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Nama :

Kelas :

1. who creates trees for human being? (siapa yang menciptakan pohon untuk manusia?)
2. who sends down the rain? (siapa yang menurunkan hujan?)
3. what does he create from water? (apa yang dia ciptakan dari air?)
4. can a ship sail without water? (bisakah kapal berlayar tanpa air?)
5. introduce my self (perkenalan diri)
6. personal and possessive pronoun
7. opposite of the adjective
Jawaban :

1. Allah SWT (god)

2. Allah SWT (god)
4. No, i can’t
5. Good Morning Everybody, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Tinuk. I am from Tuban, East
Java. The city of Semen Gresik and Holcim Factory. I was born in Tuban, 22nd Mei 1992. I have
young brother, his name is Kukuh Prayogi. He is a strong and smart boy. My Hobby is reading and
writing. I like writing a short story and a poem. I have a special dream. I want to be a writer and
publish many books. I hope I can be a good friend. Thank you for the time.
Artinya : selamat pagi kawan. Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya Tinuk. Saya berasal
dari Tuban, Jawa Timur. Kota tempat pabrik Semen Gresik dan Semen Holcim. Saya lahir pada tanggal
22 mei 1992. Saya memiliki satu adik. Namanya Kukuh Prayogi. Dia anak yang kuat dan pintar. Hobi
saya adalah membaca dan menulis. Saya suka menulis cerpen dan puisi. Saya memiliki cita-cita yang
spesial. Cita-cita saya adalah menjadi seorang penulis dan menerbitkan banyak buku. Saya harap saya
bisa menjadi teman yang baik. Terima kasih atas waktunya.
6. Personal pronouns adalah pronouns yang berhubungan dan digunakan untuk menggantikan orang atau
benda tertentu secara spesifik (khusus).
Contoh sebagai subyek adalah they, we, I, you, he, she dan it, sedangkan sebagai obyek adalah them,
us, me, you, him, her dan it.
- Contoh kalimat pronoun sebagai subyek:
They are the students of my school. (mereka adalah murid di sekolahku)
She has a new car. (dia mempunyai sebuah mobil baru)
- Contoh kalimat pronoun sebagai obyek:
My mother always love me. (ibuku selalu menyayangiku)
Lely buys her a cup of coffee. (dia membelikannya secangkir kopi)

Possessive pronouns
Kata ganti dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kepemilikan
baik orang, benda maupun hewan.
Milik saya Mine
Milik kamu Yours
Milik dia laki-laki His
Milik dia perempuan Hers
Milik mereka Theirs
Milik kita Ours
Milik hewan Its
Contoh kalimat:
1. That bycycle is mine. (sepeda itu adalah punyaku)
2. These books are ours. (buku-buku ini adalah milik kami)
3. This lamp is hers. (lampu ini milik dia)

7. Berlawanan dan kata sifat

- I am happy when it is my birthday.
She was sad when her puppy died.
- We were excited about going to the concert.
She was bored because there were many grammar exercises.
- She is beautiful and wants to be a model.
A witch is normally very ugly.
- The desert is very dry.
My towel is wet because it fell into the pool.
- The dogs were horrible to the cat.
The bird sang a nice song.
- I was late to work so my boss was angry.
It is important to be early.
- I am tired after running for three hours.
I slept very well last night so I was energetic this morning.
- When I have lots of money I am rich.
The people who don't have money are poor.
- Be careful when you test-drive a new car.
He was careless with money is money and had many debts.
- A new Porsche is expensive.
A potato is cheap.

Adjectives Opposites
alive dead
beautiful ugly
big small
bitter sweet
cheap expensive
clean dirty
curly straight
difficult easy
good bad
early late
fat thin
full empty
hot cold
happy sad/unhappy
hardworking lazy
modern traditional
new old
nice nasty
intelligent stupid
interesting boring
light heavy
polite rude/impolite
poor rich
quiet noisy
right wrong
safe dangerous
short long
small big
soft hard
single married
true false
well ill/unwell
white black

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