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Housep lst g
rice's'fif€ :: , :::
ehcap,impbfi s.f rorn.more'effieient
LEclsl-AT0RS,are,.comiderinn :

' arnendments to afford ameasurcof.', producers in the region

protection for rice farmers suffer- Rice tariffication was a response
ing from, weak,,pricesif0{ Falay; or to the inflation crisis of 2018, when
unmilled rice. the National Food Authority (NFA)
The'S:afteg 'M eaffi sAet"',, ",'
allowed its stocks of low-cost rice
- iod.wi e,,:f ng,p r,familiesto
,'or Republi.e$n88$0 authorlze$',
theTariff&mmissipnto'ifllpose' buy thelr, grain,frorn rnorei exp€nsive
temporary,'protection for domestic commercial dealers.
producers if they are found to have Under the law, the NFAs importing
sutfered "serious injury" due to role was taken away and effectively
unfair eompefition fiom'ir,npofts, ,,' ,;
privatized, allowing private entities to
"lt may actually be an amend-. engage in shipping in the commodity.
ment to the Safeguard (Measures) ,:,,, ln elthange,,rice impor,ters have
Act. Also, we may add it to the Rice topAy,tariff-s on their inbound ship-
Tariffication LaW so with that we still ments, rtjng at 557a'on rice from
have to discuss how to go about that Southeast Asia.
as a committee," Rep. Wilfrido Mark The tariffs are supposed to
M, Enverga of the first district of support the Rice Competitiveness
Quezon told reporters. EnHancehefrt Fund (RCEF), but
Mr. Enverga, who chairs the disbursements: fiom the fund, have
House Agriculture and Food commit- been delayed;,while the marketfor
tee. did not givefurther details on domestic rice has softened consider-
, his pldnned eourse of aetior " , ably because of the imports.
RA 8800 defines "serious injury" Various other relief programs for
as "a significani impairment in the farmers have bEen proBosed, includ-
position of a domestic induslry after ing emergency purchasing by local
evaluation by competent authorities governm ents, ts'support the,ma rket.
, 'of all relevant factors,of an'objectiw, ,,' "l'm sure these will be a big help
and quantifiable nature having a bear- fo.rnow,butwehave to:r'e sess
ing on the situation of the industry this probably two months from now
conierned, in particular, the rate and what the,impact 0f tfiis subsidy will
amount of the increase in imports of be,u,Mr..Ehvergasatd. ., l

the produet' concerp$ in absoJuteond, ', , He said herwants to,,lo'ok into

: relative terrRs, the share 0f the'domes' the subs to farmers being
tic market taken by increased imports, implemented by other,'countries like
the,US. ,
changes in levelsof sales,:production, Thailand and
productivity, capacity utilization, profit
:, Agricul-
;, "The, De,partment of
and loses, and employment." 'ture has admitted,that,we will have,
Rice farmers have been obtaining to help the farmers first before we
weak prices for iheir palay harvests even consider repealing the (Rice
after the Rice Tariffication Act went Tariffication) law, but (we could
into effect earlier this year. The act ,amend it with)*-safeguard mea-
liberalized rice imports, forcing sures,f' hesaid. -- Vincent,l'latiel P.

domestic farmers to compete with Galang

\ r.Ag€ -\g,

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