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Meeting deadlines and complying with all requirements in school academics are

the most tiring exercise of a student-athlete. Balancing the sports career with a good

remark in academic is a big trouble that the student engages in. Some people believed

that sports participation hindered students’ ability to excel in their academic

performance because most of their times were allotted into sports commitments such as

training and competitions than studying. Also some critics believed that there was less

possibility that the student-athletes achieve excellence in sports as well as in academics

at the same time. According to (Henson, J.M., 2013) of The Philippine Star proves that

student-athletes are very important in the campus in terms of sports competitions. They

carry the school's name and represents the school's pride. Student athletes often

sacrifice academic work to spend time in the gym, practicing, building up strength,

staying in condition and learning how to play with their teammates. They should

consume their time practicing to have best teamwork and coordination. If they weren't

athletes, they would probably take up a different course, something to prepare them for

the future outside of sports. But because of the day-to-day demands on a student

athlete, he is often sidetracked to focus on the present and delay thinking of tomorrow.

Only a small percentage of student athletes advance to pursue a career in sports

whether as competitors or coaches or trainers. So a large majority finish school

unprepared for a life beyond sports unless they re-enroll in a course of their choice.
Another article based from the blog of (btg 5137, 2017) on the Civic Issues Blog about

athletics on Campus at Penn State University (PSU), he explained how does being a

student-athlete affect academic potential and performance? On his first perspective he

stated that participating in sports from school has a negative effect in the academic

performance for few different reasons, but according to some researchers and

professors like him said that there may be a numerous amount of benefits on

participating sports at school.

When thinking about the bad sides of athletics as it pertains to education, limited

time is the problem that always comes first to mind. Travis Vogan, a professor at the

University of Iowa, recognized that “an athlete’s education options are limited.” Due to

daily practices, meetings, workouts, and games, which last year round, even in the

summer, athletes are often unable to take afternoon classes and are discouraged from

pursuing specific majors. When he came to PSU, he consulted a Biology professor and

ask him for his schedule for the next school year. He was a football player aside from

studying. And when he approached some academic support advisors and staff they said

that student-athletes are not required and they didn't encourage them to have high

academic performance but only to maintain it, because their main goal is to focus on

playing on the field. So in his question do college athletics only have a negative impact

on academic achievement? He answered it himself with the help of researchers at the

Brown Center on Education Policy, he found out that it doesn’t. In their words, “a

commitment to school sports does not have to translate into compromised academic

performance” while “the benefits of academic endeavors seem to the counterbalance

the challenges they present.” One major benefit is time management. Most college

athletes have played multiple sports throughout their high school careers, and have

learned to handle the workload before even entering college. Once these athletes have

enrolled in a university, they’re taught to manage their packed schedules from the

minute they step on campus. So as a student-athlete he realized that there's nothing can

hindered him in both having good academic records and maintaining well performance

in sports career.

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