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Clássicos da Arquitetura: Casa das Canoas /

Oscar Niemeyer
 15:00 - 15 Dezembro, 2011
 por Igor Fracalossi

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© SkyscraperCity
© SkyscraperCity © ETSAM © flickr

Ana María León © flickr Frank van Leersum

A Casa das Canoas, projetada pelo e para o próprio arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer entre 1950 e 1954,
é sem sombra de dúvidas uma das obras mestras da arquitetura residencial moderna, ao lado das
famosas Ville Savoye (1929) de Le Corbusier, Falling Water House (1935-37) de Frank Lloyd
Wright, Glass House (1945-49) de Philip Johnson e Farnsworth House (1945-51) de Mies van
der Rohe. Em Canoas, Niemeyer sintetiza seus ideais de forma já experimentados desde o
Pavilhão Brasileiro para a Expo Nova Iorque de 1939 e no conjunto da Pampulha (1940-44) e
que seriam implementados, pouco tempo depois, no Edifício Copan (1951-66) e no conjunto do
Parque do Ibirapuera (1951-54).

© flickr Frank
van Leersum

A coberta, uma sinuosa laje plana, é mais uma vez o que define o projeto. Porém, aqui, a
natureza cria um rico contraste em harmonia com o construido. A casa insere -se e destaca-se na
paisagem, ao mesmo tempo que a natureza é enfatizada por ela. Essa inserção é enfatizada pela
presença de uma grande rocha incrustada à casa. Todo o projeto gira em torno e parece surgir
dela. Para quem está dentro, essa rocha parece atravessar as paredes e janelas, formando parte
íntegra do ambiente. Pela área externa, a rocha parece brotar do interior da casa e deslizar
suavemente pela piscina.

Mais que um condicionante do projeto, Niemeyer utiliza a natureza como um elemento

configurador de projeto, assim como a laje, a piscina, os esbeltos pilares tubulares e as
transparentes esquadrias de caixilhos negros.

Niemeyer novamente faz uso do artifício de enterrar ambientes. Na Casa de Canoas, o nível de
chegada, protegido pela sinuosa coberta, é formado pelos ambientes sociais -salas de estar e
jantar-, cozinha e lavabo, em um espaço aberto, sombreado e transparente. Já a área íntima da
casa situa-se completamente do nível inferior, acessado por uma escada que também surge
lateralmente àquela rocha.
© flickr Ana
María León

No entanto, esse nivel, mais que enterrado, é mais uma estratégia projetual que dota o terreno
descendente de caráter projetual. Os ambientes íntimos, assim como o nivel principal, também
usufrui das visuais permitidas e, sobretudo, da luz natural, controlada através de singulares
esquadrias e aberturas.
© flickr Frank van Leersum

A Casa das Canoas repousa, assim, sobre um amplo platô, imperceptível como tal, criando patios
externos planos e protegidos por discretos gradis, sob o qual está os ambientes específicos de
uma casa. Esta mesma solução -uma laje plana ortogonal que se faz de piso, sobre a qual surge
uma coberta sinuosa e marcante-, será determinante, alguns anos depois, para o projeto do
Congresso Nacional em Brasília.
© flickr Frank
van Leersum

Ficha técnica:

 Arquitetos:Oscar Niemeyer
 Ano: 1954
 Endereço: Estrada das Canoas, São Conrado Rio de Janeiro Brasil
 Tipo de projeto: Residencial
 Status:Construído
 Materialidade: Concreto e Vidro
 Estrutura: Concreto
 Implantação no terreno: Isolado

© SkyscraperCity © SkyscraperCity ©

ETSAM © flickr Ana María León © flickr Frank van

Leersum © flickr Frank van Leersum © flickr Ana María

León © SkyscraperCity © SkyscraperCity

© SkyscraperCity © SkyscraperCity ©

SkyscraperCity © flickr Frank van Leersum © flickr Frank

van Leersum © flickr Frank van Leersum © flickr Frank

van Leersum © flickr Frank van Leersum © flickr Frank

van Leersum © flickr Frank van Leersum © flickr Frank

van Leersum © flickr Frank van Leersum Croquis

Croquis Croquis Interior Planta Nivel

Principal Planta Nivel Inferior Corte


Designed by Niemeyer in 1951 as his family home, Das Canoas House is considered one of the
most significant examples of modern architecture in Brazil and is well recognized by specialists
in art history as a synthesis of modern architecture and authorial self-creation that flourished in
Europe and in America. Das Canoas House now is open to the public, offering visitors a
permanent exhibition on Oscar Niemeyer.

The most interesting feature is the fusion of organic architecture and minimalist architecture.

As it is an obvious tribute to the Farnsworth House, Das Canoas puts geometric regularity in
crisis, but does not alter the formal purity. From Mies design to Niemeyer's Das Canoas, its
possible to see the evolution of reinforced concrete into a modern building material. The
flexibility of the material was newly assumed and architects began to exploit this, many years
after its resistance to bending was determined.

The house is located in Canoas, in Barra de Tijuca, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro.

It was built to on the slope of a hill overlooking the bay, and suggests panoramic images of the
same. Historians and art critics define the house as one of the most significant examples of
modern architecture.


Niemeyer said of the matter: "My concern was to project the residence freely and to adapt it to
the unevenness of the field without modification, making it into curves, so the vegetation could
enter them without separation or departure from the straight line."

"And I created the living spaces to be in a shadow, to avoid the need for curtains and allow the
house to be transparent, as I preferred."

Niemeyer's intention was to design his residence in absolute freedom, to shape the enviroments
smoothly and adapt to irregularities in the land: in this way only could he obtain the feel that the
vegetation penetrated the residence.


Canoe residence is made up of two plants are located in the lower the private environments,
while at the top are the spaces. The interior decoration was designed by Niemeyer himself and
his daughter Ana Maria: it gives the atmosphere a warm atmosphere of familiarity, which can be
captured in the original curves in all corners of the house.

The windows of the rooms are characterized by the outgoing profile and look at the subtropical
vegetation, the wonderful nature of the area that stands out is the most in the eyes of the observer
that conditions for the entire process of project. Nature is not separate or artificial, but it is free
and is suggested in all places of shelter, such as in the broad granite outgoing entering the room
from the garden, almost emerging from the soil.

Beside the pool you can admire the sculptures made by Alfredo Ceschiatti, Brazilian architect
friend, the elegant undulations of the female bodies are perfectly adapted to the context of
fluctuating forms. However, it is very different relationship between the house and the landscape
as we move into the area night here Niemeyer designed spaces such as shelters, equipped with
the small windows that show only a little freshness of green outside. The shape of the
architectural elements, almost all made with reinforced concrete, plastic generates a spatiality
that favors merging harmony between internal and external environments and emphasizes the
sense of belonging in nature. The roof winding, restrained by pilotis also helps to underline the
progress of housing and emphasizes the rhythm of the fluid glass facade which, among other
things, allows them to enjoy a lovely sea view.

The construction is discovered as a thick horizontal twenty or thirty centimeters borne on a

slender pillars.



Dirancang oleh Niemeyer pada 1951 sebagai rumah keluarganya, Das Canoas House dianggap
salah satu contoh yang paling signifikan dari arsitektur modern di Brasil dan juga diakui oleh
spesialis dalam sejarah seni sebagai sintesis dari arsitektur modern dan authorial penciptaan diri
yang berkembang di Eropa dan di Amerika. Das Canoas rumah sekarang terbuka untuk umum,
menawarkan pengunjung pameran permanen pada Oscar Niemeyer.

Fitur yang paling menarik adalah perpaduan organik arsitektur dan arsitektur minimalis.

Karena jelas upeti ke rumah Farnsworth, Das Canoas menempatkan geometris keteraturan dalam
krisis, tapi tidak mengubah kemurnian formal. Dari desain Mies Niemeyer's Das Canoas,
kemungkinan untuk melihat evolusi beton bertulang menjadi bahan bangunan modern.
Fleksibilitas dari materi baru dianggap dan arsitek mulai untuk mengeksploitasi ini, bertahun-
tahun setelah ketahanan terhadap membungkuk ditentukan.


Rumah ini terletak di Canoas, di Barra de Tijuca, pinggiran Rio de Janeiro.

Ini dibangun untuk di lereng bukit yang menghadap ke Teluk, dan menyarankan panoramic
gambar yang sama. Sejarawan dan kritikus seni mendefinisikan rumah sebagai salah satu contoh
paling signifikan arsitektur modern.


Niemeyer mengatakan masalah: "kekhawatiran saya adalah untuk proyek hunian bebas dan
beradaptasi ketidakseimbangan lapangan tanpa modifikasi, membuatnya menjadi kurva,
sehingga vegetasi bisa masuk mereka tanpa pemisahan atau keberangkatan dari garis lurus."

"Dan saya menciptakan ruang tamu berada dalam bayangan, untuk menghindari kebutuhan untuk
tirai dan memungkinkan rumah menjadi transparan, karena aku lebih suka."

Niemeyer's Tujuannya adalah untuk merancang kediamannya dalam kebebasan yang mutlak,
untuk membentuk lingkungan lancar dan beradaptasi penyimpangan di tanah: dalam cara ini
hanya bisa dia mendapatkan nuansa yang vegetasi menembus residence.


Kano residence terdiri dari dua tanaman yang terletak di bawah lingkungan pribadi, sementara di
atas adalah ruang. Dekorasi interior dirancang oleh Niemeyer dirinya dan putrinya Ana Maria:
ini memberikan suasana hangat suasana keakraban, yang dapat ditangkap dalam kurva asli di
seluruh pelosok rumah.

Jendela kamar ditandai dengan profil keluar dan melihat vegetasi subtropis, keindahan alam
daerah yang menonjol adalah yang paling dalam mata pengamat yang kondisi untuk seluruh
proses proyek. Alam sangat tidak terpisah atau buatan, tapi it's free dan disarankan di semua
tempat penampungan, seperti dalam granit luas yang keluar masuk kamar dari kebun, hampir
muncul dari tanah.

Samping kolam renang Anda dapat mengagumi patung-patung yang dibuat oleh Alfredo
Ceschiatti, arsitek Brasil teman, undulations elegan dari tubuh wanita sempurna disesuaikan
dengan konteks bentuk berfluktuasi. Namun, itu adalah sangat berbeda hubungan antara rumah
dan lanskap ketika kita pindah ke daerah malam di sini Niemeyer dirancang ruang seperti
Shelter, dilengkapi dengan jendela kecil yang menunjukkan hanya sedikit kesegaran hijau di
luar. Bentuk unsur-unsur arsitektur, hampir semua dibuat dengan beton bertulang, plastik
menghasilkan kurang spatiality yang nikmat penggabungan harmoni antara internal dan eksternal
lingkungan dan lebih menekankan perasaan milik di alam. Atap yang berkelok-kelok, dibatasi
oleh pilotis juga membantu untuk menggarisbawahi perkembangan perumahan dan menekankan
irama fasad kaca cairan yang, antara lain, memungkinkan mereka untuk menikmati
pemandangan laut yang indah.


Pembangunan ditemukan sebagai horizontal tebal dua puluh atau tiga puluh sentimeter
ditanggung pada pilar ramping.


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