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NIM: 145020308121003


1. Discriminant
Analysis Case Processing Summary
Unweighted Cases N Percent
Valid 100 100.0
Missing or out-of-range
0 .0
group codes
At least one missing
0 .0
discriminating variable
Excluded Both missing or out-of-
range group codes and at
0 .0
least one missing
discriminating variable
Total 0 .0
Total 100 100.0
Group Statistics
Specification buying Valid N (listwise)
Unweighted Weighted
Delivery speed 40 40.000
Price level 40 40.000
Price flexibility 40 40.000
use of specification
Manufacturer's image 40 40.000
Overall service 40 40.000
Salesforce image 40 40.000
Product quality 40 40.000
Delivery speed 60 60.000
Price level 60 60.000
Price flexibility 60 60.000
employs total value
Manufacturer's image 60 60.000
Overall service 60 60.000
Salesforce image 60 60.000
Product quality 60 60.000
Delivery speed 100 100.000
Price level 100 100.000
Price flexibility 100 100.000
Total Manufacturer's image 100 100.000
Overall service 100 100.000
Salesforce image 100 100.000
Product quality 100 100.000
Tests of Equality of Group Means
Wilks' Lambda F df1 df2 Sig.
Delivery speed .602 64.716 1 98 .000
Price level .816 22.031 1 98 .000
Price flexibility .583 70.191 1 98 .000
Manufacturer's image .999 .140 1 98 .709
Overall service .952 4.963 1 98 .028
Salesforce image .998 .189 1 98 .664
Product quality .532 86.200 1 98 .000

Analysis 1

Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices

Log Determinants
Specification buying Rank Log Determinant

use of specification buying 7 -7.931

employs total value analysis 7 -4.825

Pooled within-groups 7 -5.312

The ranks and natural logarithms of determinants printed are those of the group covariance matrices.

Test Results
Box's M 73.392
Approx. 2.409
df1 28
df2 24453.161
Sig. .000
Tests null hypothesis of equal population covariance matrices.

Summary of Canonical Discriminant Functions

Function Eigenvalue % of Variance Cumulative % Canonical
1 2.053 100.0 100.0 .820
a. First 1 canonical discriminant functions were used in the analysis.

Wilks' Lambda
Test of Function(s) Wilks' Lambda Chi-square df Sig.
1 .328 105.463 7 .000

Standardized Canonical
Discriminant Function
Delivery speed .620
Price level .251
Price flexibility .538
Manufacturer's image -.069
Overall service -.307
Salesforce image .301
Product quality -.689

Structure Matrix
Product quality -.655
Price flexibility .591
Delivery speed .567
Price level -.331
Overall service .157
Salesforce image .031
Manufacturer's image -.026

Pooled within-groups correlations between discriminating variables and standardized

canonical discriminant functions
Variables ordered by absolute size of correlation within function.

Functions at Group Centroids

Specification buying Functio
use of specification
employs total value
Unstandardized canonical
discriminant functions evaluated
at group means

Analisis pada Analisis Diskriminan:

1. Angka Wilk’s Lambda

 Semua variabel mempunyai angka Wilk’s Lambda di atas 0.5 menandakan bahwa
semua variabel memiliki angka Wilk’s Lambda yang besar
 Artinya, semua data cenderung sama
2. Uji F
 Specification buying dipengaruhi oleh Delivery Speed (DS), Price Level (PL), Price
Flexibility (PF), Overall Service (OS), dan Product Quality (PQ). Sedangkan
Manufacture’s Image (MI) dan Salesforce Image (SI) tidak mempengaruhi specification
buying sehingga variabel-variabel ini tidak lolos uji
3. Hipotesis
 H0 : grup variance matrices relatif sama
H1: grup variance matrices berbeda
4. Keputusan:
 Angka Sig. (0,00) < 0,05. Artinya, grup variance matrices berbeda
 Artinya, data di atas tidak memenuhi analisis diskriminan sehingga proses tidak dapat

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