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Inspira Research Center

Membajak itu mudah. Membagi file DVD juga gampang. Bahkan

terlihat keren di mata teman.
Tanpa barokah apalah arti hidup.
Semua prestasimu Menjadi hampa.
Tidak diridhoi Allah SWT.

Sengsara dunia, hanya karena tindakan sepele.

Bertemu di akhirat, dan sebagian pahalamu berpindah.

Mari kita hargai karya anak bangsa.

Tolong jaga produk ini.
Kami percaya dengan integritas Anda.
Terimakasih banyak, salam sukses.

Sanksi Pelanggaran Pasal 72 UU RI No. 19 Tahun 2002

Tentang Hak Cipta

1. Barang siapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak mengumumkan

atau memperbanyak suatu ciptaan atau memberi izin untuk
itu, dapat dipidana penjara masing-masing paling singkat 1
(satu) bulan dan/ denda paling sedikit Rp. 1.000.000,00
(satu juta rupiah), atau pidana penjara paling lama 7 (tujuh)
tahun dan/ atau denda paling banyak Rp.,00
(lima miliar rupiah).

2. Barang siapa dengan sengaja menyiarkan, memamerkan,

mengedarkan, atau menjual kepada umum suatu ciptaan
atau barang hasil pelanggaran hak cipta atau hak terkait,
dapat dipidana dengan penjara paling lama 5 (lima) tahun
dan/ atau denda paling banyak Rp. 500.000.000,00 (lima
ratus juta rupiah).

“Informasi Jitu Dapatkan Beasiswa Berbagai Negara

Tahun 2016”

Copyright © 2015


Inspira Research Center

Desain Cover
Alam Budi Satriyo Djiwodikromo

Penata Letak



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ID LINE: @inspirabook
Let’s Start!
Kata Pengantar
Percayalah bahwa dapat beasiswa itu mudah bagi
mereka yang mau berusaha mencari!
Pada umumnya manusia itu egois dan pemimpi. Tapi
ternyata tidak jarang dipertengahan jalannya, mendapati
masalah pesimis mencapai targetnya tersebut.
Baik kehidupan, begitupun dengan pendidikan. Sejak
kecil kita seringkali mendikte diri untuk mempunya
mimpi yang begitu besar. Dan tak jarang pula anda
waktu kecil bermimpi setinggi-tingginya untuk
berkuliah, baik itu didalam maupun diluar negeri.
Tapi mengapa dari seribu anak kecil yang bermimpi,
tidak banyak yang tercapai? Itu karena pesimis yang
dimilikinya. Mungkin karena faktor mentalitas, ekonomi
hingga lingkungan.
Bagi anda yang masih menjaga mimpi, inilah jawaban
atas kegelisahan anda. Takut tidak kuat mentalnya, takut
tidak cukup uangnya dan takut apapun itu. Inilah
NEGARA “Informasi Jitu Dapatkan Beasiswa Berbagai
Negara” .
Ebook ini setidaknya menjawab kegelisahan kecil yang
menyebabkan keputusan besar dalam hidup anda baik itu
ekonomi hingga aspek lainnya.
Ebook ini diciptakan agar membantu anda untuk
mendapatkan detail beasiswa yang anda butuhkan untuk
negara yang anda inginkan. Dan tunggu apalagi, anda
tidak perlu dirisaukan dengan koneksi internet, cukup
membaca ebook ini, maka anda akan menemukan
beasiswa jurus yang anda inginkan dan negara yang akan
Singkat kata, semoga ebook ini bermanfaat tidak hanya
untuk anda. Tapi bermanfaat juga untuk orang yang anda
beritahu keberadaan hadirnya ebook ini di awal tahun
Tim Inspira selalu mendoakan anda agar tahun ini bisa
kuliah didalam ataupun diluar negeri. Karena ilmu
adalah investasi yang tidak bisa ditukar dengan money
changer ataupun diukur dengan kurs.
Selamat membaca 
Inspira Research Center

Daftar Isi


Kenali Ciri-ciri beasiswa
sungguhan (Inilah tanda-tanda
beasiswa palsu)
Mendapatkan beasiswa untuk melanjutkan
pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi tentu saja
menyenangkan dan juga menggembirakan. Apalagi saat
ini banyak sekali universitas, organisasi, dan juga
perusahaan yang memberikan beasiswa atau dermasiswa
bagi para mahasiswa yang berprestasi. Tentunya
kesempatan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa menjadi lebih
mudah. Ditambah lagi di era global ini, aplikasi beasiswa
seringkali dilakukan online. Wah, terlihat mudah ya?
Walau terdengar mudah dan praktis, tetapi ternyata
banyak yang memanfaatkan hal ini untuk melakukan
penipuan lho!
Dilansir dari laman, setiap tahunnya
terdapat kerugian sejumlah $1 juta dolar di Amerika
akibat penipuan yang berkedok sebagai penyalur
beasiswa. Oleh karena itu kita perlu waspada terhadap
berbagai penawaran beasiswa. Para pelajar juga diminta
untuk teliti dalam mengajukan permohonan beasiswa
secara online. Nah, untuk menghindari berbagai
penipuan berkedok beasiswa ini, kamu perlu mengenali
beberapa ciri-ciri beasiswa “palsu” ini.

Mengharuskan kamu untuk membayar

Namanya juga beasiswa, kita lah yang seharusnya
dibiayai kuliahnya bukan malah membayar untuk itu.
Perlu kamu ingat, beasiswa yang resmi tidak akan
pernah menghendaki kamu untuk membayar biaya
apapun. Karenany kamu perlu berhati-hatilah jika
diminta untuk membayar uang pendaftaran atau
melakukan pembayaran terlebih dahulu sebelum
pengajuan beasiswa tersebut diproses.

Logo situs
Biasanya situs-situs beasiswa penipuan ini akan
mencantumkan logo universitas, bank, institusi dan lain-
lain untuk meyakinkan status mereka. Sebagai tindakan
waspada, kamu bisa mencari di internet mengenai logo
yang dicantumkan di situs tersebut. Carilah alamat email
universitas yang dicantumkan logonya untuk
memastikan apakah situs tersebut merupakan situs yang
mereka tunjuk untuk menerima permohonan beasiswa.

Meminta informasi keuangan

Beasiswa resmi memang akan meminta data-data
pribadimu, tapi beasiswa resmi tidak akan pernah
meminta informasi keuanganmu. Misalnya saja rekening
bank, nomor kartu kredit, atau bahkan nomor PIN. Jika
kamu diminta untuk mengisi informasi mengenai data-
data keuangan semacam itu, maka bisa dipastikan bahwa
situs tersebut adalah situs penipuan.

Kesempatan istimewa
Kalau kamu menerima email yang menyatakan bahwa
kamu diberikan kesempatan istimewa untuk
mendapatkan sebuah beasiswa, sebaiknya kamu
menelusuri dengan lebih lanjut dan jangan langsung
percaya. Karena bisa saja hal itu adalah jebakan agar
kamu mau menyetorkan sejumlah uang kepadanya. Perlu
diingat, biasanya kesempatan beasiswa diberikan bagi
semua orang yang memenuhi kriteria dan tidak ada yang
Bulan januari 2016
1. Singapore International Graduate Award
Singapore Government
PhD Degree
Deadline: 1 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: Singapore
Brief description:
SINGA adalah penghargaan yang diberikan kepada
siswa internasional dengan sarjana yang sangat baik
akademik dan / atau hasil master , dan minat yang kuat
dalam melakukan penelitian yang mengarah ke gelar
doktor ( PhD ) di bidang Ilmu dan Teknik di Universitas
Host Institution(s):
Para siswa dapat memilih untuk melakukan pekerjaan
penelitian mereka terutama di Badan Ilmu Pengetahuan,
Teknologi dan Penelitian ( A * STAR ) , National
University of Singapore ( NUS ) , Nanyang Technological
University ( NTU ) atau Singapura University of
Technology dan Desain ( SUTD
Field of study:

Progams PhD dalam Ilmu dan Teknik

Number of Awards:
Sekitar 240 per tahun
Target group:
Mahasiswa Internasional
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Penghargaan ini memberikan dukungan keuangan untuk
sampai 4 tahun studi PhD termasuk biaya kuliah penuh ,
gaji bulanan , tunjangan penyelesaian , dan biaya
penerbangan hibah .
• Terbuka untuk semua siswa internasional
• Lulusan dengan penelitian dan hasil akademik yang
sangat baik
• keterampilan yang baik dalam menulis dan berbicara
bahasa Inggris
• laporan baik dari akademik
Application instructions:
Aplikasi yang dilakukan secara online . Batas waktu
untuk Agustus 2016 intake 1 Januari 2016 .

Hal ini penting untuk mengunjungi situs resmi (link

ditemukan di bawah ) untuk informasi rinci tentang cara
untuk mengajukan beasiswa ini .
Singapore Scholarships

2. Louis Dreyfus-Weidenfeld Scholarship

and Leadership Programme at Oxford University
University of Oxford
Masters Degree
Deadline: 8 Jan 2016* (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The Louis Dreyfus - Weidenfeld Program Beasiswa dan
Kepemimpinan mendukung mahasiswa berprestasi dari
transisi dan negara-negara berkembang di seluruh Afrika
, Asia dan Amerika Selatan untuk mengejar gelar sarjana
di Universitas Oxford . Hal ini dikelola oleh Weidenfeld -
Hoffmann Trust.
Host Institution(s):
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Field(s) of study:
The Louis Dreyfus - Weidenfeld Program Beasiswa dan
Kepemimpinan mendukung mahasiswa berprestasi dari
transisi dan negara-negara berkembang di seluruh Afrika
, Asia dan Amerika Selatan untuk mengejar gelar sarjana
di Universitas Oxford . Hal ini dikelola oleh Weidenfeld -
Hoffmann Trust.
Number of Awards:
Hingga 16 orang
Target group:
Siswa dari transisi dan negara-negara berkembang di
seluruh Afrika , Asia dan Amerika Selatan

Scholarship value/inclusions:
Beasiswa akan mencakup 100 % dari Universitas dan
biaya kuliah dan hibah untuk biaya ( minimal £ 14.057 )
hidup .
Anda harus memulai salah satu program yang
memenuhi syarat di Oxford . Anda warga biasa di salah
satu negara yang memenuhi syarat ( lihat website resmi
untuk daftar lengkap ) . Anda harus berniat untuk
kembali ke negara tempat tinggal Anda jika Anda selesai.

Pemohon yang berhasil harus menunjukkan minat

dalam melayani masyarakat global melalui bidang
pilihan mereka pekerjaan . Anda harus mampu
menunjukkan hubungan antara subjek penelitian dan
tujuan karir jangka panjang Anda , menjelaskan
bagaimana Anda melihat pekerjaan profesional Anda
berkontribusi terhadap perbaikan kehidupan masyarakat
di negara asal atau di tingkat regional atau internasional
yang lebih luas .

Application instructions:
Dalam rangka dipertimbangkan untuk beasiswa ini ,
Anda harus memilih Beasiswa Louis Dreyfus -
Weidenfeld dan Program Kepemimpinan di bagian
Pendanaan dari formulir aplikasi pascasarjana
Universitas dan mengirimkan aplikasi Anda untuk studi
pascasarjana dengan batas waktu Januari relevan untuk
kursus Anda (8 Januari atau 22 Januari 2016 ) . Anda
juga harus menyelesaikan Weidenfeld Beasiswa Angket (
ditemukan di situs resmi ) dan meng-upload , bersama
dengan formulir aplikasi pascasarjana Anda , dengan
batas waktu .

Hal ini penting untuk mengunjungi situs resmi (link

ditemukan di bawah ) untuk informasi rinci tentang cara
untuk mengajukan beasiswa ini .
Weidenfeld Hoffman Trust

3. Clarendon Fund Scholarships at University of

Oxford University Press
Masters/PhD Degrees
Deadline: 8 Jan/22 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The Clarendon Fund adalah skema beasiswa
pascasarjana besar di Universitas Oxford , yang
menawarkan sekitar 140 beasiswa baru setiap tahun .
Clarendon Beasiswa diberikan atas dasar keunggulan
akademik dan potensi di semua mata pelajaran tingkat -
bearing di tingkat pascasarjana di University of Oxford .
Host Institution(s):
University of Oxford in United Kingdom
Fields of study:
Semua program gelar - bearing di tingkat pascasarjana
yang memenuhi syarat.
Number of Awards:
Sekitar 140 beasiswa yang ditawarkan setiap tahun .
Target group:
Semua siswa termasuk siswa internasional
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Semua Beasiswa Clarendon menutup biaya kuliah dan
biaya kuliah penuh dan hibah tahunan murah hati untuk
biaya hidup , yang biasanya cukup untuk menutupi biaya
hidup seorang mahasiswa tunggal yang tinggal di Oxford

Beasiswa ini biasanya ditawarkan untuk periode penuh

yang Anda bertanggung jawab untuk membayar biaya
pendidikan ke Universitas , yang biasanya sama dengan
panjang tentu saja Anda .
Eligibility/Selection Criteria:
Clarendon Beasiswa diberikan atas dasar prestasi
akademis yang luar biasa dan potensi untuk lulus siswa
dari seluruh dunia . Beasiswa dipertahankan dalam
semua bidang subjek dan terbuka untuk kandidat yang
mengajukan permohonan master baru atau DPhil saja
dengan batas waktu penerimaan Januari.
Application instructions:
Jika Anda mengajukan permohonan untuk master penuh
atau paruh waktu atau DPhil kursus di Oxford dengan
batas waktu Januari untuk kursus Anda , Anda akan
secara otomatis dipertimbangkan untuk beasiswa
Clarendon . Anda tidak perlu mengirimkan dokumen
tambahan khusus untuk Beasiswa Clarendon - tidak ada
formulir aplikasi beasiswa terpisah . Anda perlu
menerapkan dengan batas waktu aplikasi Januari untuk
kursus Anda agar dipertimbangkan untuk beasiswa .
Hal ini penting untuk mengunjungi situs resmi (link
ditemukan di bawah ) untuk informasi rinci tentang cara
untuk mengajukan beasiswa ini .

4. Oxford Pershing Square Graduate Scholarships

Pershing Square Foundation
MBA/Masters Degree
Deadline: 8 Jan/18 Mar 2016 (annual)
Study in: UK
Course starts September 2016
Brief description:
Setiap tahun , penghargaan Pershing Square Yayasan
hingga lima beasiswa untuk mendukung mahasiswa
berprestasi dari 1 + 1 MBA . Beasiswa tersedia untuk
siswa mengejar salah derajat kemitraan Master dalam
kombinasi dengan MBA
Host Institution(s):
Business School , University of Oxford di Inggris
Fields of study:
Oxford 1 + 1 MBA Program : satu tahun penuh - waktu
program MBA Oxford University dengan salah satu
pilihan dari satu tahun program Master yang ditawarkan
oleh departemen Universitas lain
Number of Awards:
5 orang per tahun
Target group:
Terbuka untuk semua negara
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Beasiswa menyediakan dana untuk biaya kuliah , biaya
kuliah dan kontribusi terhadap biaya hidup untuk tahun
MBA dari 1 + 1 MBA .
Eligibility/Selection Criteria:
Pershing Square Beasiswa diberikan kepada individu
dengan atribut berikut :

• Prestasi Akademik
• potensi Kepemimpinan , ditunjukkan melalui
pengalaman dan motivasi
• karakter pribadi yang kuat , integritas dan komitmen
• Niat untuk fokus pada mengatasi tantangan sosial skala
dunia dalam karir Anda , baik dalam organisasi yang ada
atau melalui pengembangan perusahaan baru
• Kemampuan untuk membayangkan bagaimana
mencapai solusi scalable dan berkelanjutan untuk
tantangan ini
• visi Artikulasi pada bagaimana Oxford 1 + 1 MBA
akan memungkinkan Anda untuk memenuhi tujuan Anda
Anda harus memenuhi persyaratan masuk untuk kedua
Oxford MBA dan Program Guru yang Anda pilih .
Application instructions:
Jika Anda ingin dipertimbangkan untuk Beasiswa
Oxford Pershing Square Graduate , Anda harus berlaku
untuk 1 + 1 MBA dengan 18 Maret 2016 ; kecuali jika
Anda sudah mengejar mitra gelar Master di Universitas
Oxford , dalam hal ini Anda perlu menerapkan dengan 8
Januari 2016. Harap dicatat bahwa gelar beberapa
kemitraan Guru menutup aplikasi mereka di Januari
2016 .

Selain Program Guru dan aplikasi MBA , Anda harus

menyerahkan sebuah esai tidak lebih dari 500 kata
menyikapi pertanyaan berikut : ' Bagaimana Anda
berniat untuk mengubah dunia ? Apakah ini
memberitahu kita tentang Anda sebagai pribadi ? "
Hal ini penting untuk mengunjungi situs resmi (link
ditemukan di bawah ) untuk mengakses formulir aplikasi
dan untuk informasi rinci tentang cara untuk mengajukan
beasiswa ini .


5. La Trobe Academic Excellence

Scholarships for International Students
La Trobe University
Bachelors/Masters Degree
Deadline: 8 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: Australia
Brief description:
Keunggulan Akademik Beasiswa La Trobe ( AES ) yang
ditargetkan terhadap siswa berprestasi internasional dari
semua negara di seluruh sarjana dan pascasarjana kursus
program La Trobe .
Host Institution(s):
La Trobe University, Australia

Field(s) of study:
Penuh waktu sarjana atau pascasarjana kursus yang
ditawarkan oleh Universitas
Number of Scholarships:
Tidak spesifik
Target group:
Siswa internasional dari negara manapun kecuali
Selandia Baru
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Beasiswa bernilai antara $ 10.000 dan $ 20.000 dan
berjalan menuju biaya kuliah . Beasiswa dibayar di
maksimum dua semester ( atau 12 bulan ) .

Jika Anda menerima beasiswa ini , Anda masih perlu

membayar untuk setiap perbedaan biaya untuk pertama
dua semester , biaya untuk sisa kursus Anda , dan Anda
Overseas Student Health Cover . Untuk terus menerima
beasiswa Anda ke semester kedua Anda , Anda harus
mempertahankan rata-rata C grade.

Anda harus menjadi warga negara dari negara selain
Australia atau Selandia Baru dan akan menerapkan
untuk memulai sarjana atau program kursus pascasarjana
. Anda juga harus telah mencetak 85 % atau setara di
tingkat sebelumnya Anda / penghargaan , dan memenuhi
bahasa Inggris dan persyaratan masuk akademik . Anda
tidak memenuhi syarat jika Anda memulai gelar yang
lebih tinggi oleh Research , program pertukaran , Study
Abroad Program , ELICOS dan Program Foundation
Studies , atau Diploma .
Application instructions:
Anda hanya dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk
beasiswa ini jika Anda memiliki tawaran untuk belajar di
program Program kursus sarjana atau pascasarjana di La
Trobe University . Setelah Anda menerima tawaran Anda
, Anda harus mengisi formulir aplikasi beasiswa dan
mengirimkannya ke La Trobe Internasional dengan batas
waktu pendaftaran .

Ada tiga tanggal penutupan Semester 1 2016 - 11

September 2015 , 13 November 2015 dan 8 Januari 2016

Hal ini penting untuk mengunjungi situs resmi (link

ditemukan di bawah ) untuk mengakses formulir aplikasi
dan untuk informasi rinci tentang cara untuk mengajukan
beasiswa ini .

6. Eiffel Scholarships in France for

International Students
Campus France
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: before 8 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: France
Brief description:
Program Beasiswa Eiffel Excellence didirikan oleh
Departemen Luar Negeri Perancis dan Pembangunan
Internasional mengaktifkan French lembaga pendidikan
tinggi untuk menarik mahasiswa asing atas untuk
mendaftar di master mereka dan program pendidikan .

Kursus dana program beasiswa master berlangsung

antara 12 dan 36 bulan dan menawarkan dana untuk
mahasiswa PhD untuk menghabiskan sepuluh bulan di
Perancis melalui pengawasan bersama atau ganda
pendaftaran .
Host Institution(s):
French Universities and Academic Institutions
Field(s) of study:
Beasiswa Eiffel tersedia dalam tiga bidang utama : ilmu
teknik di tingkat master ( ilmu dalam arti yang luas di
tingkat PhD ) , ekonomi dan manajemen dan hukum &
politik ilmu .
Target group:
Mahasiswa Internasional
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Untuk studi tingkat Master , beasiswa Eiffel termasuk
tunjangan bulanan sebesar € 1,181 ( tunjangan
pemeliharaan € 1.031 dan gaji bulanan sebesar € 150).
Untuk studi tingkat PhD , beasiswa Eiffel termasuk
tunjangan bulanan sebesar € 1.400 .

Selain itu , program ini memenuhi berbagai biaya

termasuk internasional perjalanan pulang, penutup
jaminan sosial , dan kegiatan budaya . Pemegang
beasiswa juga akan menerima tunjangan perumahan
tambahan , dalam kondisi tertentu .

Biaya pendidikan yang tidak tercakup oleh Program

Eiffel .

Kebangsaan: Program ini diperuntukkan bagi calon
kebangsaan non-Perancis. Calon dengan dua
kebangsaan, salah satunya adalah Perancis, tidak
memenuhi syarat.
Umur: Untuk kursus master, calon harus tidak lebih dari
30 pada tanggal pertemuan panitia seleksi, yaitu lahir
setelah 1985/07/03; di tingkat PhD, calon harus tidak
lebih dari 35 pada tanggal pertemuan panitia seleksi,
yaitu lahir setelah 1980/07/03.
Asal aplikasi: Hanya aplikasi yang diajukan oleh
lembaga pendidikan Perancis diterima. Pendirian ini
berjanji untuk mendaftar pemegang beasiswa di
lapangan yang mereka telah dipilih. Aplikasi
disampaikan dengan cara lain tidak dianggap.
Selanjutnya, setiap calon yang dinominasikan oleh lebih
dari satu usaha akan didiskualifikasi.
Program studi: Beasiswa untuk siswa yang ingin
mendaftarkan diri pada kursus master, termasuk di
sekolah teknik, dan untuk mahasiswa PhD. Program
Eiffel tidak berlaku untuk kursus bahasa Prancis-lari
master luar negeri, sebagai pemegang beasiswa non-PhD
harus menyelesaikan setidaknya 75% tentu saja mereka
di Perancis. Ini tidak berlaku untuk pelatihan di bawah
kontrak magang atau kontrak pelatihan profesional baik.

Kombinasi dengan beasiswa lainnya: Mahasiswa asing

yang, pada saat aplikasi, telah diberikan beasiswa
pemerintah Perancis di bawah program lain tidak
memenuhi syarat, bahkan jika beasiswa tersebut tidak
termasuk penutup jaminan sosial.

Untuk Eiffel PhD Beasiswa: DKI dapat mengajukan

calon yang sebelumnya diberikan beasiswa Eiffel di
tingkat master untuk beasiswa di tingkat PhD. Kandidat
yang telah diberikan beasiswa Eiffel sekali selama PhD
mereka tidak dapat diberikan untuk kedua kalinya. Tidak
ada aplikasi akan diterima untuk setiap siswa yang
diterapkan sebelumnya tapi ditolak, bahkan jika
permohonan diajukan oleh pendirian yang berbeda atau
dalam bidang lain studi.

Untuk Eiffel Guru Beasiswa: Tidak ada aplikasi akan

diterima untuk setiap siswa yang diterapkan sebelumnya
tapi ditolak, bahkan jika permohonan diajukan oleh
pendirian yang berbeda atau dalam bidang lain studi.
Siswa yang telah diberikan beasiswa Eiffel di tingkat
master tidak memenuhi syarat untuk mendaftar ulang di
tingkat master.
Tingkat bahasa: Ketika calon pra-memilih non-Perancis-
berbicara, pendirian harus memastikan bahwa
kemampuan bahasa mereka memenuhi persyaratan
kursus studi yang relevan.

Application instructions:
Aplikasi tidak diterima dari siswa langsung . Aplikasi
untuk beasiswa EIFFEL yang disampaikan oleh Lembaga
Pendidikan Tinggi Perancis . Anda harus berlaku dan
memenuhi persyaratan dari Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi
Perancis untuk dipertimbangkan untuk beasiswa . Batas
waktu aplikasi untuk Campus France adalah 8 Januari
2016. Tenggat waktu Aplikasi untuk berpartisipasi
Lembaga Perancis sebelumnya dan jatuh di sekitar
November - Desember 2015 .

Hal ini penting untuk membaca Eiffel Program Panduan

kunjungi situs resmi (link ditemukan di bawah ) untuk

formulir aplikasi online dan untuk informasi rinci

tentang cara untuk mengajukan beasiswa ini .
France Scholarships

7. Warwick Chancellor’s International Scholarships

University of Warwick
PhD Degree
Deadline: 13 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: London, UK
Brief description:
Untuk 2016/17 masuk, Warwick Graduate School
mengharapkan untuk penghargaan sekitar 25 Beasiswa
Kanselir kepada pelamar PhD internasional yang paling
luar biasa. Beasiswa Kanselir dialokasikan setiap tahun
melalui kompetisi beasiswa penelitian pascasarjana
gabungan dan terbuka untuk siswa dari kebangsaan
apapun dan untuk setiap disiplin ditawarkan di Warwick.

Host Institution(s):
University of Warwick, UK
Field(s) of study:
Any PhD programme offered at Warwick
Number of Scholarships:
Target group:
Mahasiswa Internasiona;
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Penghargaan dibuat untuk masuk di musim gugur 2016
akan mencakup kedua hal berikut :
• Pembayaran penuh biaya kuliah di luar negeri ( bernilai
sampai £ 18.800 di 15/16 tarif )
• Sebuah upah pemeliharaan sejalan dengan tingkat
RCUK ( provisional £ 14.254 * bagi pemegang
penghargaan penuh waktu di 2016/17 )
• Panjang pendanaan : 3,5 tahun kecuali Anda sudah
dalam tahun pertama studi Anda ketika Anda
menerapkan maka panjang pendanaan akan berkurang

• Pelamar Beasiswa Internasional sebuah Kanselir juga
harus mengajukan permohonan PhD di University of
Warwick akan dimulai pada Oktober 2016 ;
• Siswa saat ini terdaftar pada PhD atau MPhil / PhD di
University of Warwick mungkin berlaku di tahun
pertama mereka pendaftaran saja.
• Pelamar harus berharap untuk menjadi mahasiswa luar
negeri ' untuk tujuan biaya , tetapi tidak ada kriteria
kebangsaan lainnya ;
• Pelamar mungkin dari setiap disiplin di Warwick .
Application instructions:
Pelamar baru dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk
Beasiswa Internasional Kanselir dengan menyelesaikan
Pascasarjana Bersama Penerimaan dan Aplikasi
Beasiswa bentuk . Jika Anda memenuhi syarat untuk
beasiswa ini Anda akan ditanya apakah Anda ingin
dipertimbangkan untuk pendanaan sebagai bagian dari
aplikasi Anda ke Universitas . Batas waktu aplikasi
adalah 13 Januari 2016 .
8. Program Teacher Training 2016
Program Penataran Guru
(Teacher Training Program)
Deadline: 2 Februari 2016
Study in: London, UK
Brief description:
Program Penataran Guru (Teacher Training Program)
adalah salah satu program beasiswa Pemerintah Jepang
(Monbukagakusho) yang dirancang khusus bagi para
guru untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran sesuai
dengan bidangnya. Mereka akan diberikan pelatihan
dalam cara mengajar, pembuatan rencana belajar-
mengajar yang lebih efektif dan menarik minat siswa
dan hal-hal lain yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan
kemampuan para guru. Program ini adalah program
non-gelar dan lamanya adalah 1 tahun 6 bulan
(termasuk 6 bulan pertama belajar bahasa Jepang) dari
Oktober 2016.
Host Institution(s):
Pemerintah Jepang (Monbukagakusho)

Scholarship value/inclusions:
- Tanpa ikatan Dinas
- Tiket pesawat kelas ekonomi p.p. Indonesia
(Jakarta) – Jepang (Tokyo/Osaka)
- Full cover biaya pendidikan, full cover biaya
pembuatan visa pelajar
- Tunjangan hidup sebesar ¥ 143.000 per bulan,
yang diberikan setiap akhir bulan selama masa studi
di Jepang (ada kemungkinan jumlah tunjangan akan
mengalami perubahan)
- Peserta disediakan asrama yang pembayarannya
diatur sendiri oleh penerima beasiswa
Target group:
Guru yang sedang aktif mengajar di lembaga pendidikan
formal SD, SMP, SMA dan Sederajat (SMK, Madrasah,
dsj), serta SLB
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Diberikan pelatihan dalam cara mengajar, pembuatan
rencana belajar-mengajar yang lebih efektif dan menarik
minat siswa dan hal-hal lain yang dapat meningkatkan
kualitas dan kemampuan para guru.
- Memiliki dedikasi yang tinggi sebagai seorang
- Lulusan minimal S1 atau D4
- Guru yang sedang aktif mengajar di lembaga
pendidikan formal SD, SMP, SMA dan Sederajat
(SMK, Madrasah, dsj), serta SLB
- Pelamar telah mengajar lebih dari 5 tahun di
lembaga pendidikan formal pada tanggal 1 April
- Semua bidang ditawarkan kecuali, PKN, Bahasa
Indonesia, Bahasa Daerah, Bahasa Arab, Pendidikan
Agama, dan Perhotelan
- Usia di bawah 35 tahun pada tanggal 1 April
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani (bagi pelamar wanita
tidak diperbolehkan dalam kondisi hamil saat
melamar maupun saat keberangkatan)
- Bersedia belajar bahasa Jepang karena bahasa
pengantar di universitas adalah bahasa Jepang
- Dokumen yang diperlukan (dokumen yang tidak
lengkap dan yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan di
bawah, tidak akan kami terima dan proses):
- Formulir aplikasi, harus diisi dalam bahasa
Inggris atau bahasa Jepang (Download formulir
aplikasi di sini)
- Pasfoto berwarna (harus ditempel pada setiap
formulir, ukuran foto lihat / sesuaikan dengan
ukuran kotak pada formulir aplikasi)
- Fotokopi Ijasah pendidikan terakhir (harus dalam
bahasa Inggris dan dilegalisir resmi/dicap basah asli
dari perguruan tinggi pelamar)
- Fotokopi transkrip nilai (harus dalam bahasa
Inggris dan dilegalisir resmi/dicap basah asli dari
perguruan tinggi pelamar)
- Surat keterangan dari tempat mengajar yang
menjelaskan bahwa pelamar adalah staf pengajar
yang masih aktif mengajar dan disetujui mengikuti
program beasiswa ini, disertai keterangan masa
mengajar (dari tanggal berapa hingga tanggal
berapa), dan dicap basah asli oleh sekolah. Jika masa
mengajar yang lebih dari 5 tahun terpisah dalam
beberapa sekolah, lampirkan juga surat keterangan
masa mengajar dari sekolah sebelumnya yang dicap
basah asli dari sekolah sebelumnya tersebut, surat
harus dibuat dalam bahasa Inggris
- Surat rekomendasi dari Kepala Sekolah mengenai
pribadi pelamar, harus diisi dalam bahasa Inggris
dalam form yang
- Semua dokumen ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris
atau bahasa Jepang, dibuat masing-masing sebanyak
3 rangkap dan dibuat/diprint pada kertas ukuran A4
Application instructions:
- Pendaftaran dibuka pada 7 Desember 2015 dan
ditutup pada 11 Januari 2016..
- Bagi pelamar, baik pegawai negeri maupun
swasta dapat langsung menyerahkan
langsung/mengirimkan formulir yang telah diisi ke
Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang dengan
dilampiri dokumen yang diperlukan.
- Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi beserta
dokumen pelengkap diserahkan langsung/dikirimkan
ke :
- Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang Jl. M.
H. Thamrin 24 Jakarta 10350
- Dan selambat-lambatnya harus tiba tanggal 11
Januari 2016. Mohon tuliskan kode “Teacher
Training 2016” pada bagian kanan atas amplop.
- Dokumen yang telah diserahkan tidak dapat
ditarik / diminta kembali, dengan alasan apapun.
Daerah Kinki hingga Okinawa

9. Harvard Fellowships in Sustainability Science

Doctoral/Postdoctoral Fellowship
Deadline: 15 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: USA
Brief description:
The Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University
offers doctoral, post-doctoral, and mid-career
fellowships in Sustainability Science. The fellowships are
tenable during Harvard’s academic year beginning in
September 2016.
Host Institution(s):
Center for International Development at Harvard
University, USA
Fields of study:
This year’s competition is focused on two thematic
areas related to energy and sustainability. The
University is seeking applications focusing on: 1)
decarbonizing energy systems in the European Union
and 2) designing, developing, and/or implementing
sustainable energy and related resource policies and
programs in China.
Number of Awards:
Not specified.
Target group:
Doctoral and post-doctoral students and mid-career

Scholarship value/inclusions:
Fellowship appointments offer a stipend of $45,830 for
post-doctoral fellows, and $25,000 for pre-doctoral
fellows, over the ten month academic year (September–
June), equivalent to $55,000 and $30,000, respectively,
on a yearly basis. Stipends for practitioner, mid-career,
and senior research fellows are commensurate with
Fellows have the option to enroll in Harvard University’s
employee health insurance program at a subsidized rate
for the duration of their fellowship
The Sustainability Science Fellowships are open to
advanced doctoral and post-doctoral students, and to
mid-career professionals engaged in research or practice
that advances the goals of the program (see above).
Prospective fellows should have a focused personal
research or writing objective that is consistent with
those goals. In addition, applicants should be interested
in spending some of their time as fellows in
collaborations with other fellows and faculty in the
program in ways that will advance the interdisciplinary,
problem-driven agenda of sustainability science more
Applications for the mid-career fellowships are invited
from individuals in governmental, non-governmental,
private organizations, or academia with at least five
years of professional experience doing work involved in
linking science and practice for sustainable
Applications for the post-doctoral fellowships are
welcome from recent recipients of the Ph.D. or
equivalent degree. (Applicants must have completed
their Ph.D. between 2011 and 2016.)
Applicants for a doctoral fellowship must currently be
enrolled in a doctoral program and have passed their
qualifying exams (completed coursework and passed
oral and/or written exams) by July 2016. Applicants
whose doctoral programs do not require qualifying
exams must have completed all the required coursework
for the Ph.D., since fellows will not be doing course work
while at Harvard.
Application instructions:
It is important to read the application instructions and
visit the official website (link found below) for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Applications for the fellowship are due 15 January 2016.


10. EPFL Excellence Fellowships

Masters Degree
Deadline: 15 Jan/15 April (annual)
Study in: Switzerland
Brief description:
EPFL offers a limited number of fellowships at the
Master’s level to students with outstanding academic
records. Some of the fellowships are financed by EPFL
directly and others through partnerships with
foundations or companies.
Host Institution(s):
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Field of study:
Eligible Master’s Programme offered at University

Number of Awards:
Target group:
All students including international students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
For external applicants, the scholarship includes CHF
16’000 per academic year split into monthly
payments (CHF 32’000 for a two-year Master’s or CHF
24’000 for a 1 1/2 year Master’s) and reservation of a
room in student’s accommodation.
Note that accommodation, tuition fees, visa fees, etc.
must be paid by the fellowship holder.
Anyone applying to an EPFL Master’s Program is eligible.
The selection of candidates and the granting of the
fellowships is done based solely on the evaluation of the
academic records of the candidates.
Application instructions:
The application is done via the same online form than
your application to a Master’s program. It is however
necessary to tick a box indicating that your profile
should also be considered for an excellence fellowship.
Applications can be filled online from mid-November to
the 15th of January, or from the 16th of January to the
15th of April. Candidates who need a visa are strongly
advised to apply by the January deadline.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Related Scholarships:
Swiss Scholarships
11. Emile Boutmy Scholarships for Non-EU
Students at Sciences Po
Sciences Po
Bachelors/Masters Degree
Deadline: 15 Jan/2 May 2016 (annual)
Study in: France

Brief description:
Sciences Po created the Emile Boutmy Scholarships after
the founder of Sciences Po in order to attract the very
best international students from outside of the
European Union who are first time applicants and who
have been admitted to an Undergraduate or Master’s
programme offered at the University.
Host Institution(s):
Sciences Po University, Paris, France
Field of study:
Bachelors or Masters Programme offered at the
Number of Awards:
Not specified.
Target group:
Non-EU international students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Undergraduate Level
The Emily Boutmy Undergraduate Programme can take
different forms ranging from €3,000 to €12,300 for 3
years of undergraduate study. On an exceptional basis, a
scholarship of €19,000 may be granted to cover the
three years of College.
Masters Level
The Emily Boutmy Master’s Programme can take
different forms ranging from €5,000 to €16,000 for 2
years of postgraduate study. On an exceptional basis, a
scholarship of €19,000 may be granted to cover 2 years
of the Master’s Programme.
Eligible students are those, first time applicants, from a
non-European Union state, whose household does not
file taxes within the European Union, and who have
been admitted to the Undergraduate or Master’s
This scholarship is awarded based on factors of
excellence and according to the type of profile sought
for this programme. Social criteria are also taken into

Application instructions:
In order to apply to this scholarship you must notify it
on your application form, as well as include a proof of
income and documents explaining your family
situation. For the academic year 2016-2017, the
deadline for undergraduate programmes is 2 May 2016
while the deadline for Master’s programmes is 15
January 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship Programs in France

12. ICSP Scholarships at University of

Oregon USA
University of Oregon
Bachelors Degree
Deadline: 15 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: USA
Brief description:
International students who demonstrate financial need
and exceptional merit may apply for the International
Cultural Service Program (ICSP). The ICSP scholarship
has a cultural service component which requires
students to give presentations about their home country
to children, community organizations, and UO students,
faculty and staff
Host Institution(s):
Oregon University, USA
Field(s) of study:
Eligible programmes offered at the University
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.
Target group:
International students who demonstrate financial need
and exceptional merit
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Tuition waiver worth $9,000 – $27,000
1. Applicants must be admissible or fully admitted
to the University of Oregon. New students must
apply for admission to the UO for 2016-17 by 15
January 2016.
2. Applicants cannot be U.S. citizens, U.S.
permanent residents, or eligible to receive U.S.
federal financial assistance.
3. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and
meet the minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA requirement
ICSP students agree to complete 80 hours per year of
cultural service as required by the program.
Application instructions:
Applications and supporting materials must be
submitted to International Affairs on or before 15
January 2016. Documents sent to the Admissions
Office will not be accepted for your ICSP application.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the applications form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

13. KTH Tuition Fee Waiver for Non-EU

Masters Degree
Deadline: 15 Jan 2016
Study in: Sweden
Brief description:
KTH offers tuition fee waivers to students from non-
EU/EEA/EFTA countries who are required to pay tuition
fees and who has applied for a Master’s programme at
KTH as first priority.
Host Institution(s):
KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden
Field(s) of study:
Eligible Masters Programme offered at the University
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified
Target group:
Citizens from non-EU/EEA/EFTA countries
Scholarship value/inclusions:
KTH Scholarship recipients will have their tuition fee
waived for the first and the second year, provided that
the study results during the first year are satisfactory.
Funding for additional expenses, such as living costs, is
not included in the waiver.
The scholarships are open to citizens from non-
EU/EEA/EFTA countries who are required to pay tuition
fees and who has applied for a Master’s programme at
KTH as first priority.
Application instructions:
Applications open 1 December 2015.
Before you submit an online application to the KTH
Tuition fee waiver you must first submit an application
to a KTH Master’s programme
at An online application form
to the KTH Tuition fee waiver will be found on the
official website when the application opens. Deadline is
15 January 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

14. Master Scholarships for International

Students, Uppsala University, Sweden
Deadline: 15 Jan 2016
Study in: Sweden
Brief description:
Tuition fee scholarships are available for international
students, citizens of a country outside of EU/EEA and
Switzerland, commencing Master degree in August 29,
2016 at Uppsala University – Sweden. The scholarships
will pay for tuition fees only, but not your living
expenses. The scholarships are based on merit and
awarded to the students with most outstanding
academic performance who show interest in
educational milieu. Applicants’ academic performance
will be assessed based on your supporting documents
when applying the Master program.
Host Institution(s):
Uppsala University, Sweden

Field(s) of study:
Scholarships available for all fields of study offered at
Uppsala University. There is no restriction on the
subjects or fields of study for this particular scholarship.

Amount of Scholarships
This scholarship will pay tuition fees only. You will not
receive stipend for living expenses.
Number of Scholarships:
Unknown. Please contact Uppsala University for more
Target group:
Available for international students, citizens of a country
outside of EU/EEA and Switzerland.
To be eligible for the scholarships, applicants must meet
all the eligibility criteria below:
• Applicants must be a citizen of country outside of
EU/EEA and Switzerland.
• Applicants must meet all the entry requirements
for Master degree program.
• Scholarships only available for your first priority
program at Uppsala University.
• Applicants must have academic achievement and
show interest in educational milieu.
• Applicants must commence study in August 29,
Application instructions:
You must apply online via their website. Applicants must
submit 2 (two) separate applications:
1. Applicants must submit application for the
Master program using their online application
2. Applicants must also submit the scholarship
application form.
Please make sure you read all the guidelines available
on their website before submitting your applications.
Please take note of the deadline. Late submissions will
not be entertained!

Important Notes
• This scholarship will be based purely on merit
and your academic performance assessed from your
supporting documents.
• Your financial need and early application will not
be a point of consideration for this particular

15. Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships

University of Amsterdam
Masters Degree
Deadline: 15 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
The Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AES) awards
scholarships to exceptionally talented students from
outside Europe to pursue eligible Master’s Programmes
offered at the University of Amsterdam.
Host Institution(s):
University of Amsterdam in Netherlands
Field(s) of study:
Eligible English-Taught Masters Programme offered in
the the following faculties:
• Amsterdam Law School
• Economics and Business
• Faculty of Science
• Graduate School of Child Development and Education
• Graduate School of Communication
• Graduate School of Humanities
• Graduate School of Psychology
• Graduate School of Social Sciences
Number of Scholarships:
Up to 15 annually
Target group:
Non-EU/EEA International Students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The AES is a full scholarship of €25,000 (covering tuition
and living expenses) for one academic year with the
possibility of extension for a second year for two-year
Master’s programmes.
Candidates wishing to apply for an AES programme must
meet the following requirements:
• Hold a non-EU/EEA passport and not be eligible for
support under studiefinanciering, the Dutch system of
study grants and loans
• Be (provisionally) admitted to an English-taught
Master’s degree programme at the University of
Amsterdam which is registered in the Central Register of
Higher Education Programmes
• Be (provisionally) admitted to a Master’s programme
at the UvA for the first time.
• Be able to comply with Dutch visa regulations as
indicated by the IND (Dutch Immigration Service).
• Be enrolled at the UvA as a full-time student for the
academic year and the programme for which the
scholarship is awarded.
• The candidate should not receive another scholarship
for the same period of study as the AES.
It is important to read the compete eligibility criteria.
Application instructions:
The AES application period runs from 1 November
2015 to 15 January 2016.
Applications are made through the Admissions Offices
of the graduate schools. Students who meet all the
requirements can apply for the AES when they apply to
their chosen Master’s programme. However, please be
aware that the scholarship application deadline is 15
January 2016, which is earlier than the application
deadline for most of the Master’s programmes.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) and specific faculty websites (link found under
fields of study) for detailed information on how to apply
for this scholarship.
16. Chalmers IPOET Scholarships for International
Chalmers University
Masters Degree
Deadline: 15 Jan 2016
Study in: Sweden
Brief description:
Chalmers will be offering around 50 IPOET scholarships
in 2016, funded by the Swedish Council for Higher
Education, to prospective fee-paying students.

Host Institution(s):
Chalmers University in Sweden
Field(s) of study:
Unrestricted – all of the current Master’s Programmes at
Number of Scholarships:
Target group:
Citizens from non-EU/EEA countries
Scholarship value/inclusions:
• A 75% reduction of the tuition fees (4 semesters / 2
year programme)
• Students who excel during their first year of studies
may receive an increased scholarship reduction, which
covers 85% of the tuition fee during the second and final
year of studies
• No funds are transferred to the scholarship laureates
• Citizens from non-EU/EEA countries who are required
to pay tuition fees for Swedish university education
• 1st year Master’s Programme applicants
The selection is based on the applicants’ relative
academic excellence, which primarily includes weighted
average grade but also home university´s stature
(including position on global ranking lists) and priority
order of the application for Chalmers Master´s
Application instructions:
All scholarship applicants must make an application for
the selected Master’s programme/s on University
Admissions prior to making a scholarship application.
Your individual application number and your priority
order (your choice of Master’s programme/s) is
needed when you start the online scholarship
application. The deadline for applications is 15 January
It is important to read the how to apply page and visit
the official website (link found below) for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

17. Lund University Global Scholarship

Lund University
Bachelors/Masters Degree
Deadline: 15 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: Sweden
Brief description:
The Lund University Global Scholarship programme is a
selective, merit-based scholarship programme that
recognizes top academic students from outside the
European Union/European Economic Area (and
Switzerland) who wish to apply for a Bachelor’s or
Master’s Programme offered at Lund University.
Host Institution(s):
Lund University in Sweden
Field(s) of study:
Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree Programmes offered at
the University
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified

Target group:
Citizens of countries outside the European
Union/European Economic Area (and Switzerland)
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarships may cover 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of
the tuition fee. Please note that scholarships are toward
tuition fees only and that living costs are not covered.
To be eligible to apply for a scholarship you must meet
all of the following criteria:
• You must be a citizen of a country from outside the
EU/EEA (and Switzerland) and are required to pay a
tuition fee
• You have applied for Bachelor’s or Master’s level
studies in the regular application rounds for a minimum
of one semester of study (30 ECTS)
PLEASE DO NOT APPLY if you do not meet the admission
requirements to Lund University or if you cannot secure
the funding needed to cover living costs, as required by
the Swedish Migration Board.

Application instructions:
To apply for a Lund University Global Scholarship, you
must first apply for the programme(s) or free-standing
course(s) you wish to study at Lund University using the
online, national application website, during the application
period from late October to 15 January for studies
starting in the autumn semester (Note that a few
programmes do not open for applications until 1
Once you have made a complete application to a degree
programme or free-standing courses of at least 30 ECTS
credits and paid the application fee, the University will
invite you to apply for the LU Global Scholarship and
send you a link to the application form. The deadline
for applications for admissions is 15 January 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
Scholarships for Study in Sweden

18. Eric Bleumink Scholarships at University

of Groningen
University of Groningen
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 15 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
The Eric Bleumink Fund awards scholarships to talented
students and young researchers from developing
countries. The scholarships are towards a 1 year or 2
years Master’s degree programme or a 4-year Ph.D
Host Institution(s):
University of Groningen in Netherlands
Field of study:
Eligible Masters or PhD Programme offered at University
of Groningen.
Number of Awards:

Target group:
Afghanistan, Angola, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belize,
Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi,
Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros,
Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea,
Ethiopia, Fiji, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala,
Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India,
Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Laos,
Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Marshall
Islands, Mauritania, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco,
Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger,
Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay,
Philippines, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe,
Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sri
Lanka, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo,
Tokelau, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine,
Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe,
Korea, Dem. Rep., Timor-Leste, West Bank and Gaza
Strip, Congo (Rep.), Côte d’Ivoire, Kyrgyz Republic,
Micronesia (Federated States), Sudan (Rep.), Congo
(Dem Rep.), South Sudan, Central African Republic
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The grant covers tuition fee, costs of international travel,
subsistence, books, and health insurance.
Criteria for approval are: (a) academic excellence, shown
by academic performance and may be confirmed by
letters of recommendation from university professors;
(b) contribution of candidate’s education in terms of
strengthening the scientific capacity in the candidate’s
home country; (c) perspectives to a long-term linkage
between the home institution and the University of
Application instructions:
Applications open 15 October 2015.
To be nominated the student needs to be (conditionally)
admitted to one of the Master’s programmes.
Applicants must follow the application instructions on
the official website. Deadline is 15 January 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
Scholarships in Netherlands

19. Monash International Leadership

Monash University
Bachelor/Masters Degree
Deadline: 15 Jan/15 Mar/15 Apr/12 Jun
Study in: Australia
Brief description:
Monash University is offering a number of scholarship
programs including the Monash University International
Leadership Scholarships for outstanding international
students who wish to pursue an undergraduate or
postgraduate degree at Monash University.
Host Institution(s):
Monash University in Australia
Field(s) of study:
Any full-time undergraduate or postgraduate
(coursework) program offered at the University
except Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
(MBBS) or Master of Business Administration (MBA)
and Monash Pathway programs.
Target group:
International students from all countries.
Number of Scholarships:
Four scholarships are available.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
100% course fees paid until the minimum number of
points for your degree are completed (excludes OSHC,
accommodation and living costs).
• International student
• Commencing a full-time undergraduate or
postgraduate (coursework) degree at a Monash campus
in Australia (you must have received a full Monash
course offer).
Application instructions:
Before applying for this scholarship, you must have
received a full Monash course offer with no conditions.
You must submit a separate application form for this
scholarship by the deadline. The next deadlines are 15
October 2015, 15 November 2015 and 15 January
2016 for Semester 1 or 2, 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship

20. Uppsala IPK Scholarships for

International Students
Uppsala University
Masters Degree
Deadline: 15 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: Sweden
Brief description:
Uppsala University will award several scholarships for
fee-paying students applying for Master’s programmes
commencing in the autumn of 2016. One of these
scholarship programs is the Uppsala IPK Scholarships.
Host Institution(s):
The Uppsala University in Sweden
Field(s) of study:
Master Programmes offered during the current
admission round and commencing 29 August 2016.

Number of Scholarships:
Not specified
Target group:
Citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA and
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Scholarships will cover the cost of tuition but not living
Uppsala University’s IPK scholarships are targeted to
citizens of a country outside the EU/EEA and
Switzerland. Applicants must demonstrate academic
talent and show interest in belonging to an educational
milieu. Students can only be awarded an IPK scholarship
for their first priority programme at Uppsala University.
Application instructions:
Applications open 1 December 2015.
To apply for Uppsala University’s scholarships you must
first apply for one of Uppsala University’s Master’s
programmes through the website You must then submit an
online scholarship application. The application period
for both Master’s programmes and scholarships at
Uppsala University is between 1 December 2015 to 15
January 2016.
It is important to read the application page visit the
official website (link found below) to access the
application form and for detailed information on how to
apply for this scholarship.

21. Monash International Merit Scholarships

Monash University
Bachelor/Masters Degree
Deadline:15 Jan/15 Mar/15 Apr/12 Jun
Study in: Australia
Brief description:
Monash University is offering a number of scholarship
programs including the Monash University International
Merit Scholarships for outstanding international
students who wish to pursue an undergraduate or
postgraduate degree at Monash University.
Host Institution(s):
Monash University in Australia
Field(s) of study:
Any eligible full-time undergraduate or postgraduate
(coursework) program offered at the University
Target group:
International students from all countries. Countries with
strategic priorities for Monash will be given preference.
Number of Scholarships:
31 scholarships will be available
Scholarship value/inclusions:
$10,000 for a full time study load (48 credit points) paid
per year until the minimum number of points for your
degree are completed.
• International student
• Commencing students with a full Monash course offer
or continuing students, and
• Undertaking a full time undergraduate or
postgraduate (coursework) degree at a Monash campus
in Australia
Application instructions:
Before applying for this scholarship, you must have
received a full Monash course offer with no conditions.
You must submit a separate application form for this
scholarship by the deadline. The next deadlines are 15
January 2016 for Semester 1 or 2, 2016 and 15 March,
15 April or 12 June 2016 for Semester 2, 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
22. Ampère Excellence Scholarships for
International Students
ENS de Lyon
Masters Degree
Deadline: 16 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: France

Brief description:
The Ampère Scholarships of Excellence provide excellent
international students with the opportunity to pursue
one of the eligible Masters programs offered at ENS de
Host Institution(s):
ENS de Lyon, France
Level and Field(s) of study:
Masters Degree Progammes in Exact Sciences, the Arts
or the Human and Social Sciences (excluding the
Professional Masters programs in teaching).
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
1000€/month for a duration of 12 months (renewable)
• You must be a foreign national
• You must be 26 years old maximum at the application
• Candidate for admission in Masters Year 1: provide
proof that you have obtained a Licence (equivalent to
180 ECTS European credits) or an equivalent
diploma/level recognized by the ENS deLyon.
• Candidate for admission in Masters Year 2: provide
proof that you have successfully reached Masters Year 1
level (equivalent to 240 ECTS European credits) or have
attained an equivalentdiploma/level recognized by the
ENS de Lyon (e.g.MPhil).
Application instructions:
To apply, you must submit the application form with
supporting documents by 16 January 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

23. Beasiswa LPDP Batch I
For Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 20 Jan 2016
Brief description:
LPDP merupakan badan yang menyaring dan
memberikan beasiswa kepada lulusan Sarjana untuk
melanjutkan jenjang S2 dan lulusan Pascasarjana untuk
dapat melanjutkan S3.
Selain itu program yang ditawarkan cukup menarik
sebab ada beasiswa Tesis dan Disertasi untuk anda,
selain itu masih ada lagi kabar gembira lainnya seperti
beasiswa LPDP merupakan beasiswa yang diberikan
melalui badan terkait seperti kementerian hukum dan
ham, kementerian agama dan kementerian pendidikan
Indonesia melalui beasiswa ini diharapakan bisa
memberikan bantuan biaya pendidikan untuk anda dan
menyiapkan pemimpin bagi Indonesia.

Host Institution(s):
Menteri agama, Menteri pendidikan, Menteri keuangan,
Menteri riset
Field(s) of study
Magister dan doctoral
Number of Scholarships:
Unlimited (Sesuai kebijakan tahun tersebut)
Target group:
Pelajar lulusan S1/S2, Dosen, Pegawai swasta, kecuali
“Dosen Tetap” PTN/PTS &sudahmempunyai NIDN
direkomendasikan untuk mendaftar beasiswa DIKTI
Scholarship value/inclusions:
1. Beasiswa ini membayar berapapun akbar SPP
sekolah anda
2. Beasiswa ini sediakanAcara Pembekalan
Nasionalisme dan Kepemimpinan sebelum
penerima beasiswa lakukan studinya dgn melibatkan
tokoh-tokoh nasional & bekerja-sama bersama TNI,
bahkan buat angkatan I dan II ini penerima beasiswa
dapatlaksanakanacara pembekalan diatas kapal
perang TNI AL
3. Beasiswa LPDP ini kusus berasal dari Dana
Abadi Pendidikan, bidang dari dana 20% alokasi
pendidikan RAPBN negeri kita yg disisihkan &
Persyaratan Umum Beasiswa LPDP
1. Warga negara Indonesia yang ditunjukkan
dengan identitas kependudukan yang sah.
2. Lulusan program studi : A) Perguruan Tinggi
dalam negeri yang terakreditasi oleh Badan
Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi atau lulusan
Perguruan Tinggi kedinasan yang diakui oleh
pemerintah Indonesia. B) Perguruan Tinggi diluar
negeri yang berkategori baik sesuai daftar pada
Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
3. Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan yang
ditunjukkan dengan pengalaman memimpin sebuah
organisasi atau lembaga yang ditunjukkan dengan
bukti dokumen yang relevan.
4. Aktif dalam kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan yang
ditunjukkan dengan bukti dokumen yang relevan.
5. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah
terlibat tindakan melanggar hukum.
6. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah
terlibat dalam tindak pelanggaran kode etik
7. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan mengabdi
pada kepentingan bangsa Indonesia.
8. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak
menerima beasiswa dari sumber lain.
9. Mendapatkan Surat Tugas Belajar dari atasan
bagi yang sedang bekerja.
10. Memiliki Surat Keterangan dari tokoh
masyarakat bagi yang belum/tidak sedang bekerja.
11. Memilih program studi dan/atau
perguruan tinggi yang direkomendasikan oleh
LPDP. Mengupload Essay dengan tema : Peranku
bagi Indonesia dan Sukses terbesar dalam hidupku
serta Rencana Studi untuk program Magister catatan
*Semua dokumen dapat dilihat pada dokumen
petunjuk beasiswa di
Persyaratan Khusus Beasiswa LPDP :
1. Telah menyelesaikan dan memperoleh gelar
akademik: a) Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan untuk
pelamar program Magister, b) Magister untuk
pelamar program Doktor.
2. Usia maksimum bagi pelamar beasiswa pada
saat penutupan pendaftaran adalah: a) 35 (tiga puluh
lima) tahun untuk program Magister, b) 40 (empat
puluh) tahun untuk program Doktor.
 Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimum
a) 3,00, pada skala 4, untuk lulusan Sarjana yang
akan studi Magister,
b) 3,25, pada skala 4, untuk lulusan Magister
yang akan studi Doktor.
 Kemampuan penguasaan bahasa asing:
a)TOEFL ITP minimal 500 untuk studi pada
program Magister/Doktor di perguruan tinggi
dalam negeri,
b) TOEFL PBT minimal 550 atau yang setara
untuk studi pada program Magister/Doktor di
perguruan tinggi luar negeri dan/atau telah
memiliki Letter of Acceptance (LOA).
c) Untuk pelamar yang memilih program studi
Magister atau Doktor luar negeri yang tidak
menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa
pengantar akademiknya, dapat menyesuaikan
dengan persyaratan kemampuan berbahasa
asing yang berlaku di perguruan tinggi
 Memahami dan menyetujui persyaratan dan
ketentuan beasiswa sebagai berikut:
a) menyelesaikan studi maksimal dalam 2 (dua)
tahun untuk program Magister, sesuai masa
studi yang berlaku,
b) menyelesaikan studi maksimal dalam 4
(empat) tahun untuk program Doktor, sesuai
masa studi yang berlaku.
Application instructions:
To apply, you must submit a formal application for
Admission and a Scholarship via the online application
system. The next deadlines for LPDP of scholarsip
are 23 Jan 2016
24. Beasiswa LPDP Untuk Tesis Megister dan
Disertasi Doktor.
Deadline: 20 Jan 2016
Brief description:
Program beasiswa ini salah satu Beasiswa Pendidikan
Indonesia (BPI) yang ditawarkan LPDP yang bisa
dimanfaatkan bagi Anda yang mengalami kendala
pembiayaan penyusunan tesis dan disertasi. BPI program
Tesis/Disertasi. Beasiswa tesis tersedia bagi pelamar
yang ingin menyelesaikan studi S2-nya, di dalam
maupun luar negeri. Beasiswa disertasi tersedia buat
pelamar yang ingin merampungkan studi S3, baik di
perguruan tinggi dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.

Besaran dana beasiswa tesis atau beasiswa disertasi

berdasarkan rencana anggaran belanja sesuai dengan
satuan biaya yang berlaku, yang dilampirkan dalam
formulir pendaftaran. Nilai maksimum beasiswa yang
diperoleh untuk masing-masing program, yakni:

▪ Beasiswa tesis yang diambil di dalam negeri jika tidak

menggunakan laboratorium maksimum Rp 15 juta. Jika
menggunakan laboratorium maksimum usulan beasiswa
Rp 25 juta.
▪ Beasiswa tesis yang diambil di luar negeri jika tidak
menggunakan laboratorium maksimum Rp 30 juta. Jika
menggunakan laboratorium maksimum usulan beasiswa
Rp 50 juta.
▪ Beasiswa disertasi yang diambil di dalam negeri jika
tidak menggunakan laboratorium maksimum Rp 60 juta.
Jika memakai laboratorium maksimum usulan beasiswa
Rp 75 juta.
▪ Beasiswa disertasi yang diambil di luar negeri jika
tidak menggunakan laboratorium maksimum Rp 120
juta. Jika memakai laboratorium maksimum usulan
beasiswa Rp 150 juta.
Host Institution(s):
Menteri agama, Menteri pendidikan, Menteri keuangan,
Menteri riset
Field(s) of study
Magister dan doctoral
1. Warga Negara Indonesia yang ditunjukkan dengan
identitas kependudukan yang sah;
2. Batas Usia maksimum pelamar pada saat penutupan
pendaftaran adalah:
a. 40 tahun untuk pelamar program Beasiswa Tesis,
b. 45 tahun untuk pelamar program Beasiswa Disertasi.
3. Lulusan program studi:
a. Perguruan tinggi dalam negeri yang terakreditasi
minimal C Institusi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional
Perguruan Tinggi atau lulusan Perguruan Tinggi
Kedinasan yang diakui oleh Pemerintah Indonesia,
b. Perguruan tinggi di luar negeri yang berkategori
baik sesuai daftar pada Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan
Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
4. Mahasiswa sudah menyelesaikan seluruh mata kuliah
yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk transkrip nilai dengan
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimum adalah:
a. 3,25 pada skala 4, bagi yang sedang studi Magister.
b. 3,50 pada skala 4, bagi yang sedang studi Doktoral.
5. Dinyatakan telah lulus ujian/seminar proposal oleh
pimpinan program pascasarjana atau keterangan lain
yang sejenis.
6. Mendapat rekomendasi dari unsur pimpinan
Pascasarjana atau Fakultas;
7. Judul penelitian dan bidang kajian yang bersifat
strategis sesuai dengan visi dan misi LPDP dan bidang
keilmuan yang menjadi fokus LPDP yaitu:
a. Bidang Teknik,
b. Bidang Sains,
c. Bidang Kelautan dan Perikanan,
d. Bidang pertanian,
e. Bidang pendidikan,
f. Bidang Kedokteran dan Kesehatan,
g. Bidang Akuntansi dan Keuangan,
h. Bidang Ekonomi,
i. Bidang Hukum,
j. Bidang Agama,
k. Bidang Sosial,
l. Bidang Budaya, Seni dan Bahasa.
8. Selain itu BPI Program Tesis dan Disertasi juga
memiliki tema prioritas sebagai berikut:
a. Kemaritiman,
b. Perikanan,
c. Pertanian,
d. Ketahanan Energi, Ketahanan Pangan,
e. Industri Kreatif,
f. Manajemen Pendidikan,
g. Teknologi Transportasi,
h. Teknologi Pertahanan dan Keamanan
i. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi,
j. Teknologi Kedokteran dan Kesehatan,
k. Keperawatan
l. Lingkungan Hidup,
m. Keagamaan,
n. Ketrampilan (Vokasional),
o. Ekonomi/Keuangan Syariah,
p. Budaya/Bahasa, dan
q. Hukum Bisnis Internasional.


25. Talent for Governance Training

Scholarships for Developing Countries
The Hague Academy for Local Gov
Deadline: 29 Jan 2016
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
With Talent for Governance, The Hague Academy aims
to enable young civil servants from developing countries
and Eastern European (non-EU) countries to participate
in a specially designed Talent for Governance
The Programme generally consists out of four
components that are all connected by an overall theme:
an international practice oriented training course at The
Hague Academy, a week-long internship at a Dutch
municipality, networking activities and the back home
action plan.
Host Institution(s):
The Hague Academy for Local Governance, The Hague,
Field(s) of study:
To apply for the Talent programme, candidates need to
choose one of the following programme themes:
• Citizen Participation & Inclusive Governance –
Programme from 23 May – 10 June 2016, (more
information about the training course part of the
• Local Economic Development – Programme from 19
September – 7 October 2016, (more information about
the training course part of the programme)
• Local Service Delivery- Programme from 3 – 21
October 2016, (more information about the training
course part of the programme)
Number of Awards:
The amount of placements will depend on the funds
and internship placements in Dutch local governments.
Target group:
Young civil servants working for local government in a
developing country
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The Talent for Governance programme covers the cost
of tuition fee, travel costs, accommodation and living
expenses in The Netherlands. The talents are asked
to contribute 100-200 Euros to the programme costs
depending on the country where they are from.
Application is possible if you:
• work for a local government (not an NGO or private
• work in one of the countries listed on the DAC country
• be 37 years of age or younger when you apply;
• have at least two years of work experience in local
governance and prove your commitment to
• work there for at least two years more;
• speak and understand the English language well (all
programmes are in English);
• be able to write down and orally defend your
motivation for and relevance of the specific programme;
• be able to identify an issue/project as a real life case
within the theme of the programme for which you will
write a Back Home Action Plan during the Talent
• have written support of your employer to participate
in the programme and to implement the Back Home
Action Plan when you return home.
Application instructions:
Please do not submit a separate application form for the
specific training course of your choice through the
website of the Hague Academy for Local
Governance. Only applications made through the online
application form will be considered. The deadline for
applications for the programmes offered in 2016 is 29
January 2016.
It is important to read the Rules and Regulations Talent
for Governance 2016 and visit the official website (link
found below) to access the online application form and
for detailed information on how to apply for this
26. Science @Leuven Scholarships for International
K.U. Leuven Faculty of Science
Masters (MS) Degree
Deadline: 31 Jan 2016 (annual)
Study in: Belgium
Brief description:
The Science@Leuven Scholarships are for motivated and
talented international students who are interested in
participating in an international master programme of
the Faculty of Science of the K.U.Leuven.
Host Institution(s):
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium

Field of study:
Eligible International Master Programme under the
Faculty of Science at K.U. Leuven:
• Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics
• Master of Biology
• Master of Biophysics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology
• Master of Chemistry
• Master of Geography
• Master of Mathematics
• Master of Physics
• Master of Statistics
• Interuniversity Master of Geology (only students
applying for the specialisation Geodynamics and
Georesources or Surface processes and
Paleoenvironments can apply for the scholarship)
• Erasmus Mundus Master of Theoretical Chemistry and
Computational Modelling
• Erasmus Mundus Master Sustainable and Territorial
Number of Awards:
Not specified.

Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The amount of the scholarship can be up to 10.000 Euro
for 1 year. The scholarship will always cover the tuition
fee for 1 year, the insurance and a basic health
insurance coverage. The amount awarded for living
expenses can vary.
Applicants must meet and prove the following
• the applicants have not studied or worked at the
University of Leuven before,
• the applicants have a bachelor degree from a foreign
university that gives them access to the master
programme they are applying for,
• the applicants have not yet acquired a master degree
or a PhD,
• the applicants can prove having had excellent study
results during their former training,
• the applicants can prove a very strong knowledge of
• the applicants show strong motivation to follow a
master programme at the Faculty of Science of the
• the applicants are willing to act as an ambassador for
the programme.
Application instructions:
Applicants have to apply for the Master programme of
their choice through the application form of the KU
Leuven. The applicants note in the application form
that they want to apply for the Science@Leuven
Scholarship. After having completed the application
form of the official KU Leuven application page,
applicants register on the website of the scholarship.
Only applications that have been submitted (with the
International Office and registered on the website of the
scholarship) before the 31st of January will be
considered for the scholarship.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Belgian Scholarship Programs

27. Bocconi Scholarships in Italy for

International Students
Bocconi University
Bachelor’s/Masters Degree
Deadline: Jan-July 2016
Study in: Milan, Italy
Brief description:
Bocconi University offers need-based scholarships to
international students applying to a Bachelor Program,
Law Program, or Master of Science Program at the
University for AY 2016-2017.

Host Institution(s):
Bocconi University in Milan, Italy
Field(s) of study:
Bachelor Program, Law Program, or Master of Science
Program offered at the University
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Full tuition waiver worth approximately € 11,000 per
year for maximum of 3 academic years (for Bachelors
Programs) or 5 academic years (for the Law Program)
OR € 12,000 per year for a maximum of 2 years (for
Master of Science Program).

Applicants for the first year of a Bocconi Bachelor,
Integrated Masters of Arts in Law Program, or Masters
of Science program for specific admission sessions, who
are neither a resident or citizen of Italy nor have earned
an Italian High School diploma or Undergraduate Degree
in Italy or abroad are eligible.
Application instructions:
The application must be submitted online by the same
date as the online admission’s application. The specific
deadlines can be found in the 2016-2017 scholarship
guidelines but falls around January to July 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (links found
below) to access the online application form and for
detailed information on how to apply for this

28. Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI)

University of Adelaide
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 31 Jan/30 April 2016 (annual)
Study in: Australia
Brief description:
The University of Adelaide offers Adelaide Scholarships
International (ASI) to attract high quality overseas
postgraduate students to areas of research strength in
the University of Adelaide to support its research effort.
Host Institution(s):
University of Adelaide, Australia
Field(s) of study:
Any Masters degree by Research or Doctoral Research
Degree offered at the University
Number of Scholarships:
Target group:
International students (except New Zealand)
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship includes course tuition fees, annual
living allowance ($25,849 in 2015), and overseas student
health cover (if award holder holds a subclass 574 visa).
In order to be eligible, applicants are required to have
successfully completed at least the equivalent of an
Australian First Class Honours degree (this is a four year
degree with a major research project in the final year).
All qualifying programs of study must be successfully
International applicants must not hold a research
qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to
be equivalent to an Australian Research Doctorate
degree or, if undertaking a Research Masters degree,
not hold a research qualification regarded by the
University of Adelaide to be equivalent to or higher than
an Australian Research Masters degree.
Candidates are required to enrol in the University of
Adelaide as ‘international students’ and must maintain
‘international student’ status for the duration of their
enrolment in the University.
International applicants who have not provided
evidence of their meeting the minimum English
language proficiency requirements for direct entry by
the scholarship closing date, or who have completed a
Pre-Enrolment English Program to meet the entry
requirements for the intended program of study, are not
See the official website (link found below) for complete
eligibility criteria.
Application instructions:
To apply, you must submit a formal application for
Admission and a Scholarship via the online application
system. The next deadlines are 31 January 2016 for
Semester 1 or 2, 2016 and 30 April 2016 for Semester 2,
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the online application system and for
detailed information on how to apply for this
29. Macquarie Vice-Chancellor’s
International Scholarships
Macquarie University
Bachelors/Masters Degree
Deadline: 31 Jan/30 June (annual)
Study in: Australia
Brief description:
The Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor’s
International Scholarship provides a partial tuition fee
scholarship for outstanding students to study an
undergraduate or postgraduate degree at Macquarie
University North Ryde campus.
Host Institution(s):
Macquarie University North Ryde Campus in Australia
Field of study:
Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies in priority
areas: Engineering, Environment, Human Science,
Media, Linguistics, and Education.
Number of Awards:
Not specified
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship amount is varied up to
AUD$10,000 and will be applied towards your tuition
fee. It is not renewable.
The scholarships do NOT provide financial support in the
form of a living allowance, nor does it provide for the
cost of visa application, Overseas Student Health Cover
(OSHC), airfares, accommodation, conferences or other
costs associated with study.
Applicants must:
• Be a citizen of a country other than Australia or New
• Have met the University’s academic and English
requirements for the course to be considered for a
scholarship (must hold a FULL OFFER of admission for
North Ryde by the application deadline).
• Have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 for
Postgraduate applications and minimum requirement of
an ATAR equivalent of 90 out of 100 for Undergraduate
See the full eligibility criteria at the official website.
Application instructions:
Applicants must complete an online course application
form and an online scholarship application form. A
Macquarie University Student Number (which you will
receive once your course application has been
processed) is compulsory to submit the online
scholarship application form. The application deadlines
are: 31 January for Session 1 intake (February) or 30
June for Session 2 intake (July).
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application forms and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

Bulan Februari 2016

1. Univeristy of Maastricht High Potential
Scholarships for International Students
Maastricht University
Masters Degree
Deadline: 1 Feb 2016 (annual)
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
Maastricht University High Potential scholarships are
made available by the Maastricht University Scholarship
Fund in order to encourage talented students from
outside the EU/EEA to follow a Master’s programme at
Maastricht University.
Host Institution(s):
Maastricht University, Netherlands
Field of study:
Any UM master’s programme or graduate programme
for professionals offered at the University except for
programmes under the School of Business and
Number of Awards:
Not specified.
Target group:
International students from a country outside the
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship covers living expenses (€10,500),
insurance (€ 520), visa costs (€ 304), and tuition fee (€
13.000 or € 17.500).
The High Potential scholarship is awarded for the
duration of the Master’s programme with a maximum of
12 months. In case of a two-year Master’s programme
the Scholarship Committee will award the scholarship
for a maximum of 24 months.

You must be admissible for a UM master’s programme
or graduate programme for professionals and may be no
older than 35 years at the start of the academic year.
You must have obtained excellent results in their
previous studies. This must be shown in the application
file by including, for example, grade lists or reference
letters. In case of equivalent qualification, preference
will be given to applications which show that the
applicant is among the top 5%.
You must come from a country outside the EU/EEA and
meet the requirements for obtaining an entry visa and
residence permit for the Netherlands.
Application instructions:
Students can download the application form at the
official website. On the section Application and
Selection, you can find information about how to send
in the application form. This differs per faculty. The
application deadline is 1 February 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

2. ENS International Selection Scholarships

École Normale Supérieure
ENS Diploma/Masters Degree
Deadline: 1 Feb 2016 (annual)
Study in: France
Brief description:
Each year, École Normale Supérieure (ENS) organizes an
international selection allowing the most promising
international students, either in Science or in Arts &
Humanities, to follow a two or three-year Masters
Degree at the University.

Host Institution(s):
École Normale Supérieure in Paris, France
Field(s) of study:
Eligible Masters Courses in Science or Arts & Humanities
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.
Target group:
International students from all geographical
backgrounds and from all disciplines.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Monthly grant of 1,000 Euros for two or three years.
• Candidates must not be after their 25th birthday on
December 1st.
• Candidates must not have applied to the International
Selection before.
• Candidates must not have lived in France more than
10 months during the academic year of the selection
(September 1st – August 31st) nor the previous year.
• Candidates must justify at least one year of
undergraduate studies awarded by a foreign university
during the calendar year preceding the start of
• Candidates justify at least two years of undergraduate
studies in a foreign university, on the 1st of September
following admission.
On rare occasions, the Director of ENS may authorize
applications from candidates whose academic
background is non-standard.
Application instructions:
Online applications are open from 1 December 2015 to
1 February 2016. Candidates whose applications are
selected will be asked to come to Paris for written and
oral examinations in July.
It is important to read the International Selection FAQ
and visit the official website (link found below) to access
the application form and for detailed information on
how to apply for this scholarship.


3. Australia Awards Scholarships

Australian Government
Bachelors/Masters/PhD Degrees
Deadline: varies, Feb-April 2016
Study in: Australia
Brief description:
Australia Awards Scholarships, formerly known as
Australian Development Scholarships (ADS), are long
term development awards administered by the
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. They provide
opportunities for people from developing countries,
particularly those countries located in the Indo-Pacific
region, to undertake full time undergraduate or
postgraduate study at participating Australian
universities and Technical and Further Education (TAFE)
To ensure the development impact of Australia Awards
Scholarships, all awardees must return home on
completion of their studies so they can contribute to
development in their country
Host Institution(s):
Any Participating Australian Institution
Fields of study:
Fields of study that are related to your country’s priority
areas for development which are listed on the
participating country profiles.
Australia Awards are not available for training in areas
related to flying aircraft, nuclear technology or military
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.
Target group:
Citizens of one of the participating countries in Asia,
Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East. See the complete list
of participating countries.

Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship benefits generally include: full tuition
fees, return air travel, establishment allowance,
contribution to living expenses (CLE), Overseas Student
Health Cover (OSHC), etc. See the complete list of
benefits at the official website (link found below).
The scholarships are offered for the minimum period
necessary for the individual to complete the academic
program specified by the Australian higher education
institution, including any preparatory training.
To be eligible to receive a Scholarship, applicants must:
• be a minimum of 18 years of age at the time of
commencing the Scholarship
• be a citizen of a participating country (as listed
on the Australia Awards website) and be residing
in and applying for the scholarship from their
country of citizenship
• not be married, engaged to, or a de facto of a
person who holds, or is eligible to hold, Australian
or New Zealand citizenship or permanent
residency, at any time during the application,
selection or mobilisation phases (note: residents of
Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau with New Zealand
citizenship are eligible but must apply for a Foreign
Affairs or Defence Sector (subclass 576) visa
• not be current serving military personnel
• not be a citizen of Australia, hold permanent
residency in Australia or be applying for a visa to
live in Australia permanently
• not be applying for another long‐term Australia
Award unless they have resided outside of
Australia for twice the length of the total time that
they were in Australia
• have satisfied any specific criteria established by
the Program Area or the government of the
applicant’s country of citizenship (e.g. having
worked a certain number of years in an
appropriate sector)
• be able to satisfy the admission requirements of
the institution at which the award is to be
• be able to satisfy all requirements of the
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
to hold a Foreign Affairs or Defence Sector
(subclass 576) visa.
• Applicants must inform the Program Area of any
connection or relationship to staff employed at
Program Areas or with managing contractors so
that the application may be properly and
transparently managed.
Read the complete eligibility criteria in the Australia
Awards Policy Handbook (PDF)
Application instructions:
Applications for Africa is now open. Most applications
for other participating countries open on 1 February
Check the open and close dates for your country, and
select your country of citizenship/residency from the list
of participating countries for specific information on
eligibility, priority areas and how to apply. Deadline
varies per country but falls around Feb-April 2016.
It is important to read the how to apply page and visit
the country specific pages, and the official website (link
found below) for detailed and updated information on
how to apply for this scholarship.

Australia Scholarships for International Students

4. VU Amsterdam Fellowship Programme

for International Students
VU University Amsterdam
Masters Degree
Deadline: 1 Feb 2016 (annual)
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) offers talented
prospective students the unique opportunity to pursue
a degree in a selection of Master’s programmes at VU
Host Institution(s):
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in Netherlands

Field(s) of study:
English-taguht Master’s Degree Programmes offered at
the University
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.
Target group:
International Students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The VUFP scholarship is a tuition fee waiver. VUFP
scholarship does not provide any additional allowance
towards study or living costs.
The VU Fellowship Programme (VUFP) is a Merit
scholarship programme for strongly motivated students
with excellent study results. Eligible candidates must be
able to prove their academic excellence, must be
admitted to a English taught Master’s degree at Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam. Students with the Dutch
nationality and/or a Dutch degree (given that the Dutch
degree is used for admission) are not eligible for
Application instructions:
Please note that you must have applied for the Master
programme before you can apply for the VUFP
Students must register for a Master’s programme in
Studielink and after that in the VUnet portal. Then, you
must submit your VUFP application in VUnet. The
deadline for applications is 1 February 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

5. Leiden University Excellence

Scholarships (LexS)
Leiden University
Masters Degree
Deadline:1 Oct 2015/1 Feb 2016 (annual)
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship
Programme (LExS) is open to outstanding Non-EU/EEA
students enrolling in a master’s degree programme at
Leiden University.
Host Institution(s):
Leiden University, The Netherlands.
Field of study:
All MA, MSc and LL.M programmes as mentioned on
the website Master’s programmes in Leiden, a number
of programs have a start date in September only.
Number of Awards:
Not specified.
Target group:
Non-EU/EEA international students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The Leiden University Excellence Scholarship
programme has 3 awards:
• € 10.000 of the tuition fee
• € 15.000 of the tuition fee
• Total tuition fee minus the home fee
• Non-EU/EEA students enrolling in a Leiden University
master’s degree programme starting February 2016
or September 2016
• In his or her prior academic education abroad, the
applicant must have achieved excellent study results
which are relevant for the programme for which the
student wishes to enrol. As an indication, the student
will be among the top 10% for the relevant programme
followed abroad.
• The applicant will hold a non-EU/EEA passport and
will not be eligible for support under the Dutch system
of study grants and loans.
• Scholarships will not be awarded to applicants who
have already obtained a Leiden University master’s
• Students who are granted a Leiden Excellence
Scholarship must comply with and confirm in writing
their agreement with the terms and conditions (refer to
official website) attached to the scholarship prior to the
granting of the scholarship.
Application instructions:
You must first apply for admissions to Leiden University
online. In your application, you must indicate clearly
that you would like to apply for the LExS scholarship and
upload your letter of motivation for the LExS scholarship
on the scholarship page. For programmes starting in
February 2016, the deadline is 1 October 2015. For all
programmes starting in September 2016, the deadline
is 1 February 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the online application form and for
detailed information on how to apply for this

6. Holland Scholarship for Non-EEA

International Students
Nuffic Netherlands
Bachelors/Masters Degree
Deadline: 1 Feb/1 May 2016 (annual)
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
The Holland Scholarship, financed by the Dutch Ministry
of Education, Culture and Science, is meant for
international students from outside the European
Economic Area (EEA) who want to do their bachelor’s or
master’s at one of the 48 Dutch research universities
and universities of applied sciences in Holland.

Host Institution(s):
Eligible fields of study offered by Participating research
universities and Participating universities of applies
Number of Awards:
Not specified
Target group:
International students from outside the EU/EEA
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship amounts to €5,000. You will receive this
in the first year of your studies.
• Your nationality is non-EEA.
• You are applying for a full-time bachelor’s or master’s
at one of the participating Dutch higher education
• You meet the specific requirements of the institution
of your choice. You can find these on the website of the
• You have never before studied at an education
institution in the Netherlands.
Application instructions:
You must apply for the Holland Scholarship directly to
the participating institution of your choice. The deadline
for applications is either 1 February 2016 or 1 May 2016.
You can find the specific closing dates and the fields of
study for this academic year on the website of the
institution you want to apply to.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below)for detailed information on how to apply for this

7. Fully Funded PhD Scholarships,

University of Sheffield, UK
Deadline: 2 February 2016.
PhD programs
Brief description:
Fully funded scholarships are available to all students
from any country (UK, EU, or Overseas) commencing
study in 2016 (academic year 2016 – 2017) at University
of Sheffield – UK. Scholarships available for PhD
program in all subjects. The scholarships will cover full
tuition fees, provide maintenance stipend, and grants
for study visits, books, conferences, etc. Full time & part
time students are eligible to apply. Scholarships are
available for up to 3 (three) years for full time students,
and for up to 6 (six) years for part time students. Part
time students will receive only 50% of the scholarships
amount per year.
Host Institution(s):
University of Sheffield – UK
Field(s) of study:
Scholarships available for all subjects.
Number of Scholarships:
Unknown. Please contact University of Sheffield for
more info.
Target group:
Scholarships available for all students from any country.
There is no restriction on the nationality of the students.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Monthly grant of 1,000 Euros for two or three years.
The scholarships program will provide the followings:
• full tuition fees
• tax free maintenance stipend
• grants for books, conferences, study visits, etc.

Duration of Scholarships
Scholarships are available for the duration of your study.
• Up to 3 (three) years for full time students
• Up to 6 (six) years for part time students

To be eligible for the scholarships, applicants must meet
all the eligibility criteria below:
• Applicants must meet all the entry requirements
for PhD program.
• Applicants must have first or upper second class
UK honours degree or equivalent.
• Applicants are welcome from any country: UK,
EU, or Overseas.
• Applicants must meet the English language entry
• Full time & part time students are eligible to
• Scholarships only available for new students.
Current students are not eligible to apply.

Selection Criteria
Applicants will be assessed based on academic
achievements and qualifications, experience, research
proposal, research background, etc.
Application instructions:
1. You must first apply online for admission to the
PhD program at University of Sheffield.
2. Apply online for the scholarship using their
postgraduate application system.
Please read the guidance and terms of the scholarship
program on their website.

Application Deadline
The closing date for this scholarship program is February
2, 2016.
Please take note of the deadline. Late submissions will
not be entertained!

Result Notification
Please contact University of Sheffield for further info
regarding the result.

Important Notes
• You must first apply for admission to the PhD
program before applying for the scholarship.
• Scholarships are available for full time and part
time students. However, part time students will
receive only 50% of the amount of the
scholarship per year.
• This scholarship program is very competitive.
• Please read the FAQs available on their website
for more info.

8. CUD ARES Scholarships in Belgium for

Developing Countries
Masters Degree/Training
Deadline: 10 Feb 2016 (annual)
Study in: Belgium
Brief description:
Within the framework of the Belgian policy for
development cooperation, the Minister for
Development Cooperation and the Directorate-General
for Development Cooperation entrust the Belgian
Higher Education Institutions with the preparation
of Postgraduate Programmes(Advanced Masters)
and Training Programmes that are specifically oriented
towards young professionals from developing countries.
Host Institution(s):
Participating universities and academic institutions in
Fields of study:
The courses are in the fields of aquaculture, health, food
technology, economics, international development, GIS,
information technology, agriculture, environment, etc.
See the full list of international Masters and Training
Courses at this link.
Number of Awards:
For 2016-2017, ARES grants 130 scholarships for
participation into the masters and 67 scholarships for
participation into the training programmes.
Target group:
The scholarships are for nationals of: Benin, Bolivia,
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cuba,
Ecuador, Haïti, Indonesia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco,
Niger, Peru, Philippines, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Rwanda, Senegal, Vietnam.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Details not provided by scholarship provider. Please
inquire with the scholarship provider for more
information on the coverage of the scholarship.
The following criteria will apply for the selection of
holders of scholarships:
1. Only applicants originating in developing countries,
qualify for selection. To be eligible, candidates must
reside and work in their country at the time of the
introduction of the file.
2. ONLY the nationals of the selected countries (see
above) are authorized to postulate with the
3. At the beginning of the programme, candidates must
be less than 40 years old for courses, and less than 45
years old for training programmes.
4. Candidates must be holders of a degree that is
comparable to a Belgian University graduate degree
(“licence”). However, for certain programmes different
rules of admissibility may be defined, and these are
specified hereafter, where appropriate.
5. Candidates must show professional experience of at
least two years upon termination of their studies.
Where candidates are holders of a postgraduate degree
delivered by an university of an industrial country, they
must show professional experience of at least three
years upon termination of their studies.
6. Candidates must have a good knowledge of written
and spoken French; for programmes organised in
another language, good knowledge, in writing and
speaking, of this language, is required. Moreover, the
candidate will be asked to commit himself to study
French in order to be able to participate in daily life in
7. Candidates are not allowed to apply for more than
one programme.
NOTE: Each Master’s and Training Program has its own
eligibility requirements. Please see the complete
description of each program.
Application instructions:
The application form can be downloaded from their
official website. It will be carefully completed and
returned, ONLY by POST MAIL or EXPRESS MAIL, to
ARES-CCD, that must be in their possession at the latest
by 10 February 2016 or before 11 January 2016 for
certain courses.
It is important to read the how-to-apply page and visit
the official website (link found below) for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Belgium Scholarships

9. Mid Sweden University Tuition Fee

Mid Sweden University
Masters Degree
Deadline: 10 February 2016
Study in: Sweden
Brief description:
For high performing students applying to a study
programme at Mid Sweden University, the University is
offering a number of scholarships which will result in a
tuition fee reduction of 70 000 SEK or 125 000 SEK,
depending on the programme one chooses to study.
Host Institution(s):
Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Field(s) of study:
A fee waiver of the tuition fee with 70 000 SEK:
• Master (one year) in Tourism Studies, 60 higher
education credits
• Master programme (one year) in Business
Administration, Marketing and Management, 60 higher
education credits
• Master Programme (one year) in Political Sciences, 60
higher education credits
A fee waiver of the tuition fee with 125 000 SEK:
• International Master’s Programme in Computer
Engineering, 120 higher education credits
• International Master’s Programme in Ecotechnology
and Sustainable Development, 120 higher education
• International Master’s Programme in Electronics
Design, 120 higher education credits
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified
Target group:
Students from countries outside the EU/EEA (and
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The Scholarship is awarded for a fee waiver of 70 000
SEK or 125 000 SEK or 250 000 SEK (depending on the
programme) for the tuition fee for the programme at
Mid Sweden University the student has applied to at the
time of the scholarship application.
To be awarded a scholarship, the following conditions
• The application for studies must be made no later
than 15 January 2016, at
• The applicant must be admitted to one of the above
mentioned programmes starting in the autumn
semester 2016.
• The applicant must be citizen of a country outside the
• The applicant must be required to pay a tuition fee.
Application instructions:
Students apply for the scholarship after the application
for admission to Mid Sweden University. The application
for admission must be submitted at no later than 15 January
2016. The application for the scholarship is done by
filling out an online application. Last day to apply for
scholarship is 10 February 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the online application form and for
detailed information on how to apply for this

10. The University of Gothenburg Study

Gothenburg University
Masters Degree
Deadline: 13 Feb 2016 (annual)
Study in: Sweden
Brief description:
The University of Gothenburg Study Scholarship is
intended for fee-paying applicants who have applied at, with a last application date of
15 January and been offered an admission to a Master’s
Programme offered by the University of Gothenburg,
starting Autumn semester 2016.
Host Institution(s):
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Field(s) of study:
Any Masters Programme offered at the University
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified
Target group:
Citizens from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship covers the tuition fee for a Master’s
Programme. Please note that it cannot be used for living
expenses, housing etc.
To be eligible for the scholarship selection process, you
must meet the entry requirements and be admitted to
the Master’s Programme at the University of
Gothenburg which you have applied for. Scholarships
are offered to applicants demonstrating a high level of
academic performance.
If you have applied to the University of Gothenburg as
your first choice, you will be given priority.
Application instructions:
Before you can be considered for a scholarship, you
must first submit an application to a University of
Gothenburg Master’s programme
at before 15 January 2016.
The scholarship application period for the academic year
2016/2017 is 1 February – 13 February 2016. Further
instructions along with the application form will be
available at the official website in mid-January 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

11. Swedish Institute Study Scholarships

Swedish Institute
Masters Degree
Deadline: 15 Dec 2015/13 Feb 2016
Study in: Sweden
Scholarship description:
The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships (SISS) are
awarded to students from selected countries for full-
time master’s level studies in Sweden starting in the
autumn semester 2016.
Host Universities/Institutions:
Swedish Higher Education Institutions and Swedish
Field(s) of study:
Eligible master programmes in Sweden
Number of Scholarships:
An estimated 300 scholarships will be available.
Target group:
Students from SISS-eligible countries.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses (SEK
9,000 per month), and insurance. The scholarship also
covers travel grants for scholarship holders from
countries on the DAC list of ODA recipients.

Applicants must be from an eligible country and have at
least two years’ work experience. Applicants must
display outstanding academic qualifications and
leadership experience. In addition, applicants should
show an ambition to make a difference by working with
issues which contribute to a just and sustainable
development in their country.
Read more about the eligibility criteria at the official
Application instructions:
The selection process for the Swedish Institute Study
Scholarships consists of two selections rounds. The first
selection round will take place through an online form
1–15 December 2015. Successful candidates will be
notified by 8 January 2016, and asked to submit a
detailed application for the second selection round 1–13
February 2016.
It is important to read the application procedure and
visit the official website for detailed information on how
to apply for this scholarship.

12. Cultures of Resistance Scholarships at

SOAS University London
SOAS University London
Masters Degree
Deadline: 24 Feb 2016 (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The Cultures of Resistance Scholarships will benefit
people from countries that have been affected by wars
and extreme poverty. Scholars are expected to return
to their home countries to apply their knowledge and
skills for the betterment of their societies.
Host Institution(s):
SOAS University London, UK

Field of study:
The following full-time programmes are eligible:
• MSc Development Studies with special reference to
Central Asia
• MSc Globalisation and Development
• MSc Migration, Mobility and Development
• MSc Violence, Conflict and Development
• MSc Development Economics
• MSc Political Economy of Development
• MA Legal Studies (General Programme)
• MA Dispute and Conflict Resolution
• MA Environmental Law and Sustainable Development
• MA Human Rights Law
• MA International Law
• MA Law, Development and Globalisation
• LLM Dispute and Conflict Resolution
• LLM Environmental Law
• LLM Human Rights, Conflict and Justice
• LLM International Law
Part-time programmes are not eligible.

Number of Awards:
Target group:
Priority will be given to students resident in:
Afghanistan, Burma/Myanmar, the Democratic Republic
of Congo (DRC), Iraq, Kashmir, Kurdistan, the Palestinian
Territories (West Bank and Gaza), Sierra Leone, Somalia,
South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tibet, Western Sahara,
Yemen, West Papua and Papua
The scholarship programme is also open to students
resident in the following countries/territories:
Algeria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bir
Tawil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Cambodia,
Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Chechen
Republic, Colombia, Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti, East Timor,
Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Gambia, Golan Heights, Georgia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,
Iran, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kyrgyz Republic,
Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania,
Mexico, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan,
Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka,
Tajikistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam,
Zambia, Zimbabwe
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Each scholarship is valued at £25,500 in total. Fees will
be deducted from this amount and the remainder will
be used toward maintenance. In addition, each scholar
will benefit from free accommodation at International
Student House (ISH) and some food vouchers to be
spent in the ISH restaurant.
• Candidates must hold (or be expected to obtain) a
good honours degree, preferably first class, from a UK
institution or overseas equivalent.
• Candidates should describe in their personal
statement of their admission application:
1. how the political situation in your home
country, especially violent conflict, war, poverty,
and/or military occupation, has shaped your
experiences and ambitions in life.
2. how these experiences have affected your
interest in human rights, social justice, and
grassroots democracy.
3. what academic and social issues you plan
to explore during your studies at SOAS.
4. what you hope to do upon completion of
your program at SOAS.
5. what the most pressing problems are in
your home country and how the pursuit of
education at SOAS in your chosen field would
promote human rights, social justice, equality,
and the enrichment of civil society in your home
• Candidates must have an offer of admission to
pursue a full time eligible programme by the scholarship
closing date.
• Applicants must meet the English language
condition of their offer of admission to study at SOAS as
soon as possible but no later than 1 June 2016.
Application instructions:
The scholarship application form is available on the
official website from 28 January 2016.
You must submit a complete online application for
admission to your programme as soon as possible
and then submit an application for the scholarship via
the on-line scholarship application form (which will be
available at the official website from 28 January 2016).
Scholarship applications must be received no later than
17:00 (UK local time) on 24 February 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
scholarship and to access the online application form.

13. UWE Chancellor’s Scholarships for

International Students
University of West England
Masters Degree
Deadline: 28 Feb/31 Oct 2016 (annual)
Study in: London, UK

Brief description:
The University of the West of England, Bristol offers
more than £100,000 worth of scholarships for
international students each year. This includes the
Chancellor’s Scholarship wherein the recipient will be
required to undertake an internship working within the
International Development Office and other
departments. The recipient will also be required to
undertake ambassadorial activity for the University
throughout the duration of the course.
Host Institution(s):
University of the West of England, UK
Field(s) of study:
Any eligible one year Master’s Degree Programme
offered at the University
Number of Scholarships:
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Full tuition fee
To be eligible for the scholarship:
• Have achieved the equivalent of a British 1st in an
undergraduate degree
• Hold either an unconditional offer or a conditional
offer based on either a predicted 1st class degree* or
IELTS if required
• Be a new student and be classed as overseas for fees
• Not be a sponsored student or in receipt of another
Application instructions:
You mush have received an offer for a Master’s
Programme at UWE in order to apply for this
scholarship. Applications can be made via a task in
applicant’s Welcome website. The deadline was 28
February 2015 for September 2015 start and 31 October
2015 for January 2016 start.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this

14. University of Birmingham Scholarships

for International Students
University of Birmingham
Masters (MS) Degree
Deadline: 28 Feb 2014 (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The University of Birmingham is offering 20
International Postgraduate Scholarships worth £10,000
towards the tuition fee of a one year Masters (Taught or
Research) programme for 2014 entry.
Host Institution(s):
University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Field of study:
Any Eligible One Year Masters degree programmes
(Taught & Research) offered at the University in 2014.
Number of Awards:
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
£10,000 towards the cost of tuition fees
In order to apply candidates must:
• – have been offered a place to study on an
eligible one year Masters programme at the
University of Birmingham;
• – be overseas for fee purposes;
• – be attending full-time and on-campus (not
distance learning);
• – have a valid student ID number;
• – not be in receipt of a full fee scholarship from
any other source;
• – have made adequate financial provision to
study in the UK (including any associated
visa/travel expenses);
• – be able to pay any outstanding tuition fees not
covered by the scholarship.
Application instructions:
Applications are currently closed.
You must have made an application to study at the
University of Birmingham and have been admitted
before submitting a scholarship application. The link to
the scholarship application form will be sent
automatically to students who have received an offer of
admission to an eligible degree programme for the
2014/15 academic year. The scholarship application
deadline is 28 February 2014.
It is important to read the how to apply section and visit
the official website (links found below) for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

15. Australia Awards Scholarships

Australian Government
Bachelors/Masters/PhD Degrees
Deadline: varies, Feb-April 2016
Study in: Australia
Brief description:
Australia Awards Scholarships, formerly known as
Australian Development Scholarships (ADS), are long
term development awards administered by the
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. They provide
opportunities for people from developing countries,
particularly those countries located in the Indo-Pacific
region, to undertake full time undergraduate or
postgraduate study at participating Australian
universities and Technical and Further Education (TAFE)
To ensure the development impact of Australia Awards
Scholarships, all awardees must return home on
completion of their studies so they can contribute to
development in their country
Host Institution(s):
Any Participating Australian Institution
Fields of study:
Fields of study that are related to your country’s priority
areas for development which are listed on the
participating country profiles.
Australia Awards are not available for training in areas
related to flying aircraft, nuclear technology or military
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.

Target group:
Citizens of one of the participating countries in Asia,
Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East. See the complete list
of participating countries.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship benefits generally include: full tuition
fees, return air travel, establishment allowance,
contribution to living expenses (CLE), Overseas Student
Health Cover (OSHC), etc. See the complete list of
benefits at the official website (link found below).
The scholarships are offered for the minimum period
necessary for the individual to complete the academic
program specified by the Australian higher education
institution, including any preparatory training.
To be eligible to receive a Scholarship, applicants must:
a. be a minimum of 18 years of age at the time of
commencing the Scholarship
b. be a citizen of a participating country (as listed on the
Australia Awards website) and be residing in and
applying for the scholarship from their country of
c. not be married, engaged to, or a de facto of a person
who holds, or is eligible to hold, Australian or New
Zealand citizenship or permanent residency, at any time
during the application, selection or mobilisation phases
(note: residents of Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau with
New Zealand citizenship are eligible but must apply for a
Foreign Affairs or Defence Sector (subclass 576) visa
d. not be current serving military personnel
e. not be a citizen of Australia, hold permanent
residency in Australia or be applying for a visa to live in
Australia permanently
f. not be applying for another long‐term Australia Award
unless they have resided outside of Australia for twice
the length of the total time that they were in Australia
g. have satisfied any specific criteria established by the
Program Area or the government of the applicant’s
country of citizenship (e.g. having worked a certain
number of years in an appropriate sector)
h. be able to satisfy the admission requirements of the
institution at which the award is to be undertaken
i. be able to satisfy all requirements of the Department
of Immigration and Border Protection to hold a Foreign
Affairs or Defence Sector (subclass 576) visa.
j. Applicants must inform the Program Area of any
connection or relationship to staff employed at Program
Areas or with managing contractors so that the
application may be properly and transparently
Read the complete eligibility criteria in the Australia
Awards Policy Handbook (PDF)
Application instructions:
Applications for Africa is now open. Most applications
for other participating countries open on 1 February
Check the open and close dates for your country, and
select your country of citizenship/residency from the list
of participating countries for specific information on
eligibility, priority areas and how to apply. Deadline
varies per country but falls around Feb-April 2016.
It is important to read the how to apply page and visit
the country specific pages, and the official website (link
found below) for detailed and updated information on
how to apply for this scholarship.
Australia Scholarships for International Students

Bulan Maret 2016

1. International Climate Protection Fellowships
(DAAD Indonesia)
Deadline: 1 Maret 2016
Study in Germany
Brief description:
For young climate experts from developing countries
interested in conducting a project in Germany and
developing long-term collaborations
The fellowship allows future leaders to spend a year in
Germany working on a research-based project of their
own choice in the field of climate protection and
climate-related resource conservation. Fellows are free
to choose their own hosts. Submit an application if you
come from a non-European transition or developing
country (see list of countries) and are active in any of
the following areas: scientific, engineering-based, legal,
economic, health-related or social aspects of climate

Host Institution(s):
Fields of study:
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.
2. Heinrich Boll Scholarships in Germany for
International Students
Heinrich Boll Foundation
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 3 Mar 2016 (Annual)
Study in: Germany
Brief description:
The Heinrich Böll Foundation awards some scholarships
to international students who gained their university
entrance qualification from a school outside of Germany
who wish to study a Masters or PhD Degree in Germany.

Host Institution(s):
State or state-recognized Universities in Germany
Field(s) of study:
The scholarships are awarded for all subjects.
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.
Target group:
The scholarship program allots scholarships to
international students.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Masters Studies: €750 per month plus various individual
PhD Studies: €1000 per month plus €100 mobility
allowance per month, plus various individual
Tuition fees are not funded for both Masters and PhD
International students on a MASTERS course in any
subject who earned their university entrance
qualification outside Germany
(Bildungsausländer/innen) and are studying, or wish to
study, in Germany at university of applied science
(Fachhochschule) or university
• You may apply before beginning your Masters
programme or at any time up to the end of the first
semester of the Masters programme.
• Special focus regions are: central and eastern Europe,
the EU’s neighbouring states and the CIS, the Middle
East and North Africa (especially Syria, Egypt, Tunisia,
Israel), transition and newly industrialised countries, and
conflict regions worldwide.
• Applicants must have completed a first degree.
• Good or very good knowledge of German (at least B2
Level) is required; please supply documentary evidence.
The selection workshops are generally held in German.
If a scholarship is granted, intensive German courses
may be funded.
International doctoral students in all subjects, who
earned the university entrance qualification outside
Germany, and who are pursuing, or wish to pursue,
doctoral studies in Germany (Bildungsausländer/innen):
• At the time of application, the applicant must have
been accepted as a doctoral student by a state-
recognised German institution of higher education.
• Preference will be given to dissertation projects
related to the working areas of the Heinrich Böll
Application instructions:
Applications are not yet open. The online application
portal will open on 20 January 2016 for Spring 2016.
For details of application requirements and procedures,
please consult information sheet A 1-1 (“scholarship
application for undergraduate and graduate students”,
PDF) or A 2-1 (“scholarship application for doctoral
studies”). These give important information on the
formalities of your application and on preconditions and
criteria. The online application portal closes on 3 March
2016 at the latest.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for details on how to apply for this scholarship.
Scholarships in Germany
3. Vice Chancellor’s International
Scholarship for Research Excellence at University of
University of Nottingham
PhD Degree
Deadline: 11 March 2016 (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The University of Nottingham offers scholarships for
outstanding international students who wish to pursue a
PhD or MPhil research programme at the University.
Host Institution(s):
University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Field of study:
Full-time Research Degree Programme, PhD or MPhil, in
any subject area*. Each faculty has research priority
areas; please check with individual faculties regarding
their areas of research.
*Engineering research students should apply for
the Dean of Engineering Research Scholarship for
International Excellence.
Number of Awards:
Target group:
Students classified as ‘overseas’ for fee purposes
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Full tuition fee.
Applicants must be classified as ‘overseas’ for fee
purposes and already hold an offer to start a full-
time research degree programme, PhD or MPhil, at
Nottingham in September or October 2016, any subject
Application instructions:
You must receive an offer of study before applying for
the scholarship. Application for admission to study at
Nottingham must be received at least six weeks before
the scholarship closing date to allow time for
the Admissions office to process the application and
confirm your offer, before you can apply for the
scholarship. The closing date for scholarships
applications is 11 March 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
4. Umeå University
Scholarships for International Students
Umea University
Masters Degree
Deadline: 15 March 2016 (annual)
Study in: Sweden
Brief description:
Umeå University offers scholarships to talented and
high-achieving non-EU/EEA citizens who wish to pursue
one of the Master’s study programmes offered at the
Host Institution(s):
Umea University in Sweden
Field(s) of study:
Master’s level study programmes taught in English
Number of Scholarships:
4-6 scholarships available for academic year 2016-17.
Target group:
Non EU/EEA Students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Full or partial waiver of the tuition fee.
You are welcome to apply for a scholarship if you
have completed your application for studies at before 1 February 2016 and
have Umeå University programme as priority 1.
The selections for the scholarships are based entirely on
the applicant’s academic merit.
Application instructions:
You must have completed your application for
admissions for a Umea University Master’s programme
via by 1 February 2016.
Application for the scholarship is done online before 15
March 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

5. University of Geneva Excellence Masters

University of Geneva
Masters (MS) Degree
Deadline: 15 March 2016 (annual)
Study in: Switzerland
Brief description:
The Faculty of Science of the University of Geneva, in
collaboration with several sponsors, has established an
Excellence Fellowship Program to support outstanding
and highly motivated candidates who intend to pursue a
Master of Science in any of the disciplines covered by
the Faculty.

Host Institution(s):
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Field of study:
Masters of Science Programme in Astronomy, Biology,
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Earth Sciences,
Environmental Sciences, Computer Sciences,
Mathematics, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Physics.
Number of Awards:
Not specified
Target group:
All students including international students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
CHF 10’000 to CHF 15’000 per year. It is awarded for
one year and extended for the regular duration of the
chosen Master’s programme (three or four semesters)
provided the applicant is academically successful at the
end of his/her first semester of studies.

The fellowships are open to students from any university
with very good performance in their studies (belonging
to the best 10% of their bachelor’s program) and that
have completed the Bachelor degree or expect to
complete it within 6 months. Selection of the applicants
will be based on excellence.
Application instructions:
You must submit the application form and supporting
documents by e-mail to the Dean of the Faculty of
Science before 15 March 2016.
It is important to visit the official website to access the
application form and for detailed information on how to
apply for this scholarship.

6. Space Studies Scholarships,

International Space University, France
Deadline: 15 March 2016 (annual)
MSS scholarships program
Scholarships available for Master degree and short
Brief description:
Tuition fees and living expenses scholarships are
available for all students of Master of Space Studies
(MSS), Space Studies Program (SSP) and Southern
Hemisphere Space Studies Program (SH-SSP) at
International Space University – France. The
scholarships for MSS students will be used to pay your
tuition fees only. International Space University (ISU)
doesn’t assist with your travel expense, insurance, and
your living expenses. The scholarships for SSP students
will be used to pay tuition fees and living expenses only.
It will not be used to cover your health insurance and
travel expenses.
Field(s) of study:
Scholarships available for space studies.

Amount of Scholarships
This scholarship will help you pay tuition fees for Master
of Space Studies (MSS) students and tuition fees + living
expenses for Space Studies Program (SSP) students.

Duration of Scholarships
Scholarships available for the duration of your study at
International Space University.

To be eligible for this scholarship, the students must
meet all the conditions below:
• Applicants must meet all the entry requirements
for the program.
• Applicants must demonstrate financial need.
• Applicants must demonstrate efforts in personal
fund raising

Number of Scholarships Available

The total number of scholarships available will be based
on the available funds.

Target group:
The students nationality will be grouped as follow:
• Students from Europe
Priority will be given to the following countries:
United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain,
Romania, Portugal, Poland, Norway,
Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Ireland,
Hungary, Greece, Germany, France, Finland,
Denmark, Czech Republic, Belgium, Austria.
• Students from USA, Canada & Australia
• Students from developing countries
• Students from other countries

Selection Criteria
Students will be assessed based on their academic
achievements and professional merit. Students must
demonstrate their efforts in raising own fund and
demonstrate their financial need. International Space
University will review your resume to match the sponsor

Application instructions:
You must apply for the Master of Space Studies (MSS),
Space Studies Program (SSP) or Southern Hemisphere
Space Studies Program (SH-SSP). You must also include
your resume along with your application. Demonstrate
your effort in personal fund raising to enable you to
attend the program.
The application form is available online on their website.

Result Notification
Please check with ISU about the result.

Important Notes
The scholarships will only be awarded within the
available funds. So, apply as early as possible!

7. Joint Japan World Bank Graduate

Scholarship Program
Japan/World Bank
Masters Degree
Deadline: 19 March 2016 (annual)
Study in: selected Countries
Brief description:
The Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship
Program (JJ/WBGSP) sponsors students from developing
countries to pursue graduate studies leading to a
master’s degree from preferred and partner universities
around the world. Scholars are expected to return home
to contribute to the development of their country.
Host Institutions/Programs of study:
See the list of JJ/WBGSP preferred university masters
programs offered for AY 2015-2016 and the list
of JJ/WBGSP partner masters programs.
Target group:
Citizens of eligible developing countries
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship provides travel costs between your
home country and the host university, tuition for your
graduate program, the cost of basic medical insurance, a
monthly subsistence allowance to cover living expenses,
including books.
The applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria:
• Be a national of a World Bank member country
eligible to borrow.
• Not be a dual citizen of any industrialized country.
• Not be an Executive Director, his/her alternate, staff
of the World Bank Group (the World Bank, International
Finance Corporation, International Development
Association, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency,
and International Center for Settlement of Investment
Disputes), consultant, relative or in-law of the
• Holds a Bachelors degree (or equivalent university
degree) earned before 2012.
• Have at least 3 years of development-related
experience since earning a Bachelor’s degree
(or equivalent university degree)
• Have, by the notification of the scholarship award,
been accepted unconditionally (except for funding) to
enroll in the upcoming academic year in one of the
JJ/WBGSP preferred university masters programs that is
listed on the JJ/WBGSP website, that is located outside
of the applicant’s country of citizenship and country of
• Be in good health, as certified by a medical doctor,
with respect to the capacity to be a productive scholar
for the duration of the masters program.
Applications are currently closed.
For scholarships to one of the preferred masters
programs, you need to apply to the university to get
accepted into the program and also apply directly to
JJ/WBGSP for the scholarship. The deadline for
JJ/WBGSP scholarship applications for the academic
year 2015-16 is 19 March 2015, 12 noon EST.
For scholarships to one of the partner masters
programs, please first apply to at least one of the
partner university masters programs. The university will
send the JJ/WBGSP Secretariat a short list of eligible
candidates that have been accepted by the partner
program, and the JJ/WBGSP Steering Committee will
award scholarships to a subset of the short-listed
It is important to read the 2015 application guidelines
and visit the official website (link found below) for
detailed information on how to apply for this
Government Scholarships for Students

8. World Citizen Talent Scholarship for

International Students
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor’s Degree
Deadline: 31 March 2016
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
The Hague University offers scholarships to prospective
bachelor degree students for the 2016-2017 academic
Host Institution(s):
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Field(s) of study:
Eligible Bachelor’s Programme offered at the Hague
University, Netherlands
Number of Scholarships:
54 scholarships are available
Target group:
Students from outside the European Union (and not
from Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland or
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Each scholarship is worth € 5,000.
For Bachelor’s Programme, you are eligible to apply for
one of these scholarships if:
• You come from outside the European Union (and not
from Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland or
• You are enrolling for the first time and have not
studied at any of the programmes The Hague University
of Applied offers
• You are a first year student joining one of their
bachelor programmes
• You would have to pay the full institutional tuition fee
• You have never used this scholarship scheme before
• You have been provisionally accepted also-called
‘offer of student position’ as a student on or before 31
March 2016
Application instructions:
Applications open 1 November 2015.
To apply for the scholarship, you must first apply to the
Bachelor programme of your choice and write an essay
following the essay guidelines. Submit your essay by
completing the scholarship application form between
1 November 2015- 31 March 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
9. UWE Millennium Development
Scholarships for International Students
University of West England
Masters Degree
Deadline: 31 Mar 2016 (annual)
Study in: London, UK
Brief description:
The University of the West of England, Bristol offers the
Millennium Development Scholarship which is targeted
to international students who wish to attain Millennium
Development goals within their country. The recipient of
this scholarship will be required to undertake an
internship working within the International
Development Office and other departments. The
recipient will also be required to undertake
ambassadorial activity for the University throughout the
duration of the course.
Host Institution(s):
University of West England, UK
Field(s) of study:
Any one year Master’s Degree Programme offered at the
Number of Scholarships:
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Full tuition fees
To be eligible for the scholarship:
• Have achieved the equivalent of a British 1st in an
undergraduate degree
• Hold an unconditional offer or a conditional offer
where IELTS or equivalent English language is the
only condition
• Be a new student to UWE Bristol with no previous UK
• Be classed as overseas for fees purposes
• Not be a sponsored student or in receipt of another
• Provide official transcripts at the time of application
Applicants will need to provide information in their
application detailing how the scholarship will help them
to attain the Millennium Development goals within their

Application instructions:
You must have received an unconditional offer for a
Master’s Programme at UWE in order to apply for this
scholarship. Once admitted, applications can be made
via a task in the Welcome website by 31 March 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
London Scholarships for International Students

10. UWE Global Student Scholarships for

International Students
University of West England
Masters Degree
Deadline: 31 Mar 2016 (annual)
Study in: London, UK

Brief description:
The University of the West of England, Bristol offers
more than £100,000 worth of scholarships for
international students each year. This includes the
Global Student Scholarship wherein the recipient will be
required to undertake an internship working within
the Global Student Support Office. The recipient will
also be required to undertake ambassadorial activity for
the University throughout the duration of the course.
Host Institution(s):
University of West England, UK
Field(s) of study:
Any Master’s Degree Programme offered at the
Number of Scholarships:
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Full tuition fee
To be eligible for the scholarship:
• Have achieved the equivalent of a British 1st in an
undergraduate degree
• Hold an unconditional offer or a conditional offer
where IELTS or equivalent English language is the
only condition
• Be a new student to UWE Bristol with no previous UK
• Be classed as overseas for fees purposes
• Not be a sponsored student or in receipt of another
• Provide official transcripts at the time of application

Application instructions:
You mush have received an unconditional offer for a
Master’s Programme at UWE in order to apply for this
scholarship. Once admitted, applications can be made
via a task in the Welcome website by 31 March 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this

11. Aga Khan Foundation International

Scholarship Programme
Aga Khan Foundation
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 31 March (annual)
Study in: any Country

Brief description:
The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of
scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to
outstanding students from developing countries who
have no other means of financing their studies.
Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant : 50% loan
basis through a competitive application process once a
The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master’s
level courses but is willing to consider applications for
PhD programmes. Applications for short-term courses
are not considered.
Field of study:
Any; not specified.
Target group:
The Foundation accepts applications from nationals of
the following countries: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Egypt, Kenya,
Tanzania, Uganda, Madagascar and Mozambique.
In France, Portugal, UK, USA and Canada, applications
are accepted from those who are originally from one of
the above developing countries, are interested in
development-related studies and who have no other
means of financing their education.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The Foundation assists students with tuition fees and
living expenses only. The cost of travel is not included in
AKF scholarships. Half of the scholarship amount is
considered as a loan, which must be reimbursed with an
annual service charge of 5%. A guarantor is required to
co-sign the loan agreement. The payback period is five
years, starting six months after the study period funded
by the Aga Khan Foundation.
Eligibility Criteria:
The Foundation only accepts applications of eligible
nationals listed above who are residing in one of the
countries where there are local Aga Khan Foundation
(AKF), Aga Khan Education Services (AKES), or Aga Khan
Education Board (AKEB) offices which process
applications and interview candidates.
Preference is given to students under 30 years of age.
The main criteria for selecting award winners are: l)
excellent academic records, 2) genuine financial need, 3)
admission to a reputable institution of higher learning
and 4) thoughtful and coherent educational and career
plans. Candidates are also evaluated on their extra-
curricular interests and achievements, potential to
achieve their goals and likelihood to succeed in a foreign
academic environment. Applicants are expected to have
some years of work experience in their field of interest.
Application instructions:
Applications are currently closed. Applications for the
2016-17 academic year will be available at the official
website starting January 2016.
The application procedures of AKF’s International
Scholarship Programme are decentralised. Students may
obtain application forms as of January 1st each year
from AKF offices or Aga Khan Education Services /
Boards in their countries of current residence.
Completed applications should be returned to the
agency from which the form was obtained. They should
not be sent to Geneva. The deadline for submission of
applications is 31 March 2015, although in certain
countries internal deadlines may be earlier.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
List of Universities that offer Scholarships for Developing
Country Students

12. Türkiye Scholarships for International

Turkish Government
Bachelors/Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 31 Mar 2015 (annual)
Study in: Turkey
Brief description:
Türkiye Scholarships are full government funded
programmes for successful international students from
all over the world for undergraduate and postgraduate
studies in Turkey. The scholarship programmes are
found at this page.

Host Institution(s):
Universities in Turkey
Fields of study:
The scholarships cover a wide range of fields of study.
Target group:
International students.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship includes monthly stipend (600 TL for
undergraduate, 850 TL for master and 1200 TL for PhD),
full tuition fee, free 1-year Turkish language course, free
accommodation, round-trip air ticket, and health
To be eligible for Undergraduate Programmes,
applicants must:
• be a citizen of a country other than Turkey (Anyone
holding or ever held Turkish citizenship before cannot
• not be a registered student in Turkish universities at
the level of study they are applying,
• be have graduated or are likely to graduate from a
secondary education institution,
• be under the age of 21 (no earlier than 01.01.1994),
• have at least specified (% 90 for medical sciences, %
70 for other undergraduate programs) cumulative grade
point average, diploma grade, national exam or
international exam score,
• be in good health
To be eligible for Postgraduate Programmes, applicants
• be a citizen of a country other than Turkey (Anyone
holding or ever held Turkish citizenship before cannot
• not be a registered student in Turkish universities at
the level of study they are applying.
• be a bachelor’s or master’s degree holder by 30th of
July 2015 at the latest
• be under the age of 30 for master’s programmes (no
earlier than 01.01.1985)
• be under the age of 35 for doctorate programmes (no
earlier than 01.01.1980)
• have at least 75 % cumulative grade point average or
diploma grade over their maximum graduation grade or
have at least 75 % success in any accepted national or
international graduate admissions test.
• be in good health
Application instructions:
Applications are currently closed.
The application to Türkiye Scholarships programmes is
online and totally free process. Applications for
Undergraduate, Master and PhD programmes will be
received through the same application cycle starting
from 25 February-31 March 2015.
It is important to visit the official website (links found
below)to access the online application form and for
detailed information on how to apply for this

13. World Citizen Talent Masters

Scholarships at the Hague University of Applied
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
Masters Degree
Deadline: 31 March 2016
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
The Hague University offers scholarships to
prospective Master degree students for the 2016-2017
academic year.
Host Institution(s):
The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Field(s) of study:
International Masters Programme offered at the Hague
University, Netherlands
Number of Scholarships:
Target group:
All students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship is a tuition fee waiver of € 5000 and and
will only be awarded once. The scholarships covers a
large sum of the university’s tuition fee.
You are eligible to apply for one of these scholarships if:
• You are enrolling for the first time for one of the
International Master programmes offered at the
• You have fully completed the scholarship application
• You will have been provisionally accepted as a student
on or before 31 March
• You have written an essay, as explained at the official
website (deadline 31 March)
Application instructions:
Applications open 1 November 2015.
To be considered for the scholarship, you must first
apply to the Master programme of your choice. You
must then write and submit your essay by completing
the scholarship application form between 1 November
2015 – 31 March 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Bulan April 2016
1. Utrecht Excellence Scholarships for
International Students
Utrecht University
Bachelors/Masters Degree
Deadline: 1 April/1 Dec (annual)
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
The Utrecht Excellence Scholarship offers a number of
outstanding prospective students the opportunity to
pursue a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a selected
number of fields at Utrecht University.
Host Institution(s):
Utrecht University, Netherlands
Field of study:
International Bachelor’s programmes:
• Economics and Business Economics
• Liberal Arts & Sciences at University College Utrecht
International Master’s programmes offered by the
following Graduate Schools:
• Graduate School of Geosciences
• Graduate School of Humanities
• Graduate School of Law, Economics and Governance
• Graduate School of Life Sciences
• Graduate School of Natural Sciences
• Graduate School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Number of Awards:
Approximately 55 scholarships are available.
Target group:
International Students who do not have the Dutch or an
EU/EEA nationality
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship covers the tuition fee plus 10.000 euro
living expenses per year. The duration is a maximum of
two years for a Master’s degree and three years for a
Bachelor’s degree.

The applicant must meet the eligibility criteria in order
to be considered for this scholarship. The applicant
• Not have the Dutch or an EU/EEA nationality;
• Hold a non-Dutch secondary school diploma;
• Have been admitted to an International Master’s
programme within one of the Graduate Schools
mentioned above, the Bachelor’s programme in
Economics and Business Economics or to University
College Utrecht;
• Hold a relevant Bachelor’s degree (for a Master’s
programme) or secondary school diploma (for a
Bachelor’s programme), or an equivalent thereof;
• Be able to comply with the conditions to obtain a
Dutch visa;
Failure to meet one or more of these criteria
automatically means the student is not eligible for this

Application instructions:
It is not possible to apply directly for the scholarship but
when you apply for admission to the programme of your
choice, you can indicate whether you wish to be
considered for this scholarship. The selection
committees will review the application files for possible
Prospective Bachelor’s students in Economics and
Business Economics who wish to be considered for the
scholarship should apply for admission before 1 April.
Prospective Master’s students who wish to be
considered for the scholarship should apply for
admission before 1 December.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
Scholarship Programs in Netherlands
2. Radboud Scholarship Programme for
International Students
Radboud University
Masters Degree
Deadline: 1 April 2016
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
The Radboud Scholarship Programme offers a selected
number of talented prospective non-EEA students the
opportunity to receive a scholarship to pursue a
complete English-taught Master’s degree programme at
Radboud University Nijmegen.
Host Institution(s):
Radboud University Nijmejen, Netherlands
Field(s) of study:
Eligible English-taught Masters Degree Programme
offered by the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Philosophy,
Theology & Religious Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medical Sciences, and
Faculty of Law.
See the complete list of supported programmes at the
official website.
Number of Scholarships:
About 25 each year
Target group:
Non-EU/EEA International Students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship is not an amount of money that you will
receive in your bank account, but consists of a partial
tuition waiver. The tuition fee will be waived to the level
of an EEA student. For example: a grant holder in
2015/2016 will pay a tuition fee of only € 1,951, instead
of € 9,685 or € 10,633. In addition the Radboud
Scholarship also covers costs such as those for visa,
residence permit, health insurance and liability
insurance. This amounts to about € 700.
Candidates who want to become eligible for a Radboud
Scholarship must meet the requirements for eligibility.
This means that applicants should:
1. hold a non-EU/EEA passport
2. are not eligible for the lower EEA tuition
fee for other reasons
3. you have (will obtain) a Bachelor’s
degree achieved outside the Netherlands and have
no degrees achieved in the Netherlands
4. have been fully admitted to the English-
taught Master’s degree programme starting 1
September 2016 as stated in the formal letter of
5. are able to comply with the conditions for
obtaining a visa for the Netherlands
6. are enrolled at Radboud University as a
full-time student for the academic year and
Master’s degree programme for which the
scholarship will be awarded.
Application instructions:
The application for admission and the application for
the scholarship is fully integrated, there is no separate
procedure for the scholarship. You apply for a Radboud
Scholarship by indicating on your Master’s application
form for admission that you wish to apply for a Radboud
Scholarship. You also must have finalized your request
for admission via the online application system OSIRIS
Incoming Students before 1 April 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
Scholarships in Netherlands for International Students
3. Beasiswa Studeren in Nederland (StuNed)
Deadline: 1 April 2016
Studi di Belanda untuk program master (S-2)
Brief description:
StuNed merupakan program beasiswa yang didanai oleh
Pemerintah Belanda dengan seleksi berbasis prestasi.
Seleksi tersebut berfokus pada keunggulan akademik,
jenjang karir, penghargaan dan prestasi penting lainnya,
serta keterkaitan dengan area prioritas kerjasama
bilateral antara Belanda dan Indonesia.

Host Institution(s):
Kerjasama bilateral antara Belanda dan Indonesia.
Field(s) of study:
Perdagangan internasional, keuangan, ekonomi,
transportasi dan agro-logistic, infrastruktur, keamanan
dan penegakan hukum, pengelolaan air, agro-pangan
dan holtikultura, dan manajemen kesehatan
Number of Scholarships:
Target group:
Pelajar Indonesia
Application instructions:
Sebelum mengirimkan aplikasinya ke Nuffic Neso
Indonesia, calon pelamar terlebih dulu harus mendaftar
terlebih dulu ke perguruan tinggi di Belanda. Syarat
tersebut mutlak agar pelamar memiliki letter of
admission atau surat penerimaan dari perguruan yang

Informasi lebih rinci mengenai StuNed dapat dilihat di
4. Edinburgh Global Masters Scholarships
University of Edinburgh
Masters Degree
Deadline: 1 Apr 2016 (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The University of Edinburgh will offer a number of
scholarships for postgraduate Masters study in any
subject offered by the University for the 2016-2017
academic session.
Host Institution(s):
University of Edinburgh, UK
Field of study:
Masters Degree Programme in any field of study offered
at the University
Number of Awards:
Not specified
Target group:
Non-EU international students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Each scholarship will have a value of £3,000 and will be
tenable for one academic year. The scholarship will be
deducted from your tuition fees.
The scholarships will be awarded to students who are
nationals of countries outwith the EU who are accepted
for admission on a full-time basis for a postgraduate
Master’s programme of study at the University of
Applicants should already have been offered a place at
the University of Edinburgh and should have firmly
accepted that offer or be intending to do so. Preference
will be given to candidates who have not already had
the opportunity to study in Scotland.
The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of
academic merit. Candidates must have, or expect to
obtain, the overseas equivalent of a UK first-class
honours degree.
Application instructions:
Please note that you will not be able to access the
online application form unless you have applied for
admission to the University of Edinburgh and have full
EASE authentication.
Eligible applicants should complete an online
scholarship application form. The closing date for
application is 1 April 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

5. Beasiswa LPDP Batch II

For Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 27 April 2016
Brief description:
LPDP merupakan badan yang menyaring dan
memberikan beasiswa kepada lulusan Sarjana untuk
melanjutkan jenjang S2 dan lulusan Pascasarjana untuk
dapat melanjutkan S3.
Selain itu program yang ditawarkan cukup menarik
sebab ada beasiswa Tesis dan Disertasi untuk anda,
selain itu masih ada lagi kabar gembira lainnya seperti
beasiswa LPDP merupakan beasiswa yang diberikan
melalui badan terkait seperti kementerian hukum dan
ham, kementerian agama dan kementerian pendidikan
Indonesia melalui beasiswa ini diharapakan bisa
memberikan bantuan biaya pendidikan untuk anda dan
menyiapkan pemimpin bagi Indonesia.
Host Institution(s):
Menteri agama, Menteri pendidikan, Menteri keuangan,
Menteri riset
Field(s) of study
Magister dan doctoral
Number of Scholarships:
Unlimited (Sesuai kebijakan tahun tersebut
Target group:
Pelajar lulusan S1/S2, Dosen, Pegawai swasta, kecuali
“Dosen Tetap” PTN/PTS &sudahmempunyai NIDN
direkomendasikan untuk mendaftar beasiswa DIKTI
Scholarship value/inclusions:
a. Beasiswa ini membayar berapapun akbar SPP
sekolah anda
b. Beasiswa ini sediakanAcara Pembekalan
Nasionalisme dan Kepemimpinan sebelum
penerima beasiswa lakukan studinya dgn melibatkan
tokoh-tokoh nasional & bekerja-sama bersama TNI,
bahkan buat angkatan I dan II ini penerima beasiswa
dapatlaksanakanacara pembekalan diatas kapal
perang TNI AL
c. Beasiswa LPDP ini kusus berasal dari Dana
Abadi Pendidikan, bidang dari dana 20% alokasi
pendidikan RAPBN negeri kita yg disisihkan &
Persyaratan Umum Beasiswa LPDP
1. Warga negara Indonesia yang ditunjukkan
dengan identitas kependudukan yang sah.
2. Lulusan program studi : A) Perguruan Tinggi
dalam negeri yang terakreditasi oleh Badan
Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi atau
lulusan Perguruan Tinggi kedinasan yang diakui
oleh pemerintah Indonesia. B) Perguruan Tinggi
diluar negeri yang berkategori baik sesuai daftar
pada Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi,
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
3. Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan yang
ditunjukkan dengan pengalaman memimpin
sebuah organisasi atau lembaga yang ditunjukkan
dengan bukti dokumen yang relevan.
4. Aktif dalam kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan yang
ditunjukkan dengan bukti dokumen yang relevan.
5. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah
terlibat tindakan melanggar hukum.
6. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah
terlibat dalam tindak pelanggaran kode etik
7. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan mengabdi
pada kepentingan bangsa Indonesia.
8. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak
menerima beasiswa dari sumber lain.
9. Mendapatkan Surat Tugas Belajar dari atasan
bagi yang sedang bekerja.
10. Memiliki Surat Keterangan dari tokoh
masyarakat bagi yang belum/tidak sedang
11. Memilih program studi dan/atau perguruan tinggi
yang direkomendasikan oleh LPDP. Mengupload
Essay dengan tema : Peranku bagi Indonesia dan
Sukses terbesar dalam hidupku serta Rencana
Studi untuk program Magister catatan *Semua
dokumen dapat dilihat pada dokumen petunjuk
beasiswa di
Persyaratan Khusus Beasiswa LPDP :
1. Telah menyelesaikan dan memperoleh gelar
akademik: a) Sarjana / Sarjana Terapan untuk
pelamar program Magister, b) Magister untuk
pelamar program Doktor.
2. Usia maksimum bagi pelamar beasiswa pada
Saat penutupan pendaftaran adalah: a) 35 (tiga puluh
lima) tahun untuk program Magister, b) 40 (empat
puluh) tahun untuk program Doktor.
Application instructions:
To apply, you must submit a formal application for
Admission and a Scholarship via the online application
system. The next deadlines for LPDP of scholarsip
are 27 April 2016
6. L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science – NSERC
Postdoctoral Fellowship Supplement
For Postdoctoral
Deadline: April 2016
Brief description:
Created in 1998, the international L'Oréal-UNESCO
For Women in Science Program aims to improve the
position of women in science by recognizing outstanding
women researchers who have contributed to scientific
progress, and young women scientists engaged in
exemplary and promising projects. Launched in 2003,
the Canadian program recognizes promising female
researchers at the doctoral and postdoctoral level.

As an extension of this program, L'Oréal Canada Inc., in

collaboration with the Canadian Commission for
UNESCO and NSERC, offers one postdoctoral fellowship
supplement annually to a Canadian woman scientist
involved in a promising research project.
Host Institution(s):
L'Oréal Canada Inc., in collaboration with the Canadian
Commission for UNESCO and NSERC
Field(s) of study
Number of Scholarships:

Target group and eligibility:

• be a woman;
• be awarded, and accept, an NSERC PDF;
• take up the NSERC PDF award in Canada; and
• be invited to apply for the L’Oréal-UNESCO For
Women in Science – NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship
Scholarship value/inclusions
If you are the successful applicant, L’Oréal Canada will
supplement your NSERC award by $5,000 for one year.
One supplement is offered annually.
Application instructions:
The top-ranked female candidate from each Scholarships
and Fellowships Selection Committee who is awarded
and accepts an NSERC PDF will be invited, via email in
March, to apply for the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in
Science – NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship Supplement.
Candidates will be sent a Secure Submission site link in
order to submit an application. The application will
consist of:
• a one- to two-page summary describing your
career goals, academic and extracurricular
activities that demonstrate your interest and
involvement in science promotion and
mentorship, and leadership skills;
• a letter of support from your current supervisor
describing why you are suitable for this
supplement and giving testimony to your abilities
as described above; and
• your NSERC PDF application.
Your application must be submitted to NSERC before
8:00 p.m. (ET) on the deadline date. Late applications
will not be accepted.
Bulan Mei 2016
1. Australia International Postgraduate
Research Scholarships (IPRS)
Australian Government
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: varies, May-Oct (annual)
Study in: Australia
Brief description:
The International Postgraduate Research Scholarships
(IPRS) program enables international students to
undertake a postgraduate research qualification in
Australia and gain experience with leading Australian
researchers. The scholarships are towards a Masters by
research degree or Doctorate Degree at eligible
Universities in Australia.
Host Institution(s):
Participating Universities in Australia

Field of study:
Eligible postgraduate research programmes offered at
participating Australian Universities.
Number of Awards:
Around 330 are awarded annually.
Target group:
Scholarships are open to international students of all
countries (except New Zealand).
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship covers tuition fees and health cover
costs for scholarship holders, and health cover costs for
their dependents. The scholarships are available for a
period of two years for a research masters degree or
three years for a research doctorate degree.
To be eligible to apply for an IPRS the applicant must be
an international student (except New Zealand) and
commencing full-time enrolment in a higher degree by
research at an eligible university in Australia. The basic
eligibility criteria for an IPRS are listed in section 3.10.1
of the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines
(Research) 2012.
Application instructions:
Applications for a scholarship need to be made directly
to a participating Universities/Higher Education
Providers (HEPs) in Australia at which the applicant
wishes to conduct their postgraduate research. Students
need to approach the scholarship office at their chosen
university for direction about the process to apply for an
IPRS and key deadline dates. The deadline varies among
universities but is around May-October each year.
It is important to read the Frequently Asked Questions
and visit the website of the University where you intend
to apply and the official website (link found below) for
detailed information on how to apply for this
Australia Scholarships

2. Beasiswa Emile-Boutmy di Sciences Po,


Deadline: 2 Mei 2016

Study in: FRANCE
Brief description:
Universitas yang berlokasi di jantung kota Paris ini
menyediakan beasiswa S1 dan S2 bagi pelajar di luar
Uni Eropa yang dibuka setiap tahunnya. Beasiswa ini
disediakan melalui skema Emile-Boutmy Scholarship.
Host Institution(s):
Emile-Boutmy Scholarship.

Field of study:
Beasiswa 1 di Sciences
Target group:
Bukan warganegara dari Uni Eropa
Scholarship value/inclusions:

Beasiswa 1 di Sciences Po:

› Biaya kuliah € 7.300 per tahun selama tiga tahun serta
bantuan sebagian biaya hidup sebesar € 5.000 per tahun
› Biaya kuliah € 7.300 per tahun selama tiga tahun
› Biaya kuliah € 5.000 per tahun selama tiga tahun
› Biaya kuliah € 3.000 per tahun selama tiga tahun

• Jika pelamar dianggap sangat istimewa, beasiswa

sebesar € 19.000 per tahun bisa saja diberikan untuk
biaya pendidikan selama tiga tahun
1. Pelamar pertama kali mengajukan beasiswa Emile-
2. Bukan warganegara dari Uni Eropa
3. Tidak mengajukan pajak ke Uni Eropa bagi yang
berumah tangga
4. Telah diterima untuk program sarjana atau master
Application instructions:
Saat mendaftar ke universitas ( dan
mengisi formulir aplikasi, pelamar perlu
memberitahukan pengajuan Emile-Boutmy Scholarship.
Sertakan juga bukti pendapatan dan dokumen yang
menjelaskan situasi keuangan keluarga (misalnya, pajak
pendapatan kedua orang tua, slip gaji, dokumen yang
berkaitan dengan tunjangan, tunjangan pensiun, akte
kematian, dll).
Deadline pengajuan beasiswa Science Po 2016 – 2017
adalah 2 Mei 2016 untuk jenjang sarjana. Anda juga
dapat melakukan sambungan internasional melalui call
center Tel : + 33 (0)1 45 49 50 82 untuk informasi
3. Westminster Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships
for Developing Country Students
University of Westminster
Masters (MS) Degree
Deadline: 3 May 2016 (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The Westminster Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships, the
University’s most prestigious award, is aimed at fully
funding a student from a developing country to study a
full-time Masters degree at the University.
Host Institution(s):
University of Westminster, United Kingdom
Field of study:
Any full-time Master’s Degree Programme offered at the
Number of Awards:
Target group:
International students from developing countries (See
Annex B of the official website for definition of
developing countries)
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses
and flights to and from London.
You must be an international student from a developing
country and hold an offer for a full-time Masters degree
at University of Westminster. The main criteria are: First
Class Honours degree, financial need and
development potential.
Application instructions:
You should only apply for a scholarship once you
have applied for admission and successfully been
offered a place (either conditional or unconditional)
on the course you wish to study. To apply for a
scholarship you will need to complete the relevant
scholarship application form and submit supporting
documents by POST. The deadline for applications is 3
May 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.


4. Westminster Full Fee Scholarships for

International Students
University of Westminster
Masters Degree
Deadline: 3 May 2016 (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The Westminster University offers a number of full
tuition fee scholarships if you are an exceptionally well-
qualified student from either inside the UK/EU or an
international country.
Host Institution(s):
University of Westminster, United Kingdom

Field of study:
Any full-time Master’s Degree Programme at University
of Westminster.
Number of Awards:
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Full tuition fee award only
You must be from either inside the UK/EU or an
international country and hold an offer for a full-time
Masters degree at University of Westminster. The main
scholarship criteria are: Equivalent to a UK First Class
Honours degree and financial need.
Application instructions:
You should only apply for a scholarship once you have
applied for admission and successfully been offered a
place (either conditional or unconditional) on the
course you wish to study. To apply for a scholarship you
will need to complete the relevant
scholarship application form. The deadline for
September 2016 entry is 3 May 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this

5. Nottingham Developing Solutions

University of Nottingham
Masters (MS) Degree
Deadline: 22 May 2016 (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The Developing Solutions Scholarships are designed for
international students who want to pursue a Master’s
Degree in the University of Nottingham and make a
difference to the development of their home country.
Host Institution(s):
University of Nottingham in United Kingdom
Level and Field(s) of study:
Full-time Masters Degree Programmes, including MRes,
at Nottingham for September 2016 in an area of study
within the following faculties:
• Faculty of Engineering
• Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences
• Faculty of Science
• Faculty of Social Science
Number of Awards:
105 scholarships – 30x 100% tuition fee and 75x of 50%
towards tuition fee

Target group:
Nationals (or permanently domiciled in) of Africa, India,
or one of the countries of the Commonwealth (Anguilla,
Antigua and Barbuda, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize,
Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Cayman Islands,
Dominica, Falkland Islands, Fiji, Gibraltar, Grenada,
Guyana, Jamaica, Kiribati, Malaysia, Maldives,
Montserrat, Nauru, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea,
Pitcairn, St Helena, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St
Vincent, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Trinidad and
Tobago, Tristan da Cunha, Turks and Caicos, Tuvalu,
Vanuatu, Western Samoa)
Scholarship value/inclusions:
50-100% support towards tuition fee.
You can apply for this scholarship if you:
• are a national of (or permanently domiciled in) Africa,
India or one of the countries of the Commonwealth
listed below* AND
• are classed as an overseas student for fee purposes
• have not already studied outside of your home
country AND
• are not currently studying at a University of
Nottingham campus or are not a University of
Nottingham graduate AND
• hold an offer to start a full-time masters degree
programme, including MRes, at Nottingham for
September 2016 in an area of study within the: Faculty
of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Sciences, Faculty of Science, and the Faculty of Social
Application instructions:
Only students who already hold an offer to start an
eligible full-time masters degree programme at
Nottingham for September 2016 are considered for this
scholarship. Scholarships applications are done online.
The closing date for applications is 22 May 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
Universities with Scholarship Programs for Developing
Country Students

6. Edinburgh Global Health Academy

Master’s Scholarship
University of Edinburgh
Masters Degree
Deadline: 29 May 2015 (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The University of Edinburgh will offer one full-time
Master’s scholarship for students pursuing one of the
following Global Health Academy programmes.
Host Institution(s):
University of Edinburgh, UK
Field(s) of study:
• MPH Public Health
• MSc Family Medicine
• MSc Global Health
• MSc Global Health and Public Policy
• MSc Health Inequalities and Public Policy
• MSc Health Systems and Public Policy
• MSc Medical Anthropology
• MSc Science Communication and Public
Number of Scholarships:
One (1)
Target group:
Nationals of and resident in one of the following
countries: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin,
Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi,Cambodia, Cape Verde,
Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic
Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea,
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti,
Kenya, Kribati, Lao People’s Democratic Republic,
Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali,
Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger,
Rwanda, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra
Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan,
Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Republic of
Tanzania, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zambia.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship will cover the UK/EU “home” rate of
tuition fee of up to £8,100.
The scholarship will be awarded to a student who is
accepted for admission onto an eligible Global Health
Academy programme at the University of Edinburgh
commencing in 2015-2016.
The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of
academic merit. Candidates must have, or expect to
obtain, a UK first class or 2:1 Honours degree at
undergraduate level or the international equivalent.
Application instructions:
Eligible applicants should complete an online
scholarship application form. Please note that you will
not be able to access the online application form unless
you have applied for admission to the University of
Edinburgh and have full EASE authentication. The
closing date for applications is 29 May 2015.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
Edinburgh Distance Learning Scholarships

7. Transform Together Scholarships for

International and European Union (non-UK)
Sheffield Hallam University
Bachelors/Masters Degree
Deadline: 31 May/1 Nov 2016 (annual)
Study in: Sheffield, UK
Brief description:
Transform Together scholarships are open to
international students and European Union (non-UK)
students applying to a full-time undergraduate or
postgraduate taught course at Sheffield Hallam
University in the 2016/17 academic year.
Host Institution(s):
Sheffield Hallam University in UK
Field(s) of study:
All full-time undergraduate and postgraduate taught
courses offered at the University.
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified
Target group:
International and European Union (non-UK) students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Half fee waiver (50%) is available for postgraduate
courses and for each year of an undergraduate degree.

To be eligible to apply for one of these scholarships, you
• be an international or a European Union (non-UK) fee
paying student
• postgraduate only – have achieved a minimum 2.1 or
equivalent in your honours degree and must meet the
English and academic entry requirements for your
course. Please attach your transcripts to your
scholarship application
• undergraduate only – have achieved or exceeded the
English and academic entry requirements for the course
• have an offer for a full-time taught undergraduate or
postgraduate course at Sheffield Hallam University.
• be self-funding your studies
• be able to pay any additional fees your course may
require, for example field trips

Application instructions:
To apply for a Transform Together Scholarship, you must
have received an offer for a full-time taught course at
Sheffield Hallam University for the relevant year. If you
have not yet applied for a course, please visit the online
prospectus to find a course and apply. Once you’ve
received an offer for a course, you must complete and
submit the scholarship application form with
transcripts by 31 May 2016 for September 2016 start or
1 November 2016 for January 2017 start.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to download the application form and for
detailed information on how to apply for this


1. Bristol University International
University of Bristol
Bachelors Degree
Deadline: 10 June 2016 (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
For 2016 entry, The University of Bristol is delighted to
announce five International Office Scholarships for new
international students pursuing an undergraduate
programme at the University.
Host Institution(s):
University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Field of study:
Any full-time Undergraduate programme offered at the

Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
£8,500 each will be available for prospective
undergraduate students. This is divided as follows:
£3,000 in Year One, £3,000 in Year Two and £2,500 in
Year Three. No awards will be made for subsequent
Eligible students:
• All applicants must be classed as overseas students
for fee purposes.
• All applicants must already hold an offer of a place on
a full-time undergraduate programme at the University
of Bristol.
• Applicants may be from any discipline.
• Sponsored students and students in receipt of
another scholarship/award over £3000 are not eligible
to apply.
• Current University of Bristol students are not eligible
to apply.
Application instructions:
Applicants must apply online. The deadline for the
receipt of applications is 10 June 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

2. Fondation Rainbow Bridge MBA

Scholarships for African and Asian Women
Fondation Rainbow Bridge/HEC
MBA Degree
Deadline: 15 Jun/26 Nov (annual)
Study in: Paris, France
Course starts Sept 2015/Jan 2016
Brief description:
The Fondation Rainbow Bridge MBA Scholarships was
established in memory of Muriel Dargent (1967 – 2004),
Matthieu Dargent (1997 – 2004), Iris Dargent (2001 –
2004), and Muriel’s parents, all of whom disappeared in
the December 2004 Tsunami. The Fondation Rainbow
Bridge will enable young women recipients to enrich
their academic background by obtaining an HEC MBA.
Host Institution(s):
HEC Paris, France
Field of study:
Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
Number of Awards:
2 scholarships per year
Target group:
Women from Asian or African countries affected by
natural disasters, drought or famine.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
€ 20,000
Recipients of this scholarship are top-caliber female
candidates who have been admitted to the HEC MBA
program and who can demonstrate exemplary
leadership skills in one or more of the following areas:
• Community work,
• Charity engagement,
• Sustainable development practices.
Women applying must come from an Asian or African
country affected by a natural disaster, drought or
famine. In addition, they must demonstrate a
commitment to solving some of the social and economic
issues affecting their countries while working for the
long-term security of the people living there.
Application instructions:
Only admitted candidates can apply for this
scholarship. You must submit an essay on why you
should be named the Fondation Rainbow Bridge Scholar
at the HEC MBA Program, while identifying your post-
MBA goals. Deadline is on a rolling basis but please
note that you cannot apply for this scholarship if
admitted after June 15th for the September intake and
after November 26th for the January intake.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
3. Endeavour Vocational Education and
Training (VET) Scholarship in Australia
Australian Government
Diploma/Assoc. Degree
Deadline: 30 June 2015 (annual)
Study in: Australia
Brief description:
The Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Scholarship provides financial support for non-
Australians to undertake vocational education at a
Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree level in
any field in Australia for up to two and a half years.
Vocational education and training provides occupational
or work-related knowledge and skills.
Host Institution(s):
The scholarships can be in any field of study. The
courses are directly related to a trade, occupation or
‘vocation’ in which the applicant participates. These
courses exclude degree and higher level programmes
normally delivered by universities.
Number of Awards:
Not specified.
Target group:
Americas: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French
Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, United States,
Uruguay, Venezuela.
Asia: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Burma
(Myanmar), Cambodia, China (People’s Republic), Hong
Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea (Republic of
Korea – South), Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives,
Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri
Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam.
The Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas,
Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic,
Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica,
Martinique, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago.
Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France
(including Reunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine,
United Kingdom (including Northern Ireland).
Middle East: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria,
Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.
Pacific: Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands,
Micronesia (Federated states), Nauru, New Caledonia,
New Zealand* (including Cook Islands, Niue
and Tokelau), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa,
Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and

Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship includes travel allowance ($AUD 3,000),
establishment allowance ($AUD 4,000), monthly stipend
($AUD 3,000; up to maximum programme duration on a
pro-rata basis). Health and travel insurance will also be
provided. It will also include tuition fees up to the
maximum study duration (up to $6,500 per semester).
To be eligible for Endeavour Vocational Education and
Training (VET) Scholarship, applicants must:
• be aged 18 years or over at the commencement of
their programme
• be a citizen and/or permanent resident of a
participating country (see above)
• commence their proposed programme after 1 January
2016 and no later than 30 November 2016. Applicants
who have already commenced or will commence their
intended programme prior to 2016 are not eligible to
• provide all relevant supporting documentation
• not currently hold or have completed, since 1 January
2014, an Australian Government sponsored scholarship
and/or fellowship (directly administered to recipients by
the Australian Government)
• not apply for a category in which they have already
completed an Endeavour Scholarship or Fellowship.
Application instructions:
In their scholarship application, Endeavour Vocational
Education and Training (VET) Scholarship applicants
must provide a formal admission/offer letter for a
Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree course
at an Australian Institution for the 2016 academic year.
Applications must be submitted using the Endeavour
Online Application system. The deadline for 2016 Round
is 30 June 2015.
It is important to read the 2016 Endeavor Application
Guidelines and visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this

4. Global Study Awards for International
ISIC/British Council IELTS/StudyPortals
Bachelors/Masters Degree
Deadline: 30 Nov 2015/30 Jun 2016
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The ISIC Association, StudyPortals and British Council
IELTS are launching The Global Study Awards to
ultimately encourage young people to study abroad as
part of their tertiary studies in order to experience and
explore new countries, cultures and languages.
The Global Study Awards will be available to prospective
students in all countries worldwide. The Global Study
Awards will enable the successful candidate(s) to study
abroad, on any chosen undergraduate or postgraduate
programme at a higher education institution. The Global
Study Awards cannot be used by a successful candidate
to study domestically.
Host Institution(s):
ISIC Association, StudyPortals, and British Council IELTS
Field of study:
Any Undergraduate or Postgraduate Programme at any
Number of Awards:
9 awards: 4 awards in Round 1 and 5 awards in Round 2
Target group:
International students from all countries
Scholarship value/inclusions:
An individual global study award has a maximum value
of £10,000. The Award prize will be applied toward the
cost of tuition fees in the first instance, paid directly to
the Higher Education Institution that the successful
candidate will attend.
If tuition fees are below the maximum individual award
fund of £10,000, the remaining funds may be allocated
per diem for living costs for a maximum of 52 weeks
starting from when the student first registered at the
higher education institution.
To be eligible for The Global Study Awards applicants
• Be 18 years or over on 1 January 2015
• Have taken an IELTS test at a British Council centre,
and receive an official Test Report Form (TRF) issued by
the British Council in the last 2 years and before the
application deadline
• Have a valid International Student Identity Card (ISIC)
and/or International Youth Travel Card (IYTC) at the time
of application
• Plan to enrol on a full-time undergraduate or
postgraduate programme abroad between 1 January
2016 and 30 April 2016 (Round 1) or 1 August 2016 and
31 October 2016 (Round 2)
• Provide an acceptance letter from the relevant
institution by the relevant cut-off date
• Write a short review of your study experience at
Application instructions:
Applications are done online. There are two rounds of
applications and deadlines:
First round: open from 15 August 2015 to 30 November
2015 for students starting their studies abroad between
1 January 2016 and 30 April 2016.
Second round: open from 15 January 2016 to 30 June
2016 for students starting their studies abroad between
1 August 2016 and 31 October 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
1. Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for
International Students
European Union
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: varies (Annual)
Study in: European Countries
Brief description:
The Erasmus Mundus Scholarships, funded by the
European Union, are exclusively awarded to students
coming from both EU and non-EU countries that have
been selected to attend one of the Erasmus Mundus
Joint Programmes at Masters or Doctorate level.
Host Institution(s):
European Universities/Institutions participating under
approved Erasmus Mundus Action Joint Programmes.

Field(s) of Study:
About 116 Masters courses and 29 Joint Doctorate
courses are supported by scholarships. The field(s) of
study covered are: Agriculture and Veterinary,
Engineering, Manufacture and Construction, Health and
Welfare, Humanities and Arts, Science, Mathematics
and Computing, and Social Sciences, Business and Law.
Number of Awards:
Not specified.
Target group:
Category A Scholarships: Nationals from another
country than the European Union Member States and
Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein all
Category B Scholarships: Nationals from the European
Union Member States, or from Switzerland, Iceland,
Norway or Liechtenstein.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The programme offers full-time scholarships and/or
fellowships that cover monthly allowance, participation
costs, travelling and insurance costs of the students.
Scholarship amounts can vary according to the level of
studies, the duration of studies, and the scholar’s
nationality (scholarships for non-EU students are higher
than for EU students).
Please note that each Erasmus Mundus Joint
Programme defines its own selection criteria and
admission procedures. Students or scholars should
contact the Consortium offering the Masters /Doctoral
Programmes for more information.
Application instructions:
The next application round for courses starting in the
academic year 2016/2017 will start to open in the last
quarter of 2015.
You are advised to consult in advance the websites of
each of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes that
interest you. There you will find all necessary
information concerning the content of the course, its
structure, the scholarship amounts as well as the
application and selection procedures. Deadline varies
depending on the programme but falls
around December to January.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
Top 50 Scholarships in Europe for Foreign Students
2. Beasiswa LPDP Batch III
For Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 27 Juli 2016
Brief description:
LPDP merupakan badan yang menyaring dan
memberikan beasiswa kepada lulusan Sarjana untuk
melanjutkan jenjang S2 dan lulusan Pascasarjana untuk
dapat melanjutkan S3.
Selain itu program yang ditawarkan cukup menarik
sebab ada beasiswa Tesis dan Disertasi untuk anda,
selain itu masih ada lagi kabar gembira lainnya seperti
beasiswa LPDP merupakan beasiswa yang diberikan
melalui badan terkait seperti kementerian hukum dan
ham, kementerian agama dan kementerian pendidikan
Indonesia melalui beasiswa ini diharapakan bisa
memberikan bantuan biaya pendidikan untuk anda dan
menyiapkan pemimpin bagi Indonesia.
Host Institution(s):
Menteri agama, Menteri pendidikan, Menteri keuangan,
Menteri riset
Field(s) of study
Magister dan doctoral
Number of Scholarships:
Unlimited (Sesuai kebijakan tahun tersebut
Target group:
Pelajar lulusan S1/S2, Dosen, Pegawai swasta, kecuali
“Dosen Tetap” PTN/PTS &sudahmempunyai NIDN
direkomendasikan untuk mendaftar beasiswa DIKTI
Scholarship value/inclusions:
1. Beasiswa ini membayar berapapun akbar
SPP sekolah anda
2. Beasiswa ini sediakanAcara Pembekalan
Nasionalisme dan Kepemimpinan sebelum
penerima beasiswa lakukan studinya dgn
melibatkan tokoh-tokoh nasional & bekerja-sama
bersama TNI, bahkan buat angkatan I dan II ini
penerima beasiswa dapatlaksanakanacara
pembekalan diatas kapal perang TNI AL
3. Beasiswa LPDP ini kusus berasal dari
Dana Abadi Pendidikan, bidang dari dana 20%
alokasi pendidikan RAPBN negeri kita yg
disisihkan & diinvestasikan
Persyaratan Umum Beasiswa LPDP
1. Warga negara Indonesia yang ditunjukkan
dengan identitas kependudukan yang sah.
2. Lulusan program studi : A) Perguruan
Tinggi dalam negeri yang terakreditasi oleh
Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi atau
lulusan Perguruan Tinggi kedinasan yang diakui
oleh pemerintah Indonesia. B) Perguruan Tinggi
diluar negeri yang berkategori baik sesuai daftar
pada Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi,
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
3. Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan yang
ditunjukkan dengan pengalaman memimpin
sebuah organisasi atau lembaga yang ditunjukkan
dengan bukti dokumen yang relevan.
4. Aktif dalam kegiatan sosial
kemasyarakatan yang ditunjukkan dengan bukti
dokumen yang relevan.
5. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak
pernah terlibat tindakan melanggar hukum.
6. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak
pernah terlibat dalam tindak pelanggaran kode
etik akademik.
7. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan
mengabdi pada kepentingan bangsa Indonesia.
8. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak
menerima beasiswa dari sumber lain.
9. Mendapatkan Surat Tugas Belajar dari
atasan bagi yang sedang bekerja.
10. Memiliki Surat Keterangan dari tokoh
masyarakat bagi yang belum/tidak sedang
11. Memilih program studi dan/atau
perguruan tinggi yang direkomendasikan oleh
LPDP. Mengupload Essay dengan tema : Peranku
bagi Indonesia dan Sukses terbesar dalam
hidupku serta Rencana Studi untuk program
Magister catatan *Semua dokumen dapat dilihat
pada dokumen petunjuk beasiswa di
Application instructions:
To apply, you must submit a formal application for
Admission and a Scholarship via the online application
system. The next deadlines for LPDP of scholarsip
are 24 Juli 2016
3. Beasiswa LPDP Untuk Tesis Megister dan
Disertasi Doktor Batch II
Deadline: 24 Juli 2016
Brief description:
Program beasiswa ini salah satu Beasiswa Pendidikan
Indonesia (BPI) yang ditawarkan LPDP yang bisa
dimanfaatkan bagi Anda yang mengalami kendala
pembiayaan penyusunan tesis dan disertasi. BPI program
Tesis/Disertasi. Beasiswa tesis tersedia bagi pelamar
yang ingin menyelesaikan studi S2-nya, di dalam
maupun luar negeri. Beasiswa disertasi tersedia buat
pelamar yang ingin merampungkan studi S3, baik di
perguruan tinggi dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.

Besaran dana beasiswa tesis atau beasiswa disertasi

berdasarkan rencana anggaran belanja sesuai dengan
satuan biaya yang berlaku, yang dilampirkan dalam
formulir pendaftaran. Nilai maksimum beasiswa yang
diperoleh untuk masing-masing program, yakni:

▪ Beasiswa tesis yang diambil di dalam negeri jika tidak

menggunakan laboratorium maksimum Rp 15 juta.
Jika menggunakan laboratorium maksimum usulan
beasiswa Rp 25 juta.
▪ Beasiswa tesis yang diambil di luar negeri jika tidak
menggunakan laboratorium maksimum Rp 30 juta. Jika
menggunakan laboratorium maksimum usulan beasiswa
Rp 50 juta.
▪ Beasiswa disertasi yang diambil di dalam negeri jika
tidak menggunakan laboratorium maksimum Rp 60 juta.
Jika memakai laboratorium maksimum usulan beasiswa
Rp 75 juta.
▪ Beasiswa disertasi yang diambil di luar negeri jika
tidak menggunakan laboratorium maksimum Rp 120
juta. Jika memakai laboratorium maksimum usulan
beasiswa Rp 150 juta.
Host Institution(s):
Menteri agama, Menteri pendidikan, Menteri keuangan,
Menteri riset
Field(s) of study
Magister dan doctoral
1. Warga Negara Indonesia yang ditunjukkan dengan
identitas kependudukan yang sah;
2. Batas Usia maksimum pelamar pada saat penutupan
pendaftaran adalah:
a. 40 tahun untuk pelamar program Beasiswa Tesis,
b. 45 tahun untuk pelamar program Beasiswa Disertasi.
3. Lulusan program studi:
a. Perguruan tinggi dalam negeri yang terakreditasi
minimal C Institusi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional
Perguruan Tinggi atau lulusan Perguruan Tinggi
Kedinasan yang diakui oleh Pemerintah Indonesia,
b. Perguruan tinggi di luar negeri yang berkategori
baik sesuai daftar pada Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan
Tinggi, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
4. Mahasiswa sudah menyelesaikan seluruh mata kuliah
yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk transkrip nilai dengan
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimum adalah:
a. 3,25 pada skala 4, bagi yang sedang studi Magister.
b. 3,50 pada skala 4, bagi yang sedang studi Doktoral.
5. Dinyatakan telah lulus ujian/seminar proposal oleh
pimpinan program pascasarjana atau keterangan lain
yang sejenis.
6. Mendapat rekomendasi dari unsur pimpinan
Pascasarjana atau Fakultas;
7. Judul penelitian dan bidang kajian yang bersifat
strategis sesuai dengan visi dan misi LPDP dan bidang
keilmuan yang menjadi fokus LPDP yaitu:
a. Bidang Teknik,
b. Bidang Sains,
c. Bidang Kelautan dan Perikanan,
d. Bidang pertanian,
e. Bidang pendidikan,
f. Bidang Kedokteran dan Kesehatan,
g. Bidang Akuntansi dan Keuangan,
h. Bidang Ekonomi,
i. Bidang Hukum,
j. Bidang Agama,
k. Bidang Sosial,
l. Bidang Budaya, Seni dan Bahasa.
8. Selain itu BPI Program Tesis dan Disertasi juga
memiliki tema prioritas sebagai berikut:
a. Kemaritiman,
b. Perikanan,
c. Pertanian,
d. Ketahanan Energi, Ketahanan Pangan,
e. Industri Kreatif,
f. Manajemen Pendidikan,
g. Teknologi Transportasi,
h. Teknologi Pertahanan dan Keamanan
i. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi,
j. Teknologi Kedokteran dan Kesehatan,
k. Keperawatan
l. Lingkungan Hidup,
m. Keagamaan,
n. Ketrampilan (Vokasional),
o. Ekonomi/Keuangan Syariah,
p. Budaya/Bahasa, dan
q. Hukum Bisnis Internasional.
9. Tidak telah, sedang dan tidak akan menerima bantuan
beasiswa tesis dan disertasi atau beasiswa pendidikan
yang terdapat komponen bantuan riset dari sumber lain
baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.
Pendaftaran dan seleksi:
Pendaftaran BPI untuk Program Tesis dan Disertasi
dibuka sepanjang tahun, dengan proses seleksi yang
dilakukan sebanyak 2 (dua) kali yaitu pada bulan
Februari dan Agustus.

Pendaftaran BPI dilaksanakan secara online dengan cara

mengisi formulir pendaftaran, dan mengunggah semua
dokumen kelengkapannya pada laman resmi LPDP di

4. New Zealand International Doctoral

Research Scholarships
New Zealand Government
PhD Degree
Deadline: 15 July 2015
Study in: New Zealand
Brief description:
The NZIDRS, funded by the New Zealand Government
and administered by Education New Zealand, provides
scholarships for international students to undertake PhD
study at a New Zealand university.
Host Institution(s):
AUT University, Lincoln University, Massey University,
University of Auckland, University of Canterbury,
University of Otago, University of Waikato, Victoria
University of Wellington.
Field(s) of study:
PhD Degree in any discipline offered by participating
Universities in New Zealand
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified
Target group:
International students except students from Australia or
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The NZIDRS covers University tuition fees and associated
student levies for 3 years, an annual living stipend of
NZ$25,000 or NZ$2083.33 per month for 36 months,
and medical insurance coverage up to NZ$600 annually
for 3 years.
You must meet ALL five eligibility criteria. These criteria
are non-negotiable.
1. You can be a citizen of any country except New
Zealand, Australia or Fiji
2. You must hold a minimum equivalent GPA of
3.6/4.0 OR an A to A+ average or in your most
recent or highest post graduate tertiary
3. You must conduct your PhD study in New
Zealand (not from a distance)
4. You must meet the requirements for direct entry
into a PhD programme at a New Zealand
University :this includes having completed the
required academic qualifications for direct entry
and meeting the requirements for English
language proficiency
5. If you have commenced your PhD studies in New
Zealand, your start date must be after 15 January
Application instructions:
Applying for the NZIDRS and applying to study at a New
Zealand university are two completely separate
processes. You need to have begun the application
process at a New Zealand university, and must provide
evidence of this in order to complete an NZIDRS
To apply for the scholarship, you must download and
complete the NZIDRS 2015 application form and submit
it together with the required documents to Education
New Zealand before 15 July 2015.
do not meet ALL eligibility criteria, if you cannot provide
ALL required documents by the deadline, or if your
proposed research does not clearly align with the
selection criteria.
It is important to read the NZIDRS Terms and Conditions
and visit the official website (link found below) to
download the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

5. University of Sydney International

Scholarships (USydIS)
University of Sydney
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 31 July/15 Dec (annual)
Study in: Australia

Brief description:
The University of Sydney invites candidates who are
eligible to undertake a Postgraduate Research Degree or
Master’s by Research program at this University to apply
for the University of Sydney International Research
Scholarship (USydIS). The objective of the USydIS is to
attract top quality international postgraduate students
to undertake research projects which will enhance the
University’s research activities.
Host Institution(s):
University of Sydney in Australia
Fields of study:
Open to all research disciplines (but would depend on
Number of Awards:
Not specified.
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The USydIS will cover tuition fees and living allowance
for up to three years with a possibility of one semester’s
extension for PhD students.
The USydIS is available to students commencing in both
the March (Research Period 2) and July (Research Period
3). For details on Scholarship Selection, please refer to
the Supplementary information for research scholarship
Application instructions:
No separate application for a USydIS Scholarship is
necessary. Students must indicate that they would like
to be considered for the USydIS by completing the
relevant section of the Postgraduate Research
Application form. To be considered for the award,
completed applications MUST be received by the
Admissions Office by:
• – 31 July of the previous year for Research Period
2 (March) commencement
• – 15 December of the previous year for Research
Period 3 (July) commencement
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
1. IWC Masters Scholarships for International
International Water Centre
Masters (MS) Degree
Deadline: 1 Aug 2015 (annual)
Study in: Australia
Brief Description:
The IWC Masters Scholarships are prestigious
scholarships awarded annually to high calibre
candidates who clearly demonstrate potential to
become future water leaders. Scholarships are available
to study the IWC Master of Integrated Water
Management (MIWM).
Host Institution(s):
The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia
Field of study:
Masters in Integrated Water Management (MIWM)
No. of Scholarships:
Up to 3
Target group:
A – Future water leaders from developing countries in
Asia-Pacific, Africa, South and Central America, the
Caribbean, Europe and the Middle-East (see details in
table below).
B – Future water leader from selected countries
in North America, Europe, the Middle East or Asia (see
details in table below).
Scholarship coverage/inclusion:
A – Each scholarship is valued at approximately AU$
89,811 and will cover full tuition fees, living costs, return
air travel to Australia, student visa and overseas health
B – The scholarship is valued at approximately AU$
50,776 and will cover full tuition fees and overseas
health cover.
To apply for a scholarship, you must have all of the
• A completed undergraduate degree in a related field
of study from an internationally-recognised institution;
• At least two years of professional experience (paid
work or volunteering experience) relevant to the
• International candidates must also demonstrate
English Language Proficiency (see UQ’s Policy including
minimum scores for IELTS, TOEFL or PTE). A proof of
English language proficiency needs to be uploaded with
the online application form.
Application instructions:
International scholarship candidates are no longer
required to apply for the MIWM program admission at
The University of Queensland (UQ) alongside their
scholarship application. To apply, complete an online
application form by 1 August 2015. Shortlisted
applicants will be contacted (via email) on 18 August
2015 and will then be invited to submit an application
for admission into the MIWM program at The University
of Queensland (UQ).
It is important to read the IWC Scholarships Terms &
Conditions and visit the official website to access the
application form and for detailed information on how to
apply for this scholarship.
2. Flinders International Postgraduate Research
Scholarships (FIPRS)
Flinders University
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 14 Aug 2015 (annual)
Study in: Australia
Brief description:
Flinders International Postgraduate Research
Scholarships (FIPRS) are awarded to suitably qualified
applicants to pursue a full-time research higher degree
at Flinders University – up to two years for a Research
Masters degree and up to three years for a Research
Doctorate degree.
Host Institution(s):
Flinders University, Australia
Field(s) of study:
Eligible fields of research offered at Flinders University
Target group:
Citizens of any overseas country except New Zealand
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The FIPRS pays the international student tuition fees
charged by Flinders University for a research higher
degree. In addition, Flinders University provides the
recipient with a generous living allowance paid at the
rate of $25,849 (2015 full rate)
An FIPRS student who moves to Adelaide from overseas
is eligible for an establishment allowance (after arrival at
Flinders) of up to $1,485 to assist with relocation costs
and airfares, provided receipts can be produced by the

• Applicants must satisfy the University’s academic
entry requirements for a Masters degree by research or
Doctorate by research.
• Applicants are required to have successfully
completed at least the equivalent of an Australian First
Class Hons degree (this is a four year degree with a
major research project in the final year)
• Applicants must meet the English proficiency levels set
by Flinders University for international students at the
time of application. Students for whom English is a
foreign language will need to provide evidence of their
English language competence.
• Applicants must not hold an equivalent research
higher degree qualification. Applications are only open
to students commencing a research higher degree in
Australia for the first time.
• Applicants must not not hold Australian citizenship,
Australian permanent resident status or New Zealand
Please see the conditions of award for full eligibility
Application instructions:
Applications are currently closed.
The closing date for applications is 14 August 2015. It is
important to read the Application Guidelines and visit
the official website (link found below) to access the
application form and for detailed information on how to
apply for this scholarship.
3. The University of Western Australia International
Postgraduate Research Scholarships
Univ. of Western Australia
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 31 Mar/31 Aug 2015 (annual)
Study in: Australia

Brief description:
Applications are invited from suitably qualified
international students to apply for International
Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) to undertake
the degree of Master by Research or Doctorate by
Research at The University of Western Australia.
Host Institution:
University of Western Australia
Field(s) of study:
Eligible Masters by Research or PhD degree offered by
the University of Western Australia
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.
Target group:
International students except New Zealand
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The IPRS scholarships cover International Tuition Fees
for up to four (4) years, as well as Overseas Student
Health Cover. Successful applicants will also be awarded
a full living allowance scholarship and UWA Top-Up
Scholarship (the total combined value for 2015 is
$29,000 per annum).
The IPRS Scholarships are only available to applicants
(a) must be eligible to enrol or be enrolled as a full-time
student in a higher degree by research (HDR) at the
University upon commencement of their scholarship;
(b) must not have commenced an HDR prior to the year
for which the scholarship is sought unless the applicant
was unable to apply for a scholarship in the last
selection round due to the timing of their enrolment;
(c) must not already be in receipt of another UWA
Postgraduate Research International Tuition Fee
Scholarship (SIRF or IPRS) or a UWA International Living
Allowance Scholarship (UIS or UPAIS);
(d) must be entitled to a maximum tenure of at least 12
months. IPRS awards are not available to students who,
as a result of prior studies, would be entitled to
scholarship tenure of less than 12 months;
(e) must not have previously applied for the IPRS in
more than one selection round. Applicants may only
apply in a maximum of two selection rounds, after
which they will be ineligible for reconsideration in any
future IPRS rounds at UWA;
(f) must have completed at least four years of tertiary
education studies at a high level of achievement
demonstrated by the award of a degree of First Class
Honours standard or equivalent;
(g) must be a citizen of an overseas country, excluding
New Zealand;
(h) must meet the University’s English language
requirements for scholarship holders;
(i) must not have completed a degree either at the same
level as, or at a higher level than, the degree for which
candidature is sought;
(j) must enrol in an area of research concentration and
be recommended by the head of the school in which the
proposed study is to be undertaken;
(k) must not be an overseas student who is currently on
an Australian Government sponsored scholarship such
as Australian Awards Development Scholarship seeking
to apply for an IPRS immediately following the
Australian Awards Development Scholarship funded
study. Such candidates must meet the terms and
conditions of these awards prior to applying for future
funding. This applies to students under the Australian
Sponsored Training Scholarships (ASTAS), the Equity and
Merit Scholarship Scheme (EMSS) and the Australian
Development Scholarships (ADS).
See the full eligibility criteria in the Scholarship
Application instructions:
Application for a scholarship is also an application for
admission to the University. All applicants need to apply
through the online iATHENA scholarship system.
Deadline for applications for entry in July 2015
was 31 March 2015. The next deadline for entry in
January 2016 is 31 August 2015.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
4. University of Newcastle International
Postgraduate Research Scholarships (UNIPRS)
University of Newcastle
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 31 August (annual)
Study in: Australia
Brief description:
The University of Newcastle offers a number of
postgraduate research scholarships to support
international research candidates. One of these is the
University of Newcastle International Postgraduate
Research Scholarships (UNIPRS) which is towards
Master’s degree by Research or PhD degree.

Host Institution(s):
University of Newcastle, Australia
Field(s) of study:
Eligible Masters by Research or PhD programme offered
at University of Newcastle.
Number of Scholarships:
Target group:
International students from any country except New
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship covers tuition fees and comes with a
University living allowance scholarship (including
Overseas Student Health Cover) funded either in full by
the supervisor’s research grant, School or Faculty
(UNRSE); or part-funded centrally and part-funded by
the supervisor’s research grant, School or Faculty. The
scholarships are limited in number and are dependent
on the annual research scholarship budget allocated.
How to increase your chances of receiving a research
• Apply by the closing date of 31 August each year
• Meet the University’s English proficiency requirement
by the closing date (Please refer to English Proficiency
Info over page)
• A Grade Point Average (GPA)of at least 5.25 out of 7 in
the last two calendar years of undergraduate degree
• Honours class one or equivalent
• Research work experience
• Research studies – points are given for a coursework
masters with 20% thesis component or for a research
• Research publications – points are given for refereed
research journal articles, book chapters, research
related conference publications, research related
exhibitions and patents.
Application instructions:
New international applicants can apply for a scholarship
at the same time as applying for admission. Deadline for
scholarship applications is 31 August each year.
It is important to read the Scholarship Information Sheet
and visit the official website (link found below) for
detailed information on how to apply for this
5. Mexican Government Scholarships for Foreign
Mexican Government
Postgraduate Degree
Deadline: 31 Aug 2015 (annual)
Study in: Mexico
Brief description:
On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Mexican
Agency for International Development Cooperation
(AMEXCID) invites foreign citizens who are interested in
studying for a specialization, master’s degree or
doctorate, conducting graduate or postdoctoral
research, or taking part in an undergraduate or
graduate-level academic mobility program, to
participate in the 2016 Mexican Government
Scholarship Program for International Students.
Scholarships are not granted for direct Ph.D. programs
(combined M.A. and Ph.D. programs), distance learning
programs, open or online education.
Host Institution/Eligible Programs:
The following institutions and academic programs are
included at this link. The following academic programs
are NOT eligible for scholarships: business
administration, plastic surgery, accounting, marketing,
dentistry and advertising, and related areas.
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified.
Target group:
The scholarships are offered to students from these
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship includes monthly stipend, registration
fees and tuition, health insurance, round-trip
international airfare, and transportation to and from
Mexico City.
Read the complete scholarship benefits at the 2016
Scholarship Terms and Conditions (link found below).
Requirements for all applicants:
• Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD Degree, as required by
the program for which the scholarship is requested.
• Minimum grade point average of eight (8.0) on a scale
of 0 to 10, or the equivalent, for the last academic
degree received.
• Be accepted to or currently enrolled in a program at
one of the participating Mexican institutions.
Application instructions:
No applications will be accepted directly from the
applicants. The entire scholarship application process
must be done at the Mexican or concurrent embassy
for the applicant’s country. Applications for the
scholarships will be accepted until 31 August 2015.
It is important to read the 2016 Scholarship Terms and
Conditions and visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
1. Swiss Government Excellence
Scholarships for Foreign Students
Swiss Government
PhD/Postdoctoral Degree
Deadline: varies, Sept-Nov 2015
Study in: Switzerland
Brief description:
The Swiss Government, through the Federal Commission
for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), awards
various postgraduate scholarships to foreign scholars
and researchers: University scholarships (Swiss
universities, Federal Institutes of Technology as well as
Universities of Applied Sciences) and Arts scholarships
(schools of music and fine arts, only for a limited
number of countries).
These scholarships provide graduates from all fields with
the opportunity to pursue doctoral or postdoctoral
research in Switzerland at one of the public funded
university or recognized institution.
Host Institution(s):
Any of the ten (10) Swiss Public Universities, the two (2)
Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology, the
public teaching and research institutes and the
Universities of applied sciences
Field of study:
All academic fields
Target group:
International students from more than 180 countries.
See the official website for complete list of eligible
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship covers a monthly payment, exemption
of tuition fees, health insurance, air fare,
housing allowance, etc. See the fact sheets for exact
scholarship benefits.
Eligibility Criteria:
Please refer to the country-specific fact sheets for
general and specific eligibility criteria.
Application instructions:
Please see the country-specific webpages for eligibility
criteria, application procedure, deadlines, and
contact information specific to your country. If you
fulfill the eligibility requirements, contact the Swiss
diplomatic representation in your country of origin. The
diplomatic representation will provide you with all the
necessary information regarding the procedure
including application forms and a list of required
The application deadline falls between September and
November 2015, depending on the Swiss Embassy to
which the applications have to be submitted.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
Switzerland Scholarships

2. Kofi Annan MBA Scholarships for

Developing Country Students
Kofi Annan Foundation/ESMT
MBA Degree
Deadline: 30 Sept (annual)
Study in: Germany
Brief description:
The Kofi Annan Business School Foundation provides
fellowships for talented and motivated students from
developing countries that allow them to obtain a one-
year full-time MBA degree at ESMT.
Host Institution(s):
ESMT European School of Management and Technology,
Germany in cooperation with the Kofi Annan Business
Schools Foundation in The Hague, Netherlands.
Field(s) of study:
One-year, full-time Masters in Business Administration

Number of Scholarships:
Up to five fellowships are available each year.
Target group:
Residents of one of the UN-listed LDCs, LLDCs, or of
Scholarship value/inclusions:
A Kofi Annan Fellowship for an MBA student has a value
of € 58,000 and covers full tuition fees and course
materials in addition to a living stipend of € 1,000 per
month for the duration of the MBA program. The
fellowship also covers one round-trip plane ticket to
Berlin from the Fellow’s home.
Applicants must be resident in one of the UN’s Least
Developed Countries (LDCs), Landlocked Developing
Countries (LLDCs) or Palestine. Applications are
encouraged from candidates who hold at least a
bachelor’s degree from any academic discipline and
demonstrate three years of post-graduate professional
experience. All applicants are required to take the GMAT
(Graduate Management Admission Test) before gaining
admission to the ESMT Full-time MBA program.
After graduation, Fellows are expected to commit to
returning to their home countries or regions to
participate for at least three years in the development
of the local or regional economy.
Application instructions:
Fellowships can be awarded only after a candidate has
been admitted to the ESMT MBA program. Applications
are only accepted online via ESMT’s website. Potential
applicants may also submit a CV for a preliminary check
to determine whether they are eligible to apply. The
application deadline for the MBA is 30 September 2015.
It is important to read the 2015 Scholarship brochure
and visit the official website (link found below) for
detailed information on how to apply for this


3. Nestle MBA Scholarships for Women

from Developing Countries
MBA Degree
Deadline: 30 Sept (annual)
Study in: Switzerland
Brief description:
The Nestlé Scholarship for Women was first awarded in
1997 and was initiated by a group of IMD MBA
participants who wanted to encourage women to take
the MBA.
Host Institution(s):
IMD in Switzerland
Field of study:
Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
Number of Awards:
One (1)
Target group:
Women (preference given to women from developing
Scholarship value/inclusions:
CHF 25,000
Women candidates who have already applied to the full-
time IMD MBA program and who demonstrate financial
need. Employees of Nestlé and its subsidiaries are not
Application instructions:
Before you can be considered for the scholarship, you
must have been accepted into an IMD MBA Program.
You must also submit a 750 word essay on “Many have
argued that greater diversity in the Top Management
team of an organization is good for profits and
customers. What would you recommend as ways to
achieve greater diversity?“ together with the financial
aid application form. The deadline for scholarship
applications is 30 September annually.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application forms and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Women Scholarships

4. IMD MBA Future Leaders Scholarships

MBA Degree
Deadline: 30 September (annual)
Study in: Switzerland
Brief description:
The IMD MBA Future Leaders Scholarships are open to
candidates who demonstrate leadership understanding
and who is pursuing an MBA Degree at IMD.
Host Institution(s):
IMD Switzerland
Field of study:
Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
Number of Scholarships:
3 scholarships are awarded each year
Target group:
Students from all over the world
Scholarship value/inclusions:
CHF 30,000
Accepted candidates who demonstrate exceptionally
strong leadership potential.
Application instructions:
Before you can apply for the scholarship, you must have
been accepted into an IMD MBA Program. You must also
submit a 750-word essay on the following topic: “It has
been said that success in business requires flexibility to
be responsive, but also commitment to a recognized set
of values. Discuss using your personal and professional
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) for detailed information on how to apply for this
1. Schwarzman Scholars Program at Tsinghua
Tsinghua University
Masters Degree
Deadline: 1 Oct 2015 (annual)
Study in: China
Brief description:
Designed to prepare the next generation of global
leaders, Schwarzman Scholars is the first scholarship
created to respond to the geopolitical landscape of the
21st Century. Enrolling the inaugural class in 2016, the
program will give the world’s best and brightest
students the opportunity to develop their leadership
skills and professional networks through a one-year
Master’s Degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing – one
of China’s most prestigious universities.
Host Institution(s):
Tsinghua University in Beijing, China

Field of study:
Master’s Degree Programme in one of the following
disciplines: Public Policy, Economic and Business,
International Studies
Number of Awards:
The class that begins in summer 2016 will include 100
scholars, and the program will grow to include up to 200
students in coming years. About 45% of the first class
will come from the United States, 20% from China, and
35% from the rest of the world.
Target group:
All nationalities
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship covers tuition and fees, room and
board, travel to and from Beijing at the beginning and
end of the academic year, an in-country study tour,
required course books and supplies, lenovo laptop and
smartphone, health insurance, and a modest personal
• Undergraduate degree or first degree from an
accredited college or university or its
equivalent. Applicants who are currently enrolled in
undergraduate degree programs must be on track to
successfully complete all degree requirements by June
30, 2016, before orientation begins. There are no
requirements for a specific field of undergraduate study;
all fields are welcome, but it will be important for
applicants, regardless of undergraduate major, to
articulate how participating in Schwarzman Scholars will
help develop their leadership potential within their
• English language proficiency. Applicants must
demonstrate strong English Language skills, as all
teaching will be conducted in English. If the applicant’s
native language is not English, official English proficiency
test scores must be submitted with the application.
Acceptable test options are:
• Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL PBT)
• Internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language
• International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
• Pearson’s (PTE Academic)
This requirement is waived for applicants who
graduated from an undergraduate institution where the
language of instruction was English at an institution
located in a country where English was a national
• Age. Applicants must be at least 18 but not yet 29
years of age as of June 30, 2016.
See the complete eligibility criteria at this link.
Application instructions:
Applications are currently closed.
The Schwarzman Scholars application serves as the
application for both the scholarship and degree
programs with the university. No additional application
is necessary. To apply, you must complete an online
application form and submit required documents by 1
October 2015.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

2. Hubert Humphrey Fellowships in USA for

International Students
USA Government
Deadline: before 1 Oct (annual)
Study in: USA
Brief description:
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides a
year of professional enrichment in the United States for
experienced professionals from designated countries
throughout the world. The Fellowship provides ten
months of non-degree academic study* and related
professional experiences in the United States. Fellows
are selected based on their potential for leadership and
their commitment to public service in either the public
or private sector.
*The Humphrey Program is a non-degree program.
Participants may complete academic coursework at
their host university to update their academic and
professional knowledge in their field, but they do not
receive an academic degree as a result of their
participation in the Program.
Host Institution(s):
Fellows are placed at one of the participating USA
universities. Fellows are not able to choose which
university they will attend. Rather, they are assigned in
diverse groups of 7-15 to the most appropriate host
institution based on their area of interest and
professional field.
Field of study:
• Agricultural and Rural Development
• Communications/Journalism
• Economic Development
• Educational Administration, Planning and Policy
• Finance and Banking
• Higher Education Administration
• HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention
• Human Resource Management
• Law and Human Rights
• Natural Resources, Environmental Policy, and Climate
• Public Health Policy and Management
• Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration
• Substance Abuse Education, Treatment and
• Teaching of English as a Foreign Language
• Technology Policy and Management
• Trafficking in Persons Policy and Prevention
• Urban and Regional Planning
Number of Awards:
Approximately 200 Fellowships are awarded annually.
Target group:
Citizens of eligible countries in Sub-Saharan
Africa, Europe and Eurasia, Middle East and North
Africa, East Asia and Pacific, South and Central Asia,
and Western Hemisphere.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The Fellowship provides for:
• Payment of tuition and fees at the assigned host
• Pre-academic English language training, if required;
• A maintenance (living) allowance, including a one-
time settling-in allowance;
• Accident and sickness coverage;
• A book allowance;
• A one-time computer subsidy;
• Air travel (international travel to and from the U.S. for
the program and domestic travel to required program
• A Professional Development allowance for
professional activities, such as field trips, professional
visits and conferences.
The applicant must have:
• an undergraduate (first university) degree,
• a minimum of five years of substantial professional
• limited or no prior experience in the United States,
• demonstrated leadership qualities,
• a record of public service in the community, and
• English language ability
Please contact the U.S. Embassy, Public Affairs Section
or Fulbright Commission in your country of residence to
learn about possible specific program requirements (link
found below).
Application instructions:
Applications are currently closed.
The deadlines for applicants vary by country but falls
around May to September each year. Please check with
the Embassy or Fulbright Commission in your country to
learn about the exact deadline for submitting
applications. Embassies and Commissions must submit
their nominations to the Institute of International
Education office in Washington, DC by 1 October.
Please contact the Public Affairs Section of the U.S.
Embassy or Bi-national Fulbright Commission in your
country for more information about application
It is important to read the FAQs and visit the official
website (link found below) for detailed information on
how to apply for this scholarship.
USA Scholarship Grants

3. Gates Cambridge Scholarships for

International Students
Gates Cambridge Trust
Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 14 Oct/2 Dec 2015 (annual)
Study in: UK
Brief description:
The Gates Cambridge Scholarships are one of the most
prestigious international scholarships in the world.
Scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants
from countries outside the UK to pursue a full-time
postgraduate degree in any subject available at the
University of Cambridge.
Host Institution(s):
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Field of study:
PhD, MSc or MLitt, or a one year postgraduate course in
any subject available at the University of Cambridge.
Number of Awards:
About 95 Scholarships are awarded each year.
Target group:
Citizens of any country outside the United Kingdom.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
A Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the full cost of
studying at Cambridge. It also provides additional,
discretionary funding. Read about the full scholarship
value at this link.
You can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you
• a citizen of any country outside the United Kingdom.
• applying to pursue one of the following full-time
residential courses of study: PhD (three year research-
only degree); MSc or MLitt (two year research-only
degree); or a one year postgraduate course (e.g. MPhil,
LLM, MASt, Diploma, MBA etc.)
If you are a current student at Cambridge and are
applying for a new postgraduate course, you can apply
for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. Current Gates
Cambridge Scholars may also apply for a second
scholarship if they are applying for a new degree.
Application instructions:
It is not possible to apply for a Gates Cambridge
Scholarship without applying to the University of
Cambridge. You must apply for admission as a
postgraduate student to the University of Cambridge
and a Gates Cambridge Scholarship at the same time.
Applicants apply on a single form for admission to a
course and a College and for a Gates Cambridge
Scholarship. The deadline for applications is 2 December
2015 for citizens other than the US and 14 October
2015 for US citizens.
It is important to read the How to Apply section and visit
the official website (link found below) or read the FAQs
for detailed information on how to apply for this
UK Scholarships
4. Beasiswa LPDP Batch IV
For Masters/PhD Degree
Deadline: 27 Oktober 2016
Brief description:
LPDP merupakan badan yang menyaring dan
memberikan beasiswa kepada lulusan Sarjana untuk
melanjutkan jenjang S2 dan lulusan Pascasarjana untuk
dapat melanjutkan S3.
Selain itu program yang ditawarkan cukup menarik
sebab ada beasiswa Tesis dan Disertasi untuk anda,
selain itu masih ada lagi kabar gembira lainnya seperti
beasiswa LPDP merupakan beasiswa yang diberikan
melalui badan terkait seperti kementerian hukum dan
ham, kementerian agama dan kementerian pendidikan
Indonesia melalui beasiswa ini diharapakan bisa
memberikan bantuan biaya pendidikan untuk anda dan
menyiapkan pemimpin bagi Indonesia.
Host Institution(s):
Menteri agama, Menteri pendidikan, Menteri keuangan,
Menteri riset
Field(s) of study
Magister dan doctoral
Number of Scholarships:
Unlimited (Sesuai kebijakan tahun tersebut
Target group:
Pelajar lulusan S1/S2, Dosen, Pegawai swasta, kecuali
“Dosen Tetap” PTN/PTS &sudahmempunyai NIDN
direkomendasikan untuk mendaftar beasiswa DIKTI
Scholarship value/inclusions:
1. Beasiswa ini membayar berapapun akbar
SPP sekolah anda
2. Beasiswa ini sediakanAcara Pembekalan
Nasionalisme dan Kepemimpinan sebelum
penerima beasiswa lakukan studinya dgn
melibatkan tokoh-tokoh nasional & bekerja-sama
bersama TNI, bahkan buat angkatan I dan II ini
penerima beasiswa dapatlaksanakanacara
pembekalan diatas kapal perang TNI AL
3. Beasiswa LPDP ini kusus berasal dari
Dana Abadi Pendidikan, bidang dari dana 20%
alokasi pendidikan RAPBN negeri kita yg
disisihkan & diinvestasikan
Persyaratan Umum Beasiswa LPDP
1. Warga negara Indonesia yang ditunjukkan
dengan identitas kependudukan yang sah.
2. Lulusan program studi : A) Perguruan Tinggi
dalam negeri yang terakreditasi oleh Badan
Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi atau
lulusan Perguruan Tinggi kedinasan yang diakui
oleh pemerintah Indonesia. B) Perguruan Tinggi
diluar negeri yang berkategori baik sesuai daftar
pada Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi,
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
3. Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan yang
ditunjukkan dengan pengalaman memimpin
sebuah organisasi atau lembaga yang ditunjukkan
dengan bukti dokumen yang relevan.
4. Aktif dalam kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan yang
ditunjukkan dengan bukti dokumen yang relevan.
5. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah
terlibat tindakan melanggar hukum.
6. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak pernah
terlibat dalam tindak pelanggaran kode etik
7. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan mengabdi
pada kepentingan bangsa Indonesia.
8. Menandatangani Surat Pernyataan tidak
menerima beasiswa dari sumber lain.
9. Mendapatkan Surat Tugas Belajar dari atasan
bagi yang sedang bekerja.
10. Memiliki Surat Keterangan dari tokoh
masyarakat bagi yang belum/tidak sedang
11. Memilih program studi dan/atau perguruan tinggi
yang direkomendasikan oleh LPDP. Mengupload
Essay dengan tema : Peranku bagi Indonesia dan
Sukses terbesar dalam hidupku serta Rencana
Studi untuk program Magister catatan *Semua
dokumen dapat dilihat pada dokumen petunjuk
beasiswa di
Application instructions:
To apply, you must submit a formal application for
Admission and a Scholarship via the online application
system. The next deadlines for LPDP of scholarsip
are 19 Oktober 2016
Bulan November 2016
1. British Chevening Scholarships for
International Students
British Government/FCO
Masters Degree
Deadline: 3 Nov 2015 (annual)
Study in: UK
Course starts AY 2016/2017
Brief description:
Chevening Scholarships are the UK government’s global
scholarship programme, funded by the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office (FCO) and partner organisations.
The programme makes awards to outstanding scholars
with leadership potential from around the world to
study postgraduate courses at universities in the UK.
The programme provides full or part funding for full-
time courses at postgraduate level, normally a one-year
Master’s degree, in any subject at any UK university.

Host Institution(s):
Any university in the UK
Field(s) of study:
Any subject at any UK university, but you should check
your country page for priority areas.
Number of Awards:
Around 1500 scholarships globally will be offered.
Target group:
The scholarships are targeted to citizens of Chevening-
eligible countries. See the official website for complete
list of countries eligible for Chevening scholarships.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
A Chevening Scholarship normally covers tuition fees; a
monthly living allowance, an economy class return
airfare to and from the UK, and additional grants and
allowances to cover essential expenditure.
Some scholarships cover part of the cost of studying in
the UK; for example, tuition fees only or allowances
only. Please check the individual country pages for more
To be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship you must:
• Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country.
• Return to your country of citizenship for a minimum
of two years after your scholarship has ended
• Have an undergraduate degree that will enable you to
gain entry to a post-graduate programme at a UK
university. This is typically equivalent to an upper
second-class 2:1 honours degree in the UK
• Have at least two years’ work experience
• Apply to three different eligible UK university courses
and have received an unconditional offer from one of
these choices by 14 July 2016
• Meet the Chevening English language requirement by
14 July 2016

Application instructions:
Applications are currently closed.
Applications for Chevening Awards can only be
submitted using the Chevening online application
system, available through the ‘apply’ button on your
country page starting 3 August 2015. The application
deadline for the AY 2016/2017 is 3 November 2015.
It is important to visit your individual country page at
the official website for detailed information on how to
apply for this scholarship.
UK Scholarships

2. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

(Vanier CGS)
Canadian Government
Graduate Degree
Deadline: before 4 Nov 2015 (annual)
Study in: Canada
Brief description:
The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS)
was created to attract and retain world-class doctoral
students and to establish Canada as a global centre of
excellence in research and higher learning. The
scholarships are towards a doctoral degree (or
combined MA/PhD or MD/PhD).
Host Institution(s):
Canadian Universities with Vanier CGS
allocation. Without exception, the Vanier CGS is tenable
only at the eligible Canadian institution that submitted
the nomination.
Field(s) of study:
Research programmes in social sciences and/or
humanities, natural sciences and/or engineering and
Number of Scholarships:
Up to 167 scholarships are awarded annually

Target group:
Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and
foreign citizens are eligible to be nominated for a Vanier
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarships is worth $50,000 per year for three
To be considered for a Vanier CGS, you must:
• be nominated by only one Canadian university, which
must have received a Vanier CGS allocation;
• be pursuing your first doctoral degree (or combined
MA/PhD or MD/PhD). Note that only the PhD portion of
a combined degree is eligible for funding;
• intend to pursue, in the summer semester or the
academic year following the announcement of results,
full-time doctoral (or combined MA/PhD or MD/PhD)
studies and research at the nominating university; Note
that only the PhD portion of a combined degree is
eligible for funding;
• have completed no more than 20 months of doctoral
studies as of May 1, 2016;
• have achieved a first-class average, as determined by
your university, in each of the last two years of full-time
study or equivalent. Candidates are encouraged to
contact the university for its definition of a first-class
average; and
• not have already received a doctoral-level scholarship
or fellowship from CIHR, NSERC, or SSHRC to undertake
or complete a doctoral degree.
Application instructions:
Candidates must be nominated by the university at
which they want to study. Candidates cannot apply
directly to the Vanier CGS program.
Applications are initiated in one of two ways. Either the
student informs the faculty of graduate studies at the
selected institution of their intent to apply to the Vanier
CGS program OR the institution initiates the nomination
process by contacting the desired candidate.
Applications are prepared by the student and submitted
to the nominating institution by their internal deadline
using the ResearchNet application system. The
nominating institution then forwards recommended
nominations to the Vanier-Banting Secretariat (the
Secretariat) by 4 November 2015.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and to know the
complete details on how to apply for this scholarship.
Scholarships in Canada

3. IRO PhD Scholarships for Developing

Countries at K.U. Leuven University
K.U. Leuven
Doctoral Degree (PhD)
Deadline: 9 Nov 2015 (annual)
Study in: Belgium
Brief description:
As one of its contributions to development co-
operation, K.U. Leuven offers IRO (Interfaculty Council
for Development Co-operation) scholarships to
deserving students from developing countries to do
their PhD in the largest university in Flanders, Belgium.
Host Institution(s):
Katholieke Universiteit in Flanders, Belgium
Level/Field of study:
Doctoral or pre-doctoral programmes in Humanities and
Social Sciences, Science, Engineering and Technology, or
Biomedical Sciences. The research topics proposed by
the KU Leuven Doctoral Schools can be found on their
respective websites.
Number of Awards:
Not specified.
Target group:
Citizens of countries on the OCDE DAC table that are
considered as: Least Developed Countries, Low Income
Countries or Low Middle Income Countries.

Scholarship value/inclusions:
The scholarship includes waived tuition fees, monthly
allowance, housing allowance, installation allowance,
health insurance, accident insurance, and return flight
1. The applicant must be a citizen of one of the
countries on the OCDE DAC table that are
considered as: Least Developed Countries, Low
Income Countries or Low Middle Income
2. The applicant may not possess a citizenship from
an EU country. The applicant may not posses a
long-term EU residence permit.
3. The candidate’s latest master’s degree must have
been awarded no more than ten years prior to 1
October 2016 (including the ongoing calendar
4. The candidate must hold an academic
qualification at least equivalent to a high
distinction. Degrees obtained with a final score
equivalent to second class second/lower division
will not be taken into consideration.
5. Excellent academic quality of the research
project, focusing on the development relevance
of the proposal.
6. The candidate must demonstrate a development-
oriented motivation.
7. The candidate must be supported by a local co-
promoter at the candidate’s home country to
ensure embeddedness of the research within the
country’s context.
8. The candidate must be supported by excellent
recommendations from relevant referees.
9. The candidate must follow the application
procedure and complete his file before 9
November 2015.
Application instructions:
If you meet the eligibility conditions, you will need to
complete the online application form following the
online application instructions not later than 9
November 2015.
It is important to read the application procedure and
visit the official website (link found below) to access the
application form and for detailed information on how to
apply for this scholarship.

4. Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the

Future Fellowships for Women
Schlumberger Foundation
PhD/Postdoctoral Study
Deadline: 13 Nov 2015 (annual)
Study in: any Country
Brief description:
The Faculty for the Future program, launched in 2004,
awards fellowships to women from developing and
emerging economies to pursue PhD or Post-doctorate
studies in science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM) disciplines at leading universities
Host Institution(s):
Approved leading universities worldwide

Field of study:
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Number of Awards:
Not specified
Target group:
Women from developing and emerging economies
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Faculty for the Future grants are based on actual costs
for eligible expenses up to a maximum of USD 50,000
per year for PhD courses and a maximum of USD 40,000
for post-doc programs.
The grants may be renewed through to completion of
studies subject to performance, self-evaluation,
recommendation from supervisors and strong evidence
of reintegration plans into the home country.

Candidates should have applied to, have been admitted
to, or be currently enrolled in a university abroad when
submitting their grant application.
Candidates must hold an excellent academic record and
illustrate their commitment to teaching and research or
to using their scientific knowledge in public policy
Candidates should demonstrate leadership skills,
community outreach interest and have a track record in
encouraging young women into the STEM fields.
Candidates should also prove their commitment to
returning to their home countries to contribute to the
economic, social and technological advancement of
their regions, pursing careers in the teaching and
research faculties of their home institutions and also
taking positions in the public sector.
Application instructions:
Applications are only accepted through the on-line
system. Applications will be accepted from
14 September until 13 November 2015 for the 2016-
2017 Fellowships.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

5. Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships at

National University of Singapore
Lee Foundation/NUS
PhD Degree
Deadline: 15 November (annual)
Study in: Singapore
Brief description:
The Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarships
(“Scholarships”) were established from donations
received from the Lee Foundation and are the most
prestigious scholarship awards for graduate students in
National University of Singapore. The scholarship is
intended for students who would like to pursue PhD
Programmes at the University.
Host Institution(s):
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Field of study:
Any Doctoral (PhD) programme at National University of
Number of Awards:
Not specified
Target group:
Open to all nationalities
Scholarship value/inclusions:
• A monthly stipend of S$3,300;
• Tuition, examination fees and other approved fees at
• An annual book allowance of S$500;
• A one-off air travel allowance of 2 return tickets of up
to S$4,000 (only for overseas students subject to a
maximum of S$2,000 per ticket); and
• A one-off laptop allowance of S$1,500.
The award is tenable for 1 year in the first instance; but
subject to the scholar’s satisfactory progress, it may be
renewed annually. The maximum period of award is 4
• Have graduated with an undergraduate degree with
first class or second-upper (or equivalent);
• Be an incoming new PhD student not currently
• At the time of award of the Scholarship, must have
been offered admission as a candidate for a full-time
higher degree by research at NUS and;
• Students must be eligible for MOE Subsidy. * Please
click here for Eligibility Guidelines for MOE Subsidy

Application instructions:
The selection of candidates will take place twice a year,
in time for the start of the academic year in August and
Incoming Ph.D. candidates will have to indicate their
interest in the Scholarship when they submit their
application for admission. Apart from the other
supporting documents required for Ph.D. admission,
candidates interested in the Scholarship must also
submit a personal essay and a record of co-curricular
activities or community service. Short-listed candidates
will be invited to an interview either in Singapore or
their home country.
The above information is subject to change at any time.
For current information on the Scholarship, please
contact the graduate division of the relevant Faculty or


1. AAUW International Fellowships in USA
for Women
Deadline: 1 Dec 2015 (annual)
Study in: USA
Brief description:
AAUW (formerly known as the American Association of
University Women) awards International Fellowships for
full-time study or research in the United States to
women who are not United States citizens or permanent
residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at
accredited institutions are supported.
Host Institution(s):
Accredited U.S. institutions
Field(s) of study:
Any approved study or research programmes offered at
accredited U.S. institutions.
Number of Awards:
Not specified
Target group:
Women who are not United States citizens or
permanent residents. Preference is given to women
who show prior commitment to the advancement of
women and girls through civic, community, or
professional work.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Master’s/Professional Fellowship: $18,000
Doctorate Fellowship: $20,000
Postdoctoral Fellowship: $30,000
Applicants must be women and have citizenship in a
country other than the United States or possession of a
nonimmigrant visa if residing in the United States.
Women holding dual citizenship in the United States and
another country are not eligible.
Applicants must have earned the equivalent of a U.S.
bachelor’s degree (earned in the U.S. or abroad) by 30
September 2015 and must have applied to their
proposed institutions of study by the time of the
Applicans must be proficient in English and must intend
to return to her home country to pursue a professional
It is important to read the full eligibility criteria.
Application instructions:
Applications and submission of supporting documents
are done online. The application deadline for AY 2016-
2017 is 1 December 2015.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the online application and for detailed
updated information on this scholarship/fellowship.

2. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme for

International Students
Hong Kong RGC
Doctoral (PhD) Degree
Deadline: 1 Dec 2015 (annual)
Study in: Hong Kong, China
Brief description:
Established in 2009 by the Hong Kong Research Grants
Council (RGC), the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
aims to attract outstanding students in the world to
pursue their PhD degree programmes in Hong Kong’s
Host Institution(s):
The HKPF supports the awardees to pursue their PhD
studies at seven UGC-funded institutions in Hong Kong:
• City University of Hong Kong
• Hong Kong Baptist University
• Lingnan University
• The Chinese University of Hong Kong
• The Hong Kong Institute of Education
• The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
• Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
• The University of Hong Kong
Field of study:
Eligible PhD Programmes offered by participating
institutions. For details of PhD programmes offered by
individual institutions, please refer to their respective
websites (links found below).
Number of Awards:
More than 230 PhD Fellowships will be awarded in the
2016/17 academic year
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of
HK$240,000 (approximately US$30,000) and a
conference and research-related travel allowance of
HK$10,000 (approximately US$1,300) per year to each
awardee for a period of up to three years.

Those who are seeking admission as new full-time PhD
students in UGC-funded institutions of Hong Kong,
irrespective of their country of origin, prior work
experience and ethnic background, should be eligible to
Applicants should demonstrate outstanding qualities of
academic performance, research ability / potential,
communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership
Application instructions:
Eligible candidates should first make an Initial
Application online through the Hong Kong PhD
Fellowship Scheme Electronic System (HKPFSES) to
obtain an HKPFS Reference Number by 1 December
2015 at Hong Kong Time 12:00:00 before submitting
applications for PhD admission to their desired
It is important to read this page and visit the official
website and the specific websites of the participating
institutions (links found below) for detailed information
on how to apply for this scholarship.

3. International Ambassador Scholarships

at University of West London
University of West London
Bachelors/Masters Degree
Deadline: 4 Dec 2015 (annual)
Study in: London, UK
Brief description:
The International Ambassador Scholarship recognises
and provides financial support for outstanding students
who wish to act as ambassadors for the University of
West London.
Host Institution(s):
University of West London, UK
Field(s) of study:
Any full-time undergraduate or postgraduate course at
the University of West London
Number of Scholarships:
Up to 50 scholarships
Target group:
International Students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Scholarships are worth up to £5,000
Students are eligible to apply for the scholarship if they
have been offered a place to study on a full-time
undergraduate or postgraduate course at the University
of West London, commencing in January 2016.
Application instructions:
You can apply for the International Ambassador
Scholarships by completing a scholarship application
form. The deadline for applications from outside the UK
for January 2016 is no later than 4 December 2015.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

4. UBC International Leader of Tomorrow

Univ of British Columbia
Bachelor’s Degree
Deadline: 10 Dec 2015 (annual)
Study in: Canada
Brief description:
The International Leader of Tomorrow Award recognizes
international undergraduate students who demonstrate
superior academic achievement, leadership skills,
involvement in student affairs and community service,
recognized achievement in fields of endeavour such as the
performing arts, sports, debating or creative writing, or
external academic competitions and examinations.

Host Institution(s):
University of British Columbia in Canada
Field of study:
Eligible undergraduate degrees offered by UBC.
Number of Awards:
Not specified.
Target group:
International students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
International Leader of Tomorrow Award-winners receive an
award-level commensurate with their financial need as
determined by the costs of their tuition, fees and living costs,
minus the financial contribution the student and their family
can make annually towards these costs.
Award candidates must be nominated by the high school they
are currently attending, recently graduated from, or the
college/university they are transferring from. To be
considered for an International Leader of Tomorrow Award,
students must:
• be applying for their first undergraduate degree
• be admissible to the first choice program they are applying
to, including meeting UBC’s English Language Admission
• have an excellent academic record (at least an “A” average
or equivalent standard)
• be an international student, who is neither a Canadian
citizen nor a permanent resident of Canada, and who will be
studying in Canada on a Canadian Study Permit (visa)
• demonstrate a level of financial need that would otherwise
prevent them from pursuing a UBC degree
• be entering a UBC undergraduate degree program from a
recognized secondary school, college or other university
Application instructions:
Award candidates must be nominated by their current school
or college/university. UBC does not send nomination
packages directly to students.
Nomination packages must be postmarked by 10 December
2015. Nominees must also complete the online application
for academic admission to UBC by 10 December 2015 and
meet the UBC English Language Admission Requirement by
15 February 2016.
It is important to visit the official website (link found below)
to access the application form and for detailed information
on how to apply for this scholarship.
Scholarships in Canada for International Students

5. ETH Zurich Excellence Masters

ETH Zurich
Masters Degree
Deadline: 15 Dec 2015 (annual)
Study in: Switzerland
Brief description:
ETH Zurich supports excellent students wishing to
pursue a Master’s degree at ETH with two scholarship
programmes: the Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity
Programme (ESOP) and the Master Scholarship
Programme (MSP).
Host Institution(s):
ETH Zurich in Switzerland
Field(s) of study:
Eligible Masters Degree Programme offered by the
Number of Scholarships:
The number of annual scholarships depends on the
availability of funds.
Target group:
National and International Students
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The Excellence Scholarship consists of a grant covering
living and study expenses (CHF 11,000 per semester) as
well as a tuition fee waiver.
The Master Scholarship consists of a partial stipend for
living and study expenses (CHF 6,000 per semester) as
well as a tuition fee waiver. The department can
additionally provide a scholarship of CHF 1,500 – 3,000
per semester or offer an assistantship from the second
semester onwards (with a payment of CHF 600 per
The scholarship programmes are open to excellent
students both from the ETH and from other universities
(national and international) wishing to pursue their
Master’s degree at ETH Zurich. The prerequisite is a very
good result in their Bachelor’s. Students must belong to
the best 10 percent of their Bachelor’s programme.
You can only apply for an Excellence Scholarship &
Opportunity Programme or a Master Scholarship
Programme if you, at the same time, apply for a
Master’s degree programme at ETH Zurich (or if you, as
an ETH Bachelor student, continue with a consecutive
Master’s degree programme).
Application instructions:
Applicants must submit an application form, a letter of
motivation, a pre-proposal for your Master’s thesis, and
letters of recommendation from two professors.
Application deadline for the Excellence Scholarship for
Master programmes starting in 2016 is 15 December
2015 (date of postmark).
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.

6. University of Twente Scholarships (UTS)

University of Twente
Masters Degree
Deadline: 30 Dec 2015 (annual)
Study in: Netherlands
Brief description:
University Twente Scholarships (UTS) are scholarships
for excellent students from both EU/EEA and non-
EU/EEA countries, applying for a graduate programme
(MSc) at the University of Twente.

Host Institution(s):
Univesity of Twente, The Netherlands
Field of study:
Applied Mathematics
Applied Physics
Biomedical Engineering
Business Administration
Business Information Technology
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering and Management
Communication Studies
Computer Science
Construction Management and Engineering
Educational Science and Technology
Electrical Engineering
Embedded Systems
European Studies
Health Sciences
Human Media Interaction
Industrial Design Engineering
Industrial Engineering and Management
Environmental and Energy Management
Mechanical Engineering
Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society
Public Administration
Science Education and Communication
Sustainable Energy Technology
Systems and Control
Number of Scholarships:
Approximately 30
Target group:
International students from both EU/EEA and non-
EU/EEA countries
Scholarship value/inclusions:
€ 6,000 – € 25,000 for one year
Eligibility/Application Requirements:
To qualify for a UTS, candidates must fulfil all of the
following requirements below:
· Your programme starts in September 2016
· For this application round, you have been
(provisionally) admitted to one of the above mentioned
UT graduate programmes before 15 December 2015;
· You have to include a motivation letter in your
application (250 – 500 words), this motivation letter
explains: (1) What you have studied in the past; (2)
What goal you want to reach through your study at UT;
(3) How you plan to receive this goal; (4) Why you
particularly choose to study at the University of Twente;
· You comply with the conditions for obtaining an entry
visa in the Netherlands (if applicable).
· You comply with the general English language test
requirement Academic IELTS 6.5 (or TOEFL iBT of 90) and
an additional 6.0 (TOEFL iBT 20) on the subscore of
speaking skills.
· You are not eligible for a Dutch study grant.
· You have completed a pre-master at the University of
Twente (if applicable).
· You may already apply for a UTS even if you have to do
a pre-master programme at the University of Twente
first. However, you must complete your pre-master
programme with a CGPA of 7.5 (out of 10) to be eligible
for a UTS and comply with above mentioned
Application instructions:
In order to apply for this scholarship, you already need
to be (provisionally) admitted to one of the
qualifying Master programmes before 15 December
2015. If you apply for a UTS scholarship without meeting
all the requirements, your application will not be
considered. For the first round, the deadline for
scholarship applications is 30 December 2015.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to start the application process and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Netherlands Scholarships
7. University of Bern Masters Grants for
International Students
University of Bern
Masters Degree
Deadline: 31 Dec 2015 (annual)
Study in: Switzerland
Brief description:
The University of Bern is offering six Master Grants to
the students and alumni of its international partners
Host Institution(s):
University of Bern, Switzerland. Check the following
links to see if your university is partnered with the
University of Bern:
• Partner Europe (pdf, 58KB)
• Partner Worldwide (pdf, 28KB)
Field of study:
All Master’s Programme offered at University of Bern
except Biomedical Science and Medicine.
Number of Awards:
Target group:
Students and alumni of the University’s international
partners whose permanent place of residence must be
outside of Switzerland.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The recipients of the grant will receive a monthly
stipend of CHF 1600.- The Master Grant also covers the
tuition fees for the entire duration of studies.
• You have completed your Bachelor studies in the past
five years or will complete them by 31 July 2016.
• You are enrolled at a partner university of the
University of Bern or have completed your Bachelor
studies at a partner university within the last five years.
• The Master’s programme of your choice must be in
the same discipline as your Bachelor studies.
• The applicant’s permanent place of residence must be
outside of Switzerland.
Application instructions:
Please send your complete application to the
scholarship administrator by 31 December 2015.
It is important to visit the official website (link found
below) to access the application form and for detailed
information on how to apply for this scholarship.
Swiss Scholarships
Tentang Inspira Book

Inspira Book memiliki misi menebarkan kebahagiaan

dan manfaat. Kami percaya bahwa tugas setiap manusia
adalah memberikan manfaat bagi manusia lainnya.
Melalui produk-produk edukasi, kami hadir untuk
mempermudah langkah putra-putri bangsa dalam
menempuh pendidikannya.

Saran, masukan dan testimoni dari Anda akan sangat

bermanfaat bagi kami. Jika berkenan tolong kirim
melalui kontak di bawah ini. Terimakasih.
Telp/WA/SMS: 0821-3700-8000
PIN BB 54772377
ID LINE: @inspirabook

Berminat untuk mendapatkan buku-buku kami? Sekedar

informasi, paket buku+DVD kami lebih lengkap dari
versi ebooknya. Dalam versi paket buku+DVD, selain
workbook setebal 300-an halaman kamu juga akan
mendapatkan sebuah DVD berisi RATUSAN video
tutorial, tips, dan trik.
Berikut koleksi kami:
Solusi Semua Masalah Bahasa Inggrismu

Bahasa Inggris semakin menjadi kebutuhan baik dalam

bidang akademik maupun profesional. Dalam DVD
Kunci Inggris, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris disesuaikan
dengan kebutuhan mulai dari level paling rendah.
Buku ini ditulis oleh tim penulis yang berpengalaman
dalam bidang riset pendidikan khususnya pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris. Tim penulis memahami betul apa yang
dihadapi para pembelajar bahasa Inggris, bagaimana
seseorang kesulitan dalam pengucapan (pronounciation),
mempelajari tenses, dan gugup saat berbicara karena
takut salah.
Dalam DVD Kunci Inggris, kamu akan belajar
percakapan sehari-hari, menyusun kalimat, dan ekspresi
bahasa Inggris yang sering digunakan dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari. Buku ini juga berfungsi sebagai pintu
gerbang menghadapi tes TOEFL.

Harga: 156 ribu

Info dan pemesanan:
Telp/WA/SMS: 0821-3700-8000
LINE: @inspirabook
Senjata Menaklukan Skor 550

TOEFL KILLER, solusi yang tepat mendapatkan skor

TOEFL 550. Dengan TOEFL Killer, banyak hal bisa
dihemat. Hemat biaya soal, hemat biaya kursus, hemat
waktu, dan hemat tenaga. Menariknya, selain tips
akademis, kamu juga dibekali dengan tips-tips

Ingin tahu isinya? TOEFL KILLER berisi banyak materi

senilai les 50 kali pertemuan. Langsung dari sang guru,
Mr. Toni Emti. Mr. Toni Emti dikenal dengan nama “Mr.
TOEFL”. Dia sudha berkecimpung dalam dunia
pendidikan bahasa Inggris lebih dari 15 tahun.
Dalam DVD ini, Mr. Toni akan menceritakan semua
rahasiswa untuk mendapatkan TOEFL tinggi dalam
waktu singkat. Rahasia-rahasia ini bernilai sangat tinggi,
tidak bisa kamu dapatkan dengan mudah di Google
maupun di situs-situs lain di internet. Metode ini berbeda
dengan metode-metode yang sudah diajarkan di tempat-
tempat kursus lainnya.

Harga: 158 ribu

Info dan pemesanan:
Telp/WA/SMS: 0821-3700-8000
LINE: @inspirabook
Baca Ini. Kamu Pasti Kuliah Ke Luar Negeri.
Dijamin 100%

Buku Jurus Kuliah ke Luar Negeri (JKLN) adalah buku

yang berisi jurus-jurus pasti kuliah ke luar negeri.
Setelah melakukan riset selama tahun di 40 negara dan
mewawancarai lebih dari 300 mahasiswa Indonesia di
luar negeri lalu disusun oleh 5 penulis sarat pengalaman
di luar negeri bersama Inspira Research Center akhirnya
terciptalah Jurus Kuliah ke Luar Negeri.
Pada awalnya JKLN berbentuk DVD berisi 9 Ebook
total 4367 halaman ditambah 219 video interview dan
tips dari mahasiswa Indonesia di luar negeri. Dan pada
bulan Juni kami memutuskan untuk mengeluarkan versi
buku cetak total 302 halaman tanpa menghilangkan
paket DVD, buku tersebut berjudul “Baca Ini. Kamu
Pasti Kuliah ke Luar Negeri. Dijamin 100%. Dan
membuat semakin banyak respon positif dari pembaca
maupun mahasiswa aktif di luar negeri.

Harga: 157 ribu

Info dan pemesanan:
Telp/WA/SMS: 0821-3700-8000
LINE: @inspirabook

Ebook J KLN Series13 negara adalah seri pelengkap dari

buku JKLN, dengan pembahasan yang lebih mendetail
tentang negara yang menjadi tujuan kuliah kamu. 13
Negara ini adalah negara pilihan yang menjadi tujuan
favorit mahasiswa Indonesia yang ingin melanjutkan
pendidikan di luar negeri.

Dalam JKLN Series 13 negara tiap ebooknya memiliki

minimal 300 halaman dan disertai video dari mahasiswa
Indonesia yang sedang dan sudah kuliah di luar negeri.
Di sini kamu akan diberikan informasi yang sangat detail
tentang dunia perkuliahan di Amerika, Australia,
Belanda, India, Inggris, Jepang, Jerman, Malaysia,
Mesir, Perancis, Rusia, Singapura, dan Turki. Informasi
ini bersifat sangat spesifik dan sulit untuk ditemukan
dibuku lainnya. Informasi ini langsung dari para
mahasiswa Indonesia yang sudah berpengalaman kuliah
di luar negeri, khususnya di 13 negara tersebut.

Harga: 95 ribu
Info dan pemesanan:
Telp/WA/SMS: 0821-3700-8000
LINE: @inspirabook
Paket ekonomis Ebook

Untuk paket yang lebih ekonomis, kamu bisa memesan

versi ebook dari buku-buku kami. Ebook ini sama
dengan versi bukunya, hanya saja tidak dilengkapi
dengan DVD berisi video-video tutorial. Bentuknya file
PDF, bisa dibaca di komputer/laptop/smartphone.

Jangan salah, walaupun harganya murah, kualitas ebook-

ebook kami nggak murahan. Semuanya dibuat
berdasarkan riset panjang, wawancara langsung, dan
memiliki tebal RATUSAN halaman. Dijamin puas!
Berikut daftar ebooknya:

102. Jamu LPDP Ebook

Ebook JAMU LPDP adalah program salah satu produk
terbaru Inspira. Mengupas seputar A-Z tentang beasiswa
LPDP, mulai dari persyaratan hingga tips-tips rahasia.
Baca ini, peluangmu lolos beasiswa LPDP akan meningkat

103. Toefl Killer Ebook

Ebook ini adalah intisari dari paket buku + DVD TOEFL
Killer. Di sini, kamu bisa mempelajari trik-trik super asyik
untuk mendapatkan skor TOEFL 600. Bahkan dengan
kemampuan bahasa Inggris dasar.

104. Jurus Kuliah ke Luar Negeri (Lifehack) versi

Nah, kalau ini adalah versi ebook dari buku bestseller
kami, "Jurus Kuliah ke Luar Negeri". Dalam ebook ini juga
dibahas intisari rahasia "JURUS PASTI KULIAH KE LUAR
NEGERI" (JKLN). Ya, semua orang pasti bisa kuliah ke
luar negeri, asal tahu trik rahasia yang dikupas tuntas
dalam ebook ini.

105. Kunci Inggris Ebook

Mau lancar berbahasa Inggris dalam waktu singkat? Baca
"KUNCI INGGRIS". Versi ebooknya merangkum paket
buku + DVD yang bisa membantu kamu menguasai
bahasa Inggris dengan cepat, tepat, dan menyenangkan.
106. JALUCE (Jurus Ampuh Lulus Cepat dan Cumlaude)
Mau jadi mahasiswa teladan? Mau lulus cepat dengan
predikat Cum Laude? Baca JALUCE. Di versi ebook ini
dijelaskan metode lengkap yang bisa membawamu lulus
kuliah lancar plus IPK tinggi. Mulai dari tips mengerjakan
tugas harian, bergaul di kampus, bahkan skripsi; semua
diulas dengan lengkap di sini.

107. Jamu Exchange (Jurus Ampuh Exchange ke Luar

Ingin mengikuti pertukaran pelajar di luar negeri? Jurus-
jurusnya dibahas dengan lengkap di sini. Mulai dari
AIESEC, AuPair, pertukaran antar kampus, Summer
School, dan masih banyak lagi program pertukaran dan
studi singkat ke luar negeri lainnya. Ssst...ada juga trik-trik
sakti untuk menembus tes masuk pertukaran pelajar
108. Jurus Ampuh Masuk UGM
Khusus buat kamu yang berminat masuk ke UGM, kami
punya caranya. Di ebook ini, dibahas berbagai metode
rahasia plus kisah-kisah menarik tentang para mahasiswa
yang berhasil menembus tes masuk UGM, dari berbagai

109. Jurus Ampuh Masuk UI

Sama seperti Jurus Ampuh Masuk UGM, bedanya di sini
lebih berfokus pada trik masuk Universitas Indonesia. Ada
berbagai trik rahasia dan pengalaman langsung para
penakluk ujian masuk UI. Sangat eksklusif!

110. Kitab Hitam Kuliah di Jogja

Mau kuliah di Jogja, atau sedang kuliah di Jogja? Baca
ebook "Kitab Hitam Kuliah di Jogja". Persiapan dan
kehidupan kuliahmu di Jogja pasti akan lebih matang. Di
sini, dibahas dengan lengkap tentang 20 kampus terfavorit
di Jogja. Seputar kehidupan di Kota Pelajar, dan
bagaimana menjalani perkuliahan dengan optimal. Mulai
dari cara masuk kuliah, menjalani kehidupan kuliah,
sampai lulus kuliah; semua dibahas dengan detail.

JKLN Series
"Jurus Kuliah ke Luar Negeri" (JKLN) sudah berhasil
membawa banyak mahasiswa Indonesia mewujudkan
mimpi kuliah ke luar negeri. Nah, dalam JKLN Series
dibahas dengan sangat detail dan khusus tentang negara-
negara tujuan kuliah terpopuler. Dari A-Z, dari cara
pendaftaran, mencari beasiswa, dan menjalani kehidupan
perkuliahan di negara impianmu. DIlengkapi juga dengan
kisah mahasiswa Indonesia yang sudah berkuliah di sana
dan berhasil menaklukkan tes-tes beasiswa maupun tes
masuk universitas pilihannya. Baca ini, dijamin langkahmu
untuk kuliah di negara impian akan makin dekat. JKLN
Series tersedia untuk negara-negara berikut:
111. JKLN Series Perancis
112. JKLN Series Mesir
113. JKLN Series Inggris
114. JKLN Series India
115. JKLN Series Netherland
116. JKLN Series Malaysia
117. JKLN Series Australia
118. JKLN Series Singapore
119. JKLN Series Jepang
120. JKLN Series Turki
121. JKLN Series Amerika Serikat
122. JKLN Series Jerman
123. JKLN Series Rusia

124. Cara Seru Traveling Hemat

Panduan gila traveling ke luar negeri super hemat. Baca
ini, bulan depan kamu PASTI bisa traveling ke luar negeri.
Bahkan dengan kondisi keuangan yang mepet dan pas-
pasan. Dijelaskan juga berbagai cara ampuh untuk bisa
jalan-jalan ke luar negeri dengan budget super minim.

Harga: 25 ribu rupiah per judul.

Biasanya, judul-judul di atas kami jual dalam bentuk paket
BUKU + DVD, dengan harga berkisar di angka RP.
150.000,00. Tapi dalam program ini, kamu bisa
mendapatkan VERSI EBOOK-nya hanya seharga 25 ribu
rupiah per judul.
Apa beda versi ebook dan versi paket buku+DVD?
Dalam versi ebook, kamu akan mendapatkan materi dalam
bentuk file PDF, bisa dibaca di komputer, laptop, atau
smartphone. Jika kamu ingin versi cetak (buku)nya dan
menonton video-video dari judul-judul di atas, kamu bisa
memesan versi paket buku + DVD.
Bagaimana cara pembeliannya?
Silakan transfer ke salah satu rekening berikut, sesuai
dengan jumlah judul buku yang ingin kamu beli:
Bank BCA 8610292250
Bank BNI 0165318957
BRI 1056-01-004593-50-2
Bank Mandiri 132-00-1465845-5
Semuanya atas nama Sri Rahmawati.
Setelah itu, kirim bukti transfer dan pesan dengan format
ke nomor WA/SMS: 0823-0016-6669 atau LINE:

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