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Important Calculation for design

For stress calc:

σmax = Kt*σnom kt is stress concentration factor τmax = Kts*τnom

Ssy = 0.5Sy/sf or Ssy = √13*Sy/sf sf is safty factor

Distortion energy equ

Von mises theory Then

Tresca theory


But first

For Uniformly Distributed Stresses

for bending in two directions

for direct shear stress

for transverse shear

for circular cross section applied torque T on it for rectangular cross section
for circular cross section applied bending force on it (M is the force * normal
distance to the cross section) then

for any shape

*Coulomb-Mohr Theory I skipped because we will not need to use it because all we working at yield in
tension = in compression

* brittle material theories will be skipped because it all depend on Coulomb-Mohr and because of we
work with ductile material only in shafts

For crack calc:

*I studied this sector from shigley so the coming section is a simplified process from my knowledge and

as a is crack size / sigma is the stress applied / beta is stress intensity

modification factor got from graph / kI is stress intensity factor

central crack crack length =2a

edge crack crack length =a

then safety factor (n) be n= kIc is stress intensity
factor for the material (property for material)

sigma critical (stress to fail due to crack)= n*sigma applied

to get dimension failure for crack first but n=1 then get kI
then get stress from its equ then divided this stress on the
factor of safety you put for fail this is stress allowable then
equal this allowable stress = force/area then get dimension
from the area
For fracture notch used when you know the length of final crack af that will make the system fail and
you know the initial length ai in your material and want to get the number of cycles N that fail the
system or the opposite you know the number of cycles you want and want to know the initial length

1 af 𝑑𝑎 2
as (m,c, kIc) is material constants that you know N = ∫ (
𝑐 ai 𝛽𝜎√𝜋𝑎

1 kIc
af=𝜋 (𝛽𝜎 𝑚𝑎𝑥)2 *put β=1 first get af then get af/h after that get the real β from gragh

*for surface crack crack length = ai *for internal crack crack length =2* ai

Fatigue calc:

as Sf is endurance strength (fatigue


*Sf=Se *f Fatigue strength fraction got from graph

N is number of cycles to fail N=t*w(time*rpm)

If there is notch effect then multiply


.7𝑆𝑢𝑡(𝑆𝑦) 𝑆𝑓(𝑆𝑒)
n(yield)= n(finite life)=
𝐾𝑓∗𝜎(𝑟𝑒𝑣) 𝐾𝑓∗𝜎(𝑟𝑒𝑣)

endurance limit

endurance limit

*Surface Factor Ka

*Size Factor Kb *for axial load if the cross section is rectangular h*b
*Loading Factor Kc

*Temperature Factor Kd room temp

get St/Srt from

interpolating the table

( St/Srt)*Su(room temp)

Then S(endurance

* Reliability Factor Ke

* Miscellaneous-Effects
Factor Kf(given)
Kf(notch effect)

*Sut in kpi and gives you √𝑎 in √𝑖𝑛𝑠

Or get q from graph and compensate

*Kt stress
on factor
got from
graphs for
each shape

*For infinite life

*using any method to get the sfaty factor when σ(mean)=0 all will turn to n(finite life)=

*steps to solve fatigue problems

𝑀𝑐 𝐹
First see the point you study at then apply σ= Or σ=𝐴Then σ(al)=σ and σ(mean)=0
Then get Sf after getting all K and S(endurance) then get Kf(notch effect) then compensate in this get
safety factor and don’t to forget check for n(yield) n(yield)=

*we don’t work with Fluctuating Stresses then we will skip that

*continue For stress calc:


*we don’t work with opened or closed thin cross section so it will be skipped

* stress concentration discussed in page 1 and has its graphs for each shape of specimen with type of loading

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