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Responsiveness of the Manual Ability Measure—36

(MAM–36): Changes in Hand Function Using

Self-Reported and Clinician-Rated Assessments

Christine C. Chen, Orit Palmon, Debbie Amini

MeSH TERMS OBJECTIVE. To examine the responsiveness of the Manual Ability Measure–36 (MAM–36) compared with
 activities of daily living a clinician-administered functional assessment.
 hand strength METHOD. The MAM–36 was administered to 46 patients (Cohort A, n 5 20; Cohort B, n 5 26) with
various upper-extremity conditions. All patients received occupational therapy intervention for 2–37 wk and
 recovery of function
were retested at discharge. Additionally, the Smith Hand Function Test (SHFT), including task performance
 reproducibility of results
speeds and grip strength measurements, was administered to Cohort B at intake and discharge.
 task performance and analysis
RESULTS. Manual ability improved significantly at discharge in all patients. Patients also showed sig-
nificant improvement on the SHFT. The correlation between gain in MAM–36 and gain in grip strength was
moderate. The standardized response mean for the MAM–36 was 1.18.
CONCLUSION. The MAM–36 was responsive to changes in hand function in patients receiving
occupational therapy services. MAM–36 results correlated positively with improvements in task perfor-
mance speeds and grip strength.

Chen, C. C., Palmon, O., & Amini, D. (2014). Responsiveness of the Manual Ability Measure—36 (MAM–36): Changes in
hand function using self-reported and clinician-rated assessments. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68,

Christine C. Chen, MA, MS, ScD, OTR/L, FAOTA, is

Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation and
Regenerative Medicine (Occupational Therapy), College of
O ccupational therapy advocates client-centered practice to promote client
function and occupational performance (Law, Baum, & Dunn, 2005).
However, research documenting therapy effectiveness in promoting actual
Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, 710 West
168th Street, Eighth Floor, New York, NY 10032; functional outcome is sparse (Aldehag, Jonsson, & Ansved, 2005; Case-Smith, 2003; Jack & Estes, 2010; Rønningen & Kjeken, 2008; van der Giesen et al.,
2007), with the measurement of treatment effectiveness often limited to
Orit Palmon, MS, OTR, is Adjunct Lecturer, Department
of Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel,
impairment-focused measurement (Schoneveld, Wittink, & Takken, 2009).
and Occupational Therapist, Linn Medical Center, Clalit For example, although occupational therapists often treat patients with ten-
Medical Services, Haifa, Israel. donitis who receive steroid injections and those who are not fit for steroid
injections, no studies have systematically compared short-term functional im-
Debbie Amini, EdD, OTR/L, CHT, is Assistant
Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, provement or long-term outcomes in these two groups. Likewise, no studies
East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. have compared treatment outcomes in patients who received steroid injections
alone with those of patients who received a combination of injections and
occupational therapy. As a result, whether and to what extent patients with
tendonitis benefit from occupational therapy hand rehabilitation is not known.
This phenomenon is not unique to occupational therapy. In the field of hand
surgery, studies have often reported pain and impairment reduction and seldom
addressed short- or long-term functional outcomes. Hand surgeons providing
steroid injection to treat patients with tendonitis have found that it is effective
(for pain reduction) in only about 60% of patients; its long-term effect on
function is unknown (Bailey, Kaskutas, Fox, Baum, & Mackinnon, 2009;
McAuliffe, 2010). In a recent study, Swedish researchers reported that patients

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adopted different strategies using their hands after trau- or performance skills (i.e., activities of daily living [ADL]
matic hand injuries, but again the researchers did not task performance speed). This study posed two questions:
measure function; therefore, they did not know whether (1) Is the MAM–36 sensitive enough to measure func-
patients had improved function over time or not (Kingston, tional changes and, if so, (2) does the change detected by
Tanner, & Gray, 2010). the MAM–36 correlate with changes measured by an-
Clinicians and researchers have agreed that patients’ other performance-based, clinician-rated assessment?
ultimate goals for seeking treatment are to relieve
symptoms and improve function, that is, to perform daily Method
tasks with ease and comfort (Bailey et al., 2009; Davis
et al., 1999). At this time, much information related to Research Design
functional outcomes either is derived from outcome tools
We used a one-group pretest–posttest design to collect
that assess component- or factor-level deficits (e.g., pain,
data. The study was approved by the institutional review
sensation, range of motion, and strength are categorized
boards of the participating institutions, and all patients
as body function under client factors; see the Occupa-
provided consent before their participation in the study.
tional Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process,
2nd Edition; American Occupational Therapy Associa- Participants
tion [AOTA], 2008) and performance skills (e.g., task
Patients who had various upper-extremity injuries or
performance that requires integrated skills such as dex-
conditions and received occupational therapy outpatient
terity or coordination) or comes from a patient’s self-
services at an urban Israeli medical center were recruited to
report. Moreover, research has suggested that improvement
participate in the research. The exclusion criteria were as
in body function or component deficits does not always
follows: (1) The patient was unable to understand or
translate into improvement in activity participation or
communicate with the therapist regarding items on the
quality of life (Bindra et al., 2003; Rallon & Chen,
MAM–36 and (2) the patient’s injury or condition was
2008; Schoneveld et al., 2009).
Several functional assessments used in occupational too acute (or not safe) to perform the required performance-
therapy hand settings are self-reported (Disabilities based assessments. The data consist of 2 cohorts of patients:
of Arm, Shoulder and Hand Questionnaire [Hudak, Cohort A’s (n 5 20) data were collected from late 2008 to
Amadio, Bombardier, & the Upper Extremity Collabo- early 2009 and Cohort B’s (n 5 26) data were collected
rative Group, 1996], Patient-Rated Wrist–Hand Evaluation from mid-2009 to mid-2010.
Questionnaire [MacDermid & Tottenham, 2004],
Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire [Chung,
Pilsbury, Walters, & Hayward, 1998]) and are supported Manual Ability Measure–36. The MAM–36 is a task-
in the literature as having reasonable construct validity oriented, patient-reported functional assessment tool
and responsiveness (Hoang-Kim, Pegreffi, Moroni, & (Chen & Bode, 2010). It has 2 sections: The first section
Ladd, 2011). However, a need does exist to correlate contains demographic and clinical information; the sec-
patient-reported outcome tools, which are subjective in ond section is a rating scale of 36 items. The 4-point
nature, with those professionally administered by the rating scale (ranging from 1 5 cannot do to 4 5 easy)
clinician (Carlsson, Haak, Nygren, & Iwarsson, 2012) requires the patient to rate perceived ease or difficulty of
as an additional step toward expanding their use and performing 36 everyday tasks (e.g., cutting meat on
thereby providing clinicians and researchers with a greater a plate, taking things out of a wallet, opening a medicine
number of outcome measures that can be used to assess bottle with a childproof cap or top) regardless of which
changes in participation. hand is used and without the use of assistive devices. The
The 36-item Manual Ability Measure–36 (MAM–36; psychometric properties of the MAM–36 were previously
Chen & Bode, 2010) is a newly developed assessment. investigated with a diverse patient population using
Although the MAM–36 has gone through rigorous vali- a Rasch measurement model (Chen & Bode, 2010), and
dation processes and demonstrated excellent internal it demonstrated adequate structural integrity and internal
validity, its responsiveness is unknown because it has not validity (i.e., .93 and .99 for person and item reliability,
been used to investigate treatment effectiveness. There- respectively).
fore, we sought to determine its responsiveness to func- The MAM–36 was first translated into Hebrew and
tional change after treatment intervention compared with back-translated into English by a therapist who was not
improvements in component deficits (i.e., grip strength) involved in the study. The wording of the items was

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mostly retained, although some minimal modification Treatments incorporated the principles of tissue healing,
was necessary as a result of inherent cultural or semantic edema reduction, scar tissue management, and promotion of
differences; one such example was “squeezing a kitchen dish range of motion, sensation tolerance, strength, endurance,
rag” instead of “wringing a towel,” as in the English version. coordination, dexterity, and so forth. Treatment techniques
Smith Hand Function Test. The Smith Hand Function included the use of modalities (heat and cold), retrograde
Test (SHFT; Smith, 1973) is a performance-based hand massage, manual scar mobilization, splinting, therapeutic
function test in which the speeds of task performance and exercises, occupation-based interventions, work hardening,
grip strength are used to measure component deficits and and patient education. All treatments were provided by the
performance skills. The original test consists of 4 subtests: three therapists.
(1) unilateral grasp–release tasks (blocks, nails, coins,
Data Analysis
pegs), (2) bilateral simulated ADL tasks (safety pins,
buckle, buttons, zipper, tying knot, tying bow, lacing A series of preliminary analyses were conducted to ex-
shoes; each mounted on separate wooden board), (3) amine the equivalence of the two cohorts. We found no
writing task, and (4) grip-strength measurement. Smith significant difference in age, gender, hand dominance, and
(1973) described the test in detail and published the duration of treatment (Table 1); the MAM–36 data from
norms for male and female participants comparing right- both cohorts were therefore combined for subsequent
and left-hand performances regardless of hand domi- analyses.
MAM–36 Variables: Mean Item Ratings and Rasch-
nance. However, no additional psychometric studies
Derived MAM. The MAM–36 produces two levels of
about the test were published. The bilateral tasks were
measures for each participant: mean item rating and an
mounted on wooden boards so that they could be ad-
overall Rasch-derived manual ability measure (or the
ministered to patients in a standardized manner. The “MAM measure”; Bond & Fox, 2001; Chen & Bode,
writing task was only administered to patients whose 2010). Mean item ratings at intake and discharge for each
symptoms were in their dominant hands and who could participant were calculated from their individual item
perform the task. ratings at Time 1 and Time 2. We use the terms intake
and Time 1 and discharge and Time 2 interchangeably
from this point on.
Three occupational therapists from the same hospital To calculate the scale-based overall MAM measures,
volunteered to participate in the project and collected data. we used Rasch analysis. First, intake and discharge MAM
From late 2008 to early 2009, the therapists administered ratings from both cohorts were combined. Next, we used
the MAM–36 to 20 patients (Cohort A) at intake and step and item anchoring procedures. Third, we converted
discharge to determine whether it was feasible to use in MAM measures in log-odds units, or logits, into a 0–100
a clinical environment. The overall response from the scale denoted as MAMT1 (intake MAM measure) and
patients and therapists was positive. Therefore, therapists MAMT2 (discharge MAM measure). The step and item
decided to use it along with the SHFT and collected data anchors were obtained from the earlier validation study
(Cohort B) from mid-2009 to mid-2010 to examine the based on a large sample of more than 300 patients (Chen
correlation between patient-reported function-based gain & Bode, 2010). Anchoring was an important Rasch
measured by the MAM–36 and clinician-assessed factor- measurement technique, because the step and item an-
level and skill-level gain measured by the SHFT. chors held the rating scale structure and the position of
All patients (Cohorts A and B) were assessed with the the items stable while allowing for the calibration of the
MAM–36 at the beginning of outpatient rehabilitation
(i.e., during the 1st week of occupational therapy treat-
ment) and again right before discharge (i.e., during the Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the
last week of occupational therapy treatment). Patients
in Cohort B were also assessed with the SHFT. The Cohort A Cohort B Combined
Characteristic (n 5 20) (n 5 26) (n 5 46)
MAM–36 and SHFT could be administered in one or
Gender, male/female 6/14 8/18 14/32
two sessions, depending on the time needed, the patient’s Dominance, right/left 18/2 25/1 43/3
tolerance for assessments, or both. The order of the two Affected hand, right/left/both 9/10/1 13/11/2 22/21/3
tests was randomized. Age, M ± SD 59.6 ± 16.7 53.6 ± 21.9 56.2 ± 19.8
Occupational therapy treatments were provided Treatment duration, wk, M ± SD 11.4 ± 8.0 9.1 ± 4.2 10.1 ± 6.2
2 times/wk; the treatment period lasted 2–33 wk (Cohort B). Note. M 5 mean; SD 5 standard deviation.

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MAM (person) measures. Higher MAM measures in- baccalaureate or graduate degrees, 10 had high school
dicated greater manual ability. diplomas, and 5 had elementary or middle school edu-
Smith Hand Function Test Variables. Because of a large cation; 3 did not report education. Patients’ occupations
amount of missing data in the writing subtest, we did not varied and included manual laborers, managers, secretaries,
include it in the final data analyses. Therefore, the SHFT teachers, homemakers, and other professionals. The
outcome variables included three speed variables (uni- patients’ diagnoses included a variety of upper-extremity
lateral, bilateral, and total speed) and a strength variable. injuries and conditions typically seen in an outpatient hand
The speeds were measured by a stopwatch. Speedunilat1 therapy setting: traumatic injuries to the fingers (n 5 5),
and Speedunilat2 represent the average time needed to such as deep cuts, amputation, and crush injuries; various
perform one-handed (or unilateral) tasks at intake (i.e., types of fractures (n 5 27) of the finger, hand, wrist (i.e.,
Speedunilat1 ) and discharge (i.e., Speedunilat2). (We distal radius, radius, ulnar), elbow, and shoulder; dislocated
summed up left-hand and right-hand speed separately elbow (n 5 1); status post–carpal tunnel release (n 5 3);
and calculated the average time needed to perform the trigger finger release (n 5 2); Dupuytren’s contracture re-
unilateral tasks at both intake and discharge.) Speedbilat1 lease surgery (n 5 1); status post–trapezectomy (n 5 6); and
and Speedbilat2 represent the time needed to perform the neuropathy (n 5 1).
two-handed (or bilateral) tasks at intake and discharge,
Manual Ability Measure–36 (n 5 46)
respectively. Speedtot1 and Speedtot2, respectively, repre-
sent the total time needed for all (unilateral and bilateral) Change in Manual Ability. We found a significant change
tasks at intake and discharge. Strength was obtained by in mean MAM measures between intake (MAMT1) and
measuring patients’ affected hand using a Jamar dyna- discharge (MAMT2), t(45)5 8.03, p < .0001, suggesting
mometer. For patients who had both hands affected, that manual ability improved over time. The means and
we obtained the average grip strength from both hands. standard deviations of the MAM measures and MAM
Parametric Analyses. We conducted paired t tests to gains are presented in Table 2. The gain in manual ability
examine whether significant differences occurred from ranged from 1.9 to 76; 16 patients gained <10 points; 15
intake to discharge on (1) MAM measures (i.e., MAMT1 gained 11–20 points, 8 gained 21–30 points, 4 gained
and MAMT2); (2) mean item ratings; (3) time needed to 31–40 points, and 3 gained >40 points.
perform the SHFT (i.e., the three speed variables mea- Perceived Change in Task Difficulty. Paired t tests
suring unilateral, bilateral, and all (total) tasks (Cohort B showed that the mean item ratings of all MAM items
only); and (4) grip strength in the affected hand (Cohort increased significantly (all ps < .01) from intake to dis-
B only). We conducted Pearson correlation analyses to charge, suggesting that the patients rated the tasks easier
examine the associations between gains in MAM mea- at discharge than at intake. The mean changes ranged
sures, strength, and speeds of performance among Cohort from 0.5 to 1.5 points. The items on which ratings
B patients. Last, we calculated the standard response changed the least were shuffling cards (changed only 0.52
points), turning pages (0.54), eating a sandwich (0.59),
mean (SRM), a measure of effect size, to estimate the
and washing hands (0.59). The items on which ratings
responsiveness of the MAM. The SRM is computed by
changed the most were tying shoes with laces (1.5),
dividing the mean score change by the standard deviation
peeling fruits and vegetables (1.3), cutting meat on a plate
of the change (Liang, Fossel, & Larson, 1990).
(1.39), and wringing a towel (1.41).

Results Smith Hand Function Test (n 5 26)

Improvement in the Speed of Performance. We used
paired t tests to examine Time 1 (intake) and Time 2
A total of 46 patients participated in the study. Among (discharge) speeds of performance on one-handed, two-
them, 70% were female with an average age of 56.2 yr
Table 2. MAM–36 Measures (N 5 46)
(standard deviation 5 19.8). All but 3 persons were right
handed; about half had injuries or pathology in their Cohort A (n 5 20), Cohort B (n 5 26), Combined (n 5 46),
MAM–36 M ± SD M ± SD M ± SD
dominant hand. Twelve (26%) patients were working;
Time 1 52.26 ± 6.82 50.16 ± 12.79 51.07 ± 10.56
another 12 were on leave from work because of their
Time 2 67.31 ± 10.36 70.65 ± 10.92 69.2 ± 10.69
injuries; and 22 (48%) were not working, including those Gain 15.06 ± 9.70 20.49 ± 18.35 18.13 ± 15.30
who were retired. Data on education and occupations Note. M 5 mean; MAM–36 5 Manual Ability Measure–36; SD 5 standard
were collected only from Cohort B patients: Eight had deviation.

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handed, and total SHFT tasks. All speed variables (i.e., correlated with MAM measures at intake (r 5 2.81, p <
Speedunilat, Speedbilat, and Speedtot) for the SHFT de- .001), suggesting that patients with low manual ability at
creased significantly at discharge, indicating that less time intake tended to improve more. However, MAM gains
was required for patients to perform the SHFT tasks. The were also strongly and positively correlated with MAMs
means, standard deviations, and t values for the speed at discharge (r 5 .73, p < .001), suggesting that patients’
variables are presented in Table 3. improvement was strongly associated with discharge
Improvement in Grip Strength in the Affected Hand. Grip manual ability.
strength of both hands was measured at intake and dis-
charge as part of the SHFT among Cohort B patients; Discussion
however, only strength of the affected hand was the focus
of this study. Paired t tests showed that, for Cohort B The ultimate goal of occupational therapy upper-
patients as a group, grip strength of the affected hand extremity treatment and rehabilitation is to improve
increased significantly, t(25)5 4.44, p < .01. On in- patients’ function and their ability to assume their
spection of individual patients, grip strength of the af- occupational roles and participate in everyday activities
fected hand did not change in 2 patients, decreased in 2, (Jack & Estes, 2010). However, few assessment tools
and improved in 22. Among these 22 patients, the currently in use provide evidence of the improvement in
gain in strength ranged from 1.7 to 29.4 kg (mean 5 functional engagement and participation after intervention.
9.89 kg, standard deviation 5 7.75). With all patients The results of this study showed that patients’ scores on the
included, however, the mean increase in grip strength MAM–36 improved—demonstrating enhanced self-
of the affected hand was 7.79 (standard deviation 5 reported or perceived hand ability—after occupational
8.93 kg). therapy treatment and that the changes were observed
using tools that measure performance skills and factor-
Responsiveness of the Manual Ability Measure–36 level abilities such as hand strength and control of move-
We calculated the SRM of the MAM–36 (n 5 46) by ment. In all, patients made an average improvement of
dividing the mean gain by the standard deviation of the 15 points on the MAM measures, gained between 7.8 kg
gain. The SRM was 1.18, suggesting that the responsiveness (all patients included) and 9.9 kg (among only those who
is more than adequate (Liang et al., 1990). improved) in grip strength in their affected hand, and
performed the SHFT tasks faster.
Relationship Among Gain in Manual Ability, Strength, The results of this study also demonstrate that the
and Speed of Performance MAM–36 is capable of detecting changes over time. The
On the basis of Cohort B’s data, gain in MAM measures SRM of the MAM measure gain was 1.18, which is
correlated moderately with gain in grip strength of the considered large (Liang et al., 1990). Moreover, the
affected hand (r 5 .69, p < .001) and gain in total speed improvement in manual ability was moderately corre-
of performing the SHFT tasks (r 5 .71, p < .001). Note lated with the gain in grip strength (in the affected
that MAM measure gains were strongly and negatively hand) and with the gain in performance speed of var-
ious unilateral and bilateral tasks. These results (i.e.,
correlations) are encouraging because they show that
Table 3. SHFT at Admission and Discharge (Cohort B, n 5 26)
the patients’ perception (and report) of their manual
ability improvement is coherent with their actual func-
Intake Discharge
SHFT (Time 1) (Time 2) ta tional improvement: Not only did they gain strength in
Speed (s), M ± SD their affected hands, but they also performed the tasks
Unilateralb 60.89 ± 17.49 47.81 ± 13.33 4.36 faster.
Bilateral 139.69 ± 40.95 106.77 ± 30.49 5.66 The MAM–36 can be a useful tool in clinical settings
Totalc 261.46 ± 68.20 202.39 ± 53.07 5.58 in two different ways: (1) on the scale level and (2) on the
Grip strength in the
item level. On the scale level, the MAM–36 produces
affected hand, kg
M ± SD 8.13 ± 6.00 15.92 ± 8.15 4.44 a MAM person measure, which quantifies each person’s
Range 0.3–23 4–32 n/a manual ability. The MAMs allow comparison of patients’
Note. M 5 mean; n/a 5 not applicable; SHFT 5 Smith Hand Function Test; perception of their overall hand function over time. In
SD 5 standard deviation. our study, we noticed that all patients improved (i.e., the
All ps < .01. bAverage of the speeds of performing unilateral tasks by the
right and left hands. cTime needed for performing unilateral tasks (right hand 1
MAM measures improved at discharge when compared
left hand) and bilateral tasks. with intake). We were somewhat surprised to see the large

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range of MAM gains. However, close inspection of the Implications for Occupational
cases showed that these results were reasonable. Therapy Practice
The patient who improved the most (i.e., 75.9 points
on MAM measure) was a high school boy who had The results of this study have the following implications
a contusion of the dominant hand and wrist (with pain for occupational therapy practice:
and swelling) and had great difficulty with most tasks at • Provides evidence that function-based, patient-
intake but showed substantial improvement after 3 wk of reported outcome assessments such as the MAM–36
occupational therapy and rated almost all activities as easy. may correlate well with traditional factor-level, clinician-
The patient who improved the least (i.e., 1.9 points on rated assessments often used in hand rehabilitation
MAM) was a young man who was left handed and had settings
a left arm (radius shaft) fracture. At intake, he rated most • Provides evidence that patient-reported outcome tools
tasks as easy and rated only a few items as a little hard, have a place as part of a comprehensive assessment of
very hard, or unable to do. Although the ratings of some upper-extremity functioning in a hand rehabilitation
items at discharge improved, the ratings of the most population
difficult items (e.g., opening medicine bottles, cutting • Provides support for occupational therapists interested
nails, shuffling cards) did not change. We noticed, in adopting a more functional outcome-based perspec-
however, that the strength of his affected (and dominant) tive with regard to hand rehabilitation outcomes
hand improved 6 kg. It is possible that as a left-handed • Expands the profession’s knowledge of the effective-
ness of occupational therapy intervention as a means
individual, the patient had to be somewhat ambidextrous
before the injury to survive in a right-handed world. As to enhance functional performance.
a result, although he had a fracture in his dominant arm,
he was able to adapt from the beginning and therefore Conclusion
rated most MAM–36 items as easy or a little hard. Al- The results of this study demonstrate that the MAM–36
though he made some improvement, this improvement was responsive to changes in hand function in patients
was not large enough to change the ratings on the most receiving occupational therapy outpatient rehabilitation
difficult items. services. These changes were identified on both the scale
The MAM–36 can be examined on the item level. level and the average item level. In addition, the perceived
We noticed that item rating averages decreased at least manual ability gain correlated positively with improve-
0.5 points, suggesting that the patients, as a group, per- ments in task speed and grip strength assessed using the
ceived the tasks as easier to do at discharge than at intake. SHFT. These findings support the use of the MAM–36
We can compare a patient’s item ratings at intake and as an outcome measure for occupational therapy hand
discharge and assess his or her capabilities and difficulties rehabilitation patients when determination of activity- or
with specific tasks, as the example given in the preceding participation-level functional outcome is desired. s
paragraph shows. When examining item ratings, thera-
pists can assess and document treatment outcomes in
a very specific and evidence-based fashion. This level of
understanding of the client’s performance capabilities will We thank Hagit Harel, occupational therapist, for trans-
assist the clinician with demonstrating the effectiveness of lating the MAM–36 into Hebrew; Sharon Werech and
interventions and with assisting the client to prepare for Hadas Pfizer, occupational therapists, for assisting in data
future functional challenges through education and ad- collection; and the patients who participated in the study.
aptation if needed. An earlier version of the study was presented in the 2010
Joint Conference of American Congress of Rehabilitation
Medicine and American Society for Neurorehabilitation.
Limitations and Future Research
This study has several limitations. The sample size was
small, and it was a convenience sample; no control group
was used, and the treating therapists were also the assessors Aldehag, A. S., Jonsson, H., & Ansved, T. (2005). Effects of
a hand training programme in five patients with myotonic
and were not blind to the purpose of the study. Therefore,
dystrophy type 1. Occupational Therapy International, 12,
the results should be interpreted with caution. Further 14–27.
research with a larger sample size and a more stringent American Occupational Therapy Association. (2008). Occupa-
research design is warranted. tional therapy practice framework: Domain and process

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