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The advice and information contained in this training manual may not be appropriate for all
individuals. Therefore, the author, employees, company, affiliates, or any other parties involved in
the creation or promotion of this manual are not responsible for any injuries or health conditions that
may result from any advice, opinions, or training contained inside the manual. The opinions and advice
inside this manual are not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a physician before
starting any diet or exercise before starting any diet or exercise program. If you choose to follow this
training manual without first consulting a physician, you are doing so at your own risk. We claim no
responsibility for any injury you might sustain. The videos inside this manual act as tutorials for proper
execution of each exercise found in the daily training routines. It is your responsibility to properly
warm-up (as mapped out for you inside the program) and attain professional supervision to assure
proper execution of all exercises found within the manual.

All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2019 – Chandler Marchman,, and Swole Patrol, LLC. All rights are
reserved. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it
without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.



The World’s Safest, Easiest, AND
Fastest Fat-Burning Workouts
Why Kettlebells?
They may look weird, but kettlebells offer you a fun and effective option
for improving your level of strength & conditioning in a shorter period of
time with shorter workouts.

1. Increased speed of results (the increased demand they place on

your body facilitates FASTER results)

2. Versatility of different adaptations (strength, size, speed, explosive-

ness, and most of all FAT-LOSS!!)

3. Versatility of different exercise variation it offers (they provide

more exercise variations than ANY other device)

4. They’re FUN to train with (if you want a fun and challenging work-
out…you’ll LOVE kettlebells!)

5. They CRUSH your core (the offset build of the kettlebell automati-
cally places a greater demand on your core to help stabilize during
ANY exercise you do with it)

6. You can train ANYWHERE with them (I like to say having a kettlebell
in your hand is like having an entire gym in your hand…So why not
take advantage and get out of the gym and into some fresh air with

The question is no longer whether or not you should use kettlebells. The
question now is why on earth you AREN’T! It is my hope that with this
program I can not only get you the results that I promised you, but more
importantly demystify the use of these powerful training implements
so that you can count on getting these fast and amazing results in a fun,
safe, and consistent manner for the entirety of your training career!

Let’s get started!!!


Shorter Workouts
for BETTER Results?
You may think to yourself how
on earth can you justify get-
ting better or faster results by
doing less, but I’d like to alter
your train of thought on this
notion and instead of having
you see these shorter workouts
as “doing less work”, think
about them as “doing smarter
and more efficient work”. For
whatever reason, many lifters
tend to believe that you can-
not achieve great results in
the performance or aesthetics
department without having
to slog out a 1-2 hr. workout.
That’s simply not true!

More and more research has shown that you can introduce more than
enough stress to your skeletomuscular system, respiratory system, and
central nervous system to obtain the training adaptations you’re looking
for in as little as 10 minutes time. How you ask? By focusing more so on
the quality of both the exercise you choose, and the execution of it.

The truth is, “Training Economy” is the aspect of most lifters training
routine that is holding them back. They’re choosing “low return on
investment” exercises that simply don’t achieve enough of what we’re
looking to achieve in the time span that we have to achieve it.

Ask yourself this question…If you were only allowed to choose one exer-
cise to do during an entire workout that lasted just a few minutes, would
you choose one that forced your body to recruit multiple muscle groups?
Or just one? Obviously, you’d choose the one that places MORE stress


on your body over that set period of time. Therein lies the real beauty of
kettlebell training!

Given the offset build of the weight itself, your body is forced to increase
tension in your core to help stabilize your spine during the execution of
the exercise you’re doing. Tack onto that fact that virtually every exercise
you will do with kettlebells (whether they be ballistic in nature or more
traditional isotonic hypertrophy based exercises) is multi-joint in nature,
you have a source of resistance that automatically puts you in a favorable
position to get far more done in a shorter period of time.

Essentially, every kettlebell exercise you do is a power packed move-

ment that right off the bat places more of the overall stress on your body
that is requires to obtain the ideal results in both the performance and
aesthetics department that you’re looking for. And when you combine
the fact that each kettlebell exercise offers
you the unique ability to get more done with
every exercise you do, with the fact that you
will perform these kettlebell workouts in a
circuit format, you’ve got the perfect recipe
for workouts that allow you to accomplish
EVERYTHING (speed, strength, explosive-
ness, size, & fat-loss) in a matter of minutes
instead of hours.


Catabolic Vs. Anabolic
The way in which you train plays a large role in the endocrine response
your body has. Research shows that if you train too hard for too long, that
stress can have a negative impact on the trajectory of your results by way
of forcing a massive increase in your bodies production of the catabolic
hormone, Cortisol. This hormone, which forces muscle wasting and body
fat storage, can be curtailed though by altering the way you train though.

Instead of doing longer workouts that hit single muscle groups, and
resting for longer periods of time in between sets, your best bet is to
perform more balanced circuits that are made up of multiple multi-joint
exercises. These more balanced multi-joint exercise based circuits
are responsible for a multitude of different benefits. Not only do they
introduce the necessary stress to your skeletomuscular and respiratory
system that your body needs to see increases in size, strength, explosive-
ness and conditioning, but because they provide this stress in a short-
ened period of time, you will greatly reduce the negative impact that
Cortisol has on your body. Think of it as doing just enough work to ex-
perience the GOOD HORMONES (like Growth Hormone & Testosterone),
while preventing the BAD HORMONES from stopping your results.


Moving with a
“Neutral Spine”
Without a doubt, one of the most attractive aspects of kettlebell training
is the increased demand it places on your core whenever doing any exer-
cise with one. Because of the unbalanced and offset way that kettlebells
are constructed, your body must fight harder to keep a stable, secure,
and SAFE environment for your spine to move in. Keeping your spine
insulated and “packed” tightly occurs by way of aligning your spine in
a stacked and neutral position (thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and pelvis
stacked on top of each other without any deviation in positioning), and
while moving the kettlebell bracing your midsection and upper back so
that while doing the exercise you do not experience any rotation, lateral
flexion (bending to side), extension (bending back), or flexion (bending

In order to actively stabilize your spine,

its more than just tightening your abs
and obliques. On top of that, you need
to understand how to pack your shoul-
ders so that you are able to use your
lats and upper back to insulate your
spine as well. This is accomplished by
retracting (pulling back) and depressing
(pulling down) your scapula (shoulder
blades). When you do this in conjunction
with tightening your abs & obliques
(the same way you’d brace for someone
delivering you a gut punch, or if you’re
trying to push out a fart), and hold a
deep diaphragmatic breath WHILE
you’re doing the exercise, you create a
safe and powerful environment for your
body to move in. Just remember, you
want to remain “tall & tight”. So, while you’re doing any exercise that
these workouts are made up of, think about keeping every muscle sur-
rounding your spine contracted so that as your body moves, your spine
remains in this tall, tight, and NEUTRAL position.


Pain Free
Kettlebell Work
One of the big reasons that so many lifters shy away from kettlebell
training is that they have had a painful experience with them. This pain
most commonly is experienced on top of the forearm (just above the
wrist) because of either the kettlebell resting improperly on top of the
forearm during movements where the kettlebell remains fixed exercise,
or because during the more ballistic movements the kettlebell crashes
down on said spot. There are a few simple steps you can take that will
help you fix this issue though.

1. Grip handle in the palm of your hand (NOT in your fingertips) with
your wrist in a neutral position…By griping the kettlebell in this
“wrist cocked” manner, not only will you eliminate any hyperexten-
sion (bending back) in your wrist that might cause joint pain, but
you will also eliminate any power leaks that occur when you’re
unable to transfer optimal amounts of force into the kettlebell that
you’re trying to apply force into.

2. DON’T “gorilla grip” the bell during ballistic movements…

Normally, you want to grip the handle of the kettlebell as tightly as
possible while keeping your wrist in the cocked position. But when
you perform either a clean or snatch, the handle of the kettlebell
must be able to rotate inside your hand so that you can use the
“pull & punch” maneuver to prevent it from crashing on top of your
forearm. This is impossible to do with a gorilla grip on the bell.
So, keep the handle in the palm of your hands with a handshake
strength grip so that you maintain control of it, but also allow it to
rotate freely inside your hand when you need to “catch” the kettle-
bell during either the clean or snatch.

3. “Tame the Arc”… By retracting and depressing your shoulder

blades during both the clean and the snatch (the only movements
that require you to transition from the kettlebell in the normal grip
position to lying on top of the forearm), you will be able to shorten
the path that the kettlebell travels in, and create a more stable and
controlled environment for the kettlebell to travel in.


4. Move the kettlebell around your wrist, not your wrist around the
kettlebell…This is the “pull & punch” move that I told you about
earlier that during the clean and snatch allows you to avoid the
kettlebell crashing down on your arm. What you’ll want to do is
while “taming the arc” via retraction and depression of your shoul-
der blades (thus shortening the loopy trajectory of the bell path
AND increasing your control of the kettlebell in space), propel the
weight up by driving your hips forward, and while this propels the
weight forward and up, pull your elbow back and punch your wrist
through to “catch” the bell softly against your arm.

Watch this video for a clear explanation of each of these tips in

motion. Trust me, fixing them will make your kettlebell training experi-
ence far more enjoyable (less pain and better/faster results).


No Kettlebells?
No Problem!
Kettlebells may have a lifetime seat in the “Hardcore Gym Hall of Fame”,
but with the speed of results that anyone properly using them gets in
the strength, speed, conditioning and most of all fat-loss department, it’s
no coincidence that the mainstream fitness industry has finally adopted
them into the fold! The training versatility they possess, and the speed &
degree of the results they offer has made it to where you’re hard pressed
to not find a rack of kettlebells in whatever gym you go to.

Let’s say you DON’T have any kettlebells at your disposal though. Can
you still perform the style of training that this system operates with?

Although kettlebells offer you
the ability to alter the center
of gravity of any exercise
you do with them that forces
greater core engagement to
help stabilize your spine dur-
ing the exercise, the training
adaptations you can achieve
by replacing any one of the
exercises you do with a kettle-
bell INSTEAD with a dumbbell
offers the SAME result!


How do you do this?
It’s as simple as following these 2 simple steps:

1. Mimic the Movement Pattern of the Exercise You’re Altering…

It’s just that simple! Don’t have a set of kettlebells to do double
kettlebell swings with? Grab two dumbbells and just mimic the
same movement! Don’t overcomplicate it. Just look at the move-
ment you’re being asked to do, and mimic it using the same degree
of tempo that the contraction requires.

2. Mimic the Intensity of the Set…Again, kettlebells offer a slightly

greater demand on your body by way of requiring greater core
engagement to stabilize your spine during each exercise (based on
how the weight is offset), but results don’t just come down to the
tool you’re using. More importantly is HOW you use the tool. And in
this case, the intensity with which you work throughout the entire-
ty of your workout is what’s MOST important. Just keep your heart
rate elevated and your muscles pumping, and your Testosterone
levels along with your metabolic rate will subsequently increase
and result in you achieving the body improvements you’re looking

Regarding “intensity”, there are 3 ways moving forward we can increase

it to improve both the SPEED & DEGREE of the results we’re looking for…

1. Keep Your Heart Rate Up…In order for you to obtain the increases
in your metabolic rate and anabolic hormone levels that are
responsible for you turning a quick 6-minute workout into a more
ripped and powerful body, you must create a more stressful en-
vironment in both your skeletomuscular system and respiratory
system. In other words, you’ve got to get a pump, KEEP a pump,
and while doing so keep your heart rate elevated. This is really not
all that complicated to accomplish. Just focus on doing the entire
workout in a circuit format (no rest in between each exercise of
the circuit), and LIMIT REST in between rounds to no more than 2
minutes. This will maintain the level of stress needed on both your
heart rate and muscle fibers that you need to in order to experi-
ence the muscle building and fat burning effects you’re looking for.


2. Increase the Training Volume…By simply increasing the number
of sets or reps per set you perform, you’ll provide your body with
more stress and tax it via increased time under tension. I wouldn’t
advise you to go crazy with your increases in volume (start with
an additional 2-3 reps per exercise OR an additional 1-2 sets of
the workout itself). Remember, there is such thing as TOO MUCH
stress…And too much volume is unfortunately a surefire way to
initiate a catabolic response inside your body that results in muscle
wasting and fat conservation.

3. Increase the Weight…I tell people all of the time “intelligent

stress” is what we want to introduce to our body in order to obtain
a desired “goal specific” adaptation. And outside of REDUCING
REST during the workout or INCREASING VOLUME via more reps
or more sets of work, INCREASING THE WEIGHT of the kettlebell
you’re using is the best way to introduce the necessary stress to
elicit the response that we’re going for. Just make sure that you
only increase the weight you’re using when your body is capable of
handling that extra load while maintaining solid form (i.e. keeping
a neutral spine throughout the entirety of the movement you’re

Last word on “Intensity” & “Stress”…Don’t overdo it unless you want

diminishing returns on your level of sweat equity. You can continuously
rotate all of the routines that you see below and continue to get great
results by way of altering just one of the above three intensity variables.
Just be sure that when you DO introduce some additional degree of
stress/intensity, you choose just one of them (less rest, more volume,
or increased weight) in any given workout, and when you do introduce
it, do so in a conservative manner. Just remember, small jumps yield big
returns, whereas BIG CHANGES yield confusion & chaos.


Choosing Your
Regarding how to choose your weight for any given routine you’ll want to
remember that there are two considerations you must pay attention to.
FIRST, you must choose a weight that is heavy enough to force enough
stress or struggle to initiate the adaptations that you’re going for. But in
doing this, you must not lose sight of the SECOND consideration which
dictates that you should not choose a weight that is so heavy that you
cannot maintain a neutral spine when you DO experience the level of
fatigue that will inevitably be asked of you during any and all of these

That means you need to choose the heaviest

weight possible that you can complete EVERY
rep of EVERY exercise with solid form and a
neutral spine.


Much like everything in life, you have to learn how to crawl before you
walk, and walk before you run. This means before you jump right into
the more demanding and skill based ballistic kettlebell exercises (like
snatches and cleans), first focus on building a solid level of comfort and
work capacity with the less demanding kettlebell exercises (swings and
“combo core exercises”).

What I’d suggest is first mastering the

swing (so you better understand how
the kettlebell is supposed to move
in space), and while simultaneously
increasing your level of work capacity
with the beginner routines, you slow-
ly transition into doing single kettle-
bell THEN double kettlebell ballistic
movements. Progressing this way as-
sures that you not only get consistent
gains in your performance and aes-
thetics, but does so in a manner that
WON’T compromise joint or muscle
health. So moving forward, focus
on rotating through the “Beginner”
routines for a month, then progress
to “Intermediate” routines the next
month, and “Advanced” routines after that. Ultimately it comes down to
you progressing when you feel confident though. So if you feel the need
to stay with “Beginner” routines longer in order to safely perform the
more demanding “Intermediate” routines, stick with them as long as you
need to. But if you after just two weeks you feel strong and confident
enough to move forward into the “Intermediate” routines, don’t hesitate
to do so. You’ll know when the time is right.


Beginner Routines
Upper Body
Workout Format:

Exercise A » Push (Vertical or Horizontal Variation)

Exercise B » Pull (Vertical or Horizontal Variation)

Exercise C » Carry (Core Strengthening Variation)

I. 3 Rounds

(a) Alternating Overhead Press (5 reps / arm)

(b) Pullover to Press (10 reps)

(c) Farmers Walk (150 ft.)

» Rest 2 minutes between each round «

***To perform this workout properly, alternate overhead press from the
bottom position and after doing 5 reps per arm immediately do 10 pullover
to presses with a single kettlebell. Finish each round (you’ll do 3 total) with
a set of heavy farmers walks.***

II. Countdown Set

(a) Kettlebell Push Up (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

(b) Kettlebell Rows (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

(c) Goblet Walk (100 ft. after each rep interval)

» Perform routine as fast as possible «


***To perform properly, do 10 reps of push ups, then immediately do
10 reps of rows, and finish up that round with a goblet walk for 100 ft.
Minimize rest after the goblet walk and then do the same interval but with
8 reps instead. Follow this same format (doing a goblet walk after each set
of rows) until you get down to the 2 reps per exercise. Finish from 10 rep to
2 rep intervals AS FAST AS POSSIBLE to maximize the fat burning effect of
the workout.***

III. 5 Rounds

(a) Anti-Lateral Flexion Overhead Press (5 reps/arm)

(b) Anti-Rotation Row (5 reps/arm)

(c) Anti-Lateral Flexion Rack Carry (100 ft./arm)

» Rest 2-3 minutes between routine as «

***To execute one round properly, perform each of the three exercises on
each arm before immediately switching to the other arm.***

IV. 3 Rounds

(a) Alternating from Bottom Floor Press (10 reps/arm)

(b) Cheat Row to Deadlift (5 reps)

(c) Double Kettlebell Rack Carry (100 ft.)

» Perform routine as fast as possible «

***Use the same set of kettlebells for each of these 3 exercises. For the
cheat row to deadlift, each rep is performed by doing a row followed im-
mediately by a deadlift (each round requires 5 of these “reps” followed
immediately by a set of rack carries.***


Lower Body
Workout Format:

Exercise A » Bilateral (Squat or Deadlift Variation)

Exercise B » Unilateral (Step Up or Lunge Variation)

Exercise C » Carry (Core Strengthening Variation)

I. 5 Rounds

(a) Deadlift (10 reps)

(b) Goblet Reverse Lunge (5 reps/leg)

(c) Single Arm Farmers Walk (150 ft./arm)

» Rest 2 minutes between each round «

***Use the same kettlebell for each of the three exercises within the circuit.
For the single arm farmers walk, transition immediately from the first arm
you perform it with to the other.***

II. 3 Rounds

(a) Goblet Squat (10 reps)

(b) Goblet Walking Lunge (10 reps/leg)

(c) Goblet Walk (100 ft.)

» Rest 2 minutes between each round «

***Use the same kettlebell throughout the entire circuit. During each lunge,
make sure that at the bottom of each lunge, the ankle of your lead leg (the
leg you drive off of) is in alignment with your knee, and your trail legs knee
is aligned directly over your hip.***


III. Ladder Set

(a) Sumo Deadlift (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 5 reps)

(b) Farmers Walk (100 ft.)

» Complete Entire Set as Fast as Possible «

***After doing 5 reps of sumo deadlifts with a pair of kettlebells, im-

mediately do a set of farmers walks with the SAME pair of kettlebells for
100 ft. After that set of farmers walks, immediately do the same but with
3 reps of sumo deadlifts. You will do this same superset from intervals
of 5 reps down to 1 rep then back up to 5 reps and after EACH interval of
deadlifts perform the same 100 ft. farmers walk. Complete this as FAST as

IV. 3 Rounds

(a) Anti-Lateral Flexion Squat (5 reps/side)

(b) Anti-Lateral Flexion Reverse Lunge (5 reps/leg)

(c) Anti-Lateral Flexion Rack Carry (100 ft./arm)

» Rest 2 minutes between each round «

***Perform each of the 3 exercises on one side before immediately switch-

ing to the other side.***

Total Body
Workout Format:

Exercise A » Total Body (Combo of Upper & Lower Move)

Exercise B » Upper Body (Vertical or Horizontal Push or Pull)

Exercise C » Lower Body (Bilateral or Unilateral Movement)


I. Countdown Set

(a) Double Arm Thruster (5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 reps)

(b) Push Up (10 reps)

(c) Deadlift (5 reps)

» Perform as fast as possible «

***Each round of thrusters will be performed in a countdown fashion

(starting with 5 reps and working all the way down to a 1 rep interval), and
after EACH interval you will perform 10 push-ups followed immediately by
5 deadlifts. From start to finish, you want to complete this ENTIRE count-
down set as FAST as you can (so minimal rest).***

II. 3 Rounds

(a) Sumo High Pull (10 reps)

(b) Alternating From Bottom Overhead Press (5/arm)

(c) Goblet Walking Lunge (5 reps/leg)

» Rest 2 minutes between each round «

***Use the same weight for each of the three exercises in the circuit.
With the goblet walking lunge, be sure you keep your joints in alignment
so that you don’t experience any power leaks. That means drive off your
lead heel and be sure that your knee is stacked right on top of your ankle
when at the bottom of the lunge position.***

III. 5 Rounds

(a) Single Arm Thruster High Pull (5 reps/side)

(b) Push Up to Deadlift (10 reps)

» Rest 2 minutes between each round «

***Perform 5 reps of a single arm thruster on one side then immediately

perform 5 reps on the other, and after doing these immediately do 10 reps
of a push up to deadlift. One rep of these is a push up with your hands on
the kettlebells then popping up like you would during a burpee and transi-
tioning into a deadlift).***


IV. Countdown Set

(a) Cheat Row to Deadlift (5 – 3 – 1 reps)

(b) Cheat Row (5 – 3 – 1 reps)

(c) Deadlift (5 – 3 – 1 reps)

(d) Farmers Walk (100 ft.)

» Perform as Fast as Possible «

***Perform this entire workout in a countdown set fashion by working your

way down from 5 reps of each exercise to 1 rep of each exercise. After EACH
rep/set interval, perform a set of farmers walks with the same set of kettle-
bells you used with the previous exercise.***


Intermediate Routines
Upper Body
Workout Format:

Exercise A » Single KB Ballistic (Swing, Snatch, or High Pull)

Exercise B » Push (Vertical or Horizontal Movement)

Exercise C » Pull (Vertical or Horizontal Movement)

Exercise D » Carry (Core Strengthener)

I. 3 Rounds Set

(a) Double Arm Swing (10 reps)

(b) Alternating From Top Overhead Press (5 reps/arm)

(c) Cheat Rows (10 reps)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Use the same weights for each of the 3 exercises and for the alternating
from top overhead press, focus on keeping the locked out kettlebell that
is OPPOSITE of the one that you are actively pressing as still and stable as

II. 5 Rounds

(a) Single Arm Snatch (5 reps/arm)

(b) Anti-Lateral Flexion Overhead Press (5 reps/arm)

(c) Anti-Rotation Row (5 reps/arm)

(d) Single Arm Farmers Walk (100 ft./arm)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «


***Perform ALL exercises of the circuit on one arm before switching arms.
Do not rest until you have completed all reps on each side.***

III. Countdown Set

(a) Double Kettlebell Swing (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

(b) Alternating Overhead Press (5–4–3–2-1reps/arm)

(c) Alternating Iso-Row (5–4–3–2-1reps/arm)

» Perform As Fast As Possible «

***Perform each of the three exercises of the circuit in a countdown fash-

ion. Start with 10 swings immediately followed by 5 reps/side on both the
overhead press and alternation iso-rows. Continue to work your way down
to 2 reps of swings followed by 1 rep/side of both the press and row, and do
so with as little rest as possible.***

IV. 3 Rounds

(a) Single Arm Snatch (5 reps/arm)

(b) Anti-Rotation Floor Press (5 reps/arm)

(c) Anti-Rotation Pause Row (5 reps/arm)

(d) Single Arm Farmers Walk (100 ft./arm)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds »

***Perform ALL of the exercises of this set on one side before switching to
the other. For the pause rows, hold the top of the row for 3 seconds before
lowering the kettlebell back down. While doing so, stay as tight as possible
throughout your core to disallow any rotation in your spine.***


Lower Body
Exercise A » Single KB Ballistic (Swing, Snatch, or High Pull)

Exercise B » Bilateral (Squat or Deadlift Variation)

Exercise C » Unilateral (Step Up or Lunge Variation)

Exercise D » Carry (Core Strengthening Variation)

I. 3 Rounds

(a) Single Arm Clean (5 reps/arm)

(b) Anti-Lateral Flexion Reverse Lunge (5 reps/side)

(c) Single Arm Sumo Deadlift (5 reps/side)

(d) Single Arm Farmers Walk (100 ft./arm)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Perform ALL exercises of the circuit on one side before switching to

the other side. After each side of the prescribed work is done, rest for two
minutes before starting the next round.***

II. 5 Rounds

(a) Double Arm Swing (10 reps)

(b) Goblet Squat (10 reps)

(c) Alternating Goblet Reverse Lunge (5 reps/leg)

(d) Deadlift (10 reps)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Use the same weight on all of the exercises. The deadlifts will be per-
formed in a sumo deadlift fashion (wide stance with both hands on the
single kettlebell).***


III. 5 Rounds

(a) Single Arm Snatch (5 reps/arm)

(b) Anti-Lateral Flexion Squat (5 reps/side)

(c) Suitcase Deadlift (5 reps/leg)

(d) Single Arm Farmers Walk (100 ft./arm

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Perform ALL exercises of the circuit on one side before switching to the

IV. Ladder Set

(a) Double Arm Swing (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 5 reps)

(b) Goblet Squat (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 5 reps)

(c) Deadlift (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 5 reps)

» Perform As Fast As Possible «

***Perform each of the three exercises of the circuit in a ladder set fashion
(work down from 5 reps to 1 rep and back up to 5 reps), and do so as fast
as possible by minimizing the rest in between each exercise and each


Total Body
Exercise A » Single KB Ballistic (Swing, Snatch, or High Pull)

Exercise B » Lower Body (Bilateral or Unilateral Movement)

Exercise C » Upper Body (Vertical or Horizontal Push or Pull)

Exercise D » Carry (Core Strengthening Variation)

I. 3 Rounds

(a) Single Arm Clean & Press (5 reps/arm)

(b) Anti-Lateral Flexion Squat (5 reps/side)

(c) Anti-Rotation Row (5 reps/side)

(d) Single Arm Farmers Walk (100 ft./arm)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Perform ALL exercises on one side before switching to the other, and use
the SAME weight on each of the exercises.***

II. 5 Rounds

(a) Double Arm Thruster (5 reps)

(b) Alternating Rack Reverse Lunge (5 reps/side)

(c) Alternating Iso-Row (5 reps/arm)

(d) Rack Carry (100 ft.)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Perform all of the exercises of this circuit with the same kettlebells. For
the reverse lunges, remember to keep your joints aligned and drive off your
lead leg by driving your front heel into the ground.***


III. Countdown Set

(a) Sumo High Pulls (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

(b) Sumo Deadlifts (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

(c) Cheat Rows (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

(d) Single Arm Farmers Walk (100 ft./arm)

» Perform As Fast As Possible «

***Perform this circuit in a countdown set fashion by working your way

down from 10 reps per exercise all the way down to 2 reps per exercise as
fast as you can. Do this by minimizing rest in between each exercise and
each rep interval.***

IV. 3 Rounds

(a) Single Arm Thruster (5 reps/arm)

(b) Anti-Lateral Flexion Squat (5 reps/side)

(c) Anti-Lateral Flexion Overhead Press (5 reps/arm)

(d) Single Arm Farmers Walk (100 ft./arm)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Perform all of the exercises of the circuit on one side before switching to
the other.***


Advanced Routines
Upper Body
Exercise A » Double KB Ballistic (Swing, Snatch, or High Pull)

Exercise B » Push (Vertical or Horizontal Movement)

Exercise C » Pull (Vertical or Horizontal Movement)

Exercise D » Carry or Single KB Ballistic (Any Variation)

I. 3 Rounds

(a) Double Arm Jerk (5 reps)

(b) Alternating from Bottom Overhead Press (5 reps/side)

(c) Cheat Row (10 reps)

(d) Double Kettlebell Swing (5 reps)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Perform all of the exercises of the circuit with the same weight. For the
rows, keep your feet underneath your hips and each kettlebell just outside
of each foot. Initiate each row with your hips and once your torso is at a
45 degree angle, initiate a standard row by driving your elbows up and

II. 5 Rounds

(a) Double Arm Snatch (5 reps)

(b) Alternating From Top Floor Press (5 reps/arm)

(c) Push Up to Deadlift (5 reps)

(d) Cheat Rows (5 reps)


» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***TRY to perform all of the exercises with the same weights. The weight
of the double arm snatches will be your limiting factor, so if you’re going
to try and use the same weights for all of the exercises, then go with the
heaviest weights you can for 5 reps of double arm snatches. If you DON’T,
then just get two different weights and go heavier on the presses, deadlifts,
and rows. Perform the push up to deadlift much like you’d do a burpee
(push up, followed by jumping into the bottom the deadlift position, fol-
lowed by a deadlift – that constitutes one rep)…***

III. Countdown Set

(a) Double Arm Swing (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

(b) Double Arm Overhead Press (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

(c) Sumo Deadlifts (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2 reps)

» Perform As Fast As Possible «

***Perform this circuit in a countdown set fashion by working your way

down from 10 reps per exercise all the way down to 2 reps per exercise as
fast as you can. Do this by minimizing rest in between each exercise and
each rep interval.***

IV. Ladder Set

(a) Single Arm Clean & Press (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 5 reps)

(b) Anti-Rotation Row (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 5 reps)

(c) Single Arm Swing (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 5 reps/arm)

» Perform As Fast As Possible «

***Perform this circuit in a countdown set fashion by working your way

down from 10 reps per exercise all the way down to 2 reps per exercise as
fast as you can. Do this by minimizing rest in between each exercise and
each rep interval.***


Lower Body
Exercise A » Double KB Ballistic (Swing, Snatch, or High Pull)

Exercise B » Bilateral (Squat or Deadlift Variation)

Exercise C » Unilateral (Step Up or Lunge Variation)

Exercise D » Carry or Single KB Ballistic (Any Variation)

I. 3 Rounds

(a) Skier Swings (10 reps)

(b) Sumo Deadlifts (10 reps)

(c) Walking Rack Lunges (5 reps/leg)

(d) Double Kettlebell Swing (5 reps)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Perform all of the exercises of this circuit with the SAME weights,
and when doing so remain tight through the core to maintain a neutral

II. 3 Rounds

(a) Single Arm Snatch (5 reps/arm)

(b) Single Arm Overhead Reverse Lunge (5 reps/side)

(c) Single Arm Thruster (5 reps/side)

(d) Single Arm Swing (5 reps/side)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Perform ALL of the exercise of this circuit on one side before switching
to the other.***


III. Countdown Set

(a) Double Kettlebell Swing (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 - 2 reps)

(b) Sumo Deadlift (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 - 2 reps)

(c) Rack Reverse Lunge (5 – 4 – 3 – 2 - 1 reps/leg)

(d) Sumo High Pulls (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 - 2 reps)

» Perform entire set as FAST as possible «

***Perform the entire set as fast as possible by working your way down the
rep/set interval from set of 10/exercise all the way to sets of 2/exercise. Do
this as fast as possible.***

IV. Ladder Set

(a) Double Arm Snatch (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 5 reps)

(b) Double Kettlebell Rack Squat (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 5 reps)

(c) Sumo Deadlifts (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 5 reps)

(d) Double Arm Swing (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 – 5 reps)

» Perform As Fast As Possible «

***Perform this entire ladder set (going from 5 reps/exercise down to 1

rep/exercise and back up to 5 reps/exercise) as fast as possible. Ideally you
will use the same weight for all of the exercises, but given the fact that the
snatches will by far be the limiting factor, consider using a LIGHTER set for
those while using a HEAVIER set for the rest of the exercises.***


Total Body
Exercise A » Double KB Ballistic (Swing, Snatch, or High Pull)

Exercise B » Lower Body (Bilateral or Unilateral Movement)

Exercise C » Upper Body (Vertical or Horizontal Push or Pull)

Exercise D » Carry or Single KB Ballistic (Any Variation)

I. 3 Rounds

(a) Single Arm Snatch (5 reps/arm)

(b) Offset Thruster (5 reps/position)

(c) Offset Rack Deadlift (5 reps/position)

(d) Double Arm Swing (5 reps)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Perform 5 reps of single arm snatches on each arm, then transition into
doing a set of offset thrusters IMMEDIATELY followed by offset deadlifts.
After you do 5 reps of each of the thrusters then deadlifts on ONE SIDE, do
the same for the OTHER SIDE, and after both are completed perform a set of
double arm swings with just one of the kettlebells.***

II. 5 Rounds

(a) Skier Swings (5 reps)

(b) Alternating From Top Overhead Press (5 reps/arm)

(c) Alternating From Bottom Overhead Press (5 reps/arm)

(d) Sumo Deadlift (10 reps)

(e) Double Kettlebell Swing (5 reps)

» Rest 2 minutes between rounds «

***Perform all of the exercises from this circuit with the same weight.***


III. Ladder Set

(a) Double Arm Clean & Press (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 - 5 reps)

(b) Rack Squat (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 - 5 reps)

(c) Double Arm Swing (5 – 3 – 1 – 3 - 5 reps)

» Perform As FAST As Possible «

***Perform this entire set as fast as you possibly can by working your way
down from 5 reps/exercise to 1 rep/exercise and then back up to 5 reps/
exercise. Use the same weights for each exercise.***

IV. Countdown Set

(a) Double Kettlebell Snatch (10 – 8 – 6 – 4 - 2 reps)

(b) Double Kettlebell Overhead Press (10–8–6–4-2 reps)

(c) Alternating Rack Reverse Lunge (5–4–3–2-1 reps/leg)

(d) Double Kettlebell Cleans (10–8–6–4-2 reps)

» Perform entire set as FAST as possible «

***Perform the entire set as fast as possible by working your way down the
rep/set interval from set of 10/exercise all the way to sets of 2/exercise. Do
this as fast as possible.***



A highly sought after Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
a degree in Exercise Physiology from the Univ. of Florida, Chandler (or
Coach MANdler as he is often called) uses a clinical approach to strength
and conditioning that focuses on performance enhancement
via sport
specific corrective exercises which improve the quality, speed, and
power of any and all athletic movement, while helping to develop a
more muscular and lean physique. With experience training scholarship
athletes at the Univ. of Florida and the Univ. of South Florida, as well as
professionals in the NFL and NHL, Chandler brings a fun and goal specific
approach to fitness that will have you looking, feeling, and moving like an
absolute BADASS!

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