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Lesson Plan

Learning Area : Science

Grade : 7
Topic : Interaction of living things with environment
Sub Topic : The concept of environment and its constituents
Time : 80 minute
Date : 20/ 02/ 2018
Teacher : Miss.On-anong Khantapol

 1.Core content
Abiotic components means non-living objects and Biotic components means living
organisms. Biotic components may be classified into three groups; producers, consumers, and
 2. Objective Learning
2.1 Student are able to explain the concept of environment and the components.
2.2 Student are able to conclusion environmental observations and identifying biotic and
 3. Content
Abiotic components
Abiotic comes from the word a means not or without, and biotic means life. So, abiotic can
be defined as all non-living objects found in an ecosystem. Examples of abiotic components
are water, soil, rocks, sand, air, light, temperature, humidity and gravity.
Biotic components
All animals (including human ), plants and microorganisms in an ecosystem are
considered as biotic components. Based on their roles in an ecosystem, biotic components
may be classified into three groups; producers, consumers, and decomposers.
Producers are a group of living organisms which are able to produce their own food (
nutrients ). These groups consist of all plants with chlorophyll. By using the energy of
sunlight and raw materials carbon dioxide and oxygen. Look at figure 1.1 carbohydrates are a
source of nutrients for other living organisms.

Figure 1.1 During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water ( both are raw material ) react to produce
carbohydrates ( final product ) and oxygen ( side product ).

Consumers consist of organisms which are not able to produce their own food or nutrients.
Consumers include all animals and humans. To obtain food, animals and humans eat plants or other
animal. For example, a caterpillar eats leaves, a parrot eats caterpillar, and an eagle eats parrots.
Consumers depend on producers, either directly or indirectly.
Animals which directly eat plants are considered as first level consumers (primary consumer). For
example, a caterpillar which eats leaves is considered as a first level consumer. Animals which eat a
first level consumer are considered as a second level consumer (secondary level). For example: a bird
eats caterpillars; the bird is considered as a second level consumer, and so on.
Decomposers are responsible for decomposing organisms. Living organisms which are considered as
decomposers are bacteria and saprophytic fungi. Saprophytic organisms live in the waste or residual
matter of dead organisms.
Form the explanation of biotic components (producers, consumers, and decomposers), we can
conclude that producers are needed by the first level consumers; the first level consumers are needed
by the second level consumers; the second level consumers are needed by the third level consumers
(tertiary consumers); and so on. Dead organisms, either from producers or consumers, will be
decomposed by decomposers. See Figure 1.2.

 4. Integrated science process skills

- Observation
- Classifying
 5. Materials and Resources
- Worksheet
- Power point
 6. Instruction Activities
 Step 1 Engagement
Introduction and Checking background Knowledge ( 10 minutes )
Begin the lesson by teacher ask question with students.
Teacher will ask them What is abiotic components and biotic components ?
So we gonna start to explore about Abiotic components and Biotic components.
 Step 2 Exploration
Teacher will explain abiotic components and biotic components on the power point and teacher show
VDO about abiotic components and biotic components.
Teacher have activity to students by teacher give student do worksheet and then students come out to
present the class and Teacher give students 20 minute for activity.
 Step 3 Explanation
Students explain content about abiotic components and biotic components and students come out to
presentation the class.
 Step 4 Elaboration and Conclusion
Teacher explain conclusion about abiotic components and biotic components.
 Step 5 Evaluation
Teacher assess the two performance objective, the teacher will have a students answer
question and identifying of abiotic components and biotic components in worksheet.

 7.Assessment and Evaluation

Expected Outcomes Instrument / Tasks Criteria
 Knowledge /
Knowledge - The student are able to
- Students can be answer a - Students can be answer a answer a question correctly as
question and identifying of question and identifying of follows :
abiotic components and abiotic components and biotic 5 question = 5 points
biotic components. components in worksheet. 4 question = 4 points
3 question = 3 points
2 question = 2 points
1 question = 1 points
All problem wrong = 0 point
- The student are able to
identifying of abiotic
components and biotic
components correctly as
follows :
Correct = 5 point
Not correct = 3 point

Ambon 20th February 2018

Consular Teacher Science Teacher

N.Aloahiit,S.Pd Miss.On-anong.Khantapol
NIP: 19841021 200804 2 003

Head of Curriculum Affairs Mentor

F.Mony,S.Pd Dr.P.M. PapiLaya, M.Pd

NIP: 19621124 199103 2 006 NIP:19650523 199103 2 003
Head master of
14 junior high school

S.Duwila, S.Pd.M.Si
NIP: 19670228 199512 1 005

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