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Research Setting:
Our research has used a triangular approach by using Focus groups and Questionnaires. The first
part of the research targets the outputs from the focus group, whereas the second part will
consider the results of the questionnaires.
In the initial part we focused on adults belonging to socio-economic classes of B and C, residing
in Karachi with involvement in household chores and grocery purchase. The Focus group was
conducted in two different areas of Karachi – Super Highway (HANDS head office) and
M.A.H.S to understand the consumer preferences and purchase behavior when it comes to herbal
medicine (Ispaghol).
The study aims to identify behavior, attitude and perception of consumers towards herbal
medicines, things which influence their purchasing decision when it comes to herbal products
and finally comprehending the consumer awareness and useful resources which affect the
behavior when it comes to purchase of herbal medicines (Ispaghol).
As researchers conducting this study, we funneled our research objectives, prepared the focus
group guide, planned and executed focus groups of the selected target audience in order to
interpret the study results to meet our objectives.

Focus Group Study Design and Participants:

Adults (both married and unmarried) who were involved in household chores were screened and
invited to participate in this focus group study. All of the participants were fluent in Urdu, they
could understand and speak English and knew another third local language. The respondents
were categorized in the following age brackets: _______________. A Total of 2 focus groups
were conducted. First Focus group was conducted at M.A.C.H.S with _____ respondents who all
worked at various departments of esteemed organizations. Second Focus group was conducted at
HANDS head office at Super Highway with ___________ respondents who all were part of the
management staff at HANDS. The Focus group was moderated by Amanullah whereas the Saud,
Taqi, Arsal and Saad managed the planning and execution, notes and transcription of the focus
group. The participants were served with refreshments as a goodwill gesture.
Participants Characteristics:
<pls insert>

Focus Group Guide and Procedures

A structured focus group guide was designed to gain insights from participants about their
perception about herbal medicine and their adoptfullness to these products to cure their illness, if
any. The focus group was conducted in conference rooms with 1 Moderators and other members
taking note, recording and filming the discussion.
The focus groups were from 50-80 mins, recorded in both audio, short video clips and notes. The
roman Urdu transcription was translated to English which was further analyzed by the team.

Data Analysis
Thematic analysis was carried out to gain insights from the two conducted focus groups. Themes
were highlighted based on secondary research. The major themes were used to design the focus
group guide which allowed us to find further sub themes from the focus group discussion. The
audio of the focus groups was divided amongst the five members and everyone contributed their
part and compiled the final transcription. The final transcription was read individually to derive
themes, the most important and relevant themes were then selected for the analysis.

Quantitative Research
The study used the model of Planned Behavior and Reasoned actions with a triangular approach,
the second part of the study will use the quantitative approach to analyze the results of the
questionnaire to find the consumer purchase intention when it comes to herbal medicines.
Likert scale was used in our questionnaire design to determine peoples attitude towards herbal

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