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ANGGA DWI YUSTIAR (20180610275)
NUR ANNISA (20180610171)

1. General description

The Muhammadiyah Autonomous Organization is an organization or body formed by

Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah which with guidance and supervision, is given the right and
obligation to regulate its own household, foster citizens of certain Persyarikatan
Muhammadiyah and in certain fields in order to achieve the aims and objectives of
Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah.

2. Structure and Position

The Autonomous Organization of Muhammadiyah as a body that has autonomy in managing

the household itself has a network of structures as well as Muhammadiyah, starting from the
central, provincial, district, sub-district, village level and groups or congregations - pilgrims.

Autonomus Organizational of Muhammadiyah was formed in the Persyarikatan

Muhammadiyah neighborhood if it fulfills the following requirements:

1. Has a special function in Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah

2. Has national potential and scope
3. It is in the interests of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah

The formation of the Autonomus Organizational of Muhammadiyah was determined by

Tanwir Muhammadiyah (the Highest Consultative Institution after the Muhammadiyah
Congress) and carried out by the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Decree. The purpose of
forming the Autonomus Organization of Muhammadiyah is as follows:

1. Efficiency and effectiveness of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah

2. Development of Muhammadiyah Persyarikatan
3. Dynamics of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah
4. The regeneration of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah

3. Rights and obligations

In its position as an autonomous organization that has the authority to regulate its own
household, Autonomus Organizational of Muhammadiyah has rights and obligations in
Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah as follows:

1. Implement the Decree of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah

2. Maintain the good name of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah
3. Fostering its members to become good citizens and members of the Persyarikatan
4. Fostering good relations and cooperation with fellow orthoms
5. Report its activities to the leadership of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah
6. To channel its members in the activities of the movement and charity of Persyarikatan
Muhammadiyah business in accordance with their talents, interests and abilities

The rights held by Autonomus Organizational of Muhammadiyah are as follows:

1. Managing the affairs of interests, activities and charitable endeavors by autonomous

2. Connect with other organizations / agencies outside Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah
3. Give advice to Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah whether requested or on their own
4. Try and manage your own finances

Autonomous Organization in Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah

Autonomus Organization in Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah has certain field characteristics

and specifications. The existing Autonomus Organization in the Muhammadiyah
Persyarikatan are as follows:

1. Aisyiyah
2. Muhammadiyah Youth
3. Nasyiyatul Aisyiyah
4. Muhammadiyah Student Association
5. Muhammadiyah College Student Association
6. Tapak Suci Putra Muhammadiyah
7. Hizbul Wathan



4. Making a Historical Trail

THE ESTABLISHMENT ROOT Aisyiyah cannot be separated from the historical

roots. The spirit of the founding of Muhammadiyah has inspired the establishment of
almost all autonomous organizations in the Muhammadiyah, including Aisytyah.
Since establishing Muhammadiyah, Kiai Dahlan is very concerned about the
embarrassment of women. Potential girls are nurtured and educated as leaders, and
are prepared to become administrators in women's organizations within
Muhammadiyah. Among those who were educated by Kiai Dahlan were Siti Bariyah,
Siti Dawimah, Siti Dalalah, Siti-Busyro (her daughter endiri), Siti Dawingah, and Siti
Badilah Zuber.

The girls (even though they are only 15 years old) have been invited to think about
social issues. Before Aisyiyah was concretely formed, the nature of the women's
formation movement was only a group of young women who had gathered, then
were given guidance by KHA Dahlan and Nyai Ahmad Dahlan with the teachings of
religion. This group of children is not yet an organization, but a group of children is
given a recitation. Education and guidance for women who are of old age was also
carried out by Kiai Dahlan and his wife (Nyai Dahlan). The teachings of Islam do not
allow neglect of women. Given the important role of women who have to get a decent
place, Kyai Dahlan together with the CRC. Dahlan founded a women's recitation
group whose members consisted of girls and elderly women. In its development, the
women's recitation group was named Sapa Tresna.
Order Kiyai Dahlan after the Aisyiyah management was formally formed as follows:
1. With the sincerity of the heart fulfilling his duties as a Muslim woman according to his
talents and conversations, do not want to flatter and do not take a step back because
of being criticized.
2. of conviction, that charity must be knowledgeable.
3. Do not make excuses that are not considered valid by God God only to avoid a task
that is given.
4. Determined to defend the sanctity of Islam. 5. Maintain brotherhood and unity of
fellow workers and warfare In 1919, two years after its establishment, Aisyiyah
pioneered early education for children by the name of Frobel, which was the first
Right-Park Park established by
Indonesian nation. Furthermore, this kindergarten was uniformed to become the TK Aisyiyah
Bustanul Athfal which currently has 5,865 TK throughout Indonesia.
The movement to eradicate ignorance which was one of the pillars of Aisyiyah's struggle
was launched by first establishing eradication of letters, both Arabic and Latin illiteracy in
1923. In this activity the participants consisted of girls and housewives learning together with
the aim of increasing knowledge and increasing women's participation in the public world. In
addition, in 1926, Aisyiyah began publishing an organization magazine called Suara
Aisyiyah, which started using Javanese. Through this monthly magazine, Aisyiyah, among
others, communicates all programs and activities including internal organization
In terms of national movements, Aisyiyah also included an organization that helped initiate
and assist the formation of women's organizations in 1928. In this regard, Aisyiyah along
with other women's organizations rose to fight to free the Indonesian people from the
shackles of colonialism and ignorance. This federation was named the Indonesian Women's
Congress which is now KOWANI (Indonesian Women's Congress). Through this federation
various efforts and forms of national struggle can be carried out in an integrated manner.
Aisyiyah grew rapidly and found its form as a modern women's organization. Aisyiyah
develops various programs for fostering and educating women. Among the activities of
Aisyiyah are Female Students who are in charge of fostering and developing female
students outside of school as Aisyiyah cadres. At the 20th Muhammadiyah Congress in
1931 Praja Wanita students were changed to Nasyi'atul Aisyiyah (NA). In addition, Aisyiyah
also established Madrasah Affairs in charge of the special school / madrasah for women,
Tabligh Affairs which deals with religious broadcasting through recitation, courses and
dormitories, as well as Affairs of Wal'asri which seeks scholarships for disadvantaged
students. In addition, Aisyiyah in 1935 also founded the Adz-Dzakirat Affairs in charge of
finding funds to build Gedung 'Aisyiyah and the capital of establishing a cooperative.
The subsequent development of Aisyiyah in 1939 experienced a very rapid progress.
Aisyiyah added to Relief Affairs (PKU) which was tasked with helping general misery.
Because more and more established female schools, the Teaching Affairs was established
in Aisyiyah. In addition, Aisyiyah also established a Family Consultation Bureau. Thus,
Aisyiyah became an Islamic women's movement which broke the freezing of feudalism and
gender inequality in the community at that time, as well as advocating for the empowerment
of women
1. Economic Empowerment Program
As a women's organization engaged in the field of religion and society, Aisyiyah is
expected to be able to demonstrate its commitment and work to advance people's
lives, especially in alleviating poverty and employment.
With the vision of "Standing on organizational capabilities and a network of family
economic empowerment activities to improve people's welfare", Majetis Ekonomi
Aisyiyah is engaged in empowering small and medium-sized people's economies
and developing people's economy.
Some of the empowerment programs include: developing Aisyiyah Family Economic
Business Development (BUEKA) and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSMEs). At present Aisyiyah owns and fosters 1426 Economic Business Entities in
the Region, cooperatives, agriculture, home industries, small traders / shops and
family economic development
2. Health
With a mission as a driver of the realization of a healthy society and environment,
Aisyiyah develops a center for service activities and improving the quality of public
health and environmental preservation through education. At present Aisyiyah has
managed and developed 10 RSKIA (Special Hospitals for Mothers and Children), 29
Maternity Clinics, 232 BKIA / yandu, and 35 Medical Centers spread throughout
Some health programs developed include: improving the quality of affordable health
services throughout hospitals, maternity homes, medical centers, maternal and child
health centers which are managed by Aisyiyah and making these activity units as
agents of development that are not just places treating sick people, but able to play
an optimal role in treating the community environment.
3. Education
In line with the development of education which is one of the main pillars of the Aisha
movement through the Elementary and Secondary Education Principals and Higher
Education Strategies, Aisyíyah developed a vision of a noble education for the
people and the nation
Saat ini Aisyiyah telah dan tengah melakukan pengeloaan dan pembinaan terhadap:
86 Kelompok Bermain/Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 5.865 Taman Kanak-Kanak, 380
Madrasah Diniyah, 668 TPA/TPQ, 2.920 IGABA, 399 IGA, 10 Sekolah Luar Biasa, 14
Sekolah Dasar, 5 SLTP, 10 Madrasah Tsanawiyah, 8 SMU, 2 SMKK, 2 Madrasah
Aliyah, 5 Pesantren Putri, serta 28 pendidikan luar sekolah. Aisyiyah jugadipercaya
oleh Pemerintah untuk menyelenggarakan ratusan PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia
Dini) di seluruh Indonesia. Untuk pendidikan tinggi, Aisyiyah memiliki 3 Perguruan
Tinggi, 2 STIKES, 3 AKBID serta 2 AKPER di seluruh Indonesia.
5. Conclusion

Nasyiatul Aisyiah is an autonomous organization that is engaged in the religious,

social and keputrian fields. Nasyiatul Aisyiah's motto is Al Birru Manittaqo, which
means that virtue is for people who are always alert. The purpose and objectives
stated in Article 4 of the Articles of Association of NA read: the formation of a
daughter of Islam that is useful for religion,
nation and state and becomes a pioneer, continuation and perfection of the
Muhammadiyah movement


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