Anda di halaman 1dari 8


Purchase, sale, or exchange of goods

International trade Thương mại quốc tế
and services across national borders
Sending goods to another country for
Exporting Xuất khẩu
sale or trade
Bringing in goods from another
Importing Nhập khẩu
country for sale or trade
Trade theory holding that nations
should acumulate financial wealth,
Mercantilism Chủ nghĩa trọng thương usually in the form of gold, by
encouraging exports and discouraging
Ability of a nation to produce a good
more efficiently
Absolute advantage Lợi thế tuyệt đối If a country can produce something
more than cheaply than anywhere else
in the world
Comparative Inability of a nation to produce
Lợi thế so sánh
Factor proportions
Lý thuyết tỷ lệ - nhân tố
Term of trade Điều kiện thương mại
The balance of trade Các cân thương mại
The difference between the money
value of s country’s visible imports and
The balance of
Cán cân thanh toán exports.
Adding trade in services to trade in
goods gives you...
Tài khoản vãng lai/Tài
Current account
khoản hiện hành
Capital account Tài sản vốn
Financial account Tài sản tài chính
Imposing trade barriers in order to
Protectionism Chủ nghĩa bảo hộ
restric imports.
Quantitative limits on the import of
Quota Hạn ngạch
particular products or commodities
An import quota Hạn ngạch nhập khẩu
Taxes charged on imports
A tariff Thuế nhập khẩu Unlike quotas, tariff produc revenue
for the government
The (impossible) situstion in which a
Autarky Tự cung tự cấp country is completely self-sufficient
and has no foreign trade
Surplus Thặng dư A positive balance of payments
A country exporting more than it
import has a trade surplus
Deficit Thâm hụt A negative balance of payments
Selling goods abroad at (or below) cost
Dumping Bán phá giá
Invisible imports and Trade in services (banking, insurance,
Xuất/Nhập khẩu vô hình
exports tourism, and so on)
Visible trade (GB) or Trade in goods
merchandise trade Xuất/Nhập khẩu hữu hình
Barter or counter Direct exchange of goods, without the
Mậu dịch đối lưu
trade use of money
Inputs (raw materials, chep or skilled
Factors of production Yếu tố sản xuất (đầu vào)
labor, capital,etc)
Specialization of work into different
Division of labor Phân công lao động
Saving in unit costs arising from large-
scale production
Economies of scale Kinh tế quy mô
When two companies merge they have
greater...than as saparate companies
Tự do hóa
Free trade Thương mại tự do
In the maturity phase of product life
Stabilize Ổn định
cycle, sales growth slows and ...
Subsidize Trợ cấp
Multinational companies usually have
Subsidiaries Công ty con
... in different countries
Infant industry Ngành CN non trẻ
Freight Vận chuyển hàng hóa
Foreign portfolio Đầu tư gián tiếp nước
investment ngoài
Foreign direct Đầu tư trực tiếp nước
investment ngoài
Strategic approach Tiếp cận chiến lược
The total amount of cash that remains
Cash flow Dòng tiền in a company after it has paid taxes
and other cash expenses
Most countries give forign companies
Incentives Ưu đãi investment... to attract new
A cash grant, ponsored by national or
Investment incentives Khuyến khích đầu tư local authorities to attract foreign
Having a responsibility or an
Liability Trách nhiệm pháp lý obligation to do something eg: to pay
Anything owned by a business (cash
investment buldings, machines, and
Asset Tài sản
so on) that can be used to produce
goods or pay liabilities
Rate of return is often measured in
Asset employed Tài sản sử dụng
terms of profits realized on
The total value of the assets that a
Capital employed Vốn được sử dụng
company uses to produce income
The reduction in value of a fixed asset
Depreciation Khấu hao during the year it is in use (charged
against profits)
An independent sales agent who is
Exclusion distributor Phân phối độc quyền given sols right, under contract, to sell
a foreign manufacture’s products
A sale agent who represents more
Multiple distributor Nhiều nhà phân phối
than one manufacturer
Royalty payments Tiền bản quyền
A subsidiary formed two or more
Joint venture Doanh nghiệp liên doanh
Money or currency of a foreign
Foreign exchange Ngoại hối
Foreign exchange
Thị trường ngoại hối
Gold standard Bản vị vàng
Central bank Ngân hàng trung ương Generally fix a country’s minimum
interest rate (lãi suất tối thiểu); issue
Regulate Điều tiết bank notes
Central bank ... the banking system
When central bank intervene in the
foreign exchange markets at the
intervention points
Fixed exchange rate Tỷ giá hối đoái cố định
Khi ngân hàng trung ương can thiệp
vào thị trường ngoại hối tại các điểm
can thiệp
Floating exchange
Tỷ giá hối đoái thả nổi
Currency bought or sold today with
Spot transaction Giao dịch giao ngay
delivery two business days later
To buy or sell a currency in the future,
Forward transaction Giao dịch có kỳ hạn with payment and delivery at the
future date
To offset (bù đắp”) a “buy” contract
with a “sell” contract and vice versa
Hedging Phòng ngừa rủi ro
(hoặc ngược lại) matching the
amounts and the time span excactly
If dealers buy currencies forward but
do not sell forward simultaneously,
Speculation Đầu cơ
their position is. (mua tài sản mong nó
sẽ có giá trị hơn trong tương lai)
The additional amount it will cost to
Tiền trả thêm hay phí bảo
Premium buy or sell a currency at a given future
The lesser amount it will cost to buy
Discount Chiết khấu or sell a currency at a given future
Dealer using two foreign exchange
Kinh doanh dựa trên
market to benefit from rate
Arbitrage chênh lệch giá; buôn
differential (chênh lệch lãi suất) are
chứng khoán
said to engage in...
Getting control of a company by
Takeover Thu mua
buying over 50% of its share
Bid Đấu thầu Succeeded in its hostile bid of manes
Inflation Lạm phát
Merge Liên doanh, liên kết
Open account Phương thức ghi sổ
L/C Thư tín dụng Method of finacing overseas trade
Documentary L/C Thư tín dụng chứng từ
Revocable L/C Thư tín dụng hủy ngang
Thư tín dụng không hủy
Irrevocable L/C
Deferred payment
Thư tín dụng trả dần
Red clause L/C
Thư tín dụng chuyển
Transferable L/C
Revolving L/C Thư tín dụng tuần hoàn
Back to back L/C Thư tín dụng giáp lưng
Standby L/C Thư tín dụng dự phòng
Advised L/C Ngân hàng
Confirmed L/C
An arrangement by which a customer
can withdraw more from a bank
Over draft Vay thấu chi account than has been deposited in it
up to an agreed limit; interest on the
debt is calculated daily
A draft that has been drawn to be
Usance draft (Time
Hối phiếu kỳ hạn payable after a specific number of
Banker’s acceptance Ngân hàng chấp nhận
Bill of collection Hối phiếu nhờ thu
To pay a fixed sum of money on
Bill of exchange Hối phiếu
demand or on a specificed date
A document that shows details of
goods being transported, it entitles
the reciever to collect the goods on
Bill of lading Vận đơn đường biển
Among other things, a bill of lading
contains details of the goods, their
destination and the name of ship
carrying them
Bank that issues a L/C (the importer
Issuing bank Ngân hàng phát hành
Bank receives payments of bills, for
Collection bank their customer’s account (the
exporter bank)
Bank that confirms they will pay the
Confirming bank Ngân hàng xác nhận exporter on evidence of shipment of
Payment by bill of exchange to which
Clean collection Hối phiếu sạch
documents are not attached
Document allowing someone to
Document of title Chứng từ quyền sở hữu
claim ownership of goods
Documentary Payment by bill of exchange to which
Hối phiếu kèm chứng từ
collection commercial documents are attached
Advance payment Tiền tạm ứng
List of goods sold as a request for
Invoice Hóa đơn
If the importer ... the bill, the exporter
Dishonour Không trung thực may have to find an alternative buyer
or ship the goods back again
In some parts of the world, banks may
Remit Gửi tiền be slow to remit payment to the
exporter's bank
Shareholders Cổ đông A company’s owners
The value of raw materials, work in
Inventory Hàng tổn kho process, and finished product stored
ready for sale
Adding new and different products or
Diversifying Đa dạng
When a company’s top executives
Management buyout Mua thôn tính
buy the company they work for
Maturity date Ngày tháng đáo hạn The date at which a loan will be repair
Some companies prefer to grow
M&A Mua bán và sát nhập organically but it is quicker to grow
Remarketing Tiếp thị lại Involves revitalizing falling demand
(liên quan đến việc phục hồi nhu cầu
Synchromarketing Involves altering the times pattern of
irregular demand (Liên quan đến
việc thay đổi mô hình thời gian của
nhu cầu không thường xuyên)
Countermarketing Is the attemp to destroy
unwholesome demand for products
that are considered undesirable
Points of sale Điểm bán hàng Places where goods are sold to the
public-shops, stores, kioshks,
markey, stalls
Multinational strategy Chiến lược đa quốc gia A strategy of adapting products and
their marketing strategies in each
national market that suit local
Global strategy Chiến lược toàn cầu Strategy of offering the same
products using same marketing
strategy in all national markets
Promoting TV comercials, advertisements and
endorsements are all means of
promoting goods
The clasical product life cycle is introduce, growth, maturity and decline
Operating all over the world while taking account of local cultural habits, beliefs and
preferences in each country or market means glocalization
In the Introduction stage of product life cycle, the product is promoted to create awareness
The first step of the procedure for documentary collection, the exporter task is to ask his
bank to draw a bill of exchange on the overseas buyer.
Đề giai đoạn trước:
1. Unlike quotas, tariffs produce revenue for the government.
2. Adding trade in services to goods gives you the balance of payment.
3. Ships’cargoes are covered by insurance policies.
4. The best form of advertising is free word of mouth...
5. Remarketing involves revitalizing...
6. Name recognition for arbitration
Gainpart or all of ‘equity’, of an Buying house’s
Method foreign company debentures
Seeking profit from
Aim Controlling or sharing control
Long-term commitment or
Liquidate the investment
Liquidity cannot withdraw the capital
any time
Limitation Limit up (higher than FDI) Limit down
of capital

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