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Information flow of Logistics in enterprises:

The logistics information system consists of two main lines, that is a close combination of
planning - coordination and operational activities. The coordinated flow includes information
related to planning and throughout the company's operations.

1. Information Flow-news-aggregation
1.1, Stragegy plan: The strategic plan is a guideline, is the guiding information for
entrepreneurs to build plans & organize implementation in the functional departments. The
strategic plan focuses on two marketing and financial goals.
• Marketing goals: Policies, marketing objectives and customer service policies determine
logistics operations: goods assurance standards ( level of shortage, consolidation of
shipments); Professional operation standards (speed, stability, flexibility, handling troubles) ;
Trusted standards …
• Financial goals: Shown in revenue, costs, the ability to recover investment captial and
profit. Financial goals have a direct effect on service quality and total logistics costs.
 Both strategic objectives will provide information about the market (customers),
business items, services and logistics operations that logistics (business) managers
must ensure within the plan.

1.2, Resource plan:

This is the first step to determine the ability of resources to meet logistics. The resource plan
should identify the factors including sourcing, warehousing, reserves, vehicles & personnel.
This plan helps manage resources effectively to response market needs. For each business
item, the resource plan must determine the location (where?),time (when?),and the quantity
(how much?) to purchase, stock and transport.

1.3, Logistics plan:

This plan coordinates the facilities, equipment, labor, and resources needed to carry out
logistics tasks. Logistics plan is bound by resource plan, forecasting information about market
demand. This plan includes clearly identifying target and operational processes for basic
operations (storage, transportation) & auxiliary activities (warehouse, packaging, LIS).

1.4, Reserve management:

This is the intersection of the planning-coordination line and the business flow, specifying
when and where the reserves were made. From the information conditions, forming the
reserve specifies what, where and when of the overall logistics process.

2. Business information stream

2.1, Manage orders and fulfill orders:
This activity involves the transfer of information about demand among participants involved
in the distribution of goods. The main activity of order management is to correctly receive and
respond to customer orders. Message transfer tools: telephone, fax, Internet, ... Order
processing is the job to prepare orders for customers. Order response time is heavily
influenced by LIS's information processing capabilities. On the basis of information on
demand situation and selling forecast, decision on customer service level, the enterprise
makes decisions on reserve, including decisions on reserve system, inspection model reserve,
import shipments, and insurance reserves.

2.2, Distribution activities:

This process facilitates the delivery of goods and services to customers. This process requires
information to facilitate and coordinate warehouse operations to supply satisfying goods. The
problem is to satisfy customer requirements in conditions of low stockpiles.

2.3, Shipping & Delivery Operations:

The ability to integrate information systems in transportation & delivery brings significant
convenience & enhances the ability to control shipments for both businesses and customers.

2.4, Purchase and import operations:

Based on the information on the purchase plan, the needs of customers and the situation of
goods storage, the enterprise makes decisions to buy and import goods into logistics facilities
(warehouses or manufacturing facilities).

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