Anda di halaman 1dari 31

*f the Fhilippines

Department of ffiducation
Natimnnl Capital R*gicn
sffifislfrH CITV OF Sf;l{O$I-S
q{IHHSN f;g?y
Nueva Ecija SL, Sago ffiantay,Sueusn City

February 4, 2015

. Assistant Schools Division Superintendents
Division/ District Supervisors
Principals, Head Teachers and Officers-l n-Cha rge
Public & Private Elementary and Secondary Schools


. Enclosed is a DepEd Order No. 047 s. of 2015, dated December 1, 2015 from Br. Armin A.
Lgigtro F,SC, Secr€tary, re: "Constitution and By:Laws of the Supreme Pupil Government in
Elamar*ary gchools and the Supreme Pupil Government in Secondery Schools', the contents of
which are self<xplanatory, for your information and guidance.i=^- -*".. :

lmmediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.

M n

Hducation Prngram SuPervisor
Office r*[n*Cha rge

Encl.: As stated
DepEd Order: (No. 47, s.20141

To be indicated in the Psrpetual !-n-dsr

under the follouring subiects:


A.A,Sebastianf Jas
RSf,fiRns SECTtOfrl
\ ffi
(l i,
Ketrrtgkf{r g}{ tq}e

ffifip#e.t$ssffiHtfr fff ffihlgrnffsn

0 1 0tc ?014
No 47,",2414

To; Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Elernentary and Secondary Sctrools

1.Recognizing the sigrrificant role and contributions of the Supreme Pupil

Goyernment {$PG} and Supreme Student Government (SSG} in the schools arxd
unrler the Student Governments Program {SGP}, ttre Departrnent of Dducation
{DepEd} issues the enclosed Conetitutlon and S5t-Lawu of the $uprcmc ftrplt
Government in Elenentary Schools and the Supreme $tudent Government ln
Secondary $icboole, together with other documents, for implementation in all
schools nationwide starting School Year {SY} 2014-2015 and onwards.

2. Enclosed are the follawing documents for reference:

Enclosure No. l" - Constitution and By-Laws of SPG a:rd SSG
in Elementary and Secondary Schools
Enclosure llo. 2 - Guidelines on the Adoption of the Constitution
and By-Laws of SPG and SSG in Elementary
and Secondary Schools

Enclosure No, 3 - SPG and SSG Cornmission on Elections

Sta.ndard Electinns Code

3. All provisions cf DepEd Order No. 79, s. 2009 entitled Reuised Standard
Canstitutian and Bg-Lauts af the Supreme Student Gauentmcnt in Secondary Schools
inconsistent with this Order are repealed. The provisions of this Order shall remain
in force and in effect until rescinded or amended.
4. For more information, all concerned m"ay contact the Ofrlcc of the
Undefisesetary for Reglonal Operations, Depattrarcnt of Educatlon Cartral
OflBee {DepEd CO1, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at telephone no.:
(02) 633-7203; fax n0.: t02) 63L-8492; or through website address: or facebook page: h|tps:llwwqa"faceboqk.coJnlDeoEd.Ph4ippines'
5. Immediate dissemination of and strict comptance with tlis Order is directed.

Hm* effinffi[sf s" L


r\mnd rrnmntex Maralcn Arranrra Faeig r.ix, .,orra, f

-'rtAAtAaa-'?.)t*t'?t-!q*t flb oao-oorotaa'.-,.rno lo^-.'lo-o'l o-r.L

As stated

DepEd Grder; tNn. ?*, $. ?tl#a}

To be indicated in theM*b,ggeX
under the foll*wirl# suhject*:

RUL$S Ai{S ffiHGUtATlr}i{,}

R-htCR/SQ:-C-o-ss$ jffi:-gl-+ng.$y-:l*dw$
O555/July 3 t, ?fi I'+/S-7- 1'+
{Snctosurs $[o, I to SepEd #r'der Wm. '4?o s" ##[S]




We, the students of [narne of xhoolJ, believing in the need for a better organized Supreme Pupil
Government and Supreme Shrdent Governrnent and in the devetopment of the youth as future leaderc of
the nation, do lrereby promulgate and adopt tlris Constitution arrel By-Laws of the Supreme Pupil
Goverrrrnents and Supreme $tudent Governrnents in Elernentary and Secontlary Schools that qhnll ac{vancg
implernent, and rnaintairr our goals and aspirations, embody the ideals and principles of freedom, apality,
jqstice anrl demoo:acy, ancl promote tire welfare of all students and acadenric standards of our Alnra Mabr.

A..rticle I
#*n*ra} Frmvisions

$ection t This C'onstitution arrd By-Laws shall be lsrown as the Constitution and Uy-Laws of
Supr:erne Pupil Governments arrd $upreme Student Governme.nts of [name of scltool]
which shall hereinafter be referred to as the SPG / SSG.
Section 2 lk>r the purposes of this Constitution and By-Laws, the follow"ing words used shall
have the rneaning as ascribecl to them in this section.
2.'1,. -SItG" reiers to tlre Supreme Pupil Government.
2.2. "SSG" refers to Supreme Shrlent Govertrment.

Article trI
Narne en{t ffinmiei{e

Section 1 'IIre name of this Supreme Pupil Government / $upreme $tudent Government shalt be
known as tlre fname of sc]roolJ Supreme Pupil Governnrent / Suprerne Student
Government whiclr shall hereinafter be referred to as the SPG i SSG.

$ecfio t12 The sent of the SPC / SSG shall be located inside the prbmises of the schoot.

Artiele tIl
Pq cI sjr p tt er! gf Pr i ry g.{ plg-: - *#h$ e$ gtsqq q$sl Ho[ ic ies


Sectiorr 1 The SPG I $iG shall have the power which ernanates ftom the student body. It shall be
an autonomous, unifiecl, and tlre higlrest democratic representative of the studentbody.

'Ihe SPG
Sectian 2 / SSG shall uplroltl anrl adhere with the Mission Staternent of the Departnrent
cf [ducation "to protect and to pronrote the right of every Filipino to quality. equitable;
culture-baser{ and conrplete basic education' where "sfudents leartr itr a child fricrrdly,
gender-selrsitive" safe a nri motivatitt g etrvironmetl t,"

2.1. The Mission Statement of the Deparlrnent of Education shall serve as the guide
of the SPG / SSG in working to serve the best inbrest of the student body.

Section3 The SfrG / SSC is founded on the principles of participatory democrary, rcsponsiblg
servant-leadereltip, collaboration, unity, accountabitig, anrl efficiency in serving the
student body.

Section 4 T'he til€ / SSG shall be committeci in putting these values, fuinciples, and ideals inbo
action tlrrough academic, socio-civic, leaclership progmms and activities.


Section 5 TIre SPG / FG shall be the forefront of the students rights qnd welfare, and shall be
the motlel of the students' excellence grounded on good character, and deep sense of
moraI values.

Section 6, The $upreme Fupil Government / Suprerne Student Government shall have the
following olrjectives;
6J. To help students dwelop passionate love of country, values, and competencies
that will ennble thenr to realize thair firll potential and to conEitrute
meaningfully in building the nation;
6.2. To represent the stuclerrb in the policpmaking body of the school concerning
the studenb' rights and welfare;
6.3, To help develop a shrdent-friendly, safe, anel motivating learning environmenf
6,4. To nurture an inclusive, service-oriented, gender-sensitive, and environment
cons(ious comrnunitlt
6.5. To help develop setf<onfidence, critical thinking. problem*plving,
decision-making. and learning among the student body and to utilize these
skills in contributing towarrls nation building;
6.6. To ernpower tfte students to strive for excellence jn the acatlemics, leadership,
atrd social tesponsibility; to etrcourage the students to be proactive members o(
the eociety;
6.7. To uphold the values, principles, and ideals of the Deparhnent of Education;
6.8. To serve, tc protect, and to promote the rights and welfare of every student,


Section 7 The SPG / SSG shall be the highest goveming boaly of tlre students.

Section I The SPG / SSC shall pursue at all times, the values of honesty and integrity in service,
renouttciltg all forms of corruption and acts which are contrary to tlre rules and
regulations of tlre school and tlre Departrnent of Eclucation.

Section 9 The SPG / S$G slrall errcourage an open communication ancl dialogue with other
stuc{ent organizations, movements, and other sectors of society ilot inconsi$tent with
ib principles arrd purposes.
$ection 10 The SI€ / 56G shall remain at all times, accountable and transparent with aII of its
transactiotrs involving the interest of its constituents who they must serve with
ouhnost re-sponsibility, integrity, loyalty, efficiency, and professiorralism.

$ection l,l 'I'lre SIIG

SSG shall shive to pursue an inclependent stant{, not dictated by any other
$ector, otlrer than the students, as long as these are not contrary tu the Mission - Vision
$tatenrcnt antl Core Values of the Department of Education.

Article IV

Section 1 All bona fide studenls of [name of sclroolJ are members of the shrdent hody to
whonr the SPG / SSG shall be committed to serve and to be accountable at all times.

Atticle V
Section 1 Every studetrt has the right to learn in an inclusive. child-frierrdly, gender-sensitive,
sa[e, aqd motivating environmenl

Sectiolr 2 Every student has the right to enjoy responsible freedom of speech and expression.

Section 3 H,very student lras the right to avail of all the services offered by the SpC / SSG which
includes but not limited to orgarrizing, joining, and actively participating in clubs,
otganizations, groups, and other associations for purposes not contrary to existing

Section 4 Ivery student has the right to conduct and to actively participate in all school activities
and progranrs.

Section 5 Every student has the right to irrformation of tlre programs, rules, policies, regulations,
and other matters corrcerning thenr.

Section 6 Every student lras tlre right to suffrage, to apply for a position, to nomin*te, and to be
elected into office, and to exercise other electoral practkes.

Sectiol 7 Iivery student has the right to responsible and irrdependent opemtion of tlre student
elections arrd student publicatiorrs.

$ection I lvery student has the right to proper representation 4nd participation irr different
of the school cn issues affecting the welfare of the student
nreetings ancl assernblies

Sectiorr 9 Every stuctrerrt has the right to rernll their SFG / SSf; r*pre$sntatives"
Section t0 livery stut{errt has the right to ctuff pr{rce$s,
Sectionll Every stuclent has the right to professional competence from the teachers and school

Section 12 $very student has the right to be academically evaluaEd based on equal and oblpctive
, criteria.

Sectiorrls Evcry student lras the right to an open and regular student-teacher and studerrt-school
acl rnin istra tion d ialogue.

Section 14 Every student has the right to freely and responsibly express their concerns, views, and

gection 15 Every student has the rigirt tn equal, legitimate, and respgnsible use of adequate, safe,
clean, and efficient sclrool facilities.

Section 16 All other rights as specifiect in DepEd Order hlo. 4A, r. 7012 entitled DepEd Child
Protection Policy but are not specified herein are included as rights of the students.

Articl€ VI
Dutie$ and Oblisatign*gf $tullerllls

Section 1 Every student lras the responsitrility to observe and tro uphold the laws of the Republic
of the Philippines, the rules antl regulations of the School, and this Constihttion at all

Section 2 trvery student shallexercise tris/her rights responsibly and in good faith-

Section 3 Uvery student shall support and promote the ideals, principles, thrusts, and olriectives
of the SPG / SSG, tlre School, and the Departmentof Education.

Section 4 Every student shall uphold the vnlues of honesty and integrity.

Section 5 Every student shall endeavor to achieve academic excellence and shall abide by the
rukrs arrci rcgulations governing hisl her academic lesponsibilities.

' 6
Section Every studelt shall pursue to nurture an inclusivg $ervice'orielrted, gender'setrsitive,
and, environment conscious comnrunity.

Section 7 F,very stuclent shall abirle by ttre Supreme Pupil Governtnent and Strpreme Studcnt
Government Constihrtion and By-Laws-

Section I Every student shall support the activities and programs of the SPG S$G and the/
Depal.tment of Eclucatiorr ali approved by the appropriate Deplid issuances'

Section 9 Every sbuclent shail strive to become a proactive member of the society and to
contribute in the clevelopmentof his/her comrnunity'
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Article VIII
co*Epqitiott, El."tior..ogalif&a$o-rrr at*c r*rm of offj.e of thu $EG / s$G
Section t The officers o*' the SPG are the duly elected President, VicePresident, Secretary,
Treasul:er, Autiitcr, Prrblic Information Officer, Peace Off{cer, alrcl Gtradg Level

Section 2 TJre officers of the SSG are the duly elected President, Vice-President, Secretary,
Treasurer. Auditpt, Public lr:rformation C)fficer, Peace Officer, Cracle Level Clrairp*rsottif
applicable arrd the Grade Levet ltepreseutatives.

Section 3 The Grade Level Councilor / Grade l,evel Representative who shnll get tlre lrighest
number of votes ;rmong the elected Grade Level Councilors / Representatives in thejr
respective grade level slrall serue as the Grade l-evel Chairpersolr of the grade level

Smtisn 4 All Sf€ / SSG etectiorrs shall be corrducted school-wide annually.

$ection 5 'l'lrc campaign procedures and elections shall be in acc<xdance with the SPG
COMELIIC Stant{ard Election Code.

Sectisn 6 Carrclidates for all the SPC / SSC elective positions shall;
(r.1. Be bona fide students;
6.2. Be of good academic standing with a general average of 85 and above without
any failing grade during the 1"r to 3,.r grading period of the current sclrool yeaq
6.3. Be of good moral character;
6.4. Have not been subiected to any disciplinary sanctiou
6.5. /
Have submitted the SPG SSG Election Application Packet to be approved by a
representative of the sPG I ssG conrmission on Elections;

Sectio nY Once elected, all 51{ / SSG Officers, except the Grade Level Chairpersons, Councilors
ancl Representatives, shall be considered resigned arrd ineligible frorn all major elective
or appointive positions in other clubs and organizations. Major elective or appointive
positions shall refer to the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer.
Auditor, Public Information Officer, Peace Officer or equivatent positions, including
Eciitor-in-Chief, Managing Editor and Associabe Editor of the School Paper or

$ecfion I No residency slrall be required of the candidates for all the SPG I SSC elective posifions,

Secti*n 9 The officers of the SPG I SSG shalt trold office for one (1) school year.
Article IX
e$eEenrl Fsstisss_af Stgdent Gcvernment Offjgers
Section 1. T'he SPG / S$G Presidenl shalt be the chief execrrtive officer of the SPG / S$G. HelShe
slrall have the followirrg duties:
1.1. Officially t'epreserlt the student body at any function on or off the campus;
11-2. Preside over all meetings anrlf ur may deignate another of.ficer to preside for a
specific meeting,;
1.3. Serve as ex-officio memlrer of atl executive cornmitbees;
t.4. Enforce thiq Constitution, lly-Larvs, and other regulations tlrat may be
1"5. Sign all the official minutes. project propasals, resolutions. correspondences, an{
other official papers of the SI{i / 556;
1.5. l(epreserrt the SXICJ / SSG or designate his/her representative for any external or
itrterrra I af fairsf functions;
1,.7. Flead the Cooldinatirrg Corrncil of School Co{urricular Organizations;
1.8. Implement SPG / SISG prog!'anrs and projects;
1.9. Create Ad Hoc Committees, ns the need arises. The Chairperson of which shall
be appnirrted by tlre SI'C / SSG Presidenb aud,
:1.10. Perfornr other functions inherent and incidental to his/her office.

Section 2 The Vite-President shall have the following duties:

2.1. Assist the President in all matters where l'lislher assistance is pecessary;
2.?. Assume the Office of the President slrould the position become vacanb
2.3, Supervise members in planning and arranging rneetings, or programs of
2.4. Head the l4ternal Affairs Con:rrnittee, conceptualize programs, projects, and plan
activities witlr tlre Grade Level Councilors / Representatives; and,
2-5. Perform otlrer rluties assigned hy the SPG / SSG.

Section 3 The Secretary slrall have the following cluties:

3.1. Keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedingp in every
3.2. Keep a file of all the pertinent documents and papers of the SPG / SSG and make
them accessible to the student body;
3.3. Provide immediate docunrentafions and reports for every implemented projecg
3.4. Call and prepare all notices sf SPG I SSG meetings;
3.5. Head the SPG / SSG Secretariat; and,
3.6. Perform other duties assigned by the SPG I SSG.

SecUorr 4 The Treasurer shall lrave the following duties;

2.C. Keep all financial records of the SPC / SSG arrd be the one responsible for any
infomration related to the sttrdent activity fund;
2.4. Serve as the disbursing officer of all the SPC / SSG's funds;
2.5. Prepare the arrnual budget of the SIS / SSG;
2.6. Prepare accurate and transparent firrancial reports every month, after wery
activity, and at tlre errd of term;
2.7. Formulate pertinent {inarrcial guidelines for the organization;
2.8. Sel:ve as an ex-officio memLrer of any arrd all Financc Committe for the purpose
of considering budgeiar] and/or financial nratters of tlre SPG / ffi;
2.9. Conduct arr inventory of all SPG / SSG property and submit a report, in writing,
of its condition and state; and,
2.10. Perform other rluties assigned by the SFG / SSG"

Sectian 5 'l'he Auditor shall have the following cluties:

5.1. Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the di$bursement of funds;
5.2. Audit all expenditures of the SPG / SSG funds;
,,5#, Sgis.tJhe,Treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports;
5.4. Keep and update tlre inventory of all the SPG / S$G's property;
\t\ ) t ,),.,5,F ,. Aqf a{rthccg$qiamq}reodief+tk:firrafioif,[Cqrnffittee;and,
- 5.6. Perform other duties as.signed by theSPG / SgG.

Section 6 Ttfu,{u.hliq,Uffpggqrior.r
ffiig6rr6lmi[f6ve ftreJpilowing duties:
,. - --....,)- j ,....E{".P5,lfm$et*,g}$Bffinlgtlg.,Ble,llut{.sts,arx{obiectivesof
' 6,2. ' Builtl antl niaintaflg
f1g$q{9,jrilngg forlhe SPG I SSG;
6.3. Take clrarge in the pronrotion of SPG I SSG projects and activities;
J fr r :lll -\r Ji]l-lJ t'lrt ;r.fp;rd ,nu-i'/'qr^1
6.4.,.-,c.uge.,L,tl5.fglliSilf Fpf,niffffidft{,..,,,
f 6.5. Pcrform other duties,ao.,siqmrl.bX.thgSfc / $SC.
Secti*n 7 rhe peacJ 6rriti'i''rYiiir,i.l;'iiil r'iiJ'i"ii i"t*'' - :
7.1. Help the,p1:esid$g,o"f,fJf€liqnqi$$?.rAi5tg peaqe and order during the meetings;
7.2. Act ag$is-cipijffi{X,e(ftcag jf ,pecAssafy;_ , ,
7.3. Maintain peace and order within the premises of the school;
7.4. Act as chief peace officer and over all of subordinate
-,,ro,lglqizationrlndStm,m)r,041,, ;,sn r', ., n^
7.5. 'Ch6ir the 5g1tr{en&{*y,ygl{atg
Qa.}n41ige.qnd appoint its me4bers; and,
7.6. Perform other duties assigned by the SI,G / SSG.

Sectian B
$f.9.1"{.et*.yqf ,pJqd;peEs$#6:ohd1'1,utu'*{allow.brgc{uties:
.--,.8.1,,i,^-r$6becdpogriadq lAVahhed;eosrdin&torof *ll.$PG / SSG programs arrd prcjects
r ,. ,.;,(-"r:;tn$19,$rade,Lev,olC*;rtrilonlo/"&epmsentatiyq/s of his/her grade level.
t f q -*

. 8.2. Perforrn otlrer duties assigned by the SPG / SSG.

't\-t: t t *,r,.1o" J j t"t!'lfrll;tll$tlli' t r?rllrra/ '2'C
Secti*tr 9
TXe GradeJ"PvslGoqnqilp#Q:,.,*ndrr&e-prnrentativel.q shall have the following
dutigs; .."4 ltr,\,,1(J;t'l ,'rr€l tlf I'i t )rtrr'l r'-rf
9.1. Represent his/her grade level in all of the meetinp of the SPG / 9SG;
9'2. $,g5vqq*tt$ grievance rleol*@ttheir.raepctivagracle level;
9.3. conceptualiaaapdrirwfurnsnfip.rogrrrps and pn:jects, arrd rccommend policies
for their respg6tiv".e.frriaderlevelr r-,1\r1tr{1-\'e.'.!
9.4' Assist in the effective implernentation of the SPG / SSG's programs and projects;
,Sfd, " e /r, iir,!{ rtcr c t lJl-,,jrr- i.r url r.r iAr: ir "4,'
9.5. Perform other duties assigned by theSPG / SSG.
Article X
Permane.Bt CommittqeF in the Pupil/Student GoverFnlag!

Section 1. Thete slrall be seven (7) permarrent comrnittees in tl're SPG / $SG; namely, dre Executive
Comrnittee, Internal Affairs Conrmittee, $ecretariat, Finance Committee, Publicity
Comnrittee, Students Welfare Comrnittee and the Special Projecls Committee. Mernbers
of each comrrittee in the SPG / S$G shall be appointed by the President from apong the
officels of the lromeroorn organizatiorrs upon which the recommendation of the
chairperson of the comrnittee.

Section 2 The Executive Committee shall be headed by the President and shall act as the
administrative ar$r of the SI{! / SSC.

Section 3 Tlre Internal Affair:s Conrmittee slrall l're headed by the Vice President and shall take
charge of all the matt'ers regardilrg the mernbers of the SPG I SSG and theit functicns.

Section 4 The Secretariat slrall be headed by the Secretary and shall be the official SPG I SSG work

Section 5 The Finance Committee shall be headed by the Treasurer and shall be aeeisted by the
Auditor. This committee shall take charge of all rnonetary matters and properties of the
sPG / SSG.

$ection 6 The Publicity Committee shall be headed by the Public Information Officer and shAll be
responsible for disrieminating information on matters concertring the SPIG 1 SSG.

Section7 The Students' Welfare Committee strall be heade,d by the Peace Officer and shall look
after tlre righb of the students and act upnn their complaints.

Section I Tlre Special Propcts Committee shall be headed by a person appointed by the President
and sliall imptement special programs and proFcts of tlre l)epartment of Education.

Section 9 Otlrer Cornmittees, permanent or ad hoc in nature, may be created by the SI€ / S.SG as
the need arises,

Article XI
$ection 1 There shall be a hom.eroom class organization in every sectiotr composed of officers
parallel to tlrc organizational $tn cture of the SPG / SSG,

Section 2 Tlre lromeroom class orgarrizatiorr shall l* responsible in implementing programs and
projects of each class.

Section 3 T'lre lronreroorn class orgarrizatiott shall assist the SPG / ssc in irnplernettting its
progfams and proiects.
Section 4 The hameroom elass organization shall be guided by the designated class adviser who
must be part of the heachirrg staff of the school.

Article XII
Coordinatin g Council ofleamBrg Co-CurriJqlar OrBa$izatiqng

Section 1 The Coordinating Council shall be headed by the President of the SPG / SSG as the

Section 2 'lhe Coorclinating Council shalt be conrposed qf the different Presidents of all recognized
legitimate canrpus co-curricular organizations.

Section 3 TIre Coordirrating Council shall have the follorving functions:

3.1. Coordinate schaol.wide activities, whiclr need the participation and involvement
of the whole student body;
9.2. Provide and support a consriltative nrechanism for tlre implementation of the
various programs and proiects of all co-curricular organizationsi
3.3. Plan programs and synchronize studelt activities in the campus;
3.4. Serve as the venue to present accomplishment reports, financial reports, and
such other reports of the SPG/SSG and other organizations as r,reeded or
required; and,

3.5. Sef rules and standards for the colle.ction of membership fees or contributions lry
recognized campus co-curricular clubs or organizations for the approval of the
School Heacl.

Section 4 The Coordinating Council shall meet nt least once every quarter or upon notice of the
Chairperson upon the request of any of its members as often as the council may deem

Section5 T.he School Head shall serve as tl're Adviser of the Coordinating Courrcil. As such, all
resolutions antl agreements arrived at by ihe Coordinating Council shall bc nod by the
School Head.

Article XIII

Section 1 The SPG / SSG Adviser shall be endorsed to the School l{ead from among the three (3)
teacher-nominees submitted by the newly-elected SPG / SSG officers tlttough a

Section 2 TheSPG / SSG Adviser shall have the following qualifications:

2.1 Flave experience in organieational managenlentJ
2.2, With good character and reputation in the school and cornmunit;r;
2;3. Conrpetenf able, and willing to work with the student leaders from planning to
irnplementation of proiec8, programs and activities.
Section 3 The SIrG / SSC adviser shall monitor all programs, proiects, activities, and megtings of
theSPG / $SG at all times.

Section 4 The Advisorship in the SPG / SSG shall be equivalent to one teaching load as per
Republic Act No.4670

Section 5 The SPG / SSG COMELEC Aclviser shall be endorsed to the Sclrool !-Ieacl front among
the three {3) teacher-nominecs subnritted by the COMELEC Chair tlrrough a resotution.

Sectiorr 6 The SPG / SSG COMELEC Adviser shall have the followirrg qualifications:
6.1. Have experiellce fu1 organieational rnaragemenf
6.2, l/y'ith good character and reputation in the school and cornmunit5/;
6.3. Must be non-partisan and experiencect in handlipg student government

Section 7 'fhe $PC 1 $SG COMELEC adviser shall nronitor all activities and nreetings of the
SIrG / SSG COMELEC at all tintes.

Article XIV
eqrnmigst-on q n-Ete$isas

Section L The Com.mission on Electiorrs, herein referred to as the SPG / SSG COil4ELEC, shall be
establishet{ within (21} days before the day of electiorr.

Section 2 The SI€ / SSC COMELEC shall be the only agency that will meurage the elettoral
process, including the cantpaign.

Secfion 3 The SPG/SSG COMELEC memliers shali have the following qualificalions:
3.1. Must be non-partisan;
3.2. Do not have a vesterJ interested in tlre election; and
3.4. Not in any way related to any cf the candidates

Section 4 The con'rposition of tlre members in the SPG COMELEC shall be three (3) from Grade 4
and Gracle 5, and four (4) from Cracle 6.

Smtion 5 . The composition of the membels in the SSG COMELEC shall be three (3) frorn each
Grade level.

Section 6 Tfte rnenrbers of the SPC I SSG COMELEC slrtll setect a Chairperson amottg its

Section 7 The Sl'G / SSG COMELEC shalt have the followirrg duties atrd responsibilities:
7.1 Conduct fair, honest, and systematic elections;
7.2. Adhere to the Standard I]PG / SSC Hlection Code;
V.3. Validate the electoral proceedirgs and results;
7.4. Accept or revoke candidacy;
7.5. Proclairn the new set of officersj
7.6, Keep all pertinent eleclion papersf clocuments;
7,7 Decide on protests relative to the conduct and rcul6 of elections;
7.8, I,repare and distribute the nea€ssary election paraphernalia' certificale of
candidacy form$, arrd other election related materials irefore, rluring, and af$r
the electioni and,
7.&. Disqualify candidatr.s who have violated any of the guidelines, which have been

Articte XV
The General Assembly

Section t Ttre General Assembly of the SI€ / 55G shall be composed of all eleced Flomeroorn
Class Organizatian FtesidenB of the scltool'

6ectinn2 The General Assembly shal! be a forum for information and corrsultations, from which
decisions shall be significantly considered.

Section3 The Generat Assernbly shall be converred by the Sf',G / SSG President snce evefy two
months and as the need arises.

Article XVI
Meurbershipjo tlre Divigipn. negio4al orU! Nqllonal Fedgr:ation of Sup,rgne Student

Section 1 The SSG shall be, and shall remain to be, an autornatic member of the Divisior5 Regional
and National Fedention of $upreme Student Governm€nts'

Section 2 As such, the SSG shall abide by the rules and regulotions issued by the proper federation
consistent with tlre policies and guidelines of the Department of fiducation.

Mqeting and Ouorum

Sectionl /
T.he SFG SSC shall conduct regular meetings every first and third week of tlre month
or as agreed upon by the officers of the $PC/flSG.

Section 2, /
Special meetingp of the $I,G SSG may be called upon by the SPG / SSG President or by
a maiority of the SI€ / SSG officers'

Section 3 Majority of the officers of the SPG / S6G {50%+t) shall constitute a quorunt'
Section 4 Each member of the SPG / SSC is entitled to only one vote.

Section 5 Iftlre voies end in a draw, the SPG / SSG Presi<lent or the Acting Chair of the meeting
shall cast the vote to break the tie.

Section6 No proxy slrall be allowed when voting.


$ection t AII receipts of moneys from all sources shall be evidenced by acknowledgement reeeipts,

Section 2 A morrthly r€port on tlre receipts and,/or collections made duly signed by the Treasfrtr
and the Presiclent, and noted by the Src / SSG Adviser shall be posted on llrr
SPG / SSG bulletin board and be submitted to the School Heael.

Sectiorr 3 The SPC /

SSG shall deposit all funds received collected and shall mairrtain banki4g
connection for the regular deposit and savings acceruntof theSPG / SG. .

Section 4 The organization may accept cash donations from any member or any public or privah.
persort or irrstitutiorr, as long as it will not afJect or compromise tlre integrity of the
sPG / SSc.

Section 5 Tlte SPG / SSG nray undertake fund-raising activifies to su,bsidize its projects and
activities as long as it will not affect or compromise the integrity of the SPG / SSC.

Section 6 The SPG / SSC shall enjoy the freetlom to determine its priorities in the disbursement of
its funds, provided that it shall be actually, directly, and exclusively used to support
and/or finance SPG I SSG programs, projects and activities.

Section 7 All cl:isburseurent and bank withtlrawals shali be made in accordance with the programs,
projects and activities of the SPG / SSG embodied in the yearly action plan endorsed by
theSI€ / SSC Adviser and duly approved by theSchool Flead.

Sbctiorr B The SPG / SSG Prcsiderrt and the Treasurer shall be the signatory of all furd
disbursements and bank witjrdrawals of the SIrG / SSG. All furrd disbursements and
bank withdrawals must be accompanied with an SPG I S$G resolution duly noted by
tlre SPG I SSG Adviser. All expenses rnust be supported by official receipts. The $chosl
Head shall be provided a copy of all the resoJutions relative the disbursemenQmade.

$ection 9 The SI€ /

SSG, through the Treasurer ancl the Auditor, shall promulgpte financiat
guidelines for proper financial management.

Section 10 At the end of every activity, the $PG / SSC shall liquidate expenses before another
tlisbursement. Without this, succeeding bank withdrawals shall not be authorized.
Funds of the SPG / SSG shall be auditecl at the end of the term of the SPG / SSG and at
the end of every activity.

Secfion tl Financial statements shall be posted in tl're Sf€ / SSG Bulletin Board every month,
printed in every issue of the School Paper and, the School Head must be furnbhed with a
Article XIX
lJnpeaclmest-Besignation and Vaca4c"igl

Section 1 The officers of tlre SI€ / SSG may be impeached on the following ggounds;
1.1. Culpable violations of the Constitution anet By-Laws;
7.2. Gross nrisconduct, violation to person in nuthority, negligencg and disloyalty to
the cause of the SPG / tSG and the school;
1.3. Non-attendance in bot'lr regular ancl special rneetings for three (3) times withorrt
valid cause; and,
1.4. Abuse or misuse of power and authority.

Swtion 2 Two-thirds (2/31 vate of the Geireral Arsenrbly shall be necessary to decide after hearing
a case of impeachment.

$ection 3 The elecision of the General Assembly shall be final. However, tlre officer clrarged shall
be informed twentSr (20) days prior to his/her irnpeachnrent case proceedings, of the
charge/charges against trrim/her, to afford him/her the opportunity to be heard with ot
without a counsel in his/her defense.

Section 4 Ilesignation of an elscted officer shall be in writing and shnll take effect five (5) days after
the approval of the majority of the SPG / SSG officers.

Sectian 5 Resignation of an appointed offer shall be in writing and shall take effuct immediately
after the approval of tlre appointing autlrority.

Secfion 6 Any vacancy in any of the pasitions for the reasr:n of death, resignation. impeachment,
shall be filled, subiect to the recommenclation of the SPG / S;G.

$ection 7 Any vacancy in ihe SPG / SSG, except the position of the Presiderrt, shall be filled,
within ten flO) school days from the day the position is rendered or considered vacant
by appointme:rt of the President fronr among the qualified members of the SPG /
SSG. Irnmediately upon appoirrtnrent, the appointee slrall serve the remaining periorl.

Section I TheSI{ / SSC COI,IELEC shall certify as to the vacancy occurring in tlre SI€ / SSG
and the SPG / SSG Advirer shall certify the fact of appointment of tlre officer to the
vacant positiorr

Artisle XX
Ratificati*n qlf ths Csnstitufi*n

Section 1 This Constitution and By-Laws rnay be arnended or modified in full or in part once every
three (3) year.s from its official issuance through a DepEd Order or Memorandum.

Section ? The schoolsfrc /

SSG, tlre f)ivisiorr, Rcgional and,/or National Federations of Shrdent
Governments may propose amerrdments" Such proposal shall lre carried thrauglr a
resolutiorr duly signed and concurred in by a rnaiority of vote of the $choolSPG I -l'SG
officers, the Division, Regional or Nationat t"-ederation officers concerned voting
Section 3 Proposed arnendrtrents shall be lrans*ritted to the Office of the Undersecretary for
Regional Operations *t least (1) utar,th before holding any National Con{erenceor evenb
organized for the pi:rpo$e, qarhere the same shafl be submitted for consultation,
discussion and deliberafiorr,

Secti*n 4 Amendnrents to this Constit*lion ant{ By-Laws shall take effect immediahly upon
approval of tl':e $ecretary of thr: Ileprarfi11s1"r1 of Education,
{Encl$surs l{n, * to DepEs srs*r s$s" 4?, s* *ffi94}


suPREIvrE PUPIT G OV F\iT$ A fd I3 SIJ g]ffi Hlb$ E S'f{J$ ENT' G OV
H ffi NM H H RN tof; E NTS I f\i
ELEh{EruTARY A hfL} S ffifl:#N#& RY $TF{OfftS

The DepSrtrnent of Education Supreme Pupit Coverrrmeilt ancl Suprene Student Govemment Program
seeks to organiee and institutionalize the Supreme Pupil Covernment anci Supreme Student Govemmeit in
public and private elern.entary and secondary schools nationwide with a view to make it efficient and responsive
to the needs crf tlre stuclmf sclrool and the cornmunity. The Suprerne Pupil Govenrnrent and llre Suprenre Student
Govemment plays a significant roie in irnplementing tlre prr:grarns, proiects and activities antl in uphoiding the
values, principles ancl ideals of tlre Departnrent of Hducatiorr.


a- To help stuclelrts develop passionate iove of cauntry, valrres, and competencies that will enable them b
realize their full potential and to contribute meaningfully in building the nation;
b. To help develop a student-fijendly, safe, and motivating leanring envirorrnrent;
c. To nurture an inclusive, service-oriented, gencler-sensitivg and environrnent conscious conrtrrunity;
d. To help students to develop self-confidence, critical thiuking, problem-solving, decision-making, and to
utilize these skills in contributing towards nation building
e, To empower the students to strive for excellence in the academics, leadershitrr, arrrl social responsibility
towards being proactive members of the society;
(. Standardize the By-Lawu and Constitution in the Suprerne Pupil Govgrnments anr{ Suprenre Stutlent
s. Standardiae election code fol the Suprenre Pupil Governments and Supreme Pupil Governnrents to ensure
fair', honest, orderly and properly coordinated elections,:
h. Provide reference in monitoring and evaluating the perforrnance of the Suprerno Pupil Governments ancl
Supreme Student Govern rnenbi
Harness tlre Supreme Pupil Governments anc{ Supreme Student Covernments as partners in achieving
quality education and academic excellence in scirools; ancl,
1b rnake available real exposure, experierrce ancl iearning in responsible and participative dernocracy ln


1' Effective School Year 2014-2015 and every School Year after, ail publie schools nationwide shall strictly
adopt the Constitution and By-Laws of Supreme Fupil Covernrrent ancl Supreme Stuclerrt Governmenb in
Elemartary and Secondaly Scirools" Private schoois may freely aclopt the $ame as they see fit.

2- All $chool J-leads.are tasked to ensure arrd oversee the irlplementation of this Dep0d Order in their
tespective schools. AII Divisir:n and Regional Coordinators of the Suprenre Prrpil Covernment and Supreme
Student Governtrtent Program are lequired to report ccmpliance with tlris DepEcl C)rder to the Office of the
Undersecretary for llegional Operations, I)epartnrent of Fklucation Central Office
{DepEd C()).
3' AII previotrs DepEcl Orders and Memorabilia issued in regard to the Sturlent Governnrent Progranr
inconsistent with this Order slrall be considered as null and void"

4, These policy guidetines shall take effect inimediately uporr approval arrd shall rcnrain in force until
repealed, arnended ar rescirrr{ed.
{Encla$urre r*o, & to D*psd srdsr sfo. 4?* s. ##g4}



A,rttcfis I

Section 1 This c*de sha trl lm ktr*wr"r fr$ Inanec rlf schoal]
$uprerne Pupil Gcvsrnnlerrt / sup:r*me $ruc{ent #clvernrnen t {l+rn rn ission on Hlectians
standarcl Election ctlcle whiclr shall
}"rsrsinaffer: [m referred tn as sru / ssc
Section 2 The sPG / SsG COMELEC shall goverr alr regular and speciar elecrions of spG
/ ssF.
Section 3 The SPC / SSG COMTLEC shall nrake every effort to comply antl to foltow rhe
standards set fbr in this cocle. Tlris slrall inch.rcle, but not limited to:
3.1. Tlrc review of the rules governing standard;
3,2. The actoptinlr af rules tc achi*ve ancl t* nrafutain the lTralx inr unr clegree fairness,
imparfiafity, fttld efficien*:y #n fhe prr:cer*ur*$ #f vcting, includirrg writs-in
voting, crltlntierg, tal:ulatinB and rec*rr*ing of v*tes hy vrting systenr used iu
SPfi / SSG electisrns.

$ectiun 4 For the purposes of this cocle, the following worcls.and phrases used shall have the
meanirrg as ascribed to them in this section:
4-1. "$PG / SSG C$MHLHC" refer"s t* Si:prenre Pupil {i*verniilent I
$tudent Goverurrllettt Comrnissi*n fifi Hfscti*ns.
4'2. '.'Calrdidat*" refers f* n stucfent wtrrrlse nppilirati*n fov canti idacy to an elecfive
positinlr ftrn$ eligil:l* ar:rcl quaiff iec{ to l"rave Xri.r *r lrer narne plirced {rn a l"rallot find
dully appro.\red bv rtrre $Pc / $sfr c#tuTI{LHC.
4.3. "Eiection calendar" refers to the period of time fronr tlre clissemirration of
iuformation to the induction af newly elected officers.
4.4. "campaigning" means any intentional action in support of, or in opposition ro, a
cand-idate or political party for an eleetive poqition, including trut lrof lirnitecl to
the distribution of literatute anct posting of etection strrecific materials.
4'5. "Campaigrr Material" means any print or electronic material usetl for the
psllrose of supporting a canclidate or political party. Carnpaigrr rnaterial shall
inclutle' but not limited to, fliers, poster$, social nietiia po"rt, un.{ clotlrirrg;
4'6. "Disqualify" means the $PC / SSC COMELEC rernoves a candiclate or"political
party fronr the ballot.
4.7' "Electjon" ref€rs to the annual simultaneous election of SPG / SSC officers.
4.8. "Baliot'' means tlre-printed sheet of paper or secu,e orrline clatabase corrtaining
the narnes of candidates.
4.9. "Polling precinct" refers to the station where students write ancl cast their votes.
4'"10. "Officer-elect'' refers fo a car:c{idate wlro was proclai.rrrecl as a winner in *n
election but has not yet takerr his/her oath of office.
Article tt
NaEe tnd Fomicile
Section 1 The name of this Supreme llupil Covernment / Supreme Student Government
Commission on Elections shall be known as the [name of schooll Suprerne Pupil
Coverrrnrent I Supreme Student Governnrerrt Comrnission on Elections which shall
hereinafter be refened to as SPG / SSG COMELEC.

$ection 2 The seat of the SPC / SSG COMELHC shall be located inside the prenrises of the school.

Arti*Ie trtrI
Q-e-qlfi sq* i s s- uf,--Pri n c is !se* $ bj ec $.$
vs *ffi

Sectiou 1 Ihe SPG / SSG COMELEC shall uphold the values, principles, an<t ideab of the
SPG / SSG By-l-aws and Corrstitution, the School and tlrc Departnrent of Education.

Sectiorr 2 SPG / SSG COMELEC shall be conrrnitted in putting. these values, principles and icteals
into action try ensuring a fiee, orderly, and honest election for the sfudent body.


Section 3 The SI€ / SSG COMELEC shall be an independent agency of overseeing the conduct,
conrplainb, and recommendirrg valiclation or invaliclation of the $fic / SSC elecfions.

$ectiorr 4 The SPG / SSG COMEI-fiC shall exercise jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to
elections, plebiscite, and referenda within the SPG / SSG COMELEC Standard Election


Section 5 Tha SI€ / SSG COMELfiC shall be the highest governing bor{y of the studerrt elections.

Section 6 tlte SPG / SSG COMELEC slrall pursue at alt times, the values of impartiality, honesty,
arrd integrity in service, renouncing all forms of corrrrption and acts which are confrary
to the rules arrd regulations of the school and the Department of Educatiorr.

Section 7 The SPG / SSC COMELEC shall strive to pursue an indepenclent stand, imparfial and
rrot dictated by any otlrer sector, otlrer tlun the students, as long as these are not
corrtrary to the SPG / SSG By-laws arx{ Corrstitution, the Mission-Vision StaFment, and
Core Values of the Deparhnent of Edrrcation.

Artide IV
Puties and4mgjons olthe sPC l$S_G C0MELEC

Section tr In accordance with theSPG / SSG IJy-Laws and Constitution, theSPG / SSG COMELEC
slrall have the following duties and respousibilities:
1.1 . Concluct fair, horrest, ant{ systenratic elections;

1,2. Adhere to the $tandarcl SFG / SSG Standard Election Code;

1.3. Validate the electoral proceedings and results;

1.4. Accept or revoke carrdiclacy;
1.5. Proclaim the new set of officers;
'l.6. Keep all pertinent election papers/documents;
7.7. Decide on protests relative to tlu conduct and results of elections;
1.8. Prepare and distribute the necessary election paraphernalia, certificate of
candidacy forms, and other election related materials before. during and afGr
tlre election; and,
1.9. Disqualify candidates who have violated any of the guidelines, which have been

Section 2 The Commission on Elections ma,y create additional rules and guidelines, by a nrajori$
vote at the SPG / S;SG COMELEC nreeting, to ensure a fair and ef,ficient election,
provided that any and all rules must complete the rule making process by no later than
one week prior to the start of the electiorr cycle. Any rule created by the SI€ I SSG
COMELEC must comply antl be consistent with the SPG / SSG By-Laws and

Section 3 At lenst fen (10) days prior to enacting any rule. the SPG / SSG COMEI,EC slrall post a
Notice of Proposed llulemaking in the SPG / SSC Office. 'Ihe SPG / SSG COMELEC
shall ensure that any Notice of Proposed Rulemaking'contains the following:
3.1. General sublect matter of the proposed rulemakirrg;
3.2. Tlre place of tlre rrreeting to collect information about tlre proposed area of
3.3, The time of the nreeting and that anv student is welcome to offer commenton the
genera I subject matte r.

Section 4 The SFG / SSG Chair shall ensure that any student wlro wishes to offer information to
theSPG / SSG COMELEC shall tre given the opportunity to do so.

Section 5 If the SPG / SSG COMELEC enact arry rule, the enacted rule must conforrn exactly to the
proposed rule.

Section6 If a rule takes effect during an elertiorr, the SPG I SSG COMLEC Chair shall provide
notice to all parties and to all independent candidates of the newly pronrulgated rrrle.

Section 7 The SIIG / SSG COMELEC shall have the power bo penalize violations or any other rules
properly promulgated by the SPG I SSC COMELEC.

Article V
Comp-opitign. Oualification,llerm.of Office. and Vacancies of the $PG /L$G COMELEC

Section 1 The composition of the members ir the SPG COMELEC shall be tlrree (3) from Grade 4
and Grarle 5, and four (4) from Grade 6.

Section 2 The officers of tlre SPG COMELEC are the duly elected SPC COMEL$C Chair, Co-Chair
antl Board Members.
$ection3 The composition of the members in the SSG COMEI-EC shall be three (3) from each
Grade level.

Section 4 The officers of the SPC COMELEC are the duly elected SPG COMELEC Clrair, C+Chair
arrd Iloard Mernbers.

Section 5 Mem$ers for theSPC / SSG COMELEC shall:

5,1 Be bona fide studerrts;
5.2. Ile of good acadernic standing with a general average of 85 ancl above without
arry failing grade during the 'l'1 to 3^1 gracling period of the current school year;
5.3. lle of good moral character;
5.4. I-Iave not beerr subjectecl to any disciplinary sanctioru
5.5. Not involved nor have been involved in any position or affiliation with a
SPG SSG political party clr a$ an independent candidab durirrg tlre previous
election cycle;
5.6. All other qualifications as specified in the SPG / SSG By-Laws and Constitution
but are not specified herein are inclucled irr the qualification of the SPG SSG /
COMEI-E Memlrers.

dection e Alt SPC I SSG COMELEC Officers shall be considered ineligible to ruu for the
SPG / 99G elections.

Section 7 No residency shall be requirecl to all the members of tlre SPG / SSG COMELEC.

Section I The officers of the SPG / SSG COMELEC shall hold office for one (1) school year.

fiection 9 Vacancies on the Commission orr Elections, occurring prior to the end of qualifying, shall
be imnrediately filted for the duration of tlrat specific term by appoirrtment by a majority
vote. Vacatrcies occurrirrg after qualifying and before tlre electiorr shall remain unfitled
until after tlre end of the election.

Article VI
Duties and FunStlSrr-rs_qjgSPG /.gJG COMILEC Officg{g


Section J The SPG / SSG COMELEC Chair shall be fillcd by thc nomination of the SPG / SSG
COMII,LEC Board Members, subiect to the approval of two-thirds of vote of the
aforementioned body.

Section Z The SPG / SSC COM I-EC Clrair shall conduct arrd supervise the elections of the
sPc / ssc.

Section 3 /
The SPG SS'G COMEI-EC Clrair shalt faithfully execute the duties ancl tesponsibilities
as desigrrated in the SPG / SSC COMELEC Standard Election Cot{e arrd other duties that
ar:e deemed necessary to the proper ccrnt*.rct of an electiort.
Section 4 In ttre everrt of a vacancv irr the office of the SPG / SSG COMELEC Chair, a new
Chair shall be chosen in pursuant to Section 1.

Sectinn 5 'fhe SPG I S$G COi\4ELliC Clrair shail concluct a rneeting irnmediately preceding the
first day of elections. The purpose of this meeting slrall be to infornr all students wishing
to participate in the upcornirrg elt'ctions of the rules, procedures, and proper conduct
requirecl dnring tlre election cycle as siated in the SI']G / SSG COMELEC Standard
Election Code.

Section 6 The SlrG / SSG COMEI"EC Chair shall be resporrsible for receiving the qualifying papers
and tlocunrerrts of the candiclates.

Scction 7 The SPG / SSG COlv{ELf;,C Chair nray grarrt a pretiminary order that a political party or
carrdidate cease nnd desist fronr the rlistribution of catnpaign nraterial wlrere the
Sf'G / SSG COMELEC deerns that a preponr{erance eif available evidence leads to a
corrclusion tltat:
7.1. There is a strorlg likelilrood of a violation on a complairrt brought by the
offended party; an{l
7.2. Where the material is so nffeirsive that it rnay irreparably harrrr tlre offended
party or candidate.

Section I 'Ihe SPi / SSC COMELHC Clrair shall rlistribute all informariotr concerning ttre
SPG / SSG COMELEC Standarel lilection Coeie whiclr irrcludes but not limited to the
requil'ed r{ocuntents, deadline's, campaigtt rules, antl carnpaign laws.

Section 9 The SPG / SSG COMELEC Clrair shall be responsible for the preparation of the ballot.

$ectiott l0 Ihe SPG / SSG COMELEC Cirair shali ensure tlrat all candidates far a given office are
listed in alphabeticalort{er witlrirr parg groups on the ballot. For the purposeof listing
canriidates, all indepent'lerrt candidate.s shall tre groupecl together in alphabetical order as
if they were a party,

Section I .l In the everrt that a polling location bccornes unavailable due to atr event or circuntstalrce
outsicle the control of tlre elections skff, the SPG / SSG COMELEC Chair, at his or lrer
discretiorr, r'rray a<lci or change a polling location to tlte nearest available.building so long
as it is properly uoticed at the original polling location.

Section I2 'fhe SI"C {55G C$tutfiLfl{-l {*hr:ir shatl pr*viete the Foll worker$ witlr writtelt
ittstt'ttcticrrts oll lt*w fa nssisf sttltierlts rvith disabilities. Ttrle instructions shall read ns
fallows: "sturients witlr sight, visinll mr prhysical inrpairnrent.$ fitay reque$t a coffipaniotl
or poll worker to reart frtul ll"rfirk tlreir' hallot" Ycnr are to lrelp ally student tlrirt feque$t$
this service""

Scction 13 The SPG / SSG C#Iv{ELAC Cirair shail antloutltg tlre election rasults yro earlier tlrarr C]n€
{1} houil aftnr the cl*si}tg of 5}otrtr*;.

Secticn 14 The SPC / SSG COMELfiC Chair shall ensure all ballots ale stored until all cornplaints
are resolved.

SPG/ SSG COMETEC Co{hair and Board Members

Section 15 I'he SPG / SSG COMEI-UC Chair shall appoint a Co.Chairpersotr and Board Members
prior to tl're general election, The Co-Chairperson and the Board Members' terrn shall
en<J in conjuiction with the expirafior, of the natural terrn of the Sf'G / SSG COMELEC

Sectionl6 The SPG SSG COMIII",EC Co-Chairperson atrd Board lvlember.s shall assist the
SPG / SSG Chair in the performance of his or her duties during the elections'

Article VII
58C / S$G COMELEC {rdviqer

Section 1 The SPG / SSC COMELEC Clhair shall endorse an adviser to the school head/principal
prior to the general election. Adviser's term slrall end in coniunction with the expiration
of the rratural term of the SPG / SSG COMDLEC Officers.

Section 2 Tlre SPC / S$G COMEI-EC Adviser shall have the following qualifications
2.1. Fltve an exlxrience in organieational managetn.enU
2'2' with good clraracter and reputation in the school and colnlnurrity;
2.3. Must be non-partisau, and shall not hold nor l'rave held arry position as an
adviser of SPG I SS'G;
2.4. All other qualifications as specified in the SPG / SSG By-Laws and Constitution
but are not specifierl herein are includet{ in the qualification of the SIG / SSG
COMELEC Members.

Sertion 3 The SPG / SSG COMELEC Adviser slrall monitor all activities ancl rneetings of the Sf€ 1
SSC COMILEC at ali times.

Article VIII
Penaltlgr and 9oFplaints

Section 1 The SIrG I

SSG COMELEC shall issue penalties in accort{ance with the SPG / SSG
COMEI-EC Standard Election Cotle.

Section 2 Any candidate or potitical party wlro doee not comply with tlre SPG / SSG COMELEC
Starrdarcl Election Code or the proposed Rules and Regulations of SPG / SSG COMELEC
shall be sutrlect to atry or all of tlre following permlties;
2|1.. Warnirrg;
2.2. Reprimand;
2.3. Suspension of a political party from fielding a candidate or candidates for offices
in an election; or
2.4. Any penalty t{eemecl appropriate by theSPG I SSG COMELEC'

Section3 Arry studerrt or stuclent organization who irrtends to bring a complairrt before the
St'G / SSG COMELfiC alleging a yiolation of the SPG / SSG Standard Election Code
nrust identify all of the following
?.2. Tlre defendant indivic{ual, orgrnir,aiion or political party;
3.3' The specific section of the By-Laws and Constitution of SPG / SSC or SPG / SSG
COMELEC Standard Election Code that the plaintiff alleges the defendant
3.4' A detailecl $tatenr€nt of the facts surrounding the alleged violatisrr; and,
3.5. The date and tinre tlrat the complaint was filed.

Section 4 Arry elections complai.rrts must be filed to tlre SPC / SSC COMELEC before the election
results are read. Filing a complaint to the sPc / ssc COMELEC means that the
aggrieved party delivers tlreir conrplaint to the SPG / SSG COMELEC Chair,

$ection 5 't'he SPG / SSC COMELIIC shall dismiss withnut prejudice any conrplaint failing to
conrply with Section 3.

Sectiort 6 Upon receipt of the complaint that meets all of the requirements of Section 3, the
SPG / SSG COMELEC slralt deterrnine whether probable cause exists !o beliwe that a
violation has occurred.

Section 7 If warranted, the SPG I SSG COMELEC may assess a reasonatrle penalty uncler Sectiorr

$ection I The SPG / SS$ COMEI-EC shall keep a wriften record of all of its rneetings, including
tlte evidence and testimony heard, the finclings of the $PG / SSG COMEL.EC, antl the
rulings rnade. Within forty-eight (48) hours of a meeting.

Articfte HX
Et s+3 rsp -*"ue[i f +
q s fi i *4
Section 1 Any gr'*up or inrtividuftl urhu wislt to qualify &$ cen{tidate{s} fnr SIIG / SSC mu$t
c$mply with the provfsir:rls *lf the SPG / $$G {:{}MELHC Standnrd Electi$n Csctre and
m u$t acihere fa the poiicies set f*rth by the {Jhair' *f the SPG / SSC C#MHI",EC mild it$
bonrd nrenrbers,

Sectiorr 2 The qualifications for the position in the SPG / SSC shall be in accordance with the
Standard Corutitution and By-Laws of the Supreme $rudent Governments and Suprerne
Pupil Governmenb in lilementary arrd Secondary Schools.

Secfion 3 Election Application Packets shall be distributed to the interestecl Candidates by the
Sf'G / SSG COMELEC. The Candidates rnust provide the following tn qualify for the
3.1. Certificate o{ Candidacy;
3.2. Copies (2x2) Photograph;
3.3. Report Card;
3.4. General Plarr of Action;
3.5. Essay (based on the given set of questiorrs in the Elections Application Packeg
3.6. lteference fornr (in a signed and sealed envelope] from a currelrt teaclrer arrd an
adult outside of tlre school community that is nota relativc;
3.7. Parental Consent.
Sectiorr 4 No candidate's name slrall appear on the ballot when that candidate fails to qualify ar a
candidate with SPG / SSG COMELEC prior to tlre time of the closing of the qualifying

Section 5 No candidate shall qualilv for mcre tlran one officc. If a per$oll qualifies for an additional
office or clmnge of party" the previous <luatifying slrall be deetnet{ voitl.

Section 6 F'n Isification sf infarrnr a fiqrrr rrT;ry t.esu fit ir: dtsqualifieafion, Hach candidate shall
cleternr ine thn t ll in fnvr:l a l iellt r'*gia rd rng l'l iE +r ?rer quftlificatinn$ fir.e con'ect prior to his
c:r lrer qrritlifying f*r *l*{ti*r-i.

Section 7 Political parties are not liable or punislralrle for an individuat candidate's irttentional or
grossly negligerrt falsification of information cluring the qualifying stages of tfie election
it' they did rrot encourage the i:rdividual's belravior. 'I'he $PG I SSG COMELEC shall
allot the political party twenty four (?4) hours to replace a candidate wlro intentionally
or with gloss negligence falsified infnrnration during qualifying. The political par$r must
choose a replacenrent fsr the di^squalified candidate from tlrose candidates who have
al'cady qualified.

Section 9 If a candidate who has qualified for of ficc ancl has been placeti on the ballot by the SPG I
Src COMELEC wishes to withdraw liorn the eleclion. the candidate may withdraw if
the candidate informs the SI'G / S$C COMELITC in writing that the carrdidate no longer
wislres to rerrrain or., the ballot rro later ttran tlre day immediately preceding the first day
of the election. If a political party slated a cirnelidate, that political party may replace that
withdrawn candidate with a candidaie who lras already beerr qualified as an
independent, prior to the finalization of tlre ballot.

$ectiorr 9 If campaign nraterial in violation of SI,(i / SSG COMELEC is observed for fifben (15)
minutes or greater, the SPG I SSG COMELEC Chair or Co-Chair shall attempt to contact
the offending candidate, the president of the offending political party or his or her
rurrrring nlates. If the SI'G / 55G COMELEC is unable to rnake contact to the offending
political party, the SPC / $SG COMEI,FIC Ctrair or lris or her board mentbers, shall
rernove the offending materiai.

Section 10 No cancliclaten group of candidates, political pnrty personr"rel, staff nrenrber, faculty
nrenrbel, administrator, or any other student or visitor may u5€ the sclroofs copy
machfures, cotnputer or otlter nraterials in tlre SPG I SSG Office at any time for any typc
of partisan political purpo$e or u$e irr any type of election campaign.

Article X

Sectiorr 1 Carnpaigrr period slrall cover five (5) school days beginrring on the Atrnottncement of the
official iist of canditlates arrtl errds irrrrneciiately before Electiorr Day. If this proved
irnpossible, the campaign period nray be exterreled to not tnore than eight {8) school
Section 2 Campaigns shall only be alloweet during the prescribed period set lry the SPG / SSC
COMELEC and done in such a mann€r that on'going classes, confererrces alrd ather
school functions wilt not be drastically affected, clisturbed, lrampered, or disrupted.

Secticrn 3 Tlrc mairrterrance of a carnpaign webs'ite or social meclia page sl'rall be permitted five (5)
ciays prior to the election.

Section 4 No candidate shall give, offer, or pronrise to any student or .student organizafion any
benefit uot authorized by the Standard tsy-Laws and Constitutiorr of tlre S[rG / SSG in
order to influence the votes of that s$dent or members of tlrat organization,

Secfion 5 Canclidates shall ensure that all carnpaigrr rnaterial shall be labeled with the phrase
"Regisbered Political Advertiselnent" or a phrase of sirnilar inrport approved by tlre
SPC / SSG COMELEC. The plu"ase nhall be followed by the rrarne of the individuat who
authorieed the creatiorr of, dislrursement of or payment for, a piece of campaign

Sectiorr 5 All cnrrrpaign materials rnust be registered to the Chair of the SPG / SSG COMELEC.

Section 7 Procedures for c{istribution and posting of campaign material not providecl for by the
SPG / SSG COMELEC Standard Election Code may be established by the SPG / SSG
COMELEC for purposes not corltrary with the Sf,G / sSG COMb;I",EC Starrdarrl Election

Section I Arry irnpersoilatiort of an*ther: political party/indepenctelrt catrdittate try a cfrlldidate,

repre$entative. or campaign ilxateriat sf &nother political pnrty/irrdependent carrdidate
sltall be corlsidered arl election violatiun.

Section 9 Campaigrr materials may only be posted in campus proprrty in compliarrce with the
laws and regulations of the school.

Section I0 No unauthorized person may post or remove any carnpaign material of any candidate or
political party.

$ection'11 No candidate or political party shall destroy, remove. or steal any campaigrr material of
another carrdidate or political party.

$ectiorr Candidates or representatives of a political party shall attach campaign materials only to
areas designated by the SPG / SSG COMELEC.

$ection 13 Candidates or representatives of a political party may. engage in classroom doot-tcrdoor

campaignirrg only upon the approval of tlre classroqlrrr adviser or concerned teacher and
liuritec{ to a nraximum of telr (10) minute*.

$ection 14 Candidates may not carnpaign ar distribute canrpaigtr nraterials in arty library or
designaterl study area.
Section 15 No campaigning shall take place within 50 feet of the door of any polling tocation or
withirr 50 feet of any queue of voters during the Election Day ibelf. Thus, candidates an<l
political members should rernove or dispose clf tlreir campaigl materials on the day
before tlre election period. otherwise, carnpaign materials posted, clisplayed, ani
distributed cluring the electiorr itself shall be hetd against the candidate or political party
tesponsible. Socia,l nretlia campaign and advel:tlsemerrts through t€xt or e-mail message$
to voters should likewise cefrse on the day before the elections.

Section L5 Campaign materials lnay include a barrrrer not to exceed 4' X 4' meters, and a poster not
exceed irrg 8,5' X 1i' inchcs^

Section t 7 Threats to bodily harrn, intirnidation. coercionn and acts of the like are strictly prohibited.

Article XI
Ceneral Elections

Section 1 All polling places sirallbe opened fronr 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM with no lunch break. All
those witlrin the premises of thc" polling places will lre allowed to vote.

Section 2 Political parties and independent canditlates are entitled to one (1) poll watcher in the
polling place. The poll watcher slrall preserrt to tlre SPG / SSS COMELEC a writben
appointnrent as watcher frorn the candidates or par$ whose interesls he/she repres€nts,

Section 3 No qualified elector nray vote or be admitted to a voting lrooth unless the elector
presenbs to a poll worker from tlre SPG / SSG COMILEC, his/her identificatiorr card.

Section 4 liach qualified elector shall be responsible for ensuring that his or her registration and
atldress atr current and correct on sclrool's lecords.

Section 5 The Chair of the SPG / SSG COMELEC shall ensure that all pollirrg locations have the
5.1. A building, roorn, or area tlrat can accommodate voters especially those with
5.2. I-Lave a readily accessible tables, chairs certified Iist of voters, the ballot boxes and
official ballots and other nece$sary materialsi
5.3. The list of candiclates shall be writhen in bold letters on n nranila paper and be
clisplayect irr the voting area highly visible to the students writing their votes.

Section 6 Any elector who casts or atternpts to cast more than one bnllot, or tampers with an
election system, irr any election shall be guilty of a violation and slrall be investigate.d by
tlre of the SPC / SSG COMELEC.

Section 7 Ilallots shall be urrifornr irr siirc ;rrld cnlr:r. The Ballot shall contain:
7.1". ;\ spnce for the voter"s thumb ffiark a*d signature;
7.2. Votirrg i.nstructi*nsi
7.3. Nanres clf the canriitiafes.
I ll|

Section $ The SPG I S$C COMELFC .shall prepare the official balloh for all students. No ballot
other tlran the official ballots slrall be used or counted except in the event of failure to
t'eceive the official ballots olr titne, or whelr they were deshoyed accidentally, and it is
impossible to providc uew official ballots.

Sectiorr I The SPG / SSG COMfiI,EC alone shall keep the key/s to the padlocks/s of tlre ballot
boxes irr the polling precinct, it shall remain padlocked until the casting of votes is
finished and the counting of votes begins.

Section 10 No rnembet from the SPG / SSG COMELEC shall rnake any statement regarding the
state of the polls or the candidate/s voted for by a pnrticular student.

Article XII
Election Tabulation and Validation

Section 1 As soon as the casting of votes is finishecl, the poll clerks shall count the votes in the
place designate<l by SpG / Sffi COMELEC. The counting of votes shall not be deleayed
nr be postponecl unless directed by tlre SPG 1 SG COMELEC on account of a pending
case, complairrt of protest to the electiou campaigrr or tlre casting of votes.

Secfion 2 Candidabes are prohibited from entering the place where the counting of votes is hetd
and its surrounding area for the wlrole duration of the aforemerrtioned activity.

Section 3 If two or more competing carrdidates tied, the positionr/s being contested shall undergo a
special elections organized by SPG / SSG COMELEC. In case only one candidate runs
for a particular office, he/slre only needs e$e vot€ to ae$ume his/her post

Section 4 The SPG / SSG COMELIIC shall have sole resporrsibilify for validation of elections by a
majority vote provided arry decision to invalidate is based upon fraud or gross
unfairrress as supported by the firrdings of fact fiorn the SPG / SSG COMELEC.

Section 5 Every ballot is presumer{ to be valid unless there is a clear antl ronvirrcing reason to
justify its rejection.

Section 6 The SPG / SSG COMELEC shall proclaim the winner/s accumulating the highest
rrurnber of votes.

Section 7 The $FG/ SSC COMEI-EC shall present the voting results in a report certified by all the
membets of the SPC / SSG COMELIIC containing the following:
7.7. Names of the candidates;
7.2. Nurnber of votes received by each carrdidate.
Section I An officer-etect may still be disqualified on account of tlreir recently cliscoverect election
carnpaign malpractices, l{owever, a decision ho disqualify an officer-elect must be
retttlered before hisl her oath-takirrg.
Article XIII
Katificati*n *f the Election Code

Sectiorr 1 This Code may be amended or nrodified in full or in part once every three (3) years from
ib officialissuance through a DepEd t)rder or Memorandurn.

Section 2 lf any provisiorr of part lrereof is lreld invalid and uncorrstitutional, the remainder of this
Code not affected by such move sltall remain valid,

Section 3 This Code shall take ef{ect irnnrediately upon ttre approval of the Secretary of the
Depa rhlent of Edu citti<ln.

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