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MATERIA: Finanzas Publicas

Lorena Julieth Pinilla Páez
ID 526476

Grupo NRC 6932

Marzo 17 de 2019


The following report describes the brief history of the king of matches Ivan Kreuger famous

Swedish civil, financial, entrepreneur and industrial engineer who came to the United States in

1922 as most people in search of money and as over time and as the confidence that he acquired

before big businessmen achieved the name of "greatest scammer in history" registering unique

movements in the history of the market with the sale of 673,800 US Kreuger & Toll Certificates

"to Lee Higg and how after his death his investors went into panic.

Development of reading analysis

Ivar Kreuger "The king of matches" famous Swedish civil, financial, business and industrial

engineer who controlled a financial empire that included the largest match factory in the world,

one of the richest men in Europe the classic human being that during the Twenties is in search of

getting rich with the next big business for which he sees New York as the opportunity to achieve

his stated objectives, with his wit, charisma and business acumen he achieves the trust of the

people, as a first step of his traveling companions and thereafter with the partners of Lee Higg

one of the leading investment banks in New York.

Kreuger was a visionary; the partners felt confident that they would get great benefits from it,

with the passage of time establishing control for the entire match industry in various countries,

from selling a few shares and making small loans to large amounts of false titles and loans. create

trust in their partners, expected to lend money to national governments at attractive rates, in

exchange for the monopoly of the sale of matches in those countries, the classic financial

leverage model borrow money at low interest by putting their company back and then granted

loans at a higher interest to those governments.

After the evident amount of cash demands that were felt, Kreuger physically collapsed and

began to alternate between "mania and depression" bought a 9 mm pistol and the next day

discovered his body in his apartment, investors they learned of Kreuger's death, they panicked,

and in conjunction with US certificates worth pennies, bankruptcy came for those institutions, the

US government. instituted new securities laws to have greater control in the financial area of the


With this it is evident the way in which the human being with that great intellectual capacity

arrives at the moment in which a project that generates profits reaches its highest peak without

the need of solid foundations and that they fall little by little taking with them not only to a

company but a country with poor management and control of them. (Frank Partnoy, s.f.)


1. The human being is not conformist, is always in search of more money which reaches most of

its opportunities with the help of the intellectual capacity for the creation of strategies and

business ideas.

2. "Everything in life is based on trust". The person who knows how to gain the trust of the

people and demonstrate a well-founded business idea achieves great predecessors, the human

being is too lazy to invent and innovate more, which is why they easily convince us with projects

that are not founded without reason.

3. It is necessary an adequate management of the resources and the implementation of control

systems which do not allow to have an effective control of the management of the same.

4. Ivar Kreuger despite the large number of scams always took pains to make the country grow as

a social change in the company of large amounts of money to obtain future benefits.


Frank Partnoy. (s.f.). Obtenido de



Con el paso del tiempo la gente usa diferentes modos de pensar y habilidades cuando actúa,

gestiona o dirige hacia una persona, en el siguiente informe hablaremos de la forma en la cual las

personas mezclan las opiniones e información de sus habilidades y conocimientos nuevos con

nuevas y predominantes habilidades para establecer relaciones como tipos de conversación, toma

de decisiones, como concentrarse no solo en hacer sino de dirigir.

Un buen líder sabe que el equipo humano es el activo más preciado de la empresa. De ello es

importante identificar sus fortalezas y habilidades aprovechándolas al máximo en la creación de

estrategias que aumenten la productividad y la competitividad empresarial. Todos desde el

empleado del correo al director ejecutivo poseen información poderosa, valiosa pericia y buenas

ideas por lo cual es importante recalcar que no importa el cargo del empleado lo que importa es el

aporte que le brinda a la compañía , entender el valor y los beneficios a largo plazo de las buenas

conversaciones, ya que pueden generar acuerdos entre líderes y seguidores, permite solucionar

problemas, aclarar expectativas y tomar mejores decisiones con buen tiempo en las

conversaciones con miembros de su equipo, líderes, colegas y otros interesados de la idea.

Asegurarse de que todos coincidan en los mismos objetivos de estrategia, visión, metas y

desempeño individual y de que todas las opiniones en pro a la mejora o al acondicionamiento de

cualquiera de los puntos.

Se centran en las metas y las tácticas para lograrlas, mientras que los líderes principales crean

estrategias, fijan metas, presentan la visión de toda la empresa y definen nuevas acciones para

ejecutar sus ideas dependiendo de la actividad encomendada a realizar.


 Para ejercer el liderazgo en la empresa, es necesario estar dotado de características que lo

conviertan en un modelo a seguir para sus trabajadores y colaboradores con carisma,

confianza, innovación, toma de decisiones.

 Escuchar la opinión de todos lo trabajadores de la empresa desde el cargo más pequeño

hasta el más grande y tomar medidas correspondientes en caso de alguna eventualidad.

 Una buena organización tiene detrás un buen líder, uno que logra inspirar, habla de

sus aprendizajes y experiencias, aquellas que sirven de inspiración para otras personas.

 Use las conversaciones para establecer más relaciones con personas fuera de su equipo.

busque alianzas estratégicas dentro y fuera de la empresa y establezca relaciones amplias

y profundas para poder ejercer su influencia, hacer coincidir intereses y lograr resultados,

(Alan S. Berson y Richard G. Stieglitz, s.f.)


Alan S. Berson y Richard G. Stieglitz. (s.f.). Obtenido de



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