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A. Introduction
Humans are creatures of Allah is best in this earth . Human beings are
endowed with the potential for homo sapiens to think , because thinking he will
get inspired to do the creations that can distinguish between good and bad ,
between beneficial and harmful in his life so he can help each other even among
each other can foster an environment where he lives and can benefit him.
Journey of human life is not just limited to the life of this world . But after
that life will still be undertaken by humans , which is eternal life in the hereafter .
From here can be seen that the purpose of human life is not only limited to the
purpose of life in the world but the goal of eternal life in the hereafter as well .
Life in the perspective of the Islamic world is a field for the life hereafter .
Charitable goodness and badness in the world will always be associated with life
in the hereafter . Thus Islam has never known life dichotomy between the world
and the Hereafter , that is how they have a point of contact so that what the people
of the world will be accounted for in the hereafter .
To get a life in the world and in the Hereafter that required a balance of
science ( science or way ) . Because the journey of life pursued by humans will
not mean anything ( vain ) without the science .
When men meet its obligations as a servant of God ( Allah ) by performing
various rituals of worship then there is necessary to the study of how worship is
good and right (according to law ) . Then , when people interact with other human
beings , science will play a very important matter. Where we will know the
procedures well established relationships with over science.
Therefore, Islam strongly encourages the believers to always seek knowledge
even for those who actively seek knowledge Allah give him the guarantee , such

as elevated by one rank , eased her way to heaven and get protection for seeking
knowledge. From here , we know how important and beneficial a science , so that
Islam requires all his people to seek knowledge . On this occasion , as our
speakers will discuss about the verses and hadith that describes the obligations
demanded by the science and education kontekstualisasinya .

B. Tafsir Qs . At Taubah Verse 122 .

1. Verses
Not fitting for it to go all the believers ( to war ) . Why not get away from each
faction among them some people to deepen their knowledge of religion and to
warn their people when they have been returned to him , so that they can keep
2. Asbabun Nuzul
Ibn Abu Hatim summon a hadith by Ikrimah who told , that when lowered his
word the following, namely , ” If you do not go forth , He will punish you with a
grievous penalty . ” ( At- Tawbah Q.S. 39 ) . Is exactly at that time there were
people who did not go to war , they are in the Bedouin area ( inland ) because I
was busy teaching religion to his people .
So hypocrites commented , ” It’s still there were people who left in the
hinterlands , then woe to the inland people . ” Then come down to his word stating
, “There is fitting for those who believer that everything went ( to war ) . ” ( At-
Tawbah Q.S. 122 ) . Ibn Abu Hatim also summon another hadith by Abdullah bin
Ubaid bin Umair who narrates, that given the desire of the believers greatly to the
issue of jihad , it is mentioned that when the Messenger of Allah . send combat
troops , then they all left . And they left the Prophet . Medina along with weak
ones . Then the word of Allah came down . the uppermost earlier ( ie surah At –
Tawbah verse 122 ).
3. Commentary

Ibn Abbas said about this verse . “It is fitting for those who believer that
everything went to war and left Rasululloh alone ” .
Qatadah said , ” When Allah sent troops Rasululloh then let most go to war , while
others stayed with the Holy Rasululloh to learn and deepen their knowledge of
religion , and with the knowledge that they acquire it , let them go back to his
people to warn them .
Adh – Dhahhak said , ” If Allah invites Rasululloh jihad ( total war ) then it
should not stay behind unless they are berudzur . But if Rasululloh called a
sariyah ( limited war ) , then let a party go kemedan a class war and stay with
Rasululloh to deepen the knowledge of religion , for he taught to his people when
returning .
According to Ali bin Abi Talhah , that the opinions Inbu Abbas about this
verse , that verse is not about jihad , but on one occasion, when Rasululloh pray
Allah cursed Mudar tribe , place them so that there was a drought forced them to
flee in droves and stay in Medina . Their arrival is a massive disaster and it is
bringing hardship Rasululloh friends and the people of Medina itself , then
diturunkanlah by this verse Allah tells Rasululloh that they were not the ones they
dikembalikanlah mukmin.maka by Rasululloh to their homes and to comrades –
tribesman they were warned not to do the same again.
4. Education in QS . At- Taubah 122
The Qur’an has warned men to seek knowledge , as the Quran letters at –
Tawbah verse 122 . Liyatafaqqahu words drawn from the word fiqh , which
involves deep knowledge of things that are difficult and hidden . Not just
The word fiqh here is not limited to what is termed in the disciplines of
religion with the science of fiqh , the knowledge of the laws of Islam that is both
practical and are obtained through the reasoning of the detailed arguments . But

said it includes all kinds of in-depth knowledge.
The Qur’an has repeatedly explained the importance of knowledge. Without
knowledge of human life would undoubtedly be miserable . Not only that , the
Qur’an even human position has a high degree of knowledge on.

C. Hadith on Demand Obligations Science

1. Hadits
‫عن أنس بن مالك قال قال رسول ا صلى ا عليه وسلم طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم‬
From Anas bin Malik , he said , “The Messenger of Allah said , ‘ Looking
Illmu is obligatory for every Muslim ‘ . ” Saheeh : Takhrij Musykilah Al Faqr ( 86
) , Takhrij Fiqh As- Sirah ( 71 ) .
Above hadith indicates that obligatory for every Muslim to seek knowledge ,
and those who provide for the addition to the expert knowledge is like a person
who draping pigs with pearls , gems and gold . People who have religious
knowledge who practice it and teach this guy like soil fertile soil that absorbs
water so as to provide benefits for themselves and give the benefit of others.

D. For the Importance of the Human Sciences

The views of scholars about the importance of science for human Imam As –
Shafi’i said :
‫ ومن أراد الخآرة فعليه بالعلم‬, ‫من أراد الدنيا فعليه بالعلم‬
Meaning : “Whoever wants ( the good of ) the world , then he should use science ,
and anyone who wants the good of the hereafter , it should use the science “.
From the hadith can be seen , the science can achieve closeness to Allah , the
angels of the higher class can be obtained and high social status in the heaven can
be enjoyed . With the knowledge of the glory of the world , influence , followers ,
glamor , power and prestige can be obtained . Even animals will instinctively
defer to humans because of their knowledge . This is the absolute perfection of

According to Al – Mawardi , the primacy and importance of science can be
known by everyone . Who can not figure it out just fools . These words are clues
to the primacy of science is more striking , because the primacy of science can
only be known by science itself . When a person is not knowledgeable to know
the virtues of science , he underestimated the science , the pemilinya despised ,
and thought that the only wealth of the world that will deliver to a happiness.

E. Mandatory Sciences Studied

Science is required to be mastered in Islam divided 2 ( two ) , which is an
individual Fardlu ‘ ain and fardlu kifayah . In Ulumuddin Ihya , Imam Ghazali
defines ain fardlu science is science that must be demanded by every servant of
Allah , intelligent and baligh , without exception . Science fardli ‘ ayn is
obligatory dituntu , which is associated with the faith to strengthen faith ,
mysticism to cleanse the liver , as well as the character and jurisprudence , to find
out which ones are required and which are forbidden for a person .
Fardlu science is science that must kifayah controlled by Muslims in the
required fields in the community . However , not all Muslims and Muslimat must
master these areas. Society in general will be separated from sin and the burden if
some Muslims have mastered the required fields in the community . Imam
Ghazali divided the sciences into fardlu kifayah 2 is as follows :
a) Science Sharia
b) Science Not Sharia
Examples of Shari’a sciences is obligatory kifayah tafsir of the Qur’an , hadith
study , qiraah science , and others . Examples sciences fardlu kifayah that Shari’a
is not medicine , mathematics , and weaponry.

F. Conclussion

Science is the important thing for human life. They should find everything the
kind of science that can be useful for their life in the world or akhirat. There is no
separation of science between religion and science when they learn about that.
Both of them have to run together. So, human can achieved the happiness on
world or akhirat with their science.

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