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Petunjuk Umum:
a. Periksa dan bacalah setiap butir tes dengan seksama sebelum menjawab pertanyaan. Apabila dijumpai
tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah butir tes yang tidak lengkap, segera laporkanlah kepada
b. Tes terdiri atas 60 butir pilihan ganda.
c. Jawablah butir-butir pertanyaan di lembar jawaban yang disediakan. Tidak diperkenankan untuk
mencoret, mengotori, atau merusak lembar soal.
d. Apabila hendak memperbaiki atau mengganti jawaban, bersihkan atau coretlah huruf yang telah diberi
tanda silang.
e. Periksalah kembali seluruh pekerjaan sebelum lembar jawaban dan lembar soal diserahkan kepada
f. Bekerjalah dengan baik, serius, mandiri, dan tidak mencontek.

Petunjuk Pengerjaan:
a. Setiap butir pertanyaan mendapat nilai 1 (untuk jawaban betul) dan 0 (untuk jawaban salah).
b. Pilihlah satu jawaban yang betul dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C, atau D di lembar

@Hak Cipta pada Penyusun Dilindungi Undang-Undang Page | 1

1. Di sebuah kelas, guru memberikan pembelajaran tentang puisi, dengan tema bencana alam. Puisi
itu menceritakan kesedihan yang dialami para korban bencana. Aspek emosi apakah yang dapat
direfleksi dari pembelajaran tersebut?
a. Berbesar hati
b. Ungkapan perasaan
c. Empati pada sesama
d. Kesadaran untuk berbagi

2. Anda mengajar di kelas dengan jumlah 34 siswa. Pada saat diskusi Anda membagi kelas menjadi
8 kelompok. Diskusi kelompok berlangsung dengan baik sesuai rencana. Tiba-tiba ada satu wakil
dari kelompok bertanya kepada Anda. Pertanyaan tersebut kemungkinan besar juga menjadi
pertanyaan kelompok lain. Apa yang akan Anda lakukan?
a. Menunda memberikan jawaban langsung pada kelompok yang bertanya tersebut karena
akan dibahas secara pleno.
b. Langsung menjawab pertanyaan kelompok tersebut di kelompok yang bertanya.
c. Langsung pada saat itu juga melempar pertanyaan tersebut ke pleno.
d. Tidak langsung menjawab tetapi melempar pertanyaan tersebut kepada kelompok lain di

3. Perhatikan skenario berikut.

Guru melaksanakan satu pembelajaran bahasa yang digabungkan dengan mata pelajaran lain,
seperti, mata pelajaran sejarah. Pembelajaran ini ditujukan untuk mengajarkan teks recount.
Pembelajaran ini juga menekankan pada pemahaman melalui pemaparan mata pelajaran lain
menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Kemudian, negosiasi antara siswa dan guru serta siswa dengan
siswa lainnya berfungsi sebagai scaffolding.
Berdasarkan skenario tersebut, pendekatan pembelajaran apakah yang digunakan oleh guru?
a. Genre-based pedagogy
b. Communicative language teaching
c. Audio-lingual method
a.d. Content-based instruction

4. Perhatikan tujuan pembelajaran dan langkah-langkah pembelajaran berikut ini:

Tujuan Pembelajaran: “Siswa dapat menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan pada ungkapan menawarkan jasa dan responnya dengan baik dan benar”

Langkah-langkah pembelajaran:
1. Siswa berdiskusi tentang permasalahan yang dialami dalam mengidentifikasi tindak tutur
menawarkan jasa serta responnya.
2. Siswa mendapatkan balikan terkait topik yang tengah dipelajari dari guru dan temannya.
3. Siswa mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri (fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan) interaksi
yang melibatkan tindak tutur menawarkan jasa serta responnya dengan bantuan guru.
4. Siswa membandingkan berbagai ungkapan yang melibatkan tindak tutur menawarkan jasa
serta responnya.
5. Siswa mengamati berbagai contoh percakapan yang diperlihatkan oleh guru terkait tindak tutur
menawarkan jasa serta responnya.

Susunan kegiatan pembelajaran yang tepat berdasarkan dengan tujuan pembelajaran di atas
a. 3 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 2
b. 5 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 2
@Hak Cipta pada Penyusun Dilindungi Undang-Undang Page | 2
c. 3 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2
a.d. 5 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 2

3.5. Berikut adalah tiga KD teks ilmiah faktual (factual report) untuk SMA Kelas XI Wajib.

3.9 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks ilmiah
berbentuk factual report, sesuai dengan konteks pembelajaran di mata pelajaran lain di
Kelas XI

Berdasarkan rumusan KD tersebut, materi pembelajaran yang paling sesuai adalah dengan...
a. memberikan teks yang berkaitan dengan cara menggunakan komputer dengan baik dan
b. menyampaikan materi tentang proses metamorfosis pada serangga dan katak.
c. menyajikan teks ilmiah tentang perilaku kehidupan binatang di Kutub Utara.
d. memberikan para siswa teks tentang sejarah pemberian nama sebuah kota.

6. Perhatikan langkah-langkah pembelajaran berikut ini:

1. Mencari teks surat lamaran kerja dari berbagai sumber termasuk internet, buku, dan majalah,
2. …
3. Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari berbagai surat
lamaran kerja yang telah dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber tersebut di atas
4. Menyampaikan temuan terkait hasil identifikasi beberapa contoh surat lamaran kerja dari segi
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan.
Kegiatan pembelajaran yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi langkah pembelajaran di atas adalah?
a. Membaca rujukan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk buku teks, untuk mengetahui fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari surat lamaran kerja.
a.b. Menanyakan dan mempertanyakan antara lain tentang perbedaan dalam hal fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks surat lamaran kerja,
c. Memberikan komentar dan pandangannya tentang fungsi surat lamaran kerja, ketepatan
unsur kebahasaannya, format, tampilan, dsb.
d. Secara kolaboratif meniru contoh-contoh yang ada untuk membuat surat lamaran kerja
untuk fungsi nyata.

4.7. Pembelajaran yang dikehendaki Kurikulum 2013 adalah pembelajaran yang dirancang agar setiap
individu mampu menjadi pembelajar mandiri. Model pembelajaran yang disarankan untuk mencapai
tujuan tersebut antara lain model penyingkapan (discovery learning), pembelajaran berbasis
masalah (problem-based Learning), dan pembelajaran berbasis proyek (project-based learning).
Pernyataan berikut yang paling tepat terkait model-model pembelajaran tersebut adalah…
a. untuk kompetensi yang didalamnya memuat pemahaman suatu konsep maka dapat dipilih
discovery learning
b. untuk mengembangkan kemampuan memecahkan masalah maka paling tepat
menggunakan model discovery learning
c. problem-based learning sebenarnya tidak tepat digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa
Inggris, karena untuk mempelajari suatu konsep harus dimulai dari definisi.
d. project-based learning digunakan untuk membantu siswa menemukan konsep baru
berdasarkan pengetahuan yang ada.

@Hak Cipta pada Penyusun Dilindungi Undang-Undang Page | 3

5.8. Anda mengajar Bahasa Inggris yang mayoritas siswanya di kelas X-D adalah visual. Agar hasil
pembelajaran maksimal, Anda memanfaatkan media pembelajaran. Apa media yang paling tepat
a. papan klasikal, dengaran cerita di VCD
b. wall-chart, kartu bergambar, flash card berisi gambar
c. pengisian teks berdasarkan rekaman pembicaraan
d. kartu situasi untuk bermain peran

6.9. Anda dapat menyajikan pembelajaran lebih menarik dengan memanfaatkan salah satu aplikasi
pada komputer. Aplikasi sederhana pada komputer yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat bahan
presentasi adalah…
a. Corel Draw X5
b. Adobe Photoshop
c. Microsoft PowerPoint
d. Microsoft Desktop Publishing

7.10. Peserta didik merekonstruksi pemikiran dan aktivitas yang telah dilakukan selama proses
kegiatan belajarnya. Hal tersebut merupakan fase terakhir dari kegiatan pembelajaran dengan
a. inquiry learning
b. problem-based learning
c. discovery learning
d. project-based learning

8.11. Sebelum mengakhiri pembelajaran di kelas, guru memberi kesempatan siswa untuk
bertanya: "Well, class do you have any questions about the topic discussed?" Tidak seorang pun
siswa merespon. Reaksi yang tepat dilakukan guru pada peristiwa tersebut adalah?
a. mengulangi penjelasan yang diberikan sebelumnya dengan memberi contoh yang sama.
b. mengulangi penjelasan yang diberikan dengan contoh lain yang relevan.
c. merangkum penjelasan yang diberikan sebelumnya dengan memberikan poin-poin utama.
d. tidak mengulangi penjelasan yang diberikan sebelumnya dan langsung menutup

9.12. Untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa mempresentasikan secara lisan teks eksposisi
hortatori dalam bahasa Inggris, guru perlu memfokuskan perhatiannya pada hal-hal berikut ini,
a. lafal, intonasi serta sikap yang mendekati penutur asli dalam presentasi
b. relevansi argumentasi yang diberikan untuk mendukung pandangannya
c. unsur-unsur kebahasaan, seperti kosa kata, tata bahasa, pengucapan
d. sikap dan perilaku fisik dalam melaksanakan presentasi

13. Perhatikan KD dan indikator berikut ini

KD “3.7. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari
teks deskriptif sederhana tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan
bersejarah terkenal, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya”.
Indikator “3.7.1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari teks deskriptif
sederhana tentang bangunan bersejarah dengan baik dan benar”.
Berdasarkan KD dan indikator tersebut, rumusan soal yang paling tepat untuk mengukur tingkat
ketercapaian kompetensi adalah?
a. What is the topic of the text?
b. Who is the author of the text?
@Hak Cipta pada Penyusun Dilindungi Undang-Undang Page | 4
c. Why does the author write the text?
d. What are the linguistic features of the text?

14. Perhatikan informasi berikut ini.

KD 4.10 Menyusun teks deskripsi lisan dan teks tulis sederhana tentang orang,
tempat wisata, dan bangunan sejarah terkenal dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, unsur kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks.
Indikator 4.10.1 Siswa dapat menulis teks deskriptif sederhana tentang bangunan
bersejarah dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, unsur kebahasaan
yang benar sesuai konteks dengan baik dan benar.

Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, aspek apa sajakah yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur
ketercapaian kompetensi tersebut?
a. Text organization, topic, dan speech rate
b. Text organization, topic, dan accuracy
c. Grammar, mechanics, dan fluency
d. Accuracy, content, dan mode of delivery

10.15. Seorang siswa memperoleh nilai kompetensi pengetahuan Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
sebagai berikut:
NH = 90, 80, dan 100
NUTS = 80,
NUAS = 80
Jika pembobotan 2 : 1 : 1 nilai tersebut termasuk kategori…
a. B
b. A
c. B+
d. A-

11.16. Perhatikan tabel penilaian untuk KD “3.6. Menganalisis struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan,
dan fungsi sosial dari teks factual report berbentuk teks ilmiah factual tentang orang, benda, gejala,
dan peristiwa alam dan sosial sesuai dengan konteks pembelajaran lain di kelas XII” berikut ini.
Siswa A Siswa B Siswa C Siswa D
3.6.1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi
sosial, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan (serta 75 75 65 76
informasi rinci) teks tulis factual report dengan
baik dan benar
3.6.2. Siswa dapat membedakan tujuan sosial
teks factual report dengan teks descriptive 75 80 79 73
report dengan baik dan benar
3.6.3. Siswa dapat mensistesis informasi yang
didapat dalam teks tulis factual report dengan 60 85 80 78
baik dan benar

Jika KKM untuk KD tersebut adalah 75, indikator manakah yang harus diberikan remedial?
a. 3.6.1 saja
b. 3.6.2 dan 3.6.3
c. 3.6.1 dan 3.6.2
@Hak Cipta pada Penyusun Dilindungi Undang-Undang Page | 5
d. 3.6.1 dan 3.6.3

12.17. Kegiatan pembelajaran manakah yang merupakan aktivitas untuk mencapai tujuan refleksi
a. Siswa memaparkan hasil kegiatan diskusi kelompok di depan kelas untuk mendapatkan
tanggapan dari kelompok lainnya dan guru. Jika ditemukan kesalahan diksi, intonasi,
pengucapan atau pelafalan, kemudian guru membetulkan bersama siswa.
b. Siswa menuliskan atau menceritakan hal-hal yang telah dipahaminya setelah pelajaran
berlangsung lalu menghubungkan dengan inti materi yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya
sehingga membentuk pengetahuan yang utuh. Jika ada hal yang masih ragu, kemudian
dicatat untuk ditanyakan saat itu atau di pertemuan berikutnya.
c. Siswa membaca dari berbagai sumber bacaan dan menuliskannya dalam bentuk ringkasan
di kertas. Setelah itu, satu per satu siswa diminta membaca apa yang telah dituliskannya
di depan kelas. Teman-teman yang lain memberikan tanggapan, baik itu berkaitan dengan
pelafalan, pengucapan, pilihan kata, intonasi atau tekanan bunyi. Guru memandunya agar
kegiatan berjalan lancar.
d. Siswa melakukan simulasi atau bermain peran secara berkelompok sebagai wujud
penerapan keterampilan berbahasa di depan kelas. Jika ditemukan hal-hal yang salah
dalam pelafalan, pengucapan, pilihan kata, intonasi, dan tekanan bunyi, lalu siswa lain
memberikan koreksi atau umpan balik.

13.18. Model rancangan PTK terletak pada alur pelaksanaan tindakan yang dilakukan. Hal ini
sekaligus menjadi penanda atau ciri khusus yang membedakan PTK dengan jenis penelitian lain.
Adapun alur penelitian tindakan yang dimaksud adalah ….
a. perencanaan --> pelaksanaan tindakan --> observasi --> refleksi
b. perencanaan --> refleksi --> pelaksanaan tindakan --> observasi
c. perencanaan --> observasi --> pelaksanaan tindakan --> refleksi
d. observasi --> refleksi --> perencanaan --> pelaksanaan tindakan

@Hak Cipta pada Penyusun Dilindungi Undang-Undang Page | 6

14.19. The following are instances of texts, EXCEPT….
(A conversation between friends in a room)
a. X: “I’m in a great trouble. Can I borrow some money?”
Y: “Give me a break!”




. .

15.20. Director : “Andi, _____________ send email regarding Board Meeting that
will be held next week to Mr. Herman?”
Staff : “Yes Mr. Fandi, I will send it by this afternoon.”
Director : “Thanks”
a. can you please
b. would you please
c. could you please
d. can you do me a favor to

@Hak Cipta pada Penyusun Dilindungi Undang-Undang Page | 7

Questions 21 to 24 refer to the following text.

The Embassy of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute, Jakarta

Proudly present
“Assessment of artisanal gold miners exposition to the elemental mercury vapors by
its determination in hair”
Prof Ivano Vassura
Associate Professor in Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage, Department
of Industrial Chemistry, University of Bologna, Italy
Maywin Dwi Asmara – Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mataram, Indonesia
Monday, September 7th 2015
4 PM – 6 PM
The Italian Cultural Institute, Jakarta
Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 117 Menteng 10310
(Adapted From: Jakarta Post 4 September 2015)

16.21. The text mainly tells us about….

a. The Embassy of Italy and its sub office in Jakarta
b. The assessment of gold miners held by the embassy of Italy
c. The event held at the Italian Cultural Institute, Jakarta
d. The speakers participating in the assessment

17.22. According to the text, the event takes place…

a. in the middle of the day
b. in the afternoon
c. in the evening
d. early in the morning

18.23. To reserve a place, participants may….

a. come directly to University of Bologna, Italy.
b. book online reservation from University of Mataram.
c. make an email reservation to The Embassy of Italy.
d. send an email reservation to The Italian Culture Institute.

19.24. Which of the following generic structure elements can be taught to the students?
a. Orientation and coda
b. Orientation and event
c. Title and explanation
d. Title and arguments

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Questions 25 to 27 refer to the following text.

Four Seasons Hotel

There may be no place more beautiful or romantic than Bali – a sanctuary of sacred mountains, cascading
waterfalls, lush green rice paddies and almost mystic spirituality. Discover Bali’s purest meditative
embrace at Four Seasons Resort Bali at Sayan: an enchanting jungle enclave cocooned in the Ayung
River valley. Release technology-induced stresses with laughter yoga and floating meditation. Restore
the subtle inner energies with Chakra
What’s special?
Treetop and riversides suite and villa
Located in a lush, private valley
Sacred river spa
Traditional rusttafel and lotus ponds dinner
Jungle treks, village tours, biking and temple visits
Reach us at:
Sayan, Ubud, Bali 80571, Indonesia
Tel.: 62 (361) 977577 / Fax: 62 (361) 977588
✈NgurahRai International: 60 min.
Tel.: 62 (361) 701010 / Fax: 62 (361) 701023
(Adapted from: Discover Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts)

20.25. What is the text about?

a. Special attraction in Ubud, Bali
b. A romantic place called Bali
c. A sacred mountain in Bali
d. A resort located in Ubud, Bali

21.26. What can be inferred from the resort?

a. It is located near Ngurah Rai Airport.
b. It provides visitors with regular features of Bali.
c. It is located in a mountainous area.
d. It is located in the middle of rice fields.

22.27. The word enchanting as underlined in the text is closest in meaning to…
a. dangerous
b. adventurous
c. captivating
d. challenging

@Hak Cipta pada Penyusun Dilindungi Undang-Undang Page | 9

Questions 28 to 33 refer to the following text.

Once upon a time, deep in a jungle, many kinds of animals live side by side. Some animals are bigger and
stronger than the others; one of them is Arro horse. Arro is a horse which is well-known to be the strongest
horse in the jungle. He is proud of his great strength.
One day, Arro horse was galloping through the jungle to find the finest grass. He galloped through
the valley and the mountain. By the edge of a cliff he finally found some appetizing green grass. “Hmmm,
this is the tastiest grass I’ve ever known” said the horse. He was enjoying his food so much until he almost
stepped on an ant. Looking at the small ant, he neighed so loudly and laughed so hard “hahaha tiny tiny
ant”. The ant was startled.
“Why do you laugh at me?” the tiny ant asked. “Because you are so weak and little,” Arro horse
said. Arro continued, “If I want you dead, you will be dead by now.” Hearing the insult, the tiny ant is not sad
but he thought of an idea. He is small, but he is clever. “Look great and mighty horse,” said the ant while
climbing a chilly tree which is one meter tall. At the top of the tree he threw himself and survived. “This tree
is one hundred times of my height, I challenge you to do as I do, throw yourself off this cliff, if you are as
strong as I am,” said the ant. Hearing that, the horse ran away and neighed so hard.

23.28. The text is mainly about…

a. a powerful horse which insulted a tiny ant in the jungle.
b. an arrogant horse which was beaten by a clever ant.
c. a strong horse which almost killed an ant when he was eating.
d. an ant which was very scared of a powerful horse.

24.29. What causes the horse to meet the ant?

a. The horse went to the edge of a cliff to look for a small, powerless animal.
b. The horse neighed all around the jungle because he was a powerful animal.
c. The horse galloped around the jungle until he found a cliff and met the ant.
d. The horse found the finest grass and when he ate it, he almost stepped on the ant.

25.30. Which of the following conclusions is supported by the text?

a. Tiny animals will always use their brain.
b. A powerless animal could be dead anytime.
c. Arrogant animals will never win a challenge.
d. To some extent, ant is stronger than a horse.

26.31. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. The tiny ant insulted the horse because he was sad.
b. The strong horse ran away after he challenged the little ant.
c. The clever ant avenged the horse’s insults by challenging him.
d. The horse showed his pride to the tiny ant by humiliating him.

27.32. After students read this story, what moral value would you expect them to learn?
a. That it is better to be careful when judging small and tiny people.
b. That being clever and powerful makes someone arrogant.
c. That we should never be arrogant no matter how great we are.
d. That we should always accept challenge to prove that we are strong.

28.33. The word "appetizing" as underlined in the text is closest in meaning to…
a. enticing
@Hak Cipta pada Penyusun Dilindungi Undang-Undang Page | 10
b. abounding
c. resembling
d. abiding

Questions 34 to 39 refer to the following text.

JAKARTA: The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) is offering

scholarships for teachers from across the country especially for distant learning involving local and foreign
“It provides a flexible learning system because teachers can still work while pursuing their degrees.
We offer the program for teachers from elementary to high school. For elementary, we are collaborating with
23 universities and 67 polytechnics in Indonesia, Southeast Asian countries, China, Japan and South Korea.
More than 10,000 elementary teachers have joined the program since 2007,” SEAMEO Spokesman Fuad
Hasan told The Jakarta Post on Friday.
SEAMEO is a government body under the Culture and Elementary and Secondary Education
Ministry, but not under ASEAN. It is a collaboration between the education ministries of Indonesia, Thailand,
Malaysia, Singapore, The Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia and Timor Leste.
“The organization aims to improve quality of education, research and innovation for the people and
educators,” Fuad went on.
Besides offering scholarships under its regional open learning centre, the organization also focuses
on training language, science and mathematics teachers as well as conducting research on nutrition in
Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia.
“We plan to mandate certain schools in West Java, Yogyakarta, South Sulawesi and West Nusa
Tenggara to conduct teaching in local languages for first to third graders around next year. We have
conducted local research that proves that students understand the subjects better in their local language.
The students will learn Indonesian language as a separate subject so they can start learning fully in
Indonesian in fourth grade,” Fuad said.
For science teachers, the organization will give the Ki Hajar Dewantara Award next year for the
three Southeast Asian teachers with the best academic paper on innovation in science education.
SEAMEO will celebrate its 50th anniversary on Nov. 30.

(Source: The Jakarta Post 5 September 2015 p. 4)

29.34. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To promote readers about the SEAMEO’s scholarships that will be given to teachers.
b. To update readers that SEAMEO’s scene regarding the scholarship is the issue being
c. To inform readers that SEAMEO offers scholarships for teachers across the country.
d. To review SEAMEO’s plan regarding scholarships offer for teachers and lecturers.

30.35. The following statements are true based on the text, EXCEPT…
a. the scholarships offered focus on the distant learning involving domestic and foreign
b. SEAMEO aims to enhance the quality of education, research, and innovation for people
and educators.
c. the focal points of SEAMEO, among others, are language training and developing research
on nutrition in South East Asia.
d. Ki Hajar Dewantara Awards will be rewarded based on teaching experience and research

@Hak Cipta pada Penyusun Dilindungi Undang-Undang Page | 11

31.36. According to the sixth paragraph, the reason of using local language in teaching activities
in some regions is…
a. Bahasa Indonesia subject will be taught separately.
b. only third graders will receive such treatment.
c. local language facilitates students’ understanding.
d. it will be continuously used in teaching elementary level.

32.37. The word separate as underlined in the text is closest in meaning to….
a. disconnected.
b. discrete.
c. cloistered.
d. detached.

33.38. The word it as underlined in the text refers to…

b. distant learning.
c. foreign university.
d. the scholarship.

34.39. Referring to the characteristics of the previous text, which language focus can be taught in
a. Reported speech
b. Passive voice
c. Parts of speech
d. Possessive pronouns

Questions 40 to 42 refer to the following text.

Minerals are the basic building blocks of rocks, soil, and sand. Most minerals (like quartz or mica)
are abundant and common. Others, such as diamonds, rubies, sapphires, gold, and silver, are rare and very
valuable. An important attribute of minerals is that they contain information about the chemical and physical
conditions in the region of the Earth where they formed. Specific conditions must exist for a mineral to form.
Minerals can help geologists determine which tectonic environment a given rock was created in. They can
also relate information about the inaccessible portions of the Earth. National economies can be based on
exploitation of mineral wealth; for instance, South Africa is a rich nation because of its abundant gold and
diamond mineral resources.
The two most important characteristics of minerals are their composition and structure. The
composition of minerals describes the kinds of chemical elements present and their proportions, whereas
the structure of minerals describes the way in which the atoms of the chemical elements are packed together.
There are more than 3,500 known minerals, most made out of the eight most common mineral-
forming elements. These eight elements make up more than 98% of the mass of the continental crust.
(Source: Casper, J.K. (2007). Minerals: Gifts from the Earth. NY: Chelsea House Publisher p. 17-18)

35.40. The text primarily tells us about….

a. geology and its branches.
b. the origin of rocks.
c. gold and diamonds.
d. an overview of minerals.

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36.41. The phrase make up as underlined in the text is closest in meaning to….
a. assimilate.
b. comprise.
c. incorporate.
d. contain.

37.42. Which of the following statements does not belong to the advantages of minerals?
a. Minerals help geologist trace information regarding tectonic environment.
b. Minerals allow geologists to relate specific, on hand information of the Earth.
c. Minerals contain information regarding the chemical and physical conditions of the Earth.
d. Minerals exploitation can be a basis for determining National economic growth.

Question 43 to 48 refer to the following text.

The debates regarding the development of high-speed train has been the prominent issue for the
past few months.
“Do we really need ‘bullet trains’?
If we look closer at the feasibility studies for the Jakarta-Surabaya network, including Jakarta-
Bandung track, conducted by Japan and China (two competing countries in the project), the operation of a
high-speed train will significantly reduce travel time for the 150-kilometer route to about 45 minutes from
about three hours at present. Besides, the development of high-speed train network contributes to the
betterment of mass transportation system in Indonesia.
Apart from the technical aspects of the project, financially, our country is ready to develop high-
speed train network. The government has prepared around $6 billion dollars for the project. In addition, the
government also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Japan and China – for their
participation in the bidding process. The interest rate of paid back loans offered by Japan is around 0.1
percent, while the Chinese would have asked for 2 percent.
On the other hands, the implementation of such high-speed train network is not free from challenges.
According to the Coordinating Economic Minister, Darmin Nasution, the project was not effective for such a
short distance, only 150 kilometers. The early designs suggested that the maximum speed of the train would
be 300 kilometers per hour and that there would be five to eight stops along the way. With such short
distances, the thinking goes, it would be unlikely that the train would reach its maximum speed because a
high-speed train would need time to reach its maximum speed of 300 kph.
Financially, the project would have burdened the state budget, reported. Emil Salim,
former minister of state for population and the environment claimed that it would be wise to spend the money
for tackling the existing social problems. All of the above factors serve as a reliable reminder that the
proposed Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway network is not a priority for the central government.
To sum up, developing a high-speed train network seems to contribute to the betterment of mass
transportation system in our country. However, it is considered wiser for the government to put overcoming
social problems in a high priority before developing such network.
(Adapted from: “View Point: Medium speed train: An exit strategy to end ‘bullet train’ polemic”. The Jakarta
Post 6 September 2015 p. 5 and “Why the government cancels high-speed railway project?” The Jakarta
Post 4 September 2015)

38.43. The text primarily discusses….

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a. the relationship between Indonesia, Japan, and China in developing high-speed train
b. the feasibility studies of the implementation of high-speed train project.
c. the disputes regarding the implementation of high-speed train project.
d. the process of implementing high-speed train network from Jakarta to Surabaya.

39.44. The author mentions ‘feasibility studies’ to…

a. give an example of the implementation of high-speed train network project.
b. technically support the implementation of high-speed train network project.
c. note a significant contribution of high-speed train network in daily lives.
d. contrast prediction of the implementation of current project with the previous one.

40.45. The following sentences are true based on the text, EXCEPT…
a. high-speed train network plays a significant role in the revolution of mass transport system.
b. for a relatively short distance, the high-speed train will not reach its maximum speed.
c. the implementation of high-speed train network snags the government budget.
d. China asked for 0.1 percent from the long-term paid back loans upon completing the project.

41.46. What can be best inferred from the fourth paragraph?

a. Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway network causes many social problems.
b. The government should give emphasis on the development of high-speed railway network.
c. There would be no more than five stops along the railway networks, as suggested earlier.
d. The budget for high-speed railway network should be used to overcome social problems.

42.47. The word their as underlined in the above text refers to…
a. Surabaya and Jakarta.
b. Japan and China.
c. Bandung and Jakarta.
d. Bandung and Surabaya.

43.48. Which of the following figure can best illustrate the text above?




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Questions 49 to 54 refer to the following text.

For the past 200 years or so, the developed world has been living off Earth’s saving account, stored
energy supplied primarily by the sun. Coal, oil, and natural gas are all by products of ancient solar energy.
But throughout the time, the bank account, though still solvent, is being permanently depleted and has other
serious limits, not least of which is the mounting damage to the bank itself – our one and only planet.
What should we do? Where will we find adequate clean, abundant energy to power the world for
future generations? The probable answer remains: mostly from the sun. Instead of fossilized solar energy,
devising and improving ways of collecting the light and heat from the sun become the most important thing
to do. Among many possibilities, establishment of giant solar towers that absorb and concentrate energy
from sunlight is the most realistic way. The giant solar towers absorb it with advanced photovoltaic cells or
capture the wind with turbines. Someday, we may even mimic the sun by finally harnessing the limitless
power of nuclear fusion.
Fossil fuels have been essential in the development of our modern technological society. Now we
must use the wisdom and wealth they have made possible to begin to move beyond them.
(Adapted from: “Paths to the Future” by Michael Melford, National Geographic June 22, 2009 p: 81)

44.49. What is the topic of the text above?

a. The importance of fossil fuels for the future
b. The limits of stored solar energy in the future
c. The use of modern technology in the future
d. The alternative of energy for the future

45.50. Why does the author concern the fossilized solar energy stored in Earth’s saving account?
a. Because he is sure that fossilized solar energy is too primitive to use.
b. Because he believes that it will continuously reach its limit over time.
c. Because he considers the alternative source of energy used in the future.
d. Because he thinks that fossilized solar energy is the most essential source.

46.51. The word realistic as underlined in the text is closest in meaning to…
a. possible.
b. practical.
c. logical.
d. reasonable.

47.52. The word it as underlined in the above text refers to…

a. energy.
b. wind turbine.
c. sunlight.
d. heat.
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48.53. Which guiding question will you ask to your students to draw recommendation of the text?
a. What can people probably do after establishing solar towers?
b. Can you mention the advantages of establishing solar tower?
c. How can you advise people to choose and use energy wisely?
d. Why are people responsible for the establishment of solar towers?

49.54. Which of the following statement is a fact?

a. The probable answer remains: mostly from the sun.
b. The establishment of giant solar tower is the most realistic way to do.
c. We may even mimic the sun by finally harnessing the limitless power of nuclear fusion.
d. Coal, oil, and natural gas are all by products of ancient solar energy.

50.55. A teacher wants to assess students’ ability in listening to complex instructions. He provides
the students with a worksheet depicting routes on a map. The students must listen to the audio
recording regarding a tourist who asks for direction and city attraction to the local. What assessment
technique that can be best used according to that situation?
a. Gap filling
b. Note taking
c. Short answer
d. Information transfer

51.56. Becoming a critical self has been a burning issue in language education nowadays. In
relation to this, teachers need to prepare students to become critical with good manners in
expressing or reviewing ideas through a high stake reading lesson and writing assessment. To
measure students’ development in critically expressing ideas, teachers need to design a written
assessment based on the following criteria, EXCEPT…
a. relevance.
b. length.
c. depth.
d. accuracy.

52.57. Salah satu tujuan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan KD “Menganalisis fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan memberi saran dan tawaran serta responnya,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya” adalah...
a. Siswa mampu menyebutkan ungkapan memberi saran dan tawaran, serta responnya
sesuai dengan konteks yang tepat.
b. Diberikan beberapa ungkapan memberi saran dan tawaran dalam konteks percakapan,
siswa mampu membedakan penggunaan ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut sesuai dengan
konteks keformalannya dengan tepat.
c. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi ungkapan memberi saran dan tawaran, serta responnya
setelah diberikan beberapa contoh penggunaan ungkapan tersebut dalam beberapa video
d. Disajikan beberapa ungkapan memberi saran dan tawarn, serta responnya, siswa mampu
menghubungkan ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaannya.

53.58. Disajikan Kompetensi Dasar sebagai berikut:

“Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, sederhana, tentang kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai konteks.”
@Hak Cipta pada Penyusun Dilindungi Undang-Undang Page | 16
Merujuk pada Kompetensi Dasar di atas, materi pembelajaran yang sesuai adalah, KECUALI…
a. teks pengalaman liburan sekolah dengan beberapa rangkaian kalimat yang tidak tersusun
dengan benar.
b. teks pengalaman liburan sekolah dengan rangkaian kalimat tidak sempurna.
c. teks pengalaman liburan sekolah dengan menghilangkan beberapa kata yang melengkapi
teks tersebut.
d. teks pengalaman liburan sekolah yang mencakup gambar dengan paparan yang salah
yang harus diperbaiki.

54.59. Berdasarkan pembelajaran yang telah berlangsung selama tiga pertemuan pertama dalam
semester ini, anda menemukan bahwa kemampuan membaca siswa kelas X rendah. Hal ini
disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya: rendahnya minat baca dan adanya ketidaksesuaian
metode pembelajaran. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, sebagai guru, Anda akan melakukan
penelitian tindakan kelas dengan menerapkan strategi pembelajaran reading SQ3R di kelas
tersebut guna meningkatkan kemampuan membaca. Sebelum melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas
(PTK), rumusan masalah yang tepat untuk penelitian tersebut adalah ...
a. Bagaimanakah strategi pembelajaran SQ3R dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca
siswa kelas X?
b. Berapakah jumlah siswa yang mengalami peningkatan kemampuan membaca dengan
strategi pembelajran SQ3R?
c. Apakah siswa menjadi lebih termotivasi dalam membaca teks bahasa inggris setelah
diterapkannya strategi pembelajaran SQ3R?
d. Adakah hubungan antara kemampuan membaca siswa yang menggunakan strategi
pembelajran SQ3R dengan motivasi membaca siswa?

55.60. Anda diminta membentuk sebuah grup untuk berkomunikasi dengan rekan-rekan guru
mata pelajaran seprovinsi. Grup tersebut ditujukan untuk menjadi tempat berbagi foto kegiatan,
data, dan file. Selain itu, Anda diharuskan membuatnya menjadi tempat berdiskusi antarguru. Oleh
karena itu, Anda akan membuat kelompok tersebut di dalam…
a. Twitter.
b. Milis.
c. Hot Potatoes.
d. Prezi.


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