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October 09 2010: This Issue – The Crash Of 2011 – Special 2020 Report.

New Earth
News WITH 2020 Vision

Call it wild imagination if you wish, especially coming from a non-economist who has
spent half a century on the outside looking in – but the future, your future, is looking
bleak indeed.
It goes like this.
The addict got another fix this past week – another injection of heroin from the Federal
But it will turn out to be an overdose, with the inevitable consequence – death of the dollar.
My concern (and you don't have to agree) is that this latest injection of
ersatz money has not only put several future generations into much
deeper debt, it has created a situation which will have immediate and
intended consequences – all of them bad for all of us.
The backlash has already started, as reported in the UK MailOnLine:
“Flooding the world's money markets with US dollars could spark a
new global economic crisis, an adviser to China's central bank has
“The warning comes as Asian governments prepare for an unwanted
flood of capital into their markets following the Federal Reserve's move
to inject more money into the U.S. economy.
“Opposition by Beijing and other governments to the Fed's move might hamper efforts to
agree on measures to fix strains in the global economy at next week's Group of 20 leaders
summit in Seoul.”
If the last stimulus package did nothing but cause the patient's body to twitch just a little bit
with no signs of any recovery, then the inevitable (and soon) result will be that yet another
injection will be requested by the ailing patient (the US Government).
But what if the bankster gangsters refuse. This is highly likely because they want to introduce
a Global Bank that controls all world finance through what they call Special Drawing Rights -
controlled by them, for their benefit. (That's not a conspiracy theory. It's a fact).
That's why the Fed and its predecessor banks both in the US and
overseas have for 100 years and more injected money into the US and
other economies, watched the debt build up because there are always
strings (interest) attached...and eventually they can say "we'll bail you out,
but you have to start cutting spending"....all of which is BS...and intended
to cripple the countries they work with.
The next thing that will happen here in the US is that the latest injection
won't stimulate the economy at all. In fact, the patient is almost flat-lining
despite the appearance of life support through the Fed's "Quantitative
Easing" shell game.
The National Inflation Association has gone much further, producing a
special free report by President Gerard Adams who believes food price
inflation “will take over in 2011 as America's greatest crisis.”
In fact, he says “we currently have a currency crisis that could soon turn into hyperinflation
and a complete societal collapse.”
NIA projects that at the average U.S. grocery store it will soon cost
• $11.43 for one ear of corn,
• $23.05 for a 24 oz loaf of wheat bread,
• $62.21 for a 32 oz package of Domino Granulated Sugar,
• $24.31 for a 32 fl oz container of soy milk,
• $77.71 for a 11.30 oz container of Folgers Classic Roast Coffee,
• $45.71 for a 64 fl oz container of Minute Maid Orange Juice,
• and $15.50 for a Hershey's Milk Chocolate 1.55 oz candy bar.
• NIA also projects that by the end of this decade, a plain white men's cotton
t-shirt at Wal-Mart will cost $55.57.
If those numbers seem outrageous, consider this.....
“Despite cotton rising by 54%, corn rising by 29%, soybeans
rising by 22%, orange juice rising by 17%, and sugar rising by
51% during the months of September and October alone,
these huge commodity price increases have yet to make their
way into America's grocery stores because corporations have
been reluctant to pass these price increases along to the
As a result of all this, the government will be forced to (or will
willingly, because they're all puppets of the Puppet Masters) Bread On A Platter
cut spending, which will include Social Security, Medicare, and other welfare
other words, within three to four months, the brown is going to hit the oscillating device, and
those who expected to have will have not, and those who already have will have more (which
is what being a Banker Gangster is all about).
The result will be runaway inflation and a few hundred million people rapidly becoming
destitute while the monetary enforcement arm of the government (all governments) will be out
there demanding people pay the taxes they can no longer afford to the Revenue
Gatherers riding their black horses will hunt people down and put liens on any property that
has a mortgage on it....
This will happen world-wide - and you'll continue to hear the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund recommending a "solution" to this "crisis" that THEY have engineered.
Now that you know this....use your inheritance if you have one or any available money very
wisely.. Consider storing food in bulk, such as wheat, rice and beans. Get a grain mill. Make
your own bread. Do a lot of canning (preserving) immediately. .It's insurance you can eat.
If you can afford to, make sure you have a totally freehold
property (ownership free and clear) so no marauder on a
Black Horse can take it away. You might also plan to do
some serious gardening instead of wasting water so you
can mow the lawn every week! Grass is not human
food....until they're starving.
In the United States, almost every single state is also close
to bankruptcy, running deficits in the billions (as opposed to the federal government, which is
in the trillions). This means they're looking for every possible way to bleed more money out of
their citizens by way of taxes, court costs, fines and so on. Some have even put a tax on
candy and soft drinks (soda). And they'll fine anyone who doesn't get a permit to harvest
rainwater off their own roof!!!
As in Britain, more and more highways and intersections are
monitored by cameras that result in tickets being issued for an
increasing range of infringements. At the same time, local
police numbers are being cut to the bone.
So what do these governments do to solve the debt problems
they have created? They cut civil service or government jobs
by the tens of thousands. Washington state is one place where
they have put their employees on a one-day furlough per month. This is like being fired for
eight hours a month - and it should be a big red flag about what's up ahead.
One of our contacts says “it has taken me a few decades to get this figured out, but having
watched the game for 50 years, I have become very aware of the plays that are made by the
banks and their puppets.”
He goes on to explain how it can be understood in very simple terms.
“First of all, ask yourself why a government has to borrow money in the first place?
“Then ask...who from, or from whom? And why?
“Now consider the irrationality of a government establishing its
own bank and then issuing money to itself at interest.”
Seen in that light, one could say we're looking at the ultimate
Ponzi scheme – a pyramid with a very few people at the top,
all of them living like leeches off the labor and taxes of
everyone below them.
(Sidebar: There was a long period in Australia's history
wherein the national bank did not issue money at interest. In
fact, it “created” money, issued it, and had an extremely healthy economy for decades – until
the Bankster families finally infiltrated the system and took it over...but that's another story).
In the simplest terms, this game of Monopoly requires governments to borrow from privately
owned banks, and to repay those loans, plus interest, supposedly using the taxes they
impose on their citizens to both fund government services, and repay those loans.
When they can't cover the interest, they roll over the loans (at more interest) and the end
result is inevitable – more debt than they can possibly handle – debt way beyond their annual
Gross Domestic Product, and way beyond what they have coming in from taxing their serfs.
Stripping away all the hype and all the nonsense that politicians spout
about creating jobs and getting the economy moving, the bottom line is
that it would require exponential (unlimited and unstoppable) production
and growth forever to keep things in balance...which is simply impossible.
But now think about the benefits to a privately
owned bank which does the lending to the
government - at interest. As in the game of
Monopoly, those who own the bank will
ALWAYS wind up owning EVERYTHING.
This in turn means they have, through their
predatory but well-planned lending practices,
controlled the politicians they lend to, and the
politicians in turn act as the debt collectors by
passing laws that put their people into serfdom, for generations....or
at least, until the serfs finally rebel.
Being aware of this potential, governments build up big armies, usually to be used to conquer
other nations so they can exploit their resources, provide huge profits for their military-
industrial complex friends, but also as a back-up plan so they can use their troops at home to
quell any civil unrest.
This is what has happened here in the USA. The possibility of martial law being imposed is
very real, because the president can do so whenever he decides it is warranted - and he
doesn't have to ask permission from the government (Congress).
What politicians NEVER do, is explain to their people that the only reason their country is in
debt is because they agreed to finance themselves through loans from privately-owned banks
- and they are almost ALL privately owned these days. (You might recall that those who had
the courage to try and introduce an alternative currency were assassinated - and following
presidents and prime ministers have been made well aware of this potential if they do not toe
the bankster they do).
In the making of excuses for their self-created dilemma, politicians will tell you that the reason
for the crises they are in is because "China is not playing ball with its currency," or because
India has done something, or because the Euro isn't on par with the dollar or because
consumers aren't consuming the way they should, or because the housing bubble burst so
the banks that are too big to fail need billions of your dollars in order to pay themselves
billions in bonuses before they start lending again.
The fact is, it's now virtually impossible to get a loan to buy a
home in the United States. The banks are NOT lending. In fact,
many of them (the smaller fish in the system) are failing every
week - but that doesn't hurt the big fish one little bit. They just
keep eating and eating and eating because they have a totally
voracious appetite and they won't be happy until they have
consumed every fish in the ocean, every tree on the land, every
possible resource that exists on the planet.....
That's the so-called "Banking Families" for you. If you can't see that reality, then you have
been asleep all your life, and you'll be picked off like turkeys on a roost after dark.
You didn't know that turkeys sleep after dark? On roosts or fences?
And you can just walk up to them with a stick and knock them off
their perch with one fell swoop? Yep - that's how it's done. And
that's what the Bankster Gangsters are doing to a gazillion turkeys,
from the top government levels down to the dumpster levels -
they're picking off everybody.
For a while, the Judas Turkeys - politicians whose careers were
pre-ordained by others in that "elite" circle of sharks - will regale us
with promises of setting things right, telling us they "feel your pain,"
- but at the same time, prudently looking after their own personal interests.
Ignorant people will think that belonging to one political party or another will “put things right”
when their party gets into power. They are ignorant, because they do not know that the game
is rigged. It doesn't matter these days which party is in power...they're all under the thumb of
the Banksters. And so are you – unless you wake up and get out of the game.
Politicians are human too you know (well, we won't debate that point
too deeply) and in some respects a lot smarter than Joe Sixpack
because they have risen to their place somewhere near the top of the
heap, by fair means or foul, and now that they're there, many of them
have access to kickbacks and perks that we never hear about.
One of those perks is that they can, if needs be, go hide themselves in
an underground city. That's right - underground cities exist, courtesy of
you the taxpayer, and that's where your "shadow government" went at
the time of the 9/11 attack. (Didn't hear much about that from the
mainstream media though, did you?).
Alternatively, they have their special personal properties high in the
mountains or in some other country. The Bush family owns 100,000
acres in Paraguay, right alongside a major US military base, and on top
of one of the greatest underground aquifers in the world. They no doubt
have their own underground facilities there as well, since they were and
are proponents of leaving "all options on the table" - including nuclear
And Joe Sixpack has what? Empty promises that his politicians are going to set things right –
but you, dear Joe, are going to have to tighten your belt, stop eating three times a day, and
cut back to a two-pack.
Let's now move way ahead of the game. We've seen that countries
and their people get in debt to Banksters, and it is debt that can
never be repaid. It is debt that favors the banks every single time.
Take your 30-year house mortgage as an example; if you bought it
for $100,000 and borrowed the money, you repaid $300,000 over
30 years. That's $200,000 you gave to someone who did nothing
productive to get it!. And who, throughout that 30 years, was the
real owner of your home? Just check your contract and see what
happens if you can't pay the last installment.
Making money out of thin air and lending it at interest has
been a deliberate and incremental ploy by those Gangster
Bangsters - and their true intention is to bring the world to its
knees financially, in order to introduce a global currency
which they will control, thereby controlling every nation and
every government and every politician and every person on
the planet.
(Are you awake yet?).
But if we allow ourselves to move way ahead of the game, to look back from the vantage
point of something like 2013 or 2020, we can envision how their entire plot and strategy came
Looking back from say 2013, we remember that people
everywhere, made destitute and homeless by the actions of
the banks and their puppet politicians, finally got pissed off
(as they did in Greece already after drastic austerity cuts
which hurt only the working class and lower. The results were
neither pretty, nor productive, at least in the short term. The
riots turned bloody in many cases. It was a disorganized
revolution. The serfs turned their pitch forks into pitch forks
and went for the jugular.
Fights erupted everywhere as people scrambled to find something to eat – yes, starvation
was rampant because the entire food production system broke down as farmers and agri-
business corporations went broke.
Food prices skyrocketed for several reasons – bad weather, storms and floods and blizzards
and droughts being part of the global mix. Engineered Inflation (done despite all the denials)
was a huge contributor.
Martial law was used in an effort to quell the rising tide of anger – but many of the soldiers
who were required to enforce martial law simply rebelled and deserted – while others formed
their own roving gangs and became wandering terrorists. Others formed communities in
fenced off suburbs where they commandeered abandoned shopping malls to house their
incoming friends from elsewhere.
The rule of law failed, because the serfs had realized that many of the millions of laws that
had been imposed upon them had never been for their benefit – they had simply been a
means of control for the benefit of the elite.
The latest and greatest empire the world had seen was brought to its knees.

Because it had reneged on its own founding documents and

Constitution. It had been undermined by a small group of banksters,
aided and abetted by outwardly confident but inwardly cowardly
politicians – people who had in fact been leadership material, but
who when it came to the test did not have the courage to follow
through, to stand up to the bankers, to risk their own lives in the
interest of true justice for those they were elected to serve.
Instead of serving, they opted to be puppets, thereby becoming mouthpieces
for a corrupt and insidious wasting disease that was instigated and controlled
by those invisible parasites – the Bankster Gangster Families and their hidden
puppet masters (yes, those families are also puppets).
The end result – well, the end result, after all the bloodshed and adversity, was
that the game of Monopoly came to a close, and the bankers, those who escaped with their
lives, finished up owning nothing at all.
Surprisingly too, there were “serfs” who made it through the entire ordeal without a scratch,
without too much inconvenience, without having their land confiscated or their homes
They were the ones who saw it coming. Even if they saw it coming late in the game, they
were the ones who immediately elected themselves to the position of president or prime
minister of their own lives and destiny. Without getting emotionally involved in what was
happening around them, they quietly but quickly took steps to protect themselves and their
They did everything necessary to find an adequate piece of
property well away from the cities – and high above the
oceans. They became self sufficient. They either grew their
own food, or rapidly stocked up on bulk items such as wheat
rice and beans. They even buried some of it in plastic buckets
(with no metal handles) and they rode out the times of martial
law during which squads and Swat teams came searching for
“hoarded” food and stole it away; they even used metal
detectors as part of their sweep-and-retrieve exercises.
These self-sufficient people had buried water tanks on their properties, knowing that by doing
so the weather could turn to drought at any time and they would be unaffected. Unlike the
millions in cities like Phoenix or Los Angeles, they had no reason to rely on water being piped
from hundreds of miles away, or pumped from an ever-decreasing aquifer. Those who did,
died of thirst – or were reduced to scavenging for water in muddy ditches and snake-infested
Yes, some had to go into self-defense mode, but the survivors were those who saw it coming.
Some even went so far as to build underground facilities for themselves and their families.
These were like hobbit houses – secure against the elements, and a safe place to be when
the marauders came by. Marauders do not tarry where the pickings are slim...or hidden from
Unlike sleeping turkeys, the survivors were watchful and awake. They saw the storm clouds
and got prepared.
As for the banksters, their minion corporations and corrupt political allies?
Many of them went the way of those who had opposed them in the first place. It was called
“bringing them to justice.” Or – bad karma.
Yes, you do reap what you sow.
© 2010 Michael Knight
About Us

New Earth News is a chronicle of changing circumstances in our world. It doesn't cover everything, but
its focus is on what's happening - what's not being reported - what's being misreported or deliberately
skewed by the Mainspin outlets - and more importantly, what we can do to ensure that we know what's
up, and how to deal with it.

New Earth News is published by Michael Knight's company,


Michael Knight has been an investigative reporter,

and documentary director since 1960.
He has worked internationally in all media,
primarily as an investigative reporter and
independent photo-journalist, contract
documentary director ("Contact Has Begun") and
freelance writer.

Knight is also author of the e-book, "How To

Survive Earth Changes, Economic Depression And
Martial Law."

Views expressed herein are those of the authors concerned. Links were working at time of writing. Best
effort has been made to verify and provide sources, however complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
The newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only - with a focus on earth changes,
social events, and the transition from society and civilization as we now know it, to something much
more evolved (after the chaos is over) starting in 2013.
web site:
Content is (c) OutsourceInk/Michael Knight 2010.

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