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 Lipida
 Molekul yang disintesa oleh agen biologi dengan
penyusun utama rantai panjang hidrokarbon alifatik
 Biasanya nya tidak bercabang
 Umumnya larut dalam pelarut organik dan tidak
larut dalam air
 Lemak: pada suhu ruang bentuk badat
 Minyak: pada suhu ruang bentuk cair
Lipida: karakteristik umum
 Lipida diskonsumsi utamanya untuk mendapatkan
 Tersusun dari gliserol dan 1, 2 or 3 asam lemak.
 Soluble in organic solvents, i.e., not soluble in water
Asil Glyserol
 Secara alami asam lemak terikat dengan
Glyserol sebagai backbone pada gugus OH
Struktur Kimia

R = rantai
karbon alifatik
Tipe Lipida
 Triglyserida – paling umum
 Glyserol + 3 asam lemak
 Monoglyserida
 Glyserol + 1 asam lemak
 Diglyserida
 Glyserol + 2 asam lemak
 Lipida jenis lainnya:
 FosFolipida:
 Contain 2 fatty acids and a phosphorous
 Example: Lecithin from eggs
 Funsi
 Sebagai sumber dan cadangan enegi
 Insulasi dan proteksi
 Pelarut beberapa vitamin
 Berpengaruh pada sifat sensoris
Klasifikasi asam lemak
 Saturated/jenuh
 Carry the maximum number of possible hydrogens
 Examples: Animal fat O OH

 Usually solids (fats)

 Unsaturated/tidak jenuh
 Presence of double bonds
 Have less hydrogens than the maximum
 Usually fluid
 Present mostly in vegetable and in sea foods
Asam lemak esensial dalam pangan:
 Linoleic acid OH

 18C chain O

 2 unsaturations (18:2) Linoleic acid

 Omega 6 fatty acid ω-6
 Linolenic acid 12

 18C chain
 3 unsaturation (18:3) O OH
12 Linolenic acid
 Omega 3 fatty acid 1

 Arachidonic acid 9

 20C chain HO 1
 4 unsaturations
 Omega 6 fatty acid (20:4) ω-6 5

Arachidonic acid
 Sumber asam lemak omega-3
 Soybean, canola, walnut, flaxseed oils
 Salmon, tuna, mackerel
 Sumber omega-6
 Vegetable oils
 Nuts and seeds
Minyak Khas dari Bahan Pangan
1. Fish / aquatic foods:
 High levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids
 Mainly 14C-24C
 Good source of ω-3 fatty acids
2. Land animals
 Solid or semi-solid at room temperature
 Mostly saturated 16C and 18C (16:0, 18:0)
 Also some monounsaturated
 Chicken also contains 18:2 (linoleic acid, ω-6)
Typical oils from foods
3. Produk dari susu:
 High in C4 – C10 fatty acids
4. Minyak nabati
 Mostly present in seeds
 Varied composition of different plants
 Usually rich in unsaturated 16C and 18C fatty acids

Source 16:0 18:0 18:1 18:2 18:3

Canola (seed) 4 2 56 26 10
Olive (fruit) 10 2 78 7 --
Soybean (seed) 11 4 22 53 8
 Animal fats
 Meat
 Dairy products
 Butter

 Tropical oils
 Palm and coconut oil
Bahan pangan dengan lemak tidak jenuh
 Mono-unsaturated
 Olive, canola oil
 Nuts

 Soybean, sunflower,
corn oil

 Omega 3 FA
 Salmon
 cold water fish

(Refer to Illustration 18.5, page

Asam lemak Omega-3 (EPA and DHA) dari beberapa produk perikanan
dan Fish Oil Supplements

Product Concentration of EPA + DHA (sum)

(a) Fish/Seafood (mg/100g)
Mackerel 2500
Herring 1700
Salmon 1200
Trout 500
Halibut 400
Tuna 400
Shrimp 300
Cod 300
(b) Functional Foods (mg/180ml)
*Liquid Eggs (Omega Pro) 900
(c) Fish Oil Supplements (mg/capsule)
Standard 300
**Specialty (Omega 600) 600

* Naturegg (Burnbrae Farms Ltd., Lyn, ON)

** Ocean Essentials (Ocean Nutrition Canada Ltd., Halifax, NS)
Note:The EPA + DHA contents of the fish/seafood given will vary somewhat according to the species, source, and other factors.
 Structure
 Glycerol + 2 fatty acids + phosphate
 Functions
 Component of cell membranes
 Lipid transport as part of lipoproteins
 Emulsifiers
 Food sources
 Egg yolks, liver, soybeans, peanuts
Sterol: Kolesterol
 Functions
 Component of cell membranes
 Precursor to other substances
 Sterol hormones

 Vitamin D

 Bile acids

 Synthesis
 Made in the liver
 Food sources
 Found only in animal foods
Kegunaan dalam pangan
 Flavor
 Fried Foods
 Popcorn
 Texture
 shortening (Flakiness)
 Moistness
 Stabilizers (emulfsifiers)
 Lecithin
 Mono and diglycerides
Sebagai Flavor
 Bisa memberikan flavor tersendiri
 Meningkatkan mutu flavor makanan
 Can solubilize and carry other lipid soluble flavors
 Can also solubilize and carry lipid soluble vitamins
 Vitamins A, D, E, K,
Pengaruhnya pada Teksture
 Plastic Properties
 Each fat and oil has a characteristic melting point
 Depending on number of unsaturations
 Related to the size of the fatty acid chain
 Combinations of different fats and oils can be used to
obtain desirable texture characteristics
 Fats also give a “moist” mouth feel
 Butter is solid
 Made of saturated fatty acids
 Oil is liquid
 Made of unsaturated fatty acids
 Spreads can be made semi-solid
 Having the right combination of saturations and
 Process called “Hydrogenation” is used to add
hydrogen to some of the double bonds and obtain
the right “plastic properties”
Funsinya sebagai Stabilizer
 Emulsion
An emulsion is a system containing two immiscible liquids (or
fluids), one dispersed in the other as tiny droplets

 Emulsifiers
 Have polar and a non polar ends
 each end soluble in one of those fluids
 Lipid emulsifiers:
 Phospholipids (lecithin from eggs and soy)
 Di-glycerol
 Mono-glycerols
 Different types of emulsions

Water Fat

Emulsion of fat in water Emulsion of water in lipids

Example: Milk Example: mayonnaise
Definition: Off flavors and odors from the breakdown of
 Two types
 Hydrolytic - enzymatic
 Resulting in short chain fatty acids (Lipase - butter)
 Control: Heat Deactivation, handling and storage
 Oxidative - addition of oxygen to fat
 Resulting in small chain compounds
Faktor berpengaruh pada ketengiaan
 Unsaturations
 The more unsaturations, the higher the susceptibility to
 Heat
 Favored by high temperatures
 Light
 Light can initiate and accelerate lipid oxidation and
 Metals
Pencegaan ketengian
 Additives
 Hydrogenation
 Remove or reduce unsaturations
 Control functionality (shortening)
 Disadvantage: TRANS fatty acid formation
Some general recommendations
 Fats are good…
 Lower fat intake to 30% of daily calories
 Have approximately 1:1.5:1 ratio of saturated,
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats
 Dietary fiber may be of some benefit
 Some suggest increase intake of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
 May reduce blood cholesterol
Lipids in the Diet
 Recommended intake
 Reduce saturated and trans fat intake
 Total fat: 20-35% of calories
 Need ~ 2% of calories as essential
fatty acids
 Improve balance of
omega-3: omega-6 fatty

Photos © PhotoDisc
Lipids and Health
 Obesity
 High fat diets promote weight gain
 Heart disease
 High saturated and trans fat intake raises LDL
 Cancer
Beta Oxidation
Reaction Sequence
Acyl CoA
H H Dehydrogenase H
H H FAD FADH2 H trans- 2 -enoyl CoA

H2 O
Enoyl CoA Hydratase
-Ketoacyl CoA L--Hydroxyacyl
H Dehydrogenase

OH NADH NAD + HO H L--Hydroxyacyl CoA

+ H+
Occurs in Mitochondria

Repeat Sequence
Complete Beta Oxidation
of Palmitoyl CoA

7 Cycles

8 CH3COSCoA + 7 FADH2 + 7 NADH + 7 H
Digestion and Absorption
 Mouth and stomach
 Minimal digestion of triglycerides
 Small intestine
 Emulsified by phospholipids
 Digested by pancreatic lipase
 Absorbed into intestinal cells
 Formed into chylomicrons and moved into lymphatic
 Triasilgliserol/trigliserida yang merupakan
sebagian besar lemak makanan, harus
dipecah menjadi gliserida dan asam lemak
sebelum diabsorpsi.
 Lemak bersifat netral dan hidrofobik.
 Agar lemak dapat bercampur baik dengan
air → emulsifikasi.
 Emulsifikasi terjadi di dalam usus halus
dengan bantuan garam empedu.
 Cairan empedu (asam empedu dan garam
empedu) berperan sebagai bahan peng-
emulsi (emulsifier)
 Fat and water do not mix well
 Micelles contain bile salts, free fatty acids and
No Saluran Proses Pencernaan

1 Mulut Mengunyah, kel ludah mengeluarkan lipase lingual

2 Esofagus Tidak ada pencernaan

3 Lambung Hidrolisis TG menjadi DG dan AL dalam jumlah terbatas

4 Usus halus • Bahan empedu (asam empedu dan garam empedu)

mengemulsi lemak
• TG → DG, MG, gliserol, AL
oleh Lipase dari pankreas dan usus halus
• Fosfolipida → AL, lisofosfolipida
oleh fosfolipase dari pankreas
• Kolesteril ester → kolesterol, ester
oleh kolesterol esterase dari pankreas

5 Usus besar
Copyright 2005 Wadsworth Group, a division of Thomson Learning
Copyright 2005 Wadsworth Group, a division of Thomson Learning
Absorbsi lipida ke dalam aliran
Hasil Pencernaan Absorbsi
Gliserol Diserap langsung ke dalam
AL rantai pendek darah, dibawa ke hati
AL rantai menengah
Asam lemak rantai panjang Diubah menjadi TG dalam se-sel
Monogliserida usus halus

TG Membentuk kilomikron, masuk

Kolesterol ke dalam limfe, kemudian ke
Fosfolipida dalam aliran darah →
Lipids in the Body
 Very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL)
 Deliver triglycerides to cells
 Low-density lipoproteins (LDL)
 Deliver cholesterol to cells
 High-density lipoproteins (HDL)
 Pick up cholesterol for removal or recycling
Lipids in the Body
 Lipoproteins carry lipids around the body
 Chylomicrons
 Delivers dietary lipids from
intestines to cells and liver
Lipid Transport
Lipids are not water soluble
 transported in the blood as lipoprotein droplets
 core of cholesterol & triglycerides
 Outer coating of proteins and phospholipids
 Lipoproteins (the more protein the more dense)
 chylomicrons
 high-density (HDLs)
 low-density (LDLs)
 very low-density (VLDLs)
Hepatic Ketone Body Synthesis
figure 20-11
 Apa yang dimaksud dengan Beta Oksidasi? mengapa
sangat penting dalam metabolisme ?
 Apa yang dimaksud dengan Keton Bodies ?
 Kolesterol penting, tetapi berbahaya.
Apa maksud pernyataan di atas ?

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