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Science is important because it influences most aspects of everyday life, including

food, energy, medicine, transportation, leisure activities and more. Science improves
human life at every level, from individual comfort to global issues.

Everyday applications of scientific knowledge, apart from the ubiquitous technology

people constantly use, are many and diverse. An understanding of solar radiation can
prevent a painful sunburn, an awareness of inertia is part of safe driving and a grasp
of number theory and statistics saves money on lottery tickets.Beyond these
pedestrian applications, internalizing the scientific method as a regularly used
mental tool preserves calm when exaggerated crime statistics are quoted on the
news. The openness to novel concepts encourages exploration and discovery, while
the sceptical demand for evidence helps safeguard its practitioners from
unscrupulous people asking for money, favours and votes.

Science also has the ability to comfort its adherents and promote good behaviour. It
was the modern understanding of genetics, for example, that revealed how closely
related all humans really are. Science has lifted up the human spirit by teaching its
students hidden truths and inspiring feats of technical genius.
1. GREEN TECHNOLOGY: In this ever-evolving technological
age, emerging concepts in green technology continue to be developed and
explored. This is a fortunate turn of events, given that global
warming and climate change are realities that must be addressed and
remedied, despite continued objections from deniers. The environment is
already suffering the consequences of human neglect and absorbent use of
non-renewable energy resources, which have not only depleted these
materials but have also contributed to the pollution of said environment and
depletion of the ozone layer. Some examples of these are solar panels for solar
power, use of electricity as fuel for cars.etc. These are of the past ,now some
innovative and new emerging green technologies:

A. 3-D Printer Creates Entire Buildings From Solid Rock

3D printers are nothing new – but how about a printer that can whip up entire life-size stone
buildings?! That’s exactly what designer Enrico Dini‘s prototype D-Shape printer does. Instead
of ink, the device uses layers of sand, and Dini reports that the process is four times faster
than conventional building, costs about one-third to one-half the price of Portland cement, and
creates much less waste.

B. Transparent Solar Spray Transforms Windows Into Watts

Photovoltaic panels transform the sun’s rays into energy we can use, but they’re bulky and not the most
attractive in terms of design. Well one Norwegian company called “EnSol AS” has cast aside the notion that
PVs need to take up extra space — or even be in a solid state. They’ve developed a remarkable new
spray-on solar film consisting of metal nanoparticles embedded in a transparent composite matrix that
allows you to turn ordinary windows into solar panels. The best part? The spray is clear so you can still see
right through your windows!

C. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

Oceans occupy approximately 71 percent of the planet’s surface and about 97 percent of Earth’s water is
contained within the oceans. As a result, it stands to reason that the oceans are the largest solar collector on
Earth. In fact, it has been estimated that the oceans absorb enough heat from the Sun to equal the thermal
energy contained in 250 billion barrels of oil each day. To fully understand the enormity of this estimate,
the U.S. consumes approximately 7.5 billion barrels of oil annually. Therefore, if this technology could be
developed to harness the energy emitted by the Sun and absorbed via the oceans, it could procure more
than 33 times the power in a single day than the nation uses in petroleum products in an entire year. Talk
about food for thought!

Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) technologies convert the heat contained in the oceans and
transform it into electricity via using the temperature difference that exists between the water’s heated
surface and the cooled ocean bottom. As a result, this temperature difference can operate turbines and
power generators. The main pitfall of this emerging technology is that it is not efficient enough to serve as a
major catalyst for generating energy.
2.MECHATRONICS: Mechatronics is a branch of engineering that
focuses on designing, manufacturing and maintaining products that have
both mechanical and electronic components. The term was coined in 1969
by engineer Tetsuro Mori to describe the synergy that exists between
electrical control systems and the mechanical machines they regulate.
Since then, the meaning of the term has broadened to include the
integration of multiple other disciplines, including computer engineering,
systems engineering and programming.

1. Google's worker robots

Google is planning to produce worker robots with personalities. The technology giant recently won
a patent for the ambitious project. Engineers will enable the machines to download personalities
from a cloud-based system. The robots have the capacity to store and display multiple
personalities when interacting with humans.

2. Multi-tasking bots
Momentum Machines developed a multi-tasking bot capable of preparing a gourmet
hamburger in as little as 10 seconds. If all goes well, the robot could eventually be used in
fast food restaurants.

3. UR3 arm
An automated device created by Universal Robots known as UR3 can build its own replacement
parts on the fly. The cute and nimble robot can handle a variety of tasks, such as gluing, painting,
soldering, and grasping.

4. Saul Robot
Saul Robot is designed to help fight deadly diseases like the Ebola virus. The machine was
deployed by the Air Force to eliminate the virus in rooms where quarantine procedures are
conducted on aid workers. Developed by Xenex, Saul eradicates traces of Ebola using powerful
pulses of highly energetic ultraviolet rays. It breaks down and weakens cell walls of the virus.

5. Asus Zenbo
Asus Zenbo is a low-cost robot capable of rolling around autonomously and understands verbal
commands. Asus developed the device to help individuals remember daily tasks, such as exercise
and medication schedules as well as doctor's appointments. Zenbo can also monitor the
surroundings to detect any emergencies. It is capable of connecting to smart-home components
like security cameras, lights, and door locks.

6. Paro
Paro is a therapeutic robot with the appearance of a baby harp seal. The fury device is intended to
help lower stress levels and stimulate interaction between caregivers and patients. It has proven
effective when it comes motivating and assisting patients relax. The psychological effects are
drawn from the documented benefits of animal therapy. It comes with five different sensors,
including posture, light, tactile, audition, and temperature sensors.

7. Pepper
Pepper is a talking humanoid robot that adapts its attitude based on how it perceives the mood of
humans around it. The device detects emotional states like sadness, surprise, joy, and anger. It
responds in a natural and appropriate fashion. Pepper uses multi-directional microphones to detect

The clever machine analyzes the lexical field to assess tone of voice. This allows it to accurately
understand emotional context. For vision, Pepper employs a combination of 2HD and 3D cameras
to recognize shape of objects. Its developers embedded up to 20 engines in the head, back, and
arms to regulate movements.

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