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Synastry Series: Mercury Overlays

Mercury in the 1st house:

The Mercury brings in a nervous energy into the house person physically. The house
person becomes communicative and jittery, like the Mercury person activated this
nervous energy in them. The Mercury person feels like they can easily communicate
with the house person for they feel like they express themselves in a way that
opens a door for honest communication. Communication is well and active here. The
house person becomes more talkative than usual.

Mercury in the 2nd house:

The Mercury person communicates in a way that is consistent with the house person.
The Mercury person may bring up topics that can feed the house person�s self worth,
saying things that can boost them in ways of communication about their worth. The
two together become �money smart,� and make great business partners. The
communication here can be stale, it�s not a negative overlay but the excitement and
jitter of Mercury is toned down to earthy stableness, it�s just easy going and

Mercury in the 3rd house:

This is a great overlay for communication in general. The planet of communication
in the house of communication. Lots of sparked long conversations. Witty banter and
tricky inside jokes fly left and right with this overlay. A really active and
flowing synastrtic energy. The Mercury person feels as if the way they communicate
is welcomed and well perceived by the house person, and the house person is
therefore more communicative and interactive in conversations.

Mercury in the 4th house:

A really hit or miss overlay, this can cause a bit of isssues or blissful nature
concerning the house person�s emotions. The Mercury person may be able to use their
words to soothe the house person�s emotional climate or they can cause more anxiety
and frustration with over analyzation with their words. The house person�s psyche
is greatly affected by the Mercury person�s thoughts and it can almost be receptive
communication between the two. The house person almost knows what the Mercury
person will say.

Mercury in the 5th house:

A very fun overlay, this one can really spark romantic/fun loving communication
between two people. The Mercury person speaks to the house person�s idea center and
can really help them spark their creativity with words. The communication here can
be a little more on the ego centric side but this is a good way to know how the
other thinks and not keep wondering. The house person is also really attracted to
the house person�s way of communication and finds it admirable.

Mercury in the 6th house:

A favorable overlay for Mercury. The house person�s center of daily and mundane
life activities/work place is now eased with the help of the Mercury person. The
Mercury person is thoughtful of the ways the house person goes about their health
and life and tries to guide them in the right direction with unsolicited advice.
Communication on a daily basis is vital for the two or anxiety will be a bit of an
issue. The house person also tries to impress the Mercury person in the ways that
they advised them.

Mercury in the 7th house:

This is a perfect overlay for communication in partnerships. The Mercury person now
activated the house person�s house of relationships. The house person starts to
exceedingly think of the Mercury person and want a thriving level of communication.
I like to call the Mercury person �the occupants� because that�s kind of what they
are, they really occupy the thoughts of the house person and it�s a really sweet
and tender level of communication between the two. Thinking of the other is a
common trait in this overlay, so it�s a helpful and often easy going Mercury

Mercury in the 8th house:

A quite difficult position in synastry, this can really get the two psychologically
connected to a deeper level. Communication seems difficult and heavy to the Mercury
person as they try to communicate a lot of things the house person rejects or flat
out hates talking about. It�s like the house person is a puzzle the Mercury person
tries to solve. But it�s also a great way for the two to communicate boundaries,
especially concerning sex and the taboo and even accumulate shared wealth and
finances through communication. This can even go as far as to a great partners in
crime type of energy. Secrets are well kept and hidden by the house person.

Mercury in the 9th house:

A slightly more complicated synastry than thought to be. Mercury isn�t the most
comfortable near Jupiterian energy. The house person can be quite dismissive of the
details of the communication that occurs, but rather synthesizes, which can either
be irritating or comforting to the Mercury person. This can be an open door for two
people to truly spiritually connect and communicate their beliefs. I see this a
perfect teacher-student relationship, the way the Mercury person can communicate
the details the house person can�t is fascinating.

Mercury in the 10th house:

This is the synastry of communicative success. The house person�s goals and future
are really thought of more often and talked about. The Mercury person can be quite
helpful in small ways to the house person�s public persona, maybe through rumors or
something professional like advertising. The Mercury person provides a plethora of
ideas for the house person�s possible future or ideals. It�s a great synastry for a
professional boss-assistant relationship.

Mercury in the 11th house:

A wonderful synastry for friendly and open communication. The house person is an
open and accepting vessel of communicative space for the Mercury person who feels
like they truly are able to talk about anything and everything and not be torn.
This is a common synastry between best friends and even online friends. The two
really do enjoy the fun side of communication with lots of laughter and humor along
the way. There�s not much the house person lays judgment on when it comes to
talking to the Mercury person. The Mercury person feels they can really learn from
the house person. Telepathic communication is often a big deal in this

Mercury in the 12th house:

A somewhat neutral to difficult synastry, depending on the house person. The
Mercury person is the communicative one in this relationship. A lot of things the
Mercury person says feel unheard by the house person, but the house person is
scared for the Mercury person reveals parts they hide. This can turn ugly if the
house person is uncomfortable, they can become unresponsive and suddenly ghost. The
Mercury person feels they are speaking into a microphone that doesn�t work. If the
two can compromise, the Mercury person has the ability to truly teach and master
the subconscious of the house person and that can leave an everlasting imprint on
the house person.

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