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Why is learning english important?

The importance of English in the era of globalization

Minda Elvira
Why is learning english important?

The importance of English in the era of globalization

As a means of global communication, English must be actively controlled

and both oral and written. it is not impossible that rapid technological
development requires us to be more proactive and in responding to global
information flows as assets in meeting market needs. As a social language,
the English language is not only an academic requirement because its
mastery is limited to aspects of language knowledge but as a medium of
global communication. According to expert Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
the importance of English. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe is a German
writer, he said that "those who don't know anything about foreign
languages are tantamount to not knowing their own language".The purpose
of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe's statement was we must know foreign
languages like English where English is a foreign language that is patented
into an international language so we can communicate with anyone in this

In an increasingly globalized business world, more and more Indonesian

local companies are entering the world market, and more and more
international companies are entering the local market, the use of English as
a "business" language is increasingly felt as a necessity. In addition, it can
be seen from cases where negotiations often fail because of
misunderstandings with prospective foreign partners, work is delayed due
to stagnant communication with clients from other countries or job
applications in a foreign company are rejected because of lack of English
language skills and opportunities for cooperation with companies
international class is canceled due to not being able to provide workers
who can speak English. To master English well, the teaching and learning
process should emphasize the aspects of training (trial and error) so that
they will be actively involved and express their opinions or ideas freely
according to real conditions. Basically, mastery of English consists of
listening, writing, speaking and reading. With good English language skills,
there will be plenty of opportunities to get good jobs, especially in
multinational companies that do require good English language skills, to
expand international relations because English is an international language
and generally useful to compete in globalization era.

Public speaking for some people is not an easy thing to do. but the fact
is, it's not too difficult to learn. During this time, various reasons people will
avoid not speaking in public, because they face many people with various
characters and that can sometimes be difficult,the problem can be started
from yourself who feel nervous, not confident, feel judged by the audience,
afraid that what is said is not useful for the audience, stammered when
talking so that the spoken sentence sounds vague and not understood by
the audience. The ability of public speaking is often seen as a talent that is
inherent in a person, even though the fact that public speaking is a skill that
can be trained, practiced, to benefit according to the needs of the audience,
among others, to convey information, motivate, persuade and influence
people others, achieving mutual understanding and agreement, increasing
sales of products or business profits and sharing knowledge that someone
has and can be used as promising career choices.Public speaking is very
important for those of us who want to succeed,public speaking is not just
for the presentation of public speaking, it will help us to facilitate
relationships and communication with others. As we know, communication
skills are one of the most important aspects of everyday life, including

English is the language of the world and is also widely used on the
internet language, almost every language book has been translated into the
English version. So it's easy to get world information if you know English.
English is important to me because English is an international language.
we must prepare ourselves for the era of globalization. At present, many
companies recruit their employees with proficiency tests in English. we can
get more information and more on the internet, but 80% information on the
internet uses English. I've heard that smart people are "people who can
use certain languages".

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