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Discipline means certain rules or norms of social life. Discipline is

what a person imposes on himself taking it as his duty to God, to
society, or to some other institution.

Self discipline is:

 the ability to remain consistent

 the ability to ignore distractions
 the ability to remain in motion
 the ability to know when to stop and to start
 the ability to make decisions despite doubt

Self discipline is the foundation of personal success. No goals,

achievement, success can be realized without being self discipline. It
is the most important attribute that is needed to achieve any type of
personal excellence. It is the ability of a person to control one’s
impulses, emotions, desire and behavior. If you have self discipline,
you will be able to turn down immediate pleasure in favor of
gaining long term satisfaction and achieving success in the best
possible way.

Characteristics of Self dicipline people;

Honesty. The ability to be honest requires the self-discipline to tell

the truth, even when the truth will hurt you.

It’s easy to want to avoid telling the truth, especially when

something is your fault .Self-discipline is what allows you to be
honest when it isn’t easy to do so. That honesty your ability to deal
with the uncomfortable can make you someone worth doing
business with.

Integrity. It’s tough to always walk the walk. But that’s what
integrity is. It means that your word is your bond and that you can
be counted on.

It takes self-discipline to always do what needs to be done when it

needs to be done. Sometimes it’s difficult. Sometimes you just don’t
feel like it. Oftentimes distractions can derail you from what you
planned to do. Self-discipline is what allows you to keep your word
and to walk your talk.

Courage. Courage isn’t the absence of fear. It’s taking action even
though you are gripped by fear. Courage requires the self-discipline
to put yourself or your interests in harm’s way. It’s the ability to
take action despite being scared. Self-discipline is what allows you
to stand when inside all you want to do is run. You have a
commitment to something greater, to a higher value and take some
courage to do that

Want to be more disciplined? Try some of these tips:

 You can’t achieve your goals without discipline, so

supplement your goal list with a self-discipline list; it will
keep you focused on the behaviors and tasks needed to
achieve what you want
 Use a daily “to do” list to keep track of what you need to get
done to achieve your goals.
 Figure out what your barriers to success are. For example, I’m
easily distracted by WhatssApp(WA). Minimize or remove
all temptations and distractions to reach your most important
 Share your goals with others. It’s easier to stick with
something when you’ve made a public commitment; the
thought of failing in front of others can be motivation to stick
with it. These people can help hold you accountable, too.
 You create discipline by creating habits. Once something
becomes a habit, you no longer need willpower to force
yourself to do it.
 Stop making excuses. Don’t wait for tomorrow; do it now.

My Conclusion about self-dicipline, is it important or its a

key factor to get success in the future?

Yes, without self-discipline you’ll be overwhelmed or quit before

you reach success.


Because when obstacles or distractions come (and believe me, they

will come) you’ll want to either have a big enough reason to
continue, or a strong enough discipline-muscle so that you know
that you can continue.
The important part to understand is that discipline is like any other
muscle and can be trainedOnly test your self discipline once in a
while but not for too long or you’ll find that

In life u have faced many obstacles and learn that the closer u get to
success, the more obstacles & distractions appear. And usually it’s
the distractions, not the obstacles that lead me astray and off the
path of success.

The key to your own succes is YOURSELF




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