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几帳面な methodical, punctual, steady

大ざっぱな rough (not precise), crude; broad
きちっとした exactly, perfectly
雑な sloppy, careless
いい加減な irresponsible, careless; lukewarm, vague; quite
ルーズな loose; careless
生真面目な too serious, very serious
気品がある to be elegant, graceful, refined
融通が利く to be flexible, accomodating
融通が利かない be inflexible, unadaptable
素直な obedient, gentle
頑固な stubborn, obstinate
冷淡な cold, indifferent
冷酷な heartless, cruel
愛想がいい friendly, sociable
無愛想な unsociability, unfriendly, bluntness
社交的な sociable
非社交的な unsociable
楽観的な optimistic
悲観的な pessimistic
人柄 personality, character
誠実な honest, sincere
真摯な sincere, earnest
温和な gentle, mild
寛容な tolerant, open-minded, lenient
謙虚な humble, modest
気さくな friendly, openhearted, frank, unpretentious
にじみ出る to exude (sweat); to reveal itself (emotions)
個性 (individual) personality
独特な peculiar, unique
強烈な intense, strong
際立つ to be prominent, stand out, conspicuous
生かす to make (the best) use of
磨く to polish
重んじる to value, respect, honor
育む to raise, rear, bring up
懐く to become emotionally attached; to embrace, harbour, bear
好意を持つ to have a liking for
共感 (to) sympathize (with)
同情 (to) sympathize (with)
反発 (to) repel, decline
反感を持つ to feel hostility towards
猛反対 (to) strongly oppose
嫉妬 (to) be jealous of
気兼ね (to) hesitate; fell uneasy
慕う to long for, yearn for, adore
崇拝 (to) worship
いたわる to treat kindly
励ます to encourage, cheer up
傷つける to hurt, injure
中傷 (to) slander
侮辱 (to) insult, defame
庇う to cover, protect somebody, defend
妬む to be envious of
軽蔑 (to) despise
あざ笑う to sneer at, ridicule, make fun of
無遠慮 rude
申し出る to propose, offer
届け出る to report, to notify
軽んじる to make light of, to look down on
心底 from the bottom of one's heart
さも really, extremely, in that way
まさしく surely, no doubt, evidently
根っから by nature, from the very beginning; not at all
肉親 blood relative
親族 relative
親父 old man, father
お袋 one's mother
義理の父母 parents in law
義父 father-in-law
義母 mother-in-law
配偶者 spouse, one's parter in life
妻子 one's wife and children
養う to support
築く to build, raise (family, reputation...)
円満な peaceful, harmonius, happy
和やかな friendly, peaceful
先代 predecessor (in family line)
旧知の仲 old friend
級友 old friend, classmate
幼なじみ childhood friend
ライバル同士 rival
同志 fellow, companion
師弟 master and pupil
師匠 master, teacher, instructor
弟子 pupil, disciple, apprentice
恩師(former) teacher
教え子(former) pupil
側近 close adviser, close associate
家族ぐるみ with all (members of) one's family
十年来 some ten years time
来賓 guest, visitor
接待(to) attend to a guest
もてなす to entertain, welcome guests
慣習 habit, custom
しきたり custom, tradition
風習 custom, manners
片思い(to) love unrequitedly, one-sidedly
告白(to) confess, declare, speak one's mind
打ち明ける to tell, confide
未練がある to have lingering affection, attachment
執着(to) be deeply attached to something
異性にもてる to be popular with the opposite sex
浮気(to) have an affair
心が弾む to feel excited, elated
過去を引きずる to hold on to the past
気持ちを切り替える to change one's feelings
打ち解ける be frank, open one's heart, throw off reserve
切り出す begin to talk; quarry (extract); to cut (timber)
切り上げる to close, finish; round up; revalue
急きょ hurriedly, in a hurry
どぎまぎ be upset, nervous, embarrassed, flurried (marked by confusion or agitation)
先ごろ recently, the other day
包丁を研ぐ to sharpen a kitchen knife
米を水に浸す to soak rice in water
水気をふき取る to wipe off moisture
練る to knead, polish, refine, train
味が染み込む to permeate with flavor
肉に野菜を添える to garnish, add vegetables to meat
濾す to filter out, to strain
調理の手際がいい to be skilled at cooking
料理のこつをつかむ to understand how to cook
料理の腕前 cooking ability, cooking skill
食材 food ingredients
素材を吟味する (to) examine the ingredients closely
恵み blessing, grace
名産 specialty product
特産 specialty product
着色料 (food) coloring, dye, pigment
あめをなめる to suck on a candy
かみ切る to bite off, gnaw through
飲み込む to gulp down, swallow deeply, engulf
すする to suck, sip, slurp (うどんを)
旬の食材を味わう to taste, savor the seasonal ingredients
味覚 sense of taste, palate
本格的な authentic (taste)
本場の one's home's (taste, etc)
あっさりした light (in flavor), plain (taste)
こってりした rich (in flavor), heavy (taste)
甘酸っぱい sweet and sour, bittersweet
生臭い smell of fish, smell of blood
香ばしい sweet-smelling
焦げ臭い smelling burnt (or tasting)
屋敷 residence, estate, grounds, mansion
外観 external appearance (of a house, building)
軋む to creak, squeak
新築 (to) newly build, new construction
再建 (to) re-build
補強 (to) reinforce, fortify
改修 (to) repair (a bridge, etc)
首都圏 metropolitan area
沿線 along the railroad line
徒歩 on foot
構える to set up (a building), prepare in advance
治安 law and order
戸締まり closing up, fastening the doors
居住者 resident, inhabitant
結成 (to) establish (a home-ownders union, etc)
待ち望む to look forward to
しつける to train, discipline, teach manners (to children)
御襁褓 diaper
健やかな healthy, fit, vigorous
育ち盛り growth period (in children)
育児 taking care of one's baby, parenting
悩ます to worry (about one's children, etc)
放棄 (to) abandon (one's children)
分担 (to) have a share or part, to share (housework, etc)
吸い取る to soak up, absorb
香辛料 spices
染み込む to soak into
放り込む to toss into
盛り peak, height, prime
てきぱき efficiently, quickly
じっくり thoroughly, closely
ずるずる sound or act of dragging; slowly slipping or drawing back
一切 all
いっそ rather, instead
感染 (to) become infected, (to) be contagious
立ち向かう to fight against, oppose, face (an illness)
兆候に気づく to become aware of a symptom
全快 complete recovery
過労 overwork, strain; extreme fatigue
発病 (to) become ill
持病 chronic disease
不調を訴える to complain of a bad condition
栄養失調 malnutrition
先天的な congenital (disease), innate
慢性の chronic
急性の acute (disease)
肩が凝る stiff shoulder
関節が外れる joint is out of socket
まぶたが腫れる eyelids have swollen
高熱 high fever
微熱 slight fever
便秘気味になる to become constipated
自覚症状 subjective(existing in the mind) symptom
寒気がする to have the chills
腹痛 stomachache
けいれん cramp
発作 fit, spasm, attack, seizure
治療 medical treatment, therapy
通院 (to) go to a hospital as outpatient
往診 doctor's visit; house call
聴診器 stethoscope (doctor uses to listen to sounds inside body)
点滴 intravenous therapy (infusion of liquid substances directly into vein)
応急処置 emergency measure; first-aid treatment
処置 treatment, (to) treat
介抱 (to) nurse, to look after
摩る to rub, pat, stroke
和らげる to soften, alleviate
面会謝絶 no visitors allowed
安静 rest; quiet; repose
胃腸薬 medicine for stomach and bowels; digestive medicine
処方 medical prescription, (to) be prescribed (medication)
患部 affected part, diseased part
効き目 effect; virtue; efficacy; impression
心掛ける to keep in mind; bear in mind; aim to do
副作用 side effect (of a medication)
補給 supply, replenishment
維持 (to) maintain; (to) keep up (something)
害 (to) harm
損なう to harm, hurt, injure; to fail in doing
増進 (to) improve
健康を取り戻す get back one's health; restore to good health
不摂生な neglect of health; intemperance
禁物 taboo, prohibited thing, forbidden thing
頑丈な solid, firm, strong, sturdy
体つき body (frame, build)
衰える to become weak, decay, wither
細胞 cells (biology)
老化 (to) age
立ち向かう to confront
立ち寄る to stop by, drop in for short visit
結び目 knot
切れ目 break, nick, discontinuity; gap, pause
ひりひり prickling pain; stinging
ずきずき throbbing pain
きりきり at once, right away
くらくら dizzy; giddy
むかむか queasy
がんがん sound of large bell, scolding voice; (pounding of) headache
げっそり losing a lot of weight

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