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Ruang publik yang berkualitas adalah ruang publik yang responsive,

democratic, and meaningful (Carr,1995). Melihat pentingnya taman kota sebagai
ruang publik, maka pemerintah Kota Palu merenovasi kembali Taman Vatulemo
sebagai ruang publik dengan penyediaan sarana dan prasarana. Kecenderungan
perkembangan Taman Vatulemo tersebut berakibat pada adanya perubahan
penggunaan ruang. Beraneka ragam aktivitas yang dapat ditampung di Taman
Vatulemo di satu sisi menunjukkan adanya perkembangan Taman Vatulemo sebagai
ruang publik, namun di sisi lain dikhawatirkan dapat menimbulkan konflik antar
aktivitas dan menurunkan kualitas kenyamanan bagi pengunjung Taman Vatulemo.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kondisi tatanan fisik
terhadap kenyamanan pengunjung pada Taman Vatulemo di Kota Palu. Analisis-
analisis yang dilakukan meliputi analisis kondisi tatanan fisik taman, analisis
kenyamanan fisik pada taman dan analisis pengaruh kondisi tatanan fisik terhadap
kenyamanan pada Taman Vatulemo. Pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner dari
responden. Metode analisis dilakukan dengan deskriptif kuantitatif.
Dari hasil analisis kondisi tatanan fisik Taman Vatulemo ditemukan adanya
aktivitas parkir on street pada sekeliling area taman, jalur pedestrian yang tidak
dilengkapi dengan elemen pendukung jalur pejalan kaki, dan fasilitas pendukung
taman seperti elemen penandaan yang belum banyak tersedia pada area Taman
Vatulemo. Hasil analisis kenyamanan pada taman ditemukan bahwa keberadaan
taman saat ini sudah memberikan kenyamanan secara psikologis yaitu sebagai wadah
untuk berinteraksi sosial, bersantai, olahraga ataupun sekedar rekreasi. Hasil analisis
pengaruh kondisi tatanan fisik terhadap kenyamanan pengunjung ditemukan bahwa
pengaruh kondisi fisik yang paling signifikan yaitu pada tatanan fisik jalur pedestrian
dengan nilai signifikan 0,625 dalam hal ini jalur permukaan pedestrian yang
mulus/tidak licin ; penataan vegetasi di sekeliling jalur pedestrian ; dimensi lebar
jalur pedestrian yang cukup luas untuk 3 orang pejalan kaki.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kondisi tatanan fisik terhadap kenyamanan
pengunjung dipengaruhi oleh keberadaan penataan taman yang dapat mendukung
aktivitas pengunjung di Taman Vatulemo, seperti tatanan fisik pada jalur pedestrian,
tatanan fisik parkir, tatanan fisik elemen penandaan, tatanan fisik aktivitas penunjang
dan tatanan fisik jalur sirkulasi. Sehingga dapat memberikan efek positif bagi
masyarakat, khususnya dalam kegiatan bersantai/relaksasi yang juga memicu
terjadinya interaksi antara pengunjung.

Kata Kunci : Taman Kota, Kualitas Ruang Publik, Kota Palu


Quality public spaces are responsive, democratic, and meaningful public

spaces (Carr, 1995). Seeing the importance of the city park as a public space, the
government of Palu City renovated Vatulemo Park as a public space with the
provision of facilities and infrastructure. Through field observations there is a lack of
availability of public facilities and infrastructures, there is no special location for
street vendors, there is no separate parking space around the park, so that the
condition is exacerbated by the frequent congestion caused by the number of vehicles
parked around the Park City. These conditions certainly reduce the quality of public
open space and slightly hinder the user to perform activities, especially in socialize.
This research aims to know the influence of the physical order conditions
against the convenience of visitors to the Vatulemo Park in the Palu City. The
analysis undertaken include analysis of the condition of the physical order grounds,
physical comfort analysis on children and the analysis of the influence of the physical
order conditions towards comfort on Vatulemo Park. Data collection by
questionnaires from respondents. Methods of analysis done by quantitative
From the results of the analysis of the condition of the physical order
Vatulemo Park found the presence of parking on street activity on the perimeter of
the park area, the pedestrian who is not equipped with a supporting element of the
pedestrian path, and supporting facilities such as park elements the designation is not
yet widely available in the Vatulemo Park area. The results of the analysis of comfort
on grounds it was found that the existence of the grounds currently already provides
the convenience of psychologically that is as a container for interacting social,
leisure, sports or just recreation. The results of the analysis of the influence of the
physical order conditions against the comfort of visitors found that the influence of
the physical condition of the most significant in the physical order lines with
significant value 0.625 pedestrian in this line the pedestrian surfaces seamless/not
slippery; arrangement of vegetation around the path pedestrian; dimensions width
wide pedestrian path for 3 people.
Based on the results of the study, the condition of the physical order against
the comfort of visitors affected by the existence of the arrangement of the park that
can support the activity of the visitors in the Vatulemo Park, such as the physical
order on the pedestrian, the physical order of parking, the physical order of the
element labelling, order physical activity physical order lines and support
circulation. So that it can provide positive effects for society, especially in
relaxation/relaxation also triggered the interaction between visitors.

Keywords: City Park, Public Space Quality, Palu City


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