Anda di halaman 1dari 7


Heart Failure cells Chronic congestions (lungs, liver, heart) Hemosiderin laden
Lines of Zahn Arterial thrombosis Laminations composed
of pale platelet and
fibrin deposits
alternating with dark or
red cell-rich layers; ante-
mortem thrombosis
LE (Lupus SLE Neutrophil, phagocytized
Erythematosus) cell Tart Lymphoblastoma/metastatic Same as LE and digested the nuclei
Cell carcinoma cell but of another cell
with intact
Foam cells Atherosclerosis Oxidized lipoproteins
accumulated in
macrophages in smooth
muscle cells
Fatty streak Atherosclerosis Multiple fat yellow spots
coalescing into streaks.
Lipid-filled foamy
macrophages in intima
Aschoff bodies Rheumatic fever Granulomatous
structures with fibrinoid
tissue; lymphocytic
infiltrates; occasional
plasma cells with
macrophages around a
necrotic center
sometimes fusing to
form giant cells
Caterpillar cells Rheumatic fever Plump activated
Anitschkow cellls macrophages, abundant
cytoplasm with round to
ovoid nuclei and
condensed chromatin
slender wave pattern
Spider cells Rhabdomyoma Thin strands of
cytoplasm that stretch
from the nucleus to the
surface membrane
Myxoma cells Myxoma Moderately cellular
bland spindles and
stellate cells in a
Russel Bodies Multiple Myeloma Eosinophilic large
homogeneous Ig
containing inclusions
found in plasma cells,
excessive synthesis of Ig
Auer rods AML Needle like azurophilic granules
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
Faggot cells AML Cells with numerous Auer rods
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
Smudge cells Chronic lymphocytic leukemia Remnants of cells without
Basket Cells Small lymphocytic leukemia identifiable cytoplasm
membrane or nucleus fragile
Reed Sternberg cells Hodgkins Lymphoma Large multiple nuclei or single
with multiple lobes each lobe
with a nucleolus (‘owls eye
Starry sky pattern Burkitt Lymphoma Diffuse infiltration of medium
size anaplastic lymphocytes
(sky) punctuated with
macrophages that phagocytose
lymphocytes (stars)
Dutcher bodies Multiple Myeloma Intracytoplasmic inclusions that
Waldenstroms are invaginated into the nucleus
macroglobulinemia (Looks intranuclear)
Ringed Sideroblasts Myelodysplastic syndrome Prussian blue (+) iron laden
(erythroid) mitochondria in erythroblasts
Pseudo-Pelget Huet cells Myelodysplastic syndrome PMNs with only 2 lobes normal
(granulocytic) is 3-5
Pawnball megakaryocytes Myelodysplastic syndrome Megakaryocytes with multiple
(megakaryocytic) separated nuclei
Spherocytes Hereditary spherocytosis Round erythrocytes without
central pallor
Heinz bodies Glucose 6 phosphate Inclusions in erythrocytes
Heinz-Ehrlich bodies dehydrogenase deficiency composed of denatured
hemoglobin seen in supravital
Degmacytes Glucose 6 phosphate Erythrocytes with one or more
dehydrogenase deficiency semicircular portions bitten off
the cell margin
Drepanocytes Sickle cell disease Sickle cell shaped erythrocytes
Sickle cells
Codocytes Sickle cell disease Erythrocytes with a dark center
Target cells and white ring followed by an
outer red ring with Hgb
(dehydrated erythrocytes)
Howell-Jolly bodies Sickle cell disease Basophilic nuclear remnants in
circulating erythrocytes
(erythrocytes usually don’t have

Michaelis Gutman bodies Malakoplakia Rounded concentrically layered
intracytoplasmic inclusions
Denuding cystitis Flat urothelial Cancer Malignant cells on a largely
Bladder carcinoma in situ denuded basement membrane
with influenced hyperemic
Schiller duval bodies Yolk sac tumor Central blood vessel
encapsulated by tumor cells
within a space lined by a tumor
Reinke Crystals Leydig cell tumor Plasma rod like cytoplasmic
Call-exner bodies Granulose call tumor Small cuboidal to polygonal cells
in sheets, cords; may
recapitulate gland like
structures with central
acidophilic material
Paget cells Paget disease Large cells with clear cytoplasm
and eccentric hyperchromic
nuclei; seen at the epidermis

Curshmann spirals Bronchial Asthma Spiral shaped mucous plugs
from sub epithelial mucous
gland ducts of bronchi
Charcot-Leyden crystals Bronchial Asthma Eosinophil protein galectin,
found in people who have
allergic disease
Schaumann bodies Sarcoidosis Calcium and protein inclusions
inside of Langhans giant cells as
part of a granuloma
Asteroid bodies Sarcoidosis Stellate inclusions within giant
cells of granulomas

Salt and pepper chromatin Neuroendocrine tumors Salt and pepper nuclei and
Medullary thyroid ca stippled chromatin, granular
Pheochromocytoma chromatin
Small cell lung cancer
Zellballen Paraganglioma Small nest of chromaffin cells or
Pheochromocytoma chief cells with pale eosinophilic
staining separated by bands of
fibrovascular stroma
surrounded by support
sustentacular cells
Hurthle cell Hashimoto thyroiditis Oncocytic cells in thyroid tissue;
Hurthle cell cancer Cellular enlargement with
Thyroid adenoma abundant eosinophilic granular
Thyroid follicular cancer cytoplasm as a result of
accumulation of altered
Zebra bodies Niemann-Pick disease Type A Membranous cytoplasmic
and Type B inclusions of lamellated myelin
Gaucher cells Gaucher disease Distended phagocytic cells in
(glucocerebrosidase deficiency) spleen, liver, bone marrow,
lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus
and peyer patches (Lymphoid
tissue) with fibrillary cytoplasm;
crumpled tissue appearance
Psammoma bodies Papillary thyroid cancer Sand-like lamellated
Papillary renal cancer concentration
Crooke hyaline change Cushing syndrome Homogenous paler cytoplasm of
ACTH secreting cells

Munro microabscesses Psoriasis Neutrophils within the
parakeratotic stratum corneum
Spongiform pustules of Kogoj Psoriasis Neutrophils in spongiotic foci of
the superficial epidermis
Horn cysts Seborrheic keratoses Small keratin filled cysts
Civatte bodies Lichen Planus Anucleate, necrotic basal cells in
inflamed papillary dermis

Kuru Plaques Creutzfeld Jakob Extracellular deposits of
Kuru aggregated abnormal proteins
Lewy body Parkinsons disease Abnormal aggregates of alpha-
Lewy Body dementia synuclein protein
Bunina bodies Amytrophic lateral sclerosis PAS (+) small eosinophilic
intraneuronal inclusions in the
remaining lower motor neurons
Rosenthal fibers Pilocytic astrocytoma Thick elongated worm like
Chronic gliosis corkscrew eosinophilic bundle
on H&E stain of the brainF
Homer wright psuedorosettes Neuroblastoma Small round cells around a
Ewing Sarcoma central space filled with
Medulloblastoma eosinophilic fibrillary material
Flexner-wintersteiner Rosettes Retinoblastoma Tumor cells surrounding a
lumen of cytoplasmic

Halberstaedter prowazek Trachoma Scraping the conjunctiva shows
bodies C. trachomatis round to oval intracytoplasmic
inclusions within conjunctival
epithelial cells
Clue Cells Gardnerella vaginalis Vaginal squamous epithelial
cells coated with the anaerobic
gram-variable coccobacilli
Downey Cells Epstein Barr virus CD8+ T-cells increase in
Infectious Mononucleosis numbers in the blood stream
and are activated (atypicial
presence of reactive
lymphocytes in peripheral
Guarnieri bodies Variola Virus B-type inclusions found in cells
Small Pox stained with eosin, appear as
pink blobs in the cytoplasm of
affected epithelial cells
Henderson-Patterson Bodies Molluscum contangiosum Lobules containing hyalinized
molluscum bodies;
intracytoplasmic inclusion body
Negri bodies Rabies Cytoplasmic round to oval
eosinophilic inclusions in
pyramidal neurons of the
hippocampus and Purkinje cells
of the cerebellum
Sezary cells Mycosis Fungoides T cells with cerebriform nuclei,
Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma Increased mucopolysaccharides
Pautrier microabscesses Mycosis Fungoides Accumulation of Sezary cells in
Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma the epidermis
Warthin-Finkeldey cells Measles (Rubeola virus) Multinucleated giant cells with
eosinophilic nuclear and
cytoplasmic inclusions (in lymph
nodes, lung and sputum)
Cowdry Type A Herpes Simplex Virus Eosinophilic or Basophilic
inclusions of nucleic acid and
protein with intact and
disrupted virons
Owls Eye Cytomegalovirus Intranuclear basophilic
Hodgkins Lymphoma inclusions surrounded by a clear
Fleur de lis pattern Pseudomonas Pale necrotic centers with red
hemorrhagic periphery
Donovan bodies Donovanosis Gram negative rod shaped oval
Granuloma inguinale organisms in the cytoplasm of
Klebsiella granulomatis mononuclear phagocytes;
safety pin appearance
Lepra cells Lepromatous Leprosy Macrophages with foamy
cytoplasm (lipids), poorly
staining sac like structures, globi
Gumma Syphilis (tertiary stage) Central coagulation necrosis
surrounded by palisading
macrophages and fibroblasts
plasma cell-rich infilitrate; lower
number of treponemes (higher
in secondary)
Durck granulomas Malaria Rarefied brain tissue containing
activated microglial cells at a
site of prior perivascular ring
Nurse cells Trichinosis Skeletal muscle cells without
Meyers kouwenaar bodies Lymphatic filariasis Eosinophilic precipitates
embedded in small epithelioid
Morula Cells of Mott Trypanosoma Brucei Atypical plasma cells with
Sleeping sickness comparments visible in the
cytoplasm; Immunoglobulins
that haven’t been released
Langhans type giant cell Granulomatous conditions Fusion of epithelioid cells
Pirogov-Langhans giant cell Mycobacterium tuberculosis (macrophages), and contain
nuclei arranged in a horseshoe-
shaped pattern in the cell

Signet ring cell Basta Malala ito hahaha Cells with a large vacuoles filled
Diffuse infiltrative with mucin
gastroadenocarcinoma (linitis
Highly malignant forms of
epithelial cancers of the
bladder, colorectal, breast and
ovarian stroma
Councilman bodies Chronic viral hepatitis Acidophilic globule of cells;
Councilman hyaline bodies dying hepatocyte surrounded
Apoptotic bodies by normal parenchyma
Hepatitis rosette Autoimmune hepatitis Small group of surviving
hepatocytes within areas of
Mallory- Denk Body Alcoholic steatohepatitis Clumped amorphous
Mallory body Primary Billiary cirrhosis eosinophilic inclusions in the
Mallorys hyaline cytoplasm with damaged
intermediary filaments
Rokitansky Aschoff sinuses Chronic cholecystitis Intramural diverticula or sinus
adenomyomatosis tracts in the gallbladder

Spike and dome appearance Membranous nephropathy Subepithelial deposits in
glomerular basement
membrane with effacement of
foot processes; seen on
electron microscopy
Tram track sign Membranoproliferative Thickened, split glomerular
glomerulonephritis basement membrane; seen on
electron microscope
Basket weave appearance Alport syndrome Irregular thickening of the
(inherited type IV collagen glomerular basement
defect) membrane in the late stages;
seen on electron microscopy
Coffin lid crystals Struvite calculi
Octahedron crystals Calcium oxalate calculi
Rhombic crystals Uric acid calculi
Hexagonal crystals Cystine calculi

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