- accuracy for hydrogenated oils ( 4 ) . samples were collected at intervals
ing point and consistency of the fats. Gas-liquid chromatography is appar- during most runs.
I n addition, positional isomerization ently more reliable than the ultraviolet Hydrogen solubilities measurements
also occurs in which the double bonds
migrate along the fatty acid chain (2, method (8, 72) and provides more in- were made in a n apparatus similar to
3, 70, 77). The effect of this latter type formation. As yet the chromatographic that used by Wiebe and Gaddy ( 2 4 )
of isomerization on the physical proper- technique has not been perfected for for the determination of the solubility of
ties of the product is not definitely estab- separation of the cis and trans isomers hydrogen in water a t high pressures.
lished as yet. so that infrared spectroscopy must still The hydrogenator served as the equilib-
be employed for this analysis. rium cell, and it was connected to the
Eldib and Albright (9) and Albright, Hydrogenation runs were made in the solubility apparatus by a high pressure
Wei, and Woods (7) have made the present investigation over a wide range line. The hydrogenator was loaded
only known investigations in which of operating variables using the best with cottonseed oil and hydrogen, and
sufficient agitation was employed tg analytical techniques available. The agitation was provided for a t least 15
minimize and probably essentially elimi- over-all rate of hydrogenation was minutes at constant temperature and
nate mass transfer resistances during the directly proportional to the degree of pressure. Since the connecting high
hydrogenation of triglycerides. Their unsaturation and to the amount of nickel pressure line was at a different tempera-
results indicate that the effects of operat- catalyst; the rate increased with pres- ture than that of the hydrogenator, it
ing variables on selectivity and iso- sure and temperature. The reaction on was flushed with about 20 ml. of oil.
merization are quite different than the the catalyst surface is apparently be- The buret system was adjusted to atmos-
results obtained by investigators who tween chemisorbed hydrogen atoms and pheric pressure and a small sample of
used relatively low degrees of agitation physically adsorbed unsaturate groups solution was then allowed to flow from
in which the surface reaction is con- the hydrogenator autoclave to the oil
trolling. Selectivity and isomerization buret. The sample size varied between
1 Present address, Universidad Catolica decreased with pressure but were little 20 and 50 ml., depending on the pressure
d e Chile, Santiago, Chile. affected by temperature and catalyst of the autoclave. Hydrogen began

VOL. 53, NO. 5 0 MAY 1961 375

flashing immediately from the oil, and
about 15 to 30 minutes were necessary Reaction Rate Constants and Induction Periods
to flash off the excess hydrogen. Then Induction
the buret system was readjusted to atmos- Run Pressure, Temp., Catalyst. IC’, Period,
pheric pressure. The levels of liquid in NO. P.S.I.G. O c. % Ni 1 E n .-1 Min.
both burets were recorded together with 26 150 115 0.05 0.0140 22
barometric pressure, atmospheric tem- 40 150 115 0.04 0.0118 27
46 150 115 0.02 0.0044 80
perature (actually the temperature of 89 150 110 0.05 0.0091 60
the waterjacket surrounding the burets), 43 300 120 0.04 0.0207 14
and the autoclave temperature and pres- 45 300 110 0.04 0.0111 35
sure. The amount of hydrogen in excess 49 300 130 0.04 0.0298 10
80 300 105 0.05 0.0101 52
of the equilibrium amount dissolved a t 91 300 110 0.05 0.0133 37
atmospheric pressure and temperature 65 600 110 0.04 0.0114 32
was then calculated. The amount of 71* 600 110 0.04 0.0114 32
hydrogen dissolved at atmospheric con- 79 600 105 0.05 0.0145 36
ditions was determined by extrapolation 87 600 110 0.05 0.0211 24
88 600 110 0.10 0.0427 19
of the data obtained a t various pressures 92 600 110 0.15 0.0578 13
to zero absolute pressure. This extrap- 78 1,000 105 0.05 0.0193 35
olation is considered accurate since the 90 1,000 110 0.05 0.0264 25
81 1,500 105 0.05 0.0254 38
curves found were straight lines u p to 82 1,500 105 0.10 0.0504 20
about 700 p.s.i.a. and since the curve a t 83 1,500 110 0.05 0.0316 24
atmospheric temperature must pass 84* 1,500 105 0.05 0.0254 38
through zero at atmospheric pressure. 86 1,500 100 0.05 0.0141 53
Since the solubility changes only slightly All runs at 1700 r.p.m. except those marked* which were made a t 1250 r.p.m. Batch A:
with temperature, the extrapolation of Runs 25 t o 50. Batch B : Huns 60 t o 92. Runs 60 to 76 were made with the portion of batch
all temperature curves passed through B t h a t hydrogenated slower.
zero at essentially atmospheric pressure.
The solubility value a t atmospheric
conditions was then added to the solu-
bility data obtained experimentally ; quantitative analysis of trans bonds ( 7 4 , and the Rufert catalyst flakes (Harshaw
this correction was relatively small in all and the iodine values were determined by Chemical Co.) contained 25.370 nickel.
cases. the \Vi$ method ( 4 ) .
Gas chromatography analyses (8, 72) Two batches of refined and bleached
cottonseed oil were used. Batch A, Results
were made with a Perkin-Elmer Vapor
Fractometer, Model 154-C, using a 2- with a Wijs iodine value of 114.0 and a Forty-eight hydrogenation runs were
meter column packed with a succinate calculated gas-liquid chromatography made at pressures, 150 to 1,500 p.s.i.g.;
polyester of diethylene glycol on Cromo- iodine value of 110.5, had the following temperatures, 100 to 1 3 j 0 C.; catalyst
sorb R and 60/80 mesh fire brick. composition as determined with the concentrations, 0.027, to 0.1570 nickel
Before injecting the fatty materials into Vapor Fractometer: 0.977, myristic by weight; and agitation rates, 1250
the chromatography column, the glyc- acid, 24.3y0 palmitic acid, 1.07,palmi- and 1700 r.p.m. Five pressure levels
erides were converted into methyl toleic acid, 2.157, stearic acid, 17.0Yo of 150, 300, 600, 1000, and 1500 p.s.i.g.
esters (78) by refluxing with sodium oleic acid, and 54.47, linoleic acid. were selected, and the effect of the
methoxide dissolved in methanol (1.3 Batch B, with a Wijs iodine value of 108.4 remaining three variables was studied at
grams sodium per liter of absolute and a gas-liquid chromatography iodine each level.
methanol) for 40 minutes followed by the value of 105.1, had the following com- ’The hydrogenation reaction was fol-
addition of 0.1 ml. of glacial acetic acid position, as determined by the Vapor lowed in each case by plotting the log-
and 2 ml. of carbon tetrachloride. The Fractometer : 0.99% myristic acid, arithm of the Wijs iodine value (1.V.)
column was operated a t 205’ C. with a 27.3y0 palmitic acid, 2.57, stearic acid, of the oil us. the time ( t ) of reaction.
helium flow of 80 ml. per min., measured 17.0Y0 oleic acid, and 52.2Y0 linoleic These plots were essentially straight lines
a t the outlet, and a sample size of 10 pl. acid. Infrared spectroscopy showed after initial induction periods, which are
A Perkin-Elmer Infrared Spectrophotom- both oils contained 3.170 of trans acid. defined here as the times a t which the
eter, Model 221, was used for the Electrolytic-type hydrogen was used straight lines extrapolate back to the
initial iodine value. As an example
(Figure l ) , Runs 65 and 71 had an
induction period of 32 minutes. After
the induction period, the over-all rate
( I ) can be represented by the following
first order equation :
I20 I 1

100 IN D U CTlON
PERIOD SLOPE = - k’/2.3
The value of the over-all reaction rate
600 RS.1.G constant ( k ’ ) was obtained in each case
60 by multiplying the negative slope of the
0.04% Ni straight line by 2.3. The table in-
+ 1,250 R.P.M. ( R U N 71) dicates the values of k’ and induction
1,700 R.P.M. (RUN 6 5 )
‘s, period for different runs.
5 40 0
0 Analytical Techniques. T h e iodine
30 I I I I I I values of the samples as determined by
0 20 40 60 80 I00 I20
the Wijs method were compared to the
values calculated from gas-liquid chro-
Figure 1 . Hydrogenation i s first order reaction after induction period matographic results. In most cases, the



iodine values determined by the latter

method were 3 to 5% lower than the BATCH A O I L
Wijs iodine values. The difference in 300 P.S.1.G
iodine values would affect the over-all 0.05% N i
rate constant by a t most only a small 1700 R.P.M.
factor since the slopes of the curves are 40 TEMPERATURE, "C. RUN
almost identical. 5
[L 110 45
Repeat chromatographic analyses of a n 3
F 120 43
oil indicated that the precision for a U
J 130 49
given component is within 2% on an 5- 30

absolute basis. Proctor and Gamble 0

Co. analyzed several samples of the +
present investigation using ultraviolet W
techniques, and their results agree well 20
with those of the chromatographic a
method. Earlier comparisons of both
analytical techniques had also shown 10
(72, 16) relatively good agreement, but
the respective accuracies of the two
methods plus the Wijs analysis still
remains to be proved, especially for C
hydrogenated oils.
Induction Period. The introduction
period varied in this work from about 3 Figure 2. Temperature has little or no effect on selectivity at high rates of agita-
minutes to 80 minutes, decreasing with tion
increased temperature and catalyst con-
centration. An increase in pressure up
to about 600 p.s.i.g. decreased the induc-
tion period, but at higher pressure it re- TEMPERATURE RUN
mained fairly constant. BATCH A O I L IIO~C. 45
300 PS1.G
Most color improvement noted for the x 120°C. 43
triglycerides occurred during the induc-
tion period. Although the rate of hydro-
genation was low during this period,
apparently the selectivity of hydro-
genation and cis-trans isomerization
that occurred were of the same order of
magnitude as those occurring later.
The probable cause of the induction
period is the selective adsorption of
catalyst poisons such as hydroperoxides
and colored materials to reduce the
number of catalytic sites. The adsorbed 01 I I I I I I I I I I
materials presumably hydrogenate slowly 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 IO 0
and are then no longer catalyst poisons. IODINE VALUE ( G A S - LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY)
Additional information will be necessary
before the causes of the induction period Figure 3. Temperature has only small effect on isomerization a t high rates of agi-
are definitely established, however. tation
Agitation. Preliminary runs indi-
cated that the rate of hydrogenation
depended on the volume of the oil in the 35
autoclave. One liter of oil gave the BATCH B OIL
highest rates of reaction, and corresponds
- 0.05% Ni
1700 R.P.M.
to an impeller position at about two m
thirds of the liquid height. Thus, not 0
only good internal mixing of the liquid- -X 25-
solid slurry but also adequate agitation I-

at the gas-liquid interface is necessary. Figure 4. Rate of

Probably then the resistance to transfer hydrogenation in-
of the hydrogen from the gas to the liquid creases significantly
phase is more critical in most cases than with pressure and
resistance to transfer of reactants or temperature
products across the liquid-catalyst inter- RUN NUMBER INDICATED
face. O N POINTS
The over-all rates of hydrogenation at
agitator speeds of 1250 and 1700 r.p.m.
were identical within experimental ac-
curacy in all cases for runs at 600 p.s.i. I
or greater when k' values were less than 0 400 800 1200 1600
0.05 min.-l (see Runs 65 and 75 of HYDROGEN PRESSURE, RS.1 A.

VOL. 53, NO. 5 0 MAY 1961 377

Figure 1 ; and Runs 81, 84). Isomeriza-
BATCH 0 O I L tion and selectivity as measured by the
105 'C. trans bonds and diunsaturated acid
0.05 O/O PI i
1700 R.P.M.
contents, respectively, were also not
m affected by agitation. Some differences
W 40 PRESSURE, P.S.I.G. RUN in rate were noted, as agitation varied
t[r 0 300 80 for runs a t 150 and 300 p s i . , but mass
+ 600 79 transfer resistances in runs with k' values
GU J 1000 78 less than 0.05 min.-l were minimized if
30 A 1500 81 not eliminated a t 1700 r.p.m.
Temperature. The values of k' €or
c the various pressure levels were plotted
20 as a function of temperature (Runs 43,
45, 43; 81, 83, 86). Within the range
P being studied the data can be represented
by straight lines-i.e., the rate of reaction
IO was linearly proportional to the tem-
perature. In most cases, the data were
limited to relatively small temperature
ranges because of experimental diffi-
105 90 75 60 45 30 15 culties in maintaining isothermal condi-
IODINE V A L U E ( G A S L I Q U I D CHROMATOGRAPHY) tions. Results for the 300 p.s.i. level
Figure 5. Increased pressure causes decreased selectivity
showed a straight line extrapolation to
k' = 0 at about 98"C.; the extrapolated
temperatures for k' = 0 decreased
slightly with pressure. Eldib and Al-
20 I 1 bright ( 9 ) also found that k' us. tem-
BATCH B OIL perature gave a straight line relationship
105 OC.
0.05%Ni .. from 115 to 160" C. However, there is
- 1700 R.P.M.
.. \
no known theoretical explanation for
such a relationship. Probably the region

- ..
\ investigated is the middle portion of a
sigmoid curve where a straight line
- represents the data relatively well.
Relatively little change in diene values
PRESSURE, P.S.I.G. RUN (selectively) was noted with changes of
o 300 80 the operating temperature (Figure 2),
+ 600 79 but slightly more trans acids formed a t
0 1000 78 higher temperatures (Figure 3). Al-
A 1500 81 though a lo\ver temperature range (looo
to 135 O C.) was involved than previously
the temuerature effects on the
I05 90 75 60 45 30 15
IODINE V A L U E ( G A S - L I Q U I D CHROMATOGRAPHY) hydrogenation rate, selectivity, and iso-
merization are similar to those of Eldib
Figure 6. Increased pressure decreases trans isomers formed and Albright ( 9 ) ,who investigated lower
pressures but also used high agitation
rates. Investigators who used relatively
7 low degree of agitation found that
selectivity and isomerization increased
significantly with temperature (2, 5,
6 20, 27); mass transfer resistances were
6 undoubtedly significant so that hydrogen
transfer to the catalyst was slowed down.
\ 5 As discussed later, this phenomenon
n' would increase selectivity and isomeriza-
f tion.
' " L
N Catalyst Concentration. The values
- of k' were in most cases (see Runs 81,
82; 87, 88. 92) directly proportional to
UJ" the amount of catalyst. However, cata-
>- lyst concentration below 0,0470 nickel
t gave in some cases lower rates than those
4 2
predicted by a straight line relationship
(see Runs 26, 40, and 46 at 150 p.s.i.g.).
U J I The results indicate that transfer
resistances were minimized in most runs
since it varied linearly with the amount
0 of catalyst. This latter observation is
0 200 4 00 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600
based on the assumption that the cat-
alyst activity remained constant during
Figure 7. Hydrogen solubility in cottonseed oil increases with not only pressure the run and that catalyst particles were
but also temperature unaffected by each other. The low


rates observed with catalyst concentra-
tion below 0.0470 may be explained by
decreased catalyst activity during a low
catalyst run (9).
The fact that selectivity and iso-
merization were unaffected by catalyst
concentration or agitation also indicates
that mass transfer resistances were prob-
ably eliminated. The concentration of
the reactants on the catalyst surface
was apparently identical in these runs.
Pressure. The effect of pressure, p ,
on the over-all rate constant is shown in
Figure 4. A log-log plot of these data
indicates that k‘ is essentially propor-
tional to pO.0. Eldib and Albright (9)
over the range of 0-150 p s i . had found
that k’ was almost directly proportional
to absolute pressure, but the present IO 20 30 40
pressure results, which cover a much I/x

larger range, are most definitive. Figures Figure 8. Data should b e represented b y straight lines if mechanism i is correct
5 and 6 indicate that selectivity and
isomerization both decrease with pres-
sure increases u p to 1500 p.s.i.g. Other
investigators (2, 5, 9) also found similar
results in regards to pressure. Mechanism of the Reaction was proportional to the iodine value,
Hydrogen Solubility. Hydrogen Equation 3 can be reduced as follows:
solubilities in cottonseed oil were deter- Mass transfer of the reactants to the
mined in the range from 125” to 283’ catalyst surface, or of hydrogen from the k‘ = OH
F. and from 150 to 1500 p.s.i.g. Figure gas phase to the oil, occurs independently (D + B a; + C u i ) (4)
7 indicates hydrogen solubility expressed and simultaneously with the chemical Equation 4 can be rearranged into forms
as ml. S.T.P./g. oil us. the absolute steps; but at the high rates of agitation suitable for plotting for mechanisms
pressure of hydrogen for 125’ F. (51.8” employed these steps are assumed to have j, k, m ,and n as below:
C.), 220’ F. (104.4’ C.), and 283O F. offered negligible resistance. On the basis
(139.7’ (2.). Each point of Figure 7 that only chemical steps offered resistance Mechanism j : l / k ’ = l/aH +B (5)
is the average of three or more deter- to reaction, the seventeen mechanisms Mechanism k: l/k‘ =
minations. The resulting curves at
each temperature are essentially straight
proposed by Hougen and Watson (73)
for catalytic hydrogenation were tested.
(D + CU,)/UH+ B (6)
lines at lower pressures-Le., they follow Their equations were simplified and Mechanism rn: (aH)1/2/k’ =
Henry’s law. The pressure range for
linearity decreases with temperature.
modified by the following assumptions :
the over-all reaction is irreversible (22) ;
D/(UH)”z +B (7)
Mechanism n:
The solubility of hydrogen increases the iodine value of the oil is directly
slightly with temperature. proportional to the activity of the un- +
( a ~ / k ’ ) ’ ’ ~ B ( u H ) ~ ’ ~CU, +D (8)
The constants of the following empiri- saturated, a,; the activity of the dis- For mechanisms k and n, the activity of
cal equation were obtained with a solved hydrogen, u H , is equivalent to the the chemisorbed saturated, a,, was also
Datatron computer, and the equation mole fraction, x , of the hydrogen in the assumed to be either zero, very small, or
represents the solubility data within oil (calculated from the hydrogen solu- constant. The first possibility is prob-
i5y0: bility data assuming a molecular weight able since there is no chemisorption of
of 860 for the oil); and the solubility of the unsaturate in these mechanisms.
S = -7.330(10-2) + 2.208(10-3)P + the hydrogen is not affected by the pres- Equations 5 through 8 were plotted
1.732(10-6)PT - 2.952(10-8)PT2 - ence of the catalyst. Letters used for using the data from these investigations
2.924(10 -7)p (2) the mechanisms correspond to those at 105’ and 110” C. Equation 7 does
employed by Hougen and Watson. not plot as a straight line so mechanism
Preliminary screening, such as previously m is improbable. Equations 5 and 6 plot
S = ml. hydrogen S.T.P./g.oil outlined ( 9 ) , leaves only mechanisms
P = p.s.i.a. similarly, and Figure 8 indicates that the
T = OF. j , k, rn, and n as the ones likely to repre- plots are almost straight lines. Equation
sent the hydrogenation of cottonseed oil. 8, as shown in Figure 9, gives a good
This is an empirical equation and is A common characteristic of each is that straight line fit at both temperatures.
obviously not accurate a t low pressures. the unsaturates are not chemisorbed in The screening process has left three of
At zero pressure, the solubility must be any of them, and the basic form of these the original seventeen mechanisms.
zero, but the equation indicated a small four mechanisms is as follows (73): Mechanism j . Reactant between un-
positive value. Since the solubility us. saturated in the liquid phase and molec-
pressure plots up to 150 p.s.i.g. are ularly chemisorbed hydrogen, desorption
essentially straight lines, it is recom- of saturate controlling.
mended that for low pressure deter- where the exponents u, w , and y depend Mechanism k. Reaction between un-
minations the equation be used to cal- on the particular mechanism; B, C, saturate in the liquid phase and molec-
culate first the solubility value a t 150 and D are constants and functions of the ularly chemisorbed hydrogen, surface
p.s.i.g. The solubility results at lower absorption and reaction rate constants ; reaction controlling.
pressures can be calculated using a and r is the reaction rate. Since the Mechanism n. Reaction between un-
straight line interpolation. over-all hydrogenation rate of a run saturated in the liquid phase and atomi-

VOL. 53, NO. 5 0 MAY 1961 379

almost completely covered. Beek’s re- surface will increase with temperature;
sults, together with those of others the net effect will then be increased in
(75, 77), seem to indicate that the selectivity and isomerization as has been
mechanism for the hydrogenation of found by several previous investigatora
40 ethylene involves the reaction between (5).
ethylene in the gas phase and atomically
chemisorbed hydrogen. The reaction
35 probably occurs when ethylene ap-
proaches the surface which holds two Proctor and Gamble Co. supplied the
atoms in a favorable geometrical posi- cottonseed oil. H. K. Hawley of the
tion ( 6 ) . Procter and Gamble Co.: K. F. Mattil
Similar reasoning may be extended to and F. L. Kauffman of the Swift Co.,
0 nickel catalysts used in the hydrogena- and R. 0. Feuge of the Sourhern Re-
tion of fats. When a catalytic nickel search Laboratories: L.S. D. A , , gave
25 surface is saturated with hydrogen, each valuable suggestions and advice. The
active site may hold a chemisorbed Doherty Charitable Foundation gave
hydrogen, unless the site is preempted by generous financial aid in the form of
20 some other material. A higher surface a fellowship.

coverage with hydrogen atoms affords a
I I , , large probability to pairs of hydrogen
atoms being held in the right geometrical Literature Cited
1.4 2.o 2.6 3.2 position for reaction with ethylenic (1) Albright, L. F., Wei, C. H., Woods)
m groups in the unsaturated fatty acid
radicals. Conditions which favor con-
J. M., J . Am. Oil Chemists’ Sac. 37, 315
Figure 9 . The good fit of data b y (2) Allcn, R. R., Zbid., 33, 335 (1956).
tinued saturation of the catalyst surface
straight lines indicates mechanism R is (3) Allen, R. R., Kiess, 4 . A.: Ibid.: 32, 400
with hydrogen will increase the rate of (1955).
probable reaction and decrease selectivity, which (4) Am. Oil Chemists’ Soc., Chicago, Ill.,
is probably caused by preferential “Official and Tentative Methods,” re-
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physical adsorption of linolein groups as (5) Bailey, A. E.: “Industrial Oil and Fat
cally chemisorbed hydrogen, surface re- compared to olein groups. Since hydro- Products,” p. 673, Interscience, New
action controlling. gen solubility depends mainly on pres- York, 195I .
sure and increases slightly with tempera- (6) Beek, O., in “Advances in Catalysis,”
Final choice is for mechanism n o n Vol. 11, p. 151, Academic Press, Inc.,
ture, pressure and temperature should New York, 1950.
t h e basis of the following considera- increase the over-all rate of hydrogena- (7) Blekkingh, J. J. -4., Discussions fiuraduy
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Better fit of data to equation. assumed that the relative rates of reac- (8) Craig, B. M., Murty, N. L., J . Am. Oil
Experimental evidence (6, 23) of Chemists’ SOC. 36, 549 (1959).
the atomic behavior of hydrogen w h e n tion on the catalyst surface do not (9) Eldib, I. A,, Albright, L. F., IND.
chemisorbed on metals, particularly change. The effect of temperature on ENG.CHEM.49, 825 (1957).
nickel. the over-all rate will be much larger (10) Feuge, R. O., Pener, M. B., O’Con-
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step that involves atomic hydrogen Chemists’ Sac. 28, 420 (1951).
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@ , 3 ,7 ) . rates. I t is not surprising then that S. P., DuPre, E. F., O’Connor, R. T.,
under condition of minimum mass Ibid.,30, 454 (1953).
The slopes and intercepts of the straight (12) Herb, S. F., Magidman, P., Riemen-
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show little change with temperature. schneider, R. W., Ibid.,37, 127 (1960).
(l?) Hougen, 0. A., Watson, K. M.,
Slope = m = l / ( k Ct2)1’2 (9) When the catalyst surface is sparsely Chemical Process Principles,” pp. 947-9,
Intercept = I = l/(k covered with hydrogen atoms! these Wiley, New York, 1948.
KHCt2)1/2 (10) (14) J . Am. Oil Chemists: Sac. 3 6 , 627
atoms are held more strongly to the
KH (m/Z)z (11) catalyst than when they are crowded by (1959).
(15) Jenkins, G. I., Rideal, E:. K., J .
Values of K,, as calculated from other hydrogen atoms; but not so Chem. Soc. (London) 1955, 2490.
Figure 9 and Equation 11, are 2.26 for strongly as to prevent their moving and (16) Orr, C . H., Callen, J. E., Ann. N . Y .
taking positions relatively far from their Acad. Sci. 72, 649 (1959).
105’ C. and 3.62 for 1 1 0 O C . K H is (17) Pauls, A. C., Comings, E. W., Smith,
expressed as a function of temperature: neighbors ( 6 ) . Under these conditions, J. M., A.Z.Ch.E. Journal 5, 453 (1959).
the probability that the hydrogen atoms (1 8) Riemenschneider, R. W., Southern
would be in favorable positions to react Research Laboratories, U.S.D.A., pri-
two a t a time with ethylenic groups vate communication, 1959.
would be small. Thus neither the geo- (19) Rushton, J. H., Costich, E. W.,
Calculations indicate that AH = 27 Everett, H. J., Chem. Eng. Progr. 46,
kcal. per g. mole. and A S = 70 kcal. per metric nor energy relationship would be 395 (1950).
g. mole O K. The bond energy of a very favorabIe to hydrogenation, and (20) Sims, R. J., J . A m . Oil Chemiuts’ SOC.
adequate time would be allowed for the 29, 347 (1952).
hydrogen molecule is about 103 kcal. ( 6 ); (21) Sims, R. J., Hilfman, L., Zbid., 30,
the hydrogen atom is bound to the catalyst preferential physical adsorption of linoleic 410 (1953).
surface with an energy of about 76 kcal. acid groups as compared to oleic acid (22) Sussman, M. V., Potter, C., IND.
The postulated mechanism is now com- groups. The selectivity and isomeriza- EKG.CHEM.46, 457 (1954).
pared with the known facts of ethylene tion characteristics of the hydrogenation (23) Taylor, T. I.: in “Catalysis,” Vol.
would then be higher. V, p. 257 (P. H. Emmett, ed.), Rein-
hydrogenation. Beek‘s results ( 6 ) in- hold, New York, 1957.
dicate that hydrogen adsorbs readily on When transport phenomena are criti- (24) M’iebe, R., Gaddy, V. L., Heins,
catalytic films of nickel prepared by cal, hydrogen can not be supplied to thc C., IND.ENG. CHEM.24, 823 (1924).
evaporation of nickel in vacuum. The catalyst surface rapidly enough to RECEIVED
for review September 19, 1960
heat of chemisorption is about 30 kcal. maintain a high hydrogen concentration. ACCEPTEDFebruary 6, 1961
per g. mole for a sparsely covered sur- Since temperature rapidly increases the
Division of Industrial and Engineering
face, and decreases to a value of about reaction rate constants for hydrogena- Chemistry, 138th Meetin?, ACS, New
18 kcal. per g. mole when the surface is tion, hydrogen depletion a t the catalyst York, September 1960.


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