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Fundamentals of Nursing NCLEX Practice

Quiz 10 (25 Questions)

Gil Wayne, BSN, R.N.

October 31, 2017


Try this 25-item exam about the concepts covering Fundamentals of Nursing. This exam
tackles the basics of Anatomy and Physiology, drug administration, dosage calculations and
metric conversions.

EXAM TIP: Keep your cool. Facing an exam can be nerve-wracking, but it’s always best to
stay calm and believe that everything will go smooth.

No one is going to hand me success. I must go out & get it myself. That’s why I’m here. To
dominate. To conquer. Both the world, and myself.
— Anonymous


Topics or concepts included in this exam are:

 Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology

 Medication
 Metric conversions
 Various nursing care procedures


To make the most out of this quiz, follow the guidelines below:

 Read each question carefully and choose the best answer.

 You are given one minute per question. Spend your time wisely!
 Answers and rationales are given below. Be sure to read them.
 If you need more clarifications, please direct them to the comments section.


In Text Mode: All questions and answers are given for reading and answering at your own
pace. You can also copy this exam and make a printout.

1. Which of the following is the appropriate meaning of CBR?

A. Cardiac Board Room

B. Complete Bathroom
C. Complete Bed Rest
D. Complete Board Room

2. One (1) tsp is equal to how many drops?

A. 15
B. 60
C. 10
D. 30

3. 20 cc is equal to how many ml?

A. 2
B. 20
C. 2000
D. 20000

4. 1 cup is equal to how many ounces?

A. 8
B. 80
C. 800
D. 8000

5. The nurse must verify the client’s identity before administration of medication.
Which of the following is the safest way to identify the client?

A. Ask the client his name

B. Check the client’s identification band
C. State the client’s name aloud and have the client repeat it
D. Check the room number

6. The nurse prepares to administer buccal medication. The medicine should be


A. On the client’s skin

B. Between the client’s cheeks and gums
C. Under the client’s tongue
D. On the client’s conjunctiva

7. The nurse administers cleansing enema. The common position for this procedure

A. Sims left lateral

B. Dorsal Recumbent
C. Supine
D. Prone

8. A client complains difficulty of swallowing when the nurse tries to administer

capsule medication. Which of the following measures should the nurse do?
A. Dissolve the capsule in a glass of water
B. Break the capsule and give the content with an applesauce
C. Check the availability of a liquid preparation
D. Crash the capsule and place it under the tongue

9. Which of the following is the appropriate route of administration for insulin?

A. Intramuscular
B. Intradermal
C. Subcutaneous
D. Intravenous

10. The nurse is ordered to administer ampicillin capsule TID p.o. The
nurse should give the medication…

A. Three times a day orally

B. Three times a day after meals
C. Two times a day by mouth
D. Two times a day before meals

11. Back Care is best described as:

A. Caring for the back by means of massage

B. Washing of the back
C. Application of cold compress at the back
D. Application of hot compress at the back

12. It refers to the preparation of the bed with a new set of linens

A. Bed bath
B. Bed making
C. Bed shampoo
D. Bed lining

13. Which of the following is the most important purpose of handwashing

A. To promote hand circulation

B. To prevent the transfer of microorganism
C. To avoid touching the client with a dirty hand
D. To provide comfort

14. What should be done in order to prevent contaminating of the environment in bed

A. Avoid fanning soiled linens

B. Strip all linens at the same time
C. Finished both sides at the time
D. Embrace soiled linen

15. The most important purpose of cleansing bed bath is:

A. To cleanse, refresh and give comfort to the client who must remain in bed
B. To expose the necessary parts of the body
C. To develop skills in bed bath
D. To check the body temperature of the client in bed

16. Which of the following technique involves the sense of sight?

A. Inspection
B. Palpation
C. Percussion
D. Auscultation

17. The first techniques used examining the abdomen of a client is:
A. Palpation
B. Auscultation
C. Percussion
D. Inspection

18. A technique in physical examination that is used to assess the movement of air
through the tracheobronchial tree:

A. Palpation
B. Auscultation
C. Inspection
D. Percussion

19. An instrument used for auscultation is:


A. Percussion-hammer
B. Audiometer
C. Stethoscope
D. Sphygmomanometer

20. Resonance is best described as:

A. Sounds created by air-filled lungs

B. Short, high pitch and thudding
C. Moderately loud with musical quality
D. Drum-like

21. The best position for examining the rectum is:

A. Prone
B. Sim’s
C. Knee-chest
D. Lithotomy

22. It refers to the manner of walking

A. Gait
B. Range of motion
C. Flexion and extension
D. Hopping

23. The nurse asked the client to read the Snellen chart. Which of the following is

A. Optic
B. Olfactory
C. Oculomotor
D. Trochlear

24. Another name for knee-chest position is:

A. Genu-dorsal
B. Genu-pectoral
C. Lithotomy
D. Sim’s

25. The nurse prepares IM injection that is irritating to the subcutaneous tissue.
Which of the following is the best action in order to prevent tracking of the

A. Use a small gauge needle

B. Apply ice on the injection site
C. Administer at a 45° angle
D. Use the Z-track technique
Answers and Rationale

1. Answer: C. Complete Bed Rest

 Option C: CBR means complete bed rest. For more abbreviations, please see
this post.

2. Answer: B. 60

 Option B: One teaspoon (tsp) is equal to 60 drops (gtts).

3. Answer: B. 20

 Option B: One cubic centimeter is equal to one milliliter.

4. Answer: A. 8

 Option A: One cup is equal to 8 ounces.

5. Answer: B. Check the client’s identification band

 Option B: The identification band is the safest way to know the identity of a
patient whether he is conscious or unconscious.
 Option A: Ask the client his name only after you have checked his ID band.

6. Answer: B. Between the client’s cheeks and gums

 Option B: Buccal administration involves placing a drug between the gums and
cheek, where it also dissolves and is absorbed into the blood.

7. Answer: A. Sims left lateral

 Option A: This position provides comfort to the patient and an easy access to the
natural curvature of the rectum.
8. Answer: C. Check the availability of a liquid preparation

 Option C: The nurse should check first if the medication is available in liquid form
before doing Choice A. Placing it under the tongue is not the intended way of
administering an oral medication.

9. Answer: C. Subcutaneous

 Option C: The subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen is preferred because

absorption of the insulin is more consistent from this location than subcutaneous
tissues in other locations.

10. Answer: A. Three times a day orally

 Option A: TID is the Latin for “ter in die” which means three times a day. P.O.
means per orem or through mouth.

11. Answer: A. Caring for the back by means of massage

 Option A: Back care or massage is usually given in conjunction with the activities
of bathing the client. It can also be done on other occasions when a client seems
to have a risk of developing skin irritation due to bed rest. The goal when
performing this procedure is to enhance relaxation, reduce muscle tension and
stimulate circulation.

12. Answer: B. Bed making

 Option B: Bed making is one of the important nursing techniques to prepare

various types of bed for patients or clients to guarantee comfort and beneficial
position for a specific condition. The bed is particularly important for patients who
are sick. The nurse plays inevitable role to ensure comfort and cleanliness for ill
patient. It should be adaptable to various positions as per patient’s need because
they spend varying amount of the day in bed.
13. Answer: B. To prevent the transfer of microorganism

 Option B: Hand washing is the single most effective infection control measure.

14. Answer: A. Avoid fanning soiled linens

 Option A: Fanning soiled linens would scatter the lodged microorganisms and
dead skin cells on the linens.

15. Answer: A. To cleanse, refresh and give comfort to the client who must remain in

 Option A: The nurse provides bed bath for patients who must remain in bed and
depend on someone else for their care. It is an important part of the patient’s daily
care. Not only does it remove sweat, oil, and micro-organisms from the patient’s
skin, but it also stimulates circulation and promotes a feeling of self-worth by
improving the patient’s appearance. For patients who are on bedrest, bathing can
also be a time for socialization.

16. Answer: A. Inspection

 Option A: Palpation is a method of feeling with the fingers or hands during a

physical examination. Percussion is a method of tapping on a surface to
determine the underlying structure, and is used in clinical examinations to assess
the condition of the thorax or abdomen. Auscultation(based on the Latin verb
auscultare “to listen“) is listening to the internal sounds of the body, usually using
a stethoscope.

17. Answer: D. Inspection

 Option D: For abdominal exam, auscultation is performed before palpation

because the act of palpation could change what was auscultated. Remember the
mnemonic “I-A-Per-Pal”.
18. Answer: B. Auscultation

 Option B: Auscultation of the lung is a significant part of the respiratory

examination and is necessary for diagnosing several respiratory disorders.
Auscultation assesses airflow through the trachea-bronchial tree. It is crucial to
distinguish normal respiratory sounds from abnormal ones for example crackles,
wheezes, and pleural rub in order to make a correct diagnosis.

19. Answer: C. Stethoscope

 Option C: With the invention of stethoscope by Rene Theophile Hyac in the

Laënnec in 1816; the art of auscultation not only became popular worldwide, but
also comfortable for patients and physicians.

20. Answer: A. Sounds created by air-filled lungs

 Option A: The lung is filled with air (99% of lung is air), hence, percussion of it
gives a resonance.

21. Answer: C. Knee-chest

 Option C: To assume the genu-pectoral position the person kneels so that the
weight of the body is supported by the knees and chest, with the buttocks raised.
The head is turned to one side and the arms are flexed so that the upper part of
the body can be supported in part by the elbows.

22. Answer: A. Gait

 Option A: Gait is the pattern of movement of the limbs of animals, including

humans, during locomotion over a solid substrate.

23. Answer: A. Optic

 Option A: Cranial Nerve II or the optic nerve is tested through the use of the
Snellen chart.

24. Answer: B. Genu-pectoral

 Option B: Genu-pectoral position is the position of a patient in which the weight

of the body is supported on the knees and chest.

25. Answer: D. Use the Z-track technique

 Option D: During the procedure, skin and tissue are pulled and held firmly while
a long needle is inserted into the muscle. After the medication is injected, the skin
and tissue are released. The needle track that forms during this procedure takes
the shape of the letter “Z,” which gives the procedure its name. This zigzag track
line is what prevents medication from leaking from the muscle into surrounding

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Last updated on April 10, 2019


 Anatomy and Physiology

 Drug Administration

 Drug Medication

 medication

 Metric Conversions

 NCLEX Exams


 Nursing Care Procedures

 nursing procedures

 Nursing Skills

Gil Wayne, BSN, R.N.

Gil Wayne graduated in 2008 with a bachelor of science in nursing and during the same year,
earned his license to practice as a registered nurse. His drive for educating people stemmed from
working as a community health nurse where he conducted first aid training and health seminars and
workshops to teachers, community members, and local groups. Wanting to reach a bigger audience
in teaching, he is now a writer and contributor for Nurseslabs since 2012 while working part-time as
a nurse instructor. His goal is to expand his horizon in nursing-related topics, as he wants to guide
the next generation of nurses to achieve their goals and empower the nursing profession.


1. REJOICE MURPHY April 22, 2019 at 2:23 PM

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teaching and evaluating our students. hope this site will aid in helping me bridge
the gap.
the beginning of change always seem impossible but i also believe the longest
journey always start with a step.



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